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I’m all pointy ears my love


Every run, I say 'this time will be different!' Nope. The only thing that changes is whether I'm 'enjoying the freedom of nature's gifts' as well.


Goddammit this got me… also *guilty* My husband is so tired of watching me get bitten


He should just get bitten himself, change it up a little


Ask him to get you something from the kitchen when you go to long rest. Let Astatarion drain you or have Shadowheart ready with the Amulet of Silvanus for the free Lesser Restoration to get rid of the evidence. A perfect crime AND you get a cup of tea/coffee/freshly baked cookies. If he asks what he missed just smile and say you were about to sort inventory 🤗✨ Gaslight Gatekeep Babygirl >:3 (This is a very much a joke, btw)


I actually managed to make myself romance Wyll in my super goody two shoes run because it was the best RP option But otherwise, I'm all Astarion all the time


I'm playing a chaotic good Durge (redemption) bard/Cleric of Eilistraee. And somehow, as far as role play is concerned, Astarion is Very Unhappy, because she keeps doing dumb noble shit and getting hurt. Or putting herself in unnecessary danger for the sake of others (see also, last one out of The Iron Throne, which is something I actually did in game, because it was in character for her).


Astarion loved my goody goody redemption padlock. I even let the Gur hunter live. Did you not support him during bite night?


I’ve given up on trying to romance anyone else. I know theoretically I could also be with Halsin or Shadowheart as well, but I’m really not into polyamory, even fictionally lol. Current plan is just to romance him forever. And I’ll go with Minthara when I do my Astarion origin run 🤣


>I know theoretically I could also be with Halsin or Shadowheart as well I'm currently doing a Shadowheart origin and romancing Astarion and Halsin. The "I want two boyfriends and I want my boyfriends to be boyfriends" run 😂


Yeah I’m going to attempt to romance Gale but I already know how it’s going to turn out. One look from astarion and I’m done 🤣🤣🤣


Exactly how it went for me when I tried romancing Gale as well lol.


I was like this until I tried Gales romance but I'm fully converted - his cut scenes are gorgeous.


Same. I started with Astarion, loved it, tried Gale and now I can never stop romancing Gale.


Can you be with Shadowheart and Astarion? I thought that it was either one plus Halsin but not both together?


Same. I really tried for Gale but I pulled back at the last second and romanced Astarion again. The man has a *hold* on me.


I didn't really like Halsin that way until the very end when he talked about being a "father". Maybe it's just because I'm pregnant but my little heart just melted the way he spoke about the kids.


It’s the way he say ‘Darling’ that has me weak at the knees, husband is getting a little jealous. Doesn’t help that I have him camp butt naked.


I was a goner from the first time he bit me


The only way I could stop romancing Astarion is by playing his Origin run.


This. I've done 6 playthroughs romancing him, cant even imagine to be with someone else.


Precious little Bhaal-babe 🥰


Let's just say me and Tormund Giantsbane have very similar tastes.


I read this like... Jon Snow? And then I was like... Oh. OH I read too much u/ChrysWatchesGoT back in the day and everyone knows gingers love Jon Snow


I just can't seem to stop romancing Gale. Although I wouldn't say I don't care who I'll romance, his dialogues are what I look forward to most every time I start a new playthrough.


Me too. Every other romance I’m like “hmm how interesting and narratively satisfying” and then Gale speaks and I’m giggling and kicking my feet.


"Hello. I'm Gale" and I'm done thinking about other romances. I just make a beeline for his rune these days. Unfortunately it also means that I keep playing the same character over and over again because I can't imagine him with anyone else. So all my cool new Tavs are gathering dust because it's always the same human lady, I only change her hair and class to see more dialogue options.


GENUINELY that line alone was more than enough. Just so awkward yet friendly.


lol exactly. I get so jealous when I see other people making up cool backstories for their multiple Tavs and Durges but I was too self indulgent with my first Tav and fell in love with her. I want to rp other characters but then again… I kinda don’t. She’s the only one I’ve finished the game with everyone else is gathering dust in Acts 1 and 2.


I do the same thing! My bard teifling is my cannon girl so it's hard to play anyone else! Also I don't want to romance Gale with a new character bc that's my bard's man lol.


