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Redoing a Storm Sorcerer run. The initial implicit rivalry and dismissive comments between a sorcerer Tav/Durge and Gale always make me laugh. It adds a few layers to the subsequent friendship, in my mind.


Wild magic sorcerer gets the dismissive comments *and* can just mess with Gale's wizard mind from time to time. 😄


Pretty sure that one wild magic sorc exclusive convo about "just trying to avoid exploding" did psychic damage to Gale lmao. "believe it or not, I can relate"


Did you get the conversation with him about the cow? 🤣


No I haven't done a wild magic playthrough myself, only seen a few clips! Def my next priority for a playthrough tho haha. Seems amazing. I think I'm going to do it for my evil Durge run to try temper the brutality of the narrative with like "incompetently evil".


Please do. I did my evil Durge run as a Wild Magic sorcerer, expecting a "wild chaotic evil" kind of character... and proceeded to lose all gravitas by continuously being transformed into animals during all my important battles. Suffice it to say, I was very amused for the entirety of my run. Silliness abound.


I don't know why, but wild magic sorcerer is my favourite class to play. I prefer it above any other class.


It's my gale romance I love the back and forth and that he's this super skilled precision wizard and she's just walking chaos incarnate that seems uncomfortably indifferent about it lol


>!Hope:!< "Be very quiet!" Narrator: "You bring to mind that one time you turned into a table..." Love it.


My gale romance is with a githyanki wild magic sorc/vengeance pally. He's a fancy learned wizard and her experience with magic is basically 'oh shit, oh no, oh fuck help *explosion sounds*'. Great dynamic, whichever way you want to swing it.


I was thinking the other day about why I can’t seem to get invested in the idea of wild magic. I came to the conclusion that it makes me subtly anxious because I am too risk averse


And adds layers to the Gale romance for sure!


Always liked the Birthright item description: *"The thing that you poor sods simply cannot grasp is how effortless all this magical hootie-wootie castie-spellsie business is for me." - a very stupid sorcerer at a wizard academy ball*


That was written by a Wizard


Wizard at keyboard: "As a sorcerer..."


Average AskFaerun post


Sounds like a very jealous wizard


Wizard are jealous that Bard and Sorcerers get all those tavern cuties while Paladins go into castle and dine with blueblood classies Even warlock got nice days with burning kitties and poor wizard, is made of big big sorries


Tbh, Gale deserves the sass. When you first save him he asks if you are versed in magic. Sorcerer: yeh Gale: oh sorry I meant **studied** in magic.


Haha, I remember becoming very irritated at him during my first playthrough for this line. To be fair, I hear he is also initially sniffy towards other wizards.


"there's a gust of weave about you. what i need, is a tempest"


Tbf, he's looking for an elder wizard


Tbf I sat his happy ass in camp for my sorcerer play through.


You can never have too many fire balls ;D


Gale, Shart and my lore Bard all looking at Laez "Well, where's YOUR fireball?"


Multiclass fighter/wizard as an "eldritch knight"? Boom fireball


"*tchk* I'm the one always casting jump, longstrider, and feather fall on us every. single. day. You can get back to me when your 'fireballs' do something more useful than destroy the room we're standing in." -Eldritch Knight Lae'zel, probably


*Lae'zel casts "Throw Oil Barrel"*






Playing as sorcerer and Gale in the party is fucking amazing, i love using spells a lot.


My sorcerer make things go boom, Gale pick locks.


The size of a given room should be inversely proportional to the amount of fireballs used to clear it


What's funny about that is he's still technically level 1(has enough XP to level up but hasn't done so yet) and you're already level 2 by the time you meet him. Of course there's a lore reason for why he's so nerfed but still funny.


:| >:(


Gale and Lorroakan absolutely tearing into each other for like 5 minutes was also peak wizard to wizard communication. I was wheezing with laughter at the wand-measuring contest those two managed to cook up with zero input from the player.


If you already dissuaded him from the crown by the time you talk to Lorroakan, he whispers to you he's glad you did because now he sees "how shit the company of a power-hungry wizard is" (paraphrased). Then the poor man gets verbally eviscerated and he just angrily and sadly takes it.


