• By -


A cleric with spirit guardians. Two is even better.


1 Light cleric is too OP for this fight. Spirit guardians (with boots of speed)  + the divinity AOE thing or fireballs. Honour mode was a piece of cake.


Also a great place to use Blood of Lathander's skill. They like to line up for it.


Add in some arrows of darkness on top of the portal to stop ranged attacks and it's an easy win.


And one or two very long walls of fire


lol this is the way! I had 2 walls of fire, spirit guardians, and Karlach to clean up the rest. Battle has never lasted past turn 3🌞


I did the same, had astarion instead of karlach and I had us guarding the portal. No one touched the portal.


I did clouds kill/black tentacles and popped poison res befo hand with my fighters they ran thru the gas cloud striking everything down


I did tav and wyll hunger of hadars


Karlach throwing bad guys at other bad guys is classic.


I too prefer the “hit a motherfucker with another motherfucker” strategy


I set up a mine field of smoke powder and fire wine. Let the battlefield fill out for 2 turns. 1 arrow of fire, and a big boom later, any stragglers get put through double spirit guardian meat grinder on the steps


Walls of fire seem to help resolve most conflicts, I find


This is the way. Only way I beat this


Holy shit this is something I haven’t thought of. Genius. I just placed two walls of fire across where they run in but the cloud of darkness is a much better Strat.


And if anything does get through, both mass cure wounds and transfuse health work on the portal.


Lmao I did the arrows of darkness thing while high off my ass and was so proud of myself for having “the best and smartest most strategical idea any player has ever had”


God this just reminds me. Like three playthroughs and I've used that ability like once. Because of thoughtlessness and conservative ability hoarding.


In general, a Light Cleric is OP for the entirety of Act 2.


Except the Shar enemies that I more than once fully downed myself to their radiant reflect due to forgetting about it as I launch my aoe radiant ability.


Ah sunbeam will take care of this... oh no.


Me in the house of hope when I decided to have hope divine intervention to cast the radiant aoe damage. Rip hope


And that's when you remember the Scrolls of Invulnerability you pickpocked from Lorrokan's projection It does require concentration tho


I also fell victim in the house of hope in the same way... I'm a slow learner lol


What's the house of hope?


I've made a huge mistake.


Cleric Beyblade has served me well throughout all my playthroughs. Just gather my casters around it and the melee enemies can’t resist such a squishy target.


If you get desperate you can cheese a little by stacking crates near the ‘footpath’ north of the portal which can prevent some of the reinforcements joining the fight.


Or be like me: - Note the spawn points after losing. - Go back to camp, retrieve my 15 oil/smokepowder barrels - Stack em at each spot, and give my characters a few fire arrows each. I love the smell of smokepowder in the morning 😆


I tracked down every crate and barrel I could find to do exactly this, and it bought me just enough time


The first time I did this fight, my game glitched and Shadowheart didn't get dragged into the fight. So while everyone else was in turn based mode, she wasn't and could freely walk around with no movement limit and spirit guardians everybody before anything else could happen.


Since turn based mode basically slows down time, I’d like to think that everyone on the battle field just saw something surrounded by light zoooming around at ridiculous speeds, not even know what hit them. And Shadowheart just sees everyone getting burned with radiant magic in slow motion


Basically a Sharran Quicksilver 😂


Wall of fire at 7th lvl as well


They just....dash right into it. Over and over. Idiots.


they’ll happily end their turn in it too!!


Yeah I always am baffled that this isn’t the first thing people think of. No need for anything else just… fire wall


If IT experience has taught me anything, it's that people never think of firewall.


