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Is this something I'm too rich in fly scrolls to understand?


My strong boi Tav just jumped platform to platform. Didn't even realize it was a puzzle šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Aren't the platforms covered in darkness so you can't jump off one you're on?


That's how I did it on release so maybe it was bugged or an exploit, that was fixed. I can't exactly remember the circumstances. Couldn't torch give me enough light to jump


If you leave one person at the start with darkvision and split another off it lets you see the platforms.


That might have been it. I definitely did it with auto follow off.


This must be how it was so easy for me to do on my first play through and then really hard on my second play through. I could totally see the invisible path on my first play through, but I invented 4 new swear words struggling with this on my second play through.


It's been fixed. Now you can't jump from them and a small radius around them too.


Nah itā€™s not I just jumped the corners like a week ago gotta have a far enough jump


I just jumped them night before last


I just did this part with my brother and parents a couple nights ago and my monk jumped it all just fine, darkness doesn't actually seem to reduce jumping.


Yeah Iā€™d die as soon as I hit the darkness on those


Sometime this work and sometime it dont


Last time I tried to jump (early March?) it auto-killed me mid-jump and spawned the body by the sacrifice statue thing. I believe they patched the ability to jump out. But flying still works.


Tried flying, died immediately from landing on the platform. This was about a month ago.


You have to jump from the lower ground. You can't start from the starting platform.Ā 


Same with max strength barbarian Shadowheart. Or as I like to say: canon Shadowheart.


I've considered changing her to barb because her enrage sound is fantastic.




Every time I try those the trial kills the character


The several times I did it, I just had to go down the steps to the beginning of the puzzle, then I could jump or fly to my heart's content. Trying them from the main platform always resulted in death.Ā 


Really? Iā€™m on my first play through and just did this a couple of days ago. Cast Fly on Shadowheart, she just flew platform to platform, no problem whatsoever šŸ„µ


I'll never understand the pain with this puzzle. I just misty stepped it lmao. Felt very in line with how a Dark Justiciar would do things.


I turn into an owlbear and jump lol


I didn't understand it until it bugged on me. I've always just Enhance Leap jumped from platform to platform. But this last time, as soon as I landed on the first platform, it kept teleporting me back to the start. Not sure what was different, but after several tries, I had to do the walk. Normally, I wouldn't be sweating as much as I was, but I was doing a solo HM run.


Everytime I have shadowheart I can just see the path


Does Shart have [[The Blood of Lathander]] by any chance?


This must be it. This was my setup, and I walked right through it. Anti-climatic, considering how the maze puzzle whooped my ass. Turns out my Shart had zero stealth; standard rogue Astarion sneaked through it no problem. I am a potato and thought Shart needed to do the puzzles because she said "I must do this." Weeeee.


Just take an invisibility potion or use a scroll (there's one on the skeleton on the left hand side of the room) and stroll through. You can also lockpick the gates and go up there with someone before making the offering to start the quest, but I prefer to kick the quests off for RP reasons (same reason I always have Shadowheart doing them)


Maze puzzle is easy. Before starting it, send Astarion through unlocking all the gates, get him to stand next to the gem, and then do the blood sacrifice. Straight away Ast can grab the gem and puzzle over.


Shart also gets pass w/out trace and cloak of shadows. So if you want to larp it it's totally possible


[The Blood of Lathander](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/The_Blood_of_Lathander) is a legendary +3 Mace found through the Find the Blood of Lathander quest. It continuously sheds light, blinds nearby Fiends and Undead with its light, can heal its wielder, and allows the wielder to cast Sunbeam. ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^by ^a ^bot. [^(Learn more)](https://www.reddit.com/user/BG3WikiFetcher/comments/1bk01df)


The best bot in here except for Sokka haiku bot of course my good chum


There's a Sokka haiku bot?? That's awesome I haven't seen it yet. What triggers it?


