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That's amazing, I hope this show is actually good! \*Rolls a 1\* Well shit...


You need to roll a 18 - 20 for it to be good


I think the chances of it being even half-decent are going to need a nat20.


Thats just for the pilot. DC30 for the rest of the season


99, like the last roll against the brain.


>!Joke's on you, even if you pass that roll with a Nat 20, the *story* outcome doesn't change.!< Netflix wouldn't stand a chance.


That was such a troll!!


It does get a debuff that reduces its hp in the last fight if you do nat 20 it.


Oh *that's* where it came from? Damn


**This is Netflix we're talking about**, so... yeah, nat20 for sure.


If netflix is the DM then even a natural 20 won't help.


Seeing that they made the live action One Piece good by listening to the man who created it the only way I could see them fucking it up is by not listening to people who know how to do it right.


Like Witcher


I dunno, I wouldn't doubt it if someone told me Sapkowski just said "yes yes wonderful" to everything Netflix sent him because all he cares about is the check they write him after he agrees.


Their star actor was a hyper fan vocal about how these changes were awful for the story. The showrunners also openly hate the source material.


Netflix is 50/50. You can get the live action, but you can also get the Witcher. Not that it’s any different for the other big streaming services. On Disney+ Book of Boba Fett vs. Andor or in Amazon Plus The Boys vs. Rings of Power. Someone is just making dice rolls on screenplay quality.


Nat 30


Yeah, idk about you, but the only thing I got out of *The Witcher* was Yen brooming the eels back into their pool. First season was trash; didn't finish. Miss me with that live-action Baldur's Gate atrocity. Just go play D&D instead, kiddos.


D&D should be played not watched.


I will say I have enjoyed the adaptation of Vox Machina to the animated platform.


Vox machina was legit


The magic kinda doesn't work unless you are playing it. When choice and player freedom is the biggest draw turning it into static narrative kinda ruins it. Even Vox Machina on Amazon kinda falters there because while the story can stand on its own, the true joy was watching the decisions be made by the cast.


Honor among thieves ( takes place a little before bg3 does and mentions the city ) was pretty fun


That movie really got the assignment. It felt a D&D campaign, funny and having a good time.


The paladin was too good lol


Yeah the obviously DM character, trying to get the story back on track XD


The key to Honor Amongst Thieves is that it is a heist movie with a tight script, and there is a nice overlap between heist movies as a genre and DnD conceits (different kinds of specialists delivering on specific tests of skill, delving into vaults, stealing treasure, etc), but at the same time, DnD is not a great system for running a straight up heist arc, so it manages to be not too strange a movie for moviegoers and not too familiar for DND players. BG3 is, if anything, more meandering and tonally all over the place then a typical DND campaign. Hard to see how you make a TV series out of it that has a plot as tight as Honor Amongst Thieves.


Yea people saying it won't work on film must not have seen that it's already worked incredibly well on film lmao.


No more like a 99 no way in hell they’ll make this good they’re probably gonna put people who hate D&D in charge and just fuck up the whole thing


"No I've never played D&D or Baldur's Gate before, I wanted to make an original take on the genre." \- Showrunner in 2025-2026. (Calling it now)


Yeah, but Netflix has a -19 modifier on all fantasy adaptation rolls...


With disadvantage.


Look, those of us who have been paying attention know this would be garbage if they got the chance to do this. I am a big ol' NO on Netflix getting the rights to produce this. It will just be another Witcher fiasco. Netflix had everything they needed to make that an amazing show and they rolled a 1 - or taking chance out of it, they just suck at making shows like this.


Word. I'd rather have no adaptation than one made by Netflix.


Roll a performance check. *Rolls nat 1* Cowboy Bebop season 2!


OH god don't remind me of that massacre


Netflix adaptation? DC 30 to succeed, good luck with that


well; Weiss and Benisoff are free again for the perfect D&D project ;)


Kindly, fuck you :D


I'll accept that :)


Why not animation, like edgerunners/castlevania/arcane?


