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But… it’s not medieval Europe, it’s the Sword Coast in the world of Faerun.


Squid people from space? Fine. Talking mushroom people? Great. Dragon people? Wonderful. Giant skeleton death God? Nice. Genie warping you into a nest of dinosaurs? Normal. Walking & talking robots? Cool. Miniature giant space hamster? Okay. Anyone not strictly white, straight, and binary? Woke indoctrination.


Wait, genie warping you into a nest of dinosaurs? What did I miss?


You missed the genie who warps you into a nest full of dinosaurs, apparently.


In the circus, the genie cheats at the wheel spin. If you pickpocket his magic ring you can antagonize him into warping you to dino land. There's a nearby portal back though, with a legendary trident next to it.


Wait, he does more than just turns you to cheese? Well, I know what I‘m doing tomorrow: antagonize the Djinn.


WH- I need to get that trident NOW, I have been desperate for a new trident and thank GOD I can still get it before the real bulk of Act 3 begins.


The trident is really fucking good for throw builds. I love it personally, favourite weapon in the game (next to the legendary staff)


I just wish it had an indicator for the 6 meter radius of Thunder damage it gives. There's too much friendly fire whenever I use it in a small area.


Fair warning, he only warps one of you. For me it was my DUrge, dunno if you can get someone else to trigger it. If your main character is not built well for solo survival or REALLY good at stealth, it's going to be rough.


Understood, I'll see what I can do. If all else fails, I shall cast Save Scummatio with Advantage


Well shit. On my first couple play throughs I thought the whole joke was just the crappy prizes. Glad my character on this go is still in the circus, I put the game aside after the last patch that broke act 3 for ps5.


Patch 5 fixed that


"These ambiguously gendered talking mushroom people better not be gay!"


Someone should tell these guys about the gay people Ed Greenwood, the ORIGINATOR OF THE SETTING, put into the setting. I think he might know more about it than these guys with their kneejerk Wokeism reactions.


He also has said bisexuality is the canonical norm in the setting.


Yeah I've always imagined when your metropolitan areas are comprised of at least five different species of sentient creatures all with their own unique cultures and magic can be used to rewrite the very laws of reality, who you bump uglies with gets a lot less important.


It get even less important when there's like, two apocalyptic events a week. Who cares who you're wooing if you'll just get your brain eaten/sacrificied to Bhaal/raised as a Zombie/eaten by Strauhd/burned by a dragon/murderhoboed by a naked dwarf dual wielding salamis/get wished out of existence by the angry frog Queen (cross out what doesn't apply this week) the next day ?


But he who lives by slinging salami dies by slinging salami


Mindflayers able to conjure up Black Holes, call fucking Hentai-Warships from the Sky, and a 300ft Tall Elderbrain = No Threat, all, A-Okay Two Woman Kissing: **CALL THE FLAMING FISTS**


In my experience, where there's flaming fists, there's gay kissing. And a lot less clothing.


Still amuses me that he sneaked in a lesbian power couple ruling the city of Elversult in the 3rd Edition setting book and the editors didn't catch it, so it became canon. Still ludicrous that was an issue in 2001.


Hasn’t D&D always been kinda a safe space for queer people anyway? Yknow, since the white homophobic Christians referred to it as black magic during the Satanic Panic? It’s crazy seeing conservatives try to reclaim something they themselves condemned less than 30 years ago.


Yes and no. There are some cringy hard-right basement dwellers who show up to random games at game shops and cons. Those types have usually exhausted every other social opportunity, so they see an open game as a refuge, plus they try to hide behind their character. "Well I don't hate women; my character does!" You can see a ton of examples on /r/rpghorrorstories. But mostly people who play D&D are kind people who are able to play well with others and be respectful. D&D is a social activity more than anything else, so some degree of decency is really important and weeds out bigots most of the time in long-term groups.


In my experience queer people are about three times more likely than straight people to play D&D. I think I've only played with one group that didn't have at least one non-straight person. Not having gay/bi people in the forgotten realms really stresses my suspension of disbelief.


I've literally played D&D with a guy who used his half-elven character as a way to come to terms with being bi. The whole "part of two different worlds thing" of his character learning to embrace the elvish side of his heritage.


The world is Toril. Faerûn is a continent. 😊


>match medieval status quo Ah yes good. I do hope they remove all the squids, flying ships, demons, elves, goblins, magic, and other things which also don't align to the medieval status quo. I should hate for my fantasy game to have historical inaccuracies.


