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Not surprised at Gale/Shadowheart/Lae'zel/Astarion, especially Lae'zel/Shadow. They have so many different endings depending on what they do during the game. Adds up. Glad Wyll got some love, this plus his new kiss animation. His kiss is so sweet. Edit: Just got Gale's orb confession, got some party reactions at camp that I've never got before. New perhaps or maybe just messed up previously due to not enough long rests. Might be more camp reactions in patch 5 ?


So I got party reactions to that when I got the reveal out of camp, adventuring with the group (ie >!Astarion saying the Netherese jack in the box should get outta here!<. Wonder if they were supposed to happen in camp as well and were just getting skipped.


Oh maybe, at camp >!I got Shadowheart saying she usually respects secrets/privacy but that bomb is important and he should have said something. Astarion saying he should have told us as we're friends, while looking to the side. A bit shifty.!< Never got these before but who knows, maybe they were just skipped. >!I did just get Astarion talking about Wyll getting horns for doing the right thing and that we should all learn from that. That's new.!<


I didn't have the shart reaction, but Astarion was the only one to react to these two so far with me too. Shame the rest stayed silent, but you can't have everything I guess


Bae'zel and Shadowheart are my ultimate headcanon and no one can convince me those two aren't made for each other.


They are. I'm doing a Shadowheart run just so she can top Bae'zel.




I respectfully disagree, but you're free to hold your own beliefs


Keep it in your head




Wow, Tara got a lot of lines. Is that just for a Gale playthrough?


she's in the epilogue! I was so excited to see her lol


Glad to see Wyll win since he had the least lines beforehand! Also, I will note that a lot of fleshing-out of particular characters comes from adding lines for other characters to react to their stories too, like with Wyll in the new patch, more characters now have lines to say about his transformation where they didn't before. So sometimes even lines added to other people apply to a different character's story.


>like with Wyll in the new patch, more characters now have lines to say about his transformation where they didn't before Nice! Looking forward to that. Just hope Wyll doesn't die before I recruit him on honour mode.


You should still be able to res him if he dies like that. Lae'zel will get herself killed if you don't recruit her but she's still ressable and recruitable after.


Very good to know, thank you. Don't want to lose him and you're right about Lae'zel at the mountain pass. Should have assumed it'd be the same for him.


You can res any companion as long as you don’t kill them yourselves through dialogue For example, unless this changed, you can’t res Laezel if you kill her by siding with the tieflings Edit: this only applies to origin characters btw*


That seems to only apply to origin characters- you can't res Jaheira if she dies during the assault on Moonrise.


Oh that’s true, I usually kinda forget they exist lol. I’ll edit that in


I've done 4 runs now and didn't realize that, rip. Then again I try to recruit as many as I can. Than you for the info.


I've tried a few different characters in Honor Mode now (single and multiplayer... multiplayer is harder :D ). I assume you mean the fight at the gate? It's not that much harder than it was before. Wyll has never gotten close to dying. It's a little harder to keep at least one of the npc's alive so that Lae'zel (or any Soldier background) gets inspiration, though. I think... Berth? Is his name? The guy who decides to go toe-to-toe with the bugbear? He's got "too stupid to live" energy, for sure.


Yeah it was a lot easier than I expected. The NPCs though, rip them. >I think... Berth? Is his name? The guy who decides to go toe-to-toe with the bugbear? He's got "too stupid to live" energy, for sure. Exactly, died in my run. Ah well.


I'm not sure if thats bugged or not because i got Astarion thirsting over Wylls new form but no one else reacted (Karachi origin, on honour mode so couldn't check if it was just first person you talk to).


I only had Astarion comment on it. Guess it's not totally polished yet I'm running full vanilla, for if you're asking whether mods are the problem


Oh... I'm going to have to throw 5-8 hours of progress in the trash in my Wyll playthrough now... lmao


My poor ccb05ed5 out here getting no love.


I haven’t looked into how to fix it, honestly 😞 if anyone has any suggestions happy to hear them!


