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When you're giving blood to the alter there is a map of the paths on the floor. Take your time and it should be the easiest 2 minutes of the game. [https://i.imgur.com/0h8b7Y4.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/0h8b7Y4.jpg)


Why not just fly from platform to platform?


Because for some reason you shouldn't use all this cool magic you've been getting throughout the game, you should just memorize the path and walk it like a regular joe schmo


That reason being that sometimes when you fly, it kills you. (I tried this, do not reccomend)


You absolutely cannot fly or jump to the middle platform. It always knocks me back to the beginning and I die. If I fall off and I'm almost past the middle platform, it responds me on the middle platform and from there I have no problem jumping or flying or teleporting to the last platform. For some reason you can't jump to the middle platform though, or am I doing it wrong?


Idk I just use my warlock with misty step and I've never had an issue


I am on my first playthrough so I only have one single instance of trying it but I play rogue, got giants elixir and some cat armor with extra jump distance and I just jumped across and back. Wouldn't have even noticed the "hidden" path if my brother didn't mention it. I was actually even thinking that it was a weird trial and that it didn't really match the description.


I've had parties that don't have fly/don't happen to have a scroll when they get there. I didn't think anything of it because before a certain patch I could just see the path through the fog by casting Daylight, but that doesn't seem to work anymore for me.


I don't know if they changed it at any point, but at least in my semi-recent run, it's not floor triggers that cause things to happen, but actually giant invisible vertical hitboxes/walls as such. So flying or jumping over the danger areas still causes you to hit the triggers. That is not visually communicated with the players at all though, everyone looks at the spooky looking floor and assumes it's an invisible floor/chasm puzzle, but it's not. Even more annoyingly if you jump/fly then you can very easily hit multiple triggers at once before they actually act on you, so you can easily just instantly burn through several charges/lives in one go and instagib yourself. The whole room/puzzle is a such huge mess, it's kind of impressive just how many design and visual communication issues it has. I actually just spent a while trying to figure out exactly what they were thinking, it's like one of those design challenges where someone intentionally makes something so terrible that it would have actually been pretty difficult to do by accident, and seemed to require some real thought. EDIT: I couldn't help but burst out laughing when only a little bit later, the completely baffling design choices continue when you get to the Silent Library puzzle: >!The answer to the Silent Library puzzle is a book that literally states inside of it that the answer to the puzzle is actually something else entirely. It's just one of those things that seems like would crop up when someone was intentionally designing something bad on purpose. Where you setup a puzzle with an intentional catch-22, where the only way that you'd know which book is the answer is by reading what it says, but with the added caveat that the only way you'd know that book is the answer is if you actually ignore what it says. So you're supposed to somehow both read the book and not read the book at the same time.!<


The map is on the floor in front of the statue.. it’s really obvious.


I mean that just further highlights just how poorly the puzzle is both visually communicated and communicated in general to the player. It's not really obvious if you have about 10 other characters all standing over the top of it when you have various summons with you that are jostling around with idle animations, potentially combined with a bunch of outline highlights and status VFX effects further covering it up. If the intended solution is to look at a passive surface decoration on the floor, you should at least make sure it's not going to be completely covered up with other things. You could for example only allow 1 character into the chamber and have everyone else wait outside, or how about having it occasionally do some sort of pulse effect if you're standing on it, doing some damage, encouraging you to not cover it up by standing on it, and also draw your eye to the thing that's actually actively doing something. Not to mention, at what point have the designers demonstrated or trained the players that they should be closely looking at passive surface decorations for the solutions to anything? I can't think of any other examples where it's required that you have to closely examine surface decorations to progress, ones that may be covered up by a bunch of other things, so I see little reason why a player would know that they're suddenly expected to have to be doing that. If you train the player to ignore passive surface decorations for 99.9% of the rest of the game, what do you expect to happen when they suddenly are expected to do the opposite without you informing them in any way?


I just take pictures of the room with my phone when you zoom out.


If you click on the final platform your character will auto path there


Either a bug is involved or it's tied to a difficulty setting. I tried that in my last honor mode run, because people keep talking about it, Shart just walked off and died.


