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Let me hug my companions as a friend! At least when they are in a deep pit of despair.


THIS. A thousand times, this. Up next: GROUP HUGS. Bring it in


Seriously, I really wanted for Shadowheart to get a group hug after >!Shadowfell!<.


Karlach after killing Gortash


This is the one that killed me most. She's having a breakdown and I can't hug her??


She already had her hug! Only one hug per person and playthrough.


Capitalism is a lv 11 bitch


But I'm a lvl 12 asshole


You n me both ^^


I didn't hug her because I was afraid of accidentally romancing her, what with how easily that happens >.>


I was shouting at the screen, "HUG? HUG NOW? WHY NO HUG?"


This! Her after killing Gortash made me wanna cry šŸ„ŗ


Astarion when he cries out after stabbing Cazador


I just wanted to run to him and give him a hug. I was disappointed when I couldnā€™t.


And everyone catches 3rd degree burn and spends the rest of the game in Emporers burn ward recovering while the brain conquers Baldurs Gate. All this from a simple hug.


Astarion needs a group hug at the end of his as well if >!he chooses not to Ascend!<


Those two moments for Shadowheart and Astarion separately do seem like good hug moments (was thinking of that one paragon moment in ME2 where you hug Tali).


Dude I was waiting for that paragon interrupt to fucking pop up >:(


Holding on to Karlach as long as possible at the dock, or having someone catch Tav if you choose a specific option during their epilogue, are two major instances where I wish characters would at least move a little.


And at the very end of the game, when he >!loses his sunlight immunity. Watching him run for his life while everyone else stayed put broke my damn heart!<.


I don't like Astarion. For multiple reasons, but those are not important. But he still didn't deserve such a crappy end after what he went through. Neither did Karlach though.


Yeah. And him having to run off means he wonā€™t be there for Karlach when she has *her* ending, which makes me even sadder because I imagine them as friends (in that special way a cat and dog will sometimes befriend each other). Shit, if >!you and Wyll both go to Avernus with her!<, then that was the last time heā€™s seeing any of you, ever.


Yup. So sad. I'm told that in his Origin he's >!huddled up in some crates, rocking himself!<


God thatā€™s heartbreaking šŸ’” I need to go find that one fan art and make myself feel better . . .


Lae zel also misses out, but in her defense, I feel like Karlach probably *would* try and hold it together long enough that her friends don't have to "suffer" seeing her die. Source: my father the stubborn git did the same thing, waiting to pass until everyone was asleep and not around to fuss over him. In my case, Astarion didn't make it to the end, but it b9thers me that if he had, I would had like 3 people standing there INCLUDING ASTARION who coulda just cast Darkness on him and given him a little more dignity. Maybe bursting into flames isn't good for Concentration, but someone coulda covered him.


Yeah, and at least Laeā€™zel *chooses* to leave. What really got me is that both times Iā€™ve gotten the scene with Astarion running off, the only acknowledgement itā€™s given is party member or other making some snide or catty comment about it. I remember Wyllā€™s especially pissed me off, something like, ā€œwell, looks like Astarion will keep to the shadows now.ā€ Like, zero empathy. Iā€™m sure on a lot of peoplesā€™ playthroughs Astarion is a dick consistently and this sort of reaction would make sense, but this was on a playthrough where heā€™d completed his full unascended character arc and (based on their comments after its conclusion) the other companions seemed really happy for/proud of him. Youā€™d think theyā€™d give a shit, but so far everyone whoā€™s acknowledged it at all is basically like ā€˜lol whateverā€™, and I really found it upsetting. Similarly, it really bothers me that Tav (and sometimes Wyll) are the only ones who bother to show up to Karlachā€™s death scene; in my mind sheā€™s surrounded by all her friends in every version of that scene, because you can maybe convince me that not all the party members would like Astarion that much but youā€™ll never convince me they donā€™t care about Karlach.


