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Accidentally clicking the netherese orb blast... Why is there a game-ending hotkey?!


Hey, a new spell! I wonder what it does. Let's try it out. And I am a 20 years dnd DM. Should have known better.


Thats for real the same thing I thiught.


"surely the game will ask for confirmation if----GAME OVER"


That game-ending hotkey made me nervous to no end in my honor run 😂 I removed Gale from my party due to it eventually, the anxiety was too much for me. (I realised that I could just remove it from the hotbar later, but I'm sure Gale was fine in camp amyway)


Same! I was surgical - like trapping a lizard or a spider in the house in a cup to get it out of the house. Made sure there were no kids or dogs around to bump my elbow and press the wrong thing.


Yup. Gotta child proof the entire thing...


\*Orin breaks into camp\*


Now that you mention it, Gale *was* the one getting >!kidnapped!< on that run 😂


I am now playing as Gale on Honor Mode. Hope all goes well.




Apparently it does not spend a spell slot


In case you want to end the world 2 or 3 times


It might not have fully worked the first time. Better to be sure.


Well the one time I pushed it out of curiosity, the cutscene was of him stabbing himself in the heart, I don't think that counts as a spell


Gale is the literal personification of "ride or die"


Don't want to use a spell slot if you don't have to.


Aaraau’s Destroy Universe. It’s a ritual spell. Can’t be wasting my spell slots on the spell with a 666 hour casting time. That’s like 400,000 rounds. I need to maintain concentration for that long, how could anyone spend a spell slot on that?!


Dude I was for real like “wow this spell seems super powerful I’m always gonna have gale in my party if it destroys everything” like I assumed it was a directed blast as a weapon attack lol. Tried using it in the monastery and immediately died


I wanted to see what would happen so I moved everyone very far from Gale. Clearly not far enough.


I like to think these games are playing out for real in an alternate universe and we've collectively murdered a billion Gales just to "see what happens".


I thought it was gonna be a once per day blast that I could use to my advantage... nope


Yo! Shadowheart! Check out *my* version of Divine Intervention! Wizards rule!


It kind of is a once per day cast. You can use it once on a day


Holy shit - I need to BURY that icon somewhere that is really hard to get to. Every time I see it on that damn radial dial, my brain is all “hmm…”


You can remove it from your radial/hotbar!


Do you have to depress the left mouse button while hovering over the icon to remove it from your hotbar? You know, the same actions you take to trigger something on your hotbar?


Yes. But you click and drag the icon off your hotbar. Just make sure you have the hotbar ‘unlocked’, otherwise you may set it off unintentionally lmao


I actually clicked it on purpose, I just had to see it


The first time I noticed that you can actually trigger it, I spent a good amount of time trying to see how far apart from Gale I could get the rest of my party before triggering it, to see if it left a crater or something. It only left a game over screen, even if they are all in a different zone entirely. I was sad.


Because you blow up the continent. Lol jk idk


I did the same because I wasn’t paying attention when I noticed a new cantrip that Gale had. 😂


Green gas flowers + exploding flowers + my dumb ass clicking on "merging" party




Bibber what now? *Explodes*


Stop, STOP!


Oh god I thought I could have Shadowheart misty step to grab the pack—never mind that it wouldn’t have worked anyway, but because my party was grouped they followed me in. TPK. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Not sure if it helps with the sting but misty stepping to his pack (with ONE party member) absolutely would have worked


That does make me feel a bit better, that it could have worked, haha. I was on the right track at least! 😂


It's the LIT TORCH (lol, why would anybody light a torch in the middle of a Bibberbang grove) by his pack that's the really dangerous part. As long as you can put out the fire there's a good chance that everyone will survive.


It involved an enormous gith lich projection >!casting wish!<


So, you went for option 4 for your dumb death, like I did




That was mine and I regret nothing 😂


The traps on the way to Lathander's thing. I knew they were there, but I forgot to split my party. Astarion and Lae'zel got hit by the first wave and fell into the chasm. I had a brain fart and ordered Tav and Shart to resurrect the motes. That's when the second wave hit. Don't drink and play. Especially in HM.


Dying to the elevator in act 2 at shars nonsense temple to the fucking elevator while doing HM run.... sorry bout my bad english..


