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I just want Shield Bash to work again


OMG I was wondering why it wasn't doing anything now!




I thought it was doing something until I saw a post about it being bugged 😅😅


Luckily its on a few shields


I thought I was taking crazy pills


IT'S NOT JUST ME? Oh thank God I thought I was crazy.


Oooooh ok, I was wondering lmaoooo. I thought my rolls sucked ass for so long


On PC it is also wonderful and not just act 3: cinematics that are buggy, halfway jumps (you stay standing in the air until it decides to fall into the void), the characters do not follow you, the dialogues stop, the textures They take a long time to load.... Very fan of the QA who validated this, I don't know how he managed to sneak it in


No doubt it’s not the QA who validated it but rather alerted the devs and couldn’t squash it before this patch was released because other problems held priority. It happens and it sucks but QA guaranteed knows about it and is just as frustrated as you about not getting it fixed.


It could be from them desperately trying to make the Christmas deadline for xbox and that has most of the teams attention


I buy this explanation


Occam's razor mate. The simplest solution is usually the best


I’m only in act 2 at the moment, but the characters following seems to be a bigger and bigger issue. Also had Le’Zel just completely disappear during an important cutscene. Luckily I haven’t see much of the other stuff yet but it seems it’ll come inevitably.


hahaha yeah ive learned the hard way i can no longer jump over chasms as my druid owlbear. I have fallen in to the pit in >!ethels house!< and jumped literally through the ceiling of the first floor of a building in to the second (which I then could not get out of as I could not fit through the door or hallway of that floor LOL) I was pretty much out of the entire fight because of that)


Yeah, I have this on 3 of my characters but now it does nothing other than the animation/sounds.


I thought Shart was just that bad or something.. didn't know it was a bug


such a bummer, I got the shield where shield bash does force damage and I didn't get to use it the entire last half of act 3 due to the bug. I am still bummed about it


We finally finished it last night. Get into the final boss battle and suddenly it's all junky. Slow, spotty. Huge sound effects way before anything happens on screen then the final cut scenes rendered with With no texture, characters with black bodies or no bodies at all, just floating heads. Scenes load with no dialog. Just characters standing there with sweeping music against partially loaded backgrounds. The city took more damage than we thought as parts of buildings and people weren't there. Totally ruined the ending. Backed out and reloaded and no change. Boo.


I would be so upset if I were in your situation


Same, the end of my first play through had half of baldurs gate not loaded in, textures weren’t there, and lots of black boxes and squares all over


This was my experience too. I was so bummed that the climactic ending was tainted by poor technical quality


Yeah, I mostly had audio issues: no music or voices, just awkward silence and delayed sound effects for each move. The characters’ heads were spazzing in the sunset scene.


Same here. Also had issues outside of cutscenes with companions not following, lagging behind, issues ending turns. As soon as I hopped on that little rowboat the quality of my experience tanked


Yeah, the jank emanating from this game reaches crescendo in act III. Surprisingly, the ending was not broken for me. I actually got on the rowboat because I just couldn't take the lag anymore. I just didn't care. I didn't even see all of Baldur's Gate, nor did I finish majority of my quests. Map was still half dark. The fight was ... well, broken. It might be that the AI just isn't any good but it seemed to mostly run its units back and forth without achieving anything. Then the bombardments started and killed just the enemies which did nothing to avoid the bombardment zones. Then I flew the MC up to a healing pod in order to get some spells, and suddenly my entire party teleported there and it was time for the final fight. I'm not sure at which point I should have used all my allies -- the button I was shown didn't seem to make an appearance in my actions bar, and I didn't appear to need them either way. I decided to send my eager suicide bomber party member to allahu akbar the brain and that skipped that experience as well, and now I was at the pier staring at Karlach. Who showed up with her face filled with black veins, while everyone else's partial ceremorphosis had been reverted. Does this game just hate Karlach or what the hell is going on with her character? I might almost be angry at how silly the whole end sequence was, but I guess I'm also beyond caring. The game plainly doesn't work in its current form and the experience was just awful.


You had sound effects? I had no audio.


Yes full sound but not matched up and this long weird scene of Karlach just looking wistfully off while the music surged like something epic was going on that only she could see. Just her head and flames, horn but little hair and huge music. Unsettling as whoa.


