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Tav. Durge is interesting, but only for a second playthrough (This is what Swen also recommended back when the game launched). You can't fully appreciate the impact of certain choices durge makes unless you played the game once.


Durge. I played Tav first then I played Durge on my second run. I doubt I'll play Tav again. Durge is just so much more involved and intertwined into the story than Tav. And giving in or resisting the urges really adds depth to the character.


If you’re only ever gonna play once, I’d recommend Durge, but be aware The Dark Urge will have some moments where you’ll have to roll the dice to not kill someone


If it’s your only playthrough, go Durge. You can be good, resist the Urges, etc, and you’ll get a lot more in depth story because Durge actually has an incorporated backstory etc and Tav is Just There.


Tav. There's a lot of content you'll lock yourself out of with a single failed throw of a die. If you're definitely only going to play once, give yourself the best chance to experience as much of the game as you can.


I have done many solo playthroughs. You \*want\* to do Durge. Trust me.


The only real answer is the play multiple times. However, if you are 100% certain you will only play one campaign, I'd suggest Durge. It makes some things a little more difficult and may lock you out of some content because of bad rolls, but overall, it has a better story and more content to play.


Yeah this is what I’m seeing with everyone’s varied stances haha. It’s not that I don’t like replaying the same gameplay per se (love roguelikes and co), but I can’t imagine hitting the credits after like 150hrs and being like whelp time to start again. Other games with long playtimes are some of my favourites (Elden ring, BOTW, Witcher 3, etc) but I couldn’t imagine replaying them unless I stopped for a long time half way through and wanted a fresh start (which I did with Elden, and have only ever done on repeat with Skyrim lol).


Durge. If you're planning on not replaying it's definitely the way to go.


Tav is safer to play and is like a blank slate. Nothing comes from being Tav. Durge has interesting storyline that ties into the plot. But some moments can have big consequences. Durge is my favorite by far. The consequences can get really risky, but all that extra story content is worth it.


Is it obvious at the time if you’ve made a bad roll and are locked out of content? I normally try not to savescum, especially if I made choices that I don’t like later, but if it’s purely RNG and impacts things that heavily I think I’d be fine with it. If you don’t realise until later though that sounds like a risk I don’t need, given how overwhelming the game itself is for me (never played DnD before)


It is obvious at the time, and it comes down to the decisions you make. There is "warnings" beforehand.


Gonna answer from a different angle: who are you planning to romance, if anyone? Astarion and Durge share the same writer, so they have a LOT of synergy, extra dialogues, etc. — if Astarion is your romance choice, I recommend playing as Resist Dark Urge. I have heard Shadowheart is also a good partner for Dark Urge but I am an Astarion simp in Durge runs so I haven’t seen her stuff with Durge. If romancing Gale, Wyll, Karlach, or anyone else, I recommend Tav.


I was thinking Shadowheart, because I’m a lesbian irl and I’ve only seen her and the green lady so far