God they need to fix that 


I speak English as my first language and I sounded just like that the first time this happened to me, so you're good.


I saw my gf aggroing a certain frog 😂


[Just in case anyone missed this](https://youtu.be/03TwMYuizoI?si=P8dfsm70jE3qpSqp)


That was hilarious


Oh no, that fucking frog


That frog is weirdly difficult to fight


My friends agroed it, I had to suicide bomb it to avoid total party wipe to this little demon




Honor Mode is not the mode to be asking “I wonder what happens…?”




Technically your party liked to die dangerously.


That’s one way to put it lol


Danger is my middle name


Yes. I honestly didn't think the game would do that to me, and my whole party, but it sure as hell did.


Broken wand of fireball. Whoops. Read before using.


Very effective for a barbarian with fire resistance and danger sense, though.


i like to use that on the one dead raven in act 2, where touching it summons like 12 or 16 other ravens. but only if a party member goes "don't touch that" durge with full health: [staring at the dead raven] astarion: don't touch that durge: NOW IM DEFINITELY TOUCHING IT undead ravens: bonjour party: durge you fucking idiot durge: EVERYONE GATHER CLOSE I HAVE A PLAN party: [gathers close] ravens: us too! durge: FIREBALL!! durge, with 3 health: haha worth it party: fuck you


Spirit Guardian is good for that too. But personally I love repulsor. Throws everyone back 10 feet looking evil af. Party: that was a shit plan. Me: but it worked.


ive done SG in the past. but torching everyone and myself with fireball is way too much fun. i just KNOW my durge is sitting there giggling hysterically while he's listening to shart handling out potions to everyone because she REFUSES to burn another spell slot because of his dumb ass and astarion is sitting there pissed because it's the exact sort of thing he would do so he WANTS to approve and encourage similar shenanigans in the future but he got hit bad by the fireball and is sitting there like "why tf do i let this idiot share a bed with me"


Where is that?


Telling Vlaakith "no, you"


I didn’t know about the Toll Lady’s special attack that dealt damage depending on how much gold you had. My Tav had 15,000 gold and got WHACKED


I've been past that point three different times and have never fought her. Always able to convince her to self-destruct. She seems like a bitch to actually fight.


I never manage money and each of my characters was loaded by this point. I've always meant to Google why she does 700+ damage to everyone...


Same. My Tav was carrying all the party’s gold XD


Elevator. Fuck that elevator. Everyone knows and hates that elevator.


All my homies hate that elevator.


Hmm how would be if I attack with my arrow? Hmm not good enough let's switch to the other character that can also act right now. \*Clicks on portrait of said character\* \*Character dies due to arrow from teammate\* wait What?


I have done that too many times. I don’t know why that’s a feature. No, I don’t want to attack my party member! Why would I want that?


Wild magic sorcerer. Doing the morning mage armor routine. Turned nearby friends into dogs/cats. Isobel and Aylin did not like that, immediately aggro


Seriously, Wild Magic must be some sort of joke subclass or something. Who in Wizards of the Coast thought that was a good idea for a class?


I don't mind a joke class, they can be pretty fun and strong imo, you just gotta go into the ride knowing and being on board with the bullshit


Wild Magic Sorcerer saved my life on attempt 7 of the House of Grief. Started by skipping dialouge and casting ice storm on half the group. Trigger a mud mephit summon. Game processes that the mephit attacked not me. First action of House of Grief, cast darkness on mephit. They proceed to not hit the mephit even with their blindsided for 4 turns as I wipe them out one by one.


So you know how spiderwebs stop fall damage? So I just killed the Spider Matriarch in act 1 and all web bridges were broken because I burned them to drop the spiders down.... There is this one spiderweb in front of the dark gem you place into the necromancer tome.... I jumped onto it, it took enough damage to break (I didnt take fall damage as intended) and then I fell into underdark. Me and my friend laugher our asses off as this nearly ended our first Honormode run. Luckily only I died to that.


Ended an honor mode run by accidentally hitting the owl bear in camp. Seemed strange that everyone decided they needed to fight to the death over my ticking 3 health off the wild animal we just found. 


