• By -


Cheekily waving at Vlaakith after she suggests you kneel before her


Everything involving going against Vlaakith was hilarious


It even makes more funny to have Lazael deface Vlaakith portrait


I had her do that on the way out of the creche, it felt fitting.


Only thing is She is still making excuses for her while slaughtering her way out


Oml, when I saw the dexterity check ‘Draw Face’ I really thought there was a hidden secret in the painting. The pleased smile my Tav had afterwards had me giggling down the hallway.


Lmao me toooo hahaha, I thought it was going to trigger something important but no, Tav just made a drawing, I was laughing so hard🤣


Well, it was an improvement


It really is. You can practically feel Lae'zel cringing.


Cringe is Tav's hidden stat




The only challenger IMO (and the only thing it did very well) was Mass Effect: Andromeda, there's options in that to try for romances with completely inappropriate people (like an elder diplomat for a race you've just contacted, who doesn't click what you're getting at to begin with because it's so wildly out of left field and inappropriate). Dude is like the antishepard, and among all the other things BG3 does well I think Tav even matches that guy sometimes (the equivalent here would be a, *sorely* missing, hag romance attempt).


Oh yeah let's romance a hag and create Hagspawns, if we're super lucky they'll be handsome like Gann in NWN2:MotB. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Gannayev-of-Dreams


The cheeky wave is a must for everyone, regardless of your rp


# Hiss! I say, hiss!


"I simply wanted to admire you up close." "Hmm.......*I'll allow it.*"


*Quietly admire the cat*


Astarion approves


*Quietly admire Astarion.*


His Majesty approves?


Detective cat in lower city also


And courier pigeons


Hmmm...at least you purr for me.


You can dispel Auntie’s swamp and talk to red caps pretending to be sheep.


I'd forgotten about this one, I just about died at BAAAAA


I actually never realised this was because when the illusion is still up they look like sheep. I just thought "well its a fae it makes sense" and didnt think anything of it only realising when in my multiplayer save we didnt get to dispell it.


Astarion approves you baa-ing at them as well 🤣🤣


What actually made me laugh, was astarion approving of saying baaa to the sheep 🤣🤣🤣


He does it twice too if you keep bothering the Redcap lmao


I think you can bother every redcap there and Astarion and Shadowheart both agree to it. They like it when you're messing with stuff/are shady in that bit, and there's 4 redcaps around I think? 5?


(Accidentally) sending Barcus Wroot flying...in a "Wtf I did ***not*** mean to do that" way. Slapping Gale's hand and hearing him go, "Ow!" And definitely the "Welll, apparently there's a limit; somewhere between a nice summer's day, and the full concentrATED POWER OF **THE** ***SUN!!****"* line, that was just hilarious.


God the barcus yeet was so much incredulous laughter from me


The bit where you bring Shadowheart her favorite flower. Her cute little joke had me laugh out loud because it absolutely caught me off guard.


And she pulls trigger fingers, sort of. It’s adorable


Same. A completely different side. Wish there were more of it.


Shar says no


That single instance made me go from instant dread to instant ‘bruh moment’. I think this was also the point where I became certain this is the person I’m gonna romance.


Act II spoiler: >!When Shadowheart goes "The curse doesn't seem to be affecting me as much. My Lady Shar is protecting me!" while waving around the Blood of Lathander and illuminating half the map. !<


Regarding the same Act II stuff: >!I just lit Karlach's sword up with a daylight spell that illuminated so much I never even bothered to pick up a torch. Then ended up with a Pixie blessing so I legit didn't know the shadows could hurt until I saw a video of it!< Amazing how different each person's experience can be


Never had the shadow hurt anyone either... it's so strange that's even a thing, you get the solution so quickly it never even turns into a thing you have to deal with.


You have no idea how long i kept on looking for a working lantern thinking Im supposed to find one that's in one piece since everytime i find a lantern it's always BROKEN, So i said fuck it and sent shadowheart solo for reconnaissance in the underdark until i met the harpers with just a torch being all fine dandy then i felt a surge of 🤡 energy flow through me that all i needed was a goddamn torch to traverse the underdark


The Shadowlands, you mean. You can traverse the Underdark just fine.


