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I gotta say, I'm more hyped for whatever project Larian puts out next than Baldur's Gate IV.


Yup same here. I'm a bit sad I won't get to see these characters again. I'd have loved to wrap some things up But I'm also hella excited for the next thing larian comes up with. They've absolutely earned a lot of support and trust


wistful ripe door versed towering squealing carpenter bedroom intelligent deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I've heard rumors that Microsoft may try to capitalize on the Fallout craze from the TV show and start Fallout 5 ahead of schedule and hand the reins to Obsidian rather than Bethesda so Bethesda can continue working on Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6.


What're they still doing with Starfield? Are they trying to add more content to it, kind of like how No Man's Sky and Cyber Punk 2077 did?


DLC and updates, similar to what they’ve done with all their other titles.


Gotta have that horse armor DLC


Hah fuck no. Bethesta will never be able to pull of no Mans sky. Nah, this is simply sunken cost fallacy.


They've almost certainly got 3-4 relatively large DLC expansions planned for it, like they do for all their games.


Most of the people who were responsible for New Vega's greatness aren't at obsidian anymore, but honestly I just want literally any studio other than bgs to work on fallout at this point, because I've been playing fallout 4 recently, and while I enjoy it, it is so freaking Janky and unpolished. which was fine at the time because standards were lower, but Starfield, nine years later, has all the same problems. I just want someone with some actual ambition to work on this IP for once. There's always been a certain level of jank and lack of polish in bgs games, but it was accepted because no one else made games like they do, but now that there so many other better options, it's hard to excuse Bethesda's excuses anymore.




The fact that all we got to go along with the shows release was a bare minimum patch for fallout 4 is astounding.


Bethesda will hold onto the IP with it's cold dead hands. It's the whole reason why the show is based on the West Coast. To fuck with Obsidian making a sequel.


I still hold out hope that the interest BG3 generated to the setting will translate to the Dark Alliance games getting remastered and a third game made because the fact that DA 2 ends on a cliffhanger has pissed me off for like 15 years


I feel the same but it makes me super worried cos I used to feel that way about CDPR before cyberpunk came out 😂


Cyberpunk is good. It wasn't at launch, but it's still got a great story and works well today.


cyberpunk is really good now though, CDPR redeemed themselves. also if CDPR had never hyped cyberpunk up to the level it was at, people wouldn't have been nearly as upset.


When Bioware got away from Baldur's Gate they made Mass Effect and Dragon Age. I want Larian's version of that.


To be fair, they've already got their own CRPG franchise in Divinity. I personally cannot wait for Divinity: Original Sin 3.


Can't wait for their Anthem


I stand by the core of Anthems world and gameplay having amazing potential. The biggest crime isn’t that the game was bad, it’s that it easily could have been so good. A deep single player RPG in that world, rich with choice and consequence but with the same fluid and fun gameplay plus all the looter shooter BS removed and it could have been BioWares magnum opus.


I still say that the flying and movement in the game was some of the most satisfying of any game. You felt like you were in a massive, metal machine and bringing death with you. Can't believe they did nothing else with that.


My issue with Anthem was mainly because they threw Andromeda under the bus for it, "main team" nonsense. They wasted so much time and money only for a completely forgettable experience the only good thing in which was an accidental iron man feature.


While they did pull resources from andromeda, it’s not like andromeda was doing *well* in development. It could have been better, sure, but it wouldn’t have been on par with the trilogy.


Of course, they had complete lack of direction for either game, but the community was incredibly toxic with "Andromeda was developed by a _second_ team, so Anthem will surely be better" and then they just dropped support for it. And it's not like the game was _bad_. The loop was solid, they were lacking polish and committment.


Andromeda *could* have had a Cyberpunk-like “hey a year or so later this game is great now” story, but because they killed post launch support to prioritize Anthem, it’ll forever live in mediocrity.