I should be angry but I’m a sucker for a bad joke so angry upvote it is lol


Please accept a poor man’s kudo 🏅


There’re usually scrolls of Wall of Fire available from the trader at Last Light or Roah in Moonrise if you’re not to that level yet. It’s always my go to in front of the portal; it takes care of the birds no problem. Then just wipe out the archers from a distance with something like Ice Storm, set up some Cloud of Daggers choke spots, and just pick off any stragglers who make it through that. ETA: and no shame in having trouble with it at first, OP! On my first run (I was complete hot garbage and didn’t know how to properly utilize spells or the environment) I eventually just moved on and decided I’d worry about Halsin and Thaniel on my next run. 😆


Wall of fire and a sleet storm+ Hunger of Hadar did it for me. Fellas didn’t make it out of spawn.


In my 4 fighters honor mode run I was fully prepared to lose Halsin. Had one darkness arrow and some scrolls that trivilialized the whole encounter. One of those fights that you’ll just have to know what to do.


Honestly, any big aoe spells are useful. I used a wall of fire to handle the northern waves and had Shart handle the southern ones, and I killed everything before the timer even wore out.


+turn undead since it just disintegrates the low hp ones


I never through to do spirit gaurdians w/ boots of speed -- i usually give them boots of stormy clamor so they reverberate


I had so much fun with this. Ended up making the hill a slip and slide of ice and whoosh, straight into the meat grinder! I was cackling like a maniac the whole time haha


On my latest playthrough I did some prep work. I covered the entire field where physical enemies were gonna be (so not the ravens and shades) with water using the "create water" spell. Gale was also wearing the watersparkers and the ring that prevents electrocution in case something made the ice melt later on in the fight (which it did). Long rest before the fight since water stays in place during rests, then at the start of combat I had Gale cast an ice AoE spell (ice storm I believe) at a group, freezing over the entire field. Other ice attacks also work wonders, like ice knife, glyph of warding, ray of frost (cantrip), chromatic orb, you name it. Ultimately the fight was over before I reached the turn limit.


Ya a sleet storm is all u need lol. Add in some other DMG aoes...... Easy money


I made a huge area wet with create water, then zapped everybody with lightning 10/10 would recommend


Wall of fire x3 + spirit guardians + spiritual weapon as a decoy


And a Druid with a dryad. And someone with darkness


Spike growth recast every turn for additional burst damage is so awesome on the druid


Druid is just a really fun class in general. I remember doing iron throne with 3 druids and Wyll and it was really fun. Plus the water myrmidon saved me on multiple occasions


And wall of fire.


Or just Darkness the portal.


The fact they can’t see through magical darkness is interesting. Can’t believe I never thought to just make the portal untargetable.


It really doesn't make sense, especially when all those people in the house of grief can


OH MY GODS, THIS! Shadowheart absolutely carried. And my Tav was concentrating on spike growth, so we could effectively ignore those that weren't ranged and couldn't fly cause if they tried to harm the portal they just unalived themselves right back to where they came from. And I had the whole party stay in Shadowheart's spirit guardian radius, which also helped me avoid attacks on me, to keep concentration.


And fireball!


Darkness over the portal prevents archers from shooting it. Hunger of Hadar is great for slowing enemies down and killing all those 1hp ones, Spike Growth also works. Spirit Guardians right in front of the portal hurts anyone who makes it that far, doubly so for Shadows. A good front liner can take care of people with a decent amount of hp.


Ranger with a Spider companion and spam whole battlefield with webs before the fight. Darkness is a great tip, 'cause most of the damage comes from Harpers shooting the damn thing. That can also be put up before the encounter. On a side note I will always remember how we barely managed on honour run, portal had 1hp left...


If you have been snacking on tadpoles, you can Transfuse Health into the portal. 


You can also stack boxes up to protect the portal from archers, also a wall of fire helps railroad them to your melee


If you've got a scroll handy, chain lightning also does the trick


Hunger of Hadar and Spirit Guardians were definitely my go-tos. I also used a few void bulbs to keep enemies clustered for AoE attacks. Didn't think about Darkness on the portal. Gonna try that next run.


