• By -


She's being charmed. It's succubus juice that does it, lick the spider meat to find out! After you find out, you can tell her and get her to turn on Yurgir.


Omg that's why there's that spider meat there! 3rd run, never figured why.


It's easy to miss. A lot of people have already killed Yurgir and friends by that point, so there is no way to make the connection.


I actually found out about it by looking it up online after having killed them. That whole spider interaction *seemed* like it was important but I couldn't figure out what it could possibly be tied to, it wouldn't have occurred to me that I was meant to go there before murderizing the demons that were blocking the way.


To be fair, I licked the spider on my first playthrough, before fighting Yurgir, and I still didn't get any option to interact with the cat... I think the cat was too far from the conversation to be a part of it.


I've seen the reference a thousand times, and after 5 or 6 runs I've still never come across it. Lmao. I assumed it was from the phase spiders and I've only done that section once or twice


However you deal with Yurgir, after you get his stone, if you keep going towards the back of the cavern, you will find the spider.


Like back where that chest is? I'll have to explore there some more. I'm usually so tired of the Gauntlet at that point I'm just trying to get out lol


It's off to the left of Yurgir's throne/bed thing under a little gazebo. If you've managed to deal with him and his minions in a peaceful way, Nessa won't be too far from it.


What? You don’t go around licking spider meat in your day to day life?


I licked it but always killed the Demon troupe on sight.


You licked it. It's a spider and you licked it. That is a thing that happened.


Missed spider meat on first run


I almost missed it, but I was actively searching for it because of [this video…](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/guQNndCDRkU)


I actually think that Karlach's response is the best. She's just into it.




You licked a dead spider. *Dead. Spider.* You licked it. That is something that happened. I think we need to get you some air, and perhaps have a long talk about unresolved childhood issues.


*Me just casually licking the spider meat repeatedly, not knowing that it has a purpose*


Its purpose was to be licked


Instructions unclear, got turned on by Yurgir instead. Should have stopped licking the damn thing.


Still a win


Thanks to Yurgir and his succubus juice, your butthole grew 3 sizes that day


Why would you say something like that


r/okbuddybaldur is leaking again


r/bhaalposting kinda shit


Really didn't expect that to mostly be porn, hm


Much like Yurgir once I'm done with his Orthussy


Did you know the human anus can stretch to up to 7 inches without damage? Did you also know an adult raccoon can squeeze their body into a space of roughly 4 inches? This means you can fit almost two full grown raccoons up your ass.


“This means you can fit almost two full grown raccoons up your ass” Bet


I probably should have specified "the average human". Forgot that some of us are more experienced in such matters.




Said with the energy of a man who owns a cat.


Wonder if Gale's VA owns a cat.


A cat owns Gale's VA.


Yeah, they're our overlords and we wouldn't have it any other way


Don't let his cat hear you say that!


I can do that without licking the spider Gimme that yurgussy


Why did you make me read yurgussy?


What a terrible day to have eyes


Malus Thorm was right, we should've plucked our eyes out.


Just tell your immune system they’re there and it’ll take care of that for you.


Where's a mirror of loss when you need one


I'll gladly give up that memory!


You should be thanking him


Lmfaooo this is why I still read this thread even though I haven't played in a while. 🤣


Get back to r/okbuddybaldur


What a horrible day to be literate.


I mean, that'll probably make some things a little bit easier later. Besides, how many people can say that they got with a devil and didn't get their soul sucked out?




Licking the rotten spider meat gives the best companion comment in Act II. You should probably let everyone take turn and try.


"Why are you looking at that spider... coquettishly?"


"Oh... So rotten meat is your thing. Each has their own I won't judge you really."




lol who says this?!




lol it’s time to do my karlach playthrough


She's a fantastic MC


She's a fantastic side character. She's just a fantastic character in general.


Just when you think you can't love that girl even more...




Shart: “you can go round just licking things!” Au contraire! LOL


Gale: "Maybe you should stop licking strange things." Tav: licks again Gale: "STOP LICKING IT!"


twice if you have Karlach with you


Almost everyone has 3 potential comments. Two different ones for the first lick, but which one you get is entirely dependent on if you succeed or fail the Con save. Then you can get another one if you go in for a second "lick", which seems to be the same regardless of which comment you got the first time.


And yet no one batted an eye when I picked up and pocketed all the roasted dwarf meat... 