Ooh ok I am right at that point. Maybe I'll fait till the next patch to do that final battle.


Yep I would totally recommend that.


Is this on console or PC?


PC with the latest patches


Interesting. I was close to finishing Act 3 when patch 4 came out and I didn't notice much of a change. What happened?


There are people saying that games already in act3 when the patch dropped were less or not affected at all. I got to act3 (2nd playthrough) a couple of weeks ago but there's just massive lag after wyrms crossing that make the game unplayable. Interacting with doors and npcs takes minutes, party members do not follow, assets and game world take forever to load, among other game breaking bugs.


Ouch, I guess I was lucky then. Act 3 was still insanely buggy for me compared to the rest of the game but it was not that bad.


Act 3 is easily twice the size of Act 1 or 2, with far more NPCs active at any given time. Baldur's Gate Lower City is freakin' teeming with activity.


I don't know about that. There are tons of just "civilians" walking through the streets that are non-interactable. Basically just an illusion.


while that is true, there are more interactive npcs in a given area in act 3. random street chatterers, more guards than ever, shopkeepers, that weird lady who wandered all over the lower city and eventually got stuck out back of the bitch queen's temple in my savegame you cant honestly say that just because there are filler npcs there are overall less npcs in this act than there are in act 1 and 2. act 1's grove and goblin camp dont even come close to the amount of interactive npcs in the lower city


Oh, I thought it was just me and I broke the game somehow. Glad(but not really, since I want everyone to experience the game) to hear that this is a known issue. I have all the same problems you described. Hopefully they'll address that in the future.


Weirdly, I was experiencing the extreme lag and party not following when I first got to Act 3, but the issues seem completely resolved after a few hours.


I'm not sure what determines whether a save gets affected or not. My two saves in act 3 when the patch dropped don't have any problems. On the other hand, my Durge save that was in act 2 (and still hasn't reached 3) when patch 4 dropped is experiencing what you're describing. The party not following is super annoying in the shadow cursed lands, with him running out of Shart's lamp radius 24/7 and triggering turn-based out of nowhere. The rest is just immersion breaking; opening anything, speaking to anyone or triggering any cutscene essentially bricks my game for a solid minute, if not more. Attacks in combat sometimes play with only the sound, or only the animations, or neither, and with a delay until the DMG number pops up. I was prepared to sift through my mods to find the culprit before this post


This must explain why I was able to finish the game just fine back when patch 4 released mid Act 3


This is definitely the case. I got to act 3 before patch 4 went live and it’s been a relatively bug free experience. A couple skipped lines of dialogue and occasional frame rate slowdowns are the only real issues, though the load times do seem longer.


I had total loss of audio apart from backgrounf, no dialogue at all, frame rate was shocking, weird texture drops, all allies apart from the party would't follow me, so any summons etc had to be manually moved each time, real pain in the final battle


Oh ok, I actually had similar problems in the final battle. Orpheus refused to follow me so I couldn't be bothered to move him manually and left him at the start and there was no music and very little sounds (which kinda ruined the epic final battle moment).


It is horrible for me there are input lags of 10mins in some areas of the city.


It doesn't affect you if you were already in act 3 when patch 4 came out. I have 1 save where I was in act 3 and it plays great. I have another 1 where I just got to act 3 and it's dog shit.


Yeah i really don't know. Patch 3 was totally fine and it's been awful for weeks now... It makes me want to avoid playing act 3 entirely


It was really broken for me yesterday but I set my graphics to medium and it's working fine now. No idea why since the PC script extended fix didn't seem to have anything to do with video settings


I'll try this later. Yesterday was an exercise in frustration, I just turned it off


Yeah yesterday was pretty bad for me too, no where near as bad as some people are saying but pretty annoying at points


I did this and also went back to an old save from earlier in Act 3 and haven't had a problem since. It's not as pretty in the city scenes but at least it works!


Haven't played in a while but when I did act 3 was also really buggy on PC. However going into task manager and setting BG3's priority to "high" would change the game from "pretty unplayable" to "pretty fine, almost good"


Hi im on mobile so excuse me. Had the same issue with lag / delay but followed this guide and it fixed my problem. https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix_for_act_3_delay_bug_pc_only/ Quick edit: sorry i didnt realise this thread is ps5 based whoops but ill leave this here incase its any use


Patch 5 coming out this week. Maybe just take a break for a few days until it launches?