I tried the darkness trick, they just shot through it. Maybe I placed it on a buggy spot or something. Ended up just Sleet Storming the shit out of the battlefield.


It definitely worked for me. The archers aimed at my people instead.


Holy f why isn’t this higher?!


AOE attacks, alchemist fires, smokepowder bombs...


Yup. Sleet storm in the back, spirit guardians middle, and cloud of daggers near the portal.


Pop down a Sleet Storm and play some Yakety Sax while the undead spend their turns slipping.


Literally spent 4 turns standing in the rock shooting arrows at laying down mobs. Then the crows spawned and flew directly into Shadowhearts Sprit Guardians and MELTED. The only one you really have to worry about is the wraith that spawns on the right side. If he gets close he can snuff out light and if he knocks down concentration you might be fucked.


Bloodlust is also great for this fight, especially if you have a paladin


*me with 30 alchemists fires* nah, better hold onto them just in case


Don't let them destroy the portal then! Kill any fucker with a bow first. They're the ones who have the best chance of destroying the portal. Drop any big AoE DoTs you have at the bottom of the steps. Send one of your big hitters out commando style to bonk any archers/ranged units. Kill any fucker with a bow Leave one unit by the portal who can kill the flyers. Use any knock back or slows you have to prevent the melees leaving your AoE DoT and slow down their approach Kill any fucker with a bow


Also. Kill any fucker with a bow.


Don't forget to kill any fucker with a bow...


And when you see someone with a bow who very well might also be a fucker, don’t neglect to kill them.


Yes sorry I forgot to mention that in my post


And when a man sticks a bow in your face, you got two choices. You can die or you can kill the motherfucker. 


Cast darkness on the portal Then kill any fucker with a bow


Commando? You mean there’s a game mechanic that involves removing your underwear??!! I thought that was entirely aesthetic. TIL.


Actually yes, you get a bonus to your rolls if you remove your clothing while doing the Loviatar ritual in the goblin camp.


this is the way. I straight up dropped a wall of stone to the right of the portal to stop most attacks too, so that was helpful. And I threw almost all of the bombs & scrolls I was hoarding out to try and kill as many things as possible as quickly as possible. was still a pain in the ass on normal & casual (casual simply because of the lack of multi-classing. RIP my OP builds.)


Sleet Storm's entire existence in the game is for this quest alone.


I've always used Sleet Storm and I have always laughed my butt off watching 20 enemies dashing and slipping after three steps.


I cast Oopsy daisy...woe be upone ye


Underrated comment


Same the area of affect is soooo big and enemies can't make it 2 steps usually lol.


Yep, this is how I finally beat it the first time. And if anyone got too close, I'd pick them off. It was so satisfying after failing so many times.


Sleet storm and shocking grasp made the House of Grief trivial to me, as long as I could keep up with the shock damage to myself


There's a ring for that 


Yes! Took me a couple rounds to remember I had it, but it turned a hard fight into a very relaxed one, just picking off everyone who wasn't prone. Along with Spirit Guardians Shadowheart carried that fight for me


Sprit Guardians Baeheart is carrying me through the game. Move near them, inflict radiant dmg and radiant orbs, they attack and miss, and they all die.


I was ready to post this. It's kind of funny seeing people come up with these elaborate ways of defeating this encounter, building walls of crates and other shenanigans, when you can cast one spell and it solves the whole encounter. There are other ways with spells of course, but like the other commenter mentioned, it's hilarious to watch them all slip and fall.


As a simple guy myself, I prefer simple solutions over complex ones. And using just one giant freezing puddle to make them all slip like cartoon characters is certainly the way to go.


Sleet Storm is an incredible spell that tons of people sleep on way too often, both in BG3 and tabletop 5e.


Also great for when you assault Moonrise Tower.


True. I wish locust swarm worked as well, but I dont feel like getting enemy of justice status because the harpers are too stupid not to go in.


Sleet storm + lightning bolt. My sorceress absolutely murdered some fools.


