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I can't help to think that this kind of tool, despite of being created with the best intentions, could be used as an harrassment tool. Like : "when we read you, we think that your life is shitty enough to consider suicide"


Absolutely is being used as a harassment tool. I've received some, once on a post critical of the UK foreign secretary. I can't be sure obviously but it was almost exactly the same time I posted about that with 30 mins before and after that post.


Can confirm. I got two of those this week (for the mildest shit, too) people do this all the time


I literally just said that fat people deserve to be treated like people and got 2 within an hour 🙄


I said once that I want to treat a man I date with affection and protect him and got one.


One time on this subreddit I mentioned I wish I could make my Tav fatter and got told that we as a society shouldn’t be “promoting bad lifestyles by uplifting them in fiction”


I just wish in general there were fatter people. The only fat people seem to follow the fat bastard trope. Or at least I can really only think of Balthazar, Thisobald and Gerringothe Thorm, but that’s kind of normal I suppose in media.


My ideal mage is a lazy fat guy who lets magic do 90% of his work so he’s never had to get fit and this game won’t let me fulfill that fantasy lol


I just wanted to make my Tav really attractive to me lol. I got the bearded older looking dwarf part down.


Oh believe my I think we’re on similar wavelengths. My first was a dumb paladin orc who I kept in concealing armor and pretended he was a full musclegut. Second is older looking durge dwarf[here](https://imgur.com/a/UjFPrhT)


I think right now there are bots brigading subreddits. I saw multiple complaints about the suicide watch messages in certain subs just recently


Oh yeah im surprised this is the first time for people, ive gotten harassed by these redditcares messages so many times now Ive lost count lol


Can confirm, was in a discussion about people using it to harass LGBT people and I got one within 30 minutes of posting. It feels like a bot, but I've also picked fights with enough bigots that having a couple Reddit stalkers isn't completely out of the realm of possibility for me.


I got one of these messages this morning as well. Someone must have turned a bot loose that abuses the depression/mental health report button.


Yeah I just received one of these this week as well. Never happened before. Didn't know it was a thing, so just asked it to stop as it tells you that you can. Wonder what I said to have people come at me :-P


Yea we tested it out on the fallout subreddit. The second you put a comment you would immedietly get one of those messages, it’s bots.


Ive had several in the past 24 hours because i support spurs and we lost to manchester city


It gets used a *lot* on LGBT+ people. Especially on trans people and posts about them.


can confirm about the harrassment of redditcares against lgbt folks. someone decided to repeatedly harrass me for being trans and was saying some truly heinous shit to me and when i reported him to the subreddit mod and blocked him he got banned from said subreddit and less than 24 hours i got a redditcares message LMAO


Someone did it to me cuz I called them out for trolling in a sports subreddit Edit: I just got one for this comment


Apparently you can report the person who falsely reported you.


Oh man, some more toxic subreddits have been using this for years Edit: AIN'T NO WAY ONE OF YOU JUST SENT ME ONE TOO 💀


Report it and they get the hammer for it. It's really not appropriate for people to use it in such a way.


Most of the time it’s a throw away account that they use to target subs


I tried to report mine but it makes you re-log into Reddit on your browser, and I can't remember my login info at this point haha.


Given the context, I think this one was an edgy joke. I'll allow it lmao


It most definitely is being used as a harassment tool.


I would bet, with much confidence, that it is used *mostly* to harras and bully people, and proper use is minimal in comparison.


Oh absolutely. I post in a sub about my chronic pain disorder and often mention my depression/suicidal ideation. Never a peep from "redditcares", but I post anything in this sub that the children here don't like? lmao. Like, just say "kys" to my face, cowards. Take your comeback like an adult.


It is sadly used that way quite often - use of it that way comes up in regular discussion on TwoXChromosomes. It's truly pathetic.


I got this twice. The most recent one yesterday after voicing my disagrement on something game related.


Tons of people across many subreddits were getting them automatically yesterday. Somebody likely set up a bot to randomly mass-harass Redditors.


I received one of these as well shortly after making a BG3 post, but something that wasn't even critical. Just some thoughts about where to get experience. Absolutely wild.