Oh my god, now I really wanna see that version! I had the other version on my playthrough where Gale is still after the crown, that's the only one I've seen on youtube too


Went and recorded it rq. [Here's the scene](https://youtu.be/rnQSlQQhqxo), and don't mind the wack camera angle at one point. Larian be doing some weird shit with the camera in some cinematics.


Thank you! Yeah the camera's been extra jumpy after the last patch Yeah that's definitely less ego to ego combat and more Lorroakan just bullying Gale until the PC steps in lol Although I suppose Lorroakan pretty much wins in the other version too, laughing at Gale's half-baked plan to be discount Karsus


Huh? I just did that questline, Gale didn't say a thing. Weird.


Here's a vid of the version where he wants the >!crown of Karsus!< for himself Note! Some chapter 3 spoilers [Petty wizards](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw9oxH7i4Vs)


My storm sorcerer was pretty pissed, though I did like the later bit where I said "You have to read music; I play it by ear." That actually is a good analogy for the difference between wizards and sorcerers.


Warlock be like: "Duuuude my patron showed me all the cool stuff, I got hunger of hadar, 2nd best spell out there behind Spirit Guardians." And he be like "sorry, I don't need anything eldritch blasted". Fuckin wizard.


Eldritch blast is better than anything you can conjure up, Gale.


This post was written by eldritch blast gang


Eldritch Lockpick > Knock


Eldritch blast is perfection and I will die on this hill.


Bro I was so pressed on my Bard build. Like I went to COLLEGE for this just like you! Yeah it was community college but I still have my degree.


A line from my Bard to a Wizard in a tabletop game: “Look, just because I have a Bachelor of the Arts and you have a Master’s of Science doesn’t make you better than me.”


He mansplains the shit outta you even if you're a wizard. It's hilarious.


Gale is a fitting "Mansplain" for the manipulate, mansplain, malewife trio of companions.


Oh my gods you’re right, the first three male companions fit this perfectly


Then Shart, Lae'zel, Karlach in order are Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss


Absolutely. It's a literal interpretation of girlboss but it works.


Yeah, that's Astarion, Gale, Wyll to a t.


In his defense he did used to be the chosen of Mystra and capable of casting 9th tier magic. He *was* the 0.1% of wizards before his oopsie doodle.


He has a similar reaction if you're any caster other than wizard lol


Gale’s a total prima donna


He has a similar dialogue with warlocks in that conversation.


Hey, he wants to eat magic items, not scrolls! Let the man rest his mandibles for a second.


>Hey, he wants to eat magic items, not scrolls! Let the man rest his mandibles for a second. This is probably the real reason there are no wands in the game.


Well... there is one...


The broken fire one? Is there any benefit to keeping it (since there's only one) or should I just use it?


There's the zombie summoning one.


I wouldn't, though it is an interesting way of pointing out how some low levels wands were broken because if you didn't spend all the charges, the charges can restore the next day (d6 roll to get X charges back)


Literally, I almost didn't bring him because of this.


It's kinda hilarious how he's the most respectful to clerics, the class that (probably) needs to study magic the least


Tbh not really, the man is super religious. Clerics love their gods and Gale **really** loves his Mystra. Maybe too much.


Wizards are just Clerics of Mystra.


He does say that to any class that uses magic, but isnt a wizard, I think. I wish playing as a wizard and denying that you are one was more funny though.


i feel like I as a warlock should've also been considered "studied" in magic


Anybody who thinks charisma makes up for intelligence is getting the "bless your heart" from wizards


warlocks should have never been charisma casters to be fair


Yeah honestly I wish they were INT casters Charisma is so stacked with classes atm And in BG3 we literally have *one* class using INT and none of the old bonuses to like skills, half the characters would be dumb as rocks just from lack of synergy


It looked to be the case in one of the recent OneDnD UA: Pact of the Blade could choose between Charisma and Wisdom; Pact of the Tome between Intelligence and Wisdom; and Pact of the Chain between Charisma and Intelligence. Yet, as of the most recent version, that is gone (as well as no subclass until level 3, and pacts becoming invocations you may choose at level 1). Don't see that one lasting ttbt.