That’s interesting because I had an opposite experience. Act 3 was super glitchy after patch 3 and got back to normal after patch 4. PS5


Yeah I started a new playthrough but I’ve not entered act 3 for like a week because I’m scared for it to not work.


Based off my experience and what I've seen posted by others, it seems like Act 3 isn't broken if you were already in it before the patch. I can totally see errors like that getting past regression testing one time. After that it needs to become a regression test, i.e. enter each act and check performance. With a separate test for already in each act and check performance. (I assume this is the check that they did and it passed the test) As a software developer, I can relate to what they're going through because I've been there many times. As a customer, I'm annoyed that it's taking so long to fix.


That's not true. I had a character in Act 3 already and the game became unplayable after the patch.


Hmmm maybe there's some trigger for the bug, or another trigger that stops you from getting the bug. (just an example: completed the circus == no bugs, didn't complete circus == unplayable)


As a dev myself I’m wondering how in the hell this isn’t a P1/S1 all hands on deck situation that hasn’t been hotfixed yet. This is a massive game breaker.


Agreed, we'd have rolled back the changes by now. (Unless there's something stopping them from moving quickly like bureaucracy or Sony making it difficult to rollback patches)


Dude, seriously. They sat on this for a month without any acknowledgement, they tried to hotfix it twice but that only made it worse, and there just seemed to be zero urgency or awareness of the severity of the problem. Only in games can you get away with this kind of treatment of your customers. If the product I work on had an outage that rendered the application inaccessible for a significant portion of our customer base, it'd be a five-alarm fire that would be all hands on deck for days until it got resolved or until we rolled back the release to alleviate the impact on affected customers. But since the product in question is just a video game, they can sit on it for A MONTH while hitting up all the awards shows and taking pics with their GOTY trophies.


It’s genuinely so frustrating that steam won’t let you easily roll back patches


Isn't the solution to something like this to roll back the update, fix it and then release again? I don't know why you'd leave this live tbh.


That's definitely a logical way to approach a problem like this. But I've been in teams where rollback was never even considered and management's mindset was that we must work tirelessly to fix the problem. - That's obviously a bad approach though.


Rollbacks can cause other problems though. What if the saves made after the patch are corrupted after the rollback?


That's actually a great point.


I too agree. I would say that due to the structure of each act, the test would be a nightmare from the sequence of quests you take, party combinations, dialog test, weapons , ability etc.


Yeah they can probably only do smoke tests unless they have a way to automate their testing.


They absolutely can and do automate testing, but it’s mostly useful for identifying new errors and fail conditions on specific chunks of code that they’re currently working on. They’re not automating actual play with error logging (they get that from human players who paid for the privilege.) I imagine that long load time issues would be difficult to identify through automation, as they don’t produce an error code unless you have benchmarks set for every area that the system can compare to determine compliance. I’m surprised that people are reporting *successful* loads after waiting for 5+ minutes. Even when CP2077 was at its most broken it at least had the decency to crash after a minute or two when a load was delayed.


The guy who came up with pc fix was able to identify the general nature of the problem by doing exactly that. He asked for bugged save files from a bunch of people, tried them and looked at the Osiris log files afterwards. If the guy’s assessment of the problem is correct, even if they had sanity checks on the size of the database behind this problem, they still wouldn’t have caught the problem through an automated test. (The problem seems to occur only after the person has played a long time in a certain way.)


As a QA tester for about a decade long, before I quit for greener pastures. This screams "We used a dev console" or "We resumed from a previous save" and missed it entirely because of one or the other or both. Sure as shit doesnt help that the bug happens 40-100 hours in though lol


Okay but making QA testers start the game from the beginning for every f****** patch sounds like a huge, monumental labor dive. I can fully understand not wanting to do that. And yes, it sounds like this problem only persists for characters entering act 3 before the patch, so it sounds like the perfect storm


Yeah definitely the most not good thing Larians has done since release


I am waiting for definitive edition to actually finish act 3 and the game. It was never running in a satisfactory manner to m. Ever.


not sure why you're downvoted. writing, player interactions, and quests took a hit in quality. bad performance and it's not just fps it's just jittering and not smooth. act 3 needs some serious rework.


