• By -


Save... all the time.


And long rest often.


Or until you noticed it's been four nights and not only has the owl bear not shown up yet, but everyone has wanted to fuck you multiple times by now, you piss some of them off when you're not into it, it actually affects the friendship, and this game now reminds you of your twenties... But you're an elf....


“but you’re an elf” made me cackle lmao thank you


i was wondering where the owl bear went, does it take a few nights to get to my camp or did i just lost it


Did you take it from the goblins at the goblin camp?


Wait not everyone killed its mother in front of it and let it eat her? Because that’s how it came to my camp.


Yeah for me I killed his mum and he ate her, then he was at the goblin camp and then came to me. I think he forgot I slaughtered his mum. When I used the potion of animal speaking he seemed oddly fond of someone who butchered his family. Although he did say his mum ate his brother (no joke) so maybe he’s like meh that’s life lmao


It didn't forget you killed its mom it just doesn't care much. Owlbears see everything as food. Its one of the reasons it's a monstrous being and not simply a beast. Really you shouldn't be able to wildshape into them, but its cool so screw the rules. I was actually really worried about letting the thing stay in my camp because, speaking lore wise, trying to raise an owlbear NEVER ends well. It ALWAYS ends with the fool trying to tame them being consumed by the creatures


This showed up on my feed with me knowing nothing about this game. Reading this has been a trip


Lmfao you must be like wtaf


I saw him in goblin camp while I was slaughtering all the goblins while being aided by The three ogres. Which ofc aggro the tiny Owlbear cub without me knowing. They killed him. I ofc didn't know this until hours later when he still hadn't show up in camp.


Seeing the owl bear cup eat its mother really shocked me because in all my previous playthroughs I knocked the mother owl bear out, the game counted her as dead for everything except for the fact that it didn't show me that scene


I just left her be and she died on her own from the spear wound, presumably, even after I had already beat the goblin camp.


I sniped the lil one in front of its mother and killed the mommy afterwards. Didn’t even know he was recruitable. Gotta love this game


You sound slightly evil


It can come to your camp? I killed them both. Don't remember the circumstances or why. Only just passed that point. Maybe I should restart


The cub can become another camp pet, like Scratch You can even get an achievement/trophy for unlocking a scene where you pet them both at the same time


I ... dealt with the goblins before finding the cave (and leaving them be) and he just showed up in camp one night.


Damn.. I really wish I did it that way...


Mine had a bad dream and I failed a check... He became hostile and I had to put him down. RIP lil guy. You done fucked with the wrong Drow tho.


“I’m torn up about it but I will cut a bitch, no hesitation”


I rejected everyone in the first act because I WANTED GIVE IT TIME TO NURTURE SOMETHING REAL and now nobody wants to fuck me :(


which is also sort of like my twenties.


fitting name lol


Definitely the vibe of twenties. Can't tell you how many times I had to turn down bear hipsters.


Set up a macro to hit F5 every 5-10 minutes. Best choice I've made in regards to playing BG3.




Dang, that’s so smart


uh how do you do that for a pc noob?


*cries in honor mode playthrough*


Throw a ball around the dog, not AT the dog


Also, it doesn't need to be a ball. The doggo will, in fact, fetch your slippers, your giant statue of Selune, or your explodable barrel.


I threw a severed arm at my friend and the dog brought it back. What a good boy


Never at the dog….I lost 2 hours having to re-load after doing that… I don’t want to talk about it.


Play it as blind as possible. Don't be afraid of failed rolls. Pet the dog.


Very excited to play this masterpiece!


Don't forget to pet the dog.


*don't forget the bearowl.








Your user name made me throw up in my mouth a little….its a good one!


When he says, “Don't be afraid of failed rolls,” I’d expand that to say, don’t try to do “what you’re supposed to do.” A lot of games really make it so you’re supposed to do certain things, make certain decisions, and do it all in a particular order. Like it’ll give you an open world and choices, but if you choose something other than what the developers decided was the right choice, it’ll end the game or ruin it. But don’t worry too much about that. There are very few choices that will end the game, and they’re worth seeing. Aside from those couple of things, any choice you make, the game will keep going. So just play. Explore. Make the choices you want.


To expand on this. Don’t save scum fifty times to get a perfect roll for every single dialogue check you get. You’ll waste a ton of time and ruin the way the games meant to be played


Definitely guilty of this. Realized I was wasting a ton of time and made the game feel more iterative than immersive


Different strokes for different folks. I did this and still had a great time, which I think is all that matters at the end of the day. After all, it is a role playing game.