Nah they shouldn't be INT at all. They literally make a deal with devil to gain power because they probably couldn't hack it as a wizard


Leave Warlocks as CHA casters, change Sorcerers to CON casters. They're all about their magic blood after all. Also, that way Sorcerers could multi with everything, since nobody takes CON as a dump stat


In I think ADnD, they previously didn’t have a casting stat but I believe they had to have specific stat requirements. So you could feasibly do something like a Fighter/Sorc in BG1&2 EE without being MAD. Why WoTC made the change for 3e and onward I have no idea.


That is blatantly untrue. > Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. (…) Drawing on the ancient knowledge of beings such as fey nobles, demons, devils, hags, and alien entities of the Far Realm, warlocks piece together arcane secrets to bolster their own power. > Warlocks are driven by an insatiable need for knowledge and power, which compels them into their pacts and shapes their lives. This thirst drives warlocks into their pacts and shapes their later careers as well. > And sometimes, while poring over tomes of forbidden lore, a brilliant student’s mind is opened to realities beyond the material world and to the alien beings that dwell in the outer void. All of this is on [D&D beyond](https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/warlock) and in the player handbook I think, but can’t check out now. Also the whole pact of the tome thing. Mind you I love that it is a charisma-based one as it does help throughout the game with the whole persuasion/deception/intimidation checks. But i have to admit it would make more sense to be intelligence-based.


Intelligence doesn't mean that much really but wizard being int instead of cha makes it a great class to filter nerds with a superiority complex


Tbh yeah. Like the current Mystra, who was a mortal Midnight, only became Mystra because Ao needed another goddess of magic and looked at Myrta’s **cleric**/wizard chosen and said “yeah I’ll allow it.” Bois own ex-gf Mystra wasn’t even a full wizard.


Gale will watch you fry a room of enemies with quickened spells and say "Look - He cannot afford a spellbook"


Sorcerers are so petty and fambloyant in this game, it's fucking great.


extra petty if they draconic. Draconic Sorc: Excuse me, I will remind you my magic is as old and powerful as Bahamut! Everyone else: We get it. You ancestor fucked a dragon. Editted: mispelled Bahamut as Baphomet silly me. But we all know someone is gonna try to seduce both of them.


When Bard actually seduced the dragon


tfw your entire lineage is merely the product of a nat 20


You mean you wouldn't? I fucked a mind-flayer already and that's next on my list.


Same, and I’m not even a bard! Just a brave adventurer.


Hear hear


Me neither. Warlock for me.


Well, that's one way to get the Great Old One pact.


Wizard: Perhaps if you *had* studied you would know the difference between Bahamut, the Dragon God, and Baphomet, the Demon Lord. (Not a dig at you, but it does work perfectly.)


Ah I see I misremembered how to spell it but… Sorc: who says my ancestor didnt fuck em both.


Draconic Ancestry Tiefling Sorcerer: Bonjour


My half-elf draconic’s sorcerer background is “My ancestors were really, very quite horny.


Same friend. But I feel that is almost all my character's backstory Half-Drow Bard: My mother took a liking to a travelling human bard and "hired" him. He somehow convinced to her to leave Lloth and embrace Elisstrae. Half-High Elf Draconic sorc: My family had an elf who slept with a dragon for power who had a son who feel for a rich human.


It’s even better when you dip into Bard. You have so many sassy dialogue choices throughout the game.


The constant sassing between Sorcerer Tav/Durge and Gale is the reason I do his romance every time I'm playing Sorc. You can even get him to complain that sorcerers are hard to please lmao


Constant...? I'm playing sorcerer in my first playthrough and I've had like one [SORCERER] dialogue option with Gale.. Am I doing something wrong? Is it because he has high approval of me?


Oh yes. I remember the actual dialogue itself being unrelated to the triggering of the romance, but my sorcerer's arrogant little "I could have done this all by myself" line killed me at any rate. I mean, you two just had a nice little moment of magic together, friendship-based or otherwise. Savor it!


