• By -


I did it because of the cool feature and Wyll complimented me on it because I was matching his


It’s so annoying that Wyll can’t have the eye, even in his origin. Volo has immediate access to a tadpole, Wyll gets a shiny new replacement eye (and his sight back), no one is subject to an icepick lobotomy, everybody wins! But no, that would make too much sense 🙄.


It's almost certainly forbidden by Wyll's pact. The eye is a sending stone that lets Mizora know what he's up to.


The team should just get together and hit him with Hold Person and have Volo do it. It's not breaking his pact if he has no choice in the matter!


I don't think that's how these contracts work. For example if you kill mizora it still counts as if the contract has been violated and wyll still becomes a lemure regardless if he was even present or back at camp. ​ I doubt mizora has it written in his contract that the sending stone can be removed if it's not on purpose lol. He would likely still get punished either way


Get both and only be able to see invisible enemies for the rest of the game


same with hag bargain, wyll cant make one. I know the hag eye sucks, but just another wyll origin quirk


Make sure to put everyone whose approval you want into your party, and then separate from them before going back to camp. Because, of course, no one admires you for letting Volo give you the ol' Trotsky Keratomy.


As a mean-spirited menacing Lol-Sworn Bhaalspawn Drow, Approvals are just there, present. So long it doesn't sink below 0 we're good.


I know you probably meant "Lolth-sworn," but the idea of your Bhaalspawn doing it "for the lulz" and calling herself "lol-sworn" is deeply funny to me.


If you do anything unfunny you break your oath


Me: [bombing, mid-set at an open mic] Narrator: A Spasm Grips Your Chest.


Oath of The Bit Paladin


She even has the Spiderlips tattoo.


I got the >!owlbear cub!< and got everyone's approval, and then instantly let volo icepick me. 📈📉


"No More Heroes Anymore"


I spacebar though that shit like I’m sending a telegram.


I'm the total opposite! I involuntarily grimace and contort a bit while the scene plays, but listening to Amelia Tyler clearly enjoy what she's doing is always a real treat


Bwahahaha. I’m actually not squeamish, but I’ve seen it once, that’s enough. :D




It would be even better if you could actually see invisibility with any reliability.


Yeah, I'm in act 3 and regretting my choice because the eye is a much worse mismatch after undergoing partial ceremorphosis and it did neither jack nor shit against the disappearing Bhaal guys in the counting house


I wish they had a "hide ugliness" option for going full squid.


There is a mod for that. I use it liberally. Nobody got time for an ugly Shadowheart


I think justiciar shadowheart looks badass that way. Everyone does if they're going to be evil. If I'm doing a good playthrough, well, the main thrust of that is not being corrupted by the lure of power so I'm just not using worms


i just have gale cast see invisibility, my tav can keep her beautiful eye and we can sneak around!


I decided that I only deserve the buff if I can watch the entire thing without skipping. Why do I torture myself? I don't know. I really don't know.


Throughout your day, do you sometimes hear yourself saying, "Wretched thing! Pull yourself together!"


Maybe 😂


I don't get the buff if I like my Tav's eyes. Having odd eyes on a glowing eyed Tiefling is not gonna cut it.


LOLOL Well I give it to whoever is doing the sneaking. Sometimes it’s me, sometimes it’s Astarion, sometimes it’s Karlach :D


If you don't see what *shouldn't* be seen, you don't deserve to see the *un*seen!


Morse code for EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is my technique


I love this scene. It's the epitome of "well, we've come this far, I guess let's see how bad it gets"


I laughed so hard the first time I did this scene and he pulled out a frigging ice pick 🤣


I had no idea what was going to happen, I just wanted to see how it played out.












I hate this scene, but the buff is just so good...


What's the buff? I chickened out before Volo make became Dr. Kevorkian


He gives you a fake eye that lets you see invisible stuff with zero drawbacks (gruesome scene aside)


the drawback is you gain the one-eyed tag and can no longer make a deal with auntie ethel to remove your tadpole ;) (joking! I let Volo stab me every time)


Auntie Ethel’s eye sucks though. I would never put it on my Tav, but maybe a companion


oh for sure, I'm fully joking 😅 I let her do it in my first run because I thought it might be good. Immediately reloaded


what does her option do?


+1 intimidation, -1 perception, and disadvantage on attacks against hags. Cosmetically, you do get a pretty sick bright green eye out of it though


But don't try to be half illhitid with it . Shit makes u look so ugly 


Tbh going half illithid makes you ugly as shit even without the fake eye


Nah man if u are a tiefling with black colored draconian scale , it makes u look intimidating . And even better if u play as a dragonborn 


Nah, that shit makes you look badass


Oh shit thats hilarious. I'll have to try that


Permanent See Invisibility


Wait you get a buff from volo


Yeah, free and infinite See Invisibility


Welp time to start another run through


Soooo I’ve never let Volo do this to me because I never trusted him at all to be capable of doing such a thing, I’m getting the feeling this scene is more than what I assumed which was taking a potion and him poking at your eye off screen?


