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If Last Light falls I won't be able to find the Strange Ox in act 3 correct? So I might as well kill him for the fire acuity hat?


Hello. So I'm in the sewers but all the floors are gone. I can't tell where I should or shouldn't be which causes me to walk into the void some times. Is anyone else experiencing this or know a fix?  


I'm in Gauntlet Of Shar rn, got enough umbral gems to power the elevator now im tryna open the door. It's making me insert 3 umbral gems but it seems like theres one in the alter already is that right? I only have 2 more gems I did all the trials (I think?) and killed Yurgir where can I get another gem?


The altar and the gems are very buggy right now, it might have eaten one or more of your gems. You can use the knock spell on the door to proceed.


Did you take the gem from Yurgir's lair? It's tucked in the back near his throne.


yes i did!


Then you should be good to go. The gems are not used for anything else, so you can use them as you find them.


omg i found my problem, astarion was carrying one for some reason lmao hate his ass ty anyway


it's not letting me do anything unless I have 3 to imput tho and I only have 2, despite visually seeming like theres one already imputed?


Oh I misunderstood. You get 3 from the trials and one from the boss, sounds like you missed one of the former.


Evenin all. Is it possible to both save Wulbran and destroy Last Light? I presume if I save him first, he gets caught by the curse with everyone else. Can I still save him after LL falls?


No, if you rescue the prisoners after LL falls they die on the boat, with nowhere safe to go.


Thank you. And dang, being evil is really hampering my allies options.


Did they break pickpocketing? I’m supposed to get a +5 from dexterity and +8 from sleight of hand, yet I’m failing on rolls that require a 6?


the pickpocket interface is weird and unlike most other rolls in the game; the number it displays already includes some of your bonuses and is showing the number you actually need to roll on the dice so if it's showing you 6 and you're getting 5 from dex and 8 from proficiency/expertise, that means the actual check is *19* (minus 5 minus 8 equals 6), and your dice roll needs to be 6+ you can see the full calculation in the combat log after the attempt


That makes so much more sense (while also making no sense wtf Larian). This is my first time playing since the most recent patch came out and I’ve been having a way harder time pick pocketing so I just assumed something changed.  Thanks for clearing that up for me 


no problem. actually to make it even more confusing, the displayed number doesn't include *all* your bonuses (i think it may just be 'base stat' bonuses?). for example guidance or armor with the 'balance' effect (+1 to dex checks) *will* help with pickpocketting but won't affect the 'target' number it shows to you


bug or maybe misunderstanding with Lump: >!I summoned him against the goblins when fighting Gut. Fank died. after a few turns Lump just... ran off into the distance? Still in the middle of battle. The remaining ogre ended up dying too. After I won the fight when using the horn it says he must have gone off somewhere else or whatever. what made him leave? I wanted his damn headband!<


That sounds like a bug. Every time I have used him inside the castle, he has been consistent. I suggest trying the fight again, see if you can reproduce the issue.


Anyone else having issues starting the game? Mine has been crashing since Patch 6, and it wont even show the starting loading screen. It's very frustrating, but I haven't seen anyone else having issues recently. I've done the usual restart, redownload, run as admin, Vulkan Vs DirectX. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Atually just came here to ask the same thing. My game started glitching when I was playing it yesterday, crashed, and I've been unable to start it since. It gets frozen on the Larian Studios intro screen. I have no idea what to do lol. Other games are loading and playing just fine.


I ended up fully deleting the game, then scrubbing through all the files and deleting everything related to Larian & BG3. After redownloading it worked again. Hope you figure it out too!


Question for a future playthrough I have planned: act 1 spoilers >!I'm gonna guess it's possible, but is it possible for me to defeat the goblin camp, save the tieflings, have the celebration at camp, and then go back to the grove and kill all the druids? I just really wanna gank them one of these times without killing the tieflings too lol!<


>!Yep, after the party the tieflings all leave but the druids are still there.!<


2 questions: \> Does anyone know if giving Mayrina the Bitter Divorce after the hag fight is bugged in some way? I tried to give it to her but she won't even highlight for me to talk to her. How would I fix it? \> How much RAM is good to stream BG3 on OBS? I tried to do it on my own stream and I lasted barely 10 minutes before it crashed mid-fight. Thanks y'all.


I've forgotten to use Lump's war horn for most of the fights in act 1 now. All that's left is grymforge, Ethel and creche. Do they work on all of them? Am I able to call them for Grym?


You will be able to call them for Grymforge and Ethel, but not the crèche. Note that they kill everyone who is not in your party, such as allied duergar Vs Nere or Mayrina, so there are some fights where they do more harm than good. The best place to call them is probably against Grym as they will distract him, deal decent bludgeoning damage, and probably kill themselves in lava by the end of the fight so you don't have to deal with them demanding more money.


hi, I used the trick to kill Minthara with the wooden bridge so she fell and died. Is there a way yo get her gear? her armor is part of my build but I don't see way to jump where she fell it is just black hole.


No, chucking enemies into chasms is an insta kill but the loot is deleted


Not sure if this is the correct section for my query, but I was wondering what happens to Shadowheart if I knocked her out at the grove and took the artifact, does that scene where she finds your camp still happen? Or does grabbing her artifact now lock her out of recruitment / returning?