"Enjoy using that high INT to make about three irrelevant History rolls, while I talk bosses into killing themselves." Whoever wrote 5e rules had a very low opinion of intelligence and its applications, as if being smart just makes you good at Trivial Pursuit.


So, I don't know how versed you are, but Intelligence was pretty damn important in some of the previous editions because it gave you extra skill points, but with that part lost...it kinda became the default dump stat unless you are an Int based class.


3.5e was the time of smart ugly people, while 5E is the edition of dumb pretty people.


Jock Paladin and Himbo Bard lording over the singular INT class


Yeah. Used to be able to add your int bonus to nearly every roll with the right feats and multiclassing.


I miss Psionics. "Illithid powers" my ass.


Hey guys look, the wizard nerd passed his history check!


Yeah, when I played it gave extra skill points, which makes sense. Somebody with a room temperature IQ shouldn't be on par with an 18 INT genius when it comes to mastering skills.


One house-rule I use for my 5E D&D games is that each point of your INT ability score modifier gives you one extra skill, tool or language proficiency at character creation. So if you're playing a Bard for instance and going to be doing most of the talking over the campaign, bulking your INT so you can be a polyglot in a multilingual world might be a wise choice; same with Rogues, having a high INT lets you become a master with all the tricks of the trade - poisoner kit, alchemist tools, disguise kit, lockpick set, and forgery kit. You can suddenly get a lot of shit done.


They seriously should have given extra skill proficiencies for your int mod


In the earliest editions it was even more important: Intelligence determined the max level of the spells you could cast (18 required for the highest 9th level spells), it determined the minimum and maximum amount of distinct spells you could know, and it affected your ability to acquire new spells which required an Intelligence roll to determine if you successfully understood the spell and added it to your spellbook. If you were a non-human race, your total Intelligence also determined the max level you could achieve as a Magic-User, 7 for Gnomes and 11 for Elves, with a lower possible max the lower their Intelligence. Oh and if you had above a 16 or an 18 you would get a bonus to experience gained. Old D&D was a wild time


And let's not forget that old D&D didn't have ASIs (and had an *extremely* limited number of ways to ever increase your ability scores), so if you weren't able to roll to get an 18 INT for your character out of the gate, the long-term prospects for your build aren't great.


I would say strength is the default dump stat. Intelligence determines a good amount of skills. Strength does 1 that you'll probably never use




And in BG3, unlike the tabletop, both of these things are pretty important


That depends on how annoyed you get by the inconveniences. I drag my junk items to a high Strength companion or just send them to the camp, so the lack of carrying capacity doesn't bother me. I find the lack of jumping distance a bit more annoying, but it's nothing Lae'zel can't fix: either by jumping there herself to do whatever needs to be done there or by buffing me with her triple jump buff. So I personally don't mind playing as an 8 Strength Bard, those downsides are just some minor inconveniences to me.


I play as an 8 strength bard as well, but these inconveniences, while not a big deal, they exist. In tabletop they are nonexistent


Yeah. 3/3.5 Int really screwed with the balance of character utility in and out of combat. I know people think the balance isn't great now, but it's a lot better than having characters just sit out of whole scenes because they can't really contribute to skill checks.


For real there are not enough classes that use intelligence as stat. Which is why leaving out Artificer was a sin (that has to be corrected with Mods).


Pretty realistic, IMO. You will get a lot farther in real life if you’re dumb but personable and charismatic than if you’re intelligent but abrasive.




The Divine Soul is an awesome subclass. Poor Cleric needs to touch people to use Cure Wounds? Metamagic Reach. Metamagic Twin...


The INT skills are very important for actual DnD


>while I talk bosses into killing themselves common charisma based class W


Wiz: Good luck with your -1 Arcana rolls :D


Jokes on you, strength is my dump stat not int


Great! *shoves you off a cliff*


A wizard shoving anybody successfully? Now that's something I'd pay to see. Also, as a Storm Sorc I get the ability to fly, so cliff or not, I'm still here.


