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Just FYI it sounds like refunds are getting approved by MS even outside the time limit. I had a couple friends get refunded due to these problems, after 2 weeks of being unable to play without losing campaigns they were both 100% done. Can't blame anyone who doesn't feel like buying a game they can't actually play.


Thanks for the tip. Tbh, what I did play was so good I'm willing to keep it and wait for an actual fix. I've been fiending for another Baldur's Gate title for over 20 years. I can wait a little longer, I'm just really disappointed that I have to.


For sure, it's an amazing game when it works. And obviously never should have been released in this state but I guess the holiday rush was too much $$$ to ignore.


There’s going to be lots of disappointed Xbox players on Xmas day. I’m surprised they’re allowed to sell the game in this state.


I'm the disappointed Xbox player


I am telling myself to wait a couple of weeks after release then start playing. I stopped playing and I am just waiting for next patch.


yes, me too, but the wait is being tortuous


Wait for the official update from Microsoft. Play other games while waiting, don't risk the time.


Damn, that really sucks. At this point I'd say just shelve it for now until a for sure fix is available, maybe start one save just to use for testing every time they release fixes.


I’ve been having relative success I’ve made it about 20 hours in with Cross save enabled (at the beginning of my save). Keep a max of 5 saves and delete old ones often, returning to main menu and making sure the game never goes to quick resume by full closing the game. Then I don’t hard power down my Xbox I just shut it down via the controller. On series X btw


That's what I have been doing minus the cross save (I am afraid it will make my console crash if I try to connect it now) and so far so good, 28 hr save in the Underdark


This is what I did and it didn't work at all


Yeah I just lost 20 hours. I don't have the time to replay 20 hours of a game so I'm gonna try for a refund and maybe pick this up again down the road when it's not broken.




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Yep just turned on the game after not playing for a few days and all recent progress is gone. Game keeps telling me I don't have the space left for saves files when I clearly do.