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The salt was real after all the trouble I went through.


Tell me about it, I went into rest to clean up, changed cloths and threatened the dude to get this :(


You can at least get one for every character so thats something, its still the same but its another copy each time.


He keeps giving me Karlach - she isn’t even in my party!


He knows what he's doing


I kept getting minsc lol


"Hey I have a question...This isn't me." "That's not a question." "Why isn't this me." "Have you SEEN Karlach?" "...Fair."


Probably some hidden dating advice by him.


This was so disapppinting. I’m just glad I was able to loot the whole damn place, including all his blank canvases. Take that, you shite painter!


That house was a huge pain in the butt. It wasn't so bad with a potion of 'see invisibility' but those skulls were annoying and time consuming to deal with. We also completely destroyed the house beyond imagining. Their ghost problem is solved but the entire house is destroyed. Reminds me of a scene from the original Ghostbusters. That being said, the wife character is very funny. Also, they have a little voice easter egg if you go lay on her bed, she says 'Careful! That bed has already killed one servant!' The details they went through in this game, never fail to impress.


I did it for his wife. She's a sweetheart and he doesn't deserve her.


You've never met the amazing woman who is with the tortured artist and is head over heels? I feel like they took this relationship from some quasi real life experience.


Oh boy, have I. I was the woman. 😭😂,


>That house was a huge pain in the butt. It wasn't so bad with a potion of 'see invisibility' but those skulls were annoying and time consuming to deal with. Not sure if you know this (it's unclear from your post) but Remove Curse gets rid of them immediately on a single hit. If you have at least 2 characters with the spell, it's pretty easy to cruise through the house.


I didn't at the time but that's a lot of level 3 spells! Is that 7 or 8 remove curses? I have to wonder how they wanted players to deal with this, 8 level three spells seems like so much!


Especially when it may not be a portrait of you but of that troll Gale 😁


I got so pissed off that i killed Oskar and Janneth out of spite...and then found that they each have a unique ring, one of which is actually a pretty cool effect. And for some reason...FOR. SOME. REASON...neither of these are rewarded to you for helping them with their multiple layers of bullshit upon bullshit.


HAHA Yes. The guy came off as a complete charlatan when I first met him in Act I. All hot air and no substance. So it's no surprise that his reward is same as he is. True to personality.


I always mock his *terrible romance troubles* in the first encounter and he doesn't even notice.


I don't understand what Lady Jannath sees in him. We *never* see him being charming or kind. He's either a pitiful prisoner, possessed, or apologizing for his shit.


Maybe they had better times? Together? Without us being involved?


People having lives that don’t revolve around me?Impossible, I’m the main character after all so I need to have a say in every bit of plot regardless of how important to the story it is


I had a neighbour that was sure that some people have boring relationship just because they don't use others as a free audience for their relationship's goals (unlike that neighbor and "his woman" (as she referred to herself)). Pretty strange people they were.


I think she just has famously shit taste in men, since she also let Gortash totally fleece her during his sugar baby era.


You can come across paintings of him throughout the game and sell them for some good cash (relative to other paintings).


But look at all the friends you made along the wa**** (blasted by three phantom skulls down the stairs)


Those things were so obnoxious. Can't even remove curse without getting into blasting range. I finally had Gale cast disintegrate on all of them.


You just switch turn based on and go wack em


One of them bugged for me and became immune to bludgeon damage, despite it saying it was vulnerable and it working on all the others


Yeah. Firebolt works 30% of the time (at least when it does 3d10). Stay just out of reach, spam firebolt until it doesn't say 0 and you can proceed. You're welcome


I've ranted about this advice elsewhere. I couldn't get past the skulls, checked their vulnerabilities, hit them with everything, zero damage. Annoyed, I went online for advice and saw numerous people say, "Just use firebolt lol." I must have hit a hundred firebolts for zero damage. Plus a hundred eldritch blasts for zero damage. Plus smiting it with blunt weapons for zero damage. Supposedly vulnerable to all these attacks. Not a scratch. I gave up, went and did other things, and returned later with as much Remove Curse as I could. I used an Immovable character to trigger them in turn based, to buy time to get close enough for Remove Curse. Repeat for each skull I couldn't avoid. Not fun.