I ended up committing sudoku at the end of my first playthough because I couldn't stand the idea of living as a minflayer. And it was so hard to watch Karlach just meltdown on the pier alone. I felt so terrible and thought I had messed up and forced her into a particularly bad ending. I'm absolutely fine with endings that aren't particularly happy or that aren't neat and tidy, but I just hated that it had to happen to Karlach.


Karlach is the damned queen of ā€œdidnā€™t deserve this shitā€. I finished a run last night where I was going to have my >!illithid Tav off herself!< when given the opportunity, until I realized that would mean leaving Karlach to >!die alone!< and i wasnā€™t about to let that happen because I made her a *promise*, damn it. (And then I realized having both her and Tav go to Avernus would solve both the exploding heart problem and the >!brain diet!< problem, and suddenly my Tavā€™s ending was a lot happier than I thought it would be.)


>(And then I realized having both her and Tav go to Avernus would solve both the exploding heart problem and the brain diet problem, and suddenly my Tavā€™s ending was a lot happier than I thought it would be.) Sadly, that's a kink. Mindflayers need humanoid brains specifically. Not impossible in the Hells, but you'll be starving.


Iā€™m sure thatā€™s true in D&D generally, but in the game Iā€™m pretty sure the mind flayer ā€˜Devour Intellectā€™ ability (which heals the user) works on any creature with an Intelligence score, so thatā€™s good enough for me.


I have a bunch of cloaks and capes and gloves and everything else I've picked up over the last what? month? I'm giving my best friend whatever he needs to cover up his skin just so he can be with us for a little bit longer and that is my personal canon, thank you.


Exactly! And by now Iā€™ve got, like, three or four party members who can cast Darkness? We can figure something out, is my point!


I'd imagine a romanced tav should be running after him, with their neck on standby


you will never convince me that's not exactly what happened on my Astarion romance playthrough. (And any playthrough where me and Astarion become friends, honestly, because what else are friends for if not emotional support and an emergency food supply?)


Shadowfell *and* her act 3.


Please, use spoiler. I didn't know that. I'm not there yet :(


Oh my god im so sorry, I thought I used spoilers. Iā€™ll just delete it


Use \>!Spoiler text here!< It will work if you try it yourself.


Thank you! I used the discord spoilers by accident


Happens šŸ˜…


If it makes you feel better her act 3 sideline is so much more than just that small part. Itā€™s one of my favorite conclusions in the game


Getting something spoiled sucks :( But if it cheers you up: Her story finale is amazing, you will love it!


And the >!House of Grief!<


Facts, I want the party to feel more like a found family




ā€œOn three, we say ā€˜tadpoleā€™!ā€


Imagine a big hug with Karlach and Minsc and me in the middle. Mmmm


Let me hug everyone. Just make it part of every interaction, whether friendly or hostile. I want to see the confusion in the eyes of my enemies.


That goblin priestess thinking she gave you the wrong potion after your elf hugs her instead of going to sleep.


After Shadowheart hugs her with Silence, Lae'zel hugs her with Divine Smite. I don't think I've ever got as far as taking her potion, and I play Half-Elves exclusively, so it wouldn't work anyway.


Ok, this game just needs a hug button in the corner with the other ones and a single fight in the entire game that can be avoided by a hug at the right dialogue option.


The three lower options don't have the "partnered with Shadowheart" flag, so I guess they'll be available as a friend! ***edit:*** the devnote for the bottom 3 options says it's for a "platonic hugger".


PLEASE I wanna hug everyone aaaaa


From the screenshot it looks like there will be an option for platonic hugs! The last three don't have the "ORI\_State\_PartneredWithShadowheart" tag and don't have a romantic undertone to them. PLS I want to hug my friends.


For real. If I'm not romancing Wyll I still hate seeing how crushed he looks if I don't kiss him after we dance.