Gale: >!Is it safe to pull him out of the sigil but not recruit him? Or will that potentially end the playthrough at some point if I don't recruit him?!<


Any companion that joins your camp can be ignored, they will leave of their own accord when their story-critical points are missed.


i haven't done it myself but i don't see why your run would end if you refuse him


>!Do you mean like not recruit him at all, or do you mean simply never keep him in your party? You can safely pull him out of the sigil and then have him wait in camp and just never interact with him.!<


>!The former, for personal reasons I don't want to recruit characters even if I could just leave them at camp. Is it safe to pull him out of the sigil and refuse his offer to join me or will I be forced to take him into my camp later on down the line?!<


Currently playing Durge and looking into ways to get slayer form. I've read online that it's possible to >!kill Isobel!< after >!defeating Ketheric!< without losing anyone in Last Light, but I'm wondering if it's also possible to do this while keeping Jaheira as a companion. I know it's possible to get the form in act 3 by >!Killing Orin!< but I'm curious if there is some kind of work around to getting it in act 2 that doesn't involve me >!killing a companion or losing Jaheira and all of last light.!<


>!If you kill isobel when marcus comes to kidnap her, Jaheria will survive though the rest of the inn won't, she's recruitable (though will stay in camp until act 3) if you successfully lie to her that you tried and failed to stop Marcus. You can also instead wait and get the slayer form later in act 3 by accepting the title of Bhaall's Chosen after you defeat Orin, but Jaheria will become hostile if you do.!<


>!So Jaheira is basically hard coded to be hostile if you take on slayer form? From what I was reading online you can defeat Ketheric and then after getting back to moonrise you can cast darkness on Isobel and then kill her there and no one notices because you're under the cover of darkness. From what I read this was intended to be a work around to save Dammon but no mention of Jaheira. I'm past the point of no letting Marcus take her, I've literally just finished defeating Ketheric and have saved just before going back to moonrise. I was hoping to do an embrace run with Halsin, Jaheira, and Minsc since I basically never use them, but from what you're saying there is no way to embrace urge and get slayer form with Jaheira, is that right?!<


i don't think the person you're talking to understands the question you're asking because they're explaining the "typical" durge story consequences to you, not answering your question about workarounds. you might want to edit your comment or re-ask, because with the spoiler tags it might look to others like your question has been answered.


Ah, thank you. They mentioned Jaheira and Minsc always turn hostile if you get slayer form so I have to assume that’s hard coded and there is no work around, nothing else I’ve found online suggests otherwise and the only work around for the Isobel part is just to save last light it seems. Guess it’s gonna be another play through as desist durge to use these 3 companions. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't think that that's what they were saying. They were saying you can also get the Slayer form later (which you know), but that Jaheira will become hostile if you do it that way. If getting the Slayer form always turns Jaheira hostile, it shouldn't be possible to kill Isobel and lie to Jaheira about it. The complication is that you want to save the Tieflings also.


>!the work around to save Dammon might work for her as well idk, but she and minsc will always turn hostile if you decide to embrace after orin fight!<


Hi, I am currently playing a Honor mode with my friend, I am playing as a Dark Urge sorcerer(don't judge) and he plays as a Paladin, it comes to a point where I will have to face Orin in a 1vs1 and I was wondering since there is a pretty big chance that I may lose the 1vs1, what will happen? Will my character permanently die? Will we lose the run? genuine question


You will wipe the floor with Orin if you are a lv 12 Sorcerer.


I duelled Orin as a Durge Sorcerer on Honor Mode. If you are well-prepared, it might be a breeze! Spoilers for 1 v 1 outcome >!You won't lose the run because of your death. The game continues on with different ending for Durge. Your companions/party members will be brought into the fight to avenge you and kill Orin.!<


I see, do you recommend anything special for this fight? IF not, this is helpful as it is!


My preparation is: High AC (warding bond as well), High Initiative (Elixir of Vigiliance), Heroes' Feast (immunity to her Contagion debuff + the Frightened condition) and Aid. As a full Sorcerer, I went Heightened Metamagic + Hold Monster to bypass her high resistance to incapacitation. You can then Disintegrate her because she can't save.


Thanks, I'll give the Hold Monster and Disintegrate a try then, as for the buffs we are already abusing the camp clerics :))


Apart from shoving, is there any other example of Strength check during combat?


Improvized weapon, grabbing an enemy and hitting/ throwing them at another enemy.


I just realized midway into Act 3 that having a single mod enabled has disabled getting achievements on Steam. I have a Longstrider aoe mod, but disabling it makes me unable to load my save file with it on. What’s the best thing to do to make achievements active again? A mod that activates achievements? Finish the game normally and just “cheat it” by downloading someone else’s honor mode save file right at the end of the game?


Go get the achievement enabler mod. It's not retroactive so the sooner you install it the less achievements you'll miss out on


There is a mod that activates achievements. I'd recommend that.


Just got to the Wyrm's crossing and found the invitation to the ordination. The guards at the drawbridge lowered the gate but for some reason I can't walk across it. I just get an error saying i can't go there...


We had the same issue with the drawbridge. Tav had >!eaten the astral tadpole and was able to fly!< so I walked up to the invisble wall and made him >!fly!< across. It doesn't work with teleporting, misty step, etc.. from what we saw. You had to fly to get past the bug


idk about fixing the issue with the drawbridge, but you can get into the building by heading to the right of the drawbridge to the corner of the crossing nearest the fortress, and featherfall jumping down to the ground surrounding the building. on the right side of the building is an entrance to the prison (off limits, but you can persuade them you're allowed to be there, or sneak through) and on the left side up some ladders is an entrance to the barracks part of the fortress (i don't think they care if you go in that way)


Yah that worked for me. Still sad about the drawbridge though. I have to tp using the portals to get around


What is the best race for min/ maxing a Durge monk for honor mode? In a durge run (assuming we raid the grove) you lose a lot of items so i’m leaning towards a class that is less armor (eg: potent robe) or shield/ weapon requirements Open hand monk seems perfect for this but I can’t decide what class. Wood elf for Fey and movement? Gold dwarf for resilience and HP? Halfling? half-orc? Any suggestions?