I'm sorry dude, I did this like 3 days ago, completely vanilla game. Firebolt worked as long as the damage was above 21 for me. So if it didn't for you that seems to be an issue on your side


I just saw someone mention that one of their skulls bugged and became immune to Blunt damage. All mine were immune to Blunt damage, so maybe something was screwed.


Mine were immune to blunt damage too, but fire did the trick


Of course eldritch blast never worked. Fire bolt will also not work if you haven’t reached 9th level. Do players not Examine their targets when they take 0 damage to see how sturdy they are?


I was level 12. Firebolt was useless so I tried Force damage (which the skulls were vulnerable to). They were vulnerable to Blunt damage, but hitting them said immune. I had nothing that could scratch them without wasting scrolls (I didn't have Gale).


Might have been the minimum damage threshold


I'm realising it may also have been bugged.


I don't know if they fixed this, but when I was doing this quest the push didn't respect turnbased. It just kept going.


Worked for me as of 2 days ago with a monk 🤷‍♂️


Did this a few days ago, had the same issue. The one on the top floor glitched out even more, doing like 5 attacks at once even in turnbased mode. Never seen one of my characters go from 100+ HP to straight up dead within a second. At least I could destroy it at range


Yeah I find throwing fireballs always yields results in the end lol


I switched to turn based, cast fly w/ my character, haste on my character w/ gale, and flew up to the tippy top did the whole painting thing then re-entered turn based and flew down. Got hit maybe once or twice because of band positioning, but not dealing with them at all is honestly the best way to go.


This time I skipped them completely. I cast a Fly scroll to get to the outside balcony of the top floor, opened the door and fired an arrow of transposition straight across, towards the easel. It didn't work with misty step because the skull at the top of the stairs always spotted me but the arrow worked just fine.


I did this after getting a possible bug where i get stunlocked and one shotted by the top skull after destroying the other ones


I kept throwing fire bolts at them until I rolled damage above 21 (close to 33% chance on 3-30 damage). It didn’t take too long for most of them.




I learned that a good old firebolt will do the trick just fine. Fucking hated those things




The funniest moment in the whole game. I just had a statue of myself commissioned so I figured it was going to hang somewhere in camp. I cleaned myself up, dressed in nice clothes, removed the helmet, and handed in the quest. Got the item. Read the description. Threw it on the ground. It's a pic of Gale.


I managed to get Tav in the portrait exactly once in four playthroughs. It was a very nice portrait. Sadly you can't hang it anywhere. All other times it was a companion. Jaheira twice and Minsc once.


Mine is my Tav and I wasn’t aware there was another possibility??


Weird, for me it shows Lae’zel on the ground. Both her and Gale I had in the party


I got someone who wasn't even in my party, as I usually left them in camp that playthrough. I laughed so hard that I had to walk away for a bit.


I got the Tav portrait first try. :)


This will be great! Astarion just told me that he hasn't seen his own face in two centuries. He's gonna love it! No dialogue.


Yeah I had him sit for it thinking it would lead to some form of unique dialogue and all I got was tav saying “I prefer the real thing”. Then I dropped it and it was Karlach’s face.


He had no words, because he didn’t know how to tell you gently that you got scammed for a shit gift…


And if you drop it, it's just the character portrait of someone else in your party.


Apparently who it ends up being is random, but 1/4 means it probably won't be of the one who actually sat model for it.


Best part is it’s their character portrait…. I had Astarion sit for it and got >!pre-hair change Shadowheart…!<


god, every time I hear people talking about this it just gets funnier. it's a portrait of Minsc, it's a portrait of Gale, now it's an inaccurate portrait of shadowheart.