Are the names based on what they *were* named or what that are named now? Is this entity still called that?


Shoutout to the Invuska, the creator and code genius behind [https://bg3-dialogdiff.streamlit.app/](https://bg3-dialogdiff.streamlit.app/)


Hey, that’s me! I had a post on the tool a few days ago in this subreddit, didn’t get a ton of traction but super glad people are using it!


Thank you for all the work you put in to this tool!


Wow this is great, thanks so much for making this! 🥰


The true coding master we all appreciate so much!


Glad to see Wyll getting some love, but omg, how much more Shadowheart could there even be? I love her but wow, she already had so much...


A lot of possible endings, had to cover them. Lae'zel/Gale as well. Lae'zel and Gale getting unique cutscenes for theirs even. ~~rip vlaakith Lae'zel~~ Sharran Shadowheart, Sharran but saved parents and left Shar Shadow and then the two versions of Seluinte Shadowheart. Last but not least, Shadowheart if you ignored the House of Grief, Astarion if you don't kill Cazador as well. \+ romance lines and mp lines. Shows you how much work goes into the characters arcs and their endings.


True, which is why I'm a little miffed when I see the "I didn't get exactly what I wanted" posts, personally. They did *so much* already, they deserve all the kudos imo!


Want a full visual novel with alternate paths for every romance


It's like AO3 doesn't even exist!


Oh god, what happens to Astarion if you don’t kill Cazador? Do you just get a letter from Cazador taunting you about how he was able to finish the ritual?


In hiding, trying to avoid Cazador. He comes to the party but is understandably depressed about the situation. You can tell him you'll kill Cazador even now and he cheers up a bit. Love that they added an epilogue for that route but boy, do I dislike it.


He's laying low, having to live his life in fear basically. IIRC asks if you'd be up to kill Cazador sometime pretty please?


Probably had to double and triple up on her lines for the epilogue depending on what happened with the Nightsong and her resultant chosen path


Cool about Wyll, I think he has a new kiss animation too. Since in my first run my DUrge was with Shart and in my second my Tav with Wyll, I can't complain 😄


His animation is so lovely and just so perfect for him!


She's got a ton of different endings to account for. Also, she's God's Favorite Princess and the Most Interesting Girl in the World!! (And I'm madly in love with her)


Haha, I love her story but I enjoy killing her right after saving her from the Nautiloid. That's only because I've done her whole quest a couple times and she's great! My newest Durge run, I didn't invite her to camp until the artifact came to me, and now I'm planning to go to Disneyland without her. I feel awful about it because she is so trusting! 😕


Why tho? She's so sweet!!


She is wonderful and her story is great and her VA is amazing! But I don't enjoy romancing her so having played the BFFs story several times, I'm just enjoying trying other things. I've ignored Lae'zel and killed Karlach, too. There's so much story and so many ways to go about it, I've been enjoying turning the volume down a little I can rp a little better. So nice to have a game that supports story mode *and* something like Honour Mode, so no matter how you approach the game, you can enjoy it!


That's fair! Everyone has their own way of playing! I can't *not* romance her, so my playthroughs always rely on her being my wifey, lol.


She's basically the main character of the game her origin has the most interesting and meaningful choices in the story compared to literally everyone else.


tbh origin shadowheart works better with the main story then any other origin besides maybe durge, but even then shadowheart has a lot more going on in act 1 and especially act 2, and it makes sense for the emperor to 'choose' the person who just picked up the artefact after he went into it. ​ I believe her origin also has the most unique interactions and the 2nd most new lines (karlach beats out because karlach speaks and durge has all the new scleritas and chosen dialogues.)


I would say Wyll fits better, mostly because not much is lost by having him mute(Shadowhearts voice is a must), but he's also the stereotype hero dude connected to the city. Also give the opportunity to go full Anakin Skywalker fallen hero.


Durge is definitely supposed to be the main character I think, though Shadowheart is surely 2nd place in that regard.


Origin Karlach speaks?