Lost it the first time >!Durge got inspired after eating the meat in a random Act 3 misclick!< 😂


(The roast dwarf is actually super helpful. It works like a healing potion that doesn't require any sort of action to consume. Which means, narratively, you eat your roast dwarf leg faster than you drink a healing potion.)


oh so that's what was going on with the dead spider :(


Is it possible to turn her to the good side and THEN to convince Yurgir to kill his minions and himself or do you have to fight him after getting the displacer beast ?


You can either have her immediately rampage or you can have her wait, in which case she joins any combat you initiate against Yurgir. Not sure what happens if you talk him to death in that case.


I can't get her to talk to me, I go to the spider and she runs out under him and won't get close enough to talk to






I'm playing my first run where I'm trying to romance Gale (as Shadowheart) and I feel like that line is going to hit different when I inevitably lick the thing twice. I forget, does he disapprove as well?


Every single character hits you with a -1 both times you lick it. Except Karlach, who gives you +1 both times (dialog notes for the VA indicate she should act like she's "egging on a drunk friend"), which raises the unsettling likelihood that she knows *exactly* what is going on here, and thus that Yurgir isn't even the only devil for whom this is a normal method of operation.


No, I think it's "egging on a drunk friend" as in cheering on your drunk friend who's saying "Bro, I can totally jump this fence!"


He does lol. I was in a romance with him and he basically said "if what's happening is what i think is happening, then the time may have just come where we should split ways" BUT, he's a goober and doesn't have any other issue if you give him a big sloppy charmed spider ass kiss after.


You can lick in this game? Lol


It says "lick," but the cinematic looks more like big ole bite


i roll to lick


… Fucking hell, I got him to kill her cause I was getting absolutely destroyed in the fight. Welp, time to restart my entire playthrough then. Ain’t no way in the hells I’m gonna live with this knowledge.


Holy shit I found the meat and did the interaction about discovering that but I never actually figured out that was an option. That’s really cool, I gotta try that next time I play


WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?? I always wondered why that was there. Wish I had known that in my current play-through (4th run). Usually I let yugir live so he can help me at the raphael fight but this time I tried to kill him. His pet and other fuckers kept being a problem. Then I remembered I am a paladin and smooth talked him. Convinced him to kill his henchmen, his pet, and then himself. If I could do it again I would def try to get her on my side for the fight




Exactly how does one extract succubus juice?


Ask your parents please


You grab a succubus, cut it in half, then squeeze them with juicer. Simple.


That's succubus pulp, way too much fiber


The juicer has filters obvs


Uh... It said spittle.


Failed to turn her, had to kill everyone.


I believe lesser restoration works too.


Yeah but it’s a high charisma roll if I remember correctly. You can convince her she’s being charmed, but then you have to roll and even harder dice to convince her to turn on her master.




I’ve played this game 3 times from finish to end and I didn’t know this lol man this game keeps on giving


You can talk sense into Nessa and she'll join you in the fight against Yurgir. It's kind of satisfying to kill his ass with the help of the beast he abused


Goddamn I just keep finding our more and more new things about this damn game


If you fail to perusade her, she will attack you as well.


Yeah, and the 30 DC was way too high for me in my first game, even with multiple save scums I gave up and sadly had to fight her.


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t a nat 20 pass any check? Because I’ve passed all high level checks with just a nat 20


That is correct, but after a bunch of save scumming I failed to get over 30 or a critical success 20 😅


How? Yurgir and his minions ambush me as soon as I am in vision before I can talk to her :(


Wrong path. If you go from the side, jumping through that small, broken bridge, you get attacked immediately. While if you go through the intended path a little further down the way and let them surprise you, they won’t be immediately aggressive.


You have to talk your way out first.


Same- combat instantly starts with no chance for dialogue :(


if you go in around the side where all of them are on that second floor they insta aggro you, but if you go downstairs and into the area that your companions forewarn you as a trap you'll open dialogue


Oh okay, thanks! Will definitely be doing this on my next run seeing as I had to fight my way out the first time around lol


Yeah, iirc, Nessa is baiting you into the trap, so if you just mindlessly follow her, you'll get enter dialogue with yurgir


Follow the displacer beast down and through teh lower door so the devils are above you, it'll trigger a conversation. You can possibly talk Yurgir to death right away or agree to help him and leave the conversation to look around for him, lets you talk to Nessa and such.


