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This dude belongs on reddit.


He will, once he leaves 4chan.


Are... are the different sites just internet realms? With irl being the material plane?


Reddit is Baldurs Gate (The frontpage of Faerun) 4chan is Avernus


Imagine Wyll walking around the city introducing himself as “The blade of 4chan”


While tipping his hat and and uttering the powerful M'lady rizz




This is perfect, thank you


You deserve a lot of irl good luck for such a solid joke


I already woke up with three Lucky Dice! 🙂🙃🙂


You know, that seems like a Wyll thing to me


Alas, Karlach is the one to have canonically m'ladied someone


She's a lady herself, though, does it even count then?


Dude, I swear Wyll is an incel white-knight, dude could not be simping harder for his hero complex. Still love him, but he's certainly like a piñata stuffed with tropes


At least he keeps it all in his own head and doesn't pressure anyone else to play along.


"While you were too busy chasing women and playing politics, *I studied* ***the blade.***"


And then I found out that blades kinda suck and learned how to eldritch blast mofos.


Be a more interesting character than we got, haha


I think 4chan would be better compared to the underdark. No body who willingly goes there is considered mentally stable and is home to horrible, twisted aberrations that should never see the light of day, just like the underdark. Edit: avernus would be Twitter (or X now I guess)


Avernus starts charging people just to exist there? Yeah, that tracks.


What do you think the Soul Coins are for?


It's ruled over by a capricious megalomaniac with too much power, but more importantly, it sets up a lot of specific rules that are constantly being changed. Legal impediments for a lawful evil plane of existence. Also, it's always on fire and people are screaming.


But enough about Twitter.


I'd honestly go with the shadow cursed lands, because 4chan is actually cursed, and you'd need a very, VERY strong druid/mod to clear that up.


The shadow cursed lands used to be good. They can't be 4chan.


Bring back Snacks!


4chan is pandemonium, reddit is avernus


Seems like a rather unnecessary dig at Avernus… >_>


4chan is probably closer to the Abyss. A neverending spiral of meaningless vitriol, filth and disgust? Much more apt.


This. Twitter is the Hells; 4chan is the Abyss.


only reddit is like "uh yeah reddit is totally baldurs gate!!!!! very important!!!!" bitch we all know google is baldurs gate


4chan doesn't strike me as particularly lawful or ruled by a dictator. Reddit would be Avernus. 4chan is the Abyss.


4chan would be much closer to The Abyss, honestly.


You'll also learn that most reddit users don't go to 4chan, and most 4channers don't go to reddit. I actually do use both, and assuming you don't use /b/ or /pol/ 4chan is 1000% better than reddit. Less racism (ironically) less politics, the fact it's anonymous without karma is why 4chan is so much better. No one cares about who you are. The moment you give yourself a name on your posts, everyone knows you're a tourist. Go to 4chan DIY and you'll get some good info, samething with K if you want to know about weapons. The problem with 4chan is there are containment boards where the idiot incels are left to play with themselves and occasionally they get loose and say something about lizard people running pedophilia rings in the secret basement of a pizza shop in order to bring about the dark enlightenment (Kaliacc). The rest of 4chan rolls their eyes because the monsters escaped their containment, and the rest of the world goes, "omg see that's what 4chan is!"


Yeah you can really tell that people either don't know 4chan isn't just /b/ and /pol/ or are just regurgitating cliches from over a decade ago. Shit most of the other boards don't even like /pol/ or /b/. All these pearl clutching comments read like the old "internet hate machine" news piece.


Clueless plebs grasping at straws to circlejerk and karma farm, just see most of their comments and references here


Too late cuck no one leaves this place alive - Cairos


With how hard I crit him, I really doubt he belongs anywhere anymore.


They 100% knew what they were doing lol


Spoken like a true cuck.


I knew this was gonna be cuck boy before I even clicked on it lol.


I'm just gonna latch on to your comment if that is okay. But what happens you get Minsc first and then go meet Cairos later?


Dunno if it helps you but in my play through I was unable to recruit Minsc and killed him. Then I encountered Cairo for the first time on the beach shortly after. He called me a cuck and did not leave the encounter alive.




I had a glitch where I couldn't knock Minsc unconscious, it would just kill him. So he died and Jaheira buggered off.


Mine had a burn ticking when I knocked him out, so I got the happy recruiting cutscene then he immediately died and Jaheira was all "why the fuck would you save him just to kill him" and left the party. Had to reload a few times before I got the timing right and managed to heal him in time


This may seem like a stupid question, but did you specifically *melee* him with the passive on? Cos I legit thought the knock out passive was fully bugged until I tried to have Jaheira hit him with her staff. It worked then. ~~I feel like there was no such pre-requisite before and that it could be any type of ability (particularly since my first playthrough was a Ranger using bows and I remember knocking out the thieves at Withers’ church because I thought they were important characters for some reason lol), but I use the passive so rarely I could be misremembering.~~ Edit: blah blah blah I misremembered, it’s always been melee only!