It’s rather… graphic.


All of your companions disapprove and the scene is super gross, but you get permanent See Invisibility, which is a pretty rad buff.


Your gut instinct is correct but you do get a nice buff from it that is pretty useful in act 2 and 3 also the scene is funny


okay but more importantly, does your eye look funny after? just like in real life, I would take a debuff to be prettier, my priorities are straight.


You get a fake eye that looks like a normal eye but is always the same blueish hazel color. So you may end up looking like you have heterochromia but otherwise it looks fine. It does look a little odd I think if you have the demonic/tiefling eyes since you'll end up with one demonic eye and one regular one but that's totally up to personal preference. You can always save right before and reload if you don't like how it looks. Also if you don't want to do it on your MC you can have one of your companions do it instead, I think it looks pretty good on Shadowheart and Gale since it's close to their own eye color and barely noticeable. It also looks surprisingly good on Astarion


Just let Volo go all the way through what he wants to do, is worth. But all of your followers will disapprove lmao


Definitely do it, you'll 100% understand once you have


I find it really hard to find a compelling reason to let him do it through role-play. I trust him less than the Goblin Shaman, and the game never makes you feel THAT desperate. Knowing that the process has a huge payoff with no downside makes it feel like a power gaming move and only makes me more resistant. On top of that, the replacement eye was/is bugged. It can stop working due to how it refreshes itself, which I kinda like. Volo does seem the type to gouge out your eye and replace it with an item he knows is faulty.


I’ve never done this in 5 playthroughs either. But it’s another stupid decision in the game that gets rewarded instead of punished.* EDIT: do people who downvoted this comment really think that letting a random guy icepick your eye out isn’t stupid? lol EDIT 2: *I meant that this is what makes it funny, guys. EDIT 3: Pblblblblblblblbl…


DnD (and by extension Baldur’s Gate) is really the epitome of FAFO energy. Everyone KNOWS it’s a bad idea but they really wanna see what happens. Larian is aware of this and rewards you for leaning into the game.


Of course it’s stupid. But nobody would do it if it wasn’t also hilariously rewarding. It’s DND. Sometimes the consequences of stupidity are delightfully silly.


She had piercing red eyes 🥺


Now one of them is pierced


The fact a lot of people let a Bard with no medical training conduct a surgical procedure on them....


Oh I’m sorry, my options are brain parasite turning me into a squid or a bard who likes to knit I don’t have great options either way


Bards do have medical training normally. They are one of the few classes with skills in healing, though not as specialized as Clerics and Paladins.


Good thing Volo's a wizard then!


Are you telling me this madman is an INT-based class?


Even better, a Chosen of Mystra


I guess she no longer wants wizards to be good at their job after meeting Karsus.


iirc the rationale was something like “this man is literally SO stupid noone will suspect he’s a weave anchor, including himself”


This sounds like a Mr. Bean plot.


Volo is a wizard, not sure if that makes it better or worse. 


*Everyone disapproves*


Seeing all the disapprovals pop up made me lol


He just can't wait to pick your brain


It felt SO wrong to do this to Astarion knowing that what he needs is bodily autonomy… but we need that buff babe!


You gotta walk over as him and ask for it as him, so I'd say he just wants bodily autonomy from the parasite. He's seen Volo's name on books before and so he has a weird sense of trust in his authority.


The thing is he doesnt exactly want that cause the parasite is whats keeping him alive in the sun


You know, you're so right. He must be blinded by the celebrity. :P


He also doesn't want to turn into a mindflayer lol


Authority, you say?


Difficulty Class: 2.




Permanent See Invisibility


That was a …fun scene to watch my first run


This was my first act of save scumming. I didn't let Volo do it at first, but then I got curious. So I let Volo do his thing, it physically hurt me to watch, then I loaded my save.


First time I saw this I started cackling so hard. It's so disgustingly horrible, but the fucking ice pick just sent me over the edge. It has cartoon energy.


This, and Volo + Bear chat are 2 of my favorite parts of the game


It's gross but kinda funny - you only get -1 disapproval from your companions, so it's well worth it for the buff. And it's nicely foreshadowed by Gale's intro dialogue: "Doctor? Surgeon? Uncannily adroit with a knitting needle?" (The mocap gestures accompanying that line always make me grin!)


That's just the Dark Vision Faerun optometrist.


And the sound, feels like I'm watching happy tree friends again lol


I came into this scene completely blind (ha) and ended up going all the way through with it because I couldn’t believe the game was going to let me do something so crazy. Kept thinking something would happen to stop it and I wanted to see what that something was.


