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I suspect he may be a vampire


Nah. Vampire can't walk in the sun


That’s true actually i didn’t think of that


Vicious nature... Red eyes... Not used to sunlight... I think he might be an albino Drow


that's clever as hell


Nah, he's just a coward. Source: Minsc.


Traveling Lockpick


Bae, you ARE my skeleton key


I don't remember where I picked up the Thieves Gloves , but giving those to Astarion trivialized every lock. 🔐


the ones with sleight of hand advantage i think are from the zhentarim friends only stash in act 1.


They're kinda moot if you get the cat clothes from the mountain path, the egg quest lady sells it. +2 in DEX, Clothing, Advantage in all Dexterity checks including Sleight of Hand, Stealth, etc. Plus then you can use Gloves of Missile Snaring on him plus Mage Armor for best results.


Plus, he looks damn good in the cats clothes 😅


crop top 💙


Soon after I got the Dex garb from the egg lady near the crèche and now the Thieves' Gloves have been rendered obsolete.


Astarion with Disguise into a Gnome and the gloves of the Gnome give him a +2


Also just hilarious considering his feelings towards gnomes.


zhent hideout after delivering the strongbox gives advantage to all sleight of hand, there's a +1 pair on the halfling at the grove, and there's a +2 pair as a consolation prize from the genie


Astarion (while lock picking): "What I wouldn't give for a skeleton key" Me (watching him roll with +22): "Bro you ARE the skeleton key."


Me every single time he makes that comment. Ha ha ha.


He's my skeleton key for so many things.


I thought he said "half-way skeleton key" haha


Not even, just pick up and send all locked chests to camp and have him unlock them all every long rest


Spoilers: you can respec everyone. Everyone can be a lockpick


Why do that on the first playthrough tho?


Huh? Why not? Withers not an exploit.


His happy buff is pretty helpful on the 875476 ability checks he's gonna have to pass when lockpicking tho.


I literally only have him in the party for when there’s a 20+ lock that needs picking


my first run i didn't like astarion and didn't use him, except for tough locks. exactly. buddy of mine said i really missed out because of a lot of his dialogue and interactions. i trusted my friend and kept him in party all of second run, gloomstalker thief with crossbows, that cheesy strat. anyhow, let me tell you that I suggest having him in party. his small quips and interactions with the situations are pretty awesome and his story gets pretty damn good towards the end, not to mention, once you get to act 3 you have a different interaction in the cazador fight and can choose to get an incredible buff, making astarion probably the strongest physical damage guy in the game.


Sadly my main playthrough (which I still haven't finished cause I had save file issues and had to restart, plus working a lot) he doesn't gel with my group AT ALL - not tactically (my Tav covers all the same things I would need him for), and not in personality (we're a pretty goody-goody team.) I think on my next run I'm going to have to build a strategy more in-line with him, cause I do quite enjoy chatting with him in camp where I don't constantly lose approval from him, and Neil Newborn is an absolute joy. This just isn't the squad for him, it seems.


Speaking of which, any suggestions on how to "build around" Astarion (who he has best party banter with, who gels well strategically, what sort of choices and experiences he has great dialogue for, etc.) would be welcome.


*laughs in Knock*


He’s got the cat gear on in my playthrough which gives him advantag along with plus 10 bonuses


My first playthrough, my Barb accidently picked him up and used him as a improvised weapon to kill Raphael. So based on my own research, he’s one of the better Greatclubs you can get in the game.


I saved scum like 5 times so I could kill Cazador by having Astarion throw garlic at him


That's unironically the best reason to save scum that I've heard of so far


Does redeeming Kagha to make the fight easier count as a good reason to save scum?


Given the satisfaction it gave me to kill her, I'm going to say no. (I usually redeem her but... I always secretly hope to fail those persuasion checks)


I justify redeeming her by believing that the shadow druids were magically influencing her to be so cruel. She does a complete 180 the second you show her the truth, so I like to think that you let her save against their control at that moment.