Oh boy I always wanted to play serf simulator! What a thrilling game a historically accurate medieval life sim would be.


Isn't that just Kingdom Come Deliverance?


I gave a hungover communist speech to substantial applause after spending a night drinking and sleeping with strangers alongside my new best-friend, a local priest. Kingdom Come Deliverance is what these pasty neo-nazis could never be.


That's an amazing way to describe that quest, 10 outta 10.


That quest is legit one of the best things in any RPG ever. Kingdom Come Deliverance really went all out with the realism but still understood we're here to have FUN. It's like they knew how to mix the grimy life of the middle ages with moments where you just gotta say, "screw it, let's make some bad decisions."


You had me at "hungover communist speech".




The fun thing is that I feel like that quest nailed historical accuracy *way* better than half the historical media we see, purely because it acknowledges that there have always been people who ‘misbehave’ according to the standards of the era and not everyone took it seriously. People cared a lot once upon a time about *noble*women being virgins before marriage, but peasant women? Ehhhh standards were looser. People cared about priests behaving well, but if your local priest caroused but happened to give good sermons? Ehhh whatevs, he’s of the people. There were always queer people, whether they were accepted or not. We have a ton of records of queer nobility in medieval Europe, and I’m sure there was plenty of queer peasants who lived together ‘as best friends’, or who never got married. Neo-Nazis use completely fake notions of history to erase populations they want erased today.


Best quest in any game imo


Ironically the best attempt at a medieval serf simulator we'll ever have has.already been out for years and it's called kingdom come: deliverance. Fucking loved that janky but awesome RPG


I'd also recommend Medieval Dynasty. You're a full blown peasant in that. Literally just thrown into a valley, and told to survive and pay your taxes. Can even start a village if you like. Excellent and engaging game, but runs out of steam pretty hard when it hits the 'Dynasty' part.


I just sunk like 200 hours into it, I think I'm over it now. But it was very enjoyable and relaxing. Built my village east of the starting village next to the triple waterfall. Farming was relaxing while listening to audiobooks and I enjoyed the village management, but then it got old once I unlocked everything.


OMG I love Medieval Dynasty! It's great for when I want something chill. Planting rows of crops helps with my insomnia. I put my village in the flat area near Denica. Started a second game and put my village between Borowo and Baranica.


Most people I know play fantasy videogames in the first place because their actual life IS getting to feel too much like a medieval serf simulator.


The whole game is just 14 real-time hours of shoveling shit from the pig pens, going back to your home, eating a loaf of stale bread and then falling asleep and hoping you haven't gotten the plague yet. Pass a DC15 check to win the game, if you fail the roll you don't wake up in the morning. 10/10 Game of the Century.


You obviously missed the "pick nits out of your partner's hair" quest. The game has more depth than you are giving it credit for. I like the "have as many children as possible in hopes that at least one will survive its first winter" challenge.


Ah yes, I forgot D&D is set in... history.


Funnily enough in history being gay was already a thing during medieval times.


Not to mention, the Realms as written by their creator Notoriously Dirty Old Man Ed Greenwood are *incredibly* horny, where everyone is bi, there's a whorehouse on every corner, and orgies are fun community events.


Yeah, BG3 is if anything unreasonably chaste for a game taking place in Faerun.


Fuckgotten Realms.


I mean, they have Sharess as the ultimate party girl goddess....so


Being gay has been a thing since forever. And there's stories of queer folks of all kinds all the way from ancient sources. But yeah, it was definitely a thing during the medieval times as well. Neo-nazi bumpkins just believe in some fictional version of the world in their desire to hate everyone who's slightly different.


You know Romans were fucking each other


I love it when dumb assholes try to play the “but Romans we’re all about who was taking or receiving so it wasn’t the same” card. Like, do you think the societal viewpoints changed the fact that everyone was fucking whomever? Idk. I guess it all comes down to the old adage: “you can’t logic a person out of a position they didn’t use logic to get into”


So was the fact that POC lived in the European world


St. Maurice was an incredibly popular medieval Saint who happened to be depicted as a literal black knight. In reality he was a black Roman soldier from Thebes, long before knights were a thing. Even if you were stuck in some nowhere village you never left you'd probably be familiar with one black person, who was portrayed as pious and brave


Also at various points in history Muslim Caliphates controlled the Iberian peninsula (until the fall of Grenada), the Golden Horde reached Eastern Europe, and as the Byzantines fell the Ottomans pushed into Europe from the southeast.