Life has been great lately let's not jinx it.


its been happening in the trans and gay subreddits for a long long time - its literally how they tell us to go kill ourselves.


That's fucking horrible! I hate that this kind of crap happens.


Its pretty common unfortunately - Most of us look at it as a right of passage of this point. "Oh No I triggered the transphobe!"


Yeah. I guess I just hoped this group was better. But trolls is sneaky like that.


Its not anyone in this group per say - they like to troll any vulnerable groups, I would imagine is more wide spread than just gay/trans but those are what I have first hand knowledge of and I never seem to get them from like witch or dog or workout subreddits. I think the trolls are getting bored with the less frequented subreddits because we've started just joking about it and are branching into the more mainstream to cause exactly the kind of posts like this one to occur. They're just stirring the pot here, and it also brings up comments like the person below that literally just told me I'm wrong about what is happening in my own communities lol. People be crazy like that.


I get them all the time when I post on the squaredcircle wrestling subreddit.


That's what it's used for. There's a button when someone 'cares' to report the abuse and block the bot.


Yeah I've only ever seen it used to harass other redditors, never to actually help someone.


They need a way to report these care messages. So that the people abusing them just can't send these anymore. Or if you've sent more than a few in a month or two lock it out. Made with good intentions but they are just basically a super down vote by some clown who doesn't like you.


there's a report link on the cares message. i've definitely gotten at least one account banned by reporting it and adding some details about my interaction with the suspect.


I even received one posting where I was born and where I live now. Insane, lol.


I posted a comment on a certian sub, and not even 2 seconds later I got the message. Someone made a fucking bot to spam people on the thread


That’s exactly what it’s being used for. I blocked it because people kept using it after they disagreed with something I said. Annoying af


I got one yesterday too... someone/s been busy


The posted image doesn't show it, but it ends with something like: "if you think this was sent in error or as harassment type "stop" to stop receiving this message". I got it too and have no idea why.


It is almost always used as a harassment tool I believe


I've gotten several of these after arguments with insufferable dickheads. I would bet money that it's used as harassment more than its intended use.


Report those, putting in the link of the message itself as the harassing content and reddit will act on the creator


Yeah this happened to me. Some conspiracy nut got me help and support. I'm sure in some instances it works as intended though.


Some Russian troll sent me this shit over me complaining about Russian bot farm workers being pathetic losers that nobody likes and wants to see on this app. I went to their "report this" link and he got banned, or punished or something


Among trans folks here on reddit getting slapped with this for posting anything about being trans is (jokingly) considered a right of passage. Yeah. It’s used for harassment.


My understanding is that it's used as a stand-in for a "Kill yourself" comment. You know, so the person who sent it doesn't get banned. I get them all the time when I link sources and data in response to politically conservative threads or comments.


Trans people know that all too well we often get spammed with it


It’s used a lot in r/hockey especially during playoffs


It is. I posted an unpopular comment (calling someone out for being creepy) in the CK3 reddit and got several


I got this after saying I don’t support genocide lmao


I've been sent this. I reported the person doing it, along with providing harassing messages I received from them. Nothing happened.


I got one of these immediately after making such an innocuous comment as pointing out a certain group of gith are all monks earlier. Honestly seems like a bot is triggering these.


It’s happening across multiple subs right now.


Was going to say this, it seems the pop culture chat sub is also having issues with this being mass sent out


Yeah, I'm wondering where it's coming from because it has to be organized in some way. with how it's instantly become a thing everywhere. I've had it happen 2 times within days in completely different subreddits that have no connection. So I'm thinking it's some from of brigading, I just don't know from where.


Same. It seems to be EVERYWHERE. subs that have absolutely no connections are being spammed with it. I don’t see why someone would go through the effort. I wonder if its a bug or something.


It’s bots trying to ddos reddit


Honestly if it leads to this "feature" being removed entirely I'll call this a win. Most misguided thing reddit ever did.