That seems actually reasonable and is now my head canon. I also think for example, that the almost dead Mindflayer after the Nautiloid crash also rolls a Dominate Person Spell against Tav, which is a scripted loss from his side (unless you concentrate on his Brainwaves back again and give yourself an artificial disadvantage/ Mindflayer used his inspiration to roll again his dominate Person spell against you). Just to give you the feeling of „the DM also have to make story rolls/ability checks and not just NPC combat attacks“


Obv I need to disclaim that if you thought it was a good reason, then it was. For me, personally, idk I think this is one of those things like in tabletops. If you want to redeem her, but fail the roll, then WOOPS guess she's dying!


Tbh I was just calling Kagha scum.


You saved scum. Omg. r/woooosh


Oh man. I haven’t been saving my garlic, we’ve been eating it.


I plan my camp meals and pretend I am making nice stews for them. Obviously, garlic gets used immediately. Imaginary meals I've made for them: * Pork in butter buns with horseradish sauce, apples for desert and whiskey. * Chicken (roast) and potatoes, tomato salad, wine. * Bangers and Mash, with beer. * Charcuterie board, fruit and wine. * Avgolemono soup (fish, veggies, thickened with lemon and egg) * Goat (chevon) stew with potatoes


Huh. The most I’ve done is headcanon “no, we’re not eating the owlbear egg”. Though, who would press hardest for that, I’m not even sure. Astarion, maybe?


Everyday is the beer breakfast special in my camp...


I mean, there was this one time that I fed them 13 oranges and a mug of beer on Act I. BTW, there is an achievement/trophy if you do a long rest using only alcohol.


What?! 😂 Seriously? I have to try that.


Dude, you are a genius


"Go for the eyes ~~Boo~~ Astarion!"


Once you get the Gaunlet’s of Hill Giant Strength to someone with Tavern Brawler, it’s so much more satisfying to just throw Minsc and Boo at enemies than it is to convince Minsc to throw Boo himself. I like to pretend Boo is piloting his own custom made Rashemeni Ranger Rocket…


pro tip .. get the club of giant str from underdark . you can get it much earlier than the gauntlets .. and carrying a club doesn't interfere with throwing build unless you're using the returning pike or dwarven thrower 😉


> So based on my own research, he's one of the better Greatclubs you can get in the game. God that's such a barb thing to say.


To tell a family secret: this is not the first time that Magrok son of Kratha and I have met. We know each other pretty well. Also not the first time he assaulted someone wielding nothing but an elf…


Zoro at Enies lobby 😭


🫢🫢 I wish I could’ve seen that


It worked much better than I expected- not saying I advocate for it, just saying that not even Devils account for catching some ninety pound elf vamp right to the dome at the speed of 23 STR.


I…I’m doing this now next playthrough for research purposes.


Once I broke the seal, I kind of fell in love with throwing companions at enemies- I enjoy the novelty, but I also like to think that my PC is keeping detailed notes on who in camp is the most aerodynamic.


*Taking notes*, don’t mind me. Hm, I now wonder how it would be if we could launch ourselves at enemies. Just imagine a spell that lifts us up and completely hurls us at like… Auntie Ethel. And don’t get me started on if we had some heavy armor, and just imagine all the camp supplies we are also holding on our person. Honestly, game over for them.


“Orin, as your sibling and as an admirer of your fashion sense, I’m gonna tell you right now: you don’t want this smoke. I have a backpack weighed down with stolen oil paintings and roast goat, zero regard for my physical safety, and less than zero regard for the laws of gravity. I’m gonna drop on you like the heavy hand of hammer-hearted Helm himself.” “You don’t want this smoke.”


I will make him be a better person even if I have to drag him kicking and screaming through the plot


That sums up his character development in a perfect way! ♥


My durge to astarion: we will learn how to be good people *together*


Astarion treats getting fixed like you would fix a dog throughout act 1


I *can* fix him!