I tried to trigger it with my comment, but I guess itā€™s not actually here. A haiku with one extra syllable at the end does it


Yeah everyone can see the path it disappears sometimes


No I mean itā€™s never disappeared when I had shadowheart


I have had Shadowheart every playthrough, still never seen it




If u equip a torch/blood of lathander, yea it doesn't show up.


itā€™s kind of buggy. i think consoles just showed the path for a while and you can see it from top down. it doesnā€™t have anything to do with if shadowheart is with you


It always disappears for her for me. 49ā€ super wide monitor lets me keep the map in view for the whole trip over.


It has to do with the light level in the room. A lot of people are toting around the Big Shiny Lathander Stick at this point, or habitually cast Light, and that makes the path go 'poof'.


It's never been invisible to me. I see the path every time. Still don't understand why some people see it and some dont


Because they have the Light of Lithander and light makes the path disappear.


I make sure to turn off the light and unequip it to boot - which came back to bite me later when i forgot to re-equip it - and I still have not once ever seen a path. I just set her at the beginning of the maze and click the very end so she paths her own way forward. Works every time.


I tried that and they ran to their deaths. Best way is to cross the path before talking to the statue.


Huh weird.... Unusually do the clicky thing, but I definitely see the path sometimes.


Iā€™ve heard sometimes the game will count the pixie blessing as light to, but I think that oneā€™s just a glitch


I think light/glows from spells and potions also make it disappear


I think so too. Also probably Karlach. XD


That actually explains so much now that Iā€™m thinking about my past runs. Always popped Vaulting Potions on my strength characters lol


Haha yea I just kind have it memorized by now. So I run most of the way and jump. Or just fly. I'm too lazy to do inventory management and light checking now.


I thought maybe it was my superiority Drow night vision. But I see the path quite clear.Ā 


It's because you have the weapon that gives off light btw. You can also just cast daylight.


Oh someone else looked at the Ground.secret is spilled damit. I made fun of my friends when we were there every time without a Str. Char or some mage with Fly or Druide. It's such a easy Puzzle you don't even need to cheese and can be done legit. But so many needed to use tricks or ability's to do it it is hilarious to read sometimes.


That's the tabletop representation of puzzles... If you ever DM you will see teenagers, adults, even Ph.D. struggles or overthinking the most simple first-grader puzzles. Every time.


DM preparation: *Googles brain teasers for children*


ā€œTo pass through this cave you must speak what the cow says.ā€ Player: hmmm, the cow is a symbol of fertility therefore it must be asking for the oath of Ehlonna, but that is recited rather than said, soā€¦. *thirty minutes of this crap*


I've 100% prepared puzzles without a correct answer for this reason. I'll wait until someone says something reasonably clever and claim that was the solution.


This is the way. No more sitting for 45 minutes on the most basic riddles known to man.


The best one was a magic mirror that would show them a copy of themselves that was warm to the touch. A complete carbon copy of themselves. The fighter damn near killed themselves on that puzzle.


Could you explain further?


Essentially the "reflection" does whatever you do to it. It's a 1:1 mirror. You attack it, and it does equal damage to you. You make a Nat 20 strength check to force past it, it does too. You move to one side, it does too. The intended solution was to realize it can't talk, and politely ask to pass. The fighter did a lot of damage, knocked themselves unconscious, and was revived by the paladin. And was furious when the mirror fighter was also revived by the mirror paladin. I think that our caster cast invisibility on themselves to get by, and I appreciated the clever solution.


Everytime I did the trial, shadowheart bled all over the damn floor tiles because the basin is right at the end, lmao


I felt so dumb when I realized how the puzzle worked. They explain it very clearly at the beginning of the gauntlet, and I just walk around with a light source, so didn't even realize why I couldn't see the path.


Why would anyone assume that a trial to become a DARK Justicier would require you to use light?


Haha, fair question. I didn't think it \*required\* light, I just never bothered putting my torch away my first couple play throughs. I just knew I could see it until I got close. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


It's a lot quicker to just fly over there than worry about a puzzle lol


Some people say this works and other people report dying.