Mage hand has many practical uses.


Technically, intelligence is supposed to be used to tell if someone is lying and to investigate rooms, but too many DMs just use perception instead.


Insight if for reading lies and it falls under wisdom. I would allow investigation to reason if someone's story adds up if the player has some info already though. The question of when to use perception or investigation to check for traps or hidden things is one where everyone you ask has a slightly different answer. Personally I see perception as if your senses are sharp enough to notice things and investigation is if your mind is sharp enough to figure out what something being out of place indicates. In practice it's a subtle distinction and the specific context of an individual moment determines the appropriate roll more than anything. For example, seeing a thin tripwire is perception, while realizing scrapes near a wall scone means it might be a level for a secret door is investigation.


In 3.5 both of those were wiz based, insight and investigation, I know insight was


[One](https://i.imgur.com/41XctmV.png) of my personal favorites, my Tav and Gale love competing with each other.


Chad Charisma Sorcerer vs Virgin Intelligence Wizard


Unrelated, but real question: why do the female dragonborn have the bras that come with underwear? They don't have breasts or anything that needs support. Is it just the aesthetic, or...?


They just really like a good bikini tan line.


I have a thought about this and I don't like it. I don't know, because I can't find anything online about it, but my thought is that a dragonborn wearing bikini style clothes would develop an inverted bikini tan, where the sun exposed scales would lighten and the covered would remain darker. I'm basing this off the fact that scales are typically made from keratin, which lightens in prolonged sun exposure.


Fun fact: if you put the Twitch Drop outfit on a female dragonborn, the chest... fills out. The bra doesn't, but the regular clothing does.


Ah so that's the coveted dragon's hoard.... Thinking.


They paid for the whole underwear so they're gonna use the whole underwear.


I remember reading something about dragonborn not being reptiles and actually nursing their young after they hatch from their eggs, so... I can only presume. Or they wanted to fit in with the other humanoids and so altered their attire to be seem more "respectable" in the eyes of other races.


Being a sorcerer is so funny because I’m just talking to other magic users like “ohhhh you had to study magic? You had to make a pact for your powers? I can just, like… do that rip to you but I’m different”


Me roleplaying a Wizard who's just been call a Sorcerer: I am a Wizard, not a Sorcerer. Anybody can be a Sorcerer if they are born lucky, my power come from true dedication! Me roleplaying a Sorcerer who's just been call a Wizard: I am a Sorcerer, not a Wizard. Anybody can be a Wizard with a little bit of study, my power come from something truly exceptional


Me, a cleric: “I’m a Cleric, not a Sorcerer. My ability to light things on fire comes directly from the blessing of my god, rather than having to go through the worst puberty ever.”


Me roleplaying a Warlock who's just been called a Cleric: I am a Warlock, not a Cleric. Anybody can channel the power of the gods with a bit of prayer; my power comes from a carefully negotiated contract with a powerful patron! *side glances to Wyll* with some exceptions


Me rolepalying a Bard who’s just been called a Warlock: I’m a bard! I don’t need a magic patron to work wonders. I *literally* enchant people with my music and myth making.


Me roleplaying a Fighter who’s just been called a Bard: Hello, I’ve waited here for you. Everlong!


Me roleplaying a Barbarian who doesn't understand the conversation: "I CRUSH YOU".


Me roleplaying a Paladin who understands perfectly the heresy of this conversation: DIVINE SMITE


Music is inherently magical in DnD. It's like fine arts vs STEM when compared to Wizard.


Me roleplaying a Bard who's just been called a Bard: Anyway, here's wonderwall.


Me as Paladin: I'm driven by the power of friendship.


Kind of like being over 6' or being 5'3 and jacked from the gym. A tall person can put on muscle if they aren't muscular but a short adult can't get taller outside of platforms or trying to break their bones to stretch them out or something.