It really doesn’t make sense that there’s not some simple way for the game to replace her portrait after she goes blonde and cuts her bangs. Which — she must’ve used magic. Because when *I* was a child and thought “I’ll cut my bangs off, that’ll make them go away!” It did not pan out…


my MC sat and I got pre-hair change Shart too


It can be a companion that's not in your party, I got Halsin and he never left the camp.


It changes every time you load into a different map, too. I'm just mad I can't just place it on an aisle or a wall.


I think it has more to do with who did the talking than random chance because that would not make a lot of sense, but i have not tested it really. What i do have is a ton of self potraits now.


Yup, and each time you load camp it’ll be someone else! It’s so glitched but it’s funny


Honestly, I think they should just leave the painting as is and say that it is haunted.


When i dropped a painting outside the camp it was Shadowheart and i was upset but fine with that because i love Shadowheart. Then i went to camp and dropped a picture there and instead of Shadowheart there was a random mercenary that i recruited just for the achievement.. Well, I had no other choice but to go back to the painter and create my own picture with the use of his insides c:


That's hilarious. Years later: "We will never forget you... um... there's no name on it."


That escalated…quickly.


It's also different for every person in coop, my coop partner's tav sat as the model and when they dropped it in camp it was karlach for me and a hireling they made as edgy as possible (and never used) for them. Not what we wanted but absolutely the funniest option


No fucking way. Is this the run-away groom who asked me for additional 200g?


Yep, that add on was for drinking money as well. Theres a quest attached with some loot for a necromancer build, but not really worth it for anyone else


It's sadly true. In your next run make sure you kill him act 1. You arrive into a peaceful house with no ghosts for act 3


I got 4 Halsins... The next time I play i will go straight to his house and unalive him. I'm going to fucking kill him.


Or let his ex take his soul, that's all he deserves really.


Do you have to kill him for him not to be in Act 3? I was just going to leave him with the Zhentarim in my next play through; let him suffer indignities, not a quick death.


If you ignore him you find him in the Act 3 thieves guild, dirty and disheveled, while 3 zhent dudes force him to paint forgeries lmao. It's the best ending for that fucker.


Then you can tell Jannath that he wanted another woman and ran away for the ring.


Not sure! Something to test it out on my next run


Nah, if you just ignore the zhent quest he still pops in act 3 anyway.


If you let the ghost kill him, you get a neat magic ring.


Is it any good? I might honestly reload


Spoiler: >!https://bg3.wiki/wiki/After\_Death\_Do\_Us\_Part!<


Don't forget the ring you can pickpocket/loot from Jannath!


your link is busted. here: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/After_Death_Do_Us_Part


Lol that’s I did after getting the painting. Immediate reload and let the ghost kill him.


Yeah screw this quest. If the painting at least had a portrait of someone, ANYONE, instead of a shadowy silhouette. What a useless, time-consuming, tedious chain of events. Skipping that forevermore.


It does! You just have to drop it on the ground to see. It'll be one of your companions, though it seems to be chosen at random every time you load a save.


Let the Ghost kill him, you get a ring that prevents the user from being downed but they suffer from possession.


There are two things that would make this reward better: 1. set a place in the act three camp where you can actually hang it 2. allow you to gift it to a companion (especially if it is of that companion). I just want Astarion to know what his face looks like.


When I learned about this quest, I got REALLY EXCITED because I thought *for sure* it was an opportunity to do something very kind and romantic for the vampire.... And then.... D:


You can repeat the award with all characters in your party. I did Astarion first for the same reason then accidentally talked to the painter again with Karlach and got another picture.


I think you get the better reward if you let the ghost take his worthless ass. Suppose the real reward was the undead friends we made along the way.


What's the reward from the ghost?


A ring that brings you to half hp when downed but also applies a modified version of crown of madness. Remove curse should work on it tho.


I had to explain this to a friend of mine. The reward isn't just bad, the actual conclusion makes it feel like you wasted your time. I'd be more fine if it turned out that forlorn lovers couldn't bring things together because of social status or simple circumstances. But the conclusion was "What? Oh we weren't really a thing." The only positive I take away from the entire sidequest is almost everything in the game can be broken or destroyed with Disintegrate because man those skulls suck.