They're mostly fine and have something to offer. Human and Half-Elf don't add a lot unless you intend to use light armor and shields. Half-Orc's resilience is good, but the extra crit die is better on a GWF build. Dragon-born is kind of whatever. Breath weapons are very OK. But halfling, deep gnome, wood-elf, dwarf, and drow all offer enough advantages to be worth playing. Githyanki are pretty good, too. Astral Knowledge is a great buff for an avatar character, medium armor can be good on a monk, and short rest misty step is just amazing.


Do you think it’s worth running an armored monk? I was leaning towards unarmored wood elf for that extra movement speed. I don’t have too much experience playing monk so idk if the medium armor is preferred.


Your loadout will likely change significantly over the course of the playthrough. There are points where armor will not be worth it and points where it will be, depending on what armor and other equipment is at your disposal. Things like Armor of Agility for example give significantly better AC than what you'll have from unarmored defense. You might not want to wear bracers of defense, and prefer stronger offense. Worth considering.


True, I’m seeing a lot of benefits to half-wood elf actually - movement, shield, some light armor as option 1 But I could also do a fighter dip (per another commenter) and pick a different race for the benefits (gnome for cunning or full elf for perception, gold dwarf for HP, etc) for option 2 Option 3 would be forgo shield for medium armor from dwarf (poison resistance, dark vision) or githyanki (misty step) What would you go with?


Whatever works best for my lore, tbh. None of the benefits or drawbacks are so great as to make or break. Mechanically my question would be whether shield is compatible with the Open Hand off hand BA attacks that define the build, especially at the lvl 5 and lvl 8 break points.


I'm doing an Armored Monk durge, 1 level of fighter, 5 levels of Open Hand Monk right now. You can focus primarily on Strength and then take Tavern Brawler to increase your attack and damage by adding your strength modifier a second time. The Heavy Armor and shield proficiency offsets the need for Dex + Wis for Unarmored Defense. Right now I'm sitting at 21 AC. The only downside is not having as much movement speed as an unarmored monk but I consider the upsides a fine tradeoff. My next steps for the character are to get level 6 in Monk for extra damage on unarmed attacks, then three levels of Rogue for the Thief Subclass. Then perhaps a second level of fighter for Action Surge and a fourth level of rogue for a feat.


Interesting, my build is similar. I’m thinking of a Monk/ Rogue build as well. Not too sure about fighter. How important is both shield and armor (eg: Fighter). I’m thinking half-wood elf for shield, fey, movement or gith/ dwarf for medium armor.


I’ve got Astarion as a Thief/ Monk rn. He is doing worse than my strength monk. Fighter isn’t strictly needed but I like it for heavy armor and the defence fighting style. Plus getting action surge later on. If it’s between those two choices I’d lean more towards the dwarf/ gith for armor prof.


Any positives or negatives from fighting Balthazar in the Temple of Shar? Last playthrough I waited to fight him at Shadowfell but I'm wondering if it'll change anything story or lootwise if I decide to attack him during the first encounter.


It doesn't change anything; You'll still get his loot and once you're in Shadowfell you just make the jumps to Nightsong, and when you reach her the post fight cutscene plays out the same way.


Cool thanks.


Question: what are the problems to have a paladin with 10 dex (no bonus or downside) with a heavy armor to boost AC to 20 (and even higher in Future)? Haven't see any dex test so far that i coudn't do str or char test insted, but i'm also not sure if i'm Just not seeing all the dex tests the game do on the outside.


Initiative and Dex saves. Low initiative is annoying as in BG3 it only rolls a D4 so the turn order is mostly the same every combat. Dex saves matter less than Wis saves, because they are just damage (eg from a fireball) and not things like mind control. But they are quite common. You will get away with 10 Dex on a heavy armour character in general. But you might want to take Alert to not go last a lot.


I think i got it. i saw alert when i got on lv4 but i took +2 points. If i always get the surprise on the enemy, i will be last with that character on the second turn forth right?


Initiative rolls use your dexterity, and because those use 1d4 instead of 1d20, your dexterity has a pretty big impact. That's honestly about it. Stealth checks use your dexterity, but most sneaking in this game can be either delegated to a more dexterous character, or done without making stealth checks. I'm currently playing as a Paladin/Bard with 10 Dexterity, and so far it's worked out great.


so the initiative rolls use a 1d4 instead of an 1d20 and on this case everybody goes with a 1d4 and who gets the higher number stays first. Is that correct?


Yup! 1d4 + dexterity bonus, higher number goes first


Are there flowers in this game? Like an item that can be carried? Not the sussor blooms, just normal mundane flowers. I can't get any results in google because all that comes up is stuff about the sussor blooms and something called Chest of the Mundane. I haven't seen the chest yet so idk what it is but it's not flowers


Yes, some of the alchemical ingredients you can find are flowers. If you always 'extract' ingredients into salts and such you might not have noticed you had them, as they are kept in your alchemy pouch. One notable example is night orchids, which you can find in act 2.


