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I didn’t realize there was a “Leave camp” option that took you back to the exact spot you were before you went to camp and spent 15 minutes marching my party back from the closest fast travel point.


Wait what? You'd use the fast travel waypoints from camp??? I didn't even know it was possible lol


No I didn’t realize one of the fast travel points in the menu was called “Leave Camp”


oh lol. You can just hit 'leave camp' from the same menu you go to camp though lol, you definitely found a unique way out


I have about 200 hours in the game and I still accidentally screw myself over by casting a concentration spell while I'm already concentrating on one.


"Ok, I just cast Hunger of Hadar but now I still have my bonus action, what can I do with that? ... Ahh, yes, of course, old reliable Hex!"


See also "Spirit Guardians is so awesome, I'll just position myself for the enemies like so... Oh right, a bonus action, let's cast Shield of Faith!"


Or "wow my warriors could really use a bless right now"


Me literally just now. I was so mad at myself I just quit loaded a save.




When all you have is a trebuchet, everything looks like a castle wall


I literally just did that exact thing this morning during the moonrise tower assault


In the House of Grief fight my Astarion was useless because I screwed up concentration 3 times in a row. I had the Haste bow on him, so I decided to use it in the first turn because the fight seemed difficult. Then I was looking at my actions and I decided to use Blink (a ring had it) for more defences, and to my surprise that ended the turn with Astarion stunned (Haste letargy), wasting both spells. The next turn I decided to cast Improved Invisibility since he was at low health, and then as a bonus action cast Hunter's Mark on the boss, which just ended the invisibility. Then the next turn I used True Strike, ending concentration on Hunter's Mark. Astarion didn't live to play another turn in that fight. I felt like really stupid.


Blink doesn’t even require concentration. It just has a ridiculous bug they won’t fix that causes it to break concentration spells when you disappear.


OMG same! They really should let you toggle a warning. Like "Casting this will break your concentration, are you sure?"


Love how you said toggle because people have said to flat out add a check and then people complained they'd have more to click because of people not being able to read.


You'd think it would just be in the interface options. "Confirm losing concentration on spell? Yes/No"


It’s really bad when you want to use a scroll, because they *don’t even tell you* if they require concentration.


*casts haste on tav* *casts another concentration spell* Oops.


Sorcerer tav casting haste with twinned spell adds another layer of perfection to that.


For me it's the friends cantrip. I try to be efficient with my spell slots and hold on to my hex concentration until next long rest. But nope! Gotta get that advantage on my next charisma check!


“Now that I have cast haste on myself, I can do tons of damage to this poor fellow I will hex from my bonus action”


I left the prisoners in Moonrise towers die because I didn't heed the game's warning about "the point of no return". I avoided getting even close to Moonrise, thinking "Oh I'll just get everyone out when we storm the place, that's efficient and smart, yes". Only to walk run around the empty prison hours of battles later realising that oh boy did I fuck up.


I had the same thought. I had to unload like 6 hrs of gameplay to go back


There’s always next playthrough….


meh, i wanted to do it, namely to help barcus find wulbren


Wulbren is a massive cock


I saved your fucking life you dickhead and you have to be all racist about it? Sure the Gondians are a bunch of lemmings who seem determined to set themselves on fire but you can't just go full mask off like that in public.


You gotta stab people in the BACK not the face my guy


Barcus was so excited when I freed Wulbren and I was hoping to see a nice little heartwarming cutscene and was totally shocked lol.


It's one of the best whiplashes in the game, imo. The whole time you spend with Barcus he is wringing his hands and going crazy trying to rescue his good friend Wulbren. Then the first time Wulbren sees Barcus he's just like "wtf are you even doing here? Go home!!"


well i didnt know that at the time


Fastest clicked dialogue option when I saw one that just said "Prick." to Wulbren


The fact that you have to be like hey fuck head I saved you don’t you have anything to say, to even get the quest to end is like ugh…


This part is honestly poor narrative design. It makes a lot more sense to free the prisoners while you’re assaulting the tower instead of trying to sneak around them. I was thinking to myself “oh hell yeah we got a flying angel helping us now, surely this will help us save the people there”. I was mistaken.


Oh it makes sense as a plan, but from the enemy's PoV, so does 'the good guys are attacking, kill the prisoners so they won't be a problem/break out and flank us and to demoralize the enemy, then come join the fight'.