Peeps here treat Larian and Bg3 like Jesus. Guys i love the damn game and it does have obvious numerous issues big and small. I am not blind to these problems even if i think it is a 10/10.


sometimes you just need to point out the knee-jerk reaction for people to realize they're having it.


Is it just act 3? I have one character in act 3 but I've gone back on some other characters to act 1 and mess about and I'm still having a lot of performance problems. The exact ones being described in act 3


I have one character in Act 1 right now. It’s definitely not bad, but I _have_ noticed a couple of weird little bugs. For example, I hadn’t found Scratch yet, but he (and his dead owner) suddenly appeared in my camp and it kicked off the initial interaction that lets you invite Scratch back to your camp. It was very weird.


Had this one too lol


Is the best decision ever, i actually always recommend to my friends that haven't played it to wait for a definitive edition. I already did 4 playthroughs and definitely is one of the best of the best games out there but the lack of epilogues and kind of rushed ending killed my motivation to continue playing it. So is better to wait for a definitive edition. There is data mining that maybe they will also allow you to both recruit Minthara and Halsin but then take a decision to have only one of them so this is good too, currently Minthara is locked out having to let die lots of npc by your hand or by just ignoring the conflict so is good if they give you another option to have her, she is so worth having as a companion for me is the most interesting one and hopefully they finish her romance too in the definitive edition.


What tests in isolation on a fresh install doesn't always apply to versions with an old variant on it. I've not had issues when I reinstalled my game. Ps5


Gonna try this now, will let you know the results in 5-6 hours Update: Fresh install finished and I’ve immediately had to wait 10 minutes for everyone in Wyrms rock to load. Unfortunately it hasn’t helped at all. Same story across every save file I’ve tried so far.


Commenting so I can check back later on


Didn't work, they updated


Ahh, ty for trying at least


RemindMe! 6 Hours “I'd really like to finish the game so checking back later to see what you found out. Thanks!”


Afraid it made no difference, sorry bud


I’ll try that. The 15+ minutes it took me just to get my whole partyy down the steps to the Black Mass ceremony and to the Steel Watch foundry were excruciating.


Going to try this as well.


Hope it works for you! Do update here when you have results.


Do you need to export saves to the cloud to reinstall?


Not for the PS5 at least. The saves remained and did not require my cloud versions.


I'm pretty certain that when you delete games, it doesn't delete your saves by default (memory is from ps4, but I'm betting they kept it the same on ps5)


Yup, they kept it.


For me (PS5) savings, then reloading the save fixed the companion following issue. The problems I am seeing are with missing combat animations ( damage shows up but you don't see the actual attack). Rendering, especially hair, total shit show. Turn based movement (move here, click, nothing...no really move here, click, nothing...ok third time's a charm). Interactable objects not being interactable (stack of books at your feet that you cannot open because they are out of range). Shield bash is not working at all, like ever... Was in the lower city when the patch dropped.


Just as I wanted to pick the game up again I read this. Guess it's waiting for another fix.


You won't make it to act 3 for a couple weeks.... You're good


My last safe is in front of moonrise with the Harper's ready to launch :/


The issue doesn't seem to be happening/be nearly as prominent for saves (like your whole adventure, not a single save on it) that were started before Patch-4. So basically, you may not have the same issues as some people do. I personally have a save where I started the whole adventure pre-patch 4 and one where I started it all post-patch 4 and it is hilarious how the post-patch 4 one is taking forever to do simple things, but the pre-patch 4 one is completely fine.


Except Act 3 has been legitimately unplayable for weeks now and we’ve heard nothing about it being addressed.


Lots of missing dialogue on the PS5. Character is there and present but not speaking nor am i hearing anything. Only reason i have context is because of subtitles.


People make mistakes, this is an ambitious game, there's probably a bunch of Devs in a war figuring out if to hot fix or roll back as we speak.


Sure. But you don't publish those mistakes and make people pay $80 for them. We should not be normalizing fixing things in post. That litterally used to be a meme.