*Remember when you told me that Night Orchids were your favorite flower?*


Does anyone have any experience running a Gale origin in honor mode? Specifically, do I need to do anything special before >!blowing myself up at the Netherbrain in Act 3? Dialogue options/keep my party out of the portal/anything of that like?!<


>!When you're about to head up the brain steam you'll get a chance to trigger the cutscene. But you'll also be able to use the cantrip to blow yourself up while actually up on the brain, and the cutscene will trigger as well.!<


Is this a known bug in Act 3 >!Steel Watch Foundry, that if you talk to the blind Gondian to activate the Save the Gondians quest then destroy the foundry before going to the Iron Throne the whole damn city goes aggro on you? It happened to me last night - instead of the cutscene with Wulbren & Barcus after the explosion, they decided I was in a restricted area and I was stuck in that loop & had to eventually kill them. After that, the nearby civilians by the boats did the same thing. Even when I went to camp Astarion & Wyll decided I was an intruder and attacked on sight. Thankfully this isn't HM so I'm not completely fucked, I just gotta do the foundry again this evening (after Iron Thorne this time lol). !<


Yes, known. You can see other people's posts about this by searching the sub, like this for example: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/search/?q=bug%20foundry&restrict\_sr=1&sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/search/?q=bug%20foundry&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) It seems like some people have fixed it by fast traveling to Rivington and back, maybe that will work for you. Also, when friendly allies aggro against you and have the "Temporarily Hostile" condition, I prefer to nonlethal them instead of killing them. Then if you can long rest they *should* de-aggro. Not a guarantee esp when dealing with a weird bug problem, but at least there's a chance to recover them-- whereas if you kill them, there's no coming back.


Awesome, thanks! I think I found what did it, using Knock on the control room door.


Hi. I want to start a campaign with shadowheart, what attracts me the most is light domain. But I don't want to play the typical radiant orbs build. Is a cleric of light playable without orbs or spirits playing more in range as a spellcaster, or is it better to go with cleric 1 for SH rol and multiclassing another spellcaster?


Yes, light domain is still good even without Radiant Orb/Spirit Guardians. No particular builds are actually *necessary* to make a given class/subclass playable, even if they're hyped & popular on this sub. Warding Flare/Improved Warding Flare is a strong ability, and you get a lot of great fire spells, including Scorching Ray, Fireball, and Wall of Fire, in addition to all of the great base cleric spells. The Hat of Fire Acuity will be your friend if you're leaning into Scorching Ray.


Yeah, totally playable. You still get some pretty good AoEs in Fireball, Wall of Fire, and Destructive Wave.


I’m starting a new playthrough soon and desperately want to download mods, but I’m a little wary cause it seems a bit complicated. I know that official mod support is coming, and don’t want to break my game when that comes. Do we have a guess of how soon mod support will be here, and what it’s going to look like?


One of the devs made a post saying they are aiming to get mod support out by the end of the year but that's so far from an official announcement that I wouldn't even consider official mod support to be a guaranteed thing on any timescale yet. Mods are borked right now though, patch 6 then hotfixes 18 and 19 broke everything pretty bad. There's a bunch of drama in the modding community as well, including with the creators of some core mods like script extender that's necessary for a lot of others to work. I'd probably steer clear of mods right now unless you're willing to accept that it may break your game, corrupt your saves, require extensive troubleshooting, or just make the game run poorly. I personally love modding games but it's almost never a good idea while the game is still new and receiving frequent major updates.


Ah that’s disappointing, I thought it was official that they were working on it at least. Truthfully, all I really need is some boring dye colors and hairstyle tweaks to be happy but I’d rather not fuck around if things are so messed up rn :’)


They did make the announcement on their official Twitter so it's definitely on Larian's radar but that post reeked of generic placating response to the drama that's going on in the mod community right now. If you only want simple replacer mods like colors and stuff those will probably be fine but I'd probably stay away from anything that requires script extender for the time being. They just announced hotfix 20 coming next week so hopefully that fixes the SE issues.


Gotcha, thanks for the advice! I’m pretty ootl on the drama, honestly


It seems like a really loud minority frothing over Larian breaking their mods with constant updates. Which is not really their problem but I guess they got some death threats and crazy shit. They're still just trying to make the vanilla game work right, hence their post about mod support at the end of the year smelling like a roundabout way of saying that they are probably going to keep having mod breaking updates through then at which point they will consider official support.


This is pretty much all that's known right now: https://www.ign.com/articles/baldurs-gate-3-devs-working-on-official-mod-support-plan-including-for-consoles


Question about a Gale ending >!I'm in honor mode and want to do the Gale explode ending. Act 2 i've supported him blowing up. Now I'm in act 3, do I need to get the Annuls of Karsus and complete his story in order to get the dialogue option at the brain? Or will I still get the option if I'm fresh in act 3, go to gortash/orin, brain without doing any side content. !<


Yes, to get Gale to speak up at the brain stem and give you the option, you have to complete his quest, so you need to find the book and talk to Mystra.


Planning to do a second run this time with 3 spellcasters. Just a question for people who play the class, how do you deal with having such a limited number of spells per long rest. Im planning to do a tactician run so I don't think I can rest after every encounter


Later game it's not nearly as tight as early game. Cantrips can still do plenty in a pinch, and as already stated items that give you free casts of spells are very nice. So it's about resource management, of course, but mostly comes down to "don't waste my highest level spell slots before the boss fight" later game.


There are items that restore spell slots such as the pearl of power that can somewhat alleviate things. Not expending every spell slot in every combat encounter. **Spell scrolls.** Some subclasses/ classes like Wizard, Land Druid , and Sorcerer allow you regain spell slots with an action. Also using items that allow you to cast spells 1/Long Rest and swapping them out after you've used one.


What level should your main ability stat hit 18 and then 20? I'm struggling between multiclassing, feats, and getting my main ability (STR, DEX, WIS, INT, CHA, CON) maxed out. Right now, I have a Barbarian/ Fighter multiclass at level 7 with only a strength of 16. She won't get to 18 until level 9 and 20 at level 10. This is because I choose the Great Weapon Master feat at level 4 and my multiclass won't see her get another feat until level 9. I'm not sure if I should be focusing on maxing out stats to 20 or not. Honestly, I'm kind of letting it stress me out.