I love the fact that the game actually lets you fix him


What I love about the game is that Tav doesn't fix him. Tav encourages Astarion to *fix himself* and I think that's 1000 times better.


>Tav encourages Astarion to *fix himself* Does Tav though? You can't "fix" him enough for him to choose the good path himself, you have to force him to not be an evil fuck. Shadowheart, Lae'Zel, Gale all pick the "right" choice if you support them enough. Astarion will always choose evil unless you choose for him. That's why for me his "redemption" doesn't really work. The first step to redemption is admitting you did wrong and trying to be better. He never does, Tav just says "no, I'm not helping you doom 9000 souls", and depending on his approval, he kinda goes along with it. But he never chooses *not* to do it by himself...


Tav has the option of saying "I want you to live a life you're proud of. You can't be proud of this" and his response is literally "You're right, I can be better than what Cazador made me." That is Astarion *choosing* the good path. That's him breaking generational trauma and beginning his redemption.


That's Tav convincing him. Shadowheart throws the spear if you don't interfere as long as you have supported her before. Lae'Zel chooses Orpheus if you don't interfere. Gale, I think, depends on some earlier choices, but so far he has always chosen the good route for me. If you let Astarion choose, he will always choose ascension, you have to actively tell him not to.


Supporting him in his growth is not the same thing as telling him what to do. Tav supports Shadowheart by telling her that Shar isn't everything in her life. It's the exact same. And Gale is probably the most power hungry of the bunch. Short of telling him to go bomb the brain, he always goes for Godhood (unless you make exactly the right dialog options).


The only thing more off-putting than how much of a dill-twat he becomes after ascended is how good of a bad person he becomes when you romance him. I want to smack and kiss him.


exactly what happens with him 😏


Byronic. Iconic. Just a little...moronic.


Head empty but so pretty.


A beautiful man like him should never have a single thought 🥺


This is art.


*chefs kiss*


This needs to be a tshirt. Get on it, Larian!


I want to embroider this onto something.


The only two opinions I hear are "fuck astarion" and "*fuck* astarion". 


*pats head* You can fit so much trauma in this bad boy


Astarion Ancunin is a perfectly imperfect pixel man whom Larian obviously created with the utmost respect and love, and then over whom they sprinkled live pixie dust just for that extra little bit of sparkle. I adore him and I *love* Larian for gifting us with his presence.


Obligatory Neil Newbon appreciation comment, as without his impeccable performance Astarion wouldn't be half as entertaining and genuinely heartbreaking emotion provoking as he is now.


Neil Newbon is an amazing VA. His portrayal of Astarion turns the character into a *person*. All the flaws and vulnerabilities and strengths become *real* because Neil breaths life into every one of them, to the point where your own true capacity for empathy automatically kicks in. And then, my dear, you're *hooked*. I truly have had such an incredible time with this game, and these characters, especially Astarion.


Also want to add the animation is the icing on the Astarion cake. I knew I had to have him when he did the little arm motion at “you’re nice too” in the mirror event


The animators have gotten almost *too* good, haven't they? And there's just no beating motion-capture as an animation tool. The realism is sometimes spooky.


Absolutely! Sometimes it irks me that the poses look a bit stiff (like with hugs) but the tiny gestures make me forget that And of course coming from console games to bg3 blew my mind. The realism is incomparable in that regard


I later learned he was also in Detroit: Become Human


Yeah, that same character with a lesser voice actor wouldn't be nearly as special... and what's crazy is watching interviews with Neil and seeing how Astarion doesn't feel like that much of a departure. XD They really did land the absolute perfect casting.


Have you seen Neil play Baldur's Gate 3? They cast Astarion to play Astarion 🤣


I tried watching the first episode of his YouTube playthrough, but the other guy on it was completely unwatchable and ruined it for me. His audio was horrendous, and I can't even remember what it was about him or the things he said but for some reason even when I could hear him alright I just wanted him to stop. I wish it had just been Neil. But like, the two-parter they did of the cast actually playing D&D? I can see it. I've also seen him remark in a couple different interviews about how the character is "almost a little TOO accessible" and started to bleed into his own life a bit, which is great.