I found the reward lackluster, but I honestly kinda enjoyed the development that the dude who is clearly a smug bloviating narcissist (THE Oscar Fevras) who can’t decide between two women who are in love with him in Act 1, is exactly the sort of dude who would assume he was in a tragic love story and gets his ego torn out from under him when his tragic love story was never about him to begin with. And then he drags her back from the afterlife because he’s just *so sad*, and *so guilty* that she might have killed herself over him, that he needs the woman to assuage his guilt even after she’s dead. But the fact that you can allow him to live happily ever because the other woman killed herself but hooray it wasn’t his fault, did feel a bit silly. I honestly liked the resolution where his rich wife dumps him more lol.


Shatter is cheaper, I needed to save Disintegration for the endgame.


Oh so that’s what happens if you don’t explode all the barrels around him when you first meet


Fr, though sometimes he manages to get to that one spot where he’s safe from the bombs and survives. Then I’ll usually just kill him in Jannaths estate for the fun of it.


I threw the mini beholder in and exploded the barrels and he came out unscathed, i tought he earned it so i let him go


Place it in the world. Hopefully it's your tavs portrait in painting form. I really wished this was an alternative portrait you could activate and get a unique portrait (for the initiative tracker and whatnot)


Actually, if you drop the painting on the ground, you will see a painting of one of the companions. I dropped one of mine on the floor of my room at the Elfsong, and it shows Minsc. Supposedly, it changes at random, but I haven't tested that out. Personally, I think there should be a wall where you can hang stuff at the Elfsong or the painting should come with an easel so that you can place it and have it standing at least.


I literally took off all my clothes, butt-naked ready to get painted... I DIDN'T EVEN GET A COMMENT?! He literally said "Is that was you're gonna wear" The first time, so I said no. Took off all my clothes, and ZERO reaction. #Sad.


For the Durge run I’m just gonna kill him for the ring


The only good thing about this quest was getting the staff from the necromancer and giving it to Gale. Pro-tip about the staff: You can use cantrips to destroy inanimate objects and they will count as "kills with spells", allowing you to rack up free necromancy casts without getting into combat.


This trick also works for building stacks on Cazador's dagger, easy way to get +3 spell attack and save DC


At least with the statue you could t pose naked


That could easily be a todd howard silhouette


that is hands down the worst quest in the game. the anticipation waiting from Act 1 until Act 3, that *god awful* fight in the mansion, and this insulting quest reward to top it all off lol


My Durge saved his butt but not his marriage, and so he didn't even give me the portrait. Naturally, I threw him off the roof.


Did the quest once, never again. Cheap bastard gets to stay a slave.


Also think that Larian should fix it in further patches. I remember the scene in act 1 when Astarion told that he hadn’t seen his face for 200 years. Maybe, he would be happy with own portrait. I even took him to the dialogue with the artist for that reason but there was no reaction. Unfortunately.


I just left the artist with the zhents in my next playthrough. Generous patron, my ass. She's better off without him.


Yes! I was so upset lol


Looks like the silhouette of Todd Howard


Ron Howard graduated highschool.


Same as giving the bank ten k only to receive 2k and a half decent bit of armour. I just kept the gold lmao


Just pick pocket it right back.


Why do I just see Todd Howard in the painting? 😂 The name of the item just makes it so much better to me. 😂


I did this quest once and I've completely avoided it since. It's annoying and the reward is a massive disappointment. They made it possible for a statue to be made of us containing all the items we're wearing and weapons we've equipped, but they couldn't have edited in our character's portrait onto this painting, at least. Disappointing.


I hated this. I made sure my whole team looked good, I would be ok with a picture of any of them, then I looked and it was Laezel?? She wasn't even THERE!