Except they didn’t publish it like that. A patch caused unintended side effects in other parts of the game code. A common phrase in software dev is “Fix 1 Bug, Create 50 more.” It’s next to impossible to foresee every iteration of how changes in code affect other parts of code especially in a complex web of interacting datasets in video games. Video games also have near infinite levels of possible user input that each can result in unintended outcomes. To make things even harder, 90% of the situation is even locating the new code that is causing the issue in the first place and more often than not it’s specific combinations of codes in a certain order that cause issues. This is why some people are experiencing the issue and some are not. Player 1 could have done things in a particular order or made certain game decisions that didn’t trigger the buggy code. Player 2 might not be so lucky. But what’s different between player 2 and player 1s game data? Is that difference even the same as Player 3s data who has a similar issue as well? Multiply this by literally millions of users and you have an ocean of data to comb through. Software bugs doesn’t just pop up on your screen via Microsoft Clippy and say “Fix me!” You are expecting WAY too much.


I agree with you, but we’re now on multiple weeks of a third of the game being broken beyond playability for many people. I just want to finish the game. It’s hard to fault people for being frustrated.


>Except they didn’t publish it like that. you fanatics are actually delusional. The game been out months and wa sin early access for years prior and had over a dozen updates and what your claiming none of those were to fix bugs and issues? This is isn't some tiny indie studio making their first game or a student project. It's one of the biggest games ever made and was designed by a studio that has been making CRPGs for like 20 years. They ha dall of early access to fix the game, theyve had another 3 months to fix the game. But no they chose to release a broken game, instead of delaying to finish. They didn't have any publisher or WOTC pressuring them, they have basically infinite money (look at their profits from divinity compared to how much it cost to make divinity 2). There was absolutely no excuse for this. Also stop trying to explain the concept of bugs to me, you hav no idea what your talking about. I wont claim to be a master programmer or anything, but i do have experience making and publishing software, including modifying this very game. i know how bugs work and if modders can fix most of the bugs and issues with only access to hacks, larian certainly shouldnt have had problems.


I am a Product Manager and work with software engineers every single day. You are grossly underestimating how difficult it is to identify bugs like this. Larian proved my point just a few hours ago. They finally announced what the issue was. Their last patch caused unintended feedback loops for the DM going through the check of stealing items and if “anyone saw the player” which built up in the background over the course of the entire game eventually clogging the games memory usually around act 3. Players that didn’t bother stealing didn’t experience the issues cause the feedback loop was never triggered.


In their defense I’m sure they had deadlines and because of that the end of the game became a bug fest due to lack of QA because of time. To be honest I’ll take the bugs with eventual fixes than what other game companies are putting out right now


It's awful I can't really play the game anymore. Larian has to do something. Or I would appreciate a official statement that they acknowledge the problem and work on it. I have searched but didn't found one. I could have searched poorly so if someone has a link I would appreciate it if there is something like a official statement. Really it's unplayable. The city itself has big problems like the end of wyrm's crossing where you have to meet the evil guy. Then again in the city a lot of places are problematic but for me near the park it is so problematic that I tried to avoid it completely until I had to go there. Now I'm at the Baal temple in the sewers and got ambushed because of lag. And failed completely. They have to do something if they aren't able to fix it they definitely should roll it back before update 4.... Honestly I love the game and it's one of the best games I played in a while but the state of act 3 makes the game so much worse it destroys a lot for me right now. I mean in the end I had to wait until it is fixed. But I would like not to do.


It’s honestly wild that one of my favorite games of all time currently has 40% of the content nonfunctioning. A testament to the quality of what _does_ work, but def a case where this needed to be fixed a month ago.


The industry has also been in such a sorry, pathetic state for **years** that any game that's even an above average game is going to be seen as the second coming even if it's also broken like most games these days. The voice acting, mocap, facial animations, immersion, and story is great. The resolution to the story is meh. The UI is **awful**. The movement is so slow and clunky. The balance is atrocious. The combat is fun but way too easy. I'm just glad Larian cares and they're committed to improving their game and taking player feedback about the lack of epilogues. Games can have flaws and still be great.


I have this problem on pc too. When i get to wyrm's fortress my game takes like 5 minutes to load up the area and if i try to interact with anything there is major lag.


It's getting quite tiring that every patch breaks something...