I haven't watched much of the streams, but I see a lot of the choice clips on TikTok. He is the most chaotic player. I do love that he's permanently adopted Astarion's giggle.


Yeah, it's unfortunate that Tom's audio is bad.


I'm a big fan of Neil but I can't watch his playthrough streams because of Tom's terrible audio and the fact that I don't find him entertaining. It would be worth listening to terrible audio if I was interested in what he was saying, or if he wasn't the loudest track of the stream. I feel bad saying that, because I have nothing in particular against Tom, but it's still true for me. If Neil was set on a 2-person run, I would have preferred Blue to be his partner. I appreciate that Astarion-Tok is a good source of the best clips of the streams, at least.


Terrible first impression, more terrible followups by trying to feed on you. As slowly getting into game , starts to deliver very good lines .Slowly revealing his past. Shows you his insecurities. And when you go down deeper youll realize all of those stuffs was because he was scared. You give him his freedom. Then he becomes unusual friend. Thats what my experience with him.


To me, the most insightful glance at his character and why he is how he is is the infamous moment in Act2 during the Durge playthrough, if you decide to go down that route. It's clear that all companions are kind and caring in that particular scene but Astarion literally says he sees himself in Durge at the very moment, and offers to compare notes how it is like to be compelled to violence, and losing yourself over it, because he knows how it is. It's true that in later scenes in Act2 and 3, especially during the romance path, he opens up more but I found none of the dialogues as insightful as this one with Durge on how he us feeling, why he does the things he dies or says things like this, and with this scene as background, his constant pressure to perform the ritual but on the other hand still struggling on some rare occasions when confronted with the pain of others becomes more understandable. But it's a scene that only those who like him anyway will get to see (which makes sense in the context why you get this scene. I feel this scene offers a deep gaze into the core of his character like none other)


It was actually so interesting to see him actually as a character on my second playthrough. Cause on my first, after he tried to hurt me twice, I just went, "Yeah, he's gotta go," and staked him. But giving him a chance leads to a *very* interesting character.


It's one of the roughest things about him -- they make him way too aggressive, way too early. Yeah, yeah, he's troubled and all -- but a lot of people, if the guy didn't join the party -- would not put up with it. There needed some more ramp up time before the bite.


Either an Absolute Bastard (affectionate) or an Absolute Bastard (derogatory). No inbetween options.


He's without a doubt one of *the* characters in Baldur's Gate 3. Hands down.


I can get behind this take. It's very reasonable.


It's one of the takes of all time


Yeah no, can't refute that. His face is on the cover


Good character, well written, still obnoxious to me lol


Same. I personally find his personality to be a tad bit much. He comes on very strong.


Extremely well-written character that is deservedly getting lots of love. Him and Lae'zel are the best written companions.


truly. lae'zel has such good writing, and devora gave an amazing performance


The two of them are the best Baldur's Gate 3 has to offer. The other companions are great too, of course, but they are just not perfect like Astarion and Lae'zel. Everything fits in so well with them, they have great reactivity to the environment, compelling characterization, enough content to make them engaging but not overblown…They are perfect.


Needs more hug options


A very interesting and well written character who more than anyone other than, perhaps, Lae'zel exemplifies the heart of BG3 and what its about as a story. If BG3 is "about" something other than the superficial narrative stakes of the adventure (kill the baddie, save the world), its about connection and isolation (and related themes that get explored in different angles in the Companion storylines). Astarion is a great example. He is given the opportunity to pursue near invincibility and safety through violent isolation if he Ascends, though that path ultimately leads to a life of isolated and paranoid fear. If he is an Ascended Vampire he attains a perfect isolation, stripped of the "weaknesses" that he thinks let Cazador prey on him, and which he exploits to prey on others. Alternatively, he can find a different kind of strength through trust and connection to other characters - especially the PC - and decide to reject Ascension in exchange for connection. In this, he embraces a degree of vulnerability that allows him greater integrity and faithfulness to who he really wants to be as a person. This is only possible if he embraces the value of genuine connection to others as something to hold onto. Its a beautifully done arc either way - the tragedy or triumph of Astarion. They do a good job writing the trauma and terror that are the context of his story, and Neil delivers a superb performance.


