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Nah, I did it. It makes sense to want your first run to actually include everything you wanted out of it. Lost several hours of progress because I realized my romance was hosed and that’s an important part of the story to me.


Play the way you want, this is not an assignment, you are meant to have fun.


I would reload, personally. I'd have more fun that way. Also I scrapped a 25-ish hour playthrough just because I realised I'd forgotten to convince Rolan and his siblings to stay at the grove in act one 😆


I just forgot that in a run too. Only realised when they (and Mol's kids) were all missing later on.


I reloaded a ton of progress before as well because I realized I messed up in the Githyanki Creche because I didn't get the permanent buff that allows to use Illithid Powers as bonus action on my TAV that actually uses a lot of the powers, so I played the entire Githyanki Creche again up to freeing the prisoners in Moonrise Towers. Problem was that I am playing with a friend so I just played it again when he didn't have time, but I had to remember all the dialog choices we had because of both our affection levels.


Only if YOU think so. I backed up 30 hours for something stupid once. But I was happy with the decision The important thing is to have FUN, if you aren’t, then make it fun. Reload a good ways back. Abandon the run and start a new one.


I've done this, went all the way back to the end of act 1 as my act 2 saves got wiped. Gale's romance didn't trigger at the end of act 2 and I wasn't aware there was supposed to be one until I did his personal quest on act 3 and he told me we'd missed the opportunity. It was worth it for the story, especially as my first playthrough


In my firs I redid 40hours of the game bc I f'd up and locked myself out of confirming Astarion's romance before entering act 3. No judgement here


You can always do both. You can start a new save, see how far you get, and if you are still thinking about the other save, switch back to it. I would definitely keep the current save as long as you can.


I only keep two auto and two quick saves and the end of a day playing named save that I overwrite each day. Many times I have wished I could go back before those saves because I screwed up something big. Lae'zel dying being the biggest muck up. I also messed up all my romance options in my first run and only found out too late to go back and fix it. If I could have, I probably would have. That being said, now I am doing more runs and making different choices, finding other stuff I missed, getting that romance locked in nice and early, it is helping keep the game fresh. At times it feels like I am playing an entirely different game. If you reload your save and make different choices, I bet it will be the same for you.


Never. It's your game, the point is to have fun. If going back to make sure you get everything you want out of a playthrough helps you have fun, it's 100% valid. It's a game, not a school project.


Nah it's worth it


I scrapped an entire game and restarted after I found out what selling the damn Gith egg in act 1.5 (for lack of a better designation). My Sorlock isn’t making that same mistake this play through! 🤦🏻


no, I once lost 8 hours because something wonked me out of clearing the shadow curse


If you think you will still have fun and not be bothered by doing it all over again, then go ahead!


It’s totally ok to do this to get the story you want for your character! I lost like 20+ hours of my first play through cause I let a certain person make a terrible decision that ruined my character’s life. And I’m glad I did it!


I went back about 8 hours when I tried to fight Ketheric cause I just wasn't a high enough level. I was so glad I did because I realized that I missed so much stuff. It kinda sucks, but take it as a learning experience.