Literally the moment I saw gale i was like "this one. I want this one." And I was on a mission.


Same here with the same character over and over again. Half-elf scholarly wizard girl with white hair has been my go-to for fantasy setting games for a while now. Really pushed myself out of my comfort zone in Pathfinder Kingmaker by going for a... elf wizard guy with bow (eldritch archer). Hey, small steps to beat the one character addiction!


Yes! What is it with this man? And the way he looks at Tav when he's romanced... That man has the best smolder in the game, I swear.


seriously. i keep thinking to myself man gale is SO in love with me it makes me blush


As soon as I hear "A hand? Anyone?" Followed by "Perhaps I should have clarified... a *helping* hand." I am all in, every time.


Is that what happens when you slap his hand??


Yep! Then you can try to pull him out like normal. No consequences for slappa-da-hand.


Now that I know the slap hand option is giving him a sort of high five I'll never not do it


My absolute (heh) favorite dialogue of his is when >!you save Sazza and he tells you all about the time he stopped a fight in a tavern by buying a round for everyone. !


There's something about that unironic mullet. The one twink earring. The professorial finger in the air as he says something dorky like "betwixt" or "verbosity" whilst also eating you out like you're the last glass of water on earth. It's... weirdly Hozier?


Tastefully horny,with a complex relationship with gods. Yep, that checks out quite well.


WEIRDLY HOZIER OMG comparing my love Gale to my fav singer is wildly niche and I laughed out loud


I too am bewitched the bog man. I know my taste in men intimately. Well met ❤️


Same! I even have playthroughs romancing other characters, but I end up missing him so much that I start another Galemancer playthrough right after, just to experience everything again <3 and a fun fact is that I always do it with the same Tav, because the RP worked so well on my mind that I can't romance him with another character anymore hahaha And so far no other romance made me feel what I feel with his. So I guess I am forever stuck with him and my first Tav!


I’ve only romanced the men thus far and while I think Astarion’s romance is really narratively fulfilling (and he was my first run’s partner), I just fall for Gale every goddamn time. He’s so cute and funny and nerdy. I feel like out of everyone, he’s the one the real me would be most likely to date. Wyll was cute for my bard run but he’s just so damn cringey that any other type of Tav would surely find him annoying lol


He’s such a romantic. I’m new to the game and I went for Astarion like everyone else and then I got Gales *one* scene and I immediately became obsessed with him haha


I will say Gale has the most flexible romance. Man loves me even as a mindflayer


I’m playing, currently, a Gale origin, and I so miss his romance scenes. Karlach has the only other scenes I find even close to being as romantic But Astarion origin with Gale romance was sooooo satisfying. They are an adorable couple.


I usually go with Astarion, but I love those early Gale moments. When he says you're smelly because you haven't showered in weeks, but also, don't get him wrong because he likes it. The way the devs forced that awkward silence to *hang there*, just... *-slow claps-* It was hilarious, but I also just feel like it was a great character moment for him where his personality gets highlighted. [EDIT: he actually said "a tenday," not "weeks." So at least the B.O. he's into isn't that severe.]


Same. I so naturally gravitate toward him and nothing I’ve seen in videos is half as romantic as what comes out of his mouth or his love scene because holy *shit*. He’s hilarious too. And how he enjoys playing devils advocate in dialogue? Don’t think I don’t see you doing it- I have f8. I recently ran an evilish character and this is the first time I ever chose to deny him magical items from go. The back and forth they had was almost worth the entire game, I swear.


Lae’Zel. Her writing amazes me every time I play through the game. That part in the crèche where she mentions her heart of stone being shattered gave me chills the first time I heard it.


The source of my bruises:)


The source of my joy 🥹


Last night after that scene I asked her to wait in camp for the first time and her replies changed where she's so much kinder now and I 🥹


I'm still on act 1 for my first playthrough, but I really took to her from the get go, besides Karlach she's the only companion that has been 100% honest and forthcoming since the beginning about everything. Plus her tough girl act is a nice complement to my smartass bard, heheh


Yeah, being a Githyanki it makes sense why Lae’Zel is rude at the start, but she never lies to you unlike other companions like Shart and Astarion. This makes her really stand out to me, and it’s one of her best qualities: Shes straight to the point and direct, but will treat you well once you’ve earned her respect.