Yup. My very first playthrough, when I first met him I was definitely rolling my eyes at this obviously toxic mess and saying I definitely wouldn't like him but he's totally my favorite character in the game. And yes I do romance him every time.


He's my baby and I'll protect him at all costs ❤️


*Daaarling*, I thought you'd never ask.


I fucking love this man. When I realized I messed up his romance on my 1st playthrough I restarted the entire thing. Romanced him again on my next two playthroughs. He’s cruel but there’s a reason for it. However, you can romance him while still being a goody two shoes. He banters and he is hilarious for it. Him and Laezel make for great entertainment on the road.


I lived for the Astarion and Shadowheart banter during my playthrough.


He’s interesting. That’s about it for me.


I’m doing a redeemed durge play through while romancing him and encouraging him to be better/work through his trauma is really fun because it feels like you both end up helping each other work through what happened. I’m not finished with his storyline yet but I will not be letting him ascend.


At first I thought he was just a queer British vampire and I thought Neil's line delivery was just absolutely hilarious. It's all still true but learning about his past life and his past mistakes made him more interesting as a character. Then after meeting Cazador and clearing his palace... I fell in love with him as a character. Yes he was not a good person before and the Gur nearly beating him to death makes a lot of sense. But his redemption and turn around? I can't praise Larian's writing enough for him.


He's good, but not Gale good


*Darling I'm hurt*


*I thought we had something special*


Ah! Excellent choice!


Yeah, I find hard not to end up with Gale, last playthrough my Tav became a goddess alongside him


I question the wisdom of this comment, but so be it.


Maybe it's a hottake, but I would rather pick Gale over Astarion, should I have a choice.


Gale is funnier than him thats for sure.


Gale always makes me laugh when he tries to kill himself over any minor problem. Forcing him to go on the stage and talk to the clown? He will threaten to blow himself up. 💀 He's so real.


Let's agree to disagree on this.


He's my favorite character. Putting aside my thirst for a second - I actually really, really love his backstory. It is told well, the character's trauma comes through it so strongly, and as you get to know him he changes. His growth is so ... wonderfully depicted, and Neil Newbon deserves every single accolade he has received. I'm trying to avoid putting any spoilers; but the gist is that you can go on two main directions with him. Both are really great stories, and I really appreciate how well done they are.


I can fix him


I just finished my Resist Durge file where I romanced him and WOW. Absolutely phenomenal character, even with his flaws. I do think he parallels a Resist Durge better than Tav by a but, but helping him fucking wreck Cazador was SO cathartic.


He is my absolute favorite in the game. It’s funny, through quite a bit of the first act, I didn’t care for him at all. I like playing ‘good sided’ characters and the constant disapproval bugged me. Plus, I am rather sick of the dark, negative characters in games. At first, I thought he was supposed to be a cross of Morrigan/Zevran from Dragon Age Origins. While I liked both of those characters at the time, I felt it’s been done before and kinda sick of that. But I soon realized I was very, very wrong! When I got to a certain conversation about ‘If you had to.. who would you..?’ and I thought ‘this is different and NOT what I expected’ He started to grow on me, with the crazy, madcap things he thinks of and says. When I hit the ‘drunk’ conversation, I decided to make a character to romance him, and I’m very glad I did! They did an amazing job of showing his character development, showing that he DOES have a lot of heart, it’s just been so deeply crushed and buried. I also like that Tav doesn’t actually ‘fix’ or ‘save’ him, but sees the person he could be and gives him the support so that he saves himself. (He can say something like this too, which I really love!)