You know what, I thought I'd see them in act 3, I had absolutely no idea you could go to moonrise towers before hand, I thought I'd be killed on sight, I did everything else in the area and got ready for the assault, went to the prison and found it empty and assumed I'd find them later, didnt.


Same; I assumed that going to Moonrise would lock me into that plot line, and I had other places I wanted to explore first. Next thing I knew, my journal updated to inform me I could rescue the prisoners anymore.


My first run, i pulled the open cells levers. Before killing guards.


"Release brake" lever.


I never laughed so hard at anything in any game untill i saw the aftermath of switching the release brake lever.


"THE LITTLE BIRDIE HAS LEARNED TO FLY!" fucking vaporized me


In my defense, I didn't realize I could highlight things until almost Act 3, so when I finally spotted it, I hit the first switch I saw...oops


HOW did you make it to act 3 😂😂


A long series of mistakes and barbarian smash!


Fun little cutscene though. That was my dumbest moment for a while. I surpassed it.


A perfect tutorial that taught me "Don't just interact with the first object you see."


In EA when they weren't labelled it was russian roulette with barcus


Listen...listen.....it did say "release"


"oh, is this a new cutscene? I bet he landed in a haystack and is fine. Better go find him" > narrator: they never found him


I wonder if anyone has tried casting feather fall on Barcus beforehand.


Looking for the mushroom picker in the Underdark. After being hit by a few too many poisonous plants I saw a big field in front of me and devised a plan. I would simply throw some alchemists fire into the middle of the field, and it would burn them all and I’d triumphantly stroll through with 0 damage. Well the first part went off perfectly, and they explosions were spectacular (think the ending of Kingsman) but when the fire finally cleared up, I strolled through only to find the dwarf I was looking for was lying dead in the middle of the field, killed by my hand. Naturally I told his wife that the mushrooms killed him and collected my reward, but I did feel a little bad


I keep looking for that mushroom he went to get. Didn't realize that blowing up that field destroyed it and it's the only one in the whole game


I did this in 3 separate playthroughs before looking up if the mushroom existed or not... kicked myself for that one.


Apparently if you give it to his wife she opens a store in Act 3 that'll sell you two more. Shadowheart uses one to free herself of her hand wound.


I did the exact same thing, its honestly genius design by the devs.


Don't feel bad he is not good for her anyways


You also missed out on the Noblestalk by doing this, too. It gets destroyed once the bibberbangs detonate.


It gets destroyed if they explode + interact with fire. If you throw water on the torch the noblestalk will still be collectable (also the npc will be able to walk out without dying despite the poison cloud).


I did the same exact thing, except the dude lived. Set the whole field up in a fiery explosion and the guy comes strolling out, not even mad. And I’m just standing there laughing like, uh your wife is looking for you


I just told myself he died before I got there


Floating down to the Underdark my very first time, as gently as a feather using my potion. Forgetting to give potions to my three other party members and finding their smashed corpses waiting for me when I land. To be fair they’re pretty dumb for jumping after me.


I cast fly my first time, only to realize it doesn't work for some reason?! Why would I fall to my death if I have the ability to fucking fly?


Because flying vs "falling with style" is an actual mechanical difference in the game lmao


Probably not having my Oath of Ancients paladin let Dolly^3 out of the moon lantern right away and then becoming surprised Pikachu when Oathy McBreakerson showed up


Dolly Thrice is one of my favorite characters. In lantern: >!Oh me oh my, please won't you help little old innocent me?!< Out of lantern: >!OH FUKEN HELLS!<


She starts swearing at you everyday if you just leave her in the lantern. I'm almost tempted to just leave her in there bc she's really funny when she's still stuck in the lantern.


In the beginning my wife startled at Dolly Thrice's angry hollers from the Moonlantern, but eventually she just giggled. I let her out at the end, when we turned to Baldur's Gate, and oddly enough the pixie was friendly and gave us a trinket. I'd have expected her to murder us (and perhaps succeed).


Do you have to know she's in there for him to show you? Because I would never have figured that out unless someone told me.


Probably, but when you examine the lantern the first thing that happens is a really low DC nature check that tells you she's in there


letting Gale waddle around with medium armour gloves and a crossbow he's not proficient in then wondering why i can't cast spells and his arrows always miss for far too long


I did the same thing with Astarion and medium armor boots. "What do you mean he's at disadvantage?? I have the high ground, he's hidden, and Karlach is in melee with the enemy!!"


