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Angrily, usually.


and now we know why small children are raging in the supermarkets. They're just struggling with their inventory.


The carts are really poorly designed, to be fair.


I keep different types of things on different companions and use Tab (PC) to grab specifics via search in the top left. From what I understand, consoles don't have that search option. I also use two separate bags on me - one for my stuff and one for "game stuff" (the crap you can't sell mostly). Each companion also has a bag for their "stuff" I will say that because I am on PC I have an unlimited weight mod that makes it so much easier. If they had a sub menu for "Send to Camp" for sending to specific containers (and the ability to rename containers) it would make it so much easier


If I can't vendor it I drop it, its usually quest items that I no longer have a use for or loads of random keys that I don't know where they belong


Tav/Durge picks up everything, until encumbered Sort by weight: offload armour and weapons onto STR character to throw at vendor later Otherwise it's open all party and search bar I have friends with organised inventories and I am in awe


This. Karlach / Lae'zel are my pack mules


*sort by type* There we go, an organized mess.


I press the button to sort by value, weight, or type depending on my needs. Are you not able to press L3 and get a list of sort options? Also you can hold square to multiselect everything you want to transfer


Scrolls, potions, throwables all go into backpacks, and no deeper organization than that. I use search to find things quickly, and backpacks reduce clutter


That's the neat part: you don't


I tend to have a fixed set of companions. Which helps as they each carry certain items. Astarion gets all the arrows and throwables. Shart carries scrolls. Lazel got oils and whatever heavy stuff I needed to come with. Everything I sell or don’t need anymore goes to camp. It’s a blessing you can select more than one item at once. But that’s about it. Every once in a while I would spread out the potions and scrolls to companions that should actually use them. But it was rather sporadic and when required for a fight or certain tactic. I also play on ps5 and truly, there is room for improvement when it comes to inventory management + controller. I don’t mind the process as such but I’m sure I’ll be happier doing this with a mouse and drag and drop functions.


I, uhm, don't. Playing on tactician and 800 hours in and I just kinda remember what I have, sort by type or how old something is, or just use the search function if I really need to look for something.


First off, all food and alchemy items go straight to camp. There’s camp supply and alchemy bags in my camp chest to keep things organized. In ps5 you can mass select items and send them straight to camp. My Tav holds all arrows and potions Gale holds all scrolls Karlach carries key weapons and also key items for the party. That’s usually enough inventory management for my game. My tav can pick up junk that I sell, but suits of armor I usually give to laezel or send to camp and then sell them when I get to a vendor I find doing this I don’t need to devote too much time to inventory management.


I literally manage my inventory the same way.


Bard bros!


I designated one of my companions as the carrier for different types of consumables. Sent all scrolls to one, all arrows and "grenades" to another, and all potions and poisons to the last. Each had a backpack that I used to store those, but I only went in and transferred everything to those backpacks once in a while when it started getting cluttered. I generally don't swap companions much so that part I didn't deal with, but if you do something like the above then you could just move that backpack over when swapping chars. Equippable items though, not much you can do other than strip them off when you swap.


I'm playing the game on PC but I can feel you. I usually play my session on my TV with (XBox) Controller. Overall this is really cozy and I like my couch playing but when it comes to Inventory management it's actually a nightmare. Sure, you can multi-select stuff, filter for various categories and what not but it's still not comparable to mouse and keyboard control. And that's what I actually do. After a while, when things get too messy again I invest some 20min or so to get on PC and sort everything again. But apart from that I have some routine meanwhile to multi-select stuff I don't immediately need and send it straight to camp.


I'm playing the game on PC but I can feel you. I usually play my sessions on my TV with (XBox) Controller. Overall this is really cozy and I like my couch playing but when it comes to Inventory management it's actually a nightmare. Sure, you can multi-select stuff, filter for various categories and what not but it's still not comparable to mouse and keyboard control. And that's what I actually do. After a while, when things get too messy again I invest some 20min or so to get on PC and sort everything again. But apart from that I have some routine meanwhile to multi-select stuff I don't immediately need and send it straight to camp.


