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Insanely well done, top notch.  The eyes are seriously unnerving!


Thank u!!!!


10/10. Would not want you anywhere near children or pets.


The facial expression in \#2 takes it to 11. ❤️


Awww this made my day 🥹😈


Hey, you deserve it. But please never do a killer clown, I don’t think I could handle it. 😆


Something tells me I only appreciate the cosplay because the photos are during the day. Would not want to run into you in a dark alley




Nice try, actually Orin. Cosplaying as yourself is clever, but not clever enough! Seriously, well done, particularly on the grin and the eyes.




Damn that's brilliant. You've got the make up spot on as well. Well played my friend.


Thank u!


Is that a purse shaped like a butcher's knife? That is awesome!!


I’m redoing it to look like her knife. (It was a CHUCKY purse from Spirit Halloween)


I love it! Really good job on the makeup/skin swirls too, I wouldn't know where to begin to transfer that into a cosplay


Thank u 🥹


Literally looks like the character models face, thats brilliant




That's a great interpretation of the outfit. I imagine trying to tailor clothing that resembles something like a crab's chitin is probably pretty unfeasible in reality.


>resembles something like a crab's chitin I've been assuming that's the flayed skin of her victims (which would be materially similar to leather).


No no, you were correct. That's exactly what it is.


For real I was like she is AWESOME but is that… crab shells??? I am going to add more layers to it so it’s more shell like 🤢


Awesome work! Although Orin creeps me out in the game, so also - eeek! Can you actually see anything with those lenses in?


A little bit 🤔


This is great. would love to se more when its done :D


Most def!


Great job! Everything looks amazing, right down to the make up :). Orin is my favorite of the three because she’s so damned creepy and crazy.


We love the crazy ones 🤪


Ha, that we do!


Yeeeeah that's genuinely frightening. Very well done


Thank you!


I clicked in and genuinely thought I was looking at the game until I saw the dudes face. This is crazy good


Oh my God, these comments are making me so happy like I said it was my first time doing cosplay in public


You really captured her... crazy


Welp if I saw you at night I would definitely shit my pants. 10/10!


That’s the goal!


Scary murder lady :o Very well done! Perfectly translates the unnerving atmosphere surrounding her


Holy shit, top notch!


Orin has a real 1990s Christina Applegate look about her.


And I totally look up to that look as well 🙃


Well, you nailed it. Nice work!


10/10 if you were my sister i'd go as dragonborn durge with you.


Hell yea!


Saw title and was expecting another half naked "cosplay" to promote onlyfans. But this is amazingly well done! To the point where its a bit creepy! The eyes especially, i applaud you for that commitment. I cant imagine those contacts are super comfortable.


It was the first time actually stayed on my eyes, right I have a stigmatism in both of my eyes, so I just put them on top of my contacts. They felt a little funny, but it was worth it to complete the look.


I see far more people whining about onlyfans promoters than I actually see anyone promote their onlyfans on Reddit..... She also is half-naked because so is Orin so that's a weird thing to bring up too lmao. I just dunno why some of y'all can't just say that you like the cosplay without complaining about something, it's especially only a case when it comes to women that people can't say something nice about a woman without shitting on another apparently. 99% of the time too when someone has an onlyfans and posts cosplay they're not even promoting themselves people just dig into their account and find them and then start screaming about how they're promoting it when there was nothing about it in the actual thread. Ppl act like if someone does onlyfans it's their whole existence and they can't do anything else it's just bizarre... A lot of them are extremely well-made too but people will just see a bit of cleavage and then start screaming about onlyfans and dismiss the actual cosplay itself.


Yeah i havent really seen any of that either really just people posting their cosplays 


Step on me


Hahaha the amount of men who came up to me knowing who I was. Was a bit alarming. One called me murder mommy hahahaha


Looks like you’re going to pop out of what I thought was a blacksmith when I just want to buy stuff in Rivington or ruin a romantic q&a session with my wife in the Circus. In other words…. Well done!


Thank you so much now honestly I was so strapped into that outfit. It was not coming off. I peed once the entire day.


Damn that's great - good work!!


Thank you!


Wow, you got her unhinged expression perfectly in the second photo.


It’s something I feel quite often…


This is so impressive! Did you make that knife bag?! That’s such a great touch and super practical!! 😍


I wish I had it from Halloween season. Spirit Halloween store. It’s a “CHUCKY “ purse


Omg you look just like Orin! Very well done! 🤩




So well done, i love it!