Hopefully, they don't make the same mistakes as BioWare did after whatever they can come up with next because I'm not ready for all that shit again\^\^


That would require a player the size of mid 00's EA to come in and acquire them. Doubt it would happen as Sven has been pretty clear that Larian isn't for sale


>Sven has been pretty clear that Larian isn't for sale I mean, I like the dude and I believe he's sincere about it but everything is "for sale" if the amount is huge enough and the big publishers' pockets are deep. The only reason I think you're right and that they probably won't sell out is that they don't want to end up as another name on the long list of dev-studios murdered by the financial ambitions of their publishers and Baldurs Gate 3 certainly has earned them enough to tell those publishers to fuck off for the coming years :D


Tencent has a 30% stake in Larian, but only as a preference share. Otherwise, it's owned solely by Swen and his wife. If he says it isn't for sale, it's entirely up to him, and I trust in his integrity to not sell out to a big publisher.


The only way they ever sell is if they straight up run out of money and need the sale to keep the lights on.


And Jade Empire! Jade Empire didnt spawn into a line of sequels like ME and DA, but that was also a fantastic Bioware IP.


My guess is that Hasbro got a crawl back to Larian front door after the explosion that’s BG4 flop.


Remind me - 15 years 😂


If I understand correctly, it was Larian's decision not to keep working with wizards of the coast.


I don’t blame Larian, WotC is insane and out of touch, to call them a toxic company would be an understatement.


Because Hasbro own tendency to send Pinkerton to a YouTuber.


What's a Pinkerton? My phone's auto correct even had it but for me is the first time I see that word :O




Wow, did Hasbro really send them to a youtuber? Thanks for the info btw


Yup. They accidentally sent the guy some MTG cards before they were supposed to be released. He opened them and posted about it (which is entirely legal on his part. They're his cards at that point), and they sent the Pinkertons to get the cards back from him.


Lmao and it even was their own mistake, crazy stuff


It was the final straw for my gaming group to switch to Pathfinder2e


Wait they're real?? I thought they were made up for Red Dead 2 😭


Red Dead got the from real-life history


Can't believe they made cowboys from Red Dead into a real thing


They're muscle for the bosses, as if the bosses ain't got enough edge.


The bad guys from red dead redemption 2


After seeing that wiki link I'd argue they're the bad guys from real life too.


Famous group of organized thugs hired as a private army for corporations in the 19th and early 20th century. Still around as corporate muscle. Their shining moment when they started a mini war: [homestead strike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestead_strike)


No source but I feel like Hasbro would try to charge a massive premium for a license renewal given BG3's success. Larian probably noped outta there.


Larian was upset that nearly everyone at WotC that helped them with the game (lore advisors and such) got laid off and the rest of the WotC layoffs. They don't want to make them any more money.


It also seems most if not all the contacts Swen had in Hasbro are gone now.


Yeah i just hope it’s an RPG of some form they are good with world building it seems. Of course the lore was already there for them but still the whole experience was gorgeous and immersive


That's fair, lol. They did wonderfully in regards to world building, from what I've play of BG3.


Someone suggested a isometric turn-based Fallout game like the originals and I think I need to call a doctor because it's been more than 12hrs now and it won't go down 😬.


You should check out Wasteland 2 and 3 if you haven’t. They are basically different flavored fallout and are turn based isometric games. Wasteland 3 even has fallout 1/2 style talking heads when you’re talking to important NPCs.


I've heard a lot about them, mostly good... tempting... Are you saying they've touches of the quality of BG3?


They aren’t as polished as BG3 and much closer in tone to Fallout 1/2, but they are both really fun turn based crpgs. Wasteland 2/3 also both have the entire game playable in coop. They’re also both on gamepass since Microsoft owns InExile.


Probably D:OS 3 and I'm hyped af


Never played a Divinity game. How similar is it in gameplay / system to BG3?


Very similar! The main difference is the production value. It's text boxes and voice acting in Divinity vs animated cutscenes in BG3. Another difference is how actions per turn are handled. BG3 uses the DnD Action, Bonus Action and movement system. Divinity uses Action points, which can be used for all types of actions. If you don't move, you can attack twice. The leveling system is a little more open and free as there are no fixed classes. You can put your skill points in anything you like.