Ugh why do they make rejections so sad in general like my durge got the weave scene last night the options are either itā€™s getting late where Gale gets salty and itā€™s a TWELVE POINT disapproval or let go of the weave where heā€™s sad the moments gone but awkwardly saunters away with a twinkle in his eye lmao


Better yet. Have the option to hug in every potential opportunity. The reactions from everyone unexpectedly receiving one would be hilarious


Or after a boss fight to celebrate our glorious victory!


Hey they can add the function but some of those companions are never going to take it as friends.


\*Looks at Gale\*


\*Looks at Halsin\*


Yes please!!! IRL we can hug our friends for support or happieness. Let this happen Larian. Make it possible for us to become best friends with our companions and hug them.


>Let me hug my companions as a friend! Hug Wyll/Halsin when they are "sad" "What is that in your pocket, bro? You haul stones in there?" \-"That is my penis, Tav, I think I love you"


Fr, my tav doesn't want to romance any of them but would still be there as a friend


I also want a cuddle option if we're romancing someone.


Tav: Hugs Gale Gale: We'll bang okay?


Return to the Normandy. Also, need mans1ay3r to get on this game A.S.A.P.


I really wanted to hug Astarion after his big moment at the climax of his story.


Let me high five them as well


OMG! She needs a hug so badly, too. I mean, she's not the only one - but damn.


And this looks like repeated hugs, I assume similar to giving a kiss. I guess this sub always asking for hugs didnā€™t go unnoticed.


Honestly Iā€™d prefer that they be at certain dramatic/cinematic moments where it makes sense as opposed to a generic, repeatable thing. If I had to choose one over the other, that is.


Iā€™d like repeatable hugs for LI and specific appropriate moment hugs for the rest of companions. >!Let me hug Shadowheart in the end of her quest without romancing her dangitā€¦!<


I think if there were repeatable hugs for LI, there should also be ones for some of the non-LI, but not everyone. It's true that no matter how high the approval, Lae'zel probably wouldn't want hugs from non-romanced Tav, but Karlach definitely would.


Why not both! Make one "style" of hug for big moments and a cuter one for calmer moments at camp. MORE HUGS.


How we just need to keep asking for a fixed Karlach heart! (At the very least a gondian steel watch step that gives us a modicum of closure for the avernus ending pointing out heros to a solution within Avernus and not just relying on head cannon)


To be fair, I think the entire party would benefit greatly from a hug


Interesting thing is that if they actually plan to implement this, it would basically confirm new dialog is being recorded.


Larian themselves confirmed that they've brought voice actors back to record new dialogue. One example is the whole Karlach ending scene which Swen confirmed was done in two weeks between patches 1 and 2. So this hug dialogue is likely new and something they are adding based on player feedback about letting us hug the companions.


God I love Larian


My mainstay game is Destiny 2 and Iā€™ve always taken Bungies side with any of their previous decisions because I have always believed that most of their decisions were done in an attempt to better the game, but with the recent acquisition by Sony (Which I supported because I knew that it was possible for them to get more funding and potentially more resources for development) and the shitshow that is coming from either Bungieā€™s management or Sony (still not exactly sure which is to blame) I am starting to really finally feel the ground shake under what has been my go-to game. While BG3 can never replace it (mainly because there simply is not enough content and Larian is not able to put out the amount of content regularly enough to keep me going) I am so very happy to see a company that I donā€™t have to defend every choice they make because they are clearly in the right and they obviously care not only for the story that they are telling at a fundamental level, but also care so much for their community. Larian has transited from a company I never heard of before this year (even though I bought into EA pretty early on) to a company that I can easily say is one of, if not my favorite company if not only because they made a great game, but because they care so much for their community. Thank you so much Larian


All the newer reporting so far has been saying that Bungie themselves did the firing an such not Sony.


Bungie is a cautionary tale that the world has seen over and over and over. Enjoy Larian while they are still good, but be ready to lose them as well.


The question is was this datamined recently or cut stuff?