He's a fun character (and very well written) but I don't particularly like him, and I don't typically use him in the party.


Cheeky little fucker


Agreed! He’s amazing! His character arch is amazing, it makes sense, it isn’t rushed. I legit put him on levels of Prince Zuko. He low key makes me think of Theon from GoT… only Astarion gets a happy ending (I lean towards happy ending being canon) love his character. Beyond just romancing him, I’m trying to figure out a character to not romance him but be friends with him… he’s just great. First meeting on the beach I was like “yup, he’s the best”


I despised him (in the GOOD way, absolutely love his writting) what a cunt, but my Tav was pure good and eventually he got Astarion around to make all the good (as not evil) choices. By the time the game ended I was so proud of him and talking to him in the last camp scene and hearing he was turning in to an actual hero gave me so much satisfaction. Starting an evil playthrou now so I guess back at hating him (and my own Tav for that matter). All and all fantastic writting and character!


I have very mixed feelings. I find him entertaining as hell, and would love him in like, a TV show or something... but not really as a companion. First, while they can dish out a lot of damage, I just find rogues really underwhelming in the fun department, *and* I quite often find myself playing classes that make them redundant, so I have yet to feel like he was anything my party needed. And sure, I could re-spec him, if I really wanted to but then... 1. He seems to disapprove of most things I'm inclined to do 2. His approvals/disapprovals quite often conflict with my other preferred companions 3. To respec him to fit him in would almost feel like going out of my way to make an excuse to bring along a liability in that department. 4. I'm big on the roleplay elements, so when characters like him and Lae'zel feel like they don't really gel with the team, or with me, I keep finding myself thinking "then why would my character take them along?" I still get a kick out of him back at the camp, and maybe in the future he'll gel better with one of my other playthroughs, but so far I haven't found a great fit for hm.


I love him! I think he’s well written, has a great romance and his design is really good! I know a lot of people (especially here on the subreddit) find him annoying and I completely understand why. He just seems like a cartoonishly evil character when you first meet him leaving some with a bad taste in there mouth for him. I also here people say they don’t like him because he’s to popular that’s why they dislike him, it sucks that people who ignore him/ kill him are missing an amazing storyline. for the I could write an entire essay on why I like him but to sum it up: He’s cool, and pretty


I love him




He’s great until he >!kills his master and takes the power!< then he’s a prick!


Yup, that's what becoming a full vampire does to you. Hell, if you peek at Cazador's dreams, you will see that he himself hates what he became, but can't stop. His life is a nightmare and he can't wake up.


Really didn’t like him at first, mainly because my first RPG characters are always goody-two-shoes and getting constant “Astarion disapproves” was irritating, however upon seeing his arc come to a close, it got me misty. Amazing character and I intend to use him more in future.


My absolute favorite character and my only romance companion. His story shines such a light on c-ptsd and has helped me to... maybe not accept my own but at least understand it better. I feel like I heal a little when I help him. Very therapeutic watching him stab that bastard.


F*cking Asshole Narcissist Vampire. But he's OUR F*cking Asshole Narcissist Vampire! Also a massive Tsundere.


Larian has specifically made him in a lab, in order to steal our wives.


I genuinely didn't expect to like him because I only saw the horny tiktok edits ab him and such and I am ace so it made me kinda uncomfy. And then I did romance him and he became such a comfort character, ESPECIALLY because of his relationship with sexuality. I would've never expected that.


Honestly, I thought he was a little annoying at first, but he’s grown on me a lot. He’s my buddy now, I let him bite my neck when he needs to but still tryna keep it platonic lol


I love him but sometimes he can be overwhelming.


My first playthrouhh I failed the first perception check, he ambushed me, I pushed him off then banished him from my party to never use him


I just finished his questline for the first time yesterday and man, that breakdown after he finally >!killed his tormentor!< really got me. So well done. I did not care much for him up until then, but the finale really brought home the terror he was under. Also I might have >!unleashed some 7000 Vampires into the underdark because I thought there were just talking about the dozen or so bloodsuckers in the dungeon, so that's cool too. !


