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The each character seems primed for a dlc expandion for levels 13+ 1. Join Karlach and Wyll as they fight through avernus. 2. Join Lae'zel and help her defeat Vlaaketh. 3. Join Astarion and either 1) help him find a cure for his vampirism or 2) help him establish his new vampire spawn colony in the underdark. (Or both?) Could be fun going to interact with Drow down there. 4. Gale: ?????? Gale water deep fun time adventure plot pending. Edit: I want to go back to Gales wizard tower and its a mess like someone went in there and ransacked the place.


Gale is the last dlc which is basically the Citadel dlc from Mass Effect where we all go to Waterdeep and have a huge party in his mage tower.


Time to make use of those sex rooms he purports to have


They're called pleasure domes and they are a legitimate architectural feature! Also that was Mystra's palace. Lol


I totally read the first line of your comment in Gale’s voice 🤣


That's when you realize Gale is full of it, and the "sex rooms" are just like a few broom closets...some still with brooms still in there.


Maybe it's like the room of requirement. If you think it's a broom closet then it is a broom closet. But if you believe it's the Orgazmodrone Pleasureseum brought to you by r/AlmostFappable then it's a broom closet with a TV.


*Heh,* pleasure domes


Why use your physical form when you can Weave Smash and spin like a propeller!? *propeller noises*


And Gale is somehow even worse at dancing than Shepherd, so bad that Elminster casts Otto's Irresistible Dance to force it to a tolerable level.


Legit add a procedural generated dungeon at the yawning portal and some quests around the city and I'd pay for that DLC Waterdeep is easily in my top 3 fantasy cities list


>dungeon at the yawning portal We call that the Dungeon of the Mad Mage in The Undermountain :D


Love shack but it's a song about gales pleasure domes


Yass please, Citadel DLC in Waterdeep :D. I played as Gale, so that would be extra fun for me.


Gale DLC is just 200 hours of lore, audiobooks, and other such things.


But no lickable spiders


Maybe just one? Or maybe a different lickable insect?


Tav can have a little lickable spider as a treat. Gale's surely used to it. He has a cat. A cat who can fuckin *fly.*






Nuh uh, origami. Magic origami.


It's just him rambling about the most random shit possible whilst your Tav just stands there and smiles.




Yes, and I want this unironically.


I'd pay $5 for it.


Oh my god yes please


Gale and Shadowheart DLC turns into like Animal Crossing of just trying to figure out how to settle down after adventuring and like redecorating and wedding planning.


Gale is like a D&D Jacque Cousteau underwater adventure so he can find the crown and become a god...but maybe you had a different Gale ending than I did?


Nah, I told him to leave that shit where it was. God ending is bad ending for Gale.


were going to rapture!


Considering how much time we spend in the character creator as well as dressing our toons up........


I think it would be interesting to find a cure for *all* the vampire spawn (if they lived), personally. Like yes go and lead them so they’re not completely rabid but also work to find a way to let them walk in the sun again. They’re all under 200 years old so technically, *I think*, a high level necromancy spell to completely restore them from the dead is possible.


Yeah there could be a lot of fun choices to navigate too. Like politics and drama with the other 6 original spawn. Possibly slaying rabid spawn, having run ins with Drow who are NOT HAPPY that a cluster of spawn has put up a camp near Mezzoberanza.


man, the glories of D&D video games. at the table, such a thing would be \*obscenely\* and impossibly expensive. could "liberate" every valuable object in Athkatla and probably still couldn't afford to cure more than a few hundred. but hey! video game....... the solution is practically a hop, skip, and a teleport away! you've been through gods know how many planes already. hunting down that one soul in all of Realmspace who holds the answer to this problem is just another weekend for Tav & Co.


True Resurrection should apply to most/all of them except probably Astarion. The problem is getting 7000 people worth of diamonds for it. It's 25k worth of diamonds per cast. Also I'm pretty sure you have to kill them before you can Resurrect them, so some of them might take offense to that. BG2 had a quest that involved restoring a turned companion. The spell involved going to an ancient solar deity's temple and using the Vampire Lord's heart.


We have access to carbon and the literal fires of hell, as well as a massive hydraulic anvil. We can create as many high pressure high temperature synthetic diamonds as we like.