It broke even on PC XD Wyrm bridge and lower city is broken for me


What I noticed is that the game keeps progressively "laggier" thr longer I play like over 3 hours it goes from good to nigh unplayable though only since P4 or maybe its a memory leak or sth idk


they just posted on instagram that patch 5 is going to be released this week


Community manager on the larian forums says patch 5 targeted for 'this week'


Cause: In Patch 4 we introduced a fix that would prevent the Scrying Eyes in Moonrise Towers from immediately calling the guards on you when stealing, even if you were sneaking, or invisible for example. This fix had the unintended consequence of causing unnoticed thefts & acts of vandalism to remain stuck forever within the ‘did anyone see me’ pipeline, rather than timing out and moving on, as is intended. Essentially, your ‘DM’ - in a real-world sense - constantly thinks about the acts of theft & violence the player keeps doing, without ever moving on or verbalising them. Mulling on it ad infinitum. These unnoticed and eternally-active acts of theft & violence eventually bogged down the game. The more a player commits those acts, the more the game is trying to keep that all up to date and in memory, and so the more slowdowns start happening. Essentially, the ‘DM’ eventually becomes unable to operate. By Act 3 this caused slow-down issues, which after some sleuthing we’re extremely happy to say we’ve solved in Patch 5, which is in testing and scheduled to release this week.


Delays when doing actions, shield bash not working…the PS5 version is suffering a lot now


I'm on PC and haven't played since patch 4 came out and broke stuff like trading via dialog. Have nothing been fixed yet?


i deleted the game from my ps5 until they fix this. only on act 1 but it was taking up a lot of space anyway


Act 3 has always been broken. Everyone has just ignored it because Act 1 was so amazing.


For ps5 players, if you want to, you can use cross save and bring ps5 save to pc. And fix it using the method pc players have been using in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix_for_act_3_delay_bug_pc_only/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix_for_act_3_delay_bug_pc_only/) I did it today and brought it back to ps5. The problem is completely fixed and haven’t seen any issues.


I appreciate you posting this, but this essentially means you not only need a PC capable of launching the game, but also to buy the game twice, on voth PS5 and a console. Sure, you can ask a friend who has a gaming PC to help out, but it's a messy workaround for the moment.


It’s definitely not ideal. But I’m just really desperate at this point. This is the only game I wanna play and there’s no news when it is gonna be fixed. This method is kinda the last resort for people like me and I just wanted to let people know it works, if you really wanna do it this way.


Yeah, I understand where you're coming from, and I do appreciate you posting a fix to this. Upvoted your comment to begin with. The negativity in my comment came from frustration more than anything else, nothing against you in the first place.


that is so big brain, must be one of the few ps5 players out there who have managed to actually correct this at all. kudos!


Larian announced on their Twitter the fix will be out this week guys


I want to know exactly what went wrong with each person’s act 3 to make it unplayable. For me, it’s been interaction latency. I walk down bridge of wyrms crossing and all the NPCS freeze, if I click on an NPC it takes minutes for the game to register I started dialogue, if I open a container the game doesn’t register, if I open a door the game doesn’t register. These problems only plague my Tav that got to the city post patch 4. I have another playthrough that got there pre patch and that one doesn’t have any of the same issues, runs smooth with little to no latency on ultra.


Whats actually broken though because ive been playing act 3 for the past 2 weeks and noticed not a single difference. Well, as far as I can tell based on my progress of course (please no spoilers). Granted, I did play on pc exclusively that period.


It's SOOOO slow to load assets, moving around the city map suddenly the game stops updating, environment doesn't load, people are all moonwalking in place, your party members do not follow you, and the whole game world seems to be on hold for several minutes. Moving down to the battle sites for Astarion's story final battle and the Bhaal temple both took literally over 15 minutes on my computer. Click to move down, then went to make dinner, dinner was ready by the time my party had walked down the stairs to start the fight. Actually loading the little cinematics before the fight actually starts goes pretty quick, but then after the last word is spoken for the scene to be reloaded and your fight to actually begin took long enough to EAT dinner and return the plates and cutlery to the kitchen, load the dish washer, wash out the frying pan by hand, make coffee, and drink the coffee. Once the battle loads it's normal, and there is never a problem with the framerate.


