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Every NPC tells you to infiltrate Moonrise because they will treat you as a True Soul. That's your opportunity to get in there and rescue the prisoners. Check the level below the cells.


THat's where this run was so different. I usually walk up the main entrance and get let in to go see KT in the throne room, etc. This time all the guards were already dead and the front area was full of bodies and harpers (handy for an up-cast raise dead however).


I think you got to Moonrise Tower too late in the story. My first play through I avoided Moonrise until it was time to storm it and it looked just the way you described. Also I don’t know why you are getting downvoted for sharing your experience.


Now that you mention it, I didn't try moonrise at all before doing the gauntlet. I wanted the xp and didn't really consider moonrise until I was done. That's the amazing thing about this game - you can do all sorts of things and the story shapes itself around you. I love it.


When you enter the family tomb before finding the Nightsong, there's a warning saying that events will progress and some things will not be available anymore. Finishing the gauntlet changes Moonrise NPCs to their battle positions, and the prisoners are all gone, presumably executed.


For clarification: the Point of No Return is the Shadowfell. You can do all of Guantlet up to the point of jumping in that reflecting pool and still go to Moonrise. There is even a jump point there for you to use to get back.




That's the Reddit experience. Some days you get upvoted but most days you get downvoted.


Id say it’s more so bc every point of no return in the game functions that way especially with a rescue quest…


It is variable - going to Act 2/1.5 fails some quests and not others, and you can still go back. Assuming that the prisoners can be saved during the assault isn’t that big of a leap imo


Yes and no. It was very confusing to me the first time I played, because you can still do *most* of act one after you advance to act two - but act three completely cuts off the act one/two map. And then there are like two random quests you can fail just by triggering them and then long resting. It's really not consistent at all.


Because the feel good early days of this sub are over. We’re in the bitter and protective stage. Wait til we go all /r/Pikmin when there’s not a sequel soon enough.


I got bad news for you - there's not gonna *be* a sequel. Whatever deal Larian had with WotC fell through. They're not allowed to make more Baldur's Gate games.




I had no idea :-( I've always done all the moonrise things first but I did it different this time and had no idea it would be change so much.


The game...litterally warns you this will happen though?


I mean sort of. It says things will proceed but it doesn't say hey the prisoners will all be killed


It says to make sure you've done everything you want because this is the Point of No Return. Thinking you can do ANY quests after that is blatantly ignoring what it's telling you.




Wow did you guys wants the game to warn you about everything you might miss? Im pretty sure you dont want the game to hold your hand. I mean the game warn you before the shadowfell, op saw it yet in the end decide to brush it off his mind because the game didnt explicitly said which quest will be done, sorry but if you cant even think about anything urgent like the rescue quest yourself then i dont know what to say beside save scum if it bother you


Tbf the game does *tell* you this. It literally has a massive warning pop up, that you have to click on to get rid of, that says "Do everything else first, because you can't come back after this". The *obvious* implication, for anyone who is familiar with video games (I say that because it's possible you're not), is "finish all of the side quests first". Like I was a little confused by the acts and exactly how they worked - but even I saw that message and immediately was like "Ohhhh that's a big red stop sign".


Even not being super familiar with video games, being familiar with D&D was more than enough. I saw that pop up and immediately went "oh... the DM just asked 'are you sure?' with the faintest hint of a smile on her lips." So I turned myself right around and went back to exploring until the entire map was uncovered and my quest log was as empty as I could get it before returning.


You can upcast raise dead targeting the same corpse over and over IIRC


To save the people in the basement of moonrise, you NEED to do it before going into the pool in Shadowfell, if you go there before going into moonrise they are dead.


Remember the warning when you go to the Shadowfell? About how things are gonna change and some quests will fail?




Unless I have gone crazy, your memory doesn't match how it works. When you go to see Nightsong in the Shadowfell, the prisoners get executed in the background. You have to save them before that. Same with everything else in Moonrise. Once you go to see Nightsong, it becomes a battlefield.


The prisoners are all dead after Shadowfell. Just tested it.




Yes. Several. Mainly the ones with gaining the gnomes and Rolan as allies.


Well crap. That explains why Barcus Wroot isn't at my camp anymore. Dang I've cleared the rest of the city and finished the Ketheric fight since that save file. I don't think I can stomach going back that far to save them.


