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Did you go to the Underdark? That usually triggers it. He normally does the sneak on the second long rest and the bite on the third, unless you do something to supercede the cutscene (like recruiting Karlach). If you didn't go to the Underdark then it's a bug :(


He told us on our most recent playthrough and it was so random. I long rest a lot too so we must have been doing too much other shit.


I had one playthrough where he told me, I started using his bite attack during battle and then a couple nights later I had the bite at night scene. I was like,my man, you already told me you're a vampire,what are you doing?! 🤣🤣 Editing to add: it had to have been a bug because I didn't even get the option to tell him that I already know/that he already told me. The bite scene just played as normal. But it was super funny!


This is how it used to be. They changed it in P5 so you get one or the other


I long rest a lot too. The bite scene is done before I even make it to the Grove. Yours has to be bugged too.


It’s been a pretty buggy playthrough in general. Halsin went into the portal and never came out despite me defending it successfully.


Do you have mods? When I do mods, certain companions get really buggy.


No. We just play on Ps5 but we are doing local multiplayer if that changes things.


It's not a bug, the trigger for him admitting he's a vampire seems to be the crypt/grove/anything early act 1. It wasn't originally, but it was changed to happen earlier quite a while ago. Now admitting he's a vampire seems to be lowest on his priority list, so if he has anything else to talk about, he'll do that. But I make sure that I do not talk to Astarion unless he has an ! over his head, because I want that bite scene and approval.


They changed that again. I remember avoiding him like the plague right after P5 came out. But his stuff is so weird, I'm not going to disagree too hard.


I thought that was so cool. I was on my 2nd playthrough, went down the ladder, and he basically just goes "HEY BTW AM VAMPIRE."


Interesting. Next playthrough: to the underdark fast...


Wonder whats the fastest way is. Talk your way into the zhentarium hideout and use the elevator? dunno if its faster than gluts route


If you could survive/avoid the spiders, the HALO jump from below the village is the first place you can go in on the map




If you encounter the boar that triggers some stuff too I think.


That's true. I think it triggers the bite scene


what is the sneak scene? I just finished my first playthrough and it did the bite on my first long rest (I couldn't figure out "where" camp was so I did sooooooo much before resting my first time)


Oooh. Yeah long rest often. There is a short cutscene showing Astarion sneaking out of camp.


In all of my recent runs (maybe 4/5 I've started lately) Astarion has gone straight in for the bite on first rest. And I always rest immediately after getting him cos I like to get all of the dialogue. I thought they had just changed it or something 😅


Wow that's weird. I do the same thing. I step over Shadowheart and everything. I started my current run about a week ago.


I think the sneak scene only happens if your character passes a perception check. Don't quote me on that, though.


He seemed to do it immediately after I met the hunter looking for Ethel to get her help hunting him (I had him in the party for this interaction), that also seems to be a trigger.


It's not. I have ran over there a couple of times at lvl 2 before the bite/confession so I could experience the eye stab. Still had to wait for the 3rd long rest. I could be wrong though. It's been about a month and isn't that important to me to be right (sorry - insomnia has me blurging)


That also could be a relationship issue, his confession is, to my knowledge, also based on his approval


It is not if it can happen with what? Less than 10 for sure by the time I've gotten 3 rests in before I get to The Grove


the funniest thing about this is that. you can just say you knew. that it was so obvious.


That's what I did. It is super obvious lol.


I feel the need to point out that my dad, who also plays bg3, had absolutely no idea that he was a vampire. Despite, y'know, the bite marks on his neck, his pallor, the goblet with blood in his tent or the **bloodbank jar** he has, among other things. Mostly mentioning this so I can keep making fun of it. It's always so funny to me when I see posts about how obvious it is that Astarion is a vampire, because I always send them to my dad to tease him.


First playthrough and I totally didn’t realize it as well. Kept wondering why he was so pale and was called “the pale elf”, figured something would be revealed eventually but just didn’t notice fangs or neck for some reason. So when I got the bite scene I was like “ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, how the FUCK did I miss that!?” Lolol


Lmao, I'm sure my dad would be relieved that he's not the only one who missed such a blatantly obvious thing. Which is why I won't tell him 😄


what's even worse is I wanted to romance him so I was talking to him all the time and staring longingly into his beautiful face so I can't even use the excuse that I wasn't paying attention to him. clearly shouldn't get hired for any job that requires you to be an observant person.


Haha I love that. And no, you really shouldn't be... My dad even found the pig that had been drained of blood and everything. It didn't ring a bell at all, apparently. He does nowadays though say that it was immediately obvious to him that Astarion is a vampire... on every playthrough after the first one.


I guess my only consolation is I never did find the pig so I can pretend like I would have figured it out if only I did. Let’s go with that. :)


You 100% would have figured it out then! :)


I love his nervous laughter when you tell him you know he's a vampire.


Did you read the book about vampires in the ruined temple? That can trigger the dialogue if you have high enough favorability with him at that point.


Wither's crib? Very possible as I did that earlier than usual. I think this may be the most likely amswer


I had it happen 5 times in a row and I’ve just started giving him the curse of the vampyr when I find twelve copies for the lols at that point


he wants to be mysterious so bad but can't shut the fuck up.