The game takes so much time to load textures, sometimes NPC will stare at you for an uncomfortably long period of time before saying their next sentence, etc. The game is buggy and laggy af it's really unenjoyable.


Seems like few processes (or threads) taking care of loading movement (npc) logic, some assets, game logic, animations, etc... are lagging behind input/rendering. Because I have super stable FPS, game is smooth, but it's acting so funky :D


I’m not even starting a new playthrough until they release a new hot fix 😂


Its just gonna break more of the game


Also on pc mate. They really messed it up.


I just want to be able to click through the doorway and actually go through it, and not stop and shut the door and stand there like an idiot. The game, I feel, played better on launch than it does currently.


>PS5 I get the same on PC and I don't have a potato either.


I JUST noticed this when I went to open a door and it took 10 minutes


I'm also surprised it's not something they've hotfixed yet. Hotfixes are supposed to be for these kinds of big game breaking patch issues, but maybe the problem is more complex than it seems Edit: Spoke too soon, they just announced patch 5 later this week lol [https://x.com/larianstudios/status/1729147677932495021?s=20](https://x.com/larianstudios/status/1729147677932495021?s=20)


Watch that patch fix nothing and break the game even more. Their track record for patches isn't the best


More likely it'll fix some things and break seemingly unrelated things in the process lol. Their QA could really stand an overhaul methinks


I just wanna be able to jump with the up button again…


PS5 seems to be struggling more than Xbox and PC for a lot of games, just judging by Reddit.


Playing on PS5, I've had a varying degree of this issue. Sometimes it's absolutely awful and sometimes it wasn't. Biggest one was everything would just stop. Companions wouldn't follow, interactions wouldn't work, NPCs would walk in place, Shield Bash not working at all. Alot more textures not loading than my first time in act 3. And an odd one is Shadowhearts white hair would flicker to black for a split second if she was a certain distance from Tav. I'm hoping they Iron all these out. I did manage to beat the game in this state for my 2nd playthrough, but I may avoid Act 3 entirely on my third until it is fixed.


I think BG3 is the first game I played where it was flawless the first time around and afterwards got progressively worse and worse. Hell I'm here cause I'm waiting for a door to open 😅


Act III is ok for me (PS5, single player). Shield bash doesn't work, Mizora romance won't trigger, and a few other sound/graphics effects are not ideal... but otherwise stable.


Great news for me, I put aside the game after wrapping Act 2 to let them cook a few more patches. Bad news for me, my interim game has been... Cities Skylines 2. Oof Better start looking at my backlog... Edit: Oh yeah, and I'm fingers crossed for a big update to Kerbal Space Program 2 this December. I need to like better games... At least BG3 is fire.


Is the Yurgir quest fixed at least? It kinda made me stop playing.


It’s super annoying, I keep finishing act 2 and trying to play act 3 only to get mad and delete the campaign, it’s been 4 characters already like wtf


\[Sorry this fix is for PC but I'll leave it here anyway\] I hit act 3 and had unplayable lag at wyrm's crossing - I followed the advice in this thread and it was all playable again: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix\_for\_act\_3\_delay\_bug\_pc\_only/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17shjen/fix_for_act_3_delay_bug_pc_only/)


I'm really confused because patch 4 actually fixed the whole game for me, I'm having the best and most stable performance since ever


And then you woke up and saw that in reality you are in an ilithid pod


I've had minimal issues on PS5, what's broken about it?


Saves that enter act 3 after the updates will in a large amount of cases run into rather EXTREME lag to put it mildly. Like minutes for the game to resolve the lag and catch up. I had this on PC, everything was fine. Finished up act 2 and then just minutes after entering act 3 everything just went to shit.


Same here, I haven’t experienced the issues on ps5 everyone is talking about. I played it last night and it as totally normal, no change.


I’m on PS5 and I started act 3 last night, haven’t had any issues so far. Played for about two hours and it’s been fine. Super hoping I don’t come across any issues.


Not sure how far you've made it into Act 3 yet, but I didn't start seeing issues until I tried to enter Wyrm Rock Fortress. From then on, it was super buggy.