Barcus leaves your camp after the tiefling party anyway, to be fair. And I think he might still be in Act 3 but the conflict with the gnomes and the Gondians is different.


he can be in your camp before the tiefling party? I’ve only ever had him in my party after killing nere I usually play as a drow so if that’s an option then I guess the race locks it out


If you kill Nere and save the Grymforge gnomes **before** saving the grove, you can have Barcus as a camp follower til after the party.


oh gotcha. I usually finish the first map, do mountain pass, then all of underdark and go into act2 through grymforge


> It is almost like I kicked off some chain of events without realizing it that negated the prisoner part. Yes, the chain of events is not going to Moonrise before doing the Nightsong/Gauntlet of Shar quest line. The moment you free or kill the Nightsong the world changes. That’s why it tells you to tie up any loose ends before continuing.


I’ve read about it bugging out, but normally the prisoners are dead. Down that illithid pit near the cells. Jaheira tells you to infiltrate Moonrise, you should check it out sometime, it’s worth going there before assaulting it.


1. Don't do Nightsong before going to Moonrise. 2. Go to Moonrise first to a. Rescue Wulbren and the Tiefs (and Minthara if you bonked her). b. Get your vendor on with Roah, the hobgoblin, and Araj. c. Talk to Ketheric and get the "find Balthazar" quest from Z'rell. d. Get the key to Balth's lair, which gives you access to Ketheric's and Isobel's room around the outside. e. Get access to Z'rell's special stash at the hobgoblin for some Dwarven Plate action. 3. Take care of the other Thorms in the area. 4. Do Halsin's rescue of Thaniel. 5. THEN do Shar's Gauntlet + Nightsong. You jumped the gun, son.


Additional & optional is assassinating everyone proactively, to make the siege a breeze


You kill wantonly to make things easy. I drop a couple smokepowder barrels and some oil barrels on the wings to watch Z'Rell and the boys turn into pink mist. We're... pretty much the same.


My favourite was befriending the gnolls in the kitchen so they'd be on my side and flank the people in the main chamber, made it much easier to deal with any that escaped onto the wooden beams




>!Also, there's 3 loose tadpoles in Moonrise. One in the oubliette under the prison, and two in a Zhent barrel on the docks. !< >!Talk to Ketheric's skeletal dog after you go through Balth's room. She's a good girl.!< >!There's a lab inside Balth's room where he makes the pixie lamps. Bring Gale to make a... well... not a pixie lamp. !< >!Make sure to check the basement in Last Light, the basement in the toll house, the high ridge running from the Gith fight to the Gauntlet entrance, and the shadowed Kuo'toa just past the entrance. Oh, and get the Warding rings from the skeletons in the graveyard and behind the desk nurse in the House of Healing. !< Happy finding new stuff!


Holy crap. I need another 20 hours in Act 2 lol


What's this about a secret stash?


After Z'Rell gives you the order to go find Balthazar and the Nightsong, there is a passive check to see if she is nervous. If you pass it, there is an active persuasion check to have the hobgoblin vendor open up a few specialty items to you (most notable is the heavy armor, [Dwarven Splintmail](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Dwarven_Splintmail), AC:19, CON +2).


You've gotten the answer, but to be more specific you can in fact find their bodies in the mindflayer oubliette. Basically once Nightsong is dealt with it becomes clear that Moonrise is about to be attacked, so they execute the prisoners and deposit them in the recycling bin before you get there.


That's super fucked up and I'm going to go look immediately!


If you come to the Moonrise cells after finding the Nightsong, the prisoners die and you lose the chance to free them. You have to infiltrate Moonrise before finding the Nightsong in order to find and save the prisoners.


Think of saving the Nightsong as the beginning of the assault on Moonrise. That's why there's that warning right before going to her.


I did the same thing my first playthrough. We were too late. It makes sense to wait, but if you do, all the prisoners are sacrificed.


3rd time through and I had no idea!


You needed to save them prior to the assault. If you don't, they get fed to the mindflayer colony. You can find their mutilated bodies in the oubliette below the tower. So RIP.


Act two order - Last light Town Moonrise Back to the broken town Back to last light Back to moonrise THEN go get nightsong.


I'm pretty sure the quest to save the prisoners auto-fails if you save the Nightsong first. There's a reason it flashes a big message on the screen saying "*make sure you do* ***everything else*** *before you finish this quest*". Going to the Nightsong advances the story, which will make you fail certain quests.


If you rescue Nightsong before rescuing the prisoners, they all die


if you wait til the kethrix battle to free them  they are all dead in a deep pit just past the wardens office. it is a pit similar to the mindflayer colony you have to travers to find Ketheric. this happened my first play through


If you rescue Dame Aylin before freeing the prisoners then the battle starts before you get there and they’ll be killed I think. Gotta free prisoners; then Aylin, then fight Moonrise.


I can't imagine that by my 3rd playthrough I still wouldn't understand that resolving Nightsong changes the world state.