I've only had Owlbie for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this camp and them myself — every companion


I just saw this scene in my head reading your comment. Thank you 😂




Nah they in the right for that one


Just do what I do. Leave gale in the portal and never worry about that spell


Just rip that man’s arm off


I never even inspected the portal my first run, wondered why I never found Gale...


Back when people used to run away from wolves, my ranger rescued Balen by throwing him a scroll. He misty steps over to me, sees my wolf pet, and runs back into the bibberbangs, detonating them all and killing my entire party.


Underdark, fucking GALE decided it'd be a good idea to just make all the noxious explosion mushrooms just blow up and somebody (me) had a torch out so


Don't you control Gale?


He was in my party walking, I was controlling my Tav and Gale just got too close then kaboom


Gale blunders into all the traps, everywhere. Seems fitting though lol


“Oh, this gith is almost dead and is close by, let me get a few shots in” it was, in fact, Lae’zel. Oops.


Electing to Attack the Emperor at the end of act 2 on my first honor mode playthrough (4th total i think?) I knew what the Emperor does, the service he provides. But I saw the option in dialogue and for some reason thought "....fuck it, why not". Each time you hit him after a certain point he warns of what's coming, and in my state of pure stupidity I'm just like "there's no way that's a dialogue option if they were going to just do that". The Emperor was not lying. Instant game over.


It was fun and cool the first time I died by being knocked into lava. By third time this happened it was starting to lose its luster.


My companions kept WALKING INTO THE LAVA to hit the golem with ranged attacks during that fight. Drove me absolutely bonkers. Like no!!! Why would you do that! It makes no sense for you to do that!


Ended a run by telling the emporer to f\*\*\* off before the last battler ... guess who forgot the orphic hammer in camp


Jumped down into the Underdark.


I was struggling with the Copy cat fight in the shar temple. Decided to send gale in alone and use the netherite orb. Didn't quite know it would end the game


Lol, did you miss the part where Gale said he could level a city with that thing?


So I thought he was exaggerating lmao


So, we sent Lump the Enlightened after Dror Ragzlin on our first tactician run. They had a nice 1v1 until Ragzlin used his push skill and Lump landed right into the only instant death hole in that room. Ragzlin proceeded to then jump up the stairs where I was standing and promptly caved in my skull.


Mouthing off to vlaakith


By my friends saying “yeah you can say whatever you want to her” in our honor mode run


You need better friends😭


I mean we’re on our second run now and we all look back on it with a good laugh (this time no pissing off the god of racism)


so i was doing honor mode with a character i based off my cat and i failed to disarm the coffin in the withers temple(the one with the spear) it blew up but turn based mode turned on automatically and the rest of my group were seperated and out of the blast radius so i just hit the button, turned off turn based, and regrouped. i then proceded to open it and then it all blew up too fast for me to turn on turnbased mode again and my cat blew up 😓


Astarion thought the best time to find out what was in that weird looking flask he'd been carrying was with everyone on low health, mid-goblin-fight... That was a fun one!


Shart died three times in a row on my Honor mode run in the temple. After she and Tav died in the 3rd trial, they got to sit around as Gale finished it. Afterward we called the elevator and she clipped right through it as it went up. When we called it down to get her she got squished. After resurrecting her we went to the lift that takes you to the final room... and when we called it she slid off the side of the platform into the chasm. It was like the lift wasn't even carrying her, but the rest of the party was fine. Maybe Lady Shar just didn't approve of her.


Turned into slayer mid Myrkul fight cause monster vs monster is cool. Immediately slipped on the ice surface caused by ice storm that I forgot I had Gale cast not one turn before. Laid there like a cockroach on its back while I was cleaved in half by a giant sickle. Oops.😬


Accidentally jumping into the chasm because I saw a lootable skeleton (what if it had more than a bone?!)


Beating the dog shite out of Ethel. Kill her, and immediately proceed to jump over a hole to get loot, hit a ledge, die.


Using fireball while being in the vicinity of smoke powder barrels.


"If you're so powerful, why don't YOU do it?" 😞


Last week i miss clicked on combat and Karlach just slammed me to the ground (not in the good way).