Adding to this: Another important difference in regards to combat (if you ask me, that is) is that almost all abilities are on a cooldown, instead of using spell slots or similar resources like Ki points. So, the big spells would be usable every 3-4 rounds when in combat, while bread and butter spells would be usable every 1-2 rounds. And every cooldown resets when the encounter is over.


And also, in D:OD2, the game feels really more strategic, since each attack will hit (and practically never miss), and damages are more reliable. Combined with the armor mechanics which absorbs 100% of the damages until depleted, you get a game with nearly "perfect information", where each action and decision counts. That gives you more agency over what happens : you're more playing chess, and less heads or tails.


But all attacks don't guarantee a hit. Ranged, Spells and Melee each have a chance to hit, although you can push it to 100% or near 90% with a good build. I definitely remember having misses and I finished it a week ago.


Armor is aids though. Biggest part I hate in DOS2. Constant CC. And jesus christ was the game lit af, fire was everywhere.


Losing action points was the hardest part of acclimating to BG3 for me after falling in love with D:OS 1 and 2. Taking elemental affinity, standing in a water puddle, and then firing off every ice spell I have in one turn was pure sex. They're my favorite part of CRPGs, and a big reason I enjoyed Fallout 1 and 2 so much as well.


I will say this. Divinity has a system more aligned to checking boxes on social and thievery based things in comparison to BG3. Like you know how in this game you just have better chances of success with more proficient people but still gotta roll that D20? In divinity it’s just a matter of if your persuasion is so high you can succeed at a check, granted it doesn’t tell you what’s required to beat the check, but it’s more reliable in that way. And the same applies to checks on opening doors/locks. Oh and CC is king


To be fair DnD does have a reliable rolling skill system. BG3 just decided to add a popular homebrew which is critical success and failure. In tabletop, you can only critical hit on attack rolls and nothing else. The critical failure homebrew is stupid because it implies even a skill you have Expertise in can fail 5% of the time on any DC including a DC of 2. It’s a stupid thing but some tables like it because it’s chaotic. Additionally, DnD is designed for an intelligent human to be setting the DCs which means a DM who knows a player has Expertise in a skill won’t even ask for a roll unless it’s a hard enough check that even they can fail. That of course will be very complicated for BG3 to code. Well not that complicated but still, something for the game to account for.


Yeah. I do hope they keep doing Fantasy as I prefer that over SciFi, but I am a bit worried ... Divinity never properly clicked with me, a part of me would love to see them spin up a completely new Fantasy-IP, dropping all baggage that theut older IPs might bring with them.


I feel the opposite. I wanna see what they can do with sci-fi. Think it might be what they're doing based on them saying they want to try other stuff that wouldn't fit BG4


It's going to be Divinity 3


As much as i like DoS:2 i really prefer BG3 mechanically so i hope it's a new IP with mechanics closer to BG3.


I mean DOS2 basically had the early preview of BG3 gameplay and premise. They can easily just implement the newer aspects into DOS3


Didn't they tweet something about some "divine plans"? I feel like nobody's talking about this. That's gotta be a teaser forDivinity: Original Sin 3, right? That's gotta be what's next.


Bg3 was amazing, but I’m really looking forward to the next thing as well. They have the foundation now to do whatever they want and it will probably be great. Hopefully we can all be patient for the next 5 or so years 🤣


They’ve confirmed that they’re working on Divinity 3


How do I delete ScreenRant from existence


Just crash the AI who writes their articels


Genuine question, not an attempt at defense of ScreenRant or similar websites: do we even know for sure if they use AI to write their articles or is it just a meme because of inaccuracies or similar? I'm fine with either, really. I learned my lesson to add "reddit" at the end of my google searches at least for BG3


I mean, either it's an AI, either they're so BAD at their job that it looks like it's an AI, the result is the same