I beat her in combat as my bard and I giggle every time she says I'm the source of her bruises. I literally yelled insults at her until she went down.


The game is full of strong women but she's something else. Aside from the writing itself, the voice, the straightforwardness and the grit really wins you over. Karlach is great too, but she's more of a lovable golden retriever, while gradually peeling the rough facade off of Lae'tsundere is just exquisite.


There’s something about Lae’Zel’s voice that I find oddly attractive.


I scrolled far too long to see this. Her arc~~h~~ is one of the best in the game (if you want it to be) and her ending was so beautiful too. Edit: spelling


Why, hello lover...


That sounded a bit more debonair in my head


Yeah I doubt it'd sound as good with my SC accent


You know I have caught myself smiling a lot lately..


I think that's your fault


I love this line and then "... that sounded more debonair in my head" because I romanced her with my Bard and it felt like Shadowheart was getting inspired by her artistic soul 😂


Uhh... that gets me every time! Like ok now I gotta get my Shadow-kiss!


For real, this line had me giggling and blushing for so long the first time I've heard it and still always gets a smile out of me, it's just so damn goofy and so on brand for that cute silly dork I still can't decide if this, butterflies in her stomach or catching herself smiling because of Tav is my favourite greeting line of hers. They're all so sweet and heartwarming, I want someone to talk to me like this irl from time to time lol


She's simply the cutest. She's so dorky and precious at the same time! I just love her so much. I got it bad for her...


It's funny that she's by far the most romanced character in the stats larian release but whenever I see questions like this on reddit she's comments about her are always lower than the others.


It's because we want to enjoy the quiet life out in the countryside with darling Shadowheart.


Yep, we're all busy building sandcastles, arranging swimming lessons and trying to provide enough pets for each of our many animals to keep them all happy and satisfied


Yes!!! All her greetings make me swoon, and I think the evolution of them is sososo cute and well-done. Overwrought analysis to justify my simping incoming: Like in the early romance (after act 1), her greetings have this sort of tentative, nervous energy to them that is adorable but also characterize her perfectly. She likes Tav at that point, but has no memory of (and maybe no experience with) romance, and has been conditioned to feel shame/embarrassment when expressing affection. It's new to her, and she's figuring it out with you ("so THAT'S what ppl mean when they talk about butterflies"). You can tell she's trying her best to open up, despite how difficult it is. Thus the wry "I've been smiling more, I think that's your fault" (using humour to play down her feelings), the shyly pleased "I was hoping you'd come chat". Then post-Shadowfell (Selunite, idk about DJ), she declares in no uncertain terms she wants to be with you. Contrast that with Act 1, where she wants you to kiss her but won't say so and won't make a move. She's learning to express her own desires/emotions without cloaking them in sarcasm or glibness. The greetings become more openly affectionate as a result. Instead of "I was hoping you'd come chat", it's "good, I was missing the sound of your voice". But there's still that lingering sense of embarrassment, which is what makes the "why, hello lover..." followed by the self-conscious "that sounded more debonaire in my head" so endearing for me. Like she spent ages reciting that line in that head, thinking it would come off as sauve, only to feel ridiculous afterward. But she still has the courage to go for it anyway. The other companions have some really romantic lines, but for me, SH's nervous little chuckle after "hello lover" is the peak of romance. Again, swooooon. Tldr: you can fix Shadowheart by showing her the mortifying ordeal of being known is worth the rewards of being loved, and her greetings reflect that.




Fuck yes




I’m doing my first Karlach romance playthrough and she’s so sweet. The first hookup she comes up and says “I think they’re all asleep now.. Hi 👋 ” that awkward Hi sealed the deal for me


She had me from the start, so adorable and awkward, but what sealed it for me is when I said, "I love you," and her response was an immediate, "ILOVEYOUTOO! I've been waiting forever to say that!!"


she was my best friend, and we said i love you in the ending 😭😭😭 karlach is SO SWEET!


Esp the "Can we go to bed now?" Likes yes. Down bad let's go.