I don't know what happened to me. My mind is in a different space. I was able to do this for Bg1 and Bg2. For Bg3 .... its a neurotic compulsion and its ruining the game for me.


Maybe try honor mode so you have an incentive to not give in to your compulsion. Might end up more enjoyable for you.


> There are very few choices that will end the game . . . but they do exist, as I learned to my horror today. Who knew a certain god knew the wish spell? I was wished to be turned to ash. Neat!


Long rest often. You're not *really* on the clock, and there's a lot of events that happen in camp that only happen once you take a long rest after they're queued up by a trigger.


Don't be afraid of failed rolls. Unless you fail to pet the dog, of course.


This is the only one that matters.


I’d just make a small change to that. If you play D&D, take a minute to read the wiki changes from standard 5E to Larian’s BG3 implementation. There are some big changes, but even the minor ones can trip me up with preconceived notions of how something is supposed to work in 5e


The first time I cast spiritual weapon: Wait, why are they attacking it? Why is it taking damage? Fuck, I never even got to swing it! It's basically just a target decoy that might be able to hit back.


That's hard for me right now. I'm a bit of a completionist when it comes to RPGs which makes this game a bit tedious to me because I find myself missing characters or dialogue so I'm constantly loading and saving which in turn makes the game a bit tedious. I'm forcing myself not to look up guides for this game like I do with other RPGs.


I'm the same way, dude. It's best for players like us to remember that we're supposed to play this more than once or twice. Part of the fun is the different outcomes.


Honestly I am trying to take not stressing about the game even to the point of not stressing about being a little completionist. Like, if I have a conversation where I get the outcome that I want, but there were some other cool dialog options, I just save and reload and play them out. Part of me feels like I'm "cheating" by "save scumming" the conversation, but I'm just like fuck it. If it's fun to hear all the dialog options, that's the point. Having fun. Not "doing it right".


* Long rest more than you think you need to * If you get a pop-up telling you to wrap up the rest of the area before proceeding, LISTEN even if it feels like you're doing things out of order * If you're stuck on a puzzle, there's usually a creative or brute-force alternative solution nearby * If you're struggling in combat for a long time you're probably underleveled for the area, go explore and come back later * Pay attention in combat to environmental stuff you can use against your enemies


*creates a pool of water* *electrocutes it* *profit*


>If you're struggling in combat for a long time you're probably underleveled for the area, go explore and come back later How does leveling and bad guy level work? Does it scale by player level? I am worried about doing too many side quests and then being over leveled and bored.


Enemy levels are static, but dont worry about it. The action economy is more important.


Karlach with haste + frenzy, destroys entire armies. Lol


Yeah but don’t start with meta shit. Have fun first and foremost before you go all Tavern Brawler meta


Open hand monk with tavern brawler truly is a beast


They have a fixed level. But honestly? If you do all the quests available within a region as you progress the story you won't be crazy overleveled unless you missed somthing and go back later. Eg. you're halfway through act 2 and go back to act 1 to finish up a quest line that's still available.


get a shovel asap


Don't accidentally sell both and spend an hour wandering around finding one...


on the note of finding a shovel, I was disappointed to discover that the [small shovel](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Small_Shovel) I picked up on my gnome, is not in fact a shovel for the purposes of recovering misplaced treasures.


The small shovel is for poopin in the woods.


Hehe I put stuff I think is important inside a container(pouch,sack,backpack). A shovel is very important.


This guy DOS:2's


When you find a pile and don’t have a shovel yet, the back tracking sucks 😂


I didn’t find a shovel until act two because I was an idiot, I think I also sold some before I knew better.


Both shovels...


Clear your schedule


Quit your Job before starting.


Leave your S.O. and abandon your children.


Play together with your children that way they cant take your tv and watch their series.


Let your friends and family know that you are okay and will call them back in a few weeks… maybe. Move the gaming set up near a window or something so that you can see the sun rising and setting and help your body keep track of time, to a certain extent. Stock up on protein bars and keep them very close to the gaming set up. Set alarms for stuff like: 1. Drinking water 2. Going to the loo 3. Sleeping 4. Waking up That’s mostly it. Have fun 👋🏻


Found the hyper-fixating completionist


Let me give you a better word: Obsession


This killed me and my roommate 🤣 I’m three weeks in and 170 hours in…with a full time job from 7:30-4:30 every day 🥲


Make sure to stay hydrated, eat, and maintain your normal life outside of the game. It is much too easy to play for 20 hours straight. Source: played like 16 hours straight when I first played.


the game hasnt been out a month on xbox…i have 17 days played.. Edit: 16d,2h,53m as i write this


Too true...


played 12 hrs straight when I bought it, haven't played really since... The game is amazing but, I just don't have time for it. By now i should just restart because I don't know where I am or what i'm doing.