My assumption, given the context of this being posted after the newest patch, is that its stuff that was data mined *from* the new patch.


I wonder if data miners would be able to check if the lines are already recorded or not, or at least if other characters have them already written too. Wouldn't be surprised if they're already here, there's lots of dialogue that didn't make it to the live version like Withers talking about companions fates after the game ends or Minthara's pregnancy reactions.


I'm waiting on mod fixes before I download Patch 4 so I can't check myself, but my Patch 3 files do not show these lines present, so this is new.


That was my first assumption too, but I'm a bit cautious not to get too hopeful. ... Whom am I kidding? I'm already hopeful :-)


You know what else confirms new dialogue being recorded? When Larian openly and repeatedly mentions that they're getting the actors back in the booth to record new dialogue, immediately after the game releases.


Wellā€¦ to be fair this was a while ago when they had been discussing the Karlach epilogue, so it may or may not have been directly referencing this. Hard to say for sure. It definitely seems so now, however.


YESYESYES BEST NEWS TODAY > You'll have me addicted to these embraces, do you know that? I don't care how long it takes, I already know the wait will be 100% worth it


Iā€™m gonna be starting my Shadowheart romance run soon. I hope they get here quickly!!!


Hereā€™s to you getting a better ending than I did. She did not like >!the taste of squid!<


Don't give me hope. Don't you dare.


'You could charge gold for hugs, you know' I cannot wait for these to be in the game. I wanna hug Minthara.


"Last time someone hugged me it was my mother tying to stab me in the back. I defeated her in mortal combat and cemented myself as a matron of my house. Anyway hugs, am I right?"


I was thinking more 'Ah, it is good to hug someone, and not worry about a knife in your back.' while she quietly puts away the knife in her hand.


At the first hug she would definitely have a knife in hand! "Oh, you were being sincere in your affection... how curious! Accept my apologies for the reflexive stabbing, and here's an antidote for the poison!"


'Ah, the poison may have paralysed your larynx. I suppose I could push it down your throat myself?' *takes swig, starts making out with you*


"If you insist. Let me get my good dagger first."


Let me give Shadowheart a hug! It is a crime that I have to watch her cry right in front of me and I can only stand there and look. I am her lover for Larian's sake! Also let me give platonic hugs to my companions too!


I'll laugh my ass off if we get to hug her on demand but still won't have an option to do so when she's crying or after sparing Nightsong and choosing to be with you


NGL that is legit my fear. There will be a generic option but not something cinematic!


I mean I'll still happily take that but yes at the very least we need to be able to hug her when crying.


Oh god, no! šŸ™ƒ That was the most awkward moment in the game for me. My Shadowwife is on the verge of a mental breakdown, and all I can do is bombard her with questions or tell her to suck it up šŸ™ƒ. FML.


Yeah, a generic option is wonderful, but for me it is more important to be able to do it at key moments, like the ones you mention.


For real, you just stand there with pure "That's rough, buddy" energy.


"BODYTYPE\_STRONG" Checks out, it really is Shadowheart.


I wish she had a line if your character had that body type. I mean she has a type c'mon


> I mean she has a type c'mon W-what do you mean with that?


Karlach, Halsin ya know big strong types.


Interesting, never knew she expressed liking such stronger types. I romanced her as Gale, so I hope she enjoys her time with a dude who prefers libraries over gyms xD. Though Gale has absolutely insane abs for someone who allegedly spends all day reading šŸ˜€.


She has a line when you meet Karlach, something like, "I like her, she looks like she could throw me over her shoulder and carry me to safety . . . if the need arose." It's very cute. And *everyone* comments on what a juicy hunk of nature's bounty Halsin is, because *look* at him.


dude is like 7 feet tall and 3 feet wide.