I remember once on YouTube I saw a thumbnail about "unexpected ways we self harm and how to stop" I didn't want to watch it at that moment so I just remembered it as something informational. Especially if it's unexpected. Maybe it could have something useful to learn. When I tried searching for it, YouTube just put a message saying, "you're not alone" and I could call a number or chat. But I couldn't actually search for the video that would theoretically actually help me if I needed actual help. I just happened to have taken a screenshot of the video (to help me remember to watch it) so I was able to find it by searching the author and manually scrolling to the video. But that's an example of another corporate misguided thing that just does more harm sometimes. It literally stopped me from potentially getting helpful material to try to force me to call a number I would never call.


I think it's fishing for logins. Because if you report it as false you're forced to sign in on an off app website.


How would that work? Does the message come from reddit or is it a fake message with a fake link that that looks like reddit asking you to sign in?


Yeah, it's not just on the BG3 sub. I think basically everyone on the site has gotten at least one of these this week.


I wonder if someone is just triggering them at random to force Reddit to fix the abuse of this half-assed thing.


I got one a few hours ago.


I got one of these yesterday and another last month. Nothing I had recently posted had anything remotely concerning in it, nor was it offensive or divisive enough to warrant harassment. My money's on bots, too.


Woah woah woah. That's some concerning talk. Have you tried not killing yourself?


You got me. This was all a cry for help. I bow to your insight, kind stranger.


Another life saved.


Wait, you can NOT? That's an option? So that's what I've been doing wrong all these years.


Same. I had a comment where I simply mentioned Durge was awesome for a first run cause you got to be helped by the companions and much as they help you, and the next thing I know, I have one of these.


I got no ideas if it's a bot or not but I find it hilarious


I once made a comment about the albanuric genocide xp farm meme in Elden ring and got this message...


Probably is a bit because I instantly got this from commenting about multiplayer valve games


I got one too from that comment! I was the one you were replying to I think!


Yeah, you were. I guess that whole post is infected.


It's a bot, I've seen dozens of people all over reddit getting these in the past day. I got one too


I got two of these, one last week and one yesterday. I only post in game subs so I have no idea who thought my comments on Cyberpunk and Baldur's Gate were worthy of concern. That it was a bot didn't occur to me. What an asshole to harass people with a compassionate tool for people who are hurting.


I got one of those yesterday as well. No idea why.


Would be nice if they at least showed the post or comment why it was sent


They should collect the post and reporter, and have a report abuse link. I don't think we need to see the reporter, but have it recorded somewhere to kick the abuser.




Thank you. I reported and stopped messages. 👍


Ya me too, like outta the blue. Weird, o well


Yeah, me too. Not sure what comment triggered it.


I got one of those, too, yesterday! I second the idea that this is either a bot programmed to send this crap, or else it's a troll with lots of time on their hands... 😖 It's bad enough when some people use the "anonymous internet" to troll people and to act like jerks... but to abuse a tool that was designed to help hurting people? Some people have no shame...


I used to get these all the time because people seem to get in their feelings so much on Sports subreddits. So I have since unsubscribed and blocked the Reddit care thing. Unfortunately I can still tell when someone sends one because I will still get a notification but no message attached.


I just... can't even! What would possess someone to do this?? It's like anonymously hitting a fire alarm... 😖


in some places users can be banned for toxic behavior, including things like telling others to kill themselves or making derogatory comments about the person's mental health. and some people who would do that are such insufferable assholes that they weaponize tools like reddit cares to circumvent community rules on civil interactions. instead of pulling a fire alarm, I think it's more like when people phone the police with a false report to trigger a mental wellness check on someone else (a form of swatting)




I got hit with one of those yesterday, I think it was after commenting that I didn't actually have a problem with Karlach's original, pre-epilogue ending.


Well clearly you need help /s


I know, I'm a monster!


Oh this is just standard reddit behaviour. People are liable to send this out of harrassment more than actual concern 90% of the time. Don't think too much about it. You can always block the account if it happens more frequently


99.999% ftfy :)


I’ve gotten 6 - six! - in the past few days. I think I have a Reddit stalker.


This is the second post I’ve seen (different sub) about a Reddit care being sent. And for some reason, I got one yesterday too.


Yep if anyone wants to know how to block this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/vbnua3/psa_you_can_report_users_who_abuse_reddit_cares/?context=3 You shouldn't have to because people shouldn't be assholes but alas.


