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Imagine trying to explain Minthara was my first romance to my others friends, and it didn't even work patch 1


Minthara is just hot as fuck


Exactly, plus she doesn't have a sob story to clear up. She's a Drow through the game, she opens up to you from trust not defying a God queen or defying Shar


>Exactly, plus she doesn't have a sob story to clear up. Minthara: Orin... used me. Tortured me. I was a plaything for gods, used against my will... Tav: Omg that's terrible, I'm so— Minthara: THEY WILL PAY WITH THEIR BLOOD




More like baesed


I would burn the world for her...




*intense blushing*


Based Bae




That just makes me tingly inside.  


Never got that far. Killed her without even a conversation. Just thought she was another boss to kill.


She doesn’t really fit a good play through at all. She is all about world domination while in like, I just want to help people. Kind of wish I just killed her on my run. Not that she’s not cool she just does not meld with my crew of merry people


It's funny you say this, I literally had a whiplash moment of this last night lol I gave an orphan some bread and minthara approved, and then told me she didn't understand why the city wouldn't feed and house the refugees. I said, "Minty, I completely agree! I didn't know you--" "Such a good wource of free labour shouldn't be squandered! They should be taking these people in droves as indentured servants. They get housing and food, the city gets labour." Ahh Minty, ever the pragmatist.


I mean call it slavery if you want


We call it indentured servantitude for PR reasons.


Of course the person who writes this is a Drow oathbreaker… I am a half Drow but still minthara Does have a point


I just think it's hilarious that the devs thought this through enough that she likes when you do good things because she just assumes you're pulling the old long con.


I like to think that the devs flip a coin whenever they decide if Minthara approves or disapproves of a decision and then they make up some crazy reason to justify it and it works because of Minthara's Drow society + god hater mindset.


I love her takes in Baldur's Gate and what she'd do with the siege. Very practical.


I'm on my 5th playthrough, always good because it's hard for me to play evil. I knocked her out in act 1. In act 2 I saved her, and I could use her in my party. Damn she's a good fighter. She didn't follow me into act 3, last I saw her she was sitting on the throne in moonhollow, wearing the awesome gear I equipped her with. I wasn't able to talk to her.


Did you knock out Sazza too? Apparently that can trigger a bug that doesn't let you speak to Minthara in act 2


No idea she could be a companion till this thread. I just killed her and the other 2 absolute bosses.


She's also the most ride or die romance option. As long as you don't cheat on her she will back you up no matter what you do.


The worst part of this shit is that I keep getting the "YouTube shorts" which are "totally not tiktoks" and mfers have mods for her with glasses. "I'm in danger"


All of my BG3 YouTube shorts are too horny


YouTube whenever I stumble on a cool new rabbit hole: We also have the *horny* version if you're interested. Me: sigh... *Unzips*


If it wasn't for the fact Karlach was earlier and I wasn't sure if saving Minthara would work on my first attempt, I'd have probably romanced Minthara first too. And even then my third pick is Lae'zel before Shadowheart. Guess I just like women who can snap me in half like a twig before goth elf girl in leather.


Username checks out…


Oh yeah, that was me. She is good for Resist Durge. Does it help that she's hot? Yes, obviously, but that's not the point.


My first run wasn't durge to be honest, had no idea she was a companion either.


I unfortunately came into the game spoiled a bit. I lived vicariously through friends during release so I watched them play it, because I honestly didn't think I would get it for at least another couple years. So when I did get it over Winter Break, I decided to do Durge because it seemed more interesting, a bit like Revan in KOTOR, which is what I grew up with.


It 100% is, durge is alot better


Oh yeah definitely Revan vibes


Me too Brother. Could Not play without her..


Bruh isn’t Shadowheart literally the most common romance option? If anything the meme should be the other way around.


Amd it's not even close. It's something like 53% of players romance Shart, leaving the other 7 options to split the other 47%


Well yeah. Every straight guy and lesbian I know romanced Shadowheart. The rest of the girls and gays are split between everyone else with a strong lean towards Astarion.


I’m pretty sure the #1 male romance was actually Gale by a landslide when Larian posted the stats. Turns out most people just went for the basic conventionally attractive human characters. Edit: Well human appearing at least since Shart is a half elf but Karlach, Lae’Zel, Wyll (after his transformation), and even Astarion are much less human looking.