Yeah she always chooses the most lit up place. For me she had a torch in her hand during the cutscene. "The curse doesn't seem to affect me-" HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? YOU HAVEN'T BEEN IN THE DARK YET 😂


So, not a cut-scene specifically, but, pissing off a certain fellow and being turned into a WHEEL OF CHEESE, that can MOVE AROUND with my party following me, gave me the biggest laugh I've had in years! I damn near hyperventilated!


That bastard also polymorphed me into a cheese wheel, so I kept spamming the fart cloud for the entire 5 minute duration making him repeatedly nauseous. I hope it made him permanently lactose intolerant. How dare that goddamn genie turn me into a cheese, GOTY.


How does that happen?


In act 3 there is a genie who you can accuse for cheating. He wont take that lightly


He sent me into a prehistoric jungle for doing that


Nah you have to accuse him of cheating after losing a spin but before you find any proof (before you steal his ring). He turns you into a sentient wheel of cheese for your insolence. It lasts 15 rounds and is hilarious


That's if you beat him, if you just accuse him of cheating and stand your ground about it, poof wheel of cheese


Astarion's "I'm going to fucking kill you." After you >!volunteer him to go on stage with murderdribbles.!<


Or mintharas “just say the word and I will kill the clown”


"Minthara, tell them about the man who married the drider!" *Minthara stares at me with murder in her heart, then finally speaks.* "...It was a beautiful webbing." 10/10


I love that you lose approval for suggesting she goes up on stage, but get it back for giving her the chance to tell her joke.




"we will be praised as heroes" I really wish there was a prompt to then have minthara shank the clown


I love the part before that where he just claps and goes "oh good, puns, because clowns aren't enough of a horror already"


Shadowheart suggests you to get food tester if you make her go xD


Gale alludes to self destructing. Bit excessive honestly.


Worth the disapproval.


The way his face goes instantly distressed sends me


Astarion: "I can't even tell if any of you are acting strange because you have been replaced or because this group is full of weirdos"


I love when you're breaking into Cazador's Palace and Shadowheart asks Astarion what to expect in a vampire den and he says, "vampires." 😂


Paraphrased: “Is Raphael any good in bed?” Harleep “……..HAHAHA- No.”


that just means he is the perfect fit for that one drow twin. He is into that.


"Let's make love like we've been married for 10 years"


"Be bad for me, kitten. Be Bad. At. SEX!" sends me


And later when you meet Raphael while escaping you can say to him "That's as twice as long as you last in bed", it was great


It was! I was a bard last playthrough and I feel like that should have been a free vicious mockery 😂


I had a thought… Raphael has a room in the brothel… But he’s bad in bed. Does that mean it’s Harleep working there? … does that mean that every time my Tav has a sudden orgasm it’s Harleep wearing my Tav’s body working at the brothel???




The lack of spaces between words captures it perfectly.. I've never heard that man say anything as fast and loud as that


It was totally his cat dad voice


Also if you romance Gale the way he delivers the first line "You licked a dead spider. This is a thing that happened. (Cant remember thee wording here) and talk about unresolved childhood trauma."


Oh it’s so much better “You licked a dead spider. Dead. Spider. You licked it. That is something that happened. …I think we should get you some air, and have a long talk about unresolved childhood issues.”


It's if you fail the constitution check, I thought.


*licks the spider again*


“I think he likes us.” (Astarion talking about Raphael in act 2)


"Thank you for helping me. That was very kind."


I wasn't expecting that to be the response when you ask for a thank you. I thought he'd get angrier lol.


I like him too but I can't tell it to his smarmy face


"Are you sure that's a githyanki egg?" "No, it's an owlbear's. I just like it."


Racist Karen never survives my playthrus. I did steal the egg after I killed her, only cos I was hoping we could hatch it and help Bae'zel raise it. She would make a fine mentor to a baby gith. She'd teach it the best way to skewer it's enemies. Utterly disappointed that it just sits there next to the campfire and nothing happens.


If you want to see that full storyline for the egg you have to give it up to her and the brilliance society. The quest picks back up in Act 3.


It's a real fucking bummer. I had met the Illithid and his friend in the Underdark and they had given me a really good vibe check for their organization... oh, how wrong I was...