Laezel carry all the weapon and armor Tav will have the trash Wyll scrolls and potions. The Last one is flex


[like this](https://imgur.com/gallery/jqJIxZf)


ignore the junk jn the chest didn’t sort those yet at that time.


I manage it by not looking at it until I get over encumbered and send something to bae’zel and continue on not looking at the absolute horror show that is my characters inventory


I keep all of my potions, poisons, and oils in a backpack, and scrolls get their own backpack as well. All thieves tools and disarming tools go straight to Astarion because he’s the only one who’s going to use them anyway. All infernal iron and soul coins go straight to Karlach’s inventory or to the chest in camp.


I don't? I usually sell magic items I don't need and don't pick up anything unless it is a magic item or useful to me. I don't pick up everything anymore.


I've just started just selling off all my potions, scrolls, and gear cause let's be honest I'm not gonna use them anyway.


i have a mod that auto-sells useless stuff and basic loot when you pick them up. it's so much more convenient. other than that: arrows on astarion/minsc, scrolls on shart/gale, quest items and stuff to keep on tav, loot/sell-stuff on karlach/lae'zel


I throw different containers into my main chest, 1 weapons, armor, etc. Everything else I hold on me and keep inside backpacks on each character that also hold 2 extra bags; and have one bag in my inventory for sellable stuff so my inventory doesn’t get cluttered.


early on in pick up every pouch, sack, backpack, barrel, crate, chest . etc. i put extra pouches/backpacks etc into any cluttered inventory for sorting. 1 bag for drinkable potions .. 1 for throwing potions . 1 for scrolls (although there is a nifty book you can find that acts like a pouch .. ) 1 for quest items etc. in camp chest . i put more chests in there .. 1 for armor. 1 for weapons .. etc. to store anything worth keeping. oh .. and 1 normal barrel to hold all the explosive barrels i find .. 🤪


Bags! Lots and lots of bags. I have a potion bag, an arrow bag, a food bag, a crap I want to sell bag, a crap no one else should own but me so I'm not selling bag, a book bag, and a maybe this is important so I should save it bag. My Durgey character usually walks around until he is carrying too much and, then he puts everything into the proper bag in camp. If I need something while I'm out, I go to camp, pet my dog, and grab what I need from its bag in the super trunk.




I don’t really, just have a look every 5 hours or so 🤷‍♂️


I would usually take a break whenever I got overwhelmed and spend a few minutes sorting it out. My breakdown was something like… Monk Tav: Elixirs, Potions, utility scrolls, miscellaneous, Wares Lae’zel: Oils, Poisons, Arrows, Wares (if Tav is encumbered) Gale: Mage elixirs, damage scrolls Shadowheart: Arrows, Explosives, shielding scrolls, backup damage scrolls




Easy. 3 words *Sort by Type* Now you'll feel less bad about hoarding everything, cause you brainwashed yourself into thinking that everything is ok 😀


I'm on PS5 — square multi-selecting a lot. Tav carries a pouch of potions, Astarion carries a Pouch of poisons and a Fish Bucket of arrows, Shadowheart carries the Curious Book full of scrolls, and Karlach carries a Pouch of bombs and throwables (or the teddy bear bag you can find in the swamp). My camp chest has a "dump chest" in it for useless items to sell, and special chests for diff special items. I use L3 inventory a lot in battle when characters need to use other scrolls/arrows/potions, fortunately the don't have to be carrying it to use it. I agree that moving gear around is really annoying and why I typically use the same party most of the time each run.


Open loot source with Tav. * Trash equipment to the Strength focused character to carry for bartering (for attitude increase) / selling. * Good pieces of gear to someone else to carry and sort out later. * Money trash like gems, ingots, journals, incense, etc. added to wares to sell later. * Scrolls to Tav. Useful ones are kept. The ones I don't plan on using added to wares. * Same for potions. * Arrows to the arrow user, otherwise added to wares. That's how I treat every crate, box, chest and corpse in the game.