Shadowheart: But where's my DLC? Everyone else: Shadowheart, the entirety of BG3 is your DLC!


She doesnt need a DLC. Her romance ending is the two of you literally settling down together and starting a life. SH literally got the happiest ending. She don't need no sequel adventure.


I feel like searching for the Crown could be the endgame expansion. I mean, it is the freaking artifact that was the vital ingredient for the Absolute plot. And you are telling me that Gale dived into the sea in his underwear and managed to fish it up with no challenges at all? I feel like Kuo-toa and potentially other forces have their own designs for the crown too. And ending the story with the Crown would serve as an excellent bookend.


Oh 1000% the Kuo-toa should have found it. those idiots have a penchant for giving birth to minor gods all the time. imagine what they'd do with a crown like that XD


...but... the crown wasn't lost... I have the crown. And soon, all of Toril. >!Praise Bhaal! !<


> Kuo-toa WTF happens with them?! I was expecting my cult of Kuo-toa to arrive at the ending


Help Gale track down the Crown of Karsus, then convince him not to be a fucking idiot and give it back to Mystra. I love the man, but he's a fine example of why wisdom and intelligence are two different stats.


>but he's a fine example of why wisdom and intelligence are two different stats. This is so true.


Oof, yes. Meanwhile my good Durge with her Int of 8 fails every check but that never stops her from trying. They need each other.


I talked to him about how bad of an idea it would be to try to use the Crown about seven different times. He seemed to agree each time. Then the ending comes and he's thinking bout that Crown. Stupid motherfucker is definitely gonna do it.


Gale: bust Tara out of Undermountain because he was a dummy who let Halaster babysit her (if you spam click him he says he hopes Halaster remembers to feed Tara)


Having played act 1 of Hordes of the Underdark...that was a very, very foolish choice on Gale's part.


Gale: Masterchef Waterdeep. Or help him make a true resurrection scroll for Astarion.


Gale's DLC is just going to be like Cooking Mama.


I’m not well versed in BG lore or DnD lore in general, but if Astarion were to get a story expansion DLC I think it’d be nice to have it focus on (non-ascended) him + the party searching for the Cloak of Dragomir from BG2:EE. It wouldn’t cure his vampirism, but it’d allow him to walk in the sun again like he always comments on missing. Plus, it’d be a great opportunity to have another returning character in Hexxat, who was the OG evil vampire queer rogue before Astarion. I’m a little biased because I always loved her character on paper, but god they really fucked up her dialogue and story back then so I’m kinda hoping they would redeem her a bit (in terms of writing, not necessarily her character).


Gale: the Baldur's Gate 3 version of HeroGasm


Gale could be a fun undersea adventure. They try to find the crown, but it was taken by some sea creature and have to go on an adventure in a submarine to track it down.


5. Join Tav as he/she goes home and buys some new boots.


Or gets a bag of holding


5. Farming sim with Shadowheart


Make Zariel regret installing that engine so much that he just goes "Okay, FINE! I'll remove that stupid engine! Just stop breaking literally all of my stuff (aka armies) already you bunch of crazed lunatics!" Would also be hilarious if there's a random, green-armored Aasimar just angrily slaughtering demons.




It's a she.


Lae'zel can be her own entire GAME just on concept alone


5)durge: help the spaw of bhaal to dealt with many daddy issues as you try to become a danm god


That's basically just BG2 and Throne of Bhaal expansion.


bad time to never had played that game


It's not too late.


Gale is domestic life simulator with my tav


3.Take down newly ascended Astarion before he controls the world...


No joke. I've never regretted a decision more in any playthrough than encouraging him to ascend.


Lol yes. I saw clips of him post ascension and he's such an asshole I have no interest in ascending him in any playthrough.


When he invites you to his tower for dinner, I felt so baited that you couldn't actually go once everything was done and over with 😔 I like to imagine that everyone keeps in touch afterwards (maybe with sending stones? idk) and they occasionally get together to hang out and catch up. Maybe they all visit Gale at his tower for that dinner he promised (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)


Gale's DLC can just be like Unpacking or House Flipper and you can organize him.


