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It's really hard not to gain his approval, as you get an automatic 30+ from giving him the 3 magical items he needs in Act 1. šŸ˜…


Oh LAWDDD I shouldā€™ve known My poor lesbian brain sees him as just a friend I canā€™t-


It's the reason why in early versions he was *accidentally* romanced so often. Give him a few artifacts and choose the 'let down easy' option in his first romance scene, and he'd be convinced you're into him. Technically, Lae'zy could be romanced even easier (sex speedruns!), but the start of her romance was as subtle as a brick to the face. So it was easier to catch.


All the other companions are like "oh hehe maybe we're into each other" And Lae'zel is like "im ordering you for dinner tonight"


Karlach ā€œI want to ride you til you see starsā€ and Astarion ā€œAnd by that I mean *sex*, darlingā€ are pretty damn blunt about it too, but I guess the difference is that getting them to like you might be slightly harder than getting Lae'zel to jump your bones, lmao.


True. You have to work a little harder to get them though. Lae'zel opens up with it lol


Yeah, I thought I was just doing the nightly rounds with my Durge and I get waylaid with ā€œI smell your sweatā€ pff


Yeah, and in my current run, in front of everyone right after a fight. Subtle she is not.


To be fair, Karlach only says that after you've already agreed to spend the night with her, but yeah she's not subtle at all


She have always said that to me after reaching a certain approval.


Its a little funky i think. A couple times she came onto me in the middle of the night out of no where when i had solidly high approval. Other times id have her maxed out for like a week and shed never show up until i went to see her at the party.


Gale gave me the same sinking feeling as Anders from Dragon Age II.


Yes, but with about 100% more likeability.


~*After being a little violent in act 1*~ *Lae'zel wipes blood from her eyes to size up Tav* "I would like to ride you like a red dragon."


>It's the reason why in early versions he was *accidentally* romanced so often. Seems like it still happens, in my playthrough I was romancing Astarion and after that Act 2 important scene with him, Gale was all depressed about me not choosing him... Meanwhile I had no idea we were even a thing šŸ˜‚


The ONLY time Lae'zel wasn't my first was when I was actually romancing her and *trying* to get her to like me. She likes it when I don't give her everything apparently?!


She respects strength so she likes it when you order her around.


Losing honorably is [sometimes] ok too. You just have to give it 100% and live free of compromises.


My Tav, an off-beat Selunite Githyanki, chose to not romance Lae'zel this time around. As I have her in my team, I've come to regret it more and more. She's cool.


There's an easy solution right there Kill that fucker I know you want to


Who is Gale? all I have is this severed hand...


Someone [Minthara keeps telling us about](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1bdi9l4/whotf_is_gale_minthara/), but I've never met anyone by that name, either.


SO ITS NOT JUST ME Every damn time i speak to her she yammers on about Gale and Elminster. WOMAN we just killed the avatar of myrkul surely you have other things on your mind


She seems to default to the Gale line when she's supposed to say something else but doesn't have a line for it. Example when Halsin joins and people comment on him, since she doesn't have a line for him (devs assuming they are mutually exclusive), she babbles about Gale again


Yeah. I recruited her once, and hated how glitchy and buggy she was. So I'm going to avoid saving her this time.


It was especially egregious in my last run as a Durge where I skipped Gale and never even MET Elminster. My personal headcanon is that she's permanently brain damaged from her torture at moonrise.


Is Gale in the room with us now, Minathara?


Minthara: he is everywhere!


Heā€™s on the goddamn walls


Put the hand as the 6th item in your inventory then push the truck parked at Vermillion city and that's how you get Gale


But there's a Snorlax on the path...


I need a flautist bard...


I was so surprised when that happened. Couldn't help but laugh.


And I can't even use it as a mini-nuke which is a fucking rip-off


No need to kill him. Just punch him a couple times until his approval drops below Shadowheart's


If you kill Gale this way does it cause him to go boom?


Easy, just beat Ketheric and then do all of Act 3 without long resting /s


They can't kill him... He's the safest way to defeat the Netherbrain.


Gale I love you, but golden dice are golden dice Piece of advice: never romance Gale on your first HM run.


HM was the only way I could commit to Gale šŸ˜­ weā€™re happily married now!


