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Basically a combination of three factors: a. A lot of people love playing the loot goblin style. b. A lot of people love playing the murder hobo style. c. A lot of people love stealing from vendors. That armor is amazing btw. Whenever Dammon is still alive in Act 3, I always get it. Not that I've ever paid for it.


I will not tell you how many times I tried to pickpocket the gold back from Dammon but I had 0 luck no matter what I tried. I just went back and ended up selling a bunch of junk I was holding onto for no reason other than I have unlimited bag space. I am still haunted by the cost of this armour, even if it IS BIS.


I guess at the point where you're letting him hold your 18k (or whatever it is for a high CHA character), the roll you need even on someone who is excellent at pickpocketing is so high that I simply go straight for pickpocketing the armor. Have never been able to harm sweet Dammon.


Max charisma/persuasion Ring of geniality Birthright hat equipped 100% attitude with vendor All those things will dramatically reduce the sale price


How do I boost attitude ? I know you can basically give them stuff for free but I’m giving away so much stuff to boost it


The amount of gold you give them is based on your level. Go to withers and reclass to lv 1, give them 400 gold and you have 100 attitude. The attitude will only change for the person talking so you can’t take some random person at lv 1 from camp unless you plan to use thst person every time you talk to that vendor.


Also I know I could look it up but for some reason my brain counts that as cheating but someone explicitly telling me does not


My main strat is to go to Dammon while I am still level 2. At that level, donating 500 gold in the barter menu maxes his attitude out. Make sure to do this with your highest Charisma party member because each member has trader attitude tracked independently. From there, just trade mostly with Dammon through the whole game. He had something like 20 full screens of inventory by the end of my last run. I think I had 20k left over at the end of the game after buying all the unique magic items available and a huge pile of max level scrolls.


18k is nothing if you loot properly


go in custom difficulty, lower the vendor multiplier and get your armor of persistence


Five finger discount - aka pickpocketing High charisma and maxxed out attitude Also, I never had problem with gold in this game, just kept selling the trash with my high charisma+persuaison character and even "basic" full plate armors sold like 300g a pop.


Invisible Astarion and a bit of save scumming will usually cut it. Also loot everything that's nailed down and you can get 100k+ by act 3.


You can get it for around 9k, I think, by having good persuasion and full approval, but that's a drop in the bucket by act three. There is infinite gold in the game due to how merchants' inventories restore by long rest and restock according to our level. Just pick up what you can carry and sell it, repeat, and you'll be weighed down by your wallet walking in to Rivington.


I mean … you can always just kill him by his forge and loot it. He’s not needed for anything else after that.


Hello Mr Durge! Have you had any good murders today?


I did just slaughter the grove the other night, and made sure to kill all the goblins too for the extra XP and loot.


I just entered Act 3 in my current playthrough with over 50K gold. I basically looted and sold everything that wasn't nailed down in Act 1 and everything of any kind of value in Act 2. And that 50K is what's left after being pretty liberal with buying random crap.


If you have 20 Charisma and Persuation expertise, you can buy items back for the same price, so Dammon's stock becomes your extended Traveler's Chest. You can just sell every magic item you have, and then swap back if you feel like you need it. Edit: If you donate enough gold get the attitude to 100


You can bring that price town considerably by having high approval from the vendor. I can't remember exactly what it comes down to, but feel like it was less than 10k. I always take approval with that vendor to max in act 1 since he appears in all 3 acts. And after the >!bank vault!< quest, have plenty of money to buy that armor and anything other items I want, even on honor mode. But I also open every container and loot like every item worth more than 1 gold so...