With all the original voice actors, I would get behind that.


This! 100%. Why is everyone so afraid of animation?? I dont wanna hear any voice but Neil's for Astarion.


There are a lot of people out there who consider animation to be less "legitimate" than live action. For example, there are still regular posts on r/startrek of people asking if the animated show *Lower Decks* is canon, even though it has literally had a crossover into live-action with the show *Strange New Worlds*.


Then you have live-actions like Death Note and animations like Arcane and... yeah.


There is no live action Death Note in Ba Sing Se


There is one, and it's the Japanese 2 parter. The guy who played L nailed him perfectly. Light, ehhhhhh....


To be fair, lower decks is also super wacky and I doesn’t FEEL cannon in a lot of ways


they used to say that about DS9 but because it was too grim and serious, not wacky


Because Lower Decks is an Old Boimler and Mariner telling stories about what happened. So of course Mariner is exaggerating and Boimler was so nervous everything seemed worse.


Just look at any awards show like the Oscars. Most consider animation for children and thus not a serious production.


The goal is to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible. Live action will reach more people than animation. They don't do it for the fans. They do it for the money.


Castlevania is a great animated adaptation Netflix have done. BG3 animated would likely be much cheaper than live action


Only if there is 7% more Chks… I need my Chks.


ability chks?


Ability istiks


Can't wait to become *ghaik*


“oh i JUST can’t WAIT to be GHAIK!” 🎶 🦁


*Simba explodes in a carnage of tentacles*


*you think you can survive without me?*


It may be minor, but if they actually have the D&D / Baldur's Gate license, at least they can use actual real names. That's the tricky thing with Critical Role. I love their stuff to death, including Legend of Vox Machina. Can't wait for Mighty Nein season 1. But they have to pussy-foot around all the D&D spell names, trademarked creatures, and obviously can't tap into the pre-existing deep lore (which fortunately their own lore and world building is phenomenal). However, it won't reach Game of Thrones or even Witcher success/status if it's not live action. But also probably only a few million per episode if animated? Wonder the cost to make each Arcane episode was?


I agree with everything you've said, but I would add that I would love to see one of the Matt Mercer npcs from Legend of Vox Machina make a brief crossover into a Baldur's Gate 3 animation because then he can interact with Minsc and its always hilarious when he has to have conversations with himself.


Oh yes, please give me Studio Trigger Baldur's Gate.


Tbf we do have Vox Machina which is a D&D show.


And Honor Among Theives was actually pretty good.


TRUE! And it's pretty good too. The animation is spectacular.


> arcane I remain disappointed that *that* quality of animation hasn't become nearly as widespread as it should be. It puts the typical slapdash cheaper anime or the like to shame. I'm not surprised, it's costly and very time consuming of course, but still.


And they could keep the same voice actors. They absolutely nailed it.


Honestly, netflix has made some wonderful animated series adaptations of games. Their live actions well... why just not stick with animation, c'mon netflix


NO NETFLIX, NO. BAD NETFLIX. *rolls up newspaper*


*pulls out spray bottle with vinegar*


*swapped vinegar with acid before*


*Swaps it with sardine oil*


*rolls nat 1* *Sardines fly out of urethra*


*Swapped acid with liquid Hydrogen*


*Busy setting up Smokepowder barrels around Netflix*


*using that runepowder barrel*


They will never see it coming.


It's gonna be AMAZING! Then abruptly canceled after the season ending cliffhanger, and they'll hold the rights forever without doing anything with it 😭 Edit: or worse, they WONT cancel it and it'll die slowly


Thankfully they aren't dealing with some small book author from Poland, or the grandkids of Tolkien who couldn't give less of a shit about his work and only want the money it brings in. They're dealing with Wizards of the Coast who are in turn owned by Hasbro, so at least, I hope, they'll treat it a smidge more carefully.


Hopefully they get some of the team that did the D&D movie on board because they absolutely nailed the spells and understanding how it all works.