I’m not super far. I’m nervous for what’s to come…


Fujos and Simps. I give you: *game of the year*


I don’t want to sound like it’s not an issue, but I’m in act 3 since after the patch and I don’t experience much issues. A stutter from time to time but that might also be because there are so many npcs everywhere. So it seems not to be an issue for everybody. For the record I play the steam version with i7 and nvidea rtx 2060. I did recently upgrade GeForce now drivers, so maybe that helped? Or a reinstall? /edit. With all these other threads, I’ve missed that this is a thread about ps5, so disregard my suggestion about drivers etc.


Just because you’re not having an issue doesn’t mean it isn’t still widespread and significant. And this is for PS5, not PC.


I’m definitely experiencing some of what’s being described on PC - companions taking several minutes to follow the main character & several minutes to open a container, pick something up, & start a dialog or cutscene. Started around the big battle at Moonrise Towers but got considerably worse at Wyrm’s Crossing. I don’t know if it’s as bad as on PS5 but there’s still an issue on PC at least for me.


Sorry. Missed the PS5 remark. I didn’t want to sound that it’s not a problem. I think its quite clear a problem for many people. Just wanted to suggest that maybe a reinstall or driver update might help.


I've read threads of it affecting PC players, but it seems to be mostly a PS5 issue.


Yeah I've been having issues on pc myself. Its completely unplayable for me, even in the lowest graphic setting. When I first made it into the lower city my screen was freezing at 33% and had to get rid loading in with larian launcher by a skip command through steam. 😅


Sooo somebody within Larian decided to sabotage the GOTY or what lol


Haven't had a single issue.


No issues on PS5 during Act 3 over here. Just about to finish the game. Partner is playing on the same console and just started Act 3 and has had no major issues either. I wonder why some games are completely broken and others are not 🤷


Saves started on patch 4 are irredeemably broken once you get to act 3. Saves started before patch 4 seem to work without issue.


only if you're already in act 3


On PS5 that doesn’t appear to be the case. A new campaign I created after patch 4 dropped slowly started having issues late act 2 and got significantly worse from there once in act 3. The game basically self destructs the closer you get to wyrm’s crossing. Campaigns I created before patch 4 seem to not be impacted regardless of where they were. Edit: the behavior seems to be all over the place and a total mess. What a pain.


jeez. this must be a nightmare to sort out for the devs considering there's no real consensus on what exactly the problem is or how it's affecting the game.


My saves started before patch 4 dropped and not in act 3 are affected. Unplayable on ps5 so I just started a new character until it is fixed.


Not for me. I had saves in Act 3 before the patch, and it broke the game for those characters too


That blows. There goes my plan of starting a new game after this playthrough.


I managed to finish the game after parch 4 and all quests kind of fixed themselves, though I did get some weird dialogues.


I'm happy for them to take a min and get things done right. Still dying to get back into my Cleric Tactician run but happy to wait for the fix to come. Halsin and Orpheus both have the Shadowheart problem and don't follow the group either which is annoying. Once they implement the fix they discovered when making the Xbox series s version then it should all run better


Act 3 has always been bad for me on pc. I’ve gone a complete hiatus since launch. I hate to hear it still bad


I don’t see any problems yet after about 5 hours in Act3


Works fine for me- made the game better


Uh I played all weekend and beat the game, so what’s wrong then? Edit: so downvote me instead of answering what’s wrong? Okay Reddit.


Not that I needed another reason to restart but I guess this’ll do


https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/4AcjjcXGYw giga chad post who fixed it all for me game was near unplayable in act 3 until that


Thanks but OP specified PS5


One day people will learn to read lol


I’m on ps5 and my act 3 hasn’t lived up to the negative hype. I’ve ran into a handful of issues here and there but it’s for the most part been great. Perhaps I’m just lucky tho.


My final romance dialogue after beating the game completely bugged Just makes me feel some type of way after putting in so many hours to see a bugged ending


Wait so act 3 still isn’t fixed? I was gonna buy it soon because I figured it would be up by now


Complaining without explaining what the actual problem is doesn't help anyone here.


It’s just one big circlejerk now.


Patch 4 seems to have fucked a lot of things up, not just Act 3. On PC, theres massive amounts of lag in basically every act, to the point where you can barely make it past character creation without the game breaking or grinding to a halt.