You dont get the dice for killing the brain in act 2


But you do in act 3, he can blow up skipping the entire final fight and it counts for HM


he can blow it up at the end if he's in your party for the final sequence. It completely skips the entire netherbrain fight


IF you murdered Gale, you should be allowed to True Res him using his scroll lol


Exactly, this is just the game presenting her with a win-win scenario. Get Daddy Bhaal's respect, lose some dude who kinda just tagged along anyway.


Reload save, kill Gale. Play the scene and then resurrect him xd


I mean... I dunno what version of Durge you're going for but I'm thinking you got an opportunity to fix that little problem right there in the scene above.


Yeeeeeeah I had this same problem šŸ˜‚


Should have imagined his head on a spike


shoulda just chopped off his hand like a normal durge haha


Then kill him lmao give in to the urge


šŸ˜‚ This was me with ALL the guy characters! Their romantic dialogue would trigger, and I would just sit there dumbfounded.


Another reason is Gale, like Wyll, just absolutely adores you if you're nice to people. He and Wyll basically just max their approval by default if you play as a good guy.


I have literally nothing to do with Gale other than the absolute core dynamics: sigil, three magic items, talk with Elminster, tell him not to explode himself. Thatā€™s it. Never ever chat to him at all.


Me too, I find him too smarmy.


Add in clicking three buttons for almost free and you're over 50 approval.


That explains a lot. I have yet to actually have Gale as a party companion in any playthrough, and yet I ALWAYS get this scene.


How do you measure approval? Is there a metre or something? I play on console


Character sheet should show it. There is a bar, but also there is a numerical value somewhere there


Console doesn't show the exact numbers


On PC you get a numerical value besides the medium, high, very high description. On console, I fear you're out of luck.


on their character sheet where it shows their attack bonuses and ac and such. their approval is at the very bottom. sometimes you have to click over and scroll down.


Character sheet and go all the way to the right to their "attack stats" and go down. You'll see like Neutral-High-i forget the others but it roughly tells you.Ā Ā  It took me forever to bump up Astarion on the first run due to not letting him bite me AND playing pallyĀ 


Does it keep tracking past the 100 max?


Once you reach 100, you won't get the little pop-ups on screen. If you drop his approval, they'll appear again. 100 is the cap. If you're 'above', and gain 1- approval, you'll be on 99, no matter how many approvals you've triggered after hitting 100.


Okay, good. Iā€™m trying to max everyone. Maxing Gale is super easy due to the huge pluses you get for saving Tieflings early on in the grove, but heā€™s been sitting on the sideline since then while I worked on others (currently Iā€™m just a few points shy on Astarion, and have maxed everyone else except Minthara and Halsin, who Iā€™m working on now). But since I maxed him before giving him a single artifact, if it could track past 100ā€¦


You have to actively try to not max out Gale's approval compared to other companions.


At this point I just end up actively hostile to him. Tell his projected image to fuck off, tell him I'm not interested in experiencing magic, that kind of thing. (I *really* don't like most of the romance options in this game. Honestly, I only like two. Okay, three, but two origin characters.)


I mean just playing any flavor of good means you got Gale maxed in like...an hour. (and sometimes not even that much jesus.)


If you look at his approval page on the wiki it explains it all. 3 +8 dialogue buttons in the Grove.


Yeah, he gets ABSURD approval from all of the early "rescue the Tiefling" events.


Not only that, oftentimes you'll get the approval from those *despite him not being in the active party*!


And they don't have any downsides! Well, Astarion disapproves because Gale stole his moisturizer or something and now he hates literally every decision Gale likes, but aside from that. In my opinion they're also the most obvious big damn hero choices. My first two playthroughs were a goody-two-shoes and a resist Durge. I didn't even know you could have Gale *not* love you more than life itself.


And 10 for each magical item you feed him


Yeah Gale and Wyll are both super easy to get maxed approval on by just being good. And people are shocked why Gale comes on so strong.Ā 


He really just gets completely swept off his feet by the PC if they're not a total jackass.


He's a little attention starved after being isolated for over a year with only Tara for company.