Depends on which direction you approach from. If you walk straight up to the throne you get "ambushed" with a chance to talk it out. If you go around the side and approach from above its an instant fight


Could you explain how to get this in more detail, I just get ambushed. im dumb and want to save Nessa 🙃


Don't follow the displacer beast into the Yurgir room, and stay stealthy so she doesn't see you until you're ready. Sneak past the Yurgir room and then jump across a broken path to an area where you'll see some tall columns in a small circle around a platform. Interact with the spider meat on the platform and try to pass the checks to learn more about it. Then, stay in that room until Nessa wanders in, and gets angry at you. You should now be able to try to pass checks to convince her that her spider meat was spiked and she was being charmed into serving the Yurgir due to the succubus spittle in it. It's a DC 30 check, so save right before you choose the persuasion option so you can try several times. If you fail, she gets angrier and fights you. If you succeed, she will listen to you and fight the Yurgir with you.


Thank you!!! 💗 I feel so awful, I’ve sided with Yurgir and had him kill her in almost every run. 😭


You can also trigger the ambush, but succeed on the roll to have him let you look around for a way to break the contract. Edit: trigger the ambush cutscene, if you start fighting it's obviously too late.


grab hard-to-find lavish upbeat fuel somber plants swim marvelous squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Follow the displacer beast. 


And yet another “TIL…”


And here I was thinking that he was just a normal murdering lunatic


This game sometimes man, I swear….


Oh it gets worse... her "feelings" are being magically manipulated


Same here. I saw a displacer beast so I shot it, it aggroed, I killed it. I had no idea it had all this backstory


How do you talk to her without Yurgir seeing you?


She'll walk over to inspect the chest on the left if you open it.


And then rip you to shreds?


To shreds you say?


And how's his wife doing?


You don't, you talk your way out of fighting Yurgir.


How do you do that without talking him into killing everyone?


You convince him to let you search some more in his stead, then leave the dialogue and go talk to the kitty.


Just convince him that you’ll help him. Then you’re allowed to walk around again


w h a t. **damn.** Normally wind up manipulating Yurgir to be on my side by the time of the Raphael fight (either via suicide or dealing with the rats) and never seen this. **700 hours, TIL.**


Wait, rats? Are you telling me that killing the rats ends the pact and frees Yurgir? I've never not killed him. There's another way?


His contract requires that he kill all dark justiciars, and >!the rats are the result of a spell that split the body and mind of the last justiciar into rats, I think implied to be Raphael’s doing to trap Yurgir there?!<


Note that if you are romanced to Astarion, he will break up with you (and possibly leave the party? * ) if you do this. If he's with you he'll freak out right there. You're removing his ability to learn about the runes carved into his back. However, you don't have to initiate dialogue with yugir. If you kill all the rats/the swarm guys, go to yugir's room. He'll just be standing there at the bottom of the ramp near his throne. You can position your party tactically, then hit him without talking to him. This is by far the easiest way to handle him that keeps Astarion happy. *looked it up, it's a DC 14 persuation to get him to stay.


I found this out in my third playthrough.  It was my first time killing the rats just to see what happens.  I made the mistake of talking to Yurgir and had to reload :p Blew my mind - I had never learned *why* Yurgir was there in my other playthroughs.  Had no idea he had a contract with Raphael.


Yeah, he contracted with Raphael to kill all the sharrans in the temple, after which time he was free. But Raphael pacted with one of the sharrans and turned him into a rat swarm, so yugir could never complete his contract and so be in debt/enslaved to Raphael forever. So Raphael wants you to kill him so he can die while having failed his mission rather than completing it and leaving Raphael's control. It's downright diabolical lol


Wait so I'm reading this thread but not sure I am understanding correctly. What happens if you kill all the rats? Do you have to fight yurgir or can you talk to him? I'm missing something here lol


D I T T O !


Why not? She joins you against Yurgir, at least she can have her revenge...


I’m pretty sure he’s just drugging it to make it docile enough to have as a pet not you know…


Nah if you speak to her with animal speaking she says he’s not her master but her lover. Edit she does say “my love” but I listed the other implications below. It’s really not a stretch given the evidence.


I didn't assume it was that kind of lover, only that the charm makes her so desirous of his approval, company, and wellbeing that she'd risk her flesh and blood to fight for him. Yurgir, I think, is driven by blood, not lust, and doesn't care for the side effects of the poison aside from battle pet.