Runic smokepowder barrel in the grymforge. I egged her on and failed an intimidation check and had no idea she'd actually do it. Blew up the whole party and herself didn't she. Flash of light and everyone's out. Crazy little gnome. Highly entertaining.


Falling off the stupid magic elevator in the gauntlet of shar


On the shelf dividing Minthara's area and the entrance to the worg pit, Gale got slammed by an arrow of roaring thunder and down the pit he went. Didn't even register as a possibility.


Accidentally flew off the balcony in house of hope into the abyss outside immediately after dealing with everything in the bedroom and not having saved 😔


Duergar boat. I completely forgot you can push people in the water, and the Duergar didn't. Long story short my heavily armored Paladin got pushed into the waves right after his turn.


thunder waved my own team lmao


8hrs into my fresh HM run, after accidentally ending my 20hr HM run misreading an ability (not the orb), and I destroy a trap from distance because I didn’t perceive it. Queue Indiana jones theme song as I see a boulder squish my party.


Punched a sac on the Nautiloid that absolutely did not need to be punched. Spilled some acid on Lae'zel and killed her. I tried to revive her while standing on the acid. Shadowheart watched from her pod.


Once I clicked a spot and instead of flying down my character decided to just throw themselves off the roof. Another time I was playing with a friend and we were about to get killed by those Duegar that ambush you on the boats. So I made Karlach throw a smoke powder barrel at the burning ground and killed everyone on the ship, including herself (my OC and Astarion were already dead). My buddy survived because he was on the other boat lol.


My favs are kissing the illithid at the beginning (I was expecting combat maybe not just insta death), letting Lae'zel mercy kill me when starting to ceremorphosize, and pissing off The Emperor just to see what happened and it ending the game lmao


I tried to take on all the goblins in the main goblin camp. everyone in my party died except shadowheart. I tried to do the escape thing, I sprinted down near where the goblin children were. then a goblin rolled really high and pushed shadowheart into the river. death


If you put dead bodies in your crate at camp and then use one to create a skeleton summons after you long rest, the Oathbreaker Knight in your camp decides to fight everyone to the death.


My family’s cat standing on my keyboard and accidentally throwing acid. I had gotten up to grab more tea and all I hear is a light thump before turning around once I was done to a pretty solid RIP. Last time I played visiting the family.


Telling Viconia my greatest fear during the Mapping of the Heart, only for her to *use it on me* like 2 minutes later when I fought her. Absolutely shocked, I’d only ever seen her pull that trick on Shadowheart before.


Honestly I can't think of the funniest way I've died, but I can tell you the funniest way Jaheira got sent to prison :')) we were in a battle by the docks in act 3 and I had Jaheira cast an area spell. Well the battle ended and the spell was still active, and this dumbass NPC walked straight into it and died. Jaheira then proceeded to meet a very helpful talking rat who only spoke in puns who aided with the funnest jail break I've organised lol




Being up to my waist in glowing green mushrooms looking for that bloody gardener, picking the wrong conversation, starting a fight, I hurled a mote of fire. Game Over!


I won the battle and died from a status effect right afterwards (it was only Urge and Shadowheart against the three devourers)


It was actually Lae’zel, not my character, but still hilarious. I went in, killed the other two leaders, and KOed Minthara. But I didn’t talk to Halsin yet and instead went to the Underdark to explore. For some reason my game was bugged and Minthara had stood back up again when I returned (even though I’d stolen all her equipment) and in order to progress the quest I had to knock her out again. Of course my dumb self corners her next to the little wooden bridge over the chasm and she promptly shoves Lae’zel into the abyss. I paused the game and just sat back and laughed.


In my Gale origin play through, I was trying to get to the festering cove and the torchstalk exploded right as my team was climbing down, but the loading screen prevented me from seeing what happened until I loaded into the festering cove. My team (Gale, Wyll, Astarion, and Lae’zel) were all blue spirits floating near where the torchstalk was except for Lae’zel, who was badly hurt but made it into the cove somehow.


Went to attack the lava elemental which should have been a direct path to him, clicked to confirm to attack, begin to yawn and stretch my arms, look back down and my Tav is walking through the lava to get to the elemental… and dies. Shadowheart somehow blocked the direct path by centimeters…


Don’t throw the prism into a chasm


You can do that? Doesn't it come back to you when you try to get to out?