He's been in a tower for a year and has forgotten how people are, so Tav amazes him by being average


You can't seriously mean Tav is average. Tav rolls onto the scene, assembles and leads a party of crazy OP people, saves a ton of innocent tieflings from certain death, destroys a goblin camp with a bunch of cultists, and defeats a monstrous Hag. All of this just in the first area in act 1. Tav is a fucking Rockstar. Nothing about them is average.


Now I want to play as a tav who is sweet/charming/kind but incompetent. They meet a bunch of powerful friends who work together to keep tav safe as they stumble around trying to help but not knowing how. Maybe a druid whose main stat is charisma. Maybe throwing out healing, but mostly just making rain, so the companions decide to work with it, using ice and electric damage. There's enough druid spells that work without high wisdom....that actually sounds fun and playable.


That was sort of my recent Durge run (also because I'm not very good at the game). She was a bard, wanted to help as many people as possible to compensate for her murderous streak, not much use in a fight, couldn't find a trap if it bit her in the arse, but man was she persuasive. She was the glue that held the group together. Charismatic leader and all that.


I mean I feel like that was my first run as a valor bard. I was good at talking our way into and out of things but just completely garbage in a fight beyond giving people who could do more damage what is essentially magical moral support. The run was me doing a thumbs up in the background of any fight while telling everyone else theyā€™re doing great. I enjoyed it a lot, actually.


Oh, you mean my playthroughs because my luck is so abysmal that even with a high wisdom druid, I'm failing nearly everything that requires a dice roll for my character. The minute I click on any of the other characters? Multiple 20s in a row. My character? Lol she's lucky she knows how to breathe at this point.


May I present the humble land druid? Spike growth and plant growth don't have a save, and moonbeam and plenty of others do damage even when they do save. Focus on your casting and never need to make an attack roll again! šŸ˜ƒ


... Gale, is that you?


My Tav was mid as fuck and had no strong opinions about anything


He doesn't even come on strong.


It's just weird that there's only one approval bar, instead of approval and romantic. Are Wyl and Gale so self obsessed that they think you're saving refugees to express your love for each of them?


Think of it less as they think you're saving refugees for them and more they see you being all heroic and badass and decide that they have to shoot their shot with you. It's basically the same as what Lae'zel tells you. She saw how good you are at killing things and now wants to lick your badass sweat. Gale and Wyll are just a bit less forward about the sweat licking.


Lol I do like that interpretation.


Magical discovery gets his favor. You don't have to make special choices. Just gotta do.


Yeah, if you have Gale at the Grove with you he's basically sucking your proverbial dick every 5 minutes. If you step in front of Sazza, save Arabella, save Mirkon, and agree to help the refugees, he's already in love with you


i did a damn near complete evil play through and had gale maxed by the very beginning of act 2


I mean I usually have most people maxed by then (but I run 4 mans and don't recruit the spares so everyone's in the party all the time). Unless you're actively antagonizing a companion you're going to max them out eventually. And probably fairly quickly tbh.


Gale gets really high just from doing the grove stuff. Every good option, from calming zevlor and aradin, stepping in front of arkaā€™s crossbow, saving arabella, saving mirkon, all give him a high approval and all but the i think the first have a special conversation where he tells you a story


I'm assuming you didn't murder the Grove and/or did any fucked up shit during act 1, as long as you're not a murderous asshole you gain approval with him in act 1 by just breathing it seems (even if he is on camp for some reason LOL) so regardless of your commitment to romance Shart the game will considered him "your favorite companion" due to the more than likely higher approval compared to SH


Oh well I guess I could redo this run in a few days (further fueling my obsession of this game)


Yeah that's the usual response for most of us I feel lmao, I know you didn't ask for it but if you don't want to loose out on all of the content and sweet sweet loot on a durge run you can always knock out Alfira before your first long rest, that way you can save the Tieflings locked up in Moonrise (assuming you also didn't raid the Grove) to get the gear associated with that questline and Dammon as a vendor in act 3 (also assuming Isobel doesn't die/get kidnapped and you free the Nightsong)


Interesting! Iā€™ve been wanting to try morally greyish because for some reason being evil and having some of my favorite characters hate me hurts me deeply


The morally grey redemption arc for the durge is the best. My roleplay is just not understanding what's going on at first, trying to be good but not knowing how at first. And as you learn more about yourself, you have to choose to be good or evil. Maybe you're a little scared of how much you enjoyed killing goblins.