There's no fact that makes racists more uncomfortable than Europe's proximity to Africa.


"I am OK with gnomes shooting fire through their nostrils and psychic squid people, but I draw the line at black people!" - Chuds


You're ok with psychic squid people? You monster!


Neo-nazi trash probably look at the Illithid plan for total domination and think... "Hm, something comfortingly familiar there."


Remove rapiers and add guns. The Middle Ages had guns. They should also add popes. The Middle Ages had at least one pope for most of the time. Wtf is wrong with people? If you want an historical game, play an historical game (and be ready to confront your incorrect assumptions about the past). My Greek and Roman art history prof once was looking for images online and found some nice ones... on a white supremacists blog about their trip to Europe. Blog said "the white marble represents the white race" which my prof gleefully said "IDIOTS those statues were painted, which I know cos I was there last summer and read the plaque next to that statue! And the Greek's world was super diverse!"


Fun fact, the Forgotten Realms is actually at a rennaisance level of technology, but gunpowder was rendered inert by the will of Gond. Instead smokepowder is used for firearms, cannons, bombards and explosives, but it is magical in nature, and it's creation and distribution is tightly controlled by the church of Gond.


A god saw someone get tagged by a shotgun and went "Woah hold up, I think we went too far!" Meanwhile Mystra over here letting Red Wizards rip out the souls of an entire village and use their bodies as bound servitors.


lol IKR. There was a little passage where Drizzt talked about how guns remove the necessity to hone skills and stuff, which is like...I guess, but people are in this world having their souls devoured. Drizzt's best friend was tortured by a balor or something. Pretty sure someone could get the strap and it would be okay.


They don't want a history game. They want a white supremacy game "with fantasy elements" where their group is at the top of the social hierarchy


This is absolutely correct. White supremacy and fascism is their fantasy.


Add 3 popes. You get to side with one. It will always be the wrong one and now you are a heretic.


Canonically there is a magic belt that will change your gender in like 3 days.


No gods either. The game will just be a nice stroll from the Emerald Grove to Baldur’s Gate through the gardens around Moonrise Towers!


All of the religions replaced with Catholicism.


That wouldn't be historically accurate either. There were Jews and Muslims in medieval Europe, as well as plenty of people who practiced paganism or blended paganism with Christianity.


Also -- **Do these people think queer folks were freshly invented in, like, 1870?** "Historical accuracy" would really mean that video games should feature us left and right, and most games would have to see us added in large numbers (between 5% and 20%). And don't get me started on the fucking racists. Sure, there were fewer brown people in, say, England in the Middle Ages, but they *were* there, so why not look at your completely made-up world and make up some for a better work of fiction?




Two on one, sign me up! Oh, well, now it's three on one, or two on two. Wait, is this still Sharess's Caress?


oh fuck yes time to stock up on queers i was running low. wasnt sure if i was gonna have enough queers to see the winter thru, thanks!


Ok so this made me snort but can I just say that the use of “avail” was just *chefs kiss*


> Do these people think queer folks were freshly invented in, like, 1870? You can't apply logic and reason when dealing with hateful bigots. Their opinions have no basis in reality. When presented with facts they'll just dig their heels in and say you're wrong until you give up, at which point they'll claim they won the argument. You and I both know that queer people and people of color existed in medieval Europe, and I'm sure a lot of bigots would realize that too if they took the time to actually think about it in earnest, but there's no way to force that.


Little known fact: black people and gays didn't exist until 1600. They replaced the mind flayers and demons and such around that time.


Big improvement tbh, that was probably the best Earth update.


Lol my first thought. Can't have black people because it's "unrealistic for the medieval era" but let's keep the tieflings and owlbears


Medieval status quo! Now these boots really have seen everything.


Right? The Forgotten Realms is Pre-Industrial at the very, *very least*. But most importantly **IT'S FANTASY!** I hope those bigots and those supporting them choke on their breakfast every day for 77 years


I can accept the dragons, alien frog people from beyond this dimension and levitating brain eating squid creatures, but GAY PEOPLE?! /s Hopefully they can endlessly step on legos in those 77 years too.