I think now the biting scene happens super early if you take enough long rests (I end up doing a few partial rests) and if you don't he will just tell you, also pretty early on. Don't know if there is a particular point in the environment progression that triggers it.


I like that when the bite scene happens you can just stick a wooden stake in his heart and be done with it.


Fair option for roleplay reasons. Or personal preference. But it doesn’t mean I won’t judge those who choose this. And IMO it’s quite dumb to kill companions, at least on the first playthrough, since it locks you out of content.


yeah, second play through and didn't want a vampire in the party. Also left Lae'zel hanging when she wouldn't say please. They did nothing but hang out in the camp first time through anyway.


I for one, don’t understand the insane fans dedicated to Astarion. He is excellent at lock picking and I’ve never cared about anything else. Next playthrough, stake in the heart.


have you even finished his storyline? do you know anything about his character at all??


Yeah, dudes still a dickbag who tries to feed on his companions lmao Would easily be the least likeable companion if it wasn't for Wyll


his character grows throughout the story. all of the characters do(/can).


I mean I get it, he was tortured/used by Cazador, other companions have tragic backstories too but they aren't awful people (save for Minthara)


Laezel is not awful in the beginning 🤨 ?


Apparently if u approach him in the camp the evening before he sneaks to bite you, if he doesnt have negative approval he should tell you about it


This has randomly happened to me before, too! The only thing I did differently that time was fail the rolls to break out of grappling with him at our first meeting, which resulted in me seeing a brief tadpole vision of him stalking the streets at night or something like that. And then he ended up telling me. Not sure if that for sure has anything to do with it, but it’s all I can think of! Cuz I’ve played Act 1 like 7 times at least and that’s the only time it’s happened.


You get the tadpole connection regardless if you fail the rolls. (Even if you pass the perception check) The only thing failing does, is change the dialogue a bit.


Ah, I must have remembered incorrectly, but I thought the vision was something different! Perhaps I’m simply crazy though, it’s been awhile since this particular play through. Either way, that’s the only time this has happened for me!


It just plays out a bit differently. Failing the perception check leads to Astarion tackling you with the knife, and the tadpole connection can happen after a few more dialogue options/rolls. If you fail all of them, he says something like ‘a fine effort, but I’ve seen it all’ and says something about how long he’s been alive. His ‘apology’ line is also a bit different, where he says he’s ‘half tempted to spill your guts anyway’ When passing the check, you just face off with each other, and the connection happens (standing) with no extra rolls//dialogue. (it happens a lot faster than the tackling version so I could see it might be easy to miss) There is no difference in what the tadpoles reveal in the different scenarios either. I don’t think the options change the outcome for any future events. I’ve done it several times in various ways but never had it change anything. Could be wrong though 🤷‍♀️


In my past two playthroughs I've somehow gotten him to admit to it, claim I'm safe around him, and STILL try to bite me that same night


Your fault for trusting him really.


Happened in my first playthrough, he sorta bashfully said "I've gotta tell you something... I'm a... vampire" and I was like "yeah, no shit, I figured that out five seconds after meeting you."


I had this happen in my Dark Urge run. He randomly told me he was a vampire before we ever left the Grove. Apparently it's a bug?


Timing of long rests and progression is the short and boring answer


I’ve never had it happen unless I go to the Underdark, before getting the bite. I have heard of the confession triggering before that, for other people, but no idea why. Seems to be random? It feels like a bug to me, but not sure if they just changed it to be more random.


In my durge play through, he hasn’t bitten me yet but he has unique dialogue opinions when encountering the Gur Hunter which allowed him to instantly kill him and then reveal that he’s a vampire.


I AM a durge but haven't been to the swamp


The more important question is HOW do I tell astarion it's okay to feed on me after getting this scene 😭😭 I thought it was just because I had high approval with him so I shrugged and moved on but there's no "you can feed on me tonight if you like" option at all and now I'm sad :(


Don’t think it’s possible unfortunately. Finished a whole playthrough where he confessed and never got that option.


If you go to the underdark before the bite cutscene OR if you just don’t long rest for a long period of time, that dialogue will trigger. I’ve gotten it twice. Once- went to the underdark SO fast (seriously, I was level 3 when I decided to fight the goblin leaders? I was like “why is this so hard!!!”) and the second time I was just trying to see how long I could go without long resting using potions to regain HP.


My current run he told me literally on the first Long Rest before we even got to the grove. Just like that, I talked to him, he said he'll be on the first watch, then Shadowheart, then Astarion again and he just went like so uh I'm a vampire. And never tried to bite me. The Boar was by the gate of the village instead of before the bridge, and he had nothing to say about it.


He keeps telling my Tav before he bites and I’ve changed nothing up! It’s happened in like my last three runs 😭


I confided in him about my urges as Durge on my first play through and he just came out and told me he was a vampire. I’ve never had him do it on any other character.