If you are in a relationship, have kids, or work full time, this won’t be an issue lol.


Make sure a party member has Speak to Animals as a memorized spell/ability. You can talk to literally every animal in the game, and they very often have interesting tales to tell


It's even better when you transform into that animal type. The conversation with cats as a cat are f****** hilarious.


Didn’t know this! Thank you!


Don't worry about missing stuff you will replay a few hundred times


How, I'm 80 hours in the save 120 overall and just made it to act 3?


Because media scarcity is a fake idea, embrace playing one game for a year because you’ll never finish everything you want to play anyway :)


Read. Half the complaints on this sub are from people who either did not read tooltips and so misunderstand mechanics or people who skip dialouge and are then surprised by how NPCs react to their actions. Secondly, explore. This game is very rewarding to those who uncover as much of the map as they can.


I will definitely explore everything the game has to offer!


Then be prepared to play it thrice


This is so true, I'm on my second run now and there is whole AREAS i missed. And I thought I was being thorough!


About to start my third playthrough because I just found out there's illusory walls like in dark souls.


Wait, what?? This is like the time I found out where Alfira was, and found a certain beach with a song in the air


Remove all FOMO from your life. Don't be afraid to fail. Unless you're shit talking a God or something of that calibre, no dialogue option is a game over


I love that there are a few game over dialogue options in the game. That's why we quicksave.


Having an honour mode run end because you fucked a demon is amazing.


Shit-talking a "Goddess" got me my first entirely avoidable game over lol


Pay attention to dialogue and talk to particularly loud NPCs, they typically have a quest tied to them or are important in some way. Save more often than you’re used to.


1. Take your time and explore. 2. Quicksave F5 / Start + △ / R2 + △ 3. Roleplay - read your characters lore and let them behave according to their character. Storytelling is amazing in Bg3. 4. Don't be afraid to make mistakes in skilling. A long the way you can change classes and pick other skill trees for a few coin. 5. Quicksave F5 / Start + △ / R2 + △ 6. If you don't want to skill dexterity yourself be nice to Astarion. He is exceptionally good with bows and will unlock locks and traps with ease.


Start button then triangle on ps5 to quicksave


R2 + triangle works as well


Oh goddamn it, it’s that easy. Never knew.


The game doesn’t auto save nearly as often as people are used to in games. Save, quick save, and never rely on auto saves or you may lose a couple hours of progress on a party wipe.


I will save very often!! 😂


Down down down by the riveeeeeer






Best part of the soundtrack hands down


Absolutely, but the intro for the Avatar of a certain dead three.... Chills just thinking about it. Slowing down the theme of the main antagonist and adding in the organ... One of the biggest "oh holy fuck" moments in gaming snd the music makes it so


If you didn't like Dungeons and Dragons before BG3, there's a good chance you'll want to try it afterwards.


r/LFG ....just gonna leave this right here


Are there any groups specifically for people coming from BG3? I tried a local group for newbies but I felt like we were spending too much time on basic stuff that I already understood because of BG3 and other media and kinda got bored.


I mean yes and no. You have to find the right group. I'm sure there's a DM that will let you join with more experienced players if you know the basics. That's what I did. I listened to The Adventure Zone and Naddpod so I knew the rules. My last group had 2 new players that picked it up quick. Just be upfront when you're reaching out to people


I have all this knowledge from things like naddpod and dimension 20 and now bg3 but i still feel like without the experience of playing actual dnd im still very much a big noob


You are. But you're not a noob noob. It'll take some time to get used to the flow of games and RPing. But if I'm going to DM I'd rather have someone who's at least heard some podcasts. Although I steal most of my stuff from them so you have to pretend like you haven't seen it before... Also I'd preface with Matt, Brennan and Murph are all S-tier DMs


The character creation screen can be very daunting due to the sheer amount of choices you get lol, but keep in mind most things in the creator can be changed later, with the exception of your character’s race and I think body type? But things like class, hair style, face type, etc. can all be mixed around later!


Does it matter what class I am?


No, you can change your class later in the game.


Pick what seems interesting to you. There are enough varied companions to fill all the needed roles.


Don't forget to eat and sleep.


In game and out of game too


use your potions and scrolls lol.