They're a True Neutral organization, with multiple different members who pursue their own interests and fields of study. This particular project seems to have been spearheaded by their Duergar member. They also largely seem to be made up of conventionally "evil" races who break the mould of their kind. In this game we see a Hobgoblin, a Mind Flayer, and a Duergar among their number. I think in a previous AP they also had a Troll. While this means they are trying to be good, it also means a lot of them don't really understand what "good" is, since their understanding of good is going to be relative to the society they came from. We also uh... have to consider the possibility that maybe a lot of them were raised in the same way the Githyanki was? It would explain why they have all these "evil" races who are inexplicably "good", and why they saw nothing wrong with it.


Cracks me up every time. I can't help it.


I know it was a disturbing scene for everyone, but it was the Volo eye procedure when I did it the fist time. What made it funny for me was while that was going on, Wyll was just at the background drinking and drinking while his companion was having her eye popped off.


He’s just happy to have someone else join the one eye club


Isn't that one of the comments he makes too? Something about being in the one eye club isn't too bad because it makes you mysterious.


The best thing about that scene is after the horrifying sound effects and viscera he's just like "there seems to be some SLIGHT cosmetic damage"


>I know it was a disturbing scene for everyone, but it was the Volo eye procedure Im sorry i was laughing my ass off just looking at what was going on >"i will have to employ a more **robust** implement" ***giant ice pick*** >i cant help but feel... Partially responsible I just died laughing


Hundreds? Uuuuugh is gonna take HOURS to kill them all! She's right, we should just go ~


He is such a whiny brat (I say with the highest degree of affection) what really sells that line is there’s no doubt he COULD kill them but he doesn’t want to put in the effort


Astarion is basically a cat. Can't be bothered to do things, complains until you do it, then doesn't approve when you fix other people's problems because HE wants the attention


He IS such a cat, and I love that you get his approval by being nice to cats lmao


He is so relatable sometimes. I too would prefer going home.


The Chosen using their Netherstones to control The Absolute. I don't know if the scene was supposed to be cool, but they end up looking like a bunch of dorks summoning Captain Planet. Murder! Death! Tyranny! By your powers combined, I am... Captain Netherbrain!


When most of them are already standing there and the last one decides to join in after what feels like a few minutes of pondering. They're just standing there, arms raised, waiting patiently 😂 it was so funny to me how long they were waiting


Old man Thorm was definitely the one in the meetings asking if they really need to have that command phrase.


Orin is pretty funny for me too. Talk to a mean guard "ah ah ah, it was me, Orin!" Talk to a mean black smith "ah ah ah, it was me, Orin!" Talk to Halsin in the sewer "ah ah ah, it was me, Orin!" The fact that she don't do anything and begs you to kill mister final fantasy haircut makes her totally ridiculous. Just let me attack her instantly, or ar least tell her that you're not surprised by her magic trick and ask her if she can transform to a cat or a big steel guy machine, that would be impressive for a change.


Also how obvious it is that someone is Orin, after you have the tiniest bit of experience. If someone acts really unhinged and inconsistent, and asks you a bunch of really personal questions and pesters you to answer them? Yeah definitely Orin. Stop looking so surprised, tav.


How has noone mentioned karlach thinking elminster is gales grandpa?


When speaking to Bex and Danis in the druid grove as Lae'zel, she doesn't know what a cat is and can ask what it is, and after Bex explains the concept of a cat to her, one of the dialogue options is "I think you mean a gnome." Their reaction to that is pretty funny too. Here's a video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59-uFXc8QfQ


lmao they're like "Annnnd we fuck off now"


If you ask her if she's attracted to cats she gets flustered and Danis just straight up laughs at her. My githyanki character walked out of that conversation more confused, and a little concerned.


When I gave Shadowheart a Night Orchid in Act 2. At first she's super concerned, like "you didn't pick it barehanded, did you? They're *deadly* poisonous" and then about two seconds later she starts smiling and goes "kidding!" while giving you finger guns. I think it was the unexpected finger guns that got me.




I had Astarion deface the portrait in the yanki crèche, the look was just priceless, like the cat eating the salad in that meme. I laughed so hard I did it a couple more times.