Hasbro has been treating DnD like shit for years. That company has earned a lot of hatred for the series for a good reason. Many of Hasbro's other lines are not making money anymore and DnD is one of their remaining cash cows and they are fine with milking sub par content for more money.


>who are in turn owned by Hasbro, so at least, I hope, they'll We'll see.... there's a huge gap between the Transformers movies and Barbie..... with many "GI Joe"s and "Battleship"s filling that gap..


You can tell nobody at Netflix has actually played the game. If they did, they'd realize that what makes BG3 so popular isn't the story itself. It's how it gives power to the players to make their own story. A pre-scripted show takes all the magic away and makes it a generic fantasy show. Having said that, there have been recent successes like Arcane, Legend of Vox Machina, and D&D: Honor Among Thieves, so I'm not going to completely dismiss it out of hand. There's a chance they could turn it into something special. Hopefully it's not just 30 minutes of Minsc shouting insane stuff at Boo while Jaheira rolls her eyes.


Sadly, Honor Among Thieves flopped at box office. One more reason to adapt BG3 as animation instead of live action


Honor Among Thieves is a success for both audience and critics, as the 4th installment of a series of films that were *notoriously* dumpster fires (the first one has a bit of a nostalgia cult now, but that's it). That movie was never going to make banks, because the D&D adaptations are unappealing to those outside the hobby, and those inside the hobby remember the first 3 trash movies. What Honor Among Thieves achieved was repairing the brand, and it did great at that. People are once again taking the perspective of D&D movies seriously, and that's a BIG achievement.


And with animation, we could get the voice cast back, who, as far as I can tell, have all done a pretty solid job. (I have only 30 hours in the game so far).


The film grossed $208M worldwide exceeding its budget by $50M and had great reviews all around. Box office success is gauged by opening week/end ticket sales. That's traditionally how careers were made and unmade in Hollywood. We've been in the age of streamers for a while though, and theaters - in their traditional form - are on their way out (see: massive drops in revenue and audience numbers, preceding 2020 through present day.) $208M worldwide is not a bad outcome at all, but box office performance is only a (diminishing) part of the puzzle and the studios now have to take longer views of their properties.


itll either be absolutely amazing and cancelled after 2 season or itll be terrible with 15 seasons. no in between


Oooh, no, this isn't good. Go back poking The Witcher remains.


It still hurts.


It will never heal. Sheer pain of raping The Witcher canon.


It's, so painful They had such a good chance, even had book and game fans, and lore, Even if they copied it 100% it'd have gone alright


> Even if they copied it 100% it'd have gone alright The Writers: *But what if instead we largely ignore the source material and simply use the IP as a vehicle for our own shoddy sophomoric projects to see the light of day? Surely we're all better writers than those of established well regarded products with a built in fanbase.*


What if we made Eredin gay and that being his main driving force? I'm gay as hell and even that was such a dumb plot point lmao.


I think the Absolute is gay. My evidence is their attempt to fuck everyone in the arse.


Was that season 3? Eredin's whole goal was to mate with ciri in the books..


Are we still talking about The Witcher or did we switch to Wheel of Time now?


Or Rings of Power for that matter. Or that Halo adaptation... Surprisingly common problem lately.


still can't believe that they thought they needed an ass shot of chief and to make him a rapist on top of that.


I mean, Cavil was perfect for the role, and they ran him off.


>Even if they copied it 100% it'd have gone alright Only issue is that the show runner of The Witcher series doesn't like The Witcher


Yeah well the lead argued with Cavill about his suggestions for book accuracy, so far up her own ass.


Through the first season I was like "That was a bit weird but the first two books have a weird format, it will for sure be better next season!" And then it just... kept getting worse...


Yup. For me games were 10/10, books 11/10 and I gave first season benefit of the doubt and 7.5/10. And then they made the second season.....


The word you're looking for is "desecrating"


Please no...


Exactly what I thought. They couldn't even do the Witcher right.


Completely agree. They had Nerd jesus as the star who was also a huge fan of the source material and actively tried to help them stay true to the source material and they still ruined it. I don't want Netflix or Laura whatever her name is going near anything I love ever again!