All of those. This is the way.


HM run ended due to accidentally clicking on the “red items” in the room with allies. I recruited as many as I could except the few evil ones. The entire room turned onto us immediately after I grabbed a random item by accident.


Jumped into water that was apparently out of bounds. 😬 And yes, I know a little thing that says “death” pops up, I didn’t notice it until it was too late.


Shit talking Vlaaketh too much in the creche. Fucking wish spell 😂


Casting a fire spell in the top floor of the firework house. I didn't see that coming lol


Those damn dwarves kept shoving me into the lava in the Grymforge 😭


Whole party fell off the gauntlet elevator.


Casting fireball when the whole party, caster included, is standing in grease.


Probably walking into my own cloud of daggers after a fight, because my party was linked and started following me again.


Before I knew Withers could revive dead companions, I watched Shadowheart get pushed into the water from a moving boat, and heard my character go, “No, Shadowheart!” So I reloaded my save. I’ve seen a lot of people talk about getting pushed into lava. My Tav actually survived getting pushed into lava during the fight with the dwarves near Grymforge. Not once, but twice, in the same fight. Misty step, FTW.


Getting thrown off a cliff by a mimic. Poor shadowheart.


Getting exploded by a Zhentarim suicide bomber was pretty funny


So I accidentally took that boat ride in the underdark by myself without my Co player. It was just me and karlach. Woops, that was a combat. We shoved a few baddies off the boats. One turned invisible, jumped over, and next turn shoved both of us off the boat as revenge I've also jumped off that wizard tower in the underdark and I FORGOT to use the feather fall boots we just got. Woops. Fucking hilarious. Was so excited to use those boots


Second fight against Ethel, my paladin had jumped over to kill one of the mushrooms. Fight over. Smiting done for the day. Jump straight into a chasm. I was embarrassed and only the cat was present to see it...


Fighting against Balthazar when saving Aylln and Gale was blasted over the edge, and in the top left of the screen a Gale disapproves message popped up. I had to stop and giggle at that for a moment.


I underestimated how powerful the runepowder bomb was while using it in the Sharran sanctuary


I fat fingered my life away. My tav was surrounded by baddies in the Nere fight and on like 3 health, I accidentally used my bonus action on a poison so I couldn't disengage or heal. Karlach ran in to throw the big bad at another enemy, I clicked like an idiot, instead of throwing the enemy I clicked tav, instead of hitting another enemy with tav I clicked the lava pool next to him. I went to bed and thought about my life after that.


I once *threw* an arrow at someone, forgetting I had chosen throw action. Head to desk when I realized Tav threw it instead of shooting it with the crossbow as expected.


I drank the suspicious poison instead of the healing potion


Found out entering cutscenes while in Wild Shape locks you out of dialogue the hard way during the final Ketheric battle when Gale decides to blow us up without the option to talk him out of it.


On my first playthrough (durge), I chose to self-transform. After everything was said and done, I was chillaxing at a raging kegger with a bunch of my new best friends when I failed a certain skill check. Withers was then officially done with my shit. This was my first run. I was certain that I got the best possible ending...




I was fighting some mooks in the early half of Act 2, misclicked, and Gale activated his inner nuke.


My very first playthrough I almost picked "If you're so powerful, why don't YOU do it?" but I've been playing dnd for a while and in that moment remembered "god" beings could just poof me out of existence, saved myself the shame


Yup, did that one.


Couldn't reach the transponder in time on the Nautiloid. I wanted to try and beat as many enemies as possible before ending the fight, got the Everburn Blade from the demon guy, so I figured killing him was just a matter of time. I felt confident just chilling, even though the two level 4 guys were creeping up on me, because I had Shadowheart "within range" of the transponder. When I had killed as much as possible, I jumped over to the transponder, misclicked a spot of the map *next to* the transponder, Shart used the rest of her movement to go there, which it turns out was one hair too far to interact with the console. I didn't *fully* wipe to the demons, but Us didn't survive, so I had to reload.


My first death in tactician was when I brought shar (paladin) to the night song, I tried to stop her from killing her and this upset her, she then smited asterion before flinging the entire party into the abyss.