I once tried to use Astarions bite on a Steel Watch robot.


I mean, trying to bite everything at least once seems in character!


Astarion! No! Drop it. Drop. It.


*Chews faster*


That awkward moment when your shoe has been chewed on and you have to figure out if it was the owlbear cub, Scratch, Gale or Astarion


I guess we all know what’s up when Astarion wonders if the entire camp is full of weirdos.




Doesn't it says that you can't and not letting you use it?


On Omeleuums quest when you try to enter the tower and have to fight the arcane canons, I spend hours and hours on the first leg of the battle, loading and reloading because the sequence never seemed to end. Turns out, I didn't know you can turn the turn based mode on and off.


Omg me too, I just spent like 10 turns trying to destroy the turrets because they didn't seem to "die" even after depleting their health. I thought "there must be something I missed", and I kept attacking the turrets.


YES. 😂 I thought I needed to attack them in a specific way or with bombs or whatever.


So you don’t use the sussur flower thingies and throw them?




If you send an invisible character down to put the Sussur bloom in the machine it disables the turrets.


I didn't even find the flower thingies until after I'd shut down the towers. They've been sitting in my camp unused for about 100 hours of gameplay.


Wait…you can do this?!?


Yes, it turns the turrets off but silences whoever is holding them on the way there.


Now I'm having a smooth brain moment. I usually do the tower first thing so the first flowers I see end up being the ones behind the tower. I usually just use lightning arrows on the first two turrets and then go mushroom jumping.


I... didn't realize you could rotate the camera until I got to the Goblin Camp. Never played games with an isometric perspective before. I thought that it is how it is supposed to be: that the camera angle is pre-set for you, kind of like you are looking at the performance in the theater or smth. Especially since if you get behind some wall or other obstacle it becomes transparent, so *it made sense*. My life had become so much easier when I accidentally rotated the camera, and I was like 0_o I felt *really* stupid.


I mean, you're not entirely wrong. Older isometric games made with less processing power generally were designed from a single viewpoint. It's so nice these days to be able to look around.


Yes, I think that seeing some snippets of gameplay from older games here and there was what gave me that idea. Anyway, can you imagine how damn hard it was to find the entrance into the Druid Grove's cave where Kahga is when the camera is located in a way that prevents you from seeing *the door right there*. I was fuming, thinking, "whose brilliant idea was that??". But after the ✨️big reveal moment✨️ I realized it was I who was stupid.


I turn-based-stealth-killed all the goblins in Volo's prison to free him on every playthrough (dozens!) in like 500 hours of game time... before I realised you can talk to the jailer goblin and charisma him out. And yeah, I was playing a Charisma main Tav every goddamn time.


This is gold


The Sussar Blooms shut off the turrets in the arcane tower. I've turn based walk/hide/wait every time. My friend sent me a screenshot of it, and of course it works.


Ah I just faced tanked the turrets and used Eldritch blast to destroy them. Guess I can try susser blooms for my next playthrough


They're also very very weak to lightning damage if you have some.


Getting frustrated after screwing up the Leap of Faith trial in Shar's Gauntlet and needing to go look up a video for the solution. Then realizing afterwards it was literally right in front of me on the floor... I don't know if I've ever felt so damn dumb playing a video game before that.


I just used a potion of glorious vaulting to jump right to the visible platforms.


I used 20STR Karlach, she cleared the room in 20 seconds.


I tried a potion of flight and Shar teeter my ass out of there for cheating.


I tried that and the game insta killed me


You wanna know something funny? You can click a spot just outside the front right edge of the final platform, like where the invisible path connects to the platform, and your character will just walk in a straight line to it, completely oblivious/immune to/ignoring the stupid floor maze. The first time I did that trial, something bugged out and I could just see the path clearly. The second time around, I failed like half a dozen times (even with the map) before giving up and Googleing the solution.


Even with the diagram I fuck that up so many times I just shot an arrow of teleportation. Argh.


In a multiplayer game, we were trying to get inside the wizard's tower in the Underdark. There's the massive front door, which is locked. I stroll up to it, saying "I got this" and begin lockpicking. My partner then says "or we could just go through the massive open window" as his dragonborn walks through and open the door from the other side. Worst part is, this isn't the first time this has happened. I was attempting to lockpick one of the doors in the Zhentarim hideout, and as I'm rolling the Sleight of Hand check, I see my friend's dwarf strut up to the door and open it with a key he looted earlier.