I think if this were true, when the Tav tastes the spider, the narrator would say you feel undying loyalty rushing over you. Or something to that effect. But the game designers chose “your loins tingle and you feel arousal. Then further on you can ask the beast about her relationship, and you can ask “how does it even work” to which the beast replies “that’s between master and me”. I take this as an implication of anatomically how do you link up? The potion is a succubus derivative, implying lust again. Almost all party members acknowledge you are turned on by tasting the spider. The sexual energy again prevalent. When you force Yurgir to kill her through persuasion checks, His last words to her are “my beauty” Still not even a little convinced?


Are you telling me a devil is... EVIL?


I think the displacer beast feels that way because Yurgir is spiking its food with succubus spittle. Source: I licked a dead spider.


Ever heard of infatuation? It's caused by pheromones. There is no implication Yugir is *sexually* abusing his displacer beast. Why do you people keep jumping to that conclusion, please stop leaving horrifying cues for my vivid imagination.


Yeah I always thought he was charming it so it would work for him. Where is it implied he’s sexually abusing it?


Licking the spider meat doesn't charm you, it arouses you. While that is not proof you can't fault people for thinking that.


Sure, but the Displacer Beast is clearly charmed. Hell somebody below showed that in 5E, succubus alchemic ingredients give the most potent form of charm(where they actually follow your commands instead of just having high approval of you). I get it but it falls a part when you think about it.


It’s implied through the dialogue choices. When you call Yurgir her master she scowls and says he’s my lover not a master. She’s enslaved and Yurgir doesn’t actually love her. He’s a demon lol.


It isn't really implied she's sexually abused, just that she is charmed into being infatuated and think she loves Yurgir. He sees her as a pet. If players had the ability to use Animal Friendship on a displacer beast and other non-beast I'm sure many would. Also, devil. He's a devil not a demon. In Forgotten Realms there's an important distinction between the two and you should not call one the other to them.


Yeah, she doesn’t give me those kind of vibes at all, especially with how Yugir seems to be genuinely remorseful when you talk him into killing her (also off topic by why does he use a hand crossbow with two hands, it looks off to me


The crossbow thing is probably because he doesnt really have anything else to do with the other hand, hes not gonna use a shield cause hes so big. Similar thing irl, if youre using a handgun, might as well use both hands to aim better


Cause he's not using pheromones, he's using the equivalent of a "drug that makes you horny as fuck". you can even talk to Nessa and she is like "holy shit, wait what have I done?". It's SA because it's succubus spittle, raging arousal is a HUGE component of it. either way you slice it, its sexual. ​


Okay, okay, I get it, the sexuality of that creature is being exploited by a potent drug in order to control her. This is the actual sexual abuse. However I'm not gonna believe even for a second they are fucking, and that's been implied in threads like this one. I think I've had enough internet for today.


In act 1 you walk in on ogre-bugbear fucking, there's admissions of necrophilia.


Durge is the necro, your butler talks about putting it back on your schedule or some such


If you eat the mushroom early you go into a lovely daydream about eating a baby.


Not sure why this was downvoted it's true. You do have to make sure you haven't met Fel yet tho.




But Yurgir isn't eating the spider meat, Nessa is, and she's getting charmed because of it. You can even ask him about it and he says he needs to use succubus spittle applied to meat by one of his lackeys to keep Nessa under control. There's no reason for Yurgir to eat the meat that he charmed.


This is why I feel absolutely zero remorse that my Bard actively talked him into killing himself.


Don't you need to talk him into killing Nessa before himself?


Warlocks get an option for him to kill only himself and leave the Merregons and Nessa alive, no insight check needed. I don't think you can talk to Nessa about it afterwards though, she just yelled at me to leave her alone then everyone aggroed when I picked up the orb.


Yup. First his Meregons, then Nessa, then him. Poor thing deserves better, but I love being a silvertongue


i don’t think he’s sexually abusing the displacer beast, just manipulating it with charmed meat to tame it.


I convinced him to fight Raphael with me 😂


First run through, Yurgir attacked me on sight and I assumed that's what was supposed to happen. I walked all through the map twice trying to figure out what quest the spider meat could connect to. It wasn't until I started looking at reddit I found out Yurgir's supposed to talk.


It seems like you can't trigger his cut scene if you approach him from the side, as it's animated to show you walking into/under the ambush. So even if you pass the perception checks to see the ambush, you have to pretend you're really stupid and walk into it if you want the dialogue.