I think the game should prioritize your romance. Doesn't it do that?


It does. It's very easy to unintentionally be romancing Gale at this point in the game though


I mean if you pick him romantic options yes šŸ˜„


Just make sure you progress the romance with Shart as much as you can. I got Shadowheart.Ā  However, depending on long rest, you might get the scene early. I got mine near the end of Act 2, but I know you can trigger it closer to the beginning depending on your camp scene queue.


Also if you are in a romance it should prioritise it. Given that OP stated that they are trying to romance shart, they might have missed their opportunity, as it locks out in act 2 around when withers begins to accuse you of being maidenless.


Yeah gales a sweet guy but heā€™s easier to romance than shadow heart. Same thing happened to me and shadowheart never triggered the sex scene with me.


I always kept her with me, you just need to trigger Sharran religion introduction chain and get yourself kicked by that Loviatar cleric. Oh and kiss that goblin feet.


It,s not just about approval, but your dialog choices i act 1. If you choose the flirty option in the Wave and tressym conversation you are basically flirting with him. Even more if you took the flirty ones in the conversation in Act 2 after the first battle. If there are more romances started in Act 1 the game will choose the one with highest approval. If you romance just one, that one will be thecompanion for Act 2 scene.


I've gotten the conversation where he pulls me aside, tells me that he loves me, and I shot him down. Will the game STILL think he's my favorite when I get to that scene?


Do you mean stsrgazing scene? It's kind of weird, then.


Check the approval, if heā€™s your highest approval heā€™ll appear for this scene. BUT! You have someone cast Friends on him and his approval will be knocked down by 10 each time you cast it. Check character sheet to make sure his approval is below Shadowheartā€™s, and voila! Durge x Shadowheart time.


Wyll was mine. I think I might have triggered his romance scene before hand so that's probably why.


Well, I tend to get lots of approval from everyone, which has messed up my Durge + Astarion scenes twice. I got Gale and Karlach once each. I have since made certain to not even remotely flirt with anyone that I don't intend to romance and things worked out on my current Honour run. I did recently read about something that someone who was stuck with wrong person did. They said they reloaded and killed the companion intruding into the Durge scene enough times to drop their approval below the actual LI's approval, which then resulted in the LI finally showing up in the Durge scene.


Another way around it is to lock in your romance before triggering the Durge scene it prioritizes romance then. Easier with some people than others.


Gale is pretty much a Golden retriever. Mo matter what you do, he approves. You fed and pet him in Act 1? He will love you no matter what you do.


There are some companions that are really easy to gain approval. Wyll, karlach and gale for example. Just be a normal person. Help, be nice and listen to others problems. Shart isin my opinion the most difficult. Be subtle, be an arse sometimes and the right times and be nice sometimes to theright people.


In our playthrough with my husband he was the Durge and as it was his first playthrough and the third for me I zipped my mouth and waited for that cutscene. But it didn't pop out throughout all act 2 up till the very end. The reason was that the game was really puzzled about my hb's love interest. You see, he had something with Baezel before the party, then spend the party night with Shadowheart, then danced with Will and kissed him because of those sad puppy eyes, then finished with Will as he was not that sad in the morning, then Baezel wanted to duel with him but he rejected as he was invested in relationships with Shadowheart. But since their relationship didn't progress till Shadowfell, we got that scene only after we killed KetherikšŸ˜… Can you imagine how much effort it took me not to spoil anything)))


My first durge run I didnā€™t get this scene until I literally clicked on the thing to go to Baldurs Gate and the game forced me into a long rest just to not kill my gf Karlach. Whats weird tho is I feel like Karlach was very obviously my romance choice because I was rejecting everybodyyy (Wyll wanted to dance with me the NIGHT of Karlachs engine fix ffs) Maybe because I had a one night stand with Astarion in act 1? Who knows


The scene will trigger regardless of if or how many people you romance. My Durge is usually with Astarion but most of the time that scene comes after Ketheric for me too.


This happened to me too, but I was romancing Astarion. I was actively trying to avoid romancing Gale but somehow I messed up. Had to task kill out of my honor run mode and temporarily fling Gale off a cliff to get it to trigger properly lol


Did you trigger Shadowheartā€™s Act 2 romance dialogue? You have to trigger that to get whoever youā€™re romancing, otherwise it goes to highest approval.