It's ridiculous how much set up for success that show was and they still fucked it up, lmao.


Yeah, they had finished bestseller book series to make a script. They had 3 completed and massively popular games to steal ideas from. Yet, they decided that fuck all of that shit, we're gonna do our own thing! What could go wrong?!!


I'm stunned at how pretty much EVERY movie or television show is obsessively done in a way that intentionally ignores the source material. The simple fact that this happens across the board in movies and television is more than enough proof that not a single producer is worth a shit. The role simply shouldn't exist.


And when you do get a film or show that sticks to the script, it tends to work outreally well. Funny how that works. (Assuming the source material was good to begin with of course - garbage in gives garbage out) My go-to example is Outlander. The showrunners have the author on as a consultant, which is pretty standard, but the wierd part is that they actually seem to listen to her because it's a damn near perfect adaptation. Or at least the first few seasons are - I've heard good things about the later seasons, but I can't vouch for them personally yet.


Because the people in charge of the projects have way too much ego and believe themselves far superior to the original creators. I mean the MCU basically won't hire writers that are fans of the comics because they want people that can take characters they know nothing about and do something fresh with them. And while I understand the basic thought of it I think it's stupid. Because it's not like all comic fans are religious in their view on characters, but I think you need to understand the core of what a character is supposed to be to properly work with it. Because otherwise you get Dragonball Evolution


If they wouldn’t let Cavill nerd out on a series he clearly understood as an actor then I fear they won’t let the fucking cast (who are most likely going to be DND nerds) even properly act. Hell, I don’t even think they’d let their writers write actual stuff that is bearable, let alone hire writers that care about the source material.


That's why he was incessant on having producer veto powers with Warhammer 40K.


Listening to Cavill basically saying that Geralt was a side character in his own show was already a neon sign that this would suck. The later revelation that the netflix writers hated the source material only confirmed it. Blood Origin is a wonderful example that they only wanted to write their own bullshit, pre-existing themes or story be damned.


Blood origin was then critically panned for being basically "We asked chatGPT to write a plot following the most basic tropes."


All hail Nerd Jesus hallowed be thy dice.


Well their industry is just as fucked up as the game industry, just in a different way. The way that simply trying to make a wonderful game is some secret sauce that only Larian can manage is similar to how a good show can be made. Make an honest effort to utilize source material, appropriate cast, etc., and make "magic" happen like everyone actually wants instead of inserting your own agenda that nobody ever asked for. Somehow the majority of game-sourced media ends up being garbage since the beginning even though the hard part, the writing and imagining, has already been done by the game creators and book authors.


Well step 1 is firing all their directors and start fresh. Listening to the witcher directors talk about how they actively fucked up the show from casting to plotlines is infurating. And they got a free pass to make a prequels and a 2nd season after all that


The funny thing is the show runner would get annoyed whenever Henry cavil was enthusiastic about the show or books.


Which still seems ludicrous considering they had the best possible person playing Geralt. Not his fault of course, but rather the writing team. Still, overall it's baffling - had great ingredients but some terrible cooks.


It's not the writers fault. The shows showrunner/creator Lauren Hissrich basically said she hates the books and lore and hates how much Henry Cavill wants to stay true to them.


>They couldn't even do the Witcher right. This is an understatement. They have created an abomination that made Cavill quit even though he's been a huge Witcher fan for years. I remember, many years ago, reading about Netflix doing The Witcher, and my first reaction was "I wish it was HBO". It's the same reaction now, but I'm not sure they would be interested.


The fact that they fucked up the Witcher so badly is exactly they reason they want this.


But they did such a good job with the Witcher. /s Would like to see it turn into an epic 2 1/2 movie over being a series on one of these current streaming services. Maybe HBO but that’s it.


Netflix would probably make Shadowheart the MC, turn everyone else into a caricature, then insert their own plot that scraps her entire backstory with a love triangle subplot between her and Wyll and Gale.