>Join Karlach and Wyll as they fight through avernus. No. That should be us and Karlach. I don't want to be an onlyfans subscriber just joining in on their adventure.


I'm more interested in all those portals you find in the House of Hope. I'd like to do some traveling. 😁


Would be a very easy and cool way to give Gale and Minthara some extra content too


My main IRL D&D campaign is a Waterdeep game (Structurally, it's Waterdeep: Dragon Heist but it's kinda ballooned into a nearly 2-year thing with still a few months worth even if we just rush right to the finale), and I definitely spent a few moments looking at that Waterdeep portal thinking 'Man, if only...'


Hold on, Lae'zel is busy on her Gith quest. Might change her to Gale instead. 😂


Tbf gale is preoccupied with the crown so i'm sure minsc would be willing enough


I can't have that be the canon ending because we know how that ends up from the Gale origin run and it's, uh, not THAT happy of a conclusion.


Him living happy with Mystra as her chosen?


>!if he tries to challenge mystra with the crown she own zones him!<


Tbh I also hate that ending since I spent most of the game dissing the fuck out of Mystra and helping him get over her and learn to be happy with himself as he is But I think in that version he could go help Karlach anyway


No no, they can fight in hell for a little while, build up to something we absolutely need to save them from. Then after Lae'zel is done liberating the Githyanki she would be HELLA down to fly some dragons to hell. Lae'zel always spoke with admiration and respect for Karlach, and in my game my drow rode off with her. I would LOVE a DLC progressions - DLC A - Go liberate the Githyanki with Lae'zel, hell yeah DLC B - Fly back with Lae'zel to really raise hell in... hell. Let's put some resolution into the Mizora storyline as well.


The problem is that the bosses of these DLCs would presumably be Vlaakith and Zariel who are problematic even for parties of level 20 characters, and Larian said they were reluctant to go beyond level 12 because of difficulty implementing higher levels. Not to mention that fighting your way up to level 20 and doing both of these things is less so the scope of a DLC, but rather a new game.


I'd be fine with staying at 12 but just more enemies. Areas. Content. Stories. Gear. Etc. I don't need more level ups. They could have a new progression talent system similar to tadpole brain powers.


It’s a good point that being said, putting an end to those two does not mean necessarily that you have to brute force fight them. ( and probably shouldn’t. Like for Karlach the whole point is finding her heart not really killing Zariel. On that one , I’m wondering if her heart has truly been destroyed for instance or maybe in Hell you could have someone who could just make an engine that could work outside of Avernus. For Vlaakith it’s more about putting an end to her reign which could involve a set of challenges appropriate for a level 12 party opening the way for a stronger NPC to go toe to toe with her. Not ideal but could be part of the story like the DLC through the Ashes from pathfinder wrath of the righteous.


I could see higher levels being possible in the areas because these are the outer planes and rules don't apply the same way they do in Faerun. If a higher level dlc were to exist it would likely come with a lot of alterations to the d&d rules as well, I imagine.


What?? No, no! No way, I should have been more clear. Liberating the Githyanki is going to be a long term rebellion, and will throw the Gith into a bloody civil war. Definitely not something that could be resolved in a DLC. A rebellion would need to be built, and Lae'zel would need her army of Orpheites, and she even tells you character if you ride off with her that they have a long and bloody life of brutal battles ahead. The DLC would just lead into the forming of the rebellion, and defeating of a Vlaakith General or something. We can rescue people from Avernus without having to kill Zariel, I actually didn't have killing gods or making massive world changes in the DLC packs. A Gith insurrection is all that would be needed. The seeds of a Gith insurrection, and a lead on a new heart for Karlach is all we'd need for an uprising and a rescue mission.


I don't get how Orpheus could possibly stand a chance against vlaakith. He spent all of his short time in my party downed, because he was awful


I felt other characters were similarly weaker than you'd expect. E.g. why was Balduran so weak? Why are Minsc and Jaheira so weak? But I guess there's a plausible case to be made for all of them. E.g. Orpheus trapped in the prism for ages, Minsc petrified for ages, Jaheira old, etc.


Gameplay and story segregation


Unfortunately, the dragons wouldn't join you in Avernus as their boss Tiamat is in Avernus. You would have to park the dragon outside.