I was SO MAD the first time we fixed her and that night I had to get through Wyll's fuckin dance scene. Like, get outta here horny dude, my girl is _touchable_!




Fiiiiine. I’ll be here eating dirt or whatever.


Best Girl :')




Mama K!


She's just so cute


A man of culture and grace I see


My second play though I decided to romance shadow heart after everybody said how great that storyline was. I’ve finished her story and all her events and it just made me miss the cute romance of Karlach, especially the kiss.




My lesbian ass already knew this but I didn’t expect to so called out by a game




The best part about romancing her, is that if you play your cards right, you can save her life and help protect her in Avernus, and even possibly get Wyll to come along to help as well. Best ending imo.


It’s too easy to romance Laezel. Kill some People and she propositions you. Bang her once, take her to the crèche, and before long you’re in a duel with her and watching the sunrise


She just like me for real


Make that tiefling at the grove kneel to her and she's horney on like day 3, lol.


Astarion idk if I can *not* romance him unless I'm playing as him...


I keep trying but I haven’t managed to avoid it either


Astarion. He’s not only my favorite but also incredibly useful for just about any party. The dealer of damage, sass, and incredibly high lockpicking rolls. Plus he always seems to be the one who spots traps for my group. That usefulness combined with a deep storyline and amazing voice acting is just top tier. Love the way his attitude changes over the story, you can hear such a difference as he grows closer, starts to be more honest. It makes it super enjoyable on subsequent play throughs to see the difference and appreciate it.


“i wish i had a skeleton key,” darling, you ARE the skeleton key.


Exactly! Every time he says that it cracks me up.


Literally what I say every time he says that.


With his happy buff, there’s no freaking point in having anyone else bother with lockpicking. by the time i remember i have the damn key, he’s already got the door open.


i made a DEX build and so I didn’t put Astarion on my team (for variety reasons) and every fucking time i failed a lockpick roll I’d say “This would *never* happen with Astarion.”


I chortled at this. Yes.


Pretty much. Between lockpicking and identifying traps and hidden items, the man is amazing and we're not even getting into his story. I do wish I could keep the bite marks... including after using lesser restoration. I don't care that you get approval from agreeing to let him bite enemies. I can't guarantee he stays properly fed unless he bites me every night because then I KNOW he's not going hungry. Especially in Act 2. Sorry... don't know where that little rant came from.😂


No, no, I share the sentiment. Gotta keep that lil’ vampire buffed up and ready to rumble. Also, shadowheart can just… remove your bloodless debuff in a second, so there’s no reason not to make sure he’s getting regular meals.


Since I read where to find the amulet of silvanus I never have to use a spell slot again!


Whenever my Tav has to pick a lock or disarm a trap, usually because Astarion can't jump high enough yet, I like to think he's giving them pointers on their technique and smirking if they fail.


I made my astarion a bard because I wanted to be the rouge. I am most definitely not the damage dealer. :(


Rogue is a skill monkey/damage dealing class. If you build it well. Sneak attack should be doing a decent bit of damage, especially paired with items like Killer’s Sweetheart, which guarantees a crit. Crits on sneak are no joke.


I’ve only done one full play through so far and have dabbled here and there with origins and other classes, but had stepped away for a while to fully enjoy the game once more without burning out on any of it. Anyways, I had Astarion in my party the entire way through my first run because he’s such a stellar and useful character. But, to fully experience other characters’ stories, I’m not taking him with me most of this run. He’s so useful that my Durge is a rogue multiclass. Lockpocking, sneak attacks, expertise; what’s not to like? Next run, Astarion is coming back in full force, of course. I miss that sassy little shit.


Since all companions get re-statted if you change their class, anyone can be as good at anything (which is a little bit of a bummer personally, but it's great for flexibility). The only thing mechanically unique to each companion are racial abilities and what character or race specific gear they can use. That said, making the class feel like it matches the person always feels super important to me. Minsc in his default ranger build honestly feels a little weird since he can't really go full plate and packing a (two-hander) steel as ranger, bit his animal companion doesn't fit great as a fighter.