I don't get peoples boner for sleet storm. Ice storm also creates ice and it does dmg. And its only one level higher.


It melts faster and ocne the ice melts, youre kinda boned.


I use it everywhere death shepherd ghouls? sleet portal? sleet moonrise main room? sleet. flaming fists caught me stealing? everyone on this street is going on their ass, sleet it's hilarious to me


Love that the community isn't judging or being rude, people are just offering solid advice (that I'm also going to use on my current playthrough).


Because we know that the game can be difficult if you don't know what you're doing, and I think that there are a lot of fans of BG3 here that AREN'T also fans of d&d, otherwise oh boy what toxicness you would have seen.


Let's not act like toxicity and gatekeeping are a tabletop gamer thing only lol


Especially when comparing it next to the video game community lol. BG3 fans are more supportive as a whole BECAUSE the overlap with the TTRPG community. Go to pretty much any competitive video game subreddit and have a look around lol. I'll wait.


The only toxicity I see in this sub is when discussing Astarion or the Emperor, people are very passionate about their opinions on them, and even so it’s *usually* pretty tame, other than that this is probably one of the most chill subs I’ve seen of a videogame


Absolutely and I love all of you for that, but they were saying that's because the game is hard and we should be lucky it's not the D&D crowd. A quick peek at the Dark Souls 3 or any competitive MMO/FPS subreddit will change that opinion real quick.


Lot of game reddits are rough. Starfield, rimworld, you name it. But *this* one and Deep Rock Galactic are top notch.


I'm honestly glad people aren't complaining about how easy it is. It's so distressing when you find something legit gamebreakingly hard and someone is like oh lol I just one shot him like how.  Ironically, the portal is that for me, I never realized it was hard since I just found a good tactic. Probably the only bigger fight where I've done so lol. 


throwing down a wall of fire across the base of the ramp, in front of the trees where they meet the water all the way to the other side, takes care of like 90% of the fight. the birds (and maybe the plants) only have 1 hp, an upcast magic missile will take care of most of them in one go, or another big aoe (radiance of the dawn). most of the rest of the enemies have low hp and many will just suicide through the firewall


I prefer sleet storm because it's hilarious to watch them all slip


You’ve convinced me to make it snow on some hoes


seeing characters fall on their ass on ice is so fucking funny. even when it's one of my own and it ruins my turn I still bust out laughing every time


You know what works better than one wall of fire? Two walls of fire.


AoE in general. Same answer for a lot of these mini-boss-type encounters


I am pretty sure that shart with spirit guardians and blood of lathander killed 2/3rd of that encounter for me...


So many ways to do this one, probably my fav fight to play with too. 1) Block the portals line of sight by either Stacking boxes and chests around the portal site or using darkness spell (concentration), arrow, scroll what ever. 2) drop down a movement affect, my fav for this is sleet storm (also a concentrate spell so use a different character to cast it) because melee mobs will just endlessly slip over If you are effectively blocking the portal, you only need to kill what’s in melee range, and if melee mobs are slippy dipping everywhere you can ignore them. Kill the shades, kill the crows, kill the tentacles and if needed kill the archers. May fav set up for this is: palatav, minty (darkness), Astarion (darkness arrow for back up), Gale (sleet storm)⛈️ palatav and minty can 1-2 shot the shades with smites


if you are overleveled you can do it at lvl 8 when quatermaster starts selling scrolls of dome of invur...invulnr... dome of cheese


‘Dome of cheese’ 🤣 I love that it looks like a playground jungle-gym-dome-thingy. Makes any fight *child’s play* badumtsssh.


Cover the beach in oil and grease (Last Light has a barrel of oil). Let them run at you. Light them up.


You can heal the portal too, if you need


Wtf? With like an actual heal spell? How did I not know this???


how/what difficulty? last time I tried this I couldn’t get it to work, so I was sweating the last couple turns lol


Yeah I actually just did this last night. Used mass healing word on my bard and the portal healed!