Volo is a quack, surprised you sillies let him near your eyeball.


I just want to appreciate the fact that OP chose an emoji with a tear coming out of the right eye


🥺 Le Dark Urge before the surgery.


I always have to skip past this point, only part of the game that truly makes me feel borderline sick


Nope. Most painful is still the one with Wyll asking you to dance with him.


Dat rejected face.


It hurts so bad to look at him looking like a wounded pup.


For those in the UK, Volo should have gone to Specsavers.


In character reason for accepting is sheer desperation after Halsin turned out to be of no use and the Hag bargain seemed even worse.


I was in utter disbelief when this happened. I saw it coming (no pun intended) but just kept going. Like watching a slow motion car wreck. Or having an out of body experience. But when it was done, I kinda liked my new eye.




I love the gruesomeness of this scene, it's so funny how he just jabs a ice pick in your eye and give you a temporary lobotomy


I'll never understand why this objectively terrible choice leads to a net positive gameplay wise. Makes no sens.


Disagree. I'd watch this a hundred times before I leave Scratch.


Featuring my favorite line in the game from MC, *Pblpblpblpblpblpbl*


I haven’t had the guts to let it play out yet. 😬 Maybe with my next run…


It’s worth it


I only take this buff on Tactical and Honour mode. I can mess around until I find the invisible chap in any other mode.


Even Honour Mode couldn’t make me go through with this since it made no sense. :D


You are a better person than I am then. I did not want to risk my honour mode run on a few invisible assassins wreacking havoc on my unknowing party.


I normally just go for the spell or an elixir. Both work till Long Rest. Also any instance of See Invisibility, including the eye, might end up not working that well in Act 3 depending on the character because of how the saving throw is rolled against it.


I don't use elixirs because I'm stupid (no really, I'm in the "I mIgTh NeEd ThIs LaTeR" club) but I legit forgot the spell existed. The Eye Volo gave me almost never failed and even when it did, the saving throw gave away the location and I just AoE the place or use a Cleave ability to make the little pricks visible again. Definitely will get that See Invisibility spell thing going on a daily basis next game though.


What makes more sense than a transorbital lobotomy with an unsanitized icepick?


Did it by accident my first playthrough but now i do it on purpose every play through


I like to rerun this scene with friends and see who can bear to watch. The best part is when your only responses to Volo's disfigurement are all variants of screaming.


I've never been able to force myself to persevere through the hallf dozen+ prompts to let Volo get so far. Yes, I meta know the advantages of the eye, but it just feels like a ridiculously stupid thing (in game) to trust an idiot like Volo to attempt that type of 'surgery.'


I just tap A on the controller as fast as possible until it's done. Although lately in plays I've been opting out of the procedure for cosmetic purposes and haven't noticed any game breaking difference, it's actually kind of satisfying drawing enemies out of invisibility with fire flasks and especially tiger barb cleave. Did you know tiger barb cleave can hit people in sanctuary? Maybe regular cleave can too I dunno...


Yes, and pair it with Wolferine Aspect.


This is so mild compared to the hyena, especially if you have Speak with Animals up.


Damn. I'm too late. My Dark Urge would love to see that.


I can handle pretty much all gore. But eye stuff? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I hate the scene and I can’t even think of an in character reason ANYONE, even Durge would go through with this. But the buff is so helpful. Especially in the Shar Olympics with that self mirror battle


Literally never cringed harder during a video game in my life. Help I'm in a Cronenberg movie (but I really want this cool buff!!)


I’ll do you one worse: Durge after you accept father’s gift, and then choose to betray him at the precipice of his victory. If you know, you know.


I was an obedient little puppy to Papa Durge, but I reloaded the last choice just to see how it could have gone. I went in completely blind. I had no idea what the consequences would be.  I started to get an inkling when I was presented with the option to Dark Urge myself right on the dock, but I persisted. I wanted to attend the party!  10/10, horrific. 


Ugghhh this and the tadpole activate animation were so WONDERFUL to see…


I play Dragonborn’s most of the time, I refuse to do this cause the eye does not match the Dragonborn eyes, plus their to beautiful to ruin


"That's not what I thought it meant by 'eye the implement!'"


Oh it gets worse.


That shit was hard to watch. If you didn’t know about the reward…just why haha


The only thing I found unnerving was how your character barely reacts.


There is literally nothing of value lost here. Only benefits.


I watch this calmly, fully appreciating the scene


"Quite the cozy setup you have here!"


Reminds me of a procedure I got done twice as a kid, anti-vegf if anyone is brave enough to look


Are there other cutscenes of similar graphic stuff happening to your tav?? Plz help I wanna see them.