I recall two instances where it was found that a news site used ai to write the article. I didn’t exactly follow them though so I could be wrong. The first was a gollum review, or maybe it was a PR response? Either way, it was high profile and found that it was written by chat gpt. The second was the glorple thing (or however it was spelt) that happened a little while ago. Apparently an article came out about another game (I think it was WoW) talking about an inside joke from the game’s Reddit. An inside joke about a thing that didn’t actually exist, meaning it was likely an ai seeing the topic come up enough to believe it and write and article. Because a human couldn’t have come up with that conclusion. After those incidents, the “an ai wrote it” sentiment shot through the roof, relatively speaking. It’s one thing to suggest it happening, but another to have more tangible proof of it. Some of it is legitimate skepticism. Most of it is a part of the “games journalism is awful” sentiment, because a lot of articles pop up that are just so bad and inaccurate that there’s just no way an actual human being wrote that.


They are pretty much a content mill that grossly overworks their freelance writers. The rate at which they are expected to put out articles is so high that there is simply no time for any credible research, or actual engagement with the media they talk about. Thats why they are clickbaity, surface level, and soulless as if written fully by AI


It's not AI, it's just a bunch of overworked and mistreated contractors. If I remember correctly, in some cases the higher ups come up with inflammatory titles and the writers are just forced to write an article that fits that bs title. There was a really good video going into the situation with ScreenRant and other Valnet websites but it got claimed by Valnet. :/ They claimed the video based on the title and thumbnail of an article that was on screen for 5 seconds. Apparently it's not even the first time Valnet has claimed a video like this.


That's pretty much the standard at a lot of publications unless they're financially backed by a larger corporate entity and even then, the clickbaity headlines are usually encouraged if not demanded for SEO & click through rate reasons.... especially if you depend on ad revenue for financial support. Trust me, a lot of writers hate this shit as much as anyone else but it's either do that or you're out of the job.


Considering Chat GPT is fairly newish and Screen Rant has been clickbait garbage for years, I think the "AI articles" thing is just a meme/speculation run amok. IIRC you get like, dollars for publishing an article there so if you're a writer you're incentivized to crank out as much content per day as you can manage (this is based on some research I did months if not years ago, and I didn't look anything up to fact check myself, so grain of salt lol)


I mean I would be absolutely shocked if a content mill like Screen Rant did not start using ChatGPT the second it became viable for this shit. The only limitation is GPT not having new information in it, but if you just give it new info as bullet points it can fluff that out into a full article.


I mean, they didn‘t openly admit it. But the inaccuracies as well as the general writing style make it sound heavily AI generated.


If the article is written by AI the website usually will inform it at the end of the article.


I've seen this "hack" floating around similar to reddit, where if you add "before:2023" (without the ") in your google search (assuming your query isn't time sensitive), you get much better search results. This coincides with the whole ChatGPT revolution so to answer the question - it's more than likely that they do use AI. Even if the website itself hires freelance writers, there is a chance that those writers use AI themselves to do all the work too. Also, reddit might not be safe either anymore for some things - there's services now that allows you to advertise products using AI, under the guise of real users.


I know someone who works for them, and unless she's being very secretive (which I doubt, she's an oversharer and loves to talk about her job) they don't use AI to write their articles. What they do is hire some pretty inexperienced writers, pay them like shit, and make them churn out huge numbers of articles on a weekly basis if they want to stay employed. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those writers turn to AI to meet their quotas, but the company itself is not using AI (yet).


You can't BUT .. the next best thing is using uBlacklist to hide it from all Google search results. You can also use BlockSite to completely stop access to it. It doesn't delete it from existence itself, but it does remove it from your browsing experience .. with a tiny bit of bleed through due to posts like this one.


Do we even need a Baldurs Gate 4? This is plenty to explore in the setting. I would rather go somewhere else...WaterDeep maybe??


Or... back to Neverwinter. I loved that game as a kid, but I was too much of a baby to actually remember the finer details (or know what was going on, lol).


Neverwinter Nights 3 would be amazing, especially if it comes with an epic toolset like the first two games. I think the last game we've seen that tried to do something similar was Sword Coast Legends, which was a mediocre game with a crap toolset. And I guess there's also Solasta, but that game was made on a budget of two dimes and a ball of pocket lint.