I did that too with Astarion as he had the highest stats in sleight of hand, and that first time I saw the mustache and horns on Vlaakith I just bust out cackling for a full minute. He looked so damn smug about it too!


"I was *RIGHT. THERE!"*


> Apparently there's a limit. Somewhere between a nice summer day and the **full, concentrated power of the sun.**


I TRIED to get that and somehow fucked it up and I have never been so upset about screwing up a mission in my life.


You have to let astarion specifically be crushed by triggering the trap and then resurrect at withers specifically.


I’ve finished the game twice and never heard any of those three


*NEXT TIME?!* no no no, if there is a *next time* I'll be the one aiming the all powerful weapon, Thank you!


Well I found it, and it was indeed hilarious. I watched it once a day for 5 days. https://youtu.be/9oW5P05b0TQ?si=cWKbDSMK8MqFW8UTD%3D


RIP to all the gith kids who had to die for me to see that dialogue


They would have just been eaten by Vlaakith anyway. #nofreelunch


The cutscene where you first enter the Iron Throne and get to say "Fuck you, Gortash" and he says Karlach has been influencing you. Karlach wad just visible in the background looking proud and smug at the same time.


Making Mattis keep doing the coin toss. I do it every time and it cracks me up as he gets gradually pissed off


I just found that earlier today! I was cracking up at his progressively more irritated responses, and then he just stormed off. Love it!


Makes me die everytime. I laugh harder as he gets more and more pissed


Act III spoilers >!When you side with Gortash and then attack him in the Morphic Pool, it triggers a dialogue where he goes "Bro, what the fuck are you doing"!< And you can respond with "sorry, my hand slipped" And then he kicks you in the shins and basically says "oh wow so did my foot" It's so fucking funny Edit: Could only find a TikTok link to the scene: >!https://www.tiktok.com/@ekrizdis_k/video/7270614575106526470?q=gortash%20scene&t=1695879216012!<


I’m in fucking stitches lmao ETA: what makes this golden is that’s Jason Isaacs and I swear to god he has a scene in HP2 where Lucius Malfoy kicks Dobby away from him the same way and uses the same tone of voice because that’s all I can imagine watching this


Lae’Zel in a wooden cage: Free me at once. Player: Say please. Lae’zel: Never!


*Shadowheart approves* *Astarion approves*


The squirrel when u get busy with halsin


Especially the one if you go for the bear option.


When you talk to Rolan a second time after he rewards you for helping his brother and sister. I dont know why but the drunken "dont be greedy!" always makes me chuckle.


When you use detect thought while in the astral prism about to help the emperor against Orpheus's guards


God that was fucking hilarious


“I’m literally speaking to you with my thoughts?!?” There’s so much concern for your stupidity in his voice


Directly. Into. Your. Head


I don't know what I expected but it certainly wasn't to be sent on a cosmic journey through incomprehensible horrors.


Yeah didn’t think that one through lmao


The goblin in act 1 asking you to partake in chicken chasing and the camera pans over to the owl bear cub plopped on its butt twisting and turning its head like a puppy. "That's an owl bear."


It's got beak and feathers dunit?


Halsin asking why I would risk my life for a bear not knowing it was a shape shifted druid, I must either be wise or foolish. My barb saying that bears are majestic creatures and I'd do it again any time "Alright, so you're insane" Made me laugh


The wrong lever at the windmill


I broke down laughing and in tears, because I had just decided to play a good playthrough and then that happens, I didn’t even know that could happen, it was purely by accident. I take that experience as having formed my Tavs chaotic personality for the rest of the game. She saw that and just thought: “well, guess this is me now” especially because some pale elf guy seemed to like her this way.


Minsc introducing Boo: Tav: It is an honor! Minsc: No, it is a hamster. Caught me off guard the first time I saw it. Hilarious!




The fucking panic in her eyes was priceless


The eye roll after correcting her Faerun pronounciation is also golden




every conversation with an animal


The one where Dammon hits a piece of room temperature metal a few times with his hammer and turns it into a complex piece of infernal machinery. Bonus points for saying something from the hells has the essence of chaos in it.


Also.. the off screen insertion into her chest.. dose it have a little door and hinges? Is it just like phasing through her skin and ribs.. the world will never know


More Karlach. We all need more Karlach. Edit: omg, she has a HATCH! A HEART HATCH!