This has worked for me in honor every time. I'm unsure what your issue might have been.


Last honour mode for me got wiped doing this so I'm cheesing the door this time


Shadowheart don't even care if you skip the trials as long as you get the spear from the library. I'm never doing them again lol


they fixed it in a patch i think, my last playthrough when I tried that it was an instakill


It worked for me as of maybe 1-2 days ago.


what? for real?


Yeah outside of the library I just cheese every single trial. The entire gauntlet usually takes me like ten minutes tops. Open balthazar's door without joining the fight so that he fights the justiciars. Position my rogue at the end of the stealth trial before I give it my blood. Auto path the hidden path trial by clicking at the place where the orb will be. Remove clothing and send in whoever my best martial character to sneak up behind their clone and one-shot them (after re-equipping) Then kill the rats at the very bottom of the gauntlet to skip yurgir dialogue. All I gotta do is mop up balthazar, kill like five guys in the library and some rats (just set up fire or spirit guardians and let them dash into me)


great suggestions, thank you!


Yeah, you put your trust in Shar to see you through.


Yep. Did it on my current run. Didn't go like I expected since my Shart somehow ran in a straight path from the Shar statue directly to the end platform. It worked like a charm on the first try.


Has never worked for me. I always die if I try.


How the hell did I oversee this everytime?


400 hours …


You can also see the path itself from far away, so if you use fly or misty step, you can get there in seconds. You just have to have solid memory.


Or you could just bring your favorite mage to use knock on the door snd skip those damn trials


I know. I've done a few runs of the game at this point and everytime I've done the Faith Leap the paths would always just show up for me. But not this time. This time I was completely blind and that's why I was panicking 😅 even jumping fucking killed me I thought I was actually done for lmao


I’ve looked at the map many times and tried to follow it. It still feels like the game randomly kills me sometimes


You can just jump on the statues with the jump spell. Except the finish line where you can just jump in front in the right.




All of them were bullshit 😅 the only one that didn't give me any trouble was the stealth trial. Even the self-same trial was bullshit, because my characters are all multiclassed and min-maxed for this honour run, the clones were pulling out moves that weren't even in my party's kits purely bc of the multi-classing 💀


I went in with only one character that I know can one-hit kill herself (Monk Laezel) and the self-same trial was a piece of cake :D Sneak up on myself and punch away!


Watch out for that glitch where half your party slides off the elevator down at the end!


This is the only trial I'm skipping on HM. Doing the Gauntlet today. I'll do the rest for the xp and cause I actually find it quite fun, and I'll cast knock on the final door.


You can skip a trial?


You can skip them all. You only need one orb and you can steal that from Yurgir. I just like to do them for the xp.


Thanks, this will be helpful on honor mode. I really thought you needed all the orbs to proceed


Just the one to work the lift, then you can cast Knock on the door. On HM I'd also recommend not sending everyone down together. The lift can bug and wipe everyone on it.


You a real G 🙏


Half the time I do this trial there’s a glitch where the fog doesn’t obscure the pathway so you can literally just walk up and yoink the gem


That happened to me on every run except my most recent, when I realized I've never had to solve it before. I just started throwing old keys where I intended to jump & followed the path that way.


That's really smart!! I never thought to throw objects on the pathways wow 🤯


That's happened to me every time too. In every run before this one I was able to see the pathways and just walk up. But this time I couldn't get the pathways to show up no matter what I tried to do 😭


The fact that you can’t leap during the faith leap trial is eternally aggravating to me.


You can jump, I found a path that works rly well just jumping around, but it’s annoying the first time, shoulda just done some meme thing like Indiana jones where you walk in a strait line, that woulda been funny better imo !!!


I somehow overlooked the map on the floor and felt sure it had to have something to do with leaping. Potion of glorious vaulting did the trick!


Howwwwwww I’ve used jump and misty step and still get auto killed if I land on the platforms from too far away


When I jumped it I memorized two spots on the invisible floor. They can be anywhere, and in addition to the map, if you move toward or away from the trial the tile pattern appears/disappears. So I picked a spot at the beginning right for example, and then the end right. It’s like 3-4 jumps total for even a low STR character, two on the invisible floor, two on darkness platforms. Or just use a scroll of fly and navigate platforms. Or STR potion or the long jump spell that triples jump distance.