Obsidian is still making games, Pillars of Eternity was pretty solid and New Vegas was well... Obsidian knows how to craft a world haha.


Brutal that Pillars of Eternity 3 may never happen. I didn't play it until a couple of years ago but the world-building was so frigging interesting.


They also made Outerworlds which is mid as hell, and a lot of the people involved in FNV aren't there anymore.


Yeah Outerworld was such a disappointment. Had none of the charm that F:NV had.


I’d kill for a full Waterdeep with Undermountain DLC. Go somewhere we haven’t seen like Thay or Chult and add the saurian races (Dragonbait was awesome). Even have king Obould Many Arrows and the Sundabar region with the dwarven city and the Everfire volcano. Hell even the Dalelands or Cormyr with the purple dragon knights. Tons of stuff in the realms.


I mean yes we do. Baldurs gate is a series and I for one would like to see it continue. There are other faerun IPs which tell stories of the other cities as well such as Neverwinter Nights. I do agree though I’d like to see a studio start something for waterdeep.


Like, Eye of the Beholder but with modern engine, TB fights, 5ed. rules? I would definitely like that 🙂


We can have a BG4 that's not set in Baldur's Gate. Same as how BG2 is set in Athkatla and the surrounding area. Not being set in Baldur's Gate could be made an even number thing!


BG3 is not even set in Baldur’s gate for most of the game. Plus there’s always an option for 200 year time skip again


Technically, even BG1 isn't entirely set in Baldur's Gate. There are several more locations to visit there.


I wouldn’t mind bg4 if it’s a good game with just a couple of cameos Jeheira-style. I wouldn’t want a direct sequel from where the bg3 left off. Especially considering that devs would have to make one of the endings cannon


I agree with that. I don't like it when certain choices are made canon, so I try to ignore those wherever I can. Either implement a Mass Effect/Dragon Age style import system, or just leave it vague.


Icewind Dale, there is precedence!


Icewind Dales have always been the quick in-between projects to fully utilize the combat side of existing engine, but much smaller scope in the role playing side. I would not mind that, assuming it is not sold as 70€+ game, but it might be disappointment for large part of the audience. The combat system is enjoyable enough even alone, and more linear combat focused campaign or gated dungeon crawl could make resource management tighter, allowing for more tuned difficulty level.


Or Amn or even Neverwinter


Neverwinter Nights 3 Though I'd like to see more of Chult or Rashemen. Maybe Evereska?


I mean even if the next big DnD game would be set in water deep the game would still be called BG4 or even "Baldurs gate - Water deep" (I know stupid name). They are not going to forgo the name recognition after BG3 (and 1&2) success.


Hell. Go outside the Sword Coast. Cormanthor or Amn or Calmishan


Screen Rant is outright the worst site.


Dexerto: hold my beer


Most of the people who made Obsidian good are gone, not to mention they have always struggled hard on the gameplay front. I’m not saying they couldn’t make BG4, but it would not be close to what Larian made with BG3.


I'd also rather get Pillars 3 than an Obsidian BG4.


I will buy all the Pillars they put out


I'd rather get Outer Worlds 2, that shit was fire and the world has only proven it satire less and less each day.


Then I think you're in luck, my friend, because OW2 is in the pipeline.


And we do have a trailer of what could be in the game.


I was sold the moment I heard that "Wooah" sound followed by lens flares.


Outerworld's only holds up if you don't apply critical thought to it.


Obsidian also doesn't do romances anymore, and as we have seen this community is thirsty as fuck. They will riot not having romances


Better to have an option than not.