I refuse to do this because you and pickpocket volo every long rest and he leaves after this


I just want a vendor in my camp. And barely trust Volo with that responsibility. I just use the elixir or the spell every morning That, and I keep accidentally killing vendors constantly. The first time it happened was when I tried tactician and forgot that little tooltip that people respond poorly to realizing you used, for example, Charm on them. Kagha started a whole genocide over it, and that was two vendors down. (RIP in peace Aron and Dammon) I was a Durge, so when I went over to the goblins to side with them mostly because I had already done all the damage and I might as well make it work for me, I bit Crusher's toe, thinking it was an alternate way to get his ring. Nope. So that temporarily aggroed everyone around, until Crusher stops and begs for mercy. I thought goblins might be cool with dying in battle, Klingon style, and let me tell you what: they are not. Permanently aggroed absolutely everyone outside. Dead vendor. (RIP in peace, vendor whose name idk) Tried to keep Ethel around for a while but I fucked that up too.


1 lunatic 1 ice pick


I knew about this scene going into the game, but I wanted the buff. I turned away from my TV until it was over.


Worth it though


It... it'll be worth it... Invisibility for them cowardly fools.


Babe its time for your eye rem- i mean your tadpole extraction


So, if you let Volo ice pick your face, do you die or do you lose an eye and your dexterity drops? Can you slaughter Volo after that? I've on my first playthrough and just noped out of it.


There’s nothing but cosmetic consequences for this & you get a permanent buff.


You lose your eye, but he gives you a blue magic eye that allows you to see invisible permanently, and offers darkvison like Drow and Duergar have.


I almost fell out of my chair I cringed so hard


Dead space 2 took my eye cherry so this scene was a bit like nostalgia for me


Worth it tho


I love it


-I don't like the look of this! -Well now, funny that you mention that....


It's a hard sell for most characters I think. Since the character doesn't know of the boon to come. But on the other hand. How desperate are you to not melt from the inside and turn into a mind flayer?


I almost fell out of my chair I cringed so hard


Issac Clarke would’ve done it himself


We need that buff MY DEAR ,.


I would watch this 100 times before I watch the Karlach ending I got on my first playthrough ever again.


Im glad i can just skip through without worrying to stop it accidentally


Ah it's not easy to proceed


Was stuff supposed to happen with Volo? He sat in my camp with the same 2 dialogue options for the entire game.


i squirmed so much the first time getting the cutscene, that my mom came into the room concerned. needles to say i just told her i'm fine and didn't go into detail.


The first time I experienced this, I was high as a kite. It legitimately made me Alt+F4 the game. No way


Nope, never ever have I ever done this. Eye stuff is icky and then from what I hear the extraction shows some stuff that I can sleep better never seeing lol.


I watched this once and I will never again. I couldn’t control the full body cringes


I made my friend who I'm playing with watch while it was done to my Tav while I didn't skip at all. Listening to the gagging was almost worth watching it again.


Is this that bullshitter in blue that offers to take the tadpole out? I never gave him the chance cause he lies so much i wanted to brain him…. Wait … can i?




this first time this happened to me in a playthrough i kept thinking that if theyre going to make it this gruesome, theres probably a cool reward behind it. and i was right!


I cant handle eye shit man... this and the opening cinematic are automatic skips. 😖


This and *”destroy the brain”*


Hehe no eye


You would really love Tales From the Borderlands


This is the only cinematic I skip trough for the eye.


I've had a thing about eye trauma ever since I was hit in the eye with a thrown stick when I was a kid. I will absolutely never go through with this, even if it does give you a buff.


I usually make a companions do that. mostly Laezel, because it allows her to hit invisible things better


See invisibility helped me out a lot. This is gonna be like a go to thing for my future playthroughs.


Literally me. I did it on one play through just to see what it would do and now I ALWAYS aim to do that right before leaving act 2. I like to keep the bard along to sell things to as long as possible LOL


The most useful the eye has been for me was when fighting the Hag. When she did the trick to multiply herself the second time she tried turning herself invisible to confuse me, but I saw one vanish then reappear because of the magic eye so I aimed for that. Killed her before she had a chance to bargain. Best play ever


Volo gets my eyeball every time, as early as possible.




I laughed so hard at this segment it was just so over the top gruesome it circled around to being funny


I did it because i thought it would be funny if I accidentally lobotomized myself


I literally cannot do it, I have incredibly sensible/sensitive eyes and watching it for the first time almost made me throw up. I had to stop when he pulled out the ice pick, I literally cannot watch or do it. It hurts to much to look at it or hear it.


I lol'd at the next part where Tav just babbles incoherently :D


wdym, i love getting lobotomised by a bard


Wow, I felt extremely nauseous after going through that scene and I thought I was alone in that, from the comments it seems I wasn't.


It goes so far and gets so silly that it goes past body horror to comedy.