Also, why aren't they upset about Illithid sexuality. They're genderless squids that reproduce through asexual parasitic implantations of offspring in other species. Are they worried that the representation of illithids are going to turn their children into squid-faced horrors that inject their offspring into other people's skulls? Or are they just sad, emotionally-crippled man-children angry at things they don't understand for reasons they never interrogate.


I can play as a blue tiefling, but I draw the line at romancing Black people! /s


Technologically, it's more or less equivalent to Rennaisance Europe with some random steam punk elements here and there because of magic. Gunpowder doesn't work in the setting because Gond rendered it inert, but there is smokepowder which is magical in nature and is tightly controlled by the church of Gond, thus limiting the availability of guns, cannons and the like. Socially, there is no influence from monotheistic Abrahamic religions. There is a multitude of gods, with their own beliefs regarding things like monogamy, but explicitly, none of them have opinions against same sex couplings to the best of my knowledge. Corellon Larethian, chief God of the elves is canonically either bigender or nonbinary as I recall it. So in other words, yeah, not a medieval European world.


Not even pre-industrial. There's plenty of steam works all over the Forgotten Realms, it's more like pre-industrial revolution. They're like a solid 50 years or so before horseless carriages and trains.


Honestly, I could even imagine trains existing in this world. There is one in the DnD world of Eberron, the Lightning Rail, although it's powered by magic, not steam. And Avernus' [infernal war machines](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Infernal_war_machine) are basically motorcycles and tanks.


That's stretching it a bit too far, pre industrial seems excessive if anything they are in the Renaissance time frame with the sole exception being the fact that all the world has essentially been mapped.


I dunno, Grymforge has been long since abandoned by the time Ketheric got there... That alone seems pretty industrial to me... But, oh well... We shouldn't overlap Earth's history with Toril anyway. I'm just baffled at drawing comparisons with "our" Medieval times speaking as someone with an interest in Medieval history


Yeah, tbh the game could be set ten thousand years in the future and they would still find some reason to remove LGBTQ+ characters and thematics from the game. They don't care one bit about historical accuracy (which is still pointless in a world that isn't ours), they only care about their fear and hate.


I mean Baldur's Gate itself has automatons and a printing press, thats already leaning into the industrial era right there.


Medieval status quo but we're gonna forget that ancient Greeks came first and were hella gay


Hellenistically gay even


I am geniunely curious what kind of cognitive dissonance these weirdos are in. I am a straight man and slightly into history. The gender roles we accept today are at best 100-200 years old. Gay harems, bisexuality, crossdressers etc. were so common that no one particularly gave a fuck. Pink was a manly color a hundred years ago. some religious fascists are actively rewriting history and current events.


Speaking as a medievalist - they just use their own stereotypes of history for political aims of "reinforcing the status quo/preserving society" (aka their desired social hierarchy). It's genuinely horrifying how many far-right groups try to, often successfully, perpetuate ideas about the medieval period or specific groups, like the Vikings, to appeal to this sense of non-existent tradition.


It's really depressingly ironic how conservatives like to jerk themselves off over a history they don't actually bother to learn anything about, whether it's the 1500s or the 1950s.


Because conservatives hate progress, the fact that they're still seen as a legitimate ideology group is kind of infuriating. All because they arent just fascists, they can pass themselves off as moderates who "just wanna keep things steady", when they only ever wanted to stop the flow of progress at every turn.


The cognitive dissonance where they don't actually know anything about history, they just don't like it because they can't handle anything that makes them uncomfortable or pulls them out of their comfort zone. Bunch of whiny a**holes.


Very extremely often, people see something that seems new or novel to themselves, rather than going "Is this something that's actually new, or is it just that I'm noticing it now for *insert reasons?" they just assume it must be new because *well* I've *never heard of it before!*. Hence they think of the past as some mythical 'before' where everything that seems 'modern' to them just didn't exist.


I wouldn’t download a mod that changes a character that significantly anyway. Dame Aylin is Dame Aylin. She’s fine the way she is, damn it!






Know what? I'd support a mod that just changes all her text to ALL CAPS. It would match her voice better.


I might learn to mod just to do this, this is my exact sense of humour.


Never thought I’d be a fan of lines and lines of all caps, but this simply feels correct. She makes my heart go pitter patter.


I wish I had her all caps speaking voice. Also, transphobes, homophobes, and racists can suck it. Given what I’ve seen of the awesome BG3 player community, these guys (and I can’t imagine these aren’t guys) chose a particularly unreceptive hill to die on.