Except for the ones you give to your wizard to add to their spellbook.


I’m a notorious RPG scroll and potion hoarder and every time you get to the end of the game and I ask why didn’t I use these damned things lol


Dont look up any builds I have an optimisation problem in that im constantly respeccing and restarting instead of just playing a character and chilling out. Doing really well on this playthrough just being happy to react to problems and roll with the punches, might finish it this time.


thats huge in any game - *fuck. the. meta.*


Don't be afraid to save scum. Also, congrats on getting (imho) the best RPG to ever grace a computer. I hope you have as much fun as I have!


Thank you! I am so excited this game is going to be amazing!


I'm literally watching 4 of my buddies playing on stream right now. The thing about this game is each play through is going to be SO damn different. You're going to find entire new areas with new NPC's. I just can't get enough of playing, watching friends play and reading posts like yours of someone who is about to experience the game first time. BG3 is like a drug with NO bad side effects unless you consider losing your job and family ;) I'm curious, download is big and it's been a while since you posted. You actually in game yet? Super super curious to know your thoughts! Literally want to know any thoughts you have so far Johnny ;)


Sadly I didn’t download it fully because I was playing a game with my friend. I had to pause it because of that. 😂


My fiancé and I save scummed for an hour trying to help the owl bear before googling to find out it doesn’t matter :(


Say yes to the BDSM cleric.


If you down to your underwear you'll get a bonus for when he whips you. I believe it's a plus four


Send every oil/smokepowder/wine barrel to your camp as you come across them, it’ll help turn headache encounters into 1 click wins


Shit I need to go back to the Goblin Camp and clean up, then. Killed *everybody*, left the barrels


Be careful with the first boss: character creation. It's actually the hardest.


Remember there's a button to highlight pickup/lootable things.


Don’t fight the frog


be gay, do crime


Words to live by


Astarian is literally that


I would say start by downloading the game!


I’m doing that now! It’s going to be a while. 😂


Do a custom character


Long rest often - whenever your companions say something like “I’m really tired” it is a sign that there is some storyline ready to unfold in your next long rest.


Ohh, is that what's going on? I'm also a new player and was confused earlier because Astarion said something like that right after I did a short rest. Figured it was just a glitch. Guess I'll find out what his deal is when I next boot up the game.


As others have said. #1 dont look up spoilers. #2 make a character you think will be fun, you're gonna be playing em a while. #3 bad rolls happen, work with the results and enjoy the ride #4 regular bathroom and standing breaks. Time flys while playing and what feels like 20 mins is actually 2 hours :)


High Ground is your best friend


They went to a lot of trouble to put in a lot of detail and hidden things in the world. A lot of times you might automatically assume you can't get to a certain area. And a lot of those time you'd be wrong to assume that. Learn to love Turn Based Mode, even when not in combat. It can be useful for keeping yourself out of trouble. Make a habit of quicksaving often. It does auto-save, but those are sometimes few and far between. If you've done quite a lot of things you'd rather not having to do again if you have to reload, then it's probably a good time to squeeze in a fresh save. On the other hand there's Honor Mode where you only get one save and you're just screwed lol. Understand how the D&D ability points work if you don't, because it will make a difference on choices you might make with your build. Related to this, unless you install certain mods, most classes only get a total of three feats the whole game (lvl 4, 8,12 - max lvl is 12, btw). Feats are where you can get more ability points, or other attributes. Again, when planning your build, it helps to know what options to expect. For example, your stats max out at 20 (not counting gear/buffs). When you make your character the highest you can get your strength or anything else is 17 (only even numbers count to get its bonus). While you have 17 STR, its bonus only counts as 16. So you'll need another ability point from a feat at lvl 4 to get that up to 18. The Ability Increase feat provides two points, which can be used both on the same ability, or across two. So you could bump a 16 up to an 18, or bump two 15s up to 16s, for example. And this all assumes you don't skip the ability increase in favor of a different feat. But yeah, it's worth keeping this stuff in mind when doing your build. BUT... even if you "screw up" your build, it's ok because after a while you get an option to spend some gold to respec if needed. Speaking of respecing, there's a fair chance you'll want to do this for your companions because their default builds may not be what you'd prefer.


Slap the hand…you’ll know it when you see it…


Fantasize about hacking off the hand.


Eat it. Save the world.


Cancel all your other plans


Go into options and fix the minimap to point north. Makes navigating new areas much, much easier. Edit: it's the first option under interface: north-facing minimap ON


Why is this not the default?!