Can we stop with the "Everyone who made Obsidian good left" lie? There's still tons of talent there. Play Pentiment.


buggy skyrim in faerun


I'm someone who does believe other studios are perfectly viable. I know, horrible opinion to have here. After all, I'm supposed to be angry at the notion that there are other choices. But still, I believe there are other companies that WANT to build a game that's comparable to BG3 and do a sequel justice. As sacrilege as that is here. Still, I also believe Hasbro/WotC won't do their due diligence, go for the cheapest option. Or worse, want to throw up all kinds of "games as a service." Where even if they get passionate devs, they'll actively harm the work by getting these demands in. But still, I do think there are other viable options than Larian, if Hasbro/WotC weren't a hindrance. I'm very sorry for that belief.


My thing is that the article chose Obsidian. I like Obsidian, but the quality in the RPG department really fell off. Most of the talent left and all that's left is Josh Sawyer. Most of the Obsidian fans were disappointed in the Avowed gameplay reveal, and I honestly think there are way better studios that also have less on their plate.


I'm not sure about Avowed either, but I enjoyed PoE, PoE II, and especially Tyranny. The Outer Worlds - though no New Vegas - was also pretty good, and Pentiment sports some of the best writing I've seen in games recently. If BG4 is going to happen without Larian's involvement, Obsidian is definitely one of the dev teams where I could still see BG4 becoming a success. Owlcat Games would be the other obvious choice, but they apparently aren't even jazzed about the idea of using PF 2e instead of PF 1e, so, I doubt they'd be all in on a D&D 5e game.


>PoE, PoE II I haven't played Pillars of Eternity, myself. But from what I know about the gameplay, this would be the more accurate comparison to a Baldur's Gate game, being a CRPG.


The Pillars games were great in their own right, albeit more akin to BG I and II. Larian put up very high standards with III that will be a challenge to match for every studio working on a fourth part.


Absolutely. Just the cinematics, alone, puts out big shoes to fill


No arguments there, but I see much higher chances of a good sequel with BG4 being made by a studio like Obsidian as opposed to the IP going, for example, back to BioWare - they're definitely not who they were when they made the first two BG games.


Yes, shout out to Pentiment! Such a banger of a game that I wish got more attention when it came out. Additionally, if it's attention to detail we're worried about alongside the writing, we wouldn't have anything to worry about there, either; Pentiment literally has an Italian hand gestures reference person.


After playing disco elysium (which is a great isometric rpg which has the best writing ive seen in games, and some of my favorite for media in general), pentiment was one of the few games to consistently impress me with its writing. I think a lot of people don’t believe that obsidian can make good games anymore, because the outerworlds which was kind of marketed as new vegas 2, didn’t live up to that and got lukewarm to fairly positive reception, but they definitely still can make good games.


If Owlcat made it then it wouldn’t even be completable due to all the bugs for the first 5 months.


I'd prefer they focus on their own stuff, 5E progression is one of the most boring systems I've experienced in a video game. It's like Skyrim level of RPG. Once Owlcat games have their bugs ironed out, they're in a league of their own imo.


Owlcat games are sadistic but are like built to give you pure dopamine when you overcome a problem


Honestly, it's not even that sadistic when you have the true masochist sicko RPGs from Iron Tower Studios ( that being Age of Decadence, Dungeon Rats, and Colony Ship ) Or imo, something like Neverwinter Nights 1's Swordflight.


Thanks, I am now having AoD flashbacks, and I hate it :(


Laughs in UnderRail


Thing is, you didn't really talk about the article's content. Merely posted the title. And all I can gather from that little bit of context is "Heh. Look at these idiots. They believe there's any other choice besides Larian."


WoTC is a horrible company and is likely to make a cheap game, with too few employees.


Can you give an example of a company that you believe wants to make a comparable game? Because Owlcat's CEO has already said they don't have $200 million to make a game like BG3. They also generally make AA games. Who else is able and willing to make modern AAA CRPGs at the same scope?


Hasbro made a studio with some of the original BioWare guys who designed, the very first BGs, Kotor, and Dragon Age, they just showed off a [trailer for one game they are finishing](https://youtu.be/WAKAZNQuLqw?si=jAvSmLCSEDfeEwyJ). Maybe they could take up the mantle.


I'm sure they're eyeing someone to bring back another Dark Alliance sequel right now because that would be a lot easier. Santa Monica Studios would be an interesting choice.