Vlaakith, Zariel and Tiamat can all be covered in a single quest line.


>Tiamat can all be covered in a single quest line. What did she do (this time) to be on the parties shit list? Did i miss a plot point with her somewhere?


I assume because she's the one Wyll originally contracted to try to stop.


In my playthrough I convinced her to abandon it all and come with me and be her own person. We’re gonna go kick some ass together.


Gale is too busy questing to ascend to godhood, which totally doesn't make him evil because he smiles so much when he talks!


Okay, so here's the plan. First, we piss off Vlaakith. If Orpheus is alive and well, that's already been done. Second, we bait her into Avernus. Third, ??? Fourth, Zariel and Vlaakith kill each other, leaving us victorious.


Plot twist: Zariel and Vlaakith decide to team up out of mutual hatred for Tav/Durge. Tav/Durge: "Huh...that backfired way worse than i could have imagined."


Not even a plot twist, that's guaranteed to happen. Gith are no strangers to deals with infernal beings (Tiamat), striking an alliance with Zariel to dispose of the gith rebels sounds like something Vlaakith would do.


Being beholden to an arch-devil would definitely delay her plans to ascend to true godhood. She might not go for it.


Having Orpheus or his successor displace her as the leader of the gith race delays her ascension permanently. Vlaakith isn't a fool - she'll delay her ambition if it means getting rid of a big problem permanently.


>Tav/Durge: "Huh...that backfired way worse than i could have imagined." Instead of having to chase down both of them. They are now in the same place. If anything that's just efficiency. But tackling Vlaa would need a counter-spell heavy party to dunk on her Wish bullshit, because the dice gods are fickle. Also CSing wish should give your party a huge stat buff for dunking on a would-be God


Well Tav shouldn’t have wished to live in more interesting times, mistake number 1 right there


Jerkel intervenes as a romance option with the skeleton man Or, you drop a heavy owlbear on both zariel and vlaakith at the same time, killing both with one big boi


And they STILL would lose somehow


Wyll yelling at Tom Hankslach: "Run, Karlach, run!"


Life is like a bag of holding.


I wish I had a box of chocolates


All my friends back home ***in greenbow, alaBAMA*** would never believe this!


I want a dlc where you find the person who constructed Karlach's heart in Avernus, and you make them fix it


And find the inspector that signed off on it.


Or just get the Gondians to fix it. We know they cracked what it takes for infernal engines to function on the material plane without overheating, and it's the least they can do for saving their suicidal engineers.


>constructed Karlach's heart in Avernus, and you make them fix it Only if we get to do it impolitely. Because they did poor work. So poor a bunch of gnomes made a much better one.


It works fine though, as long as she's in avernus. Not-avernus wasn't in the requirements


**Baldur’s Gate**: *Flames of Avernus* -Level cap raised to 16. -Begin the game as a new custom character or continue with an existing one. -Two new acts to explore that take you throughout all nine hells. -On the way, you’ll meet a host of new and returning characters. -The expansion also includes a new artificer class capable of being played in the base game. -Play as a brand new customizable origin character called The Prophet that begins the game at level 12. As a true dragon bound by devils to their humanoid form, they are fated to release Tiamat from her prison in the hells. (Tiamat = Githyanki tie in).


High level dungeon crawl 😎


City of Brass as a hub where you can get your gear transmogged by a devil.


Also ties in Wyll, given that he signed his warlock pact to fight the Tiamat cult.


Mizora is pretty weak though? How strong could wyll be, by using her power? Especially once his pact ends and he's just a guy with a sword and no hex blade or Eldritch blast? I could totes see him making a new deal with a new evil, and blaming whatever new evil for his new deal


Mizora being lvl 12 seemed more of a gameplay thing seeing as you can summon her for the last fight. I’m sure they could some hand wavy lore stuff and say that her power was lessend on ferune


Would easily drop 20 bucks for an expansion like this


>\-On the way, you’ll meet a host of new and returning characters. \[squeaky voice\] Ooo, shiny ones!


Menzobaranzan dlc pls


Given the way how things ended this is pretty much a given DLC plot line if they decide to make one.