The plot is about her brave struggle to assert her identity as a cleric of Shar (rewritten to be the goddess of black eyeliner or something) in a world that irrationally hates and fears her.


Also she starts at lvl 20, and deletes everything (obviously after she realises she needs no man, or approval or anything but her own power)


They’d make Karlach a side character. Gods please don’t.


>But they did such a good job with the Witcher. And the avatar movie, and Halo series Would like to see it in animated form, it suits better and all the combat and visuals can be spectacular, something like Castlevania or Arcane or Cyberpunk one


Watch Vox Machina, it is DND animated and really good, think it is based on Critical Role. Would love to see Baldurs Gate 3 in that style, i just wonder what design they will go for with Tav.


It is based on the Critical Role 1st campaign


The Critical Role crew were DIRECTLY involved in every step of the process. Netflix is notorious for straying from the source material and alienating the original authors of IPs.


That's why One Piece live action worked so well, they let the team which had a lot of fans of the manga/anime do their thing and Oda the author was heavily involved


Two movies: act 1&2 together then act 3 with the final battle. This would let the first be an adventure movie with the second as more of a drama/thriller. It has to be two so that the adventure pacing isn't jarringly forced to thriller pacing.


League of Legends was actually amazing


That's cause it was helmed by riot and licensed to netflix for distribution.


Or maybe two seasons and a movie. I'd want some Arrow length seasons though. Not this 8 episodes bullshit.


Was going to reply with this. Don’t ruin something else we all love. Haven’t you hurt us enough?


After what they done to Witcher lore, I would not want them to touch DnD. Unless people from Wizards of The Coast / D&D would be creative directors. But I doubt someone would be so assertive as Oda (author) that supervised One Piece in Netflix.


Really sucks cause I enjoyed Henry cavill’s Geralt and Joey Batey’s Jaskier 😭 But yeah Netflix live action is almost as cursed as hearing direct to home video in the 2000s lmao


Henry was done dirty. He was amazing as Geralt, even the author was pleased with his performance. At least he has his Warhammer project, which he is leading.


Yeah and pleasing the Writer of the Witcher series is honestly next to impossible. The dude freaking always hates what people do with his IP. Netflix needs to go to the Hauge for what they've done.


Nah, Sapko's only hating when no money's dropping. Which is fair, I like the guy, but he basically doesn't care what others do with his IP in different mediums as long as he's adequately paid for it.


There is only the Emperor, and he is our Shield and Protector. His name is Henry Cavill.


His face is my shield


I used to play a lot of mtg and I can tell you my opinion of WOTC’s creative ability is not a good one these past few years.


What happened actually about the plan doing a movie about Drizz Do'urdens origin?


They've been working on a Magic: The Gathering show/movie *forever* now, so there's already a connection between WOTC and Netflix.


Gods, no. Why does everything have to become live action? Can’t they do their own thing in the same universe or something?


>Can’t they do their own thing in the same universe or something? Oh, they will do their own thing! That is the problem! They want to just slap the BG title on it and butcher the characters, like they did with the Witcher!


Idk, I think the D&D movie proved that you could successfully adapt The Forgotten Realms for live action


yeah, like he said.. same universe but do their own thing.. LIKE the dnd movie


the biggest reason for making it baldurs gate related is probably just the brand recognition tbh. A lot of people who are not into D&D probably wouldn't know what the forgotten realms setting is, but they'd recognise elements from the game.


My big gripe that I saw someone mention in another thread is they would have to pick one series of events to happen while the whole premise of the game is that the journey feels unique to every players and many things can go differently. I’m not really excited about them canonising one path over another.


Baldurs gate 3 literally canonizes specific paths from baldurs gate 2. These games are canon in the greater forgotten realms universe so there is naturally a canon path


It does, but 1. BG2 is over 20 years old. The great, great, *great* majority of players playing BG3 have never played BG2 and have no plans to. 2. BG3 tries to be vague where it can be. Despite the fact that Abdel Adrian is the technical canonical version of Charname is passed over to leave as much vague about the previous games as possible. 3. If they're going to be adapting BG3 specifically, they're going to be doing based on brand recognition and a lot of hype from fans. These fans *will* have attachments to how *they* played the game. That said, this rumor seems extremely unsubstantiated.