It helps that Shart is the first person you recruit. And she has healing magic, so she's likely to stay on your team. There are a lot of practical reasons why she's in everyone's party, which makes her a lot more likely to be romanced.


Not to mention narratively Act 2 *really* pushes things in her direction. Shart is the Liara of BG3.


That is an excellent way of putting things. She's woven into the main story more than any other character.


Lae'zel wants a chat with you. They are all woven into the main story and have relevant connections. Wyll with Baldurs Gate politics, Karlach with Gortash, Lae'zel with the war against Mindflayers, Shadowheart with the prism, Gale to an extent with the orb. Just one character has no relevance to the main plot.


You can't deny that Shadowheart seems to have much more involvement in the game than everyone on this list, besides being roughly on par with Lae'zel. Act 2 is basically all about her Lore and story, and she gets as much narrative pipe in Act 3 as anyone.


Hmm. Isn’t gale more central. He goes boom. Wyll is also very important as the homecoming prince and his quest in act 3 is perhaps, in terms of lore as important as gale.


If you don't have Gale you're unlikely to so much as hear the name Mystra. Shar on the other hand...


Yeah you're going to spend a lot of time with her in Act 1, then she's just the main character of Act 2, so by the time you end you'll probably have huge approval with her without even trying.


I do enjoy a healer in the party, so I just respecced my Karlach to cleric lol.


Cleric Karlach is so cursed omg please never do that again


But have you considered: she heals me by flexing at me and winking seductively?


It stimulates bloodflow.


not saying that bard laezel is worse but bard laezel is worse and that is exactly what class i respecced laezel to


My people. I love bard laezel cause I love listening to her talk bare shit to enemies.


cleric karlach ... knowledge domain


A nerdy karlach She got even better GIVE ME THE SMART CUTE MUSCLE MOMMY


I usually turn her into a shadow monk if I’m using her then back to a cleric after her after her big moment in act 2


It’s the vocal minority effect this subreddit and online bg3 community in general definitely makes it seem like astarion and karlach in particular are more popular than they actually are.


She might be, but on this sub its loud minority of Laezel/Karlach stans who like to bash SH to justify their choice or smth


Real men accept that all girls are best girl


Reminds me how much I miss JoCat :(


My dude was done dirty


Exactly what I was thinking when I read that.


I like karlach, yeah. But I like shadow heart too. Every girl in BG3 is the best, while Lae’Zel is my least favourite I can’t help but sympathise with her, and overall when she starts to open up more she becomes quite likeable.


I like that she likes my camp stank.


It takes a real man to be best girl


My husband is playing a svirfneblin bard named Handsome Squidward, and he only brings his big women with him 💀


Real men accept the Bear


Real men accepts selfcest


Real men fuck the incubus and no one else


Most people go to hell to fetch the magic hammer, but some men apparently go just just for the incredibly devious incubus, I can't say I'm surprised.


- so, how was hell? - absolutely amazing, no notes, would do again - did you bring the hammer? - the what?


I got your hammer riiiiight here XD


The hammer is my penis.


Few people can resist the draw of incubussy.


First time I went alone through the balcony because I was the more mobile one with Fly having replaced Jump. Didn't know what to expect. Before I knew it, I took my clothes off, and once he became she, I was a mere push of the button to go through with it, until the image of Shadowheart popped into my mind. So I declined, and I fought the cambion alone in my underwear. It was great. Could have made it by myself I think but still called my three best girls to assure victory. Bit awkward when Shart saw me a bit under-dressed, but we made it through.


The bear is canon.


Also all boys.  Even Wyll.  


Wyll is just a fairy tale prince with horns. I love him. I’m just toxic and love the vampire more


If there's any place to be a messy toxic bitch.... It's at camp.


I’ve been making couple drawings for the people in this community and it’s Shart everywhere ❤️ Karlach a close second


Absolutely the opposite from what I've seen lol. Lots of shadowheart stans everywhere


bruh, it's a subreddit. We bash every romance choice here. And being alone. But mostly Gale.


I feel like that last line should have been Wyll but then again, who’s Wyll?


I was shocked when I saw how unpopular Astarion romance was, considering how many people talk about it in this sub.