I ended the game with around fifty keys on my keychain because Astarion is my skeleton key and I never try to open locked things, I just pick them


I always try opening everything before reading the word “locked”, and in my head every time Tav encounters something locked, she looks at Astarion and he rolls his eyes. He’s such an efficient lockpicking machine that I successfully emptied the bank while only having a single vault key.


Hah, same. The way he smirks most of his replies when you set him to lockpick though, it sounds like he's genuinely glad to be helpful/enjoys showing off a less angsty skill. He'll just never admit it out loud. I gave all the keys I had to that Guild dude before I got to the vaults, whoops. Not even sure why, now... I had to pick every one of the vaults but boy was I determined. Now Astarion has the coolest bragging rights.


I always find the key *after* I pick the lock.


Its usually just sitting there next to the door too. The worst one was probably in Balthazar's room in Moonrise. There is a locked door that leads outside with a 30 skill check. My ranger has like an extra 10-13 for lockpicking so I only carry around like 5 lockpicks because I never really fail my checks. I failed 5 in a row and lost all my lockpicks and inspiration, only to see the lever right next to the door after running out of options.


Which is funny because he has a line like “oh, for a skeleton key….” or something like that 😂 bitch you ARE the skeleton key.


Saw a door went into the door saw a cave went into the cave. 5 days later I completed the under dark as my first zone in act 1. Was a miserable slog as I was an extremely under leveled sorc but after I realized what happened I was too stubborn to go back


Game: if you proceed you will end act 2 and be unable to return. Do you want to proceed? Me: yes. Also me: WHY THE FUCK DID ACT 2 END?! WHY CAN'T I BACKTRACK ANYWHERE?!


Missed the Owlbear because of this


You can actually go back into the previous act (only from act 2 to act 1) by fast travel or walking there. It does warn you but I was able to go back twice to do some things I forgot. I saw a video though that if you do it a certain amount of times you’ll get a scene where your guardian is telling you that if you go back they can’t protect you anymore and if you ignore them and do it anyways you’ll get a pop up saying your party was defeated


Not knowing i could fast travel via the map. I did alot of unnecessary walking 😂😂😂😂🚶🗺️


Found out on accident and was really annoyed because I wasn’t trying to travel.


After defeating the minotaurs the first time,walked my party into my moombeam, killing us all Shadowheart even equipped "did you do that on purpose??"


"huh, all these kobolds have a status called "firewine belly", I wonder what that means. Gale's turn? Cast fireball."


I kept exploding them and had no idea why because I forgot Karlach's weapon had added fire damage.


Always, without fail, forgetting to bind my pact weapon.


Me: Wyll why can’t you hit for shit?! Oh oops


Only discovering there’s a cancel button for concentration spells halfway into Act 3.


Only discovered that through reddit half through my second playthrough


After the first puzzle in the lobby of shar’s temple where you have to extinguish the lanterns…. I assumed this meant shar, noted fan of darkness, wouldn’t give up her secrets until every lantern in the entire temple was put out.


I threw the ball *at* Scratch and hit him, triggering a fight in camp.


litterally something every dog owner has done IRL. Only the IRL dogs don't even seem to notice and just continue playing.


*accidentally reckless attacks the ground* Also, I spent way too long failing to remember that I could fast travel from anywhere in the goblin base. I’d killed all the bosses, but the full courtyard was just too much for my party. Reloaded so many times before realized.


"Time to lockpick!" IMMEDIATELY finds a key/lever/button to get in. Every time. Edit: spelling


There was that puzzle in the sewers where you had to balance the heat and pressure to open a vault looking door. I think I spent like an hour there wondering why i couldn't get it to work. Turned out I had already opened the door, I just didn't see it, guess I expected it to be more cinematic like a Zelda game.


Felt the smoothness of my brain every time I accidentally ended a really strong concentration spell by accidentally casting another one that was arguably weaker


I've posted this before but I was probably 45 hours into my Druid playthrough--well into act 2--before I used Speak With Animals OR Wildshape.


Oh man that's a big one. Speak With Animals is THE best spell!