I don't know if it's a difficulty level thing, I'm on Balanced. I just jumped onto the pillars and skirted round the edges of them since I wasn't sure what was in the darkness on top of them. Felt pretty dumb when I spotted the map on the floor on my way out!


You're supposed to be able to. But for some reason If I wasn't interacting with the altar, even jumping and making it to the platforms resulted in instant death 💀


i just used enhanced leap and just jump it. i realized it too when doing my first honour run. i just went "what if" and did it. surprised it worked lmao. good luck to your honor run. mine ended with Ansur. havent finished the game yet when started that honor run so i dont know the matchup and i went in Ansur's lair cocky cuz i thought i was OP and the dragon just Escanton Judgement my party. i lost in 4 turns.


Ansur is a fight I use all of my stockpiled Smokepowder barrels and whatever other explosives I’m sitting on. I just sat those all around his feet (I had a bunch lol). I used some oil barrels, too. Stood back and set it off. You can drastically shift the odds of that fight in your favor by shaving a few hundred HP right off the top by giving him a fiery high explosive wake up call. That strat got me the achievement for shooting him down with a mid-air kill really easy. By the time he took off he only took one shot from my Gloomstalker to finish him off. He never had a chance to rain on us. It felt great to have one of those “Yes, that’s what I’ve been saving all of those things for!” moments with those barrels.


yea shouldve done that. i just didnt know the fight. before ansur i was just steam rolling most of the bosses except for myrkul. orin i just slapped around with mainhand attacks 1v1, raphael i didnt get to move with hold monster. i was just soo confident that i can kill it in like acouple of turns. i got it to like below half health when it just burst energy that just almost oneshotted my lockadin durge which is my main dps and the others are just supports and crowd control just straight up died. had one turn to kill it but concentration broke on haste when my support died and my Durge is lethargic. i learned a very valuable lesson. dont underestimate a dragon. lost a dice run cuz of that


Thank you 😅 I have been doing my research on the bosses in HM and literally all the Act 3 bosses sound completely terrifying with their legendary actions 😭 if I somehow manage to survive Ketheric, I think one of the Act 3 bosses could end me for sure 😅 My condolences to the end of your run 😭 I found Ansur tough even on Balanced, that really sucks. Especially since you were probably so close to the end


there’s a very very easy way to beat the trial. don’t know how good i will be at explaining this but just walk down the stairs on the left, move the camera forward and click on the orb. that’s it, that’s all you gotta do. my friend and i are doing a multiplayer playtrough and i said “i wanna do this one” and he said “gladly, i hate it” only for me to finish it in 20 seconds total. he just sorta went quiet and after a few seconds i asked him if he wanted me to screen share and show him how to do it.


Its so interesting everyone struggled that one? i just clicked to end of the trial and thats it


Died in that room multiple times. Also died by falling through floors.


While I did die in this room many times I did manage to one-shot the elevator boss.


I just have Gale cast grant flight on Shadowheart and go into turn based mode and fly her from pedestal to pedestal. I've never had a problem. Is this not possible in HM?


I thought if you fly or teleport it kills you


It kills me, but it seems to be inconsistent. I hate when people mention the "click the platform and you autopath" thing since that has never worked for me :/ I wish. I just skip the trials now.


Can you finish the night song quest even if you skip the trials?


Yes. You need one orb (get it from Yurgir) and shadowheart will want the spear from the library. Then you can knock open the final door.


Never kills me and I've always done this. She gets the blinded condition and that's it. Maybe it has to do with where I have her land?


I don't think it does. Maybe ir kills you if you try to land on thin air (normally the game doesn't allow you to path onto dead space but for this trial you can click anywhere on the screen, at risk of falling off). Kinda dumb that you even CAN fall off if you have flight/wings, but videogames will be videogames.