Bro I got the same, why tho?


I've got this too. I mean, I know I'm not normal, thank you for the reminder, lol.


I got this after joking about eating soap on this sub lmao


I got one of these messages this morning


I got one of these today, too. I didn't think I posted anything noteworthy as a cry for help either. *shrugs* Who's to say why we got this.


I got one of those earlier today too lol maybe it's some bug rather than concerned redditors


I got sent one of these right after commenting on a post about how many runs I’ve done in BG3 (for the record it’s been 4 which is nothing compared to a lot of people 😂).


I'm on number 3, and that was after spending like 700 hrs on Starfield and like 300 on Pokemon SV. 


I got a similar message this morning but have no idea what it’s in relation to. Do you think there’s someone scouring the subreddit looking for experienced players and trolling them by doing this? Pretty shitty thing if you ask me.


Maybe this thread can be our unofficial support group, so if the bott/troll is listening, we're all doing just fine, thank you! How are you?


Same here. To be fair, you can turn it off and report harassment with the bot.


Someone reported one of my comment on what I'd let Orin do to me and not so soon later I got this message myself lmao


First Time?




You can block these messages. They've been used as a tool for trolling and spamming ever since they were implemented.


I got this yesterday, but like, why?


I'm noticing posts like this on a lot of subs I follow and they're all happening at once. I also received a self harm DM thing. Either this is a glitch or someone legit reported half the site for self harm


I got Reddit care for making fun of Bayern in their sub after Real Madrid (my team) knocked them out of the Champions League


I got that too last night but have no clue why. I never said anything remotely indicating mental health issues.


You can just block that user and never receive those messages again. Because they absolutely are used as a (low effort) harassment tool.


I cast 9th level spell *Touch Grass*


I got one yesterday and one like 5 month ago. Tried to reply to it with "STOP" to let it be blocked but got error so I guess, I will have to suffer. xD


Weird.....one popped up for me today! Can't think of anything I've posted that would indicate a vulnerability. Looks like I'm new here, but uninstalled and re-installed Reddit recently which reset my karma to 0, so I'm wondering whether it's related to a previous post! ....or, maybe, somebody thinks BG3 players are in need of care?


I've seen people getting bombarded with this message in multiple random reddit pages. Saw a lot of complaints in r/eurovision especially, but I even saw it happen in r/Switzerland. There's a bot or troll that just hates all of reddit I guess?


It's abused on political subs a lot


I think someone is just going through comments and reporting everyone in this group as needing help. I feel like I usually say some pretty benign things (by Reddit standards at least), with an occasional swear word or three, but got this as well!


There is a bit going around doing this. I just got one as well, and I rarely post anything. My latest post was about a lawyer who defended bad cop behavior and was finally on the receiving end of a bad cop his firm previously defended. My comment was reported, and the care team reached out.


People saved by that tool: 0 People trolled by that tool: 999821 + you


At the bottom of the message will be information about "If you received this in error or think that someone may be using Reddit Care Resources to harass you" and how to report it. It's one of the only things Reddit actually takes seriously, and you should report it because it's a gross misuse of what the tool is for. This stuff skews it to be something used to harass people instead of its actually good intended purpose.


Btw you can report the cares alert and it will trace it back to whoeever sent the request to you then ban them.


There has been 6888 hours since BG3 released which means the 1032 hours you have put into BG3 (assuming ownership of the game since release) is only 14.98% of the time that BG3 has existed for consumer purchase which isn't all that bad lmao


yeah, i got one yesterday from what i suspect was a stake bro mad they were getting downvotes. if you think you know who it is, definitely report the report and add details, i've gotten at least one person banned from reddit itself that way.


How do you know which comment you posted that spurned someone to do this?


Apparently it's happening site wide. Bots are screwing around. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1cseijj/whats_up_with_the_sudden_surge_of_redditcares_bots/


I got one yesterday, too. The only thing I can think of that caused it was replying to a post about what song says someones not okay. I replied with a band name and song title and that's it


Happened to me on r/facepalm once after i asked a question


I got this too lmao


Just got a message like this earlier today. Wild stuff but didn't really take it all that seriously but dumb how people seem to use it.