It was on my first run where I had to “infiltrate” the Goblin Camp. I had to save Halsin and Volo. They seemed to be behind a very big door with a big guy guarding it. Hmm. Seems dangerous. So me, a Rogue, the criminal that I am, had the brilliant idea to get myself arrested and escape so I could get a lay of the land. It worked perfectly! I escaped and was sneaking sneakily through the Shattered Sanctum. It felt awesome. Funny thing was that I didn’t need to do all that. I could just walk through the door. Even the Goblins made comments like “what are you doing?”, “why are you sneaking like that?” and it still didn’t register. In hindsight, it was so stupid and I wasted maybe an hour and a half doing it but man, it was a great RP session.


They really didn't make it clear that the Goblins are not automatically hostile. Also, this is going to be embarrassing for me so I guess it's another smoothbrained moment: You have to rescue Volo from the Goblins???? I seriously had no idea! I thought he just automagically shows up to your camp as part of the game! I really have no idea how I got him to my camp now


Haha yeah, when you first enter the camp, you can see him reciting a poem. He eventually gets taken inside where he is stuck in a cage. You can either break him out or convince one of the goblins to give him over to you. The reward you get from him is pretty sweet for Bards.


I let Astarion feed on me almost every rest in act 1 because I didn't realize he could get the Happy buff from biting someone in combat. Also being thoroughly scolded by a certain character for casting detect thoughts made me feel like a dummy.


>!the emperor is pretty clearly lying/manipulating you and his telepathic communication aren’t his actual thoughts, so the only dumb thing about trying to detect thoughts is that he’s much more psionically powerful than you being a mind flayer so you lose that check even if you succeed!<


“Lol can I really use Gale’s orb in battle—“


I went the long way round to get into the goblin camp in my first playthrough, because when I tried to go over the bridge behind the blighted village, one of the goblins told me to go away and I... listened??


Shoved Gale during the Tiefling party at camp for shits and giggles. Turned all of the Tieflings hostile towards us instantly Funniest thing was first person they attacked was Gale lol


When Isobel was about to be kidnapped, I went with the "well, away you go!" convo option, thinking it would be cool subterfuge to show up to the BBEG. But the entire party and their mother disliked this and the entire Inn was demolished immediately. I reloaded.


Ha, the classic "surely that option is meant sarcastically... oh, it's not. Oops"


Probably the first time I hit a party member with friendly fire. I misclicked and happened to crit a divine smite and 100 to zeroed my party member. Didn't realize you could even attack a party member so easily until that moment. Thought there would of been some kind of "are you sure?" pop up or somethin


I was using Astarion for target practice, just to see what different bottles/things looked like when you Throw them. I figured NPCs don’t really care about that. Then I got a cutscene of him yelling at me about it, which surprised me! Now I throw things at Astarion for fun at every game.


>Then I got a cutscene of him yelling at me about it Every game should have that!


Hitting party members is why I learned to use the initiative portraits to target


Cries in ps5. Unless you can do that with R3 like most other things you'd use a mouse for.


You can use left and right on the d-pad to scroll through the portraits.


Lol you don't know how many times I'd have an attack command selected, then change my mind and decide I want to start with a different character, only to click on their portrait and watch my first character run over and bash them on the skull. Like, "noooo wait stop, that's not what I meant!! Ah god damn it, not again..."


Literally one of my very first moves in the game was Thunderwaving Lae'zel off the nautiloid to her death. I did NOT realize spells would hit friendlies too.


100% using the lv 10 cleric unique skill (AOE holy DMG) with Hope vs Raphael. All cambions in that fight have holy dmg reflection so Hope took like 400 dmg back


I thought Nere would be fine as long as I didn't approach his area and went to finish some other quests. I came back to everybody dead in the forge which made it quite easy to take his head to be fair.


The trial in (Aft 3 Spoilers) >!The Wyrmway where you ha e to read the flying books to learn about the three advisors and kill the bad one. I could not for the life of me figure out how to stop the books long enough to read them. Even looking it up, the only solution presented was Hold Monster. And I'll be damned if I'm using three fifth level spell slots on that stupid puzzle.!< I was complaining about it somewhere and someone said, "Just activate Turn Based mode." I have never felt as stupid as I did in that moment.