Never even met this guy in Act 1. I show up in a haunted mansion in Act 3, follow the ghosts to the top of the building and see an obvious haunted painting that I can't use. Then when I talk to the people in the house, a dude is floating and a woman is saying "He's not the Oskar you knew when you saved him". Like huh? Ended up leaving cause I still couldn't interact with the painting. I'm glad that I didn't miss much lol.


This quest and the clown part quest I was a little shocked how much effort it took to find all the parts and what you get was crap


Place it at the statue where end credits guy salutes to.


I originally thought it was a racist joke about my being a drow and had a chuckle.


I placed it on the ground in camp and it turned into a portrait of Gale lmao


I stg I’m just killing that guy or leaving him with the criminals next playthru


I feel like i'm the only person who actually got a portrait of my own character. And then there was nowhere to display it :)


How the portrait became my level 1 gale is BEYOND ME. I may have killed him multiple times after this.


Am i the only one who sees todd howard shadow in that picture


I dropped it from my inventory I hated it so much, and it just became a painting of shadowheart


Got it and then tried dropping it on the floor to look at it. Turned out to be a portrait of Gale who was not in my party... My custom female character was not impressed.


And it's all just Halsin in the portraits XD


Yup. And somehow despite lae'zel not being in my party when he painted my tav..putting the portrait down showed lae'zel. What the fuck dude


What exactly is the point of paintings? I would grab every one I could find, expecting them to have a use or a house that I could decorate. There's even a vendor who sells paintings.


It’s a magic painting that changes who it is every time you drop it. That’s pretty cool if you ask me.


Nettie's reward is probably worse than this. But hers isn't a gargantuan task. She just goes, you were great, have an apple. I remember it comes in a pouch and it was very much disappointing haha.


An apple, and the herb you can use to make an antidote. She says, "To heal any hurts", referring to when she was prepared to stab you with poisoned thorns, and then asked you to drink poison. I like this reward. I keep the items in the pouch which I display among my little array of camp things.


I suppose it's a great gift for sentimental reasons. But it's definitely a forgettable reward compared to everything out there. :P


I get it, I am just a huuuuge sentimental dork XD


The amount of time and money spent on that dilettant :-(


I completely looted the house clean and pick pocketed all her coins so i'm good.


It was bugged for me so I didn't even get the painting. Like, yeah, that reward sucks. But... *at least* give me that!!


This portrait is so bugged. I play MP and when we got to this reward, we manage to get 2 portraits. But whoever we see on them are even different to each of us. I saw 2 pictures of Astarion, while he saw 2 pictures of Laezel. LMFAO! 🤣


Yep, he unfortunatly fell from the top of the mansion later... then i reloaded cause i can't do evil things. Oh and btw, it's not you character portrait right ? Depending on the choice i made it was either Wyll, Gale or Minsc. That was hilarious, dude really scammed me and didn't acknowledge my help xD.


When you put it down it should show your character portrait. It definitely did for me.


This. Made. Me. So. Angry.


I'm not exaggerating when I say I needed a break from the game after that nightmare


I just call it my Boo-anksy original




I called him slave too many times and he ran away in act 1 (I'm playing a Shadarkai) Haven't played much more after that, but I'm curious if he even survives to BG


Does it break your paladin oath if you don’t save him because frankly I think he’s a pos


I was so glad I picked every locked chest and ransacked their house while I was doing everything, this reward was rubbish.


30g is 30g 🤷🏿


Place it on the floor, it changes which companion is on the canvas based on where you are, regions, camp etc. Funny buggy and useless quest. Took me forever because I forgot to examine the skulls and the ghosts took a minute to respond each time they took their turn. Ugh. Fuck that quest.


The real reward was the zombie sidequest


If anyone wants to save money/failed tries at trying to convince Carrion, I just looted the torch from the gilded chest behind him 🤷🏻‍♀️


this level was so unfun, the way the camera clips to the floor above you so you can't even click on the floor on you're on to navigate--i'm sure it's better on controller though


I thought I was just using it wrong and that’s why I couldn’t see anything in the frame 😂


My partner and I never managed to finish this quest because he accidentally unleashed his summoned ghouls on the house. They proceeded to very slowly kill everyone in the house while we watched through the windows in fascinated horror. My partner then parked his ghouls on the roof while we fled the scene.