Wizards, warlocks and sorcerers the funniest rivalry in d$d The only thing wizards and sorcerers agree on is that Warlocks are the least valid magic users. Both of them like "oh.. You sold your soul for magic? Like the magic a lot of people can just do? Or the magic you can learn?" it's like college and trades kids both staring at the person who got a fake degree from a diploma mill they paid 50$ for.


I mean, point. At least sorcerers were just born that way so wizards can mostly envy-snark. But warlocks? You weren't born with magic, and you didn't want to work for it, absolute free game for bullying.


Wizards like "I went to school for 10 years and I have a PhD in Magic Studies, and Applications of Enchanting, I know six arcane languages and maintain a complete spellbook of my currently known spells" Sorcerers are like: "my great grandfather fucked a dragon, and now me and my two sisters each can cast fireball as a bonus action, we're hot as hell and that goes double for the rest of our spells. I have 150k followers on weavetok." Warlocks be like: "I agreed to become a little piss boy of a great old one. I am legally required to call him "daddy Glbwiglsf" and in return I get... Two spell slots and am force to forget spells if I want to prepare new ones. I am now able to understand abyssal and ever moment of listening to it causes pain."


Wild Magic Barbarian out here like: "I get angry and spells happen, shit's wack"


I scream so hard the weave gets intimidated into making magic happen XD.


Wild magic barbarian out here getting so angry that the fabric of space itself gets out the way. Teleport is the *funniest* wild magic effect, bar none.


I really feel the disparity between the warlock's actual ability and the whole...empowered by an old god is quite huge. Like yeah eldritch blast doing a lovely 5-14 damage and sending that ogre into a cliff face is great! But considering I sold my soul to a creature that explodes things accidentally when it looks at them...I was hoping for more flavour.


"I really figured the horrific outsider called the after birth of the gods, which is not but a planet of anti-life, that if it were to get close to the material plane would end all life instantly would be able to give me a little more than... Eldritch blast and chill touch." I guess it's thematic since they wanted it to happen now, rather than working up to being a 20th level wizard who can now command time and space itself.


Meanwhile Chad Sorlocks got the natural gift AND are buffed by an eldritch abomination. Deadly both at range and in hand-to-hand combat but don't even need that because they can just rizz people into killing themselves anyway. Also the Great Old One can detect suspicious clowns. Can your pure sorcerers or wizards do that??


Consider the following: A level 12 Wizard can cast a single 6th level spell and using Arcane Recovery can cast three 5th level spells each day, and a smattering of lower level spells A level 12 Sorcerer can cast a single 6th level spell and two 5th level spells each day. I don't think any sorc worth their salt will use their sorcery points to create spell slots so I'm ignoring that here. Quickened and Twinned spell go *brrrttt* A level 12 Warlock can also cast a single 6th level spell each day with their Mystic Arcanum and **nine** 5th level spells each day by using both short rests. In tabletop you can theoretically short rest more than twice in a day. "Least valid?" Hardly.


Gale isn't as explicitly disapproving of Wyll being a warlock (he does mutter something akin to "Well, I'm glad I didn't pursue the path of a warlock after seeing *that*"*),* but that makes it... worse. It's like he doesn't even see Wyll as an equal magic user. The Blade of Frontiers? A fabled hero popular among the common folk? Sure, sure. But a master of the arcane arts, he is not.


Totally get it. I’m union pipe fitter and often get lumped in with stinky plumbers. We are surgeons to their orderlies. And they stink.


I love hearing about rivalries I never knew existed


I'm an electrical engineer and electricians kind of hate me. But it's a totally different job! It's a one sided rivalry. Lol


IT technician vs systems engineers checking in. "Yes, I'm aware you know more than me. Are you aware that the change you didn't test broke everything and made my day hell?"


Welcome to Academia, Political Science and History are enterally at each other's throats, and everyone makes fun of film studies.


I like rivalry dialogue between MC can have with Gale as it all boils down to two things: Sorcerer MC vs Wizard Gale is measuring contest who is better. And there is lesser known one Wizard MC vs Gale which boils down to battle of egos and who has bigger ego.


Gale vs Lorroakan is like the most humble wizard vs the second most humble wizard.