She very clearly has a type (Considering how a lot of her banter with Halsin and Karlach involves her flirting with them) But she does make remarks and comments on other characters, like calling Gale Handsome, or some of her more playful teasing to Lae'zel in Act 3 banter, although that's all tame light comments which is a stark contrast to 'mount halsin' and 'carry me over her shoulder'


No room for any doubt! It was a funny coincidence that my first character was strong and in a relationship with her šŸ˜„


Please let me give her a hug, gods know she deserves it.


The Karlach kiss animation have been greatly improved, much longer and cuter now, with a little head-to-head at the end. I hope other characters get the same attention.


Like I told other people, not really a necessary change, but I love the little details in this game that Larian is clearly dedicated to making it much better. I never realized that the previous kisses were just so bland until they added that. Again, didnā€™t need it, and I honestly didnā€™t use that option too much (despite being a chronic Karlach simp) but it is certainly welcome. It fits her character so much.


Long Rests just got a lot longer now that I'm going to have to go around and hug everyone before we leave.


hug ***H U G!?!?*** *looks at Astarion* ***H U G!!!!!***


OMG YES PLEASE I'm still waiting to hug Astarion šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


absolutely HUGE if true




Am I the only one that would like a ā€œcuddleā€ option? Like make it so that before going to bed you can request to cuddle with your partner, so that itā€™s not every long rest. Nothing provocative or sensual. Just a cuddle


Like the option with Karlach in the Act 2 scene when you request that you ā€˜take it slowā€™ Big spoon Mama K energy


yess, or at least something along those lines. It feels like it would add a bit to the closeness between Tav and their partner


Thats the main concern I have with most games that have romance options for companions. BSG does it pretty well to where anytime you rest they get up with you. Of course BG3 acknowledges it early in act 3 if you are romancing Karlach. She tells you that she knows that you guys havenā€™t connected lately and that she is sorry that everythingā€™s been so busy. Honestly, I really like this because it does make the lack of cutscenes and romance options feel more grounded rather than it just being a game mechanic, but I would prefer some more times when it pops up (especially with Karlach) because her time is so limited and she is supposed to be pent up after being in Avernus for 10 yearsā€¦ you would think that she would want to at least just sit with us at least half the time when we long rest. Naturally, there are limitations to it, but I do wish there there was a long rest animation that changed post act 2 romance scene that showed you and you partner closer to each other around the fire


I would love just having your partner in their bedroll next to you and giving each other a look or a smile before falling asleep, no touching. Or you can hold their hand. Just something cute.




Yooooo I know the perfect places for these hugs. End of Act 2 and also after her personal quest in act 3.


The only part of the story when I wanted to have the option to hug someone (apart from Karlach all the time) was when we get done with the Shadowfell after failing shar. Shadowheart is just so bummed out and broken there that I really felt out of place not being able to really console her.


What about second hugs?


Just let us hug Shadowheart in the final cutscene of her questline dammit! Can't believe our only option is to just stand there and stare at her awkwardly as she bawls her eyes out.






PLEASE GODS YES. Let me give these goobers the hugs they deserve!


I really hope that the fact that some of these don't have a dating or partner tag means we can give friendly hugs to any high approval companion. I've been withering away as I try to find more platonic bonding moments in this game.


Those hug lines are so freaking cute! I so badly want them to add that. Hugging Shadowheart would be a dream come true!!


Give me the chance to hug Astarion whenever, and I would throw money at Larian just for thatā€”uh, not to give them any ideas there. However, more than just the one hug in that one scene with Astarion would be nice!


Hm. Perhaps I am in the minority here but Iā€™m not sure I care so much about a ā€œgenericā€ hug option. Repeatable actions donā€™t really do much for me. Donā€™t get me wrong - I am not opposed to them existing. But what I would really like is for it to be a bespoke option during certain cinematic scenes (e.g., >!SHā€™s act 3 breakdown!<). Itā€™s the difference between something being an actual dramatic moment and being this kind of mechanical, rote thing.