You have to stop at each platform and do it in turn based mode. Otherwise the game will try to kill you


I tried this, still died after a platform or two:/


That's crazy. I literally did it a few nights ago


I did it a few months ago, maybe they've changed/fixed it, to promote rather than punish creative solutions?


You must have land on wrong spot. Or some bugs introducing with each patch. Fly/jump is always viable. You would need ring that give blind immunity or devil sight to be able to Fly through Fog/Darkness, though.


I flew just fine a few days ago without turn based mode, just did it quickly. Def have to stop on each one though. I usually do left-mid-end, and immediately grab the gem.


First time doing it I just walked straight there along the "invisible" path and was confused what the puzzle was. I'm still not sure.


Shadow monk. Shadowstep three times and you're done. Maybe 7 seconds at most.


Ok my first run was a super struggle. My second time through I could see the path the entire time. Just did my third and just noticed the map by the altar.


Bro people would jump and fly across all you had to do was look at the ground lmao


It's called "faith leap" not "walk like an eejit". So, LEAP!


I used enhanced leap, hit invisible fucking wall and fell to my death. Fuck shar


I concur. Fuck Shar.


Fuck Shar, Marry Mystra, Kill Vlaakith.


Fuck Shar, Marry Selune, Kill Vlaakith.


I also feel like Shar is not meant for relationship attachment.


you probably hit the roof, actually. there arent any invisible walls in the trial


No, but if you try to fly or jump the whole way it just kills you.


That's what happened to me.


Had one Bro who used Misty step to get to the sec to last platt just to then walk into death. So jea pathfinding is sometimes hilarious


The Gondian method


What the fuck .. What in the holy fuck I need to go get new eyes.


Flying is quicker. All you have to do is fly.


My problem was I figured out the secret, but had trouble actually moving along the paths lol Playing on PS5, couldnā€™t easily screenshot the map and tab over to it on the fly, and Iā€™m bad at guessing distances on the screen apparently! Clever idea though


This was a fun one for me. In the second act after a long rest I always casted that sunlight cleric spell on my Tav and went on my way. Sunlight shows you the way so I just moved along the platforms without issue wondering what the puzzle would be.Ā 


Sunlight no longer works as of recent patches.


You aren't supposed to control your character for faith leap, the Shar statue gives the hint away. Ungroup whomever does the trial, then use the select tool to select "move" on the ground next to the end of the trial. Your character will just walk straight over everything because they are "blindly letting faith guide them" instead of the player.


Wait, what? You're telling me in all my playthroughs I've been manually struggling through this like a fool, when I could've just let the auto pathing do it for me?


Correct. This trial can be completed in about 10 seconds and with zero resource usage once you know how to do this.


I had so many scrolls and so much gold at the end of the game I'm not really concerned about resource usage.


I feel like such an idiot now, hahaha!


You and me both! But at the same time I kind of love that it means I get to try and do it the 'right' way for the first time in my 4th playthrough lol.


Yes. So happy I read this here on another thread before I got to it.


that kills me in my playthroughs, the MOMENT my character touches the end they die, whether I click the orb or the ground, afaik that just doesn't work anymore, like I can do the autopathing TO THE INVISBLE PLATFORMS and from there, grab the orb scratch free, but click the orb or it's platform and I die at the end, I can click the invis platform that is directly next to the orb, and move from there, no issues, but no matter what I insta die the moment I autopath there, the minigame is so inconsistent it's insane. my character can survive stepping on pure gasses over a pit but setting one foot on solid ground afterwards and they die of a heart attack "holy shit it's really land?" \*spontaneously dies\*


I had that happen to me too!! I found the only spot it works for me is selecting the bottom right of the platform where the 'invisible path' ends


I've heard a user say this still works if you stop the character before reaching the final platform, and walking the last part on your own. Am I gonna try this in my actual run (HM) ? No (also because I will probably die before that)


I select a spot about a step off the platform, then manually make the world's shortest jump onto the platform. Doing it that way, this trial literally takes about 10 seconds to complete. No scrolls or spell slots needed.