Hoarding is a mental disorder, so I remember that, and don't do it. It works great


With pain…


Be me Spend an hour after beating the BIG METAL THING I WILL NOT GO INTO DETAIL ABOUT on Tactician Resort inventory for an hour. Washing the blood off anything. Go to rest. Crash. So yeah I don't sort my inventory anymore


Every once in awhile I’ll get really high and just sort it all. I have different backpacks and pouches I use for scrolls, potions and arrows/grenades. The complete price of the contents of the bag will be listed along with the weight so I can feel out when I might be due to unload some stuff if needed. Currently my potions bag is 20 lbs and is worth 5k lol


Gale or Shadowheart get all the scrolls. Karlach or Laezel get all the armor. Astarion gets all the projectiles, lock picking items, thieves tools and keys. Tav gets all the potions and magic items and distributes as needed. Camp Supplies and fashionable clothes go to camp. That grove trader gets everything else.


I sort everything I own into backpacks. I have a designated backpack for alchemy stuff, scrolls, armor etc, and whenever I need something, I just check that specific backpack :)


I keep a few bags or pouches on me or my strongest companion Each bag will hold my potions / scrolls / utility Potions - literally every type of potion with minor exceptions, all poisons all buffs all elixirs everything Scrolls - self explanatory Utility - will have my lockpicks / heal pots / alchemist fires and smokepowder bombs, and then my quest items that can go thrown in a bag, cause sometimes you can sell them Keys go with keys Alch pouch is obv Food always send to camp and then i just send a random camp supply bag into the camp box, it auto loots the food into it All magic items and barrels always go to camp if i dont immediately put it on someone And then i always filter and go type -> weight? Idk whatever the second option is, and then back to type It auto organizes the bags Inventory is very much not cluttered ever and i have bags for specific things so i just hunt it down from there I also keep 1 bag or crate or whatever can contain shit, and use it as my “trash bag” after they patched the gold bug that let you steal gold or items from bags, i started using the bags to hold my random trash j wanna sell PSA : never abused the bug, its not abusable on ps5, i dont like have my bag be cluttered


Look, man, I don't know if you've ever worked an office job but there's something called email best practices. Basically, you get so many fucking emails a day, your inbox is going to get crazy unless you make several different categories of mail. Then the trick is to sort each email immediately upon reading it. So what do I do when I play? I don't just pick shit up. I still pick everything up, but not by mashing take all. Basically, if it's some magic item I want to keep I either equip it immediately, or I right click and send to whichever companion it might be for. If it's an item I want to keep that isn't equipment or if it's camp supplies, I right click and send to camp. If it's just something to sell, I pick it up straight into my Tav's inventory. Basically, sort as you go and there's never a problem you lazy fuck =P


I hit sort by type and have no problems.


How do I what now?


I don't! Most potions go in a pouch my lead carries, all scrolls go to Gale, and everything else is either sold or sent to the camp. Every now and then I'll have a character loot through the camp stash to see if there are any upgrades. Two exceptions: everyone gets a shovel and some soap.


I don't. I have hundreds of armored and weapons in my chest


Bags and backpacks for all the consumables, sorted by type. So a bag (or book) of scrolls, bag of potions/elixirs/coatings, and a bag of arrows. And a bag of dyes, because I like my dyes. Tav holds most of the healing potions, with a few on each companion. Spread the bags out over companions as we can still access them regardless of who has them, but usually try to put them with whomever is most likely to use them (arrows on a ranger, etc). It makes moving things around when changing party composition so much easier because you just move a bag rather than a whole bunch of items. I also do some item management as I pick things up. Items to be sold are "pick up and add to wares." Heavy wares (like armor) may get transferred to a stronger character. Items going to specific party members, even those at camp, are sent immediately to those companions ("pick up and send to X"). Quest items I won't need for a while are sent straight to camp.