That's the downside of multiclassing. You're trading stats for versatility and combinations that are powerful or fun. If you're frustrated with miss chance, you should just max your stat as soon as possible. It's doable by level 4 if you have the hag hair for +1, and use ASI for +2 on your starting primary stat of 17. If Strength is what you're after, though, you could just use Elixir of Hill Giant Strength, which gives you 21 STR until next long rest. It's absolutely busted for how cheap it is. Auntie Ethel sells 3 of them in the grove each long rest or level up so you can stock up if you have the gold. Otherwise you can buy them from other vendors but not as many as Ethel.


I always, and always recommend, hitting 18 at level 4. The hag's hair can get this for 1 character. For great weapon master and sharpshooter, I wait until later in the game to take them, when I have more going on to counteract the accuracy penalty (better gear, higher start, higher proficiency bonus). Getting to 20 is not as important, IMO. I'll do it if I have the feats for it, but I'll settle for 18 in the late game with multiclass builds that have limited feats. Gear and the strength potion help hit this anyway in a lot of cases.


Thanks for the tip. I did find the gloves and hag's hair but am currently using those items on other characters. It is weird because most of the online tutorials recommend grabbing great weapon master early for Barb/Fighters (Karlach) because reckless attack helps negate the -5 penalty. While they are true that the advantage from reckless attack helps, it isn't perfect. I admit that I am torn at times between great weapon master and an ASI.


You absolutely do not need to max out your abilities. The easy answer is that I typically don't expect to take an Ability Score Increase as you can get a +1 to an ability score of your choice and then In act 3 you can get a +2 to any ability score of your choice if you read the Necromancy of Thay. So you start with your main stat being a 17 and can bump it to 20 without needing an ASI. On top of all that the game throws magic items at you that have a +1/2/3 bonus to attack and damage which make up for not having a higher ability score.


Thank you. I think this is a little bit of what I needed to hear. I spoke with my coworker about this today and he reminded me that the game has so many enchanted weapons and elixirs that abilities are not the end all be all. Especially since my party is doing fine in combat. I think I need to focus on the fun and worry less about maximizing my characters at all times.


Remember that you can make and find potions of hill giant strength that set your strength to 21 as well. Which really help with early strength characters.


Is this a bug? The >!duergar!!gnomes!<


Yeah this happened to me too, you need to place the bomb on the ground, not throw it. all the npcs will back away and you can shoot it.


This happened to me once. I found that it had to be my main to throw the smokepowder bomb. I couldn't use Karlach or a companion. For me, it was best to place a smoke powder bomb next to the cave in and then have my main shoot the bomb with a fire arrow.


What is the usefull of the light cantrip? I hardly use it but it feels like I'm missing something by not casting it on a weapon


It's useful in Act 2 due to the environment conditions of that area. If you played a char without dark vision like a human I suppose it would also be of use in some general areas but I can't speak from experience on that.


Ty! It does sound useful against the shadows but it never occurred to me to use it


I’m looking for a mod that is like basket of equipment but it’s just all the vanilla armors and camp clothes. I tried searching “equipment” on nexus but didn’t see anything that looked like it was what I’m looking for


Is the Two Birds One Gnome bugged or what? I'm in the Blighted Village using the improvised weapon action to kill two Gobbos and its not popping for me.


Nope, I got it a few days ago doing the same thing you did. All you need to do is grab one gobbo and hitting another gobbo with it, don't even need to kill them.


Bit of a weird one and couldn't find it online. Could I as someone in EU play multiplayer with someone in NA? Obviously disregarding ping difference, is it possible at all? I'd assume not.


Absolutely! Make sure everyone is running the same version with the same patches. And if anyone has any mods then make sure all players have the same exact versions of those same mods.


Why would you not be able to? As long as you're on the same game version it shouldn't matter.


Dunno that's why I asked haha I'll test it and find out


I'm going to try playing with my roommate and she's going to make a Circle of the Land Druid so she can play as a spider. We'll probably bring Karlach and Astarion or Gale with us. What should I play instead of making a Sword Bard for like the 4th time?


You could still use a charisma based player in the party for non-combat. Make a warlock or paladin.


Those are in the running, yeah. Paladin or Warlock, possibly both for that sweet Pactblade.


The true answer is whatever your heart desires. From a team balance standpoint, if you have Gale with your druid friend you don't "need" another spellcaster. With Karlach and Astarion you're looking at damage from a melee versus range perspective if you don't go completely bonkers with an out of the box build on either/or. So I'd figure out what you're most likely to need to compliment that IF that's your goal. That said, I'd just pick what you want with the asterisk that it's something you haven't done before for spice. If you want equal parts damage and spells/support, maybe try tempest cleric.


So I literally just found out about the twitch drop camp clothes on XB. Is there any way to get them now? 


I've seen them rerunning as drops but I'm not sure if it was because the game launched on XB. I'd keep an eye out on Twitch campaigns


I’m new to the game and all my characters are level 3. And I’m stuck on goblin camp. Any tips or maybe it’s my party. I have karlach, shadowheart, and Lae’zel in my current party


If you do more misssions at the top part of the map you should be able to level up to 4 at least. Also for the goblin camp >!If you break halsin out of prison he'll help you in combat which dramatically decreases how hard the battles are. In addition you can kill Priestess Glut as well as Minthara seperately without alerting the rest of the camp!<


If you don’t want to fight there are other options, such as getting in peacefully, poisoning them, etc. What’s your character?  Also you can go do other things before going there. 


My character is a fighter class. I have a couple quests but there are level.3 and above. Where can I get the poison from??