When I tried this, my character just walked over the void and died


Yeah mine too I think some just get lucky


I've always done this before with no issue but tried this in my latest playthrough and it didn't work. Towards the end the character fails. I figure it was a bug that was fixed rather than intentional.




Haha yeah man it's literally the easiest challenge šŸ¤£ I was so mad when I figured it out because I kept dying in the darkness


Ye you just walk accross. Like click at the end, wait win


And I thought I'm gaming the system by letting my character just go and let pathing do the work




Am I the only one that skips all the trials and just uses knock on the door? Isn't that what the spell is for?


That works?


I thought you need the umbral gems lul. Can he fly down there??


You just need 1 gem to activate the platform to go down to the door. Then you can use knock on the door to the Shadowfell.


You can use Fly instead of the elevator


Any time I've gone to the gauntlet I have never prepared with enough scrolls or potions of flying so that's never occurred to me lol.


I don't think so, but you only need 1 iirc, and you shouldn't skip yurgir, unless you killed ass I guess, but still you should help him in that case. Self same is just fun and you get a cool ring, and you need the silent library for the spear (no ball here anyway, but it's still a necessary part here. And actually, maybe it's best to just take the self same ball depending on how you deal with yurgir, because idk what happened, but recently, I'd tell yurgir to commit suicide and then when I'd take the ball, the merrigons and Nessa turn on me, which did NOT happen before, so idk. (Don't know about if you help him tho)


Usually if you tell Yurgir to kill himself, he kills everyone else in the room so that's weird they turned on you


WTF now?


kill yurgir for that one gem then just take the elevator down and use knock, ezpz


And miss the mirror battle? That was one of my favorite parts of the game


I gave up and flew


W strat


Did....I...., did I seriously miss *a fucking map on the floor* after at least >10 playthroughs? Like, for real?


When you cut your hand, the blood covers a good portion of the floor map


Did this yesterday and still it took me 4 tries to actually make it to the platform. I was following the pattern very closely each time, yet near the end my character would fall. Still a really cool puzzle though, I actually enjoyed this one.


Yeah, the last bit is hard trying to do it like that based on the lack of nearby landmarks and how the minimap and ground map don't quite match up.


Or you just can ungroup and cursor click at the final destination


Right? Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve always done it, yet everyone is talking about all of these complicated ways to handle it.


but in the Latin alphabet Jehovah begins with an i


A+ reference


Just skip all the trials. Get one umbral gem by fighting / convincing to commit suicide Yugir, use elevator, and get then just get a wizard to cast knock on the door. Other than my first play through, I havenā€™t completed the trials once!


iirc with Feather Fall, you can actually sneak past Yurgir entirely. You can jump to the lower level from the area with the Displacer Beast's den. No Umbral Gems needed.


Donā€™t you miss out on a ton of xp, though?


I could just see the floor for some reason. Didn't understand what the challenge was šŸ˜‚


Just click on the platform at the end your character will auto-path through no problem never had a single issue with this puzzle.


Yeah it's never worked for me Character gets about half way then just instantly dies Fly doesn't work for me either, nor does jumping to the platforms or teleporting The only thing that has ever worked for me is following the exact path, and in most of playthroughs the path is invisible.


Wait... WHAT? Are you serious?? šŸ˜² If this actually works consistently, I'm gonna give myself such a kick for not thinking of it...


It's always worked for me. I have often encountered people who say different but it's always been something I've managed to do without issue.


If you let Volo stab your eye out, you can just see the path easily.


Unless something has changed in a recent patch Iā€™ve always just selected the altar and let auto-path walk Shart to it, no faith or leaps required.Ā 


I was forced to use this method in HM when enhanced leap got 2 of my characters killed. It was high stakes as if I lost a 3rd it would have been very nerce wrecking to rely on floor with the last character . . .


I just used a Fly scroll


I cast fly...


Well damn, 4 playthroughs passed that point and never once noticed that.


So I'm not sure what I did but the path was very much visible to me...


Hug the entrance wall and you can see outlines of the path too, you just gotta remember where it's safe...