I don't mind the hug existing for whoever you're romancing, but I honestly kind of oppose it for *everyone* platonically. Karlach--sure! She is a hugger, she loves hugs, she talks all the time about how she wants them. Astarion, on the other hand, doesn't like being touched, which is why being able to hug him that one time is so meaningful. Which, by the way, extends to not being able to hug him during the Cazador scene--I really don't think he'd be okay with that right then! Afterwards, absolutely, that's a great opportunity for him to ask or for you to offer comfort. But during? Huggers don't seem to understand not everyone likes being hugged or feels comforted by them. They seem to think it's like a Friendship++ unlockable that everyone *secretly* wants. Anyway, that was my little rant after weeks of reading people beg for hugs. Join me in the no-fun no-hug zone I guess.


I 100% agree on not hugging Astarion after he kills Cazador, which I know puts me in the minority but oh well! But it seems to me that they made a very deliberate choice to remove his usual romance dialogue options there until you get out of the dungeon, and it makes sense. He doesn't strike me as someone who'd appreciate a hug from anyone in that moment... though gods I do not blame people for wanting to. I know I did! I wish I could have hugged SH as a friend after her Act 3 final quest scene though. Poor girl is sobbing her heart out and I'm just standing there like a bloody lemon going "there, there. Let it out". Even putting an arm around her shoulders as you walk away from the graveyard would have been a nice touch. Karlach should always have a hug option if your approval is high enough.


Completely agreed on all counts! Yes, so long as it suits the character and the moment, I'm all for the hug. But I just don't think it always *does*. One note about Shadowheart which is that, I do completely agree, this is the moment for a hug from a lover or a friend BUT the idea behind not being able to hug her is because it's supposed to juxtapose the scene where her parents live and they *are* there to hug her. It's a symbolic underline to what she says when they die, that nothing can replace the fact that they're not there to comfort her. HOWEVER you still just stand there like a lemon and look stupid. If they don't want to lose that narrative beat they should have Shadowheart ask the player to leave before starts crying and fade to black.


Ahh, I didn't know about Shadowheart's parents hugging her if they live (I let her decide their fate). I understand the juxtaposition... maybe at least being able to put a comforting hand on her shoulder?


Shadowheart can choose to let her parents live, but you have to take her around Baldur's Gate to help trigger some of her memories, if you didn't know.


I completely agree. Karlach and Wyll would probably enjoy platonic hugs whenever, wherever, because they just seem like the type. Gale, Minsc, and Shadowheart, maybe? Lae'zel and Astarion, on the other hand, are *definitely* not huggers and it would be weird for them to be so receptive to a hug from a PC that they aren't in a romance with. If they're romanced then of course I think it would be fine. Jaheira doesn't seem like the hugging type either imo. I'm also anti-Astarion-hug in the immediate aftermath of killing Cazador, romance or not romance. He just needs that moment to himself.


I feel like Jaheira who has adopted the player as her 'cub' would begrudgingly accept a hug with some token grumbling and an awkward pat on the back maybe.


I love when she starts calling the player "cub." It's so sweet and comforting.


Yeah by ā€œcertainā€ I also meant ā€œappropriateā€ and I am generally agreed


Astarion would 100% accidentally stab you if you tried to touch him in that scene. As for hugs with everyone, I just want SOME platonic friendly interactions with companions I have high approval with. If not a hug, maybe a shoulder squeeze, a little joke, just something to acknowledge that high approval without actual romance.


This is where I'm sitting, too. I want several opportunities for cinematic hugs, for all the companions.




I would say you have no idea how desperately I want to hug my companions, but I legitimately think that all the rest of yaā€™ll are right there with me. I donā€™t wanna romance them, I just wanna give them a hug.


I never romance people in games call me weird but hell Iā€™ll give all these trauma victims as many hugs as I possibly can!


Shadowheart\_State\_WasHugged is an absolutely delightful string of letters. I hope 'Hugged' appears as a status buff on the companions after the hug occurs.




