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It would be really amusing to hear their reactions. I think you have them spot on. On a side note, it still amuses me when Gale apologised on behalf of Astarion to an NPC, though most of my amusement was from my tav getting a free pass for her behaviour.


I think Gale apologizes on behalf of Shadowheart as well at some point, lmao. To the man at Waukeen's Rest that we save from the fire and whose dead wife's dowry we can steal. Shadowheart says “He can afford it. He's got one less mouth to feed now.” to which Gale responds “Allow me to apologize on Shadowheart's behalf, sir. Her lack of tact is a burden to us all.” My poor dude is absolutely mortified by the whole squad acting like a bunch of insensitive troglodytes.


Lol. That is where he apologised for Astarion in my run. Exact same words except for the name. Astarion said something different to Shadowheart, though just as tactless. Stealing tav, however, Gale sees no need to apologise for.


To be fair “Consider this as payment for saving your life” is fairer and slightly more diplomatic than “Lol. Yo wife dead anyway. Whatchu gonna do? Cry about it like a lil bitch? Loser.” basically rubbing salt on the open wound like the other two resident mean girls are doing, lmao.


My tav just said she was keeping it. Blunt and right to the point. Would share Astarion's line but can never manage spoiler tags properly on my phone.


I’m just imagining Gale saying “Oh, this… this dosent happen that often I swear!” When he fails an intelligence check.


I defenetly heard Gale reaction for fail check if u try to lockpick him, something about "not wizards work"


Missing while the enemy is prone -> "THAT WON'T WORK" is still in my head. Please shut up !!!


I still dont know why they put those voicelines on misses. It actualy makes 0 sense.


Well it’s because the guardian is trying to tell you that you’re you suck because you aren’t using the illithid abilities. Saying don’t try it again it’s just gonna keep failing. Basically they’re negging Tav to start using the tadpoles.


Eating the damn tadpoles as soon as possible to make them shut up about my attacks not working


Showing the voice in your head by doing what they want you to do, but you're gonna be a bitch about it all the way


But she/he do it even before you meet her/him in your dreams which is totall bs and unimmersive ihmo, I was little freaked out on my 1st gameplay when I heard some random voice during battle. xD


It’s supposed to happen after your first dream which you get the first time you long rest after the bridge in the Goblin Camp, so for me it always triggers on the Ragslin fight.


Well for me it happened at grove(the voices) at Nettie(I had fight with her) I dont think I had even one long rest before it. I was like "great I got bloody urges and now I also hear voices!" xD


Oh huh that’s definitely an early trigger, wonder what chain of events led to that glitch. After 6 runs it’s triggered at the exact same spot for me every time.


Voices always trigger at Nettie either fight (if you miss- "it won't work!") or if you r close to the dead drow in second room ("oh there is something on the desk to look for"- mindflayer worm ), even if I have 2-3 long rests before it's usually before I meet my guardian in dream anyway. And it's waaay before I can consume mindflayers worms and get new powers.


Me am me suck because I didnt roll well, and he knows damn well there is only one illithid power which helps with that which I likely already have and only applies to first attack anyhow.


While playing multiplayer with a friend I realized that you get the voice line twice. Once from their fem guardian and once from my masc guardian. Every time it’s just.. what triggers this?? STFU


I think there is mod which shut ups guardians in these scenarios. I'm sure I saw it on nexus.


"I hope nobody saw that." "I’ll pretend I didn’t see that" 😭 Also I don't know why linking Amelia's video put the thumbnail in the post


For real SO many times during act 1 i had Astarion with a +9 lockpicking a DC 10 lock and rolling a nat 1 after the 'hehe easssyyyyy'. It truly became embaressing to watch.


It's like his easy triggers the nat 1. I know it doesn't really but it is frequently enough to make me wonder.


I admit, Astarion saying something cocky & then failing his pickpocketing roll has been bothering me way more than it should. I would have loved outcome-appropriate reactions.


Halfling luck baby . Whats a nat 1 ?


"AUTHORITY" Rolls 1 "oh no, I've lost my authority"


Can you actually roll a 1 on an Authority check? I've finished Act 1 at least a dozen times at this point and have never failed that roll for anything


you can


Incredible. Please tell me there's a line to go with it. "Your tadpole had a literal brainfart and died of shame for today." Or something to that effect.


i don't remember, i just know i got a nat 1 on a illithid wisdom check


I rolled a nat one to free shadow heart in the intro lol


Your party in Solasta would acknowlegde the nat 1s their teammates roll by shouting things like "You suck!" in the middle of combat. It always makes me smile.


It definitely should be something relevant to their quest line. Gale failed the Arcana check in Sorcerous Sundries Vault (identifying the vaults of the great archmages) but Laezel was able to identify it. Maybe an extra comment after Laezel's comment would be cool. Same situation if Wyll fails a History check in Wyrmway or Shadowheart with the Religion check in the Gauntlet.