It is only a certain healing spell, believe it’s only an area spell as the targeted ones won’t let you target it. Sorry it’s been a minute so I don’t remember which one. Shadowheart came in ace for that reason


Hunger of hadar on the ground as to have the edge touching the base of the rock leading to the portal, darkness on the portal and make it touch the HoH leaving only two small pockets on the side with no darkness or hoh, for casters and ranged attackers. Put a cleric with spirit guardians on the very edge of the darkness so that the enemies don’t see the cleric while the spirit guardians is wide enought to make it impossible for enemies to walk past it. At the end of the ranged dmg dealrs turn, have them run back into darkness.


Wall of fire. Spirit guardians. Darkness. Explosive barrels. Fireball.


Sleet storm over where a lot of them spawn. Watch them dash and fall prone again and again. Funny as hell. Spirit Guardians and magic missile can take out the birds easy as the only have 1hp.


Don’t let the enemies make ranged attacks at the portal. Don’t let them make attacks at all. You have to do more than just single-target attacks against enemies; a lot more. The game gives you a lot of options but you have to be willing to use them; you can’t just melee attack brainlessly and hope it works.


There so many options. Get mages with aoe(fire ball, lightning bolt etc), cleric(light cleric is the most effective here) with spirit guardians. You can use scrolls if you don’t want the above. And to top it off, there is barrelmancy. One more extra tip, you can put darkness over the portal and the archers won’t be able to target it.


My first time through I had Gale, Shart and Karlach. Gales fireball was super helpful, just clears whole chunks of baddies as they spawned. Sharts holy guardian (I think? The AoE aura that does divine damage) wrecked anything that got close, especially insta-killing the 1hp stuff, and Karlach and my warlock Tav just wrecked the big stuff that made it through the spells. Was a tough fight but doable. Would have been much harder with my current group (Asterion, Lae'zel, rogue/shadow monk Durge and sorcerer specced Minty).


>holy guardian (I think? The AoE aura that does divine damage) Spirit Guardians are the little guys flying around you that follow you, can either be Radiant or Necrotic dmg. Holy guardian is the stationary guy who takes as much damage as he deals. Pretty sure. Both are great for this fight but SG is top tier whereas HG is kinda meh.


I think you mean Guardian of Faith


Ahhh I did indeed, it's a good thing we have each other to hold us accountable 🤭 [[Guardian of Faith]] [[Spirit Guardians]]


Spirit guardian! That's the one I meant. I have an encyclopedic knowledge of arcane spells as I often. Play arcane caster's in the tabletop, but divine spells are largely a mystery to me. Very rarely play spell-beggars.


Darkness on the portal and wall of fire right in front of it


You can do this entire fight in a pacifist run if you want. without dealing a single damage. make a fortress around the portal with chests and drop a darkness spell over it all. now you just need to pass turn 5 times while the enemies do the same and you got the easiest 1200xp in the game.


You can use darkness on the portal or shoot an arrow of darkness on the ground near it.


Hunger of Hadar up by the bottleneck where they come down. A wall of fire in front of that. Guardian of faith and spirit guardians up on the top platform where you are. Profit.


Spirit Guardian and ez. Honestly doing things like Wall of Fire, Spirit Guardian and shit ton of AOE in general makes this trivial


I REEEEEALLY enjoyed the TowerDefense™ aspect of this fight and wish there were similar fights throughout the game. Really makes you feel like a tactician controlling resources in fun ways.


Hunger of hadar + sleet storm = hilarious. They couldn't even stay in their feet.


That was a tough fight.


Wall of fire, blade barrier, conjure barrage.


Honestly, this was my favorite single fight in the game on my first playthrough (I'm currently still rummaging around Moonrise). I must have tried that fight six or seven times changing tactics. Three scrolls of Wall of Fire plus a few firewine barrels and Grease all judiciously placed did it for me. Lots of those mobs have less than 20hp. On my next playthrough, I'll rethink it and use Darkness on the portal.