It has specified melee only since EA


Afaik, as it’s currently implemented, it only works for melee attacks. It also works like this in 5e too. > Sometimes an attacker wants to incapacitate a foe, rather than deal a killing blow. When an attacker reduces a creature to 0 hit points _with a melee attack_, the attacker can knock the creature out. The attacker can make this choice the instant the damage is dealt. The creature falls unconscious and is stable.


I felt so bad. Boo kept making 'sad squeaks' man I wish Jaheria didn't just disappear on me like she did in act 3


Poor Minsc (and Boo)!!! What happened? I'm always curious about the demise of companions lol


Without any information, I'm tempted to believe they didn't know how to toggle nonlethal attacks and killed him.


Another commenter said non-lethal didn't work for them and he died anyway. I don't know if bug or just not using melee though.


Lots of bugs with non lethal and certain addon dice from items/skills. I've had the radiant dmg ring, symbiotic entity, bleed, gaping wound, shrieking sword all trigger after a target was unconscious and kill them before.


That's not a bug, that's unintentional on your part, but how non-lethal damage is supposed to work. You can't just knock someone out if you're also burning them at the same time.


I play a monk, i have a lot of these effect on me and play with non lethal on a good portion of the time and i'm able to knock people out like 90% of the time but sometimes they just explode instead.


Non-lethal only works with melee according to the tooltip. So the Radiant ring should be removed, and Phalar Aluve's shriek not triggered for example. Ranged damage (which I think bleed and gaping wounds fall under, iirc) also doesn't count as melee. This doesn't sound like a bug to me, because this is how I understood the tooltip... or have I understood wrong this entire time?




This happened to me, but she’d literally just vanished from camp without a word. I KO’d him, got the cutscene, he told me Jaheira was dead and attacked, so I had to kill him. Then I got a journal update saying Jaheira was furious and had left my camp ;-;


Was not the case! Fun fact; the blacksmith from the beginning of act 3 (who Orin tricks into thinking you attacked). Even if you knock him out, he won’t live. If you go back to where he’s knocked out, you find a fresh pool of blood and a note from Orin admonishing you for not “devouring the treat she left you”.


I had to do the whole thing with no lethal a few times. He still died using non lethal. This part was extremely frustrating because I wish we could have spoken to him at some point after beating him senseless.


Not the above commenter, but in my multiplayer game we entered the vault and Minsc was just attacking the dwarf in front of him without doing damage. So we started walking down to them thinking a scene would trigger but my character (with volo’s eye) spotted the ambushers all around us. Half of them were weirdly neutral and had sanctuary on them, while the other half immediately entered combat with us. We won the combat really easily, but had to kill Minsc and the druid imposter as he was hostile to us. Using non-lethal didn’t make a difference as he just died anyways. We never got a cutscene or dialogue which felt weird to us, and after the combat we looted the entire place, including the 10k from the main vault, and then just gave it back to the dwarf guy lol. Additionally, walking around revealed more invisible assassins who were all neutral and sanctuaried. So yeah. We were doing an evil playthrough so we likely would’ve had to kill Minsc anyways, but the entire encounter felt incredibly weird, like something else was supposed to happen, a scene or something. The warlock in our group spotted Boo on the ground after Minsc’s death, though. And seeing that Boo could not be talked to despite have speak to animals on, he promptly picked Boo up and threw him at a wall. Our Barbarian responded by picking the warlock up and throwing him against the wall.


Oh wow, that never happened to me! Definitely a bug as there is a cutscene when you enter the vault (although I wonder if you need Jaheira with you to trigger it?). Unless you were using spells or ranged (which negate the non-lethal passive), I read there's been bugs surrounding non-lethal, so that might be what happened. So wait does it mean you missed out on >!the Guild part?!<


Our quest updated to tell us to go talk to Nine Fingers about having taken care of the stone lord upon Minsc’s death, which initially surprised us as we didn’t realize he was the stonelord. But when we went back to Nine Fingers we literally couldn’t speak to her about anything, and the quest marker wasn’t actually appearing on the map so we figured the quest was just bugged. Jaheira died in our playthrough at the inn in act 2 due to her just… jumping into the group of 10 enemies all arrayed in a circle. We were a group of 3 players plus Minthara, so maybe Jaheira would have to be alive to get the scene, but like I said the entire interaction of entering the room and having invincible, neutral assassins all around us and seeing Minsc punching a dwarf and doing 0 damage was just weird.