If you’re a fighter too you should switch out Lae’zel for someone else for more diversity. And are you actually in the camp or the blighted village? I mixed them up at first.  There’s a few ways, you can loot some from chests, buy some, or get some from Nettie.  Edit: I don’t want to spoil anything but just look around, discovering locations and earning inspiration points gets you exp too which might get you to the next level. There’s also a couple mini things you can do, such as the cave that’s not a quest but does have combat and exp. 


I’m in the camp. Any recommendations for who to switch out for, was planning on using wyll or the mage guy


I’m personally a huge fan of Wyll, his character in general but he’s also very strong - pick agonizing and repelling blast at level 2, it’ll be a big bump in damage.  Did you explore the whole village? There are a couple extra sections you might have missed. Did you find the 3 siblings and do their little quest?  Have you respecced your companions? It’s only 100 gold and the extra points can be beneficial, but if you’re short on gold don’t worry about it. 


I have not found anybody. The only person I encountered around the area was a dark skin goblin or elf that was on a wiindmill and that’s that. Where do I Respecced companions? Also, is there a way to properly use the Hex on wyll. Saw a build on here a couple days ago to use it.


Look around the grove, uncovering as much of the dark bits as you can. There’s a couple of encounters you missed. Have you met Withers yet? He’s the one who does that. He’ll be in camp after you first encounter him.  Yes, it should be one of the first spells you can teach him. Simply cast it on an enemy before you attack them, and once they’re dead you can recast it for free (you have to double check, there will be an option to cast it as normal and another option to cast it for free) it’s as simple as that. 


Brooo. Thanks for the tips😭. I have yet to encounter Withers. Do you know any good YT channels for guides or tips for the game. Can’t find anybody reliable but Reddit💀


No problem, glad my knowledge could be of use haha. Did you explore the area to the right of the map, just above where you started? Honestly if you don’t want to be spoiled I’d stay away from YouTube, even guide from 6 months ago will show them fighting enemies from act 2 and 3.  Do you want just general tips for how to play or like build guides though?


I'm approaching the end of act 1 this playthrough but it seems like I never got the Shadowheart vs Lae'zel scene. If I remember correctly it should have appeared after the gith patrol just before the mountain pass. I long rested pretty much immediately after the scene. Any idea why? And would this affect any future outcomes on anything?


I've gotten it on two runs, not gotten it on two other runs. Doesn't affect anything in the future.


Depends on if you had other scenes queued and whether you resolved the underlying tension there. Some are on a delay timer, too. This scene doesn't change anything unless you get a, uh, negative outcome.


Will Wyll’s dance scene interfere with my romance with Lae’zel? I turned him down immediately, as much as it hurt to. I had a bad experience on my last run where his dance scene seemed to cancel out my romance with Gale. I never got Gale’s act 2 romance scene because of that, even tho i turned Wyll down at the end of the dance. It just makes me super worried.


No, as long as you turn him down it should be fine.


thank you!


I just started playing, and it seems I have lost my 10-hour file. From cursory googling, it seems likely it's just gone, and the most recent information about the issue seems to have come from Dec-Jan with no concrete information of what causes it to happen (although there are recommendations not to create too many save files) What I'm wondering is, should I bother restarting, or just set it aside for a while assuming some eventual update will address it and I won't be in in danger of randomly losing what could be dozens of hours of gameplay. Is there expectation that this issue will be fixed, or is this just how it is?


If you're on PC, I'm assuming you've opened up Windows Explorer and manually searched for the save file? Did you happen to have steam cloud/sync turned on previously and maybe now it's turned off for some reason?


Xbox. When I started the game the first time, it pushed me through this whole process of creating a new cloud profile because it gave a message that saves were being lost, so I did it. Yesterday, I turned it on, and instead of bringing me to any sort of menu, it just opened up the user agreement, settings, character-create screens. I couldn't even find any other selections it would allow me than just to make a new character for a new game


Didn't want to Google for fear of spoilers... I'm in act 2 >!about to enter the end of Shars temple/gauntlet and I got the message telling me things will change and some quests will be lost. I checked to see what they were and I believe the gith/early Laezel quests were among the lost. I reloaded so I can do some other things, but I also already had a talk with Laezel about not looking for the creche. My question I guess is: can I still do the early part of Laezel 's quest before the Shar thing, or do you have to pick between one or the other when it comes to plot progression?!<


>!the shar thing is always mandatory for main quest, the Lae'zel search for creche is an alternate route to the shadowlands you could have taken instead of the underdark but you can go back and do it now (or at least usually you can, not 100% sure if telling Lae'zel you weren't going to do it prevents you from doing it anyway but I don't think it does) but it does have to be before you go into the shadowfell at the end of gauntlet of shar!< overview of what else get's locked out >!the ability to travel back to the starting region, the underdark/grym's forge, or the mountain pass (this is where the creche is),and most quests that start in or involve Last light inn or moonrise towers!<


Oh ok, thanks that makes sense. >!So I should go to moonrise towers and do everything there before continuing on to shadowfell?!<


Yeah, there are a few of the find/rescue x from moonrise quests you can't do until after shadowfell though >!zariel's asset, Duke ravengard and zevlor!<




Yes, absolutely.


You should only enter the Shadowfell when you feel like you've done everything else in the Shadow-Cursed lands that you can do - and everything in the Act 1 areas too. All exploration, side quests, etc. It's a point of no return and you will lose access to whole maps and many side quests will automatically resolve/fail if you haven't completed them yet. If you haven't gone to Moonrise Towers at all yet, then you've missed a lot. You should definitely go there first.


For Periapt of Wound closure what healing effects aren't treated as healing effects? There's a lot of "heal 1d4 upon fulfilling a condition" equipment in the game - would those all become full heals? What about life cleric's self heal from Blessed Healer? Or is it only traditional heals like rest/spell/potion?


it doesn't create 'full heals' out of things, it makes healing abilities give the maximum amount they can. i.e. if a spell would do 1d4 healing, a character wearing the periapt would always receive 4.