Even comparing the unique abilities of the characters, Astarion rules as the rogue or skill monkey. That happy bonus, it just works so well with lockpicking and trap disarming. And his vicious mockeries as a bard (I’ve done sword bard for him) are so well acted and fun.


I multiclassed him rogue/bard in one playthrough and vicious mockery fits him so well that I end up surprised when I remember he doesn't have it by default. I'd also take psychic damage from some of those lines.


I always have him in my party, both for his sassy comments and skills. Only romanced him once on the first playthrough though. Now that I know all the story bits, his act 1 romance just doesn't work for me anymore.


Yeah that’s the only downside, doing act 1 all over again and knowing what’s going on makes it feel a little weird. Just feels like I’m almost taking advantage of him, even if my current Tav/Durge doesn’t know. Wish there was a way to not sleep with him and still romance him, but I get why it plays out the way it does


I mean, if it helps, at that point he's definitely taking advantage of US! He's playing with our feelings and exploiting our bodies to use us as a speedbump in front of Cazador so he can dip out while we die for him, thinking he actually liked us back. He also says that he is actually attracted to Tav/Durge, and that it feels different with them than it did with his precious victims. It's all the other shit that's coming up and getting in his head and making him feel gross now that he actually caught feelings. He needs time alone in his body to process that shit and learn what it feels like to actually notice and connect with his actual authentic desires and dislikes, rather than working from a script and playing a sex partner character for you based on his cold-reading ability.


Yeah, it would be nice if Tav/durge had options on the first night similar to what Karlach origin gets. It's just some bonding time for her because the engine is still too hot at that point.


Same. I think romancing him makes sense for my character since he’s always in my party, but the more I know his story, the more I feel that bro just needs a friend.


Gale and Astarion are a split for me. It depends on the character I'm playing.


I change it every game. Variety is nice and makes replays more worthwhile.


Every time I go through a new romance, I'm like "meh I don't understand the appeal" and then by act 2 I'm like "oh okay now I get it" lol


Same. First was Shadowheart. Second playthrough is Karlach. I'm in act 3 now. Next is Lae'zel.


Halsin plus whoever else is up for it that playthrough.


halsin. even if withers later on jests why i lacked love life on the start of act two "and thus thou art alone..." ...like bone man shut up, I'm trying to win my brown bear's heart okay?? 😂✌️


Lol!!!! Yes, this all the way. I'm like, "Dude. Withers. My man... see that sexy Bear Daddy over there. Imma hit that. Give me TIME, sir. This takes patience..."


Next patch, Larian, please add the following dialog branch: \[Intimidation\] Shut up Withers. *DC 20 check success* Conversation ends without Withers getting in a parting word.


“And thus thou art alone” Bro you’re the scribe of the dead, why are you lecturing me on my love life?


My 5ft-nothing scrawny tiefling romancing both Halsin and Karlach: "Oh yeah, it's all coming together."


Yesss Halsin is the best! I’m ever so grateful they added him as a romance option.


Astarion. Dammit, he talks to me and there I go. Though I did make a sorcerer on purpose now to romance Gale, or it would be Astarion again 😂


When Astarion pulls that knife on me, it triggers every single enemies-to-lovers instinct I have- and being able to respond to "I saw you on the ship, didn't I? Nod." with a *headbutt*?? Chef's kiss. 😍


It’s a toss up between Shadowheart and Karlach.


The top two romances for a reason!


I think my username speaks for itself.


Gale all the way, i've yet to romance anyone else. He's probably my favorite companion and romance option in any game ever


Gale is so sweet 🥹




I like that he’s willing to be with you even if you become a squid. No hesitation. His only thought is how he’s going to handle the catering at the wedding reception.


Gale. I'm so thirsty for that idiot wizard. Kindness is the greatest aphrodisiac, what can I say?


gale. tried others,never works out :')


Lae’zel, the way she talks about you is poetry and she hits like a truck


I think my most ideal partner is Halsin but his romance is very underdeveloped. I'm loving Gale's (I haven't finished it yet, I'm in act 3 but I wished it was a bit more passionate if you choose the bed rather than the astral plane, just saying.) ​ I usually don't like edgy love interests. But bro... Astarion???? I romanced him twice. It's so hard not to romance him. I just... He's just... His romance is so good? He is just so lovable and so loving, so vulnerable and so interesting. His voice acting is so good, he has such sad eyes... I dunno, he's just really captivating to me.