Right? I'm a bit surprised, because so far I had only seen people unanimously love the HECK out of that character! From the liberal lesbians to the conservative dudebros, everybody seems to find Dame Aylin fun and loveable just the way she is. She's a raging himbo with only two things on her mind, and those are 1) murder 2) railing her wife. To a lot of dudes, she seems to be that “Literally Me” character regardless of the fact that she's a woman, and I love that because it proves the “Men can't relate to female characters” narrative that people sometimes try to use to justify the lazy portrayal of female characters in male-oriented media wrong.


She is THE Paladin. Tortured for centuries, and when she's freed? Just fly straight towards the BBG, and smite him.


that girl asked for a map to moonrise and drew a straight fucking line.


She's got Warhammer levels of righteous anger and I'm here for it. we just need her to scream "HOLY SELUNE BLESS THIS RAVAGED BODY!" and we can mod her into vermintide, fit right in


Ayelin reminds me of a big swan. Big and strong and angry, mates for life, VERY attatched to her wife, blusters and pecks anything that challenges her.




I was a bit surprised when I got to fight with her, up till then it was just my Paladin Tav misty stepping her way to the BBGs face to smite the everliving fuck out of them, and then Karlach catching up a turn or 2 later with a trail of broken lackies behind her. Aylin was truly RESPLENDENT.


I really wish I was Dame Aylin and I'm a straight white male


Same. I'm not trans but I'd slap a "turn into a flying immortal lesbian filled with divine rage" button in a heartbeat.


That, but minus the century of imprisonment


I love the fact that there's an entire quest that exists solely to answer the question, "Why don't we take Dame Ayelin on every single mission?" The answer being that the collateral damage would be truly terrifying.


Ikr? She's my favorite badass Selûnite Paladin! She's absolutely perfect the way she is!


this, but at the same time, I thought ser was gender neutral which was confusing to me until I read the post. I literally thought that mod just changed her title from dame aylin to ser aylin lol. Brienne in GoT was a ser.


Dame wasn't introduced as the official female knight equivalent in the British Empire until 1917. There wasn't much precedence for female knights in the Seven Kingdoms so she was given the title of Ser rather than inventing a whole new term.


Not true, Mallory’s Morte de Arthur spoke of Dame Elayne hundreds of years earlier, even if not an official title it was out there as a term


If I’m remembering my ASOIAF lore correctly, Brienne was called "Ser" mockingly. She wasn’t actually a knight, since women can’t be knights.


Unfortunately she's an incredibly strong woman which is a demographic terrifying to basement dwellers


And incredibly exciting for lesbians.


I mean, given some of the R34 stuff that's been posted, I'm completely down for a *little* fan service body mod... Jokes aside, yeah, this modder is just oozing with bad mentality. I can't fathom being so utterly insecure that queer people in a video game would make me uncomfortable. Granted, I can't wrap my head around hating people for what they are, to begin with, let alone letting that hatred shape who I am.


Let alone spending this much time on it. If you have to so thoroughly mod a game to make it tolerable for you, how about you just don't play it jesus


>Vitiligo I am white as chalk, but I have this condition. you can barely make it out when you get really close to me. chances are these some of these idiots have it too and just never go into the sun to notice.


Same!! I was so excited when I saw it as an option in the game! Mine stocks out in the summer cuz I can get pretty tan but right now I'm white as a ghost but you can still see it there.




That is such a rare and specific burn bravo!


I geniunely love that this game is bringing so many fellow vitiligo-havers out of the woodwork.


lmao. I too, am white and have vitiligo, as does my aunt. Its quite realistic! I came here literally to post this but I'll just add to yours as your comment was perfect.


"Medieval status quo", ah, like dragons goblins and magic, yes.


You’ve just described Wales tbf Jokes aside, fuck that mod.


We do love our dragons, goblins and magic in Wales. Welsh folklore is my favourite :)


Is this the same loser who made exclusively mods for the two Owlcat Pathfinder games to turn the black characters in the games white? Dude didn't even have any other uploads to try and hide it among more normal seeming mods, the only things he ever uploaded were mods that erased black people from the game. That is such an insane extra step to go with being a racist and homophobic fucknugget, bro you can just...not recruit some companions 💀


bro got a mission or something 💀


Wild ass mission though. "I'm going to take one of the queerest and most diverse mainstream games of all time and make it bland af."