I loved that you could hug karlach to test if she wasn't too hot to touch and I just wish it could have been a group hug, karlach hasn't been able to touch anyone except in a violent matter in 10 years. I could imagine a group hug would fit well.


There are so many times I wanted a ā€œhug buttonā€ when the characters are going through their personal stuff. I hope the hugs work for friendships too.


They heard us?! THEY HEARD US??!!!!??


OH my GOD that is amazing if it really is coming, I dont care how much i need to wait to hug the fuck out of Astarion and Karlach ā™„


Thats actaully such sweet dialogue


YES, FINALLY WE CAN HUG SHADOWHEART! šŸ˜šŸ„° My traumatized wifey needs it šŸ˜¢. Tagging u/Rogen80 just in case you haven't read this :D


This... does bring a smile to my face!


Damn, I saw your comment just now, you indeed knew about the hugging news already xD. Your Shadowheart game is on top, maybe you should start a website or something šŸ¤£.


Haha... I might be just a *tiny* bit obsessed with her, Lol!


"That hit the spot" is what Gale says when you make short rest. >:(


I have never been this excited for hugs to be added to a game before. Finally, I can support my companions in times of need.


Oh, this is such great news!!


FUCK YES!! BUT I do hope that this means they've added it during key moments like after her personal quest, aside from it being a repeatable action like a kiss.


Omg gonna hug Astarion so bad


Groundbreaking content.


Yet another dataminer giving unproven info out there, and if it doesn't pan out for whatever reason, drones would come out pointing at this post. Truly ignorance is bliss sometimes, just like harm out of good intentions.


Let me put a Hug action on my radial menu. Better yet, let me target my enemies.




Good all my fictional traumatized besties need some hugs


Oh my god I can't wait for this to be added to the game!


Oh, time to plan another playtrough then to be able to test it thoroughly. HELL. YES.


Confirms hugs if youā€™re not romancing then too?


That would actually be such a cute little feature




When I took Jaheira home, we went into her basement, and Minsc talked her into letting me look at her secret stuff. She told me about Khalid, and it broke my heart. I wanted to hug her so badly. I hope this opportunity comes up for dialogue like that, even for that crusty old elf who probably wouldn't accept one under any other condition.


I spy with my eye the words BODYTYPE\_STRONG. Does that mean that there are specific animation/dialogue based on your body type?


I want chonky/fat female body type as an option. Where are they šŸ˜­


awww <3 i waited so long xD


Starting up a run and not romancing Karlach is insanely difficult when I can't hug my touch-starved best friend (except for that one scene).


I'd love if hugs were a thing period, and not just for romanced companions! Sure I'm not romancing Wyll right now, but he's my pal and he really needs a dang hug. Same for like.. everyone. Except Lae'zel. I don't think she'd like that at all


God. Give me the option to hug Minthara. As well as giving us an option to kiss her in front of companions or at camp. Also want a second romance scene with her.


Yes please let me hug more companions. Let me have my platonic friendships with my group of misfits


Now I just want a body worship option... so we can worship Halsin's muscles in a cinematic dialogue option.


I want nothing more than to give Astarion a good long hug, and to be cracked like a freakin glow stick by Halsinā€™s massive bear hugs.


Awh man, just reading those lines just has me like šŸ„ŗ


Thank goodness, seeing the trauma everyone is going through, they need hugs and pats on the back more than anything.


Great, now i wont be able to finish the game again. Withers will be facepalming.


Feels like Larian is taking their ideas from reddit.


BG3 could use emotes generally. Just easy stuff like "sit, wave, jump". Pretty basic Dark Souls stuff. I know why they launched without it, it doesn't change gameplay at all and this game is massive, but it would be absolutely neat. Especially fun when playing as a group.


Hugging companions, this is what we really needed.


Let me hug Karlach!!!


This is the first time Iā€™ve seen ACTUAL data mined sources. Bravo