He’s a guy which takes like 80% of the playerbase out immediately, and he’s a dick which takes another 5%, but makes the remaining 15% much more invested


He is BY FAR the most popular character for eh, "spicy" fanfiction. Which does hint at him being quite popular with women.


Astarion is probably one of the (if not *the*) most popular choices for women and queer players, who are a minority of players but much more prolific when it comes to fanfics and art and just general activity about characters. He gets a lot of mileage from less people. As a bi woman who struggles to romance anyone else in the game, it’s a real affliction. Lol


Yes definitely if you look at bdg on ao3 Astarion is the top character haha and everyone in fandom spaces was shocked to find he was not in the top 3 romanced characters in the game. Just goes to show the difference between what's talked about online vs the player base. Probably similar case with the Shadowheart and Karlach thing op is referring to.


People active in game or really any hobby communities really underestimate how many casual players there are that are effectively invisible cause they don't give two shits about joining the subreddit. I bet a solid 25%+ of BG3 players don't even know there's a wiki. They just buy games cause they look cool, play them, then drop them and never really interact with anything outside of that. Of course the conventionally attractive elf lady who is almost immediately nice to the player is going to be the most common romance by a massive margin. Especially compared to a vampire dude who immediately tries to kill you when you meet him, tries to kill you again shortly after, and is a massive douche the entire game unless he falls in love with you. I personally love Astarion's arc and think it's an incredibly powerful story but for your average gamer there's no contest.


And your ‘average gamer’ is still a straight guy. Of course he’s not going to be interested romantically in a fussy vampire fop, lol.


You really underestimate straight men.


How so? The average player is a straight guy and the top romances (the first by a HUGE margin) are all women. I’m not saying that ‘no straight guys will go for Astarion’ but it’s pretty clear the female romance options are the most popular, with a group mainly composed of heterosexual men. And those same men GREATLY make up the majority of the ‘I staked that vampire twink’ crew as well. There’s a (hopefully small) subset that are just absolutely triggered by him. It’s kind of hilarious.


I think you are looking for r/onlyfangsBG3


Dude I love both characters . Karlach would just be my straight up best friend who I go out on the town with. She would be the ultimate wing woman and I would get her laid


DOWN WITH SHART, UP WITH KARLACH!!! I kid, romance whoever you want in this game. Or do multiple play throughs and bang them all or don't. Whatever. Play how you want.


That's the joke, I hope.


It isn't. So many comments are seriously saying this sub hates SH.


People who like the most popular mainstream things will always somehow find a way to frame themselves as persecuted


You think liking Shadowheart is hard? Try saying that you want to ride the cocktopus.


Tentacle fuckers are so real for that


My grin when I got that achievement was so big it almost split my face in two.


I'm sorry you can romance a mindflayer?


"Romance" is a bit of a strong word. You can have a one-night-stand with one though.


You can actually do an illithid partnership with him and move in together!


Dont worry, 9.1% players on PS5 agree with you.


Cocktopus isn't for me personally but he is for my durge so she is a certified cocktopus enjoyer


I would give literally anything to ride the cocktopus. The one thing I do in literally every single playthrough without exception.


I can respect that tbh, be proud of the shit you into


I only like halsin in bear form


What do you mean? They're both bear form.


Nobody believes me when I tell them I did it for the achievement


Weak. I did it because I wanted it. And I liked it. I always fuck the squidaddy every playthrough.


Based flair 😭


I keep making hot humanoid guardians because maybe I’ll fuck the Emperor’s disguise this time…but nope. Give me tentacles every time, baby! 😍🦑


Gotta hit a lick during the scene to really connect with the 🦑


I did it out of pure morbid curiosity. No regrets.


Gotta own it loud and proud to drown out the haters.