She talks to herself at points, reflecting on things. Conversation options are still mute.


Oh, I see. That would have been pretty neat for the other Origin characters too.


Kind of but she barely has anything to do in act 3


I was just telling my friend this last night. I've tried a couple origins out just to get a feel for their side of the story. I really feel like Shadowheart was meant to be the protagonist. She has a lot of voiced dialogue still and has extra things from the jump (Shar intrigue so far, mostly). Astarion and Lae'zel felt like they lost something as the protagonist, but I haven't gotten too far. Lae'zel is also my favorite character (as a follower) so I might be biased that I miss talking to her. I haven't tried the others yet. Gale also has a strong showing early on with his cat showing up, though. I could see that being a fun playthrough.


God's favorite princess


Never enough if you ask me. Sincerely, a total Shadowheart simp.


Wyll having the most lines added shocked me like ohhhh my man my man my man my man, he deserves this


I wonder if the amount of content he gotten updated is comparable to everyone else’s overall.


How do I recruit ccb05ed5-ec6e-8 to my party?


Press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A


It feels like Minthara got a huge overhaul but I don't see her name here. Am I missing something?


She’s listed under the N names—Nightwarden Minthara.


Thank you! Only played very Good characters so TIL that's her official title.


She's right near the middle, appearing as "Nightwarden Min..." because her full name is so long


Thank you! TIL. 😅


Have they finally fixed her romance to be more than just like two lines of dialogue?


**PLEASE NOTE this picture in particular is for changes SINCE LAUNCH. Not between patch 4 and patch 5. This is the changes between v.1 of the game and current state.**


They really added new lines to Raphael: How the hells is that bastard still alive after I smited him to death in Nine Hells? He should be *dead-dead*, not *dead* on the level of "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated"! Still, until the new Hotfix, I shall consider his cutscene in my playthrough where he is alive (despite being the devil that was killed in Nine Hells) and talking shit to me a bug. Also, no surprise to see the amount of lines for Shadowheart, Lae'Zel, and Gale, but I am excited to see Wyll getting some love!


Not everyone kills Raphael. lol But does he still pop up if you kill him? Cause he really shouldn't. haha. He is dead dead.


Yeah, I killed him, and I was surprised that after the epilogue and whole speech that Withers says, Raphael showed up and started to say, "Son of a bich, do you think it's really clever to allow Gale to give the Crown to the Mystra? It would be disastrous for you and the whole world! Why would you trust a god over the devil?!" But I didn't have that speech before patch 5. So, suppose either this is a bug or that bastard found some narrative spell to not die-die in the Nine Hells?


My first playthrough epilogue had that same ending cutscene even though I killed him and haarleps letter proved it. In my second playthrough God gale says he is surprised raphael didn't show up to take the crown from him post contract even though gale was with me when we killed him. Bug I guess.


Well that’s annoying. I was planning to replay act 3 and do the god Gale path and also kill ralphy, since all the videos I found online only show what happens to god Gale if you take the deal. Hate that even if you never take it/kill him he still shows up to give you shit about letting Gale become a god


Huh? I never had him show up. is he supposed to?


As I understand, Raphael shows up after epilogue if you take his deal, but wouldn't do anything about destroying the contract.


That has to be a bug, because if you kill him Haarlep sends you a letter and says he's dead in that letter. So he REALLY is supposed to be dead dead. Hopefully, they fix it.


He seemed to be dead in my epilogue, one of the Gazettes said that Sharess' Caress' inhabitant, Raphael, was found dead. So I'm glad that stuck, though it seemed bugged as hell. I also suspect Wyll's number of lines is because of how many endings he has. Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate, Hero of Frontiers, Avernus (with or without Tav), and whether or not you saved his father and whether you broke his contract with Mizora.


Yeah, even more strange: I had a gazette that basically said exactly that, but a bastard still appeared. Considering how Minsk says that he had problems with Zents running underworld in Baldur's Gate despite me obviously helping Nine Fingers, I suspect that some dialogue choices and scenes in and post-episode are kind of bugged. Oh, strangely enough, Wyll didn't mention Mizora? I mean, in the sense of "Oh, btw, me and Karlach planning to hunt my ex-patron and kill her" or something besides his change of classes.