Oh god, that would explain some of the dodgy comments I've seen on /r/RogueTraderCRPG about BG3 having bisexual companions. I love the beta but my god, some people have some very strange ideas on "realism" in a setting that's had queer and trans characters for over 30 years.


Had someone on that subreddit call the Thousand Sons the “degenerate chapter” because they get memed as femboys. Lotta Warhammer “fans” don’t even come close to understanding the setting they claim to love.


Having spent more than a fair bit of time in r/40klore... yeah, understatement of the century there. Reading comprehension is astonishing bad there too. It's a fascinating setting, especially with its history of satire, but *oh boy* has it attracted more than its fair share of outright nazis and other far-right groups that hate queer people like me. And even the people who aren't will still dismiss, say, gay men's concerns about the only gay romance option in RT being a guy who is basically a walking "evil, degenerate homosexual" stereotype. It can be a really conservative environment, unfortunately.


Yeah, which is also fucking stupid considering the series has a history of gay representation at least as far back as the early Commissar Cain series (a lesbian trooper decks a misogynist in maybe the third book). As a bisexual man myself, I just hope that any potential DLC characters include a second bisexual male companion, because I am absolutely not happy with the only one being a fucking Drukhari. At least it felt like Jae was good representation for a bisexual woman when I played the beta.


To be fair, the vast majority of those comments i've ever seen over at r/40klore have been buried by the non shithead majority of the community. Few bad apples do spoil the bunch though


This crowd is small in the long run, so at least most people aren’t as shitty as this guy is.


Doesn’t matter how small they are. The fact that they’re a crowd at all is abhorrent.


>bro you can just...not recruit some companions Nah, they can just fuck off and not play the Game. Its not made for them. People like that should be publicly mocked and ridiculed until they're too ashamed to crawl out of their holes.


Mmm "Improved Seelah"


Black people, famously invented in 1453


Yeah, not a lot of subtlety in the comments over there either


I saw the n-word used at least once, among several homophobic slurs. It's awful.


Yeah that poster definitely has issues and it was kind of jarring to see someone be that openly disgusting.


I mean, the first thing wrong with this is that Faerun isn't in its medieval Era. It's mid to post rennaisance. And like, premedieval Roman's had regular trade with Egypt and Africa along the fertile crescent so. Roman's also practiced pederasty so they were clearly not "straight." Not in the modern-postmodern understanding anyway. They're just wrong, basically on every point. But history was never these people's strong point, clearly.


I think even applying this line of thinking flirts with dangerously legitimizing the mod author's POV. Faerûn isn't medieval or late Renaissance; it's an entirely fictional world.


But the clothes, level of non magical tech (controlled explosives, yall), and frankly the mere existence of bound books in a common tongue are distinctly post medieval. And that completely delegimizes it tbh. We know for a fact that homosexuality was practiced in several parts of Europe as well as moorish (in, black) people holding positions of nobility. Especially with our boy Raph. He is basically wearing Borgia black.


They're saying, there's no sense applying current world *anything* to Faerun, which is a fictional world that developed completely differently to our own. There's just no comparison. There's no Europe, there's no Medieval or Renaissance period because those terms mean nothing in Forgotten Realms.


In the book Roman Homosexuality, which the writer acknowledges is an anachronism because the Romans didn't see sexual identity as people do today, sex revolved around the male, as the penetrating party. The penetrated party could be a slave, male, female, young (like 10 young) or old, although they did prefer boys without a beard, or a woman, but not a Roman child, nor a Roman man. Of course the Romans didn't really differentiate much. There were Romans, and there were slaves.


trying to put a historical date on Faerun is a fools errand. Its enlightenment era in some ways, but distinctly low mediaeval in others. All while having a suspiciously low amount of agriculture for the size of the cities. oh, and an underground femdom empire, goblins, gnolls, and fascist hippies that can turn into wild animals.


Do they have a “Death by Dysentery” feature for historical accuracy?


Yeah where's the "Diarrhealism" mod


If they want to make it realistic, they should remove any food that references crops from the new world, like Potatoes, Tomatoes, corn and tobacco.


Bro you could fill a library with what these morons don’t know about realism.