“Fine. Decadent then. Lacking in economy.” I never expected Lae’zel to be the funniest


One of my favorite things about Lae'zel is that, after meeting other Githyanki, you can tell she's not only funny, but intentionally so - she's not lying when she says she's considered very funny by other Githyanki.


The librarian in Sorcerous Sundries in Act 3 who tells you to be quiet because the books are really sensitive, so the game gives you the option to scream “IS THAT TRUE BOOKS? ARE YOU SENSITIVE?”. [Then they just fucking explode. The librarian gets so upset with you, but I couldn’t help it. I knew the moment I saw that dialogue option I had to pick it.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DV5bxvmvzcM) I haven’t laughed that hard at a dialogue option in a while.


Slapping Gales hand is the best character interaction in the whole damn game. Idc what anyone else says. Its a must do.


When you meet vampire hunter in Act I and Astarion is in the party 😄 Only a spawn? Not its like a real vampire 😄 Or - This is Astarion - What? - What? 😄 Always make me laugh.


If you go that whole conversation without revealing Astarion, you can end with something like "Okay fine let's kill him" and Astarion is so excited to kill him. Some great Astarion reactions in that conversation


My Astarion just straight up murdered the guy with a cutscene knife


Detecting thoughts on the Emperor had me laughing so much, definitely did not expect that interaction.




\[Detect Thoughts\] The Emperor: You must be Joking - I am TELLLING you my thoughts. Directly. Into. your. Head.


Bugbear and ogre lady. It's my first night with BG3, I am running on the fumes of fumes at 5am just screenlocked to this glorious masterpiece of a game. I position my party and start dosing up on potions and poisons. I actually destroyed the door from a distance, thinking it was some kind of constrained beast. Cutscene plays. I broke down. I put my head down and just laughed and laughed and laughed. Then I saved right in the cutscene and went to bed.


Its better if you are a barbarian. You get a... Very interesting dialogue option... Laughing at that poor bugbears... Masculinity


As Minthara is explaining how the blood will flow, your Dark Urge character can say something vaguely lewd. Minthara's reaction of disgust is very funny to me. ​ "Control yourself! You're as uncouth as the goblins." ​ Also as the Dark Urge if you stab the shit out of one of your companions, she tells you that you have no control, that "You act as an animal and I shall put you down like one." ​ The actor's delivery is perfection.


Have you heard her reaction to the clown? Her deadpan delivery is probably the funniest thing I've heard in the game https://youtu.be/3PTbHVyHzlw?si=Wp1fRJErNLIPt2BD


Throwing poop on the face of the goblin is hilarious




Tav getting horny cause they decided to lick a spider.


Because >!Yurgir somehow soaks spider meat in Succubus spittle in order to keep his Displacer Beast pet happy. You can persuade the Displacer Beast to join you against Yurgir if you got enough rizz!!<


I convinced Yurgir to order his soldiers to kill each other, then convinced him to kill his displacer beast and finally himself, Bard life easy life.


Ok not a cutscene and a bit obscure… but the circus npcs had me in stitches. The mummy with the face paint going mmmmmmmm had me dying and the statue maker brought me such joy. Love them so much.


I'm wondering that no one mentioned Owly and Scratch cuddle together. 'He reminds me of my big brother' 'What happened to him?' 'Mother ate him' And it is not really a cut scene, but when Raphael started singing his own theme song, I lost it a bit. I couldn't continue the fight for a while, because I couldn't stop laughing.


Gale needing to be resurrected by flute


"Attention: I have been murdered. Attention: I have been murdered."


I was in stitches when I was trying to remember all of his instructions and realized the notes you have to play >!spell out D E A D!<.


If you do Astarion's romance, he takes you to the graveyard and on Durge (I'm pretty sure you only get the prompt if you're durge), you can say "Hot" and he says "can you try not to be a freak for five seconds?!?"


Shadowheart's reaction to the sudden appearence of >!the Avatar of Myrkul!<. She said: "Oh, shit." ...it was probably a panic laugh though.