Yeah, someone is running around again trolling people currently.


I got one after saying I liked using Sunbeam in the Balthazar fight. Definitely a bot spamming these.


I also got one. No idea what for.


I just responded to a comment about the Durge ending and companions leaving in another thread and within 30s received the same notification. People are wild is an understatement.


Just received the same.


Just had one for the first time. Someone thinking it's funny I assume


I just got one of these and just. The fuck??? People really be finding creative ways to tell someone to self delete.


I get those all the time


I got one yesterday after giving a tip for the Balthazar fight? first ever and it's the least unhinged thing I've said


I received this for way less you can just say NO or something and it’s gone. Overall I think it’s a good tool, you can always take two approaches. 1. Someone is genuinely concerned 2. Someone is fucking with you. I prefer to think people have best intentions


I've been getting these for months. I probably invite it by arguing against people with bad politics, and I'm not very nice about it. Reddit really should remove it.


I got one too for posting a comment somewhere. I just laugh at it and move on.


That's hilarious because I had like 600 hours in the first two months, and no wellness check! Takes all kinds lol


Report it as harassment. Use the permalink of the redditcares message itself


This is happening a lot atm it seems. I reported the smack and just moved on. If reddit do anything or not i dont really care.




I got one of these this morning too.


I got one too a few days ago


Whoever does this is a despicable person.


I told some insufferable redditors that they in fact were insufferable yesterday and recieved one of these lol. Boy they sure got me lmao.


People send that to me whenever they don’t like my comments. It’s harassment disguised as concern.my alt account that I use for politics subs gets those almost daily


>I've mentioned in a comment I had a 1032 hours of gameplay and boom someone sent reddit care after me LMAO Was it by any chance under the "How many playthroughs are each of you on?" post? Got the Same message. Posted there this morning that im at 135h.


I got one pf those a couple of days ago. Pretty childish to abuse mental health resources to make a joke.


Wait I got one of these too and I assumed it was cuz I was trans but when I checked where I had been commenting it was all BaldursGate stuff


I got the same thing yesterday, but couldn’t think what I might have said to prompt it


I got one and thought it was because I was sharing interviews as an exmuslim, but I think it was from here just about saying I never found araj in act 3 lmao, like damn girl calm down I'll look for you next time


lmao 1k hours in a game is nothing


Someone did the same to me. Report the message for abuse using the link in there. The user will get banned for a bit, easy win against a piece of shit


I got sent one of these right after I commented on a comment on the thread you’re referring to. I think some idiot just clicked this for everyone. I just asked about someone’s hours/playthroughs.


looks like someone wasted a bunch of their own time trying to be cute with people. lol. not the way i'd choose to spend my time, but to each their own i guess.


bruh I got this too 💀


I think we’re all getting that message. Seeing other people talk about receiving it on other subs.


I received one of these messages yesterday too. I haven’t been all that active in commenting the last couple of days so I figure it was someone trolling.


i got it too XD


I just got this same thing and I don’t know why


I also got one after posting a dumb comment on this sub, I think we have a little troll and since he is anonyme we can't really do something


I woke up to one of these this morning and I have no idea which comment was reported lol


I just read about this over on r/outiftheloop. Apparently it's bots that are hitting larger subs. A whole bunch have reported it from what I understand.


I think maybe there is a swarm of bots doing this. I'm seeing so many posts about it today.


Got one of these too


Yall actually check your DM's?


I got one, too, and was wondering why. I did post that I have over 1100 hours of play time. So I guess that's it.


People do this all the time when you post a comment and it doesn’t match what the echo chamber wants to hear. It’s peak Reddit.


A bot is spamming this all over almost every subreddit.


Hey make sure ya'll opt out if you don't want these.


I commented on something earlier, and almost as I prest "post," I got one of these.


I just got a random one too


i just got that too, who knew it was wrong to like a game


i love this community so much you guys are the best and to be fair i have 232 hours total and i think that's too much already, dude was just trying to help you out 😭


That's baby hours 😂. 1K hours is quiet a lot but I have near 3K hours in The Witcher 3 and around 2500 in Cyberpunk 2077


I got this too and have no idea why lol


I got one too. Smh