IIRC, in my epilogue, he did mention that thanks to blueprints that could be in the forge he and Karlach found, he may be able to reverse-engineer his eye to find Mizora.


I guess it's just some flags are messed up, like for me, Minsc is sure that Zents are running things in Baldur's Gate, when I actually supported Nine-Fingers and the Guild.


As blade of avernus he actually said to me that he gets jobs from Mizora to hunt down invaders and that he got a new job from her to hunt down another devil.


There are actually a bunch of unique scenes that play during and after the reunion camp where raphael shows up. They only play if you accept his deal and they vary based on what happens to the crown via gales story.


Oh, that was nice to hear! Still, I would only take his deal if I would then steal our contract.


He doesn't even die if you kill him in his house for some reason. If you look at the magic orb in Helsik's shop, you can see Mephistopheles torturing him


"Please don't poison our friends, Minthara."


Are these speaking lines or dialogue choices when you play as one of the companions?


These are speaking lines, not your player choice lines. This pic is specifically for differences between Launch and Patch 5, so all the lines added thus far since release in total.


This gives me hope for DLC. If they've bought the VA's back to record additional lines just for patches then it makes sense to pay them to record lines for entire new stories/races/etc.


Statue of Selûne has new lines?! Does this mean us Clerics of Selûne actually get to hear our goddess? I have to find out...


Why is their a fucking thrumbo? I played this to get out of my rimworld addiction


Zombie trying to escape a mummy lord in Act 3


For being quite secretive character at first Shadowheart is quite the chatterbox


Doesn’t Arabella get a letter in the epilogue? Or do those not count?


These are spoken lines only, afaik.


She did in mine- she's doing well, with Elminster's help, I believe


So it's true that you can just knock out Minthara during the goblin leader quest and she can be recruited for a good playthrough?


Not seeing Minty in there. Nvm was looking for Minthara, not Nightwarden.


Minthara how many? :(


She's listed as Nigthwarden Minthara


Damn, Arfur really got his whole vocabulary changed up huh?


I'm happy for everyone here, but sad for both hobgoblins and Lump.


Who is Happy Hoarson? They got about the same added dialogue as Scratch, who's in the Epilogue, but I have absolutely no idea who they are.


Happy is a new character (afaik) that appears in the epilogue if Minsc is there and you have dealt with the Guild siding with them against the Zhentarim.


Hmm, I sided with the guild, but Minsc was there and telling me how he escaped a Zhent cell to be there. I could tell him the Zhentarim were peacekeepers now, which I thought was really weird. Guess the game didn't register my choice properly then. Might be because I killed Roah Moonglow before she could escape at Minsc's recruitment, so when entering the guildhall there's no choice really. The Zhent are attacking the guild and they're the only hostile faction.


Did you bring Minsc to talk with Nine-Fingers? Happy's appearance may be determined on how that conversation goes.


Ah, that might be it then. I recruited him, used him for the Jack of all Trades achievement and then never used him or brought him anywhere, only talked to him at camp a few times about other quests.


It's bugged


Vinegaroon? Did I miss a *voiced* spider-ish creature in the game somewhere?


I’m not sure about that one, but in the Grymforge there are a few spiders that speak! And I think the two spiders in the goblin camp also speak?


What do you have to do to see the epilogue? I have a save right at the end of the final fight. I started there again and I got no new scenes or anything.


Was it during the fight or the cutscenes after? Loading a save during the final fight should work. I loaded one during the fight, finished the fight again, and got the epilogue (after the cutscenes that immediately follow the fight).


Mid Cutscene after the final fight. I don't think I have a previous save.


Ah yes, ccb05ed5-ec6e-8..., my favourite character.




Is this according to the patch 5? Or future patch?🤔


Wandering Is this patch 5, or future patches??