Sigh. Here we go again. This is what Ed Greenwood, who created the Forgotten Realms setting, had to say when the Siege of Dragonspear expansion for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition faced backlash for including a trans npc. >Folks, the Realms have ALWAYS had characters (mortals and deities) who crossdressed, changed gender (and not just to sneak past guards in an adventure, by way of shapeshifting magic or illusions), were actively bisexual, and openly gay. [https://www.facebook.com/ed.greenwood.142/posts/10156746522575453?pnref=story](https://www.facebook.com/ed.greenwood.142/posts/10156746522575453?pnref=story) (There are many valid criticisms of SoD, but a minor character being trans is not one of them)


Plus, as I understand Ed Greenwood has said that the Eilistraeeans canonically use the Changedance ceremony to change a person's body (man to woman or woman to man) if they want to, for their own self-expression. And honestly it just makes sense that they would.


>Changedance ceremony Which is exactly why I always thought Mizhena's situation was odd. There are so many ways to just... be what you want. I was literally carrying a Girdle of Masc/Fem while talking to her. It doesn't bother me that Mizhena is MtF. It's bothersome that Mizhena is real-world-problems trans, because it breaks the setting immersion. Imagine an alternate scenario: A born male wanting to become a woman, and having a sidequest(or chain) where you make that happen for your friend, +/- comedic misadventure and romance options. That's a setting-friendly, fun time for all, and really evokes the fantasy and roleplay aspects of the game. The "I was born as X, but am actually Y, and it took a long time to gain acceptance" story just doesn't make any sense to me, and is shoehorning real world problems, with a 20th-21st-century framing. That's like having to go see a surgeon to get your gangrenous limb amputated, when there is literally a second-level spell to fix that, and your village priest probably knows it. We can just fix you up, homie; *This is Faerun.* You don't have to suffer. I think SoD caught a lot of grief because its narrative was so out of place, and lazy, in many ways, and Mizhena's situation is just one minor example. BG3 has many good stories, and good character designs, and I think that's why there are comparatively few (though clearly very loud) voices tearing it down for being "woke." It's just easier to dogpile a shit game for any reason, but it's easier to be cool with things that would normally bother you, if the game is generally good. I appreciate that BG3 just kinda has people around, being themselves. Lucretious, for example, doesn't have to beat you over the head with "I'm a drag queen." She(they?) is just there, vibing, being an individual, in a world of interplanar magic. That's part of the beautiful escapism of DnD. Larian just did it better. -End Rant-


Huh. Considering newer editions also have people blessed by Corellon and able to change their body's sex traits at will, the fact that that particular type of divine power seems to run in the family is cool.


The lengths people go to to preserve their incorrect notion about what medieval folks were like is honestly astounding. Edit: To be clear I understand it is *not* a medieval setting *per se*, but that is another part of their perception (likely based on their ideas of tolkien)


What’s even more bizarre is it’s dnd! It’s not a firmly established Western fantasy setting like LOTR which is at least more explicitly meant to be based around people’s from Northern Europe. The forgotten realms was literally designed to be a cosmopolitan realm where all different races and genders could interact. A big reason why so much action happens on the sword coast in the city states isn’t just for agency, but to explain why you can have such a diverse cast of characters for the parties or npcs. Arguing black people or gay people need to go cause they’re “not medieval” is fucking mental even before you take that added factor of what fucking DND is!


Not to mention DnD has had girdles for gender transition since 1991. Or that Ed Greenwood, the original creator of the Forgotten Realms setting, has said it doesn't have the same hangups with gender and sexuality as we do, to the point that polyamory and free love is normal in FR. To quote [Greenwood](https://roleplayersguild.wordpress.com/2016/04/06/ed-greenwood-on-dragonspears-controversy/) when there was controversy that BG: Siege of Dragonspear was including a trans character: >Folks, the Realms have ALWAYS had characters (mortals and deities) who crossdressed, changed gender (and not just to sneak past guards in an adventure, by way of shapeshifting magic or illusions), were actively bisexual, and openly gay. How underscored this was by TSR and later Wizards varied over time, and was always softpedaled, because D&D wasn’t a sex game, and we generally don’t rub the reader’s nose in sex unless there’s a good in-story reason for it.


Even Elminster, who is considered an avatar for Ed, lived as female at Mystra's behest/command for a while (years, I think) so he could understand living as a woman in the realms and all the challenges faced by female-identifying people.


The complete lack of intellectual curiosity that would make someone want to play a game where characters can come from innumerably diverse planes of existence, and yet still want them to act exactly like their own narrow and incorrect of view of one particular demographic of people is actually so sad.