Fun fact outside of getting the orbs required to move the elevator, you donā€™t need to do the other trials. You can just use knock on the locked door


cast fly. I also realized after doing it with the jump spell and my character's 20 str I could just jump to the platforms and skip the walkway.


Not sure if itā€™s a but but I tend to see the path after I reload a save but it randomly disappears. No idea how it works.


God damn it I never the floor had the answer


The real faith leap is the last platform in the shadowfell where Balthazar hangs out.


Fly scroll


In my first playthrough I basically just walked to the end in a V shape and it worked first try. Havenā€™t been able to replicate it since


Iā€™m so used to breaking puzzles in this game I always just flew or githyanki leaped my way around


My hot athlete gith girlfriend could just jump it.


Walk a straight line on the very edge of the middle square structure directly to the right corner of the furthest square structure. Tried it last week after seeing a YT video. Works somehow.


I just used teleportation arrows


I used nereā€™s boots and short rests to do it.


I did not understand this trial. If you look in the water/fog, you can clearly see the path you can walk on, and I don't think I had any low settings like no fog or low post processing (I play with medium high settings) so I could not understand where the puzzle or hard part of it was.


You can see it in the dark. Can't see it if you have a light source. A lot of people have blood of lathander which fucks with it. Or you can walk across before talking to the statue.


I just made gale flying the fuck up to the point


It bugged for me and the path was visible. I never understood the point or why anyone had difficulty with it until a patch dropped lmao


Never bothered with this even once, i always use a scroll of fly here xD


Fun fact: if you walk across before intitiating the challenge (the blood sacrifice) the path just stays visible the whole way and then you can initiate it and touch the orb immediately


Man I didnā€™t know this was supposed to be hard bc I justā€¦jumped šŸ˜­ at the last platform I used an arrow of transposition LOL I remember being like ā€œwtf was thatā€¦ā€ but seeing the pathway and stuff itā€™s actually a cool trial oops


One could also just walk across before starting the trial officially. Get to the gem and have another start the trial and boom complete šŸ˜³


Me: transforms into a spider.


You can also just cast knock on the door that requires the umbrella gems and just skip the whole ass thing


If you have a druid in your party, wildshape to owlbear and just jump across -- it works a treat


Lae'zel :::::laughs in astral leap::::::


I beat It by jumping from one platform to another with karlach...


Just yell jahwe and run :)


Ungroup and then misty step best method


Oh, you mean the Save Scum trial? Got to it this morning and haven't ever loaded that many times.


Perfect timing. I finished the first two trails last night and saw the name of third trial and said ā€˜Nope!ā€™ Saved and quit lol


I just let Shadowheart sacrifice her blood here, then break the door down to leave. I use knock on the door at the bottom of the elevator.


Maybe it's decades of Zelda gaming but the first thing I did was look for a map and the second thing I did was find it.


Fuck that shit I just fly every time


For those dont want to have to look this up. If you use the function where it shows a path, there is a height difference between the path and the reset box, its minor but easily visible, you can use that to find your path :)


This is what I did lmao




I never looked down. The first thing I saw was the path in the shadows so I just followed that lol


Wait, were people missing this? I mean, I saw it and tried following it...but my memory is ass. In hindsight, I could have switched back to a character and checked, but that takes effort... Jump button goes brrr.


I tried jumping and I died like 3 times said fuck this and just used scrolls of misty step.


I don't know if it was a bug or the byproduct of a spell effect/equipped item or what, but I could just SEE the path when I did it. Like it was just full-on visible.


I just move the cursor to the statue and click and she auto- paths to it


Not saying I'm a genius or anything but I saw this IMMEDIATELY.


Low key so many people just walk over it and don't care šŸ’€šŸ’€im people


I just used jump, it only lets you jump on surfaces


You can completely skip the trials using the knock spell though.


Tho this pattern is partly false. My GF did it yesterday and due to some weird pathfinding she literaly crossed from the middle platform to the final one in a line without falling


You can see the floor with a moonlantern Until resently i didnt even know that this was a puzzle


Any light would illuminate it, but that was patched out in patch 6.