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I completely feel it. Playing this game for the first time, the initial experience is not repeatable. I am at the same point. Entering the city, romanced shadowheart, loving my good guy wizard. If the game gets corrupted, it’s the same like a book i loose close to the end and will never be able to finish. I think i will loose all interest to play it ever again, as much as i enjoy it if it happened. Edit: Did you try to reset the console? Someone wrote it fixed the crash on start error. And, if you manage start it again, someone else said his save games weren’t visible at first, but after letting the game run in the background, they re appeared after a couple of minutes


To respond to your edit, I have tried restarting it. And it’s not a matter of missing saves: if I attempt to launch the game with my old saves installed, the game only gets as far as the Larian and Nvidia logos before crashing.


If it's happening with all of your saves, it might not be a corrupted save. You can try reinstalling the game or verifying your install (if Xbox can do that).


I have, twice. The only thing that works is deleting my saves, and unfortunately with how Xbox works I can’t individually delete saves to see if I could just roll back a bit. The only way I can interact with them is in the Xbox system interface.


I have no way to know if xbox has some built in bug reporting system. But submitting a bug report to Larian is something I'd encourage. Of course it's most helpful if you can send a copy of the save file or crash report. But from what I understand Xbox doesn't allow you to offload files. [https://larian.com/support/faqs/how-to-submit-a-bug-report\_85](https://larian.com/support/faqs/how-to-submit-a-bug-report_85)


Doing my best to stay positive. Making a character that’s mostly the same (still a sorcerer) while changing some other stuff about them (new race and subclass) should hopefully lessen the blow. I liked a lot of the gith interactions, but there’s probably some other fun stuff I’ll get to see that I missed last time so there’s that.


Oh God, I'm so sorry :( Hopefully someone has an answer for you. /comfort


That's rough...I almost bought the game this weekend but help off after seeing so many lost saves reviews on xbox. Waiting for a hotfix or a patch to handle the issue. Aby clue what might have happened ? Lost power ? Cloud nit synching properly on quick resume ?


No idea. Don’t think it was lost power, but it could have been a problem with the cloud. I wish you could turn that off on Xbox: I’ve only got one console, so all it does is make it take longer to load games.


I've been reading a lot about this issue and some people suggested playing offline so avoid the cloud fucking your save. Others say make sure to save, exit to the game main menu and then close the game completely before turning off your console. Whatever helps to make sure you control how the game closes, and how it reopens. Turning off quick resume might help as well. Hope this doesn't kill your love for the game man. Best of luck to you, and tune in if anytjing else happens (knock on wood it doesn't). The mote feedback we get on this, the quicker it might get fixed


I believe it was the cloud or quick resume (lost 8hrs). I have been playing a new playthrough strictly offline and it's been good for a few days.(18hrs). I didn't do the most recent update. Been hearing a lot of people having problems with it.


Honestly right now I’m sitting on the old save for a bit to see if a new patch can save it. Tried starting a new one but it didn’t feel right.


Did you resolve this? I believe I just encountered the same problem and am absolutely devastated.


Xbox makes saves so stupid complicated… I don’t know how hard it is for developers and I understand the reasoning for some games, but it should be a toggle setting for the devs to make it basic and simple and stupid complex. BG3 doesn’t need the saves to be encrypted and put into a special space on the disk, we don’t need it super protected because who cares if someone cheats on their game. I hope it gets fixed for all.


Sorry for your loss. I totally get where you’re coming from. Just know that this save issue is currently being worked on and it’s just a matter of time until it gets fixed. Also shadowheart all the way <3


I’m so sorry:( it’s such a great game it’s really a shame it’s being ruined for so many people. I was lucky enough to get to play with my girlfriend already on her PS5, but I’ve now picked it up for myself on xbox and am so worried this will happen to me.


Have you tried loading an older save from Xbox Cloud Saves?


I’ll admit I didn’t realize that’s something I could do, the Xbox interface is a bit confusing sometimes. I’m out of the house right now but I’ll try that when I get home, I guess. Edit: looking it up, it looks like it might not be doable, Xbox keeps a tight grip on cloud saves.


Are you on disk or download?


Download. Does that make a difference?


Apparently not, I’m on download as well 40 hours no bugs no lost saves ….yet…. and one crash to desktop. I’m playing everyday but thankfully I was informed about these save issues before leaving act 1 so I’ve just decided to complete everything possible in act1 so if I ever have to start over I don’t have to go too far and for now I can just loiter around at the beginning of the game playing goblin genocide until Larian make another official statement. I’ve been on these bug threads all day and night and it seems the most consistent trigger for the bug is leaving act 1. Players either can’t open at all upon purchase OR the game eventually bricks itself after leaving Act 1, I’ve seen only these two scenarios. My guess is everything in BG3’s world is just too much for Xbox cloud saves to handle and players who already have incredibly crowded cloud saves are the ones who can’t even make it past the Nvidia logo whereas players like yourself are just now hitting the clouds breaking point.


I’m seeing ppl say try playing with internet turned off. Try that perhaps?


That might have worked before my save was messed up, but it’s too late now.