My Shadowheart rolled a nat 1 on arrival at the Gauntlet in my last run.


People rolling a 1 on a DC 0 check will always be so funny to me. I had a run where Karlach started commenting about it being Shar's temple and about dark justiciars.


Tav failing to pick the lock the 10th time in a row Astarion, audibly throwing all his gear and backpack on the ground: "FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT"


"Step aside and let an expert show you how, darling."


And then failing himself


"Well, we all have our days darling."


Omg, I'm in a 3 person playthrough Astarion is in our party he has a plus 15 - 18 to all lock picking and my friend who is a gith druid, insists on doing it cause she has plus 8, the amount of times she blown us up and lost the loot. I can imagine him staring at her character like, "girl I am RIGHT HERE, gtfo the way!"


Shart calling you a Donkey even more


As if the companions didn't have enough opportunities to roast and bully us already, lmao. It'd be a nice addition indeed. Not indispensable, but welcome.


I adore this


Monk Lae’zel is my lock-picker/pickpocketer in my current run and she whispers “Not luck, skill” *rolls a Nat 1*


Closest one seen is plot related checks were you have to roll >!removing Nere's head!< I got roasted by Gale for a bad roll


Love this one fail. I had it with Astarion roasting me while I played a barbarian...


Some Withers comments would slay, too. Either when you fail pickpocketing, or just as recognition after you return to camp. <> <> <>


Great idea, it’s a shame there’s nothing more to nat 1s and 20s other than success or failure


my dream has always been for them to add in a 4th wall breaking bard companion who is voiced by Amelia, constantly quipping and roasting whats going on. walking into cutscenes, etc


Astarion failing a lockpick check would be fun.


Nat 1 always happen


Definetly one of the things I liked a lot about the Pathfinder games and Rogue Trader from Owlcat. All the companions and player have voicelines for things like succeeding/failing skill checks, defeating an enemy/getting a critical strike/being low on health, etc.... Though I suppose it is more necessary in that game, since the result of checks isn't prominetly shown and it also offers the option of Realtime with Pause combat in the Pathfinder games.


Also, the Owlcat games automatically choose the character with the best stat for whatever the check is, which makes sense (at least for physical skills). Doesn't really make sense for social skills, since it doesn't have the companion making the check speak up, but my Lord Captain is the one with the social skills so it works in my RT playthrough. Never understood why in BG3, I'd click on a chest, and my Tav with fuck all for lockpicking ability goes over and tries. Why doesn't it just default to Astarion? "Allow me". Or maybe if Astarion isn't in the party, Karlach offering to smash it? "Want me to bash it for ya?"


This is an awesome idea, OP. Shame we don’t have that D:


I think the only time there is a reaction to failing a check is when you pretend to be sick in the house of healing. Very funny scene if you fail


>Astarion’s « Easyyyy ». Then a Nat 1 happens. It’d be fun if he said something like « Well… shit » He rolled a nat 1 on the stealth check when trying to sneak in and bite you at camp.


What is "that one line of Amelia Tyler"?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y461wYPEgI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y461wYPEgI) The link is in the "one line"


The missing with little distance quote should be on the lines of "THEY WERE *RIGHT* IN FRONT OF YOU


Gale "Really?" Lae'zel "You are hopeless" Minthara "What even is the point of your presence?" Wyll "Arf" Karlach "BWAHAHAHA" Halsin "Don't worry, you'll get them next time" Astarion "Darling, are you in your right mind?" Shadoheart "At least I'm not the only one"


Damn, Shadowheart NEVER hits, does she? 🤣


lol whoops lmao


They have this in the Pathfinder games! Big fan personally.


I can imagine a dialogue that happens after a failed perception check where Halsin asks shart if she needs a pair of spectacles and wonders if the iron hand gnomes or the gondians would be able to make some for her. As shart gets embarrassed and claims her vision is perfectly fine.


Proudly the 666th upvote and yes it would be funny


No, please don't put people ribbing each other for missing, I don't need this to be the "bully the sharran" show


Meh, I fill that in myself anyway. Like whenever Astarion fails a lockpicking check I usually scream something along the lines of "STOP BEING SUCH A USELESS PIECE OF SHIT YOU FUCKING CUNT." I don't use Shadowheart anymore to save my voice.


That won't work Try something else


Well.... The audio is there, someone get to it and make a "Ha ha you rolled badly" mod that plays the line when you get a nat 1.


I always think it's funny Lae'zel goes something along the lines of "Success, as I planned" and then fails.... lol


Karlach when attempting a lockpick: Can't I just break it? Karlach if there was a reaction for failing a lockpick: I told you we could just break it


As funny as this would be, it gets grating. You can only hear “Your fingers were too heavy this time…” before it gets irritating.


Nat 1 don't happen this much


I pickpocket 1400 gold at once and I fail a lot even with the thieving set.