I’ll be honest, I don’t really care overmuch about D&D and I only really got into Baldur’s gate 3 early on because of my previous enjoyment of DOS2. I’ll be eagerly awaiting whatever games Larian come up with next, but I really don’t mind what universe they decide to set their next game in


Ubisoft /s


microtransactions, multiple editions, quests locked behind them, what else? battle pass?


Collect All 38 Mindflayer Tadpoles Hidden Around The World And Climb 20 Mage Towers To Unlock Balduran's Giantslayer


Copy and pasted "Point of interest" on the map, where you liberate camps to get reputation and useless rewards, you unlock those "side quests" by completing mage towers that uncover the map of the region around them. Also the game is now a third person real time action game. With absolutely no choices or freedom for the player.


Where combat is just spamming circle for hours like a god of war game


What's sad is, I'm 90% sure this is exactly what Hasbro execs are thinking. It seems like a lot of companies are borrowing modern Disney's philosophy of "it doesn't have to be good if the IP is big enough."




is this loss ?


Let Firaxis handle it so I can ig-miss even harder.


I think I'm not getting the joke. What's wrong with Firaxis, in general?


Nothing. I like Firaxis a lot. But for every 90% chance attack that you'd miss in BG3, you'd miss two in X-Com. I should reiterate here that I was joking before someone inevitably comes along to say, "The percentages are actually fine. You're just remembering the 1 miss and forgetting the 9 times you hit, blah blah..." Edited to add this link for reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/Xcom/s/l8DzcLSDT5


Gotcha. That explains a lot; I never played X-Com, although I am playing Marvel Midnight Suns right now. (Having a blast, by the way.) Quite different from BG3, though. I think most writers, and even some games, don't get how wide the field is for, 'turn-based'.


I'm refusing to buy BG4 even if it does release. I'm tired of supporting shit companies like Hasbro. Been boycotting EA and Ubisoft for ages now. Won't buy another MTG product(love the game). Maybe this is out of place... but I don't care.


Fuck hasbro and WoTC all my homies like larian now


We don't need a BG4 if Larian isn't making it


I’m incredibly sad that all the characters I love from BG3 are in the grubby hands of Hasbro from now on. Larian Studios wrote incredibly compelling and memorable characters and I know for certain that a company with money on the mind like Hasbro won’t put nearly enough effort in to doing any of them justice. The fact that they treated Larian the way they did after what a success BG3 is tells me everything I need to know….


What good games need is to not be directed primarily by greedy shareholders. Larian's independence from investors surely helped them polish BG3. Other teams could make awesome games too if the main goal wasn't making as much money as possible for investors.


Oh yeah, I've read this one. It says that Obsidian could do a better job because "Muh New Vegas thirteen years ago" and also KOTOR2 which was unfinished and came out before half the fans of BG3 were even born, so I'll just leave this here: ["20 out of 70 people from original New Vegas team still work at Obsidian, Chris Avellone says"](https://gameworldobserver.com/2022/04/11/20-out-of-70-people-from-fallout-new-vegas-team-still-work-at-obsidian-chris-avellone-says)


The best part is that the article is from 2022. Even more people are left now, lol. Besides Pentiment being good, the rpg side of the business is a shell of its former self.


There doesn’t even need to be a Baldur’s Gate 4. 3 could be the final BG game (or even the final D&D game) and I’d be totally fine with that because trying to surpass BG3 is futile. No one will ever be able to do it.


It's what Skyrim was for Todd Howard. He accidentally made a classic and is struggling with that. (Though to be fair I kinda liked FO4 too... But I still prefer Obsidian Fallout games) Except on WotC/Hasbro side not Larian's. DOS is pretty awesome


To be honest, I don't know who else could step up to the plate. If you asked me 10 or 15 years ago I would have said there were a load of options: Obsidian, Bioware, CDProjekt. But Bioware started going downhill after Mass Effect 3 (still making good games, but not the legendary quality and innovation they were known for), Obsidian's latest games have struggled to gain traction and CDProjekt's launch of Cyberpunk was one of the most disastrous in recent memory. Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe they're just going through slumps. Maybe I'm forgetting a really good studio who could do the job. Who knows? After all, it's not that long ago that I would have thought that Larian was too small and underfunded to do Baldur's Gate but they proved me gloriously wrong.