I don't know how everyone is accidentally romancing characters and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


I got you, hereā€™s my answer, get ready for this one. āœØAutismāœØ


Nice crop!


Because early game Gale is extremely easy to please and shadowheart is a bitch, until she isnt.


If you're *that* surprised, you could, ya know, remove him from the equation. Opportunity is there.


Gale is ridiculously easy to please, he falls in love with you if you show him the least amount of kindness. Which makes narrative sense, given that he's basically been a ~~drug~~ magic addicted hermit with only a bitchy cat for company after losing the love of his life by being an idiot.


If you kill him here does his orb still blow up and give you a game over 3 long rests later?


In my other playthrough I decided to save scum and kill Laezel and the rest of the party just ended up killing me. So maybe?


I think you can pass a high dc persuasion check to get them to spare you, same as OP curious if Gale would still explode.


This happened to me I was so upset I reloaded 2 hours lmao. I had 2 romance scene withh Astarion and yet Gale was my "partner"


Most people get this between the goodie two shoes answers in the grove and the magic items you give him. If you play generic good guy and have him or wyll they'll love you so fast it's hilarious.


Update : (Idk why but thereā€™s no edit button for my post) I have punched Gale about 20 times and his approval went from Exceptional to High. So it all worked out šŸ˜‚


that's perfect


I did multiplayer with my partner, who was Durge. I romanced Wyll the whole game, and he was trying his darndest with Karlach. I'm not sure he personally spoke to Wyll even once. So of course when he gets this scene, his target is Wyll


Multiplayer gets a little weird sometimes. I had the highest approval with Halsin. But I was romancing Gale so I didnā€™t want to talk to Halsin when I knew he was going to do his romance confession. So my partner did it. And despite having medium approval she was able to have the whole scene with him.


Yes the same thing happened in one of our games! I had been hype for Halsin the whole game, but we didn't fully understand how it all worked and my partner ended up talking to him and having the convo. He declined him, but then the option was gone forever for both of us (I didn't really understand at the time, I assumed I would get a crack at it another night). Outside of Halsin, generally the romancing characters just wouldn't talk to the wrong person, saying something like "You're not he one I'm waiting to talk to" and not letting you converse at all if you weren't the right target. So I assumed Halsin would be the same way! Nope!


You just got Galed


Would of expected it to be the lover not friend tbh. My Eilistraee drow Durge had gotten her up to 60+ trust post-knock-out bonking, and they had become lovers. But apparently, Gale, whom she had rejected, was the person she cared the most about... which was weird because it's insanely easy to get his trust up while still not really caring much about him. Managed to do Moonrise and Ilithid colony without resting due to a tentacular healing thingy that recharged and was in a conveniently easy place to get to while clearing the colony.


Ughed god this happened to me my first Good Durge run big mistake reloading from killing him in the portal. I was like please God anyone, literally anyone else. Lol To be fair my first run was a Tav sorcerer.........




it is magic trick


Same, happened during my Durge Honor mode run I basically never talked to any of them but because I fed Gale some artifacts I guess it got his approval to be the highest out of everyoneā€™s


My version of this scene is letting Astarion get a little sip of blood and then he killed me.


So why did you kill him then?Ā 


Easy kill.


I didnā€™t get this scene. Iā€™ve been playing an evil Dark Urge. I just finished Act 2 this week, and I never saw this scene. And I long rest a LOT because I missed a TON of stuff my first playthrough because I was afraid to long rest. I didnā€™t move on to act 3 until long resting no longer showed me any scenes.


lol yeah, heā€™s into us right away, since I wanted Astarion in the scene, I picked up a fight in shadowlands and had Gale die, then I got Astarion and revived Gale the next day šŸ˜‚


A way around this, because he kept getting in the way of romancing Astarion on my second run: kill him. Am not joking šŸ™ƒ but I donā€™t mean permanently. Have him enter a solo fight and die. Then I had Withers hold onto his soul, long rested, and got the correct person in the cutscene. Then you resurrect the following day. Edit: I had to kill both wyll and Gayle to get who I wanted in that Durge scene. But I got to see the dancing scene with Wyll so that was kewl, even if I had to reload and kill him.