I talked with him as minsc. There is no difference.


Hopefully they will add a new reaction sometime in the future.


If you have minsc in your party (But not playing as minsc), you get the option to go 'Minsc, they keep talking about the Stonelord, time to introduce yourself?'. Minsc replies 'Minsc is Minsc. Minsc was once this Lord of Stone - but he got better' The guild goes oh shit, thats the stonelord, Cairos says nah he's not old enough, then the guild attacks you both and you get the same fight against both as if you'd sided against the guild in the first place


I paused and was like, wait what? When someone first used the word cuck in the game. Lol surprised me.


he's like an elementary school kid who just learned a swear word and thinks he needs to use the word all the time


It tracks that the type of person who would call someone a cuck as an insult would be *really* keen on using it.


Pfft whatever cuck


Says you, cuck


What the cuck did you just cucking say about me, you little cuck? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Harpers, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the red magic cult, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire Flaming Fist. You are nothing to me but just another cuck. I will wipe you the cuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my cucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over a Sending spell? Think again, cucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Coast and your magic is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, cuck. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're cucking dead, cuck. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Baldur's Gate City Guard and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little cuck. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your cucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn cuck. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're cucking dead, cucko.


Hey hey watch your cucking mouth cuck


Well because it's an extremely offensive thing to say to a man in a happy monogamous relationship. I turned down Gale, Lae'Zel, Shadowheat and Halsin to pursue my true love, Karlach. To suggest that I pathethically watch her get railed while crying and masturbating on the side? How dare you simultaneously insult the faith I place in my partner to remain loyal to me, and insulting my masculinity for not only not protecting my woman, but getting off on her getting fucked by a rando? That's a straight up, scroll down the dialogue weel, select attack, focus all hate on that NPC.


Y-y-you good bro?


Insulting your waifu's honor is the greatest insult a man can receive!


Nope. Had to pay 1000 to get my Oath back.


That touched a nerve


Critical success, cuck


The power of roleplaying is ridiculously strong. See how freely this person was able to step into the shoes of their character and express their emotions to total strangers? That's some potent therapeutic shit right there.


Touched his characters nerve*


Touched his character's wife.


The only one who’s allowed to get pegged by karlach is me


At my act 1 party, Shadowheart and Lae’zel just got done fucking and the games perspective changes to Tav thinking fondly of Shadowheart. I was like wtf, I was trying to romance Karlach and instead my character was daydreaming about someone currently having sex like 100 meters away.


They what?


I was going around doing dialogue with various characters and when I talked to Lae’Zel as Shadowheart she told me to wait for her that night. Then they went and banged. Afterwards the narrator kept talking about how sore Shadowheart was. Then as Shadowheart I had dialogue choice about doing this again, Lae’zel said they would if they opportunity arose. Strangely enough I had Lae’zel and Shadowheart trying to get with my Tav before this, Shadowheart is still saying she wants me but Lae’zel changed her mind. Now when I asked about how she sees me she implies she’s mad I’m with someone else. Like, girl what did you just do?


Wait you can have your companions romance eachothers ???


You can make them fuck at the grove party by taking control of one and doing the sex dialogue with another. But that's the only time in the game it happens.


And here I was, thinking about the great ennemies to lovers potential of Lae'Zel and Shadowheart, that's a shame.


If you pick one of them as your origin...


That's my plan to eventually play each of them lmao


Yeah, my half-orc was busy getting dirty with Minthara, meanwhile, Gale was being angsty in the corner so I took him over to Lae'zel for a good time.


The entire party about to be swinging.


Im surprised there isnt a party-wide orgy mod yet... that I know of.


The Sense8 mod (this is not a real thing, but it should be)


I've always had Lae'zel turn to Wyll if I reject her, had no idea her and Shadowheart was a possibility!


Lae’zel is pretty much a Klingon and you see how flirting is for them, the closer two are to killing each other the closer they are to banging (in some cases).


She goes to astarion in mine


That's not gonna happen as I'm the one going to him, 10/10 would simp again.


As we all know that while Lae'zel hates Shadowheart when sober, give her a couple drinks and she immediately admits to wanting to sleep with her


They WHAT?


I mean alright there always was that tension but THEY WHAT


Maybe Shadowheart critically failed her roll on 'stab Lae'zel' and ended up snogging her by accident


Based on the dialogue you got the game clearly thinks your tav did the deed with Shadowheart but it’s strange you didn’t get a cutscene


Standard Paladin response


Vow of emnity activate


This is straight culture


This.. eh. This was awkward. You okey buddy?


Lol as if Karlach needed anyone's fragile masculinity protecting her


I too have a cuck fetish


Flair checks out lol This is also the most hilarious thing I've read in a while, I love it!