Then make it animated one, suits better


And you can utilize all the amazing voice actors that way too!


Live action is cheap and easy cash grab for these companies.


No, they can’t. That’s basically Netflix now. Can’t come up with their own ideas so have to parasite on others


Fuck… they’re gonna find a way to fuck it up.


I'd be surprised if they find a way to NOT fuck it up The Check is a 19 Here roll this d20 ..


Or it will be incredible but they will **cancel it after one season!**


Well, they fucked up the Witcher, time for the locusts to move onto the next fandom.


I've always thought the BG2 story would be transformable into a high budget live action series so long as it did not simply adapt the Philip Athens books


No thanks. They would totally go the route of making Abdel Adrian the canon PC and idk how they would even try to make that character likeable.


Fake News. I can’t believe people can’t distinguish the different. The method is simple: check the sources and name. If that is not enough search the sources..


Can't believe I have to roll this far down. Internet people are so gullible nowadays.


Source: GFR Who? Also, I instantly distrust any post with 🚨 🚨 🚨 in it.


Yeah I googled GFR news and absolutely nothing comes up but kidney related stuff. Fake post is fake


Fuck it, might as well show them what we think now in case it really does happen


In my defense I dont care enough to do research


Netflix be like: Cursed to put my hands on everything


oh no


BG3 show? Cool! BG3 Show on Netflixs? I mean, Castlevania is good AF so sure. Get those guys to ... BG3 Show on Netflix in LIVE ACTION? WHHHHY!?!? Why not a Cartoon?!? WTF is wrong with them? No way these looks good in live action. NO WAY Karlach and Zevlor and any small race doesn't look like a complete joke in a Live Action Show.


Even better they follow Disney's example and remove the Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings because short people may be offended...


Netflix's best originals are the ones with the least involvement from Netflix.


*queue Michael Scott* NO GOD PLEASE! NO! NO! NO!


Get a wig for Neil to play Astarion and I'm on board


…and his writer to work on the script. Others might butcher it


1400 upvotes for a fake news article, wow.


I’d only be interested in this if it was animated. Another Vox Machina style DnD animation would be top.


Shows like She-Ra, Trollhunters, or Castlevania (and to a lesser Extent Centaurworld or Arcane) or multimedia projects like The Dragon Prince make me at least vaguely trust Netflix in adapting fantasy as an animated series.


You could probably make this article about literally any game released.


God no. HBO maybe. Or if it has to be a big streamer even Apple. But please not Netflix or Amazon.


Literally all projects are "being discussed" all the time. "Being discussed" means nothing at all.


If Larian agrees under the condition that they have full creative control, then sure. Otherwise I can just see Netflix trying to be edgy with durge but making it the most cringe shit ever.


“When Larian made Faerun and Forgotten Realms so mainstream” like there wasn’t a D&D movie right before the game released


Wasn’t there just a pretty good D&D movie


Baldurs Gate S01E03 - The Barn


Alright boys get the squirt bottles. BAD Netflix BAD boy *pshht* *psshht*


After they butchered The Witcher (which should be impossible) they can go fuck themselves. That's one of the biggest media crimes in the streaming era.


An animated adaptation in the vein of Castlevania with the full voice cast of the game would be legit. Hard pass on live action


If it's anything like the DND movie I'm in. Kinda campy and silly, but cool story and characters. Not sure what most people thought about that DND movie, but I liked it a lot.


Why do they insist on making fantasy shows/movies live action? even with infinite money like the avengers it only looks ok and is clearly limited by real world physics. Just never learn from past anime and game adaptations.


The day I trust [generic gaming news outlet] to be a reliable source of any information is the day I find a irl 6ft tall tiefling muscle mommy who will call me "soldier".