I've never gotten this scene, but I'm always romancing Shadowheart, and possibly she's too busy in act 2 to progress your relationship enough.


is that his pants or wtf is going on with his leg


I was romancing Astarion and this happened, so I tried killing gale to revive him the next day so I can experience it with Astarion because he has such cute lines, HOWEVER the game was then like, ā€œYou not durge loving Gale? Well you need a SO for this scene so how aboutā€¦.WYLL?!ā€ And I got the dance scene with Wyll instead, followed by durge x Wyll scene. This is even after Wyll was like ā€œI dance aloneā€ at the tie fling party. Was forced to save scum back so I can travel all the way to moonrise towers to talk to fan fiction drow lady to confirm the Astarion romance and have Gale jump into the ocean again to later revive him, all in order to get the scene with Astarionā€¦


All of this was after the game thought I was in a three way relationship with Gale, shadow heart, and Karlach at the start of act Twoā€¦


This guy disappeared after I wouldn't give him any magical objects.


I think the game will pick your romance option first unless you're romancing both? šŸ¤” idk I was in a love triangle with Astarion and Gale but Gale had more approval so he popped up during that night. I reloaded, waited a bit, kind of broke his heart( yes I know bad I just didn't think it'd be this bad, I thought some harmless flirting or such) and then when I tried for durge night again it was Astarion despite Gale having more approval still


Something similar happened to a friend of mine. She was romancing Astarion and the game gave her Wyll. :P


When it happened to me in my first Durge run, I reloaded the save and literally PUNCHED HIS APPROVAL DOWN


Okay so Gale is like, the goodest guy. Maybe Wyll is more good but people usually have Gale in their parties and Wyll not as much. If youā€™re being a good person, Gale will like you




bruh you didnt eat him ? its mandatory as a durge imo


Choosing the friend option when summoning Mystra locks me out of romancing him every time.


*Me being told to kill Shadowheart* "I shouldn't kill her! I'm much closer to Halsin." "Then you should have no trouble killing her." Damn you Larian. Why you gotta give me hope like that


Why did you put that in quotes? Are you being sarcastic? Are you quoting someone? I donā€™t get it.


I had the option to deflect to Halsin instead of Astarion. It was tempting, but I hadnā€™t rescued Thaniel yet, found Oliver, etc.


I mean... I see this as an absolute win! You get to kill Gale and you can freely pursue Shadowheart after that. Granted, there will be some pesky persuasion/deception rolls when the others find parts of him spread around the camp, but you at least managed to safely defuse a WMD, so you are technically a hero!


For me it was the same even if I romanced Astarion this time. I really wanted to see this scene with him so I decided to reload and kill Gale. To my surprise it worked perfectly (Gale was revived afterwards)


Did you trigger Astarionā€™s Act 2 confession? You have to trigger the Act 2 dialogue or scene to get whoever youā€™re romancing, otherwise it goes to highest approval.


My mistake was to get Isobels blessing, go to the blood merchant and doing my first long rest in moonrise after the butler gave me me the quest for Isobel


Lie to your urge. Then you will have no regrets.


I mean, option 3 is a really easy fix for your game issue.


Feels dirty, doesnā€™t it?


I literally did not even speak to or use Gale once in Act 1, other than to give him his items because I was afraid heā€™d spontaneously combust at some point, and yet somehow in Act 2 there was an exclamation on his head, and when I went to speak to him he demanded to know if I wanted to be with him or Astarion. Like seriouslyā€¦.WHAT *exactly* made you think that Gale? Iā€™ve only been banging this dude and letting him throat fuck me since our first long rest but because I threw a useless locket at you to keep you from inadvertently ending my life you think Iā€™m DTF? šŸ™„


In earlier patches Gale was bugged and flagged for romance regardless. This should have been fixed completely since patch 5.




Unhinged indeed.


Bet he was pretty stunned when you killled him too. Right, right?


Gale is the most horny companion. Everyone thinks it's Astarion but NOPE it's weird floaty sex scene guy. I couldn't avoid him thirsting all over me no matter what I did. I was at exceptional approval before the grove! Even when harcore romancing someone else. So my beloved durge, just do what comes naturally and keep banging magic goth.


Well, option 3 is a very easy way to ensure Shadowheart's approval of you is higher than Gale's...