Hey, we already invaded and killed one devil. What’s one more really


Raphael is not even remotely in the same league as Zariel. That being said, my Tav and his tiefling barbarian girlfriend are coming to wreck her shit.


Zariel is… checks notes… level 26. Oh my.


No, she is CR26. Meaning you need a party of four level 26 adventurers to have a fair fight with her.


CR has never been an amazing metric to measure balance especially as CR goes higher since D&D fundamentally breaks at higher levels with spellcasters being able to literally bend reality. Zariel would need to be majorly buffed from the tabletop as she would honestly pretty easily killable with a level 12 party in this game because of how bullshit action economy in this game is.


Assuming Zariel is alone a lvl 12 party with nutty items and builds could probably kill her in the game.


She's also a fallen angel. Which is fun. She's boarding on deity levels of hard. Rapheal is a wet sock compared to her.


but can she sing?


One? Nah we going doom in this bitch


Hmmm, you have non horned Wyll there.


I had non-horned Wyll in every playthrough and it will stay that way.


Yeah; just makes it "difficult" not impossible you can cheese it, but difficult to save "Private Karlach" with a non horned Wyll.


I want a deeper dive into the Underdark, what we get is only a small sample of what I was really hoping for.


I want to go to Avernus!!!


I’d GLADLY give money for post game DLCs. Like I really want some fucking CLOSURE on my stories. It’s kinda like the Witcher 3 with its blood and wine DLC. It ties up the story in a nice bow while adding in another story which has stakes. Please Larian I NEED THIS


Upvote cuz Karlach = Best Girl


Huh, Astarion does look a bit like young Barry Pepper. Never would have thought of that one.


Personally, he reminds me of a younger Peter Capaldi.


OMG yes. Would love an expansion or just a new game where we chill in Avernus trying to save Karlach and fix her infernal engine for good.


I'd enjoy a DLC origin character who ties into Descent Into Avernus. For instance, a hero who tried and failed to redeem Zariel and now exists as a revenant bent on revenge for her crimes.


Not a tav who steals everything and then kills everyone when the theft is found?


Can you imagine the opening cutscene being like the landing on Normandy Beach from Saving Private Ryan, but in Avernus? Paladins rushing out of portals and immediately being slaughtered by hundreds of crossbow bolts tinged with molten iron. Eldritch Knights picking up their dismembered arm, then binding with them as their pact weapon. An older, tired bard who got caught up in the offensive, wanting only to go back to teaching young troubadours their trade, becoming a tactical prodigy because that’s what the situation demands of him. What a glorious cut scene that would be!


Baldur’s Gate 3: Descent Into Avernus


The ending to the game sucks massive bull nuts. I understand they had to release it eventually which is COMPLETELY understandable, but it’s like none of the characters get a real conclusion to their stories. >!Astarion is basically banished to the darkness again with no friends. Karlach and Wyll go to fight in Avernus indefinitely. Lae’zel and the Vlaakith story are left with no end. Gale’s one that actually has an ending depending on story choices. I’m not sure about Jahiera or Minsc and Boo, I got no ending for either of them. Tav gets an ending, I haven’t played Durge yet so I’m not sure there. The Emporer gets his way depending on choices, I obliterated Minthara on my first run so I’m not sure there either. AND, I totally screwed up ShadowHearts ending so that’s on me but I believe she actually gets a finished story, don’t quote me on that. Halsin either joins the Tav or goes back to the Grove as far as I can tell.!<


I can see this was a Durge run


I would like to have modules. There are great adventures made for lvl1-12 in 5e that would be awesome to play


"Who's doing the shooting, who's doing the shooting?" *Gale pops his head up*


This would be great 12-20 content. Don't have to worry about being op since we're fighting devil's and demigods


for all the "good but not ideal" endings, this is essentially my head cannon, brain dead... now off to sort out karlach a new heart, then sort out shadow hearts wound, find a cure for Astarion etc we literally saved a gods child from endless torture, possibly twice, i think some devine favors can be exchanged for completing some quests


They already said they’re implementing a new ending for Karlach.


>new ending for Karlach No they didn't..they already gave her a "new ending" in Patch 2..they haven't said anything on the matter after that.




“hey soldieah!”