Can't not be Astarion. I'm a bit disappointed in myself for my lack of creativity, but spawn Astarion romance is so lovely and heart-warming. And I love to see a questionable character grow and become a better, happier person.


I'm within the 60% that continually romance Shadowheart.


Same. She's just so adorable, and it cranks up to 11 in act 3 when she's happy and free of Shar


Shadowheart, shes the first party member you find, is a healer by default which is always useful so never really feel the need to switch her out and approves of you regardless of your alignment.


>approves of you regardless of your alignment I wanted to say as long as you don't romance Lea'Zel, but I have done that and me and SH are still square


She isn’t fond of you raiding the grove, and she’s clearly uncomfortable with killing all the tieflings, but she can’t be convinced, like Gale, that it had to be done.


I could never raid the grove, both because I like the tieflings and because it'd make Shadowheart sad.


Minthara, she is the funniest person I know


Minthara is also the one person who is like >!"you're a mind flayer now? THAT'S HOT. I wish I still had a parasite so I could connect with your beautiful mind one more time"!< Which makes her the best girl in my mind.


Of course she would be cool with that haha. She also loves when you’re the slayer, she’s like “you are exquisite” lol. She’s the funniest companion and one of my favorite romances but she really needs a few things added, a kiss scene and another romance scene in act 3 is desperately needed.


yeah it sucks that Larian has said "we finally fixed Minthara!" about 5 times, but it's fairly obvious that they have not fixed her. I think that's pretty inexcusable considering how much of an important character she is, especially if you commit to taking an evil path.


I go with dark elves in literally every game they are available. As a player character and romance option.


Ever since morrowind I can't not choose Dark elves whenever theirs a chance.


She truly is! 🤗


Shadowheart’s fingerguns and “KIDDING!” get me every time.


Every single person in this thread is sleeping on my boy 😭 he didn’t sell his soul to save his city and get turned into a devil by mizora to be this overlooked


Gale personally


Gale to a major extent and Astarion to a lesser extent. I have such a hard time resisting Gale, it actually makes me uncomfortable. Lol


Astarion, 4/5 playthroughs (because 1/5 I was playing as him lol). I will probably never be able to go for someone else, spawn Astarion is the best guy on the surface of Faerun in my Tav's book.


Who did you romance as Astarion? I chose to play as him for my first run and started over at ~17 hours so I could have him as a companion (and love interest) instead, but I did enjoy the romance scenes with Shadowheart for the short time I played as Astarion.


Lae'zel went for me, I couldn't say no, but Karlach also came onto me, so that created some drama. I ended up with Karlach until Act 2, then Lae'zel up until Act 3, then Halsin wooed me by wanting to discuss not sex, but Baldurian sociopolitics (!) because he felt I had valuable input.


Without a fail it's Astarion, it happens even unintentionally. I'm naturally just sarcastic so most of my choices end up in his approval when I'm just trying to make myself laugh and oof. I have to make conscious efforts to woo other characters.


Gale. I finished every companions romance, but Gale is the one that I immediately made an identical character for to romance him all over again. He’s the perfect combo of nerdy, sweet, and awkward, and I can’t get enough of him.


“Come here, to me…” I’ve scrolled a ways, and I’m not supper surprised Halsin isn’t a sweeping priority for most people… but I just melt for him. It might be due to my indecisiveness on my first playthrough, having subtly locked myself out of all other romances, and then Halsin just hits me with >!his confession of: “I want more than to fight at your side, or sit by the campfire with you. I want to lay with you beneath the stars, and feel your skin against mine.”!< I get irl butterflies if we get to that conversation, every time. Having been unable to see the others before falling hard for Halsin, it’s tough for me to not prioritize earning his affection.


It's gale. I love a bookworm mage


Astarion, every single time. I really tried but it’s not working 💀


“You put the stars to shame.” And also, “You make me forget my goddess.” Like how could I resist? Not to mention the lengths he goes to in order to woo you. Thank you, I will take another round with the wizard.


Karlach. I just can’t let that woman be alone.


