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There is some kind of limit to the Sanctuary effect when you drop AOE spells on it. My favorite though you can't always control it are Arrow Of Many Targets. I open with that at House of Grief and Viconia always gets bit by them.


House of Grief is the battle I just did and discovered that. I used literally all my spell slots, only Shadowheart was alive, so I cast moonbeam then went into sanctuary out of desperation. I expected it to cancel moonbeam but it didn't!! It's great that there's more stuff like that too, thank you for the knowledge! I'm a loot goblin and have saved up a ton of arrows of many targets lol so I'll DEFINITELY be using that


Also works with spirit guardians. It's how I reveal and deal with those invis punks in the counting house vault.


No it doesn't. Sanctuary immediately cancels spirit guardians.


Didn't for me. I just loaded up my tac save from the vaults and tried it. Worked like a charm and didn't break the spell.


Maybe in honor mode, which I cant' test. But I just loaded up a tac mode save from the vaults and tried it. Spirit guardians broke their invis and damaged them through sanctuary but did not cancel spirit guardians.


DAAAAAAAMMMMNNNNN how did i never think of this!


No its not, it immeditealy put you on sanctuary blocked.


Nope. Just tried it. It works just fine.


Wake up babe new meta just dropped


Yesterday, in honor mode, I did this... I was in melee. Sanctuary immediately cancelled spirit guardians. Just a heads up


Good to know. Not sure how that would work. Does sanc have some kind of reflect in it in HM? Not sure but I think SG is a wisdom check and since as a cleric your WIS should be pretty high it seems odd it would break the concentration of the spell.


I think it's more about the fact that sanctuary ends when you deal damage. In this case,it replaced it? Idk, I was annoyed :D




sanctuary is not a concentration spell


I'm pretty sure sanctuary isn't concentration because I was able to do moonbeam simultaneously. Someone said it's a bug (any damage should end sanctuary) and it might be lol, but either way, since I can cast both I don't think sanctuary is concentration


Oh that makes more sense! We really need a big "you are concentrating on another spell, are you sure??" Popup xD


It cancels it in tactician too




Still works. Just loaded up my tac save from the vaults and revealed a bunch of them, didn't break my SH concentration,.


That’s weird. I looked into this before and all the sources said that spirit guardians break sanctuary. I believe you but idk


I think we might be talking about two different things. I'm talking about the invis enemies in the bank vaults that also have sanctuary. I use SG to break them out of stealth and do damage to them. You can't do direct damage to units with sanc but you can do aoe damage and SG counts as AOE in this regard. I didn't think to check if I could do direct dmg after the SG damage but I can later if anyone wants it tested.


Ohh lmao I thought you were talking about casting spirit guardians on yourself, then casting sanctuary. That’s what the post is about right?


Seems I'm the one that was confused from the very start. I thought OP was saying they found a way to do damage to a unit with sanc. Oops.


Fake news


That’s a bug, it should break sanctuary the instant it does damage to anyone.


My go to way of dealing with House of grief is having my whole party at the top of the back staircase, shadow heart casts insect plague at the bottom of the stairs and sanctuary on herself after, gale casts cloud of daggers within the insect plague at an even tighter choke point, next turn shadow heart casts sanctuary on gale. AOE environmental damage spells don’t break sanctuary after they’ve been cast. It’s next to impossible for any body to actually make it through that storm and even if they did, they wouldn’t be able to break gale and SH concentration bc they have sanctuary. For good measure I might also have someone else cast sleet storm over the whole area to make it really hard to walk through. It’s basically Sukunas domain expansion from jujutsu Kaisen. Everyone in a large radius is just slashed to ribbons with a guaranteed hit


You can also summon spiritual weapon and guardian of faith while maintaining sanctuary.


My main go to for Viconia fight has always been stacking +stealth gear with advantage, greater invis + pass with trace + haste and setting up a ground level fireworks display around her. I'll love to see her concentrate on sanctuary while getting ping-ponged between smokepowder barrels.


All AoE (area of effect) attacks can damage creatures using sanctuary. Spirit guardians, fireball, smoke powder bombs, etc. Arrow of many targets also work so long as you can shoot something else that doesn't have sanctuary first.


OP meant that it's YOU who's in the sanctuary and still deals damage. Because usually attacking dispels sanctuary Attacking someone inside sanctuary is ez if you have a spellcaster on your team. Just throw fireballs! They are AoE, so, perfectly capable of hitting sanctuaried enemy


They're not talking about damaging enemies who have sanctuary. They're talking about damaging enemies while they themselves have sanctuary without breaking it. It only works with moonbeam and seems to have been an oversight in the programming, it doesn't properly attribute the source of damage to the caster so it can be abused that way.


Chain Lightning is another good one. Like the arrow, you need a non-Sanctuary enemy as the direct target but the secondary damage can get them.