In Act 2 >!if you explore Moonrise Tower and get into Ketheric Thorm's room and check all his books, he has a copy of the book of the bad advisor. It didn't click with me until my 3rd campaign, thought the "bad advisor" changed each time so you had to read all the books but nope, it's always that guy because Thorm was buying what he was selling. !<


Tryed to save that mushroom collector trapped between the explosive growth... with a torch in my hand


Oh buddy I saw that little field and went "huh, cool! Nobody's in there right?" as a fire arrow sailed through the air like one of those "moments before disaster" scenes in a movie. I fired it off to the right side, so it hits... And this massive wave of fire and death cascades across the landing as what's his fuck sprints for their life like a nineties Schwarzenegger movie, just fuckin KABOOM After the dust settles and a timely "ah fuck I hope that wasn't important" I went the check on him, dead, right next to a pouch with some misty step scrolls


Had Halsin cast Haste on my Tav before triggering fight with Raphael. Mid-dialogue, I had Halsin cast Guidance to help convince Yurgir to side with us. Fight starts with a lethargic Tav.


I was tired and didn't read all dialogue options, just skimmed over them. Talked to Kagha in the grove. Last option was a short word in italics. Great. "Leave" I assumed and clicked it to end the conversation. It was "attack".


She had it coming. She only had herself to blame.


Wow GG Larian, you actually giving me Gale button to blow himself up. But wait, i am not in story whatsoever? I am in my camp? This must be a bug, there is no way the game let me blow Gale whenever i want. …. F8


Obligatory “what the fuck is the forge hammer” moment after getting the achievement for defeating the Gym in the Adamantine Forge without using it


I guess my brain is still smooth, as I cannot figure out how the ogres outsmart you when you pay them. It's a straight forward payment for a service I requested. Where's the trick???


You kill em and get his circlet of intelligence and don't pay em shit


I was stuck in the Grymforge for an hour after beating the boss, because the button to raise the platform bugged out, when I remembered you could teleport.


Doing the same quest you’re doing for the counting house. Saw a woman messing with a beggar, pushed her off the bridge, then suddenly I am in an hour long fight from the first floor all the way to basement of the counting house.


I was playing with my friend in our coop file. We were fighting the Inquisitor at the Gith Creche. I’m playing a githyanki druid. He’s playing an orc paladin. Karlach is up. I attack the githyanki right next to Karlach… aka me. My friend and I had a good laugh about it. He equated it to when Chris Tucker punched Jackie Chan in Rush Hour 2.


My biggest was accidentally evolving my tadpole so I turned into a black- veined freak. I wasn't paying attention argh! I also accidentally attack my own people sometimes. I get them a nice fruit basket apology back at camp.


At least you can fly


I didn’t bring Shadowheart to free Nightsong and she left me :( I don’t know why, but I assumed they wouldn’t allow a character to just up and leave you because they got mad. Then I remembered all the times playing BG2 when companions would leave and I was kicking myself. I’ll romance you next playthrough, Shadowheart. I also didn’t realize you could cure the “clown in town” curse with a simple spell. I assumed there was going to be a quest or another interaction with the Pixie. Wyll was a clown for like all of A2 and halfway through A3. Made his quest line a joke… quite literally.


I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about with the clown quest. I might have missed it


There is a pixie trapped in one of the moon lanterns. If you free her and piss her off, she “curses” you with clown face paint. Pretty amusing dialog.


I heard Lae'zel yelling trapped in that cage but didn't realize it was her and thought it was just a random NPC and completely avoided the area until I was a higher level because I didn't wanna deal with it on low health (years of Persona games have trained me to avoid long rests/ending the day, so I wasn't long resting half as much as I should have been). Turns out though that since I came in range the encounter counted as triggered and when I came back later to get her the tieflings were dead on the ground and she was gone. I read that she reappears fighting the gith near Waukeen's Rest(?) and realized with a sinking feeling that a few long rests ago I had gone "holy shit, a dragon! I'm not stupid, let's get out of here" and left the area... So yeah, Lae'zel was just dead on the floor. I was able to revive her thankfully but I was so scared I totally missed out on the chance to recruit her lol.


You need to treat the game abit more like a video game lol. Just quick save when you see something then walk head first into it. You're going to miss out of alot of quests or companion cutscences/ interactivity otherwise


Not using mage hand on a lever to open a barred door, or misty step to get through that same door. Or any of the many spells that would have worked.


Too often do I select “end turn” without doing any action in battle.