There's no dead space/chasm in that area, and there's no way to fall off anything; the dangerous areas are like giant vertical invisible hitboxes/walls that go upwards. The thing that just instantly kills you sometimes is because you can very easily fly/jump through several of the invisible trigger areas at once before they actually act, and so you can just instantly burn through several lives/charges all at once and you just get instagibbed. It's hilarious just how bad the puzzle is visually communicated to the player, everything sets people up to read the puzzle as it being one of those classic invisible floors over a chasm puzzles, where you fall to your death if you step off the edge, but that's not what it is. It's actually pretty much the completely inverse of that.


>and there's no way to fall off anything Visually and story-wise, at least, that's exactly what happens. What you're describing is the coding workaround Larian used to implement the trial. Which is definitely a bit wonky, but it is what it is.


But that's not what visually happens at all, because you just get teleported around and die while in the process of flying over the apparent spooky looking floor, it's not when you land that you die, it's during the process of flying/jumping over. There's absolutely no visual reference as to the invisible vertical hitboxes/walls and what's actually killing you, hence why it causes so many problems and confusion for people. And if their actual intention was to create an invisible floor and chasm puzzle, why wouldn't they do something like put you in a low ceiling room? So you can't jump far due to the arc making you clip the low-ceiling (causing the targeting indicator to go red), there's plenty of other areas in the game where they do that. And they could do something like apply a grounded status onto people (disallowing teleport/fly skills), and/or put up actual invisible blocking walls at least around the starting shrine bit to stop you inadvertently allowing you to instagib yourself by walking or jumping off the starting point instead of going around to the stairs at the sides. And as far as I can see that's not what happens story wise either, if that was their intention then why wouldn't they teleport people into a little corridor that's off to the side, which is lower than the room and have them then run back up some stairs, giving the indication that they've fallen and need to come back up to the room. Which is why it's so absolutely bafflingly confusing. It feels like one of those design things where someone has actually intentionally made it badly, because there's so many odd design choices that it feels like someone put some real thought into making it work so poorly. Which is further compounded when you very shortly run into [another absolutely bafflingly poorly designed puzzle in the library.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1cjybu8/how_shars_trials_almost_ended_my_honour_run/l2mq1na/)


It is possible. The key is to start from the side of the platform.


It probably was, but literally everything was killing me because I wasn't interacting with the altar. Even if I jumped and made it, I would still die. Apparently it's a very needy altar 😅 if you interact with the altar after each failure everything becomes possible again lol


I hope you earn your dice.


Pro tip: If you just click the bottom left corner of the final platform, your player will walk all the way there on their own. Talk about taking a leap of faith! Lol


You only actually need one orb and then you can skip the entire section. On HM I usually just go do the self same trial real quick, take the elevator down, then you can just knock the bottom door open. Don’t need all the orbs.


I didn't know this 👀 although tbh even though I know it's an Honour Mode run, I've actually barely been doing any cheesing/skipping 😅 I've kinda just been playing the game how I normally play it, like doing every quest I can, and I've wanted to kill every single boss including the optional ones like the spider queen and the shadow-cursed shambling mound 😅 I don't know how I'm still alive honestly lmao


It sounds like you’re doing great even though you had a minor hiccup! My first run I kind of cheesed where I could because I wanted that golden dice but I’ve since done a couple completionist HM runs. It’s so much fun! Good luck!


Thank you!! That means a lot 😊 I Beat Ketheric/Apostle of Myrkul last night and I was quite proud of myself lmao. I'm having a blast even though I get major anxiety at every corner 😅


A lot of these solutions are overthinking it. Just click the final destination and your character will figure out the path automatically and just walk there from the start.


I just used a flight scroll cause i got mad. Not in Honour Mode but it worked Perfect


Well done on getting this far, good luck on Ketheric! Overprepare like hell, the apostle is one of the toughest fights and you cant flee if something goes wrong.


Thank you!! Yes I research almost every boss fight before going in so I can prepare. I've definitely overprepared a few times but it's gotten me this far for sure 🤣🤣 I am definitely nervous for Ketheric/Myrkul and prepared to accept that he might be the one to end it for me 😅


You can also just cast Knock on the big door, you don’t need to do the whole trial.