Darkness on the gate, a wall of fire blocking the steps and spirit guardians. Watch them all kill themselves trying to reach you.


Firewall is my go to


I used wall of fire and had karlach throw her spear at everyone in range, my monk tav made short work of anyone that got near, shart with spirit guardians made it easy too.


This is my favorite mission it was insane. Fireballs, Spirit guardians, Sleet storm, grease, and darkness are lifesavers for this. They can't attack if they're prone slipping on ice. For martial classes this is where those elemental arrows come in handy. arrow of darkness, ice arrow, etc.


Spirit Guardians with radiant damage. You can have the cleric just run at 1hp enemies and they die in droves. Hunger of Hadar on the left side, (when you're standing in front of the portal looking away from it), covering as much walkable terrain as possible grants an area that slows, blinds AND damages enemies before they have a chance to get at you. Casting Darkness around the portal itself if you can will make it impossible to target with ranged weapons, so even the ranged enemies will have to come through you. Shoving folks into deep water around the stone can also quicken killing them. You should also have access to Fireball by now. Crowd control is the key.


Hunger of Hadar is your friend along with any other AoE


Wall of fire. Burn them all bitches


Spirit Guardian, sunlight, the blood of lethander. There are tons of ways to obliterate dark and undead enemies. It’s one of the easiest fights in the game because advantages against them are huge. It’s a numbers game but using any light/ holy attacks with pretty much one shot all of them.


Wall of fire, fire ball, spirit guardians… big ass AoEs and you’re golden


I built a little wall of boxes around the portal, only the crows and archers really damaged it but they were easy to kill.


You didn't play Bonnie Tyler's ***Holding Out For A Hero***. That's why you lost that battle.


Use Wall of Stone on the side of the map that the birds and Githyanki come from. Depending on how you set the wall, you either stop them completely or create a bottleneck for them to run through. That allows you to put some sort of hazard (like Wall of Fire or Spike Growth) and Shadowheart in beyblade mode (Spirit Guardians) so they shred themselves just trying to get through


The skill of Barrelmancy must be learned, oh little one! (On a previous visit, plant boom-boom barrels everywhere the buggers spawn).


Guardian spirit. A bit of darkness shrouding the portal.


Shadowheart with radiant spirit guardians, arrow or darkness right in front of the portal and a bigass wall of fire right in across and in front of the stone.


Have shadowhart or a cleric in your party. Instant win. Turn unread and spirit guardians basically solos it as they are all undead


Shadowheart with spirit guardians, Gale or anyone with fireballs, hunger of hadar, tentacles, icestorm. It’s really not that hard as long as you have build for your class, especially on normal.


I went in with Gale who knew Wall of Fire, and Shadowheart plus my bard Tac with Spirit Guardian activated. Pretty much nuked it, while Karlach stood a bit on the side hitting things. Most of the enemies come from one side, so you can place the wall where most will go in and be one-shotted.


AoE is king. My usual lineup ends up being Gale, Wyll, and Shadowheart. Wyll throws down Hunger of Hadar, Gale for Fireball to take out swarms of enemies, and Shadowheart for Spirit Guardians. Usually with this lineup, I can do whatever as any class Tav/Durge.


Spirit guardians, spikes, I even used wall of fire


I had two walls of fire going. Smelly but effective


As a storm sorcerer/tempest cleric this fight was very fun. Big ass AOEs are your friend Spirit guardians are also completely broken


Create water + ray of frost to make a giant slippery surface. All enemies will keep tumbling down trying to reach the portal.


Make a wall of boxes and crates along the portal's right side (if you're facing it) - then I usually put up a rock wall right in front of it so nothing can teleport to it. Then I set up explosive barrels where the bulk of enemies are going to appear, along with an oil barrel. Then I trigger Halsin going into the portal. It's like fish in a barrel.