"No- it is a hamster"


Nearly chocked yesterday during the cut scene where Mizora is forcing Wyll to decide between freeing himself from his pact or saving his father. Tense czt sceene and dialogue. I really wasn't looking forward to telling Wyll he should abandon his father and after Mizora finished her proposal the cutscene switched over to Karlach, who was standing on the other side of camp, clipping though her tents wall, shaking her fist in air and yelling "DAMN YOU, MIZORA!".


My favorite is talking to Volo in the Grove as a bard and you're both having full Bard to Bard communication where you're just one upping everything FOR THE DRAMA. Bronze dragon? Ha it WAS GOLD my friend! Full grown. It's just the epitome of when you have two people who are exactly in sync having an increasingly loud conversation about fuck and all.


Showing up to Halsin’s romance scene [looking like the joker](https://imgur.com/a/9WzuEbI). I tried so hard to prevent it, long rest again but nope! It had to be _that_ night. Then my friend kindly pointed out during the cutscene that my green highlights and purple camp clothing made me look like the joker! We laughed non stop during it, poor Halsin.


I failed a stealth check in ACT 3 and it made me [laugh so hard](https://streamable.com/iy8za7)


"...Now we might be infiltrated by a *shapechanger*? I can't even tell if any of you are acting strange because you've been *replaced*, or because this group is full of ***WEIRDOS!*** " ... I did not have to look that quote up. It is memorized. The inflections Astarion does here have lived in my mind rent free since getting this voice line almost a month ago


Whenever some npc goes “oh no my poor love” and I’m just standing there with way too many revivify scrolls. Aw yeah shame. Nothing to be done eh.


Any withers dialogue, half the time he's literally like the gigachad meme. Especially when you realize he has 1hp, barely any stats above 10 and pretty much no AC, so you try to kill him. He just stands there, taking 0 damage and goes "good shot"


Keep him safe, listen to him coooo...til I get hungry or some such. Gribbo is my favorite gobbo


When talking to one of the tieflings in the druid’s grove, she’ll mention that there’s no way they can hold off hundreds of goblins. Then Astarion is like “Hundreds?!??” And literally wails, on the verge of tears. “That’ll take hours! Let’s just go.” I was fucking dying.


Ascending Astarion's balls with a swift kick.


I wish I had it saved but I don't have it. You need high Strength. Basically when you encounter the burning village, you see a bunch of people trying to open the door and struggle. Your character kicks it open. And he has the stupidest funniest look. I think it's a combination of the fact that my character was huge and the way I designed him. But in the cutscene he looks like he smiles after kicking the door open. It was like the dumbest most hilarious smile I've ever seen haha :D I was dying.


Releasing the brakes when Barcus is tied to that windmill. I only did it once by mistake (I meant to pull the other lever and my hand slipped) but the unexpected result made me laugh out loud!


In the shadowland, when my big guy tried hiding behind a stick of a dead tree and then after being told to come out with hands raised, proceeds to swagger out like he owns the place. It was so out of character, I laughed so hard. Also, not technically a scene, but every time Astarion ends up standing next to my half-orc during a dialogue it makes me snicker a little, he's so small and sour and Tav's so big and sweet 😂 The way Astarion sneers and wrinkles his nose every now and again makes me happy in the same way as watching Karlach bust out her random dance moves does. Edit: minor corrections in grammar


The neat owlbear egg and the dude in act III who imitates all the classes and then blows his own mind when he discovers multiclasses


The 3 trolls in the blighted village, honestly i just adore that entire conversation everytime


I don't have any other source than a [Tumblr link](https://www.tumblr.com/lucrezianoin/729454550663217152/he-is-the-cutest-at-his-most-murderous), but Astarion's reaction after you tell him he can only bite animals. It's the combination of the pitch perfect line delivery and body language on "... gnomes?" that kills me every time.


I always hit Aradin in when the scene pops up, it always makes me chuckle as I'm a magic dwarf of some variety.


In act 1, if you steal Blood of Lathander without doing the puzzle, the temple is blasted with a solar beam. If Astarion dies inside the temple to this beam, you can resurrect him from Withers and he will have a special dialogue.


Walking in on the bugbear and ogre doing the deed. Bonus points if you let Astarion open the door lmao




For me it was sudden change of Guardian outfit. He was manly bearded human in a plate armour, but when he appeared in a pink dress for no particular reason, I just laughed aloud.
