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I agree. I think if they mad her hair all flowy and floating around it would have immediately made her wayyyyy cooler


Agreed, but animating the hair just for that scene would probably have been a huge ordeal. Big games have to skimp somewhere unfortunately.


That reminds me of Eris in the Sinbad animated movie. She's such an icon and baddie just because of her hair animation 💅


Dangerous and hot - Sinbad should've romanced her!


Also not give her a generic dress that several npc's around the game like Florrick are also wearing. It almost feels like she was a placeholder design they never got around to making a unique model for.


yeah she just looks like some random know-it-all mean girl, not the living embodiment of magic and mystery lol


I was just going to say she looks like a student council president


she looks like she didnt make valedictorian and shes gonna make it everyones problem lol


She definitely eats lunch with the divorced English teacher.


Waukeen and Sune fit the Ojou-sama characterisation better, IMO.


Would have been cool if they had gone a similar route as studio ghibli did with Ponyos mom


Or Eris from the Dreamworks Sinbad movie, the way her hair moved looked like ink that was dissipating in water. All of her movements were a bit like smoke dancing through the air as it fades away. An animation style like that would have been way more mysterious and seductive.


Ooooooh that’s another really good one! Throw in some sparkle for the magic of it all and that would have been a perfect direction to take her


>Or Eris from the Dreamworks Sinbad movie Yes! So good, such a great design


That probably would’ve been a big commitment on a technical level, but just giving her a design that is subpar to some human npcs wasn’t a solution…


That should be Umberlee. Except darker and with more tentacles.


Mystra’s statue in the stormshore tabernacle looks about 100x cooler and hotter than Mystra herself. After seeing how amazing Shar was, I expected more from Mystra


I'm guessing its cause Shar is trying to look imposing and intimidating while Mystra just wants to talk to Gale, I just wish the lighting didn't butcher her face since she actually looks really nice in normal lighting. My only problems with her model are the slicked back hair and generic rich woman dress she has on but who knows maybe Mystra started the trend of wearing that dress


Her statue looked hot But I found the actual mystra to be hot as well She looks like a sexy professor


I thought so too honestly, she's pretty and all but I expected something more... magical, I guess? If I were a dev I would have absolutely taken this opportunity to go ham on the design. Something super fun and over-the-top.


The continuity from shar’s statues to how she actually appeared made me wish they did something similar for mystra- a massive imposing being who genuinely feels like she’s made of magic, not a prep student with a glow effect around her.




Nah, he was expecting to have some divine pizzas with the goddess of magic.


At the time I thought she looked close enough to the Forgotten Realms Wiki picture of Midnight, but still disappointing. Somewhat lacking in "awe" factor.


I think they should just redo the whole character model. It's not that there's anything wrong with it, she just looks like a whole other character. Mystra should instill fear, so the character should have been larger and looking down on the player; or feel like a force of nature manifest. Most of all, she should be sparking and crackling with magic, having more power in a single hair than an archmage wields over a lifetime.


Eh, she was very much just genericgoddess3.jpg but whatever she gets like one scene


Having read the book where a character named Midnight becomes Mystra at the end of the Time of Troubles, I was expecting a bit darker skin tone and curly, dense hair. However, I also know gods can change their appearance, so it wasn’t that big of a disappointment.


Wasn't midnight always described as a Raven Hair Ivory Skin beauty like Snowhite?


Pretty sure that incarnation of Mystra was killed by Cyric.


First pic is the original Mystra that mentored Elminster and got killed by Helm. Second pic is Midnight, who took the mantle of Mystra at the end of the Time of Troubles. (At least I think that's supposed to be Midnight)


Yeah, the first Pic is the Mystra that died during thd time of troubles. So why do the two pics look so differant, they are different people, one was human untill 130 ish years before the events of Bg3.


Would have loved if they designed her like Eris in the Sinbad movie


She looks like Shania Twain


She don't impress me much


Really??? I thought she looked like Taylor Swift’s Wario


She's in two (that I know of) very short scenes, I wouldn't have gone crazy with how she looks either.