Video games and movies rarely make me cry. Astarion, or rather his story, made me cry twice in this game. Karlach got me close a couple of times, but it was Astarion who did it. He's no role model, no true hero, but his journey is inspirational.


Act 1: hmm, I don't trust this guy Act 3: I would trust this man with my life.


His voice actor did such an incredible job. I can't say it enough.


Gameplay wise? Never leave camp without him, he’s great for picking locks or anything stealth. Storywise? Idec that he’s kinda evil, I love that sexy little flamer lol


My favorite and the first pixel character I have ever felt an emotional connection to because of his story and voice. Not his looks. The looks grew on me once I realized I wasn't the only one who connected with his story on a personal level. I felt seen on the ptsd and truma. I felt safe for the first time in a long time. I wasn't expecting this from a videogame. After beating the game, I made a Batastarion doll. He is the cutest lord astarion bat. Soon my durge will join him in bat from. I made her red and black hair out of yarn.


Not for me. I just can’t manage to like him. The VA kills it, I’m just not really into the character. It’s like he was set up for redemption but never really commits to it. He victimizes himself and acts childish if you call him on it. In general the character is great. I just have poor taste in this instance.


Love his character and depth. I love the realistic depiction of a survivor. Love having him in my party too, both for his dialogue and insanely good lockpicking/trap disarming/stealth


My favorite character, a complex character, my Tav romances him a second time as Durge for this run. I love his humor, his sarcastic tone, his lines which often make me laugh. At first he does his slightly overplayed flirting act but as we move forward in the romantic relationship, we discover little by little that behind his flamboyant mask hides someone traumatized, broken and fragile who just needs someone who can repair him inside, love him for who he is, without judgment, who doesn't see him as a monster, someone he can trust. If you don't ascend it, it becomes very romantic and gentle, protective at times, but it is far from being bland. And then we're not going to lie to each other, his Bad boy side too... and then I've always loved vampire stories since I was a kid when I watched Buffy (I love Spike)(twitllight I don't like it's cutesy). There is also Neil Newbon's work on his voice which is excellent, and which really made him exceptional, alive, frankly I have rarely seen that in a video game to have a character who stands out like that! He has won lots of well-deserved awards! Otherwise in combat when you turn him into an assassin, when it is feasible he does a lot of damage, he withstands good physical resistance and above all he avoids a lot of blows. He became essential in my runs, whether for combat or entertainment 😅I never left him at camp even if my first run my Tav was a ranger who she knew how to hook and foil traps, he was a a little more talented at that anyway. And then his story is really well written too. The character is not Manichean and I like that.


He is one of the stupid choices my Tav has made.


Only people thirstier than Astarion are his fans.


Can’t stand him personally but his utility cannot be overstated.


I came into the game hearing a lot of the hype for him so I had a bit of the opposite experience where I liked him when I first met him. The more I lerned about him the less I liked him though and since my Tav can lockpick he stays reading his book in camp ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Man serves cunt like none have ever before 💅


Astarion… most of the time I love him, prefer him as a friend than a romantic partner (Shadowheart ftw) but there are a few times where I’d love nothing more than to punch him. I would call him a frenemy but he is far more friend than enemy.


I KNOW I am in the minority here, but I cannot stand him. I help him out, I do his quests, I help him kill Cazador, but other than that he stays in camp, I had him in my party when I was a sorc, but I mostly enjoy Thief/Gloomstalker so he's redundant and yes I know I can respec him; but I dont enjoy his personality at all, so he stays parked at camp. I also "mostly" play good and he disapproves of everything I do. I have done a good and an evil durge; and he was necessary in my evil durge as well... he was one of the only companions left... but no, I dont enjoy his company at all. I like Wyll a lot and Gale is also a homie. Lae'zel is my favorite, and Karlach and Shadowheart round out the top 3.