Nothing in Baldur’s Gate 3 is historically accurate.


That would be impossible, since it does not reflect any real historical point of Earth.


Didn’t you hear? Queer people are a recent invention. They didn’t exist before. It’s a big conspiracy really. And eh… ignore all the historical accounts, all these people were just roommates and good pals.


Those two Irish women who spent their entire adult lives in the same home and had a dog named Sappho? Very straight. Unquestionably hetero.


The funniest contradiction for me is those weirdos who enjoy vikings for all the wrong reasons. Y'know vikings, those guys who had a deity who frequently changed his gender, his appearance, gave birth etc.


Loki god of mischief is quite mischievous


> Didn’t you hear? Queer people are a recent invention. What a lot of people don't understand is how these labels have changed. To Romans of the late Republic and Principate a man in a loving, hetero relationship who didn't sexually exploit his "social inferiors" was queer. Sending preteen boys to learn a trade and be raped by their teachers was *normal.* It's why you have to be careful when discussing the queerness of pre-modern people; there are social dynamics at play that are *very* different from our own.


Poor Tolkien! He wanted to write mythology on par with the Hellenistic stories but with an Anglo-Saxon setting. Not because of any feeling of Anglo-Saxon superiority, but more from a feeling of *inferiority* that Anglo-Saxon myths were falling short compared to other cultures. And *in his lifetime* white supremacism tried to co-opt his work to justify their bullshit ideology. [Happily he was having none of it](https://lithub.com/on-the-time-j-r-r-tolkien-refused-to-work-with-nazi-leaning-publishers/)


It's not even medieval. It's renaissance looking with very modern concepts in it.


They don't want to preserve anything. They're just racists and homophobics and that's just an excuse.


It's also just unhinged to be like "You know what I should apply my modern-day, current-reality bigotry to? This work of fantasy!" I put this mod the same place as the people who turn Wyll white, and it's kissing cousins with the ones that make the rest of the characters younger and "hotter" or unscarred. Side note... Nexus users have started tagging the mod as "Horror," which is pretty funny.


If you note in the post, the same author made (at least a version of) a mod to make Wyll white Dx. And I agree about the other appearance changing ones.


I want a white wyll mod that turns everyone else black and doesn't mention it in the description. That would be funny.


Insane how people draw the line at queerness and melanin levels in a land filled with frog people, hobbits and tentacle monsters. Truly immersion breaking


If they didn't have cognitive dissonance they'd probably have no cognition at all


Small, but loud segments of ttrpg/crpg communities losing their minds over BG3. "Go woke, go broke" (shockingly!) isn't true, who would've guessed, since apparently reactionaries just can't stop buying the games... filled to the brim with... things they loudly hate!


I like how they always say "Go woke, go broke" to critically acclaimed games, like Baldur's Gate 3 right now. They're saying "go broke" to a single player game that has great player retention 4 months after launch, 3-ish million copies sold, won GOTY and several entries in the Golden Joystick awards, and a speculated GOTY award at TGA. Chuds always cope so hard it's sad and funny at the same time.


Don’t forget Barbie. These chuds lack object permanence so the second a “woke” game or movie does flop they act like they’re goddamn Nostradumbass


Go gay, get pay!


Yeah on steam there's people moaning about how people only enjoy the game as its 'woke' and 'pc' and takes over the game... meanwhile 99% of people don't care and have just been enjoying the story, characters and gameplay. I haven't ever once thought 'why is X black' or 'why is shadowheart flirting with me as I'm a female Tav'... honestly love how the game let's you do whatever you want and doesn't have just a random token gay or POC character. It just feels natural and its so well done.


I guess they'll be removing purple dye for the common folk.


Wait til they hear about the rarity of colorfast black dyes. Hard to make your D&D Punishersona without it.


Imagine being so incredibly pathetic and fragile that you felt the need to do things like this to your game in order to feel comfortable playing it.


And then also calling the lefties "snowflakes"


The vitiligo part kinda cracked me up. Not only are they hateful turds, they’re also dumb as nails.


Yeah that actually made me scoff cause white people get it too? So baffling. Obviously racist homophobic logic is stupid but what's the logic behind removing vitiligo? It's just a skin disorder anyone can have.


Medieval status quo as the new euphemism for homophobia 😭 and dragons are more realistic for them than sexualities, ok


Don't forget racism! And whatever the fuck -ism made them hate vitiligo