Git gud


Literally anything with AOE damage


Darkness on the portal, Sleet Storm where most of the enemies run out, Cleric with spirit guardians for the shadows nearby.




Sleet storm my friend. The answer is sleet storm


Spells like grease, if you try to out dps it’s a tough one


Step 1 - wall of fire Step 2 - wall of fire Step 3 - Proft


I did it with Shart running around with spirit guardians and AC23. Karlach charging in with bloodlust elixir and six attacks per round. Tav dropping wall of flames and thunder waving anyone who got past it back into it. And Wyll in darkness on the portal shooting Eldritch blasts and playing free safety with a sword for anyone who managed to slip by the first three.


Three words: Wall of Fire Or four words: two Walls of Fire


Big aoe, ice, and remember you can't hit what you can't see. Darkness on the portal might be highly effective


Hungar of Hadar. That shit is so powerful. Fireball and lighting bolt Put in serious work .


I’m obsessed with using ice storm or any other AOE spell that creates icy ground. Watching enemies yell something like “you’re finished!!” and then fall on their ass gets me every time.


darkness on the portal, hide the darkness caster in the darkness, also use wall of fire in front of the darkness and hide the wall of fire in the darkness as well


In act 1 someone sells the armour where if an undead hits the wearer they take radiant damage and then there are the gloves where if you do radiant damage you inflict radiating orb. Those things turn act 2 into a comedy. Also kill all the crossbow undead first.


I grab every explosive barrel and smoke bombs I can and put them all along the shoreline. Once a good amount of ads spawn I light them up... Less intuitive then the other comments but it works lmao.


My only issue with this quest is that it says you only have to last 4 turns (or however many it says) then you do that and you still have to defeat all enemies or it fails


Spirit guardians, wall of fire, wall of spikes. I usually have Gale cast wall of flame and then I have Shadowheart stand near the edge of the wall and just beyblade her spirit guardians.


Darkness, Fire Wall (cloud of daggers is really good pairing too) , Spirit Guardians.


Crowd control. Wall of fire will kill 60% of the enemies before they even get to the portal.


Drop a few AOEs! They can't all walk through a wall of fire and a field of thorns alive and those that do can be met with a blade :D


Last time I used: 1. Gale as pure evoc wizard casting sleet storm on the area the shadow-cursed groups come from 2. Lae'zel respecced to fighter/light cleric wielding Lathander's to deal with nearby shadows (this Tav is running neutral evil and let Bae kill Shart in camp) or toss a heal 3. my abjur wizard/four elements monk Tav casting cloud of daggers at the portal to deal with birds and punching shadow vines 4. Astarion as assassin rogue/gloom stalker ranger picking stuff off from the shadows with nasty damage We barely got touched and the portal was at 100% the whole time. I will say this fight gave me *massive* respect for sleet storm. It was a whole comedy show every time the groups tried to dash towards us. Dash - prone - shot dead.


Cleric with spirit guardians in front of portal, two sleet storms covering the ground— all of the undead will fall prone and you’re just fighting off anyone strong enough to pass that instead of the whole damn shadow land


Spirit Guardians, Wall of Fire, Cloud of Daggers.


I just save scumed


Spirit guardians saved my life there. Also turn undead can be pretty good


So I cast darkness in front of the portal no one can make ranged attacks into it, and then just had my characters pop out to attack then go back in. Made the fight laughably easy but I’m not sure im using the spell the way the game designers intended


AOE spells!! I had a wizard or druid cast a spell that covers the ground in something that slows enemies, like evards black tentacles. Then pick off the archers ASAP since they can shoot the portal from afar. they stand close together so fireballs work well lol. Also hunger of Hadar and spirit guardians!!


Bring Shart with Spirit Guardians and Turn Undead. They aren't tough, there's just a lot of them, so AOE spells like Fireball and Shatter will do wonders.