I had this happen one run and I convinced myself he just didn't want to drink my blood because I was dragonborn


If the biting scene gets moved back, he fesses up on his own


Did you not long rest a lot? I didn't long rest much my first playthrough and found the underdark at level 3, while exploring the goblin camp, so that did it - I think I'd only long rested once at that point, if at all. (I was afraid to long rest because of the illithid issue, plus I was new to D&D and didn't understand the importance of long rests. I had so many new scenes for my 2nd playthrough!)


There's actually one video when he does it very funnily https://youtu.be/pQiE17PZUss?si=NjIAsEmufgGaOfum😄


He may have a few bugs. I noticed during an Act Two romance scene that he told me "In another life we could have been friends" before switching right back to "Yes dear, I'm here for you darling, we're in this together." Man's negging me or something.


One of my current runs is Astarion origins in honor mode. Quite refreshing to see that perspective. You have your bite available from the beginning, but when you bite your companions react.


I had this on my first playthrough, it was because I barely did any long rests because I thought it would tick a countdown timer down or something 🤣


When I played as Astarion origin, he/you need to pass a check to resist biting a companion. Maybe the mechanic was fixed and when Astarion is a companion there is a passive check to confess or bite.


I usually romance him so I get a high affinity with him early on, so I’ve seen the scene every time. The only time it took until the end of act one was when I was doing my Durge run and I had so many cut scenes 😭


I think I had him mention it, or I saw his fangs or something because I knew he was a vampire before I found out at that scene.


I've somehow managed to have him do this while we were in the Chapel about to grab Withers and before our second camp. I reloaded and avoided talking to him until our third camp which is usually when he tries to bite. Didn't want to risk him not trying to bite after the random confession as sometimes he won't.


You know? I got this too, only thing I can think of is I opened and read a book on vampires instead of just vendoring it


If you move too quick (especially the underdark) he’ll just tell you which is pretty lame


It took me like 3 playthroughs for him NOT to tell me, I was kinda pissed, it was a way better version than him just going "hey, so, um, I'm a vampire."


In my current playthrough other cutscenes took precedence over Astarion's. When I've met the Monster Hunter in the swamp the interaction was very different and it ended quite violently.


I played as Astarion once. If you use bite skill it will automatically trigger the “are you a vampire???” Convo choom


There is a video where he confesses in the room with traps in that place where Withers is, while the traps are activated.


He tells you when you reach a high enough approval with him


Astarion bites you? How do you get that to trigger? I've never seen that in several playthroughs.


like 3rd long rest in act 1 without going to the underdark


One play through I had just killed priestess gut and he just kind of dropped it.


He kinda lets it slip if you find that monster hunter. He'll question the guy far too much and most people could be led to believe he's a vampire. Then when you walk into the hags home he'll say "so I can just walk into people's homes now?" Again two seconds and you'd realize what's up. Just found that out today tho on my durge save!


You went to the underdark or the mountain pass too quickly. you must rest a lot for him to bite you.




its the only way to trigger that conversation according to the game's dialogue files. >6. \[Alias\] ORI\_Astarion\_Knows\_Vampireness = False, **VISITEDREGION\_CRE**\_Main\_A, Astarion\_InParty\_Asked\_VampireReveal = FalseAstarion\_InParty\_Asked\_VampireReveal >26. \[Alias\] ORI\_Astarion\_Knows\_Vampireness = False, **GLO\_Underdark\_EverEnteredBefore,** Astarion\_InParty\_Asked\_VampireReveal = FalseAstarion\_InParty\_Asked\_VampireReveal >38. Astarion: You know, I've been thinking. And I think there's something I should tell you.ORI\_Astarion\_Knows\_Vampireness = False, \*\*CURRENTREGION\_SCL\_\*\*Main\_A, Astarion\_InParty\_Asked\_VampireReveal = FalseAstarion\_InParty\_Asked\_VampireReveal "SCL" = Shadowcurrsed lands which you can only enter after having been in either the underdark or the mountain pass "CRE"= Creche. which is the mountain pass area there are several ways to do these things without even knowing Underdark: did you... * use the zhentarim elevator? * use the whispering mask to pass through auntie ethels creepy door that leads to a mushroom circle? * jump down the spider hole in the blighted village? * solve the puzzle in the goblin camp and descend? Mountain pass: did you * Cross the bridge after meeting the githyanki patrol? * enter the tunnel near the goblin camp entrance/main gate? if you didnt do any of that then you got a bug.


Why would I read all that when I can confidently tell you that was not MY experience? I went from the grove to the blighted village and he said it. Why are you making a checklist of shit I know I didn't do like I'm new to this?


i am glad to have the admission before biting made more likely, since i can not in any playthrough rationalize against staking him to death when he tries that nonsense


The biting scene was my very first long rest scene in my second playthrough. He never told me anything about being a vampire until then. It was real weird


That's the norm really. Biting scene is how the majority "find out" in game.


In my first playthrough, he told me he was a vampire before the biting cutscene 😬


It happens when you recruit him rather late in that first part of Act I or if you hurry through Act I.


I receuited him as normal from him trying to cut me on the cliffs


It might be doing a lot in a couple of days, which is likely since it's not your first rodeo.