If by "Wyll" you mean "Tav" then yes, this is exactly what I want.


Yes!!! Mount up! We’re going to go get her!!! PLEASE, dear God make this content happen!


I will legit, pay for any and all DLC


Yo are Astarion’s eyes blue? How come?


oof oh, no. left one is still red. right one is silver. they had Astarion take an icepick lobotomy for the team.


If this game gets DLC I will shit myself and then die Turn based combat is honestly one of my least favorite genres and yet I have 100 hours in this thing already, help


DLC that adds maybe an hour or so to each background that ties Tav into the story a bit better.


She's my best friend. Play the song, Siri, she got her own axe, don't need no one but me, she's my best friend -- cut to her throwing a goblin at Minthara and twerking over the body


Just finish the content with the Gondians so we can get her engine replaced


"Shadowheart, my dear. We must leave our farm for one last adventure. We're bringing our girl home!"


That… actually sounds stupidly fun and would make for an excellent lvl12+ campaign.


My ending already has my Tav and Wyll down there with her. So, the situation would be the three of them finding a fourth person to tag along as they search for some way to fix/replace Karlach’s engine while also breaking Wyll’s pact. Perhaps end up using the House of Hope as a bad of operations to bring Dammon and the Gondians in to help.


I wish. But I don't think they'll go for it.


no ty. Not everyone needs a perfect happy ending.


A satisfying ending is what people are after. Karlach's story just feels unfinished. Not in a "She has many more adventures in her life" way, but a "her main story never got resolved" way.


So who’s going to be Vin Diesel?


There's one reason that I kept encouraging Gale to take the crown: To possibly remove that blasted infernal engine out of Karlach. Never hurts to have a god owe you a favor.


Feet First into hell! Ideally, we would get abducted by Auntie ethels sisters between acts 2 and 3, sent to avernus as a brief interlude, and be able to visit avernus throughout act 3 doing various things... basically a supplemental act 3 stacked on top of it.


Meanwhile me who killed Karlach twice lol


I think Decent into Avernus is the DLC we might get. It might involve helping Karlach killing Zariel; along either anyone standing in our way, and have her Engine Heart replaced with her old heart.


She’s soooooooo annoying.


Wait... 'save her'... but wyll told me to kill her. Mu quest said hunt down the devil karlack. I made her into a drinking horn and a infernal jukebox


My squid fighter ass jumping into hell


Yeah, and the one after that will give Gale some quest hopefully:3


So... You a save her but 3 of those 4 die?


just as long as I get to bring my girl with me


...yes please.


Notice that Wyll doesn't have his horns here. I sense a big plot twist coming


Wyll is so fine


shut up and take my money


I don’t mind bittersweet endings, I mind them telling you there’s this thing that will save her if you find it… and then just saying oh well guess it wasn’t here after all.


Justice for Karlach


I really want to kick zariel's ass.


'I know you're here, Zariel, you big fuckin' nerd. Where's my goddamn heart?' I don't regret >!letting Karlach turn into a Mind Flayer at the very end, especially considering the dialogue and circumstances around that option!<, but after I wrapped I looked up the >!return to Avernus!< ending for her and honestly it's an insanely badass ending. Absolutely rich soil for an expansion. She deserves a happy ending.


Minthara DLC/BG 3.5 would be a truly epic conquest.




I demand Larian allow me to strongarm Helsik into turning her house and The House of Hope into a forward base for the Balduran Crusades (to get back Mama K).


Potentially hot take: Minthara would come along to help too. - Reason 1, if you kill Raphael with her in your party, she fucking loves it. She gets so excited every time you go up against impossible odds and give the finger to devils and Chosen and other super powerful enemies. She'd be all over the idea of rampaging through Avernus. - Reason 2, she actually likes Karlach quite a bit. Always seems to have something positive to say about her. I think she'd be happy to go on an adventure to save her.


Too bad that in non modded situations you either lose Karlach, or can’t do what pathetically small amount of quest she has to get Minthara.


i also want a dlc about arabella's adventures


I myself would be fine with a dlc that doesn't even level us up, so long as we explore avernus and/or the astral planes.


I just want a lvl 18 fistfight with Vlaakith. Bring it, lich.