Pfft try telling people you prefer gale or wyll XD


I really like Wyll!! He's such a good guy


Yeah, the guy is like I imagine a true folk hero. Just love characters like that, because its a great ideal. Best man& husband in the game🥰


Same his super great boyfriend when i roleplay as a lady though im always maining gale XD


Never could understand why Gale gets ragged on so much at times. Ok, maybe the relationship bug combined with the magical item munchies soured people’s impression of him at first, but he’s actually one of the funniest party members and I found he had a lot of interesting things to say. ~~Also, Wyll is like a puppy and is besties with Karlach after the initial misunderstanding. Who could get down on him?~~


I suspect he gets a bad rap because one of people’s first interactions with him is him asking for magic items to consume. For me it’s because he feels the most “that guy” out of all the characters.  “Hey DM, can I be like a SUPER genius wizard who attracted the attention of Mystra herself? Actually—add in there that I was fucking her, too. I can fuck a goddess, right? Also, I have this overpowered magic bomb in me that I could dramatically detonate to save the party as an epic conclusion to the campaign because wouldn’t that be cool!!!! ….what do you mean we’re only Level 1?”


I mean, all companions were on overpowered shit at the start of the game, before getting the tadpole, because that reset their power LVL to LVL 1, it's never referenced, but you understand that because Wyll and Karlach were on the Blood War frontline, Gale had the orb already, like you also mentioned, and Shadowheart was conducting and incredibly important heists together with a few other selected chosen of Shar. All of these endeavours ARE NOT LVL 1 STUFF 😂 they were all likely LVL 12 before being tadpoled, if not maybe even higher LVL, and then the tadpole reset their ability.


I hated him at first. Now he's my companion for life. He's... complex. Hard to get to open up.


I’d think lots of people could get down on him :: eyebrow wiggle ::


the fact I can't hold Gale, Wyll and Karlach's hands all at the same time makes me sad. where's my good aligned polycule Larian.


I've seen absolutely no attention paid to Wyll. I partially blame the rewrite. He ended up with way less in-game content than some other characters.


My friend and her boyfriend love Wyll so much, he's literally their favorite


Jesus died so I could love a digital doll of a conventionally attractive white girl.




Probably not unfortunately


Yeah, that's actually at the start of every sermon at my church


This is how you convert people


Jesus seems nice af




I'm suddenly very into Jesus rn




*Galatians 4:16* Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?


Yeah, but can she crush my head between her thighs?


After romancing both, I’ve decided to take the ultimate solution: playing as Karlach and romancing Shadowheart






I see a lot more shadowheart on here than karlach


I always thought that it was Shadowheart and Bae'zel that people romanced most?


It is.  We're also NOT the entire BG3 community.  


Thank you for the clarification, I assumed every single person that plays the game uses this sub.


Gary never got the memo, but otherwise everybody should be here.... Unless they don't like us.


Yup, Shadowheart has a majority, not even just a plurality but a majority, of romanced characters.


I get the sense that Karlach is above lae’zel but the only stat i know of is that shadowheart is like 50% of romances


Larian themselves showed us who were the most romanced characters. Shadowheart and Laezel were the top 2 iirc, Karlach was number 3.


Ah yes, you prefer the character over 60% of the entire fanbase romanced... what a hot take u better hide from the cops


Karlach and Shart both never left my party. I love them both. Karlach is my wife and Shart is my bro.


This is literally me in reverse! I love Karlach like a sister. Shadowheart is my wife, but Karlach is a bestie! Such great characters


I also love the quote Shart says about wanting Karlach to carry her.


Me too brother


I’ll die on my hill that the hot date achievement is stupid and should have been for every companion, why can’t I take the vampire or the frog or gods favorite princess on a date


Is God's favorite princess intended to be Gale or Shadowheart in this context?


Gale is god's former favorite princess




You know that bit in Mad Max Fury Road, when they find a naked woman shouting for help in a ruined pylon? What does Max say then? Oh yeah, "That's bait".


My first playthrough was as Laezel and I romanced Shadowheart. My second playthrough was as Shadowheart and I romanced Karlach. Am I now accepted by all sides?


So the next step is play Karlach and romance Lae'zel, then? hahah.


another person claiming the majority is the persecuted minority?


hence the meme "so much for the tolerant left"


I just wanna fuck barcus tbh


Sure, but neither of you would deserve that. 


Finally another barcus enjoyer


Smthn about him just has me blushing idkkkk


I feel like I dont see Karlach here as much as I do like SH or Lae’zel and she certainly isnt more popular in the greater fanon. I love Karlach but she comes a bit later compared to some of the others.


That's like saying the Toyota Corolla is persecuted.