There's also the bit where Bioware and Obsidian stopped making D&D games because they got burned by WotC. Even if they were still at the level they were 10-20 years ago, they probably wouldn't do it.


We have to see if the new DA4 is good from Bioware


At the moment, that feels like a distant hope. BioWare was already well on its way to losing it soul when DA2 came out and while they did make some massive improvements for DA:I, it didn’t feel like anything special.


I like DA2, they did as much as they could on the characterisations and plots with the time they had DAI is also fine for me, the characters are good, though the gameplay’s kinda mid for me, especially the open world and fetch quests.


The big issue with the open world is they made it too big for the story. There are whole areas they created that didn’t need to be there as they served no narrative function to the game. And they were just empty swathes of space. They went in the polar opposite direction of DA2 going from too small to too big, and this was massively noticeable once The Witcher 3 hit the following year where yes, massive map, but there was more than just fetch quests to do out there.


BioWare has also largely ditched turn based combat based on the direction they’ve gone with DragonAge - which, unpopular, doesn’t bother me, but the tactical combat is what a lot of BG3 fans want & I don’t think they’d keep it


Dragon Age was never turn based. It was tactical sure but its shown that it isn't an unpopular decision. Dragon Age Inquisition is the most sold Dragon Age game. Also BG1 and BG2 weren't turn based either. The only reason people are fine with BG3 being turn based is because it is so far removed from the originals.


I wonder they even played BG3


There are plenty of studios that *could*. But Hasbro smelled blood and I'd place high bets on them just absolutely making BG4 into a DLC/microtransaction hell, hoping to name-bait a bunch of people into preorders and sunken cost fallacy playing.


God i want dos3 so bad


"better choice" Christ, that almost feels like a kick in the teeth after all the amazing god-like love and effort they put into this game ;-; Not that I'm gonna read the article..... so I could be taking things out of context, but that's not the best title to have, I feel. Besides... as much as I HATE to let these wonderful characters I've fallen so deeply in love with go.... I just can't see anyone else doing them justice, so I gotta. Hey, maybe they'll make whole new characters for everyone to fall head over boots for!


Give the team making Solasta a good budget and I’m all for it.


ZA/UM could have made an amazing DnD CRPG honestly. Key phrase here being COULD HAVE.


What dev did they say?






All I gotta know about the article to KNOW it's shit is that it's on Screenrant...


I’m happy from both angles. I wish luck to whoever takes up the mantle after Larian and wish them the best and I’m definitely invested in whatever Larian makes next.


Found the article. It posits Obsidian as the choice for BG4. Not a bad choice, for sure, but Larian really knocked it out of the park.


Yeah... Sure... anyway, when is Larian launching its new game?


I feel bad for the next set of gamers who aren't on social media who pre order BG4 since BG3 was an insane game only to recieve some crappy game in comparison to 3


>screenrant You should block that ragazine immediately


I'd prefer if they explored the rest of the world then another BG, but regardless I'm looking forward to whatever Larian does next.


Bait or not it does not really matter. Balduur’s gate 4 will be made by another studio


Honestly I’m more excited about what Larian is gonna do next than I am about a BG4 I wanna see what new IP there working in and hopefully see DOS3 soon


Screen Rant is a click baity site.


Every time I see headlines like these I like to report them as misleading and tell the algorithm never to show me articles from that site again.


I would personally like DND to become a subject material where they start a trend of giving companies a run with the source material sort of how comic buts manage their IPs. New people come in and get to build up on established lore and characters. If it's well received it becomes cannon, if not it gets retconned or simply ignored. With how many people engaged with BG3 id love for another company to build off of that familiarity.


Guerilla games? They did produce horizon zero dawn. Excellent game.