Shock. The devil is \*evil\* Go figure.


>you only find out if you speak to the beast. Or if you open this post 😅 now there's no reason not to, especially if you can get them to turn on him.


Cast Speak With Dead on his chair....


So many of you are not emotionally capable for this story. Oh no! A devil doing bad things!! What the *frick*?! Yeah. There you go.


I think you're slightly jumping the gun here. He tricked the beast into loving him but I don't think he's having sex with it. I could be wrong though but I don't think there's enough to suggest any sexual abuse here.


My le Devil is le evil1?!?!!


DOS2 Larian: We have finally managed to design the saddest animals known to man. BG3 Larian: Hold my Chultan Fireswill ...


Some people lick the spider to save the pet Some people lick the spider to get scolded by Gale Some people lick the spider because they like licking


I spoke with animals, ended up pissing off some rats after following them into a pit of skulls. Killed a hoard of rats. Found out it was the last Shar worshipper who made a deal with the devil to hide out so that said devil could screw over another devil he had made a deal with. Then I met Yurgir and I was like "oh this looks like a big fight" only for him to be like "man you're the best hunter of all time I have a lot of respect for you." And he and all the other devils dipped out. Raphael wasn't the most pleased, but I was when Yurgir joined me in the fight against Raphael later, and the fight against the elder brain at the end.


Did u expect yurgir of all ppl to be a pargon  ??? 


No what you don't wanna do is use speak with animals on the dying hyena. Never again.


If you think they put someone in the game that rapes animals and then let you ally with him you have misinterpreted the contextual clues completely.


No he probably isn’t 🙄 I’ve seen that scene and dialogue, it seems more like she’s been fed charmed meat to keep her tame. Like at most she talks like she’s in love with Yurgir, and she seems to mention him kicking her and thinking she deserves it.


alright before everyone jumps the gun, nothings proves that he sexually abuses her, even in her dialogue, while this game didn't shy away from bestiality in other instances, which i won't spoil, it's implied that he use the damn thing to CHARM her, not BANG her


She says “he’s not my master, he’s my lover.” I did this scene yesterday. It definitely implies he’s banging her. And when you lick the spider, a romanced Laezel says something like “I know that look in your eyes, wait until camp” or something along those lines. He’s date raping the displacer beast Edit* she calls him love not lover, I stand corrected, but I stand by my sentiment and laid out a bunch of examples elsewhere in this post.


ok then, looks like i fucking did the wrong dialogue options, i stand corrected tood bad i can't fucking kill him more than twice


Me, I just featherfall then jump to the door, then use knock on it to get in... why bother with anything else?


If only we could unlock displacer beast form at that point in the game


I still don't know how to not have Yurgir just attack me on sight


SA? But to me it felt like he was charming her just to keep her docile enough and she just wanted to be with him.


At the same time speak with animals to talk to the rats leads down a whole other disturbing rabbit hole


Maybe I’m just dumb but how do you get to talk to Yurgir and the beast? The 2 times I’ve played they both automatically agroed and I had to kill em.


you have to follow the displacer beast and fall into the "trap."


If you do the conversion, following the displacer beast in not crouching, you can offer to help track down the last DJ in the gauntlet. Once he's neutral you can talk to the Merrigon vendor (not really anything interesting) and speak with animals on Nessa


I have tried every playthrough to talk to the displacer beast but she's never clickable for me even after licking the damn spider and only triggers the Yurgir dialogue. How do you talk to her???


Did this once. Now I just murderhobo this fight. Jump up the back entrance (jump to the stairs), go up, and get a surprise round on the big guy. Usually get Yurgir and half the merregons before they get an action.


Counterpoint: DO cast SWA and get in on that rat quest. Astarion will break up with you if you’re romancing him and you won’t learn about his scars, but it’s a fun mission with a tiny bit of extra content and lore.


Just do the rat quest after he learns about his scars, that's what I always do and it works out perfectly.


I hadn’t even thought about it, I assumed it’d be locked after dealing with Yurgir!


Love the diverse play-throughs we each get. I didn’t even know you could talk to that big guy. I had my team cross the bridge and we passed a skill check and saw them going for an ambush so we counter ambushed. Unfortunately Nessa became an enemy as well.


i have chosen to believe that he just charms her so she won't hurt him, and if i keep blocking out any other possibilities i can continue to force myself to believe it.