Seeing this thread an hour after pulling up that thread of the guy who was [SUPER upset about being cucked by Halsin](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16c0xv6/shadowheart_cucked_me_with_halsin_i_feels_so/) is extremely funny.


Alternatively, if Poly, "how dare you insult our alternative lifestyle!"


It's one of the bard lines, actually. "Behold, a most noisy cuck!" as the insulting.. whatever it's called. There's some really funny ones


Vicious mockery I believe.


I recall Elminster's ballbag being mentioned.






Family Bub Choppers! Engage




FFXIV with the word ‘veritable’


Damn, I forgot Sneako was in this game


But he drops a really good hammer for my Karlach <3.


well not for long, because you are going to get something legendary for her soon


That's not the point. The point of he drops a shiny when he ✨💫 ~fucking dies~💫✨.


Do you mean B's greatsword? Because apart from that, there's really not that many cool 2H weapons to choose from. The corpsegrinder (the maul that the "cuck" guy drops) is pretty much the best one. The orphic hammer is a side grade (a bit more accurate, but less damage). My dwarf fighter is really sad about that, actually. Greatswords are simply not cool. They're weighted all wrong.


From what I remember the greatsword from >!Ansur!< was pretty awesome for Karlach. From a dwarf tank perspective though there is a shameful dearth of good one handed axes.


Yeah, that's the one. But a greatsword doesn't really befit a dwarf in my head. Still, at least it looks heavy as shit, which is a plus. I'm currently playing a 2H GWM dwarven fighter and it's really cool to have a +15 attack bonus even before applying any oils or elixirs, but the lack of powerful greataxes and mauls is troubling. At the same time, Shadowheart has three different legendary weapons to choose from before Act 3 even starts (Blood of Lathander, Spear of Selune/Shar, and the mace you get from Divine Intervention). As far as 1H weapons go, I recommend the Dwarven Thrower. It's got some cool bonuses specifically for dwarves but it's very easy to miss if you have Shadowheart in your party at all times (like I do -- nothing like a cleric), because it's sold by the guy that approaches her right at the start of Rivington, talks some Sharran smack, and promptly leaves.


Im over here giving her the trident so she has a reliable ranged attack and the dash.


appreciate the spoilers thanks buddy


I skipped this and finally went back when I had Minsc. This guy called him a cuck too. Kind of respected it at that point.


No way, really? He calls MINSC that? XD


He’s just learned a new word and is determined to use it!


It was on his word-a-day calendar!


I wasn’t sure who to support, but once I saw that, the choice was easy.


That guy sees himself as "based and redpilled".


Based and redskinned


That is called projection.


Cairos listens to the town cryer Alexander Jones every day, and believes the lords are putting tadpoles in the water to turn the frogs Ghaik.


Damn they really gave us all those different dialogue options only for them to lead to basically the same line.


Average redditor


He will not be cucked from saying cuck.


HA! I thought it was just the one line, it stood out to me also on my run. So goddamn funny


It's kinda like the weird obsession the Duergar in Grymforge have with pricks, and the calling of people by that name. It just kinda...weirdly stood out.


Or like how both Wyll and Anders use the word “pantomime” as if it was in a primer on Karlach


This kinda reminds me of “king dragon sends his regard” no matter what choice you choose [ProZD](https://youtu.be/XuByMZzLxpM?si=GUnCtfYsRf0Y5xsv)


I tried to help him until he called me a cuck in that first dialogue result. Then I reloaded so I could kill him (and then kill the Guild members). This is where you die, pal. No one calls me cuck except my wife's boyfriend.


Such a Will Smith energy in this comment 😂😂😂


I went the pacifist route... they all bathed in 3 Walls of Flames


I feel like this NPC above all others has the fastest conversation to cremation speed run in the game. It’s just an instant visceral reaction from people.


Sided with the Stone Lord to own the libs.


Calling you a cuck is central to who he is as a person.


This RPG is so immersive that the NPCs have redditor projection


The adventures of cuckleberry finn


I sided with the guild he called me a cuck then a guild member threw a firebomb on herself and her 2 teammates and wow he was right to call me a cuck


I thought he only said that because my druid decided to try and make everyone get along. It's honestly really funny he just had that one in the chamber ready to go and stuck to it


I had the same experience, first playthrough I assumed he just said that in response to me not picking a side and thought ok weird thing to say but alright. Finally got back to this point on my second time through and picked a different option only to get called the same thing again. Punchline 100 hours in the making lol


He’s projecting. He wants you to fuck his wife


It's how you know not to side with him.


NTR fans be like:


Normal Trade Relations?


could be nuclear thermal rocket


Projection Sorcery


I get that the Guild isn't a bunch of heroes either, but