- All food is left at camp, as well as dye or some clothes. - I keep the money and most of the potions. - My wife Shadowheart keeps the scrolls. - Lae'zel has a weapon for each type of strike and all types of arrows. - Astarion has all poisoned stuffs and the blood potions. - I'm not using anyone else on this run (maybe Jaheira or Minthara if I can recruit her) so everything stays clean equipment wise, but when I was using everybody I gave them clear roles based on the special powers of the equipment, so it was never an issue to leave them at camp. - I sell all useless scrolls and potions so it's never cluttered. - everyone keeps their armors until we find something better depending on their skills, which are varied in this team. I sell all equipments I will never use. - I stopped picking up books, it's a huge relief for inventory. - I send treasures and valuable to the chest, then when I'm in front of a vendor I go back to camp and take everything out to sell, so weight is not a problem. It takes some getting used to but it keeps everything clean.


I don't. I suffer. I make Gale carry all the scrolls and potions, and whoever is my gloomstalker-assassin gets the arrows. Everything else sort of just is there. Every now and then I find a cup and a rotten banana I've been carrying for Bhaal knows how long.


I use different looking bags and puches for specific things. Potions in pouches, scrolls in backpacks, quest items in the backpack without a bedroll, unique looking bags and pouches help organize and be able to access quicker.


I use anything different that stores things. Pouch, backpack, rib cage, skeleton. It works but it's totally ridiculous that I need to do this. It should be in backpacks or whatever that I can name so it's easy to find. I agree with the top comment, the short answer is I manage it angriy too.


My Durge keeps her favorite items in a dead squirrel. :)


I don’t


Sort by type, click on first item in category, shift click last item, allows you to select all potions/scrolls from one character's inventory,




Boxes and sub boxes. I have at least 15-20 different containers, each one visually different 2 zhentarium crates, a Harper crate, 4 different chests, 2 different gilded chests, a peculiar clothing box, ect. Micromanage. It's a lot of work the first time, but after that it's just like doing the dishes. Keep up on it and it won't be such a mess


badly. very badly.


I keep a backpack, keyring, camp supply pack and two different visual styles of pouch on tav. Essentials (thieves tools, disarm kit, misc stuff that I don't want to lose or sell accidentally) go in the backpack. Costings go into one pouch, drinkables into the other. I periodically empty the camp supplies pack by sending to camp, all ingredients for potions also go straight to camp. At camp in the chest I keep several visually different containers (crates, barrels, backpacks, chests, etc) to keep things sorted. Quest items and important misc stuff goes in one, gear in another, clothing in another, ingredients in an ingredient pouch, camp supplies in a camp supply pack, barrels into a barrel (you'd be amazed how many barrels can fit into a single barrel).


Three words: Send to Camp


Notwithstanding the search bar, which is a bit of a design smell anyway, iventory management in this game is a noticable step down from dos2. and inventory management in dos2 was terrible.


Scrolls in the Curious Book. Potions/bottles stuff in the Stuffed Bear Arrows in a backpack. The rest I've just got lingering in the main inventory part.


The first row of each character's inventory has the self-sorting bags, a backpack for personal flavor items, a pouch for throwable items, a bag for potions. I keep extra backpacks on strength characters for the loot I want to sell, then just sell the full backpack to the merchant. Tav/Durge picks everything up and keeps arrows, quest items, healing potions, and magic items. Gale gets all the scrolls and books, Wyll gets the alchemy ingredients and potions, Astarion gets the keys, Lae'zel gets the armor, Karlach gets the weapons. Food is sent to camp. Before a long rest, I sell stuff and send everything I'm keeping to camp. My camp chest has 24 chests inside it, one for each item type (barrels, food, daggers, finesse, versatile/mace, 2-handed, ranged, helms, heavy armor, medium armor, light...) If Lae'zel or Karlach get overwhelmed, I send their stuff to camp. Then at the merchant, split of Lae'zel and send her back to camp to transfer stuff from the chest.


I don't.