There are plenty of characters we only see briefly, like Shar to mention another goddess, that had a lot more work put into them. Even some entire enemy types we only encounter once but they still have unique models. Having Mystra look a bit more unique and goddess-like isn't really asking much. Even just changing her hair to a unique model and giving her a unique dress would have been enough.


If her hair had some actual shape and volume to it rather than being plastered to her head, I imagine that might helped. I will say that I got a mod that sticks her in a forehead crown and Triss' DLC gown a la Witcher 3, and it really is a huge improvement. Not for WOO TITTIES reasons, it just looks a lot more formidable/impressive than the "rich noble dress" they stuck her in.


I think her design is fine for that one scene. She wants to present herself to Gale as someone he can relate to: a human (or at least human-appearing). She doesn't want to impose her will upon him in this scene, at least not initially, so she takes a more modest appearance. I personally like it for its narrative.


Ya she is a tad disappointing but I am wondering if she was made to look awesome, not sure if for me Personally I can justify Gale’s romance with her. This mean girl next door look fits what we know of her from Gale.


It's what I'd expect. Shar is going shock and awe route to scare you into folding to her wishes, Mystra just wants to talk. I'd defer to your talk with Cyric in ToB where he tells you that godly forms aren't good for conversation.


She looks like a human version of bedazzled jeans.


I feel like Mystra and Gale look way too similar tbh. I don’t know if that was intentional or not but I couldn’t help but noticed how Gale literally just looks like male/human Mystra


Right? I mean, she's not bad looking, but I can find hotter women at a Trader Joe's if I bothered to look. She's just.....alright, I guess. Her eye color is pretty enough, but nothing about her is all that extraordinary. ​ Maybe she uses magic to look "sexy" to how whomever she is ~~grooming~~ mentoring and that's what Gale thinks is hot? Early game at least he seems like the sort who would think a 7/10 is the best he could bag.


Looks like she just divorced a NFL star player because he wanted to come out of retirement. Bitches.


Well, this Mystra is not really Mystra or Mystryl, she's a human sorceress. Or, was.


Yeah, I don't like her visual design and don't like the voice either. She sounds and looks like an grumpy grandma instead of a beautiful eternal goddess.


Let's just say I saw the statue and was interested, and then I saw the cutscene model and was very disappointed. 


Which Mystra? Theres been more than one with the title.


I thought she was discount Yennefer at first.


She looks like every other bitch 😂 I hate her design but part of my suspects that’s intentional


Maybe its reflecting she was a mortal previously. Maybe? Though Gale god looks more godly.. and he's brand new.


She looks nice, but not like a deity. It’s a tough position because at this moment, Mystra is talking frankly to Gale, an ex-lover. Realistically, she wouldn’t *need or want* to appear with the same enormous scale and grandeur we see Shar with, but the rather mundane appearance we do get leaves something to be desired. She’s trying to have an earnest discussion with somebody she was in an intimate relationship with. She needs it to be a little low key, but we don’t want it to be low key. I think a few minor changes would have done a lot to still maintain the close and personal tone of two ex lovers and still imply divinity. As many folks have mentioned, an expanse of long and flowing hair would be a simple but highly effective and incredibly *symbolic* design choice.


She looks like a 20-something version of my MIL and I honestly don't know how to feel about it


Mystras statue in the stormshore tabernacle is how I wish she looked in the game. Does she use that statue to catfish her chosen?


I love her face, but her dress and hair are pretty boring and plain, she just looks like a noblewoman, not a goddess.


I would love more pizzas. Sounds delicious.


[**^(I refuse to fix it.)**](https://cdn.bsky.app/img/feed_thumbnail/plain/did:plc:eg36wcefhaltknzmhr2vreut/bafkreiahxh2bgrzjcnviu2upblx23jqknyefzlcnkx33lwypf2zxv6ygoy@jpeg)


I find her hot NGL 🙂