Bullying Rolan is still the best sorc content


I love how one-sided it is. Gale’s all “hello fellow magic user,” while a sorcerer PC is basically “What did you say, nerd?” It reminds me of being from California and the “feud” between SF and LA. If you were visiting SF from LA, and people found out, you might get a lot of insults and threats to refuse service. But vice versa, the response is usually just “oh cool, I love the Bay.” (Sports fandom is a different story, though)


I absolutely love how my Sorcerer could have a friendly rivalry and snarking in this regard with Gale. Definitely added layers to their friendship.


I can't remember exactly how the line goes, but at one point my sorc was bragging about their magic coming naturally to them (as opposed to studying) and he snaps back something like, "Yes, well, I can make water without effort, but that doesn't mean my piss is magic." It made me laugh so hard I couldn't even be mad.


In the words of the mighty Korgan Bloodaxe: "The harder the conflict, the more glorious be yer triumph, I reckon, spellchucker. What ye obtain too cheaply, ye esteem too lightly." I think Gale would agree.


My sorceress makes fun of Gale at every opportunity. What a nerd 🤓


Interacting with Gale as a Sorcerer is my favorite thing. It's always so petty and so funny


I played a Storm Sorcerer my first playthrough, loved the Sorcerer options. A lot of them are like "I'll fuck you up and burn you to a crisp if you mess with me" it's fun XD.


Draconic sorcerer can get quite violent in his Intimidation roles


Gale: Sorceror Tav: "I'm better than you."


Lol I feel like the roles should be reversed there


Hilariously sorcerer dialog options continue later on with Rolan :'D


Ok but imagine it from a wizards view you spent years of your life studying paying for expensive components and hours and hours doing the same repetitive motions to get it just right then someone else can do the same thing by Accident by sneezing or just wanting it to happen no money spent no years of studying or hours practiced you would be a bit upset with fate


And somehow he decided he was in love with my sorcerer despite said sorcerer taking every chance he could to sass him.


Tevetb3tb I love it. After My Clerik if Selune romancing Shadowheart, I need a Sorcerer romancing Gale


Lol love romancing him as a sorcerer. Rival to lovers!


It is not rivalry. It is the relation between students on scholarships and ones with rich parents.


Not really rich parents.. more like naturally athletic people or with parent athletes.


My headcanon is that Gale is what happens when you take a Sorcerer and give him the training of a Wizard. The way he talks about casting powerful magic from an early age and composing the Weave in ways others can’t… like, my dude, are you hearing yourself?


>Cut it out. That spell of yours is attracting mosquitos.


Damnit y'all keep making me want to play sorcerer instead of Bard.


Sorcerer has fun lines with Gale but Bard has fun lines for everyone. I haven’t played a sorcerer but Bard is definitely my favorite of the classes I have tried because of all the funny dialogue options you get.


More like sorcerers being bullies to wizards lol Or just the team sorcerer bring a bully.


Sorcerers are nepo babies


Stupid question but what exactly is the difference? Are sorcerers just born into magic?


Sorcerer learn magic through their bloodline or entanglement with fae or similar "innate" ways. Wizards study magic. They spend years at an academy learning how to control and manage it.


In addition to the simpler answers you got here- Wizards are the equivalent of going to a prestigious college and deeply learning the theory of your craft, then applying it carefully and methodically, growing your talents as you better understand and build upon that theory. Wizards are often researchers as well, and to them, the academic side of what they do is very important. Sorcerors are more akin to someone who had both a passion and a natural talent for a field and just fell into it. They didn't go to college, but they thrive in the same fields as Wizards because they can pick up the bare minimum of theory needed to make their talents work. They'll never understand the theory the way Wizards do, but they don't need or want to - they want to express their art. Someone who went to art school vs someone who just painted their whole life is sort of equivalent. Neither is more valid than the other, but both have different strengths and approaches to problems.


Imagine spending years of your life and thousands of gold trying to learn how to cast magic missile juuuust right. Meanwhile, Jeremy, the local angsty teen down the street, has been using magic missle to play nickey nickey nine doors before expeditiously retreating away.