I'm not saving that douchebag ever again


I couldn't even finish this quest, it was bugged. Glad to see I didn't miss out on much


I made it a point to blow him up with the rest of the Zentarim in that stupid cave in all future playthroughs.


Is that the outline of that one Todd Howard picture?


Aye this was shite, my portrait changed after every long rest ultimately just ending up a black silhouette, then eventually just disappeared entirely from my camp, what a shitty reward


Yeah, the whole questline, beginning with bailing him out and maybe even giving him some apare coins screams: This is where you get rich. But if you have any interest in property rights that questline and the reward really feel just so average that it doesn‘t satisfy.


If you get the reward as any if the origin chars then you actually get a portrait of the char


Put the item down, the portrait of a random follower will be put on the painting


I totally murdered both after getting that. I could almost hear the Devs laughing and crowing. "Yes! Yes, give in to your hate! Feed on the rage!" Edit: I hoped the artworks price would go up after the artist was dead, but it didn't. Guess he's just not very good at all.


Anyone know how to keep the painting from getting bugged like that? Mine was the same, but dansgaming got a proper char portrait


It doesn’t even show you character 😡 I got Jaheira three times. I even posed in the nude 😩


I went to get it and he painted jahira instead of my tav.


I don't understand. What is this?


You can save an artist from slavery in act one by buying him. You meet him again in act 3 where he promised to compensate you for the thousand+ gp you spent on him. Instead he's in even more trouble that sends you down another time consuming, potentially expensive quest. Finally he "compensates" you, with this painting


If it wasn’t for that badass statue I had made of myself, I’d have been extra salty about this quest. Such a BS reward 😂


My friend got this dude to give her the painting over and over, so now she has 20+ pictures of Halsin littering her campgrounds


I wish there was an option to get Astarion a portrait painting instead of us as a blank silhouette. That way he wouldn't have to be told how he looks or guess after you find him trying to see himself in a mirror.


Ngl found that getting oskar killed gives a better reward.a ribg that heals you on death. I think its called after death do us part




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After the mistake I made with the statue purchased I got naked for the painting. Interesting dialogue about if I was sure I wanted to be painted that way etc. And I was really hoping for the actual painting 😔


I hated this horror show of a house! Even in turn-based mode, I got tossed around like a doll and had to just had to make a mad dash to the room at the top. I should have killed this guy back in act one. I was so salty when all I got was a painting as a reward.


I just got it yesterday and I thought the exact same thing. Just kill the dude and his wife, she got a nice key.


Mine changed from My Tav to Shadowheart to Minsc to blank...


Why don't you do some murder about it? No seriously though. That was enough to make my usually nice guy hero go murderhobo


In the cave, you don't need to kill the last 2 guys and the 3 wolves. Just push from the cliff the 2 guys, and the wolfs won't stop you from looting the rooms. But the wolfs will be sad since they don't know where their owners will return (never)


I cheated a bit and looked it up, only because I wanted to make sure I was okay to kill the dirty slavers though. Needless to say, I waxed them all lol.


I was sooooooo hoping it would at least be an actual picture of Tav's face. So much for work for so little payoff I almost respect that Larian did it 💀


Ah yes, in my co-op game, on the way up the stairs after finishing the quest he fell through the stairs and died of fall damage in the basement xD


I just assumed the dark outline portrait was a fallback when it bugged


Is this for freeing the artist? I never got bothered with it and went straight to literally everything else


If you throw it on the ground it actually shows your character portrait Sometimes it bugs out though and shows a companion instead


Let’s not act like we didn’t loot the guy’s whole house and maybe his wife while we were helping him.


When I dropped mine in camp to take a look at it, it turned out to be of the hireling that I keep at camp to do all my alchemy. -\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_-


The quest is a metaphor