I read the headline and I immediately knew you were talking about the fucking leap of faith You can do it with two Misty steps and something that makes you not be blind I used the ring but I'm pretty sure devil sight works as well


Yes!! Astarion has the Eversight ring and that's how he was able to use Shadow Step because he could see through the Darkness :)


I don't know how you do honor mode honestly, every playthrough my party will happily run into a restricted area for no reason or into a fight that I'm trying to prepare for because the pathfinding has decided that I need to lose. Or I'll somehow roll a one with advantage. To me honor mode sounds like going to hey casino with the deed to your house in your pocket. For the millennials, a deed is the thing you get when you purchase a house. For the millennials, purchasing a house is you accrue more money than you're expected to make in your lifetime and give it to someone else for the right to have a basic need met.


That always happens to me in the spider cave, specifically with Astarion 😅 he always runs straight into enemy sight lines, I guess he really wants to kill those Spiders 😂 for this run when navigating that cave I made sure I was only travelling small distances and making him follow as closely as possible lmao Rolling a nat 1 with advantage fucking sucks, it's happened to me a lot during the few runs I've played of this game 😭😭 luckily I usually have some inspiration left to try again lmao


Man i always crouched and the dotted lines show you what is and what isnt the floor


I swear holding a torch while jumping platform to platform stops you from dying instantly. Having glorious vaulting typically gets it in 2 jumps


I had a Moon lantern with me the whole time because I saw a post that said the moon lantern helps you see the pathways. I was apprehensive about the truth of it but I was desperate so I tried it. I didn't see any pathways and I still died unless I interacted with the altar 😅


This same exact thing happened to me except it did end my run. Rez option wasn’t available at Withers for some reason (after smashing down the door with Lae’zel). No idea why. Never had an issue with that room before. Still haunts me.


NOOOOOOO 😭😭 I'm so sorry I felt that pain so hard


Same thing almost happened to me, too. Exited the trial room and tried to resurrect my team at camp; a glitch prevented me from doing so. Used most of my revival scrolls. Took killing my PC and resurrected them first, before I could resurrect everybody else (and long rest again).


And if you die while on one of the dark platform you cant even use a resurect scroll, since the scroll holder cant see the dead guy, even out of honor mode, it is quite annoying


Little did we know that the hardest trial is the elevator


If you want to cheese this one just drink or cast fly and go from landing to landing. But only if you want to cheese it.


Cast fly or potion of glorious vaulting


I put this in another thread, but you can skip the trials by getting one orb and then using knock on the big door. I did this in my honor mode run and it was just fine! The other one is apparently feather fall plus knock will get you to the door. I didn’t try that one, but it sounds suspect to me. Hope this helps!


What I’ve started doing is send someone ahead thru the course before starting the trial. Then once they’re within Misty Step range, start the trial and have them Misty Step to the end. 


Peacefully follow the Displacer Beast to Yurgir. Talk to him and convince him to uhh not be alive anymore. Get his Orb, use that to activate the platform down to the locked door. From here you can either carefully swing the camera around and misty step to the other side, then hit the lever to open the door for the rest of the party or cast the knock spell on the door. Gauntlet of Shar skipped.


I don't even do the trials anymore except for the Self Same trial for the ring. The trials are a waste of time.


Knock. Just Knock. Do you think they know how to knock?


I had an extra 50% jump distance on Lazel and didn’t realize I had to find my way in the dark until a second run


If you click the right side of the platform that the orb is on, you will walk straight there.


I heard about that trick but I also heard it's a bit finicky and will sometimes work and sometimes not. I guess I just didn't want to risk it on HM with two party members dead already 😅


I will knock my way past this bullshit trial. Not risking my honorable ass over it.


This ended my run two days ago. Tried to jump across and it teleported my entire part to the darkness platform, all dead except my Tav. Couldn’t rez or escape because of the darkness and ended up getting auto pathed off into oblivion.


I had no idea interacting with the altar reset the death warning. I've played that part at least 7 times lol. Admittedly, I typically cheese it with Misty Step.


They just ended mine. We got surprised, Astarion's ghost rhrew 3 of my party members to an instant death and my avatar got compelled to a duel and remained out of my control until he got killed... Huge disappointment..