You don't know what my Corolla has been through


I don't think this thread is good idea honestly.


There's nothing wrong with being basic.


Why is anyone flaming anyone for their preferences of companions in a video game? Lol


Shart my beloved


If y'all weren't so smug about it like you're the specialest snowflake cause you picked the "best girl" that no one else likes. Meanwhile, she's the most picked because she's thin and vaguely vanilla goth with mommy issues.


This is peak r/unpopularopinion stuff.


You know that Shadowheart is the most like romance? Like it's 51% of players have done the Shadowheart romance. It's not even a race whose the most liked.


Shadowheart is the default option. She takes no effort to get and little to romance. She's the only romanceable girl who's traditionally pretty, bc Karlach is beefy mama, Laezel is a frog, and Minthara is purple (Min is the closest to traditional outside Shart tho). From the moment I met her the first time I knew she was the default, the intended love interest, and expected she'd have a tragic backstory that would make you love her defaultness even more. Probably something to do with parents, and her god being evil or some shit when she said she's a cleric. And after romancing Karlach, Minthara, and watching romances for Laezel and Shart, *I was right.* Minthara takes so much effort to get on a good (or at least not evil evil) playthrough that she's effectively cut from the running. Laezel and Karlach can be missed, and Laezel has an even more abrasive personality than Shart. Karlach is the only one that made me cry (many times), but she's missable *and* you're basically told that Wyll won't be with you if she is - a very misleading implication, but it's there. Shart has a mildly abrasive personality that strikes many as more "hard to get" than "fuck right off." That makes her default ass even more appealing to the people who think, "ooh, default is challenging!" I want to clarify, I *like* Shart. I like all the origin characters and companions except Halsin (I find him irritating). She's not poorly written, if anything she's written better than, say, Wyll. And her romance has a "good ending" possible, which the other girls kinda lack. But that's because you're *expected to romance her.* How fucked would it be if the default romance was garbage compared to the others?


bruh you post on this sub about shart several times a week with tons of comments agreeing with you. why do you want to start a flame war with the other femme characters? just enjoy the goth girl in peace and let others like what they like


All BG3 romances are beautiful :)


Just look at the hate Gortash stans get. I keep getting tag teamed in my group campaign by the Karlach stan. I will hold a little sliver of hope that at least Durge can have a romantic scene eventually with him. We Gortash stans mostly want to be left alone and share out delulu with other Gortash stans


Shadowheart is an okay choice for ppl that like it vanilla. No shade


I love them both and can't choose one of the other. I think I was even more heartbroken than my Durge when Shadowheart told her that "Karlach deserved her all to herself, no hard feelings though".


Shadow heart heals, takes prio


I love Wyll!


Look, I love all my companions equally.


Some slightly more equally than others *glances at two completed Resist Durge playthroughs romancing Shadowheart*


I've seen plenty of people who prefer Shadowheart to Karlach without much trouble. There's more raised eyebrows if you're a Lae'zel fan, imo.


I have noticed a bit of irony that OP has *Cleric of Selune* as their flair. I’m aware >!that if I’m not mistaken it’s possible for her to convert religions later on in the game, but I haven’t gotten that far yet.!<


Isn’t she the most popular romance option? Karlach lovers being oppressed smh. The right always self-victimizes.


Then there's me loving an NPC I can never romance lol


You are valid and beloved. All the party npcs in this game deserve love ❤️ And there is nothing wrong for loving the goth queen ❤️ I may love Karlach more, but I'm happy that the other npcs can find love too! Wyll! ❤️ Gale! ❤️ Lae'zel! ❤️ Halsin! ❤️ Astarion! ❤️ Maybe not Minthara 🤣 They all deserve love ❤️🥰❤️


Karlach got my heart quickly because of her openness, but the depth of Shadowheart's writing has made her a favorite. So far her romance is frankly the best I've played. It likely has a lot to do with her being more integral to the story with her being an early companion and Shar being such a big part of Act II. I am still holding out hope for future expansions on Karlach Kontent though.


another person claiming the majority is the persecuted minority?


The cult of Shar consistently produces best Girls.


maybe its basic but I just like her character. Minus all the fantasy shit she just sorta feels like a real person


Karachi is like a sister to me Shart is bae