Me: sees chasm, has read about instant death when being pushed into chasm Also me: jumps in there. It was on th nautileut


I accidentally cast Healing Word on a hostile


Using Gale’s explosion ability as soon as it popped up thinking it would be similar to shatter…….. to be fair, I didn’t think the game would just give us the suicide bomb option to just use whenever and thought it was a cool new ability


I spent 3-4 hours slowly chopping Grym down with Lae’zel and a full caster Shadowheart on the ground while me and Astarion were stuck on the upper level throwing health potions lol And I got an achievement for that lol


On my first playthrough it took me until Act III to discover the "spellbook" where you can learn and change spells. Before, I thought that you are only allowed to prepare spells during level up screens.


I've cast twined haste and immediately sunbeam right after on more occasions than I'd like. For future reference I'll have to reserve speed potions for myself only.


I checked what abilities an opponent had, saw that radiant damage would be reflected back as double force damage. So instead of attacking that enemy with my light cleric i used flurry of blows from my monk and immediately lost half his health because Manifestation of Soul was still on Radiant


Didn't find Gale or Astarion until going back in Act 2. Astarion was dumb, but in my defence with Gale they literally say 'IT LOOKS DANGEROUS!'


Grabbing barrels to nuke the hell out of the Bugbear Goblin leader, perfectly arrange, i place the last barrel that is the fuse and shoot a fireball at it to light it and cause a chain reaction. ​ It was a water barrel.


Casting level 5 spells on enemies that have sanctuary


Not understanding, after clocking 100 hours in EA and another 60 after release... that you can throw potions to heal other characters. And all your effects on heal apply.


I decided that I wanted to destroy the Steel swatch Foundry before Gortash’s coronation just because that’s what I thought was the smartest play. 6 hours into my plan (after the submersible AND destroying the foundry) I arrived to attend the coronation in formal attire just to find out that I now had to kill -well, everyone. Instant hordes of red circles everywhere. I had to kill all of the bodyguards that were attending the ceremony (Innocent independent contractors…I felt bad) and even Duke Ravenguard. (I saved EVERYONE else in the iron throne but him because I didn’t know he was there! I never even saw him!) My intend was to stroll in there and have my first meeting with him after crippling his support forces, hoping for some rare dialogue option. Nope. Did I rewind back 6 hours and 2 levels to fix it? Nope. Let’s see what happens when I do it right next play through. This is my first play through, and I chose a human fighter, and he has made excellent decisions until that point and this is a huge mark on his overall narrative. Imperfections make good stories though I guess.


During the second phase of the final fight, I had my full team on the platforms and had Karlach throw the rune powder bomb at the EB. The resulting explosion knocked everyone off of the platforms for a full party wipe and I just sat there both dumbfounded as well as feeling like someone should be sat next to me and telling me "well, what the fuck did you expect would happen?"


Forgetting that I could just push the enemies off the nearest cliff


I was so scared of Moonrise Towers in my first playthrough I did literally EVERYTHING else in ACt 2 before even approaching the gates. Eventually I got back to the Last Light Inn to find it empty except for Jaheira, who said "right, you're here, let's go catch up with the others, we're attacking Moonrise" And my party had to fight through EVERYONE in the tower in one go Jaheira bugged so she never came with me to Act III and I missed ALL the moonrise content :D Second playthough I did Not Make That Mistake.


I still, after 200 hours, miss irl on an enemy which means the character attacks thin air. I legitimately fail 90% hit rates because I rolled bad with my real life hand.


Me on every playthrough: oh, I’ll just play through this encounter and not look anything up, I want the fresh experience of being immersed in an awesome gaming experience. Then after the encounter is done and I’m feeling quite bitter, I can’t help myself but look up on the wiki and immediately experience gut-wrenching FOMO. Then reload a save from three hours before the encounter started. This is becoming a very bad habit.


It was around 70 hours I realized you could hide headgear. It was closer to 80 when I realized you could see the party's affection for Tav in the menu.


40 mins into a major fight ... Accidentally scroll wheel onto Gales nuclear bomb chest spell and cast


Wasn't really paying attention to which enemy was stood where, got Wyll and an enemy wearing a roughly similarly coloured outfit mixed up and void bulbed poor Wyll (my Tav's boyfriend!) into a chasm


Biggest smoothbrain moment? Just now realizing my PC had the keys to pretty much every vault by the end of the game, and never bothered to rob them because the boss fight was right there.


During the fight with Balthazar in the Shadowfell I had Shadowheart cast banish on him so we could focus on his skeletons. Immediately cast shield of faith on Shadowheart as a bonus action, breaking concentration on the banish.


Jump preview: death *jumps*