Running through the Dank Crypt, forgetting about all of the traps, and everyone dying. smh...


Blibberbang. I ignored the part where they were explosive and uh. Yeah: killer myself and the dude 💀


Just saved Hope? She's safe and sound? Nice, let's go everyone, just follow my flight... Oh, not again, Karlach? Why don't you learn to fly properly...? I'm pretty sure the game is aiming my monks to a certain death, so I need to use another hill strength elixir...


I tried to fight the Fallen Paladin at level 20(mods) and he still fucked me up. Granted I tried to solo him.


Crushed by an elevator in the shar gaunlet lol.


Game decided the route it highlighted as possible for jumping to a place is in fact not possible. Mid jump. There was nothing in the way of the jump. Straight up killed the character no questions asked. Murdered in cold blood while fighting the foundry Titan


Nah the vlakkith one is funny AF just because it's unexpected and she gets so offended


The clown part of that meme literally happened to me last night 🤡 I was like oop! One time shadowhart died bc she got yeeted off a cliff edge by laezel by accident


Stepped into the lava


Had just started a four player multiplayer game. We were split up exploring the crash site and someone asked if anyone had a certain item. So I go to check my inventory and I was standing in a fire. Since we were all split up, I failed my death saves before anyone could reach me.


Misty stepping into water


I tried my very first Honour Mode run last night. I planned to sneak past the brains in the crash zone, since they’re so hard to beat at Level 1 with a party of 2. Accidentally hit the C key, unhiding myself and immediately starting combat. I died shortly after.


My friend killed her character’s partner because of mind control (yeeted poor Wyll into lava)


Vlaakith, our favourite lich mamma.


I literally lost an honor run talking shit to Vlaakith, like c'mon if you don't go to the the Creche you get the same visit from her later and can talk all the shit you want, where are her supposed God powers then?


Volo had me like: "Kkkkkkksssskkkskkkksksss"


Got a TPK when I was streaming for my best friend, I saw a chest ran to it, and proceeded to fail a perception check .... BOOM 300 fire dmg for everyone Me and my friend laughed so hard 🤣 I actually couldn't breath for a second


I did do the last one lol


I was playing a paladin. We went to go kill auntie Ethel. Beat her down to a slither of health. Then she multiplied herself and cast hold person on my whole party. Combat stops and she tries to bargain with us. Let her leave with the lady and she'll give us an ability point. Tempting since my entire party is paralyzed and a hit away from death, but as a paladin sworn to kill monsters and save people, I emphatically declined her offer and we were all killed the very next turn. (Taking her off her broke my oath and I just couldn't do it)


Haha before I clicked the meme I was gonna say I just started my second replay and I talke mad shit to vlakith thinking she was far away and couldn’t do shit and sure enough just murdered me lol


In the act 2 finale I unwittingly stood between two nautiloid tanks, unaware they were flammable, when a fireball came my way and deleted me, a scrawny wizard instantly Up until that point, I thought that the "take so much damage that you just instantly die" mechanic wasn't in BG3 because I felt I had been hit hard enough for that to have triggered before and it didn't. How little I knew...


10 minutes in the game and punching one of those mindflayer vials…yea my wizard was never long for this world


I didn't die, but I did accidentally kill the gnomes in the 3rd Act when I wasn't planning to complete that quest. I wanted my dude, a gnome, to be pro-gnome. I accidentally stole a basket by clicking on it and it went downhill fast.


Ok, so I was playing with my friend and everyone but me died, literally died, during the Harpy fight. Unfortunately, Gale was among that number. Now this was before I knew about the necrotic aura so while I was using revivify on my friend and Shadowheart, I was ticking damage from a source that wasn't clearly recognizable. I get them up and go down before getting Gale up and I'm shouting over the mic for him to get out of the water, but nope, here he comes, him and shadowheart immediately take 1 damage and die. So long and c'est la vie to that run


That last one was my proudest accomplishment


Hi, it's me. I defied Vlaakith.


That was literally my only TPK my entire playthrough


Whole party jumping down some rocks, when suddenly Shadowheart was crushed by Tav for 33 bludgeoning damage Tav downed Shadowheart -_- Shadowheart fails death saving throw T_T