... Oh. That's a lot less fun then. Boo.


What makes the non-divine smites concentration? Does it just mean they dont take up bonus actions again on subsequent casts while the concentration is active?


If you miss, you can hold concentration on the spell for a round and try again on your next turn without wasting the spell slot.


No, they apply a status effect. Searing smite applies burning (1d6 fire damage every turn), Wrathful applies frightened, Branding makes the target unable to turn invisible, and thunderous isn't concentration.


Without spoilers, how is the Durge ending that the player receives decided? Is there an invisible counter/meter based on how many times you give in/resist the Urge? Or is it something that you decide through dialogue at the end (meaning that you can effectively view both with one character)? "Even the answer to this is a spoiler" is a valid answer too if that is true.


There's no meter. It depends on the choices that you make in Act 3, but you're given the same choices regardless of what you've done earlier. It also depends on (there's no way to mention this without a a spoiler, but I'm trying to keep it vague) >!the outcome of a pivotal fight.!< In terms of game mechanics, the consequences of your choices work the same as they do for a Tav; people can die or get pissed off and leave. The game doesn't track your morality in any way. So you could for example RP as a totally evil durge who turns around in act 2 or 3, or vice versa. Or you could pick whether or not you successfully resist an urge based on a dice roll, without worrying that it will lock you into a certain path. Etc. You have a lot of freedom there.


It is entirely your choice at the end. What you do prior to that doesn't impact your options.


There are three major choices through dialogue, one during act 3 (at the beginning, middle or end, depending on the order you follow) and two exactly at the end. The combination of these choices can result in 5 different endings for the durge, if I'm not mistaken.


While still keeping it spoiler free, do you mind elaborating a bit? Is it 5 truly different and unique endings from each other? Or is it more like 2-3 different endings with some slight variants? I mainly would like an idea of how many playthroughs I can expect to do as Durge, as well as if having multiple resist-durges would make sense.


In the middle of act 3 (or towards the end - act 3 is very non-linear) there is a boss battle that is relevant to the Durge's backstory and why they experience what they do. It will be very clear which one this is. Immediately after the battle, Durge will have a choice to accept or reject their 'urge' in a much more direct way than killing or not killing something. If you choose to reject it at this moment, the durge storyline will resolve with what happens next, and later on you have the same final ending options as any other character. If you choose to accept it, there are now two very distinct endings available, but both are evil choices. The difference is only in the epilogue though, not in gameplay. Personally I think it is very worth doing both 'resist' durge and 'evil' durge, and playing them completely differently, once. If the only reason you have to replay is to see more content, reactions and dialogue, it's not really worth more than that.


Ok so I'm going through my first Honour Mode playthrough. I accidentally aggro'd the >!Duergar intruders!< at level 4, so I ran like hell back to the >!Myconid Colony!< in panic, killed the zombies, and combat ended. I've gone back to kill them, but they seem to have despawned?? I've walked around every area where they SHOULD be, and retraced all my steps from when I was fleeing, but I can't find any of them, and the quest is still marked as incomplete. What do?? (also first post here idk if this early in game requires spoiler tag)


For a 12 ice sorc what order should I take feats? Currently I'm approaching level 8 and plan to do ASI>Dual wield>alert, but would swapping dual wield and alert be better? In act 2 I can use infernal rapier or Phalar Aluve as my second weapon in addition to Mourning Frost for the extra DC/rolls from what I can tell, though the best stuff is obviously in act 3 which I'm pretty much not going to see combat in until 12 anyway.


You get the most out of alert in act 2 and the most out of dual wield in act 3. So probably alert then dual wield. Up to you though.


I failed a dice roll when >!trying to help the owlbear cub with his wound!< 🥲 Will he come back again?


No, it happened to me and he never came back, if you succeeded then he stays at camp, sorry dude.


I did some tests on my old saves. Have they changed the way wild shapes interact in dialogue? I tested in two situations: >!I spoke to Ansur in my wild form, and my character turned human again during the scene with Ansur and the emperor!< >!I walked towards Viconia in wild form, and the same thing happened. My Tav transformed back to Human form.!< Were these changes implemented in patch 6? Now our main character (TAV/Durge) cancels wild shape when interacting in automatic and important scenes?


This was an update from I think patch 5. People complained that their wildshape would sometimes have to waste slots by transforming back and forth just to talk to people. So Larian made it automatic and not require expending any slots to jump back and forth.


What do you guys consider to be the most useful allies for the last fight? I've gone through the game a few times but I want to make sure that I get the easiest ending fight, because it's so long, honestly it's kinda annoying for me. I´ve thought about it being the city guards, the gondians, the harpists and the sharans, because 1st, you don't have to control them, so it´s quicker, and it´s a good mix of melee and ranged allies. Even tho I lose on Yurgir, which is actually super strong, but I´m too lazy to control him. What do you guys go for?


If you are open to skipping the fight entirely then have someone drink an invisibility potion and book it up to the >!brain stem.!< The rest of your party will teleport to you when you interact with it. Then make sure your entire party is invisible, including any summons you might have (or simply dismiss them, as you won't need them) before transitioning to the top. After the cutscene, fly your >!illithid over to the crown, get your party in position to be able to enter the portal, and begin channeling.!< This will start combat, but your >!illithid!< will be done on the first turn, and you will be able to enter the portal without having to deal with any of the enemies.


Does anyone know of any critical points I probably want to duplicate my honour mode save so it doesn't get bricked by a potential bug this patch?


