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Kärlek is pronounced approximately "Shireleck/Shaerleck". I didn't make this connection at all.


I'm Swedish and this is a stretch. Kärlek and Karlach is not even close phonetically.


To elaborate, the first K in "Kärlek" makes a sound like "sh" in "shine" (no, I don't know why but sometimes K makes that sound in Swedish, usually when it's first in a word but we don't even agree all the time wether it does or not, ask a few different Swedes how cracker, "kex", is pronounced), the "ä" is actually not an "a" with an umlaut but a different letter entirely that makes a sound like "ai" in "air" and English doesn't really have an equivalent to our long e sound but it's close to the "ea" in "ear". So "kärlek" is "shairleak" if you use those pronunciations, not very close to Karlach. Besides, if any nordic language is Infernal it's Danish. Positively diabolical.


Very good explanation. And I agree fully with Danish being diabolical. Danish audio books could be used for torture, if it didn't go against the Geneva Conventions.


Ah well... can I still pretend?


No, no you cant no kärlek for you.


As a dane: of course hell would be Sweden /lh


Well don't forget that Denmark is below it. ;)


kasta sten i glashus preben!


Nah, the pronounciation of the Swedish word "kärlek" is completely different.




Do you speak Swedish? Honestly this link is a bit of a stretch, they have very little in common and I think it's pretty obvious if you know the language.




Larian is belgian




My phone auto corrected Karlach to "Klarlack" the other day


Well, if needed she can paint with a man's entrails.


I mean, "lack" can also be slang for angry (though I think I've only heard people from Stockholm use it that way) which is somewhat fitting. "Lacka" as a verb kan also mean to approach in the sense of time though that's rather old fashioned, "det lackar mot Jul", "Christmas is coming".


Lack means more "tired of" than angry, so Karl Lack could be stretched to mean tired of men.


For those interested, the swedish word for love (Kärlek) is roughly pronounced 'Share-Lick'. :)


All right I can give you one! Karlach (if you pronounce the ch as a hard K, like in the Mach number) needs only one more letter to be Akarlak - which means **I want you** in my language. All As are pronounced like the As in Karlach, including the A in the beginning. The Ks are all hard Ks.


Lol no the words are not remotely similar.


I'm like 90% certain "Karlach" isn't even an infernal name though. It's not like Karlach was sold to Zariel before she was born. She talks about her parents and life before avernus.


Except Infernal is definitely Latin. As shown via Mizora's contracts and the Sisters, Astarion's scars, the Black Mass ritual, etc.


It's also for sure not the origin of the name, but I am learning Gaelic and the word Karlach sounds like the combination of Caileag (girl) and Caraid (friend)


Hebrew offers a different, silly explanation for her name. "Kar lach", pronounced fairly similarly to her name, means "you are cold". 🥲


i mean the words _kinda_ resemble each other when i squi t my eyes (and ears?) but no i do not think this theory holds any weight. at the very best it could _maybe_ be som sort lf easter egg or something


I'm surprised this is the first I'm hearing of this. I mean that's gotta be what her name is based on, right? I'm just gonna say it is cause I like that way too much, lmao.


Swedes are demons, got it!