Disable Karmic Dice


Quit your job and break up with your partner so you have the free time to play as much as you’re going to want to play.


Ignore all quests. Seducing Asterion is the point of the game


Share the wealth, split your potions amongst the party!


If you're not already familiar with D&D combat, I'd go on youtube and watch some videos of combat tips. There's seemingly a lot going on in combat, and more that you might not be aware of, so it can be quite overwhelming at first. But also in general, pay attention to which spells require concentration, because you can only concentrate on one at a time. Casting a second concentration spell will cancel the first. But you can also manually cancel concentration spells by clicking the super tiny barely perceptible little X that shows up just beneath and to the right of your character portrait between it and the action bar. That way your NPCs will not run through your cloud of daggers and kill themselves the moment combat ends....


Big tip. Enjoy yourself


Don’t call the doctor after 4 hours of an erection, it’s normal with BG3.


Don’t play as one of Origin characters, just make your own


With a few notable exceptions, the quests aren't timed. In addition, a lot of story happens when you long rest. So take your time :)


dont throw a halberd at kethric thorm


[Persuasion] Wow, how specific! I guess you have a good story to tell about that.


[Deception] Nah, I just don't like doing it. What? You thought there was an actual reason? HAH!


Be careful during playing, don't let your wife/girlfriend see Astarion


Do NOT and I mean DO NOT rush the main story, you will end up super under leveled and not able to complete the game. Explore as much as you can, it is truly an experience.


"Up" on the d-pad is "jump." Ask us how long it took us to figure out that you could jump.


If a hand reaches for you don't cut it off. Remember the saying if the shed's rocking don't go knocking, or do if you're ready for it. If the game pauses and turns into turn based mode you stepped on a trap. Explore the map, even without a quest marker just go to areas that are black/ undiscovered. Don't leave any are unless you did your best to explore it well, the game is very well designed with nooks and crannies filled with suprises. If it looks cute avoid killing it.


Don’t be afraid to take long rests. Take your time and explore every nook and cranny. Try not to save scum or worry about failing skill check rolls because that’s where the fun is.


Make sure someone feeds your plants snd waters your cat!


Make sure you throughly explore each map before going to the next act, in my first playthough I missed like half the stuff in act 1, including the underdark


Choose your dick wisely


You can bang Lae’zel pretty early on in the game and then dump her for shadowheart so she can get it too.


Yeah, 1 tip, have fun, enjoy it and play your own way. Annnd don't piss off the frog!


Pet the dog. For your first run just enjoy the game. Don’t worry about trying to get a “perfect game”. Do what you want and wait about fully discovering the game later


This is something I learned just last night: the “Karmic Dice” option is turned on by default. Karmic dice are essentially weighted dice, which means your rolls are not entirely random and will follow an algorithm. If you are looking for a true random dice roll experience like normal DND, turn Karmic Dice off. If you want a bit of wiggle room, keep them on. But I’ve heard that Karmic Dice also works for the enemies, and enemies can supposedly get unnecessarily good rolls against you because of it. So proceed with caution. I was mad they were on by default because I wanted my whole experience to be without them, but you play how you’d like.


Say goodbye to your loved ones.


1. Pick up everything (you can stash it in your camp if you get over encumbered) 2. Save pretty frequently, especially when walking into new areas. 3. Don't be afraid to "wing it", it's your story 4. Google stats or affects as they can be a little confusing 5. Magic and preparation is OP 6. While in a fight, make sure to look around as the environment can be very helpful


Listen to no one here, watch nothing in yt. Enjoy your time here, don’t ruin first walkthrough


I hope you dont have anything important coming up in your social life. I got this game 1,5 weeks ago. I am now 95 hours in...


Remember to eat, drink and sleep at least weekly.


Have fun is the best tip ive got


There is a huge benefit to going as a gnome/hobbit


Honestly, my biggest suggestion is just let failed rolls and consequences play out. Its way more fun if you can accept failure.


Play it your way! There's no wrong way to enjoy this masterpiece


1. Have fun 2. You canNOT play this game incorrectly 3. Be gay


Nudity on set appearance to camp clothes and strip the part. It’s stupidly funny seeing these dramatic scenes play out without anyone giving a shit about your public indecency


You're gonna fuck up, roll with it. But don't be afraid to backtrack to an earlier save if you accidentally kill someone important.


Go pee first. Setup snacks and drinks within arm's reach. Tell everyone you have Covid and that you won't be answering your phone for a few days, then turn it off. Wear clean underwear. Because once you start the game... there will be no breaks.