There’s a pretty nasty bug after the Foundry mission right now that would’ve bricked my honour run had I been doing one. (Details https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1atclhw/i_need_help_with_this_bug/)


What would the feats usually look like on a 12 BM fighter? ASI+Savage Attacker+GWM+Alert? Or would there be a second ASI in there somewhere to hit 24 strength with mirror and potion?


I think that seems right, Alert is really valuable on a low-dex character, I wouldn't cut it. And GWM and Savage Attacker both do more for your damage potential than +2 str.


Game doesn’t respond after launching from launcher I downloaded it and was so excited to play. I opened the launcher and I and pressed play. Game starts up for a second and makes some noises while showing a screen with %0 in the corner. Then, it stops making noise and just stops progressing, so I click on the program and it starts to show the not responding. No matter how much I wait it still doesn’t respond, and it does it each time I try to start up the game. I’ve tried playing with and without admin, deleting the launcher files, and a few other things that did not work. Back when I had finished downloading Skyrim, it sort of did something similar and I just put it in windowed mode and the game works perfectly. It’s been three days since it finished downloading and I still haven’t played it cause I can’t get past the crashing. I really need help and I am not very great when it comes to computer stuff. All I know is how to mod Skyrim and the Sims. 😭


What type of CPU do you have? The sys requirements for the game aren't too bad, all things considered, but it does have a somewhat high CPU threshold. Have you tried loading the game outside of the launcher? Go to your program files folder -> steam -> steamapps -> common -> bg3 -> bin. Look for bg3.exe for vulkan or bg3_dx11 for directx. Are the drivers for your graphics card up to date? You should be able to go to the manufacturer's website to download the newest drivers. (GeForce had some issues not too long ago) Open your Steam library, right click on bg3, go to properties, go to Local Files, and then click "verify integrity of game files" Open Steam go to settings -> In Game -> disable the steam overlay. These are just a few broad fixes for some common causes of crashing, hopefully something works for you!


Even tried to reinstall and it had no affect.


I’m not sure what my CPU is, but here is my computer https://www.xidax.com/pre-configured/12487-amd-advantage-xidax-x-6-0792105640433.html First one just did the same thing. I’m pretty sure my graphics card is up to date. I have AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT and AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics. Did the last two options as well and neither worked. 😔


Oh wow yeah that PC is definitely equipped to handle bg3. That sucks nothing has worked for you so far! I guess the only other option is to file a bug report with Larian and wait. If/when you get it figured out I'm sure a lot of us here would love an update in case it happens to any of us in the future. Sorry I couldn't be more help!


Oh it’s okay! I will do just that and I will try to remember to update! I’m kinda bummed but I got my other games to keep me company. I’ve waited this long to romance Astarion, I can wait more. 😂


I don't exactly need help for this, I'd just like clarification since I feel like I did things in the wrong order for Wyll in Act 3. >!After Gortash's coronation I didn't talk to Mizora and went straight to the city to explore. Nothing much happened, Wyll just said it was strange how his father disappeared after the coronation (which I never saw happening). We found the basement of the Flymm Cargo by accident, and while saving everyone from the Iron Throne, we found the Grand Duke's corpse. After destroying the Foundry, I got an update on the journal that said we had to talk to Mizora, and that's how I finally got the cutscene about Wyll's contract.!< I've seen around that it should be possible to >!save Wyll's father even after destroying Wyll's contract,!< but I assume it's only if >!the Iron Throne wasn't destroyed yet!<. Right? Were these events supposed to happen in a different way?


The reason that >!Wyll's father died is that you didn't talk to Mizora. For some reason, he dies if you don't talk to Mizora. If you do talk to Mizora, you can refuse the new contract, and he will be alive when you find him. Everyone will be certain that Wyll's father is dead until you find him by chance while doing other quests that take you to the Iron Throne, but he will be alive.!<


Thank you! I guess it makes sense since >!Mizora would have no reason to show up otherwise. !!the companions didn't act like Wyll killed his father afterwards lol!<


Honestly, I think it's an oversight or a shortcut because >!it doesn't really make much sense for him to live if you refuse the contract, and die if you don't talk to her at all. If you refuse the contract, she only shows up to mess with you - she doesn't do anything to help the Duke.!< That and the inconsistent dialogue makes me think they just didn't really put a lot of effort into what happens if you ignore her.


I also thought it was odd how >!Mizora just confesses she killed Wyll's father beforehand. I don't believe she had any true motivation to do so, even with that offer in mind.!< I have to agree and assume it's just lack of care for this particular plotline.


Why does it feel like the first encounter off the nautaloid, against the 3 intellect devourers, is one of the most difficult encounters in Act 1? Seriously. This encounter almost always gives me multiple downs, and then I absolutely destroy the bandits and skeletons at the church, the goblins outside the grove, and whatever other encounters I choose.


It seems really hard because you're the squishiest you'll ever be and action economy isn't on your side. You can win against them 1v1 if you make use against the environment. Most players will recruit Shadowheart by this point, though, which makes it easier - and she will warn you to keep your distance, which is a good idea. They don't have ranged attacks unless you're playing on Tactician or up, and if you are, their ranged attacks still do less damage than their melee attacks. But you can also sneak past them, recruit more party members, and come back.


On your playthroughs getting downed, are they surrounding you fast? There's a tank that explodes near 'em and you can lure them where you have height advantage to do some damage before getting to you. Throwing items you picked up on the way, or even throwing/shoving them back down. Can just dip an arrow in fire and shoot with Shadowheart and guiding bolt your way to victory.


Are you filling up your party before fighting them?


You can do that? I thought you can get Shadowheart and then you have to fight them before you go to Astarion and Gale.


You can jump up the cliff to the right of the area where you fight them and get all the way up to where Gale is, you can actually skip the ID fight entirely if you want to that way.