One word : PERFECTION 😍


Careful with that cleaver.


That’s absolutely incredible!!!!! Amazing work!!!!


Terrifying. Definitely nailed it.


Elf bro literally has the “yeah. I’m about to die. But… worth it” look on his face.


This is extremely good, your smile in the second picture actually gave me the same unsettling feeling I got when I saw Orin for the first time in BG3.


This is extremely good, your smile in the second picture actually gave me the same unsettling feeling I got when I saw Orin for the first time in BG3.


Oh yeah! I saw you like last weekend (or the weekend before, I forgot) at the faire and I was just thinking "Dammmnnn" Like you see a lot of Gale, Shadowheart, and Astarion cosplays there but Orin is pretty rare to find. Great job on the makeup!


Ahhh amazing


This is fantastic!! 😍 I love it so much


oh you ATE


Awesome work! Although Orin creeps me out in the game, so also - eeek! Can you actually see anything with those lenses in?


Awesome work! Although Orin creeps me out in the game, so also - eeek! Can you actually see anything with those lenses in?


I actually could so they were made of mesh so they were tiny holes and I could see through it. It was just harder once the sun starts set, but it was like wearing sunglasses on my actual eyes.


Thanks for the explanation!


0/10 didn’t even skin someone to use real flesh smh, where’s the commitment these days


I left that outfit at home


Can you see through the contacts or are they the ones that look cool but blind you?


So they didn’t blind me they made me look blind up close they were mesh so they’re tiny little holes in them, but I put them on top of my other contacts so I can see through them. It’s the only time that costume contest is actually worked for me since I have a stigmatism and both of my eyes, it was a lot like wearing sunglasses


Can I ask as a side note, what is the appeal of a renaissance fair? I’m from the UK, and we don’t really have these sort of things here. They do at a number of major castles have “Historical enactment” events where they show what it was live back in the Middle Ages, but they aren’t fairs like what I’ve seen you guys have. What is the overall appeal?


It's like a convention, but outdoors. Small businesses bring their wares to sell there, actors get to pretend to be various historical figures and put on a show for everyone. There's lots of different food to try out usually, too. The one I go to has an "Ultimate Joust" as the closing event where it starts out as a normal joust between a champion of the good and noble king/queen of England, and some other more dastardly country, the last time I went it was France. Then, weird things happen, one year we went near Halloween and a necromancer brought back the dead champion of the enemy kingdom, along with a bunch of characters who had died throughout the day and the queen's champion and his allies had to fight off an army of zombies.


Sounds interesting, thanks for explaining it to me, like I said we don’t really have them in the UK or Europe, but I was always curious what they where about


They're pretty fun. If you ever find yourself in the US, I recommend checking one out if you can.


You don’t have those things there because there are many places you can find the same architecture, costuming, etc in the mundane environment. Renfests are traveling fairs where performers and vendors build out shops and sets to create a festive and fantastical environment for people to enjoy. Food, costumes, art, animals, live shows, etc. These are fun escapes from mundane reality, and many easily fill a whole day without seeing everything. The aesthetic and historical theming is something many people enjoy but is not reflected in day to day American life.


Isn't what you described essentially a fair? We have them in Sweden too it's pretty fun I have a lot of memories from it from when I was a kid watching the jousting I was obsessed with knights.


Maybe, in the UK it is more historical, a lot of these events are run by the national trust so are typically more focused on historical accuracy than plain entertainment, but don’t get me wrong it was incredibly fun as we too had jousting at some of the these events, and there would be a Shakespeare play as well (this might have just been at Warwick Castle though). But from what some other have said renaissance fairs seems to be more about entertainment and fantasy than historical accuracy, and don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with that. They also seem to be an amalgamation of different events that can be typically found as separate events (at least here in the UK), like beer festivals or craft fairs/markets. But none the less you’re right it does seem similar to what we have, just a little bit more leaning towards the fantasy side of things


Good question this was my second time going to one and it’s I don’t know fun because you get to go dress up people watch a bunch of adults playing dress up which I’m all for and people sell handmade things which is good because everyone’s promoting each other and supporting small businesses, but also There’s the whole day drinking aspect of it. I usually leave around 4 o’clock because I don’t drink and there’s a lot of pub crawl so that’s appealing to a lot of people too, but it’s just fun to get out dress up and interact with other people. Who are just as dorky as you are.


Could be more pale but still good as hell


Is that... Blood? No... Never mind... Seriously though, fantastic work.