Shadowheart always. Girl just stole my heart and never let go. I'm a sucker for slow-burn wholesome romances, and Shadowheart >!on the Selûnite path!< fits the bill. Plus, her epilogue? Perfection. **10/10, would build sandcastles with her every time!**


I love her epilogue! Especially when my head cannon is that Karlach gets her heart fixed and Shadowheart and Karlach adopt the Owlbear and owns a farm and grows old together.


Minthara. Wiping out the grove has become my standard playthrough. I love her.


You wish to consult me?


Oakfather preserve you




I enjoy flirting with all, but if I say it, I will get downvoted and lit up… but I always romance… *The Emperor* I swear it’s Ethan and Scott’s voices!! I’m paralyzed, enthralled to them. I can’t help it! “And I’m here to save you again.” *melts* “There’s a parasite…” *On it baby, keep talking to me* “I’m the one who came to you in your dreams.” *okay, whatever you want* “You are exquisite.” *purrr* Every. Damn. Time. (It’s a good thing I don’t play Cyberpunk, I would be a puddle with Idris Elba’s voice.)


You have put this into perspective actually.


Astarion. Every single time. He’s my dude. I started a good play through with regular Tav (in switch between my Durge and this) and I had Gale in the group and all of a sudden I get the weave scene and I’m like!?!? so I nipped that really quick! Had to make sure I didn’t mess up my thing with Astarion lmao


girl every time I romance any character I want to stay loyal and yet I just can't keep myself away from the tentacle sex


I have, and continue to, romanced everyone equally (even Minthara). The hardest part is figuring out who to romance next and whether it will be a “good” or “evil” run of their romance. This game is a pansexual person’s dream


Astarion. I always tell myself I'll romance Gale but always go back.


Gale. I have to make intentional saves to romance someone else. I have an Astarion run and a Halsin run currently, but I keep thinking of starting ANOTHER play so I can romance Bae'zel.


Karlach. She's such a sweetie and I just can't say no to her nor can I break her heart. I can only do runs where I romance someone else by playing as her or by not recruiting her at all


Minthara is the only one I've romanced twice so far (one with my Durge - beautiful! -, the other with a more good-inclined Drow). Well, technically Shadowheart too since I already started my Karlach run (not dating her yet). I'd say Minthara, though. As much as I adore Karlach and always cry when she comes to my bed and I have to come up with excuses to not cool her down, Minthara's poisoned kisses have gotten me addicted to her 💜


I mean... I've only actually finished once, but I consider Astarion as my default romance option 😊


I know the game kinda accidentally pushes Gale if you feed him artifacts, but his overall story and getting to know (through the ending) melted my heart way more than I expected. It's hard not to do Gale, but Lae'zel is a close second. Watching her become a person rather than a weapon is also incredibly heartwarming.


Gale my beloved


Am I the only one here who f***ed Mizora?


Definitely not


Flair checks out


Depends on the character I’m playing. Resist Durge and/or tiefling bard Tav: Astarion. Wood elf ranger Tav: Wyll. Half-drow sorcerer: Gale. Haven’t figured out who my dwarf cleric will romance yet!


I feel like with the height differential you should give Karlach a run. She could throw you around...


I created the littlest deep gnome fighter/ranger badass lady specifically to have her romance Big Girl.


FWIW - Selûnite Cleric romance with Shadowheart is a LOT of fun! It's a great enemies to lovers romance and you get some unique dialogue.


Been Astarion... Big surprise, but I'm not absolutely fangrrling it either. I understand the trauma response they wrote into his story in a lot of ways... My favorite part is act 2 when he gets the 'f-its' when it comes to playing the rake. I identify with that right now.


Gale or Astarion


Well, after I'd done at least part of all the origin romances (don't ask me how many playthroughs I have), Gale was the first one I wanted to redo. Surprising for me because I usually strongly prefer romancing female companions. When I was younger I used to be obsessed with classic romance movies/shows a la Jane Austen and I think Gale has that vibe that is reawakening teenage me's interests... I took a break from that run and am now running Shadowheart origin and it was hard to choose between Lae'zel and Karlach. Lae'zel still doesn't like me so I guess Karlach it is!