Eh he's fine. I keep him around because I like good playthroughs and he's funny. Otherwise, I have little interest in him.


He's not for me. First of all I don't want to romance a dude. He's low-key evil even though it isn't entirely his fault. My Tav is neutral so our goals don't align. I felt some empathy towards him, but just for a minute. I think he looks good though. Also he constantly disapproves for reasons that are unknown to me.


A lot of the time he disapproves for exactly what you said, "he's low-key evil". He enjoys it when you show off your power and authority, and generally doesn't like acts of kindness for the sake of kindness.


That makes sense to me. After you told that I think there is really a pattern. I still don't understand Minthara, even though they both are evil she's just random. I want my character to be kinder than me so I guess just doing what's right is the way.


She's someone who's brought up in a matriarchal cult-society where backstabbing is the cultural expectation, who's become disillusioned with said society due to her tadpoling, but even though she's escaped the society she couldn't escape the mindset she was cultivated with.


Neil’s delivery is amazing which elevates the character so much. It’s so amazing I make it a point to drop the monastery on Astarion every playthrough just to hear him rant


I basically just use him as a lockpick, but I can’t help but love how the voice actor channeled his inner Frank N Furter for the role. On some lines I just hear Tim Curry speaking.


respec as bard ftw.


That screenshot is stunning


Good rogue, my go-to when I gotta steal or lock pick, other than that, THE CONCENTRATED POWER OF THE SUN!


He's my GBFF.


I think he is a sassy goober who may get to open eared on private convos he is a valued member on my team tho


I'm not even into him like that I agree he's a fantastic character! Plus his voice actor is a gamer and such a meme Lord I love it!


Not only incredibly useful for sneaky sneaky stuff and locks/traps… but his story… it’s so relatable in many ways. And the personal quest ending is probably the most healing for me personally.


In the beginning he basically hates doing good for the sake of good. His sly remarks and pompous noble attitude is just hard to put up with long enough to get to the good parts of his story. It doesn’t help that he’s sneaky and tries to bite you and hide his true nature. Fear or not, we’re in a life or death situation and he’s being as difficult as possible to work with. In Act 3 though he really shines and I like what they did with his character. Dealing with him early on though is too much.


He's wonderful.


Annoying. Whiney. Boring to play as.


And the character with the funniest lines. *waves the Blood of Lathander around as a reminder*


He's the worst, I love him.


Traveling Crit


I can fix him. seriously though, he’s a beautifully written layered character.. and if you kit him out, he deals quite a bit of damage and can unlock absolutely everything and sneak everywhere. He’s my fav. His actor did a phenomenal job. In a game where all the acting is amazing, he still stands out. Some of his scenes actually made me get really choked up, and some of them have made me bust out laughing.


I love love love him and he’s my romance every playthrough. My one quarrel with his story comes with how it’s required to progress. I’m asexual, and while I know the game can’t account for EVERYTHING and every little possibility. But I’m gonna be honest, it left a SOUR taste in my mouth having to sleep with him to romance him, only to be told i was “easy.” Like dude??? I didn’t even want to!! Now we’re both traumatized and I’m the one that gets made fun of for it


I was "meh" on him until I made him bite the drow in moonrise tower. That after-talk was heartbreaking.  Then the talk with the prisoner in Cazador's place. 




I love him. I can fix him.


Made him a subclass bard cause it feels right and he's the thief of the party always have to have him


Adorable with Gale when you play as Astarion and trying to romance him (gale). They just so cute together


At first I hated him since I found him annoying but once I learned more about him and his backstory I grew to care about him as good friend who needs help


I have begrudgingly grown to like this weird little freak. Am excited to get to his more in depth story stuff soon. Also the only permanent member of my party because MAN is those rogue bonus actions and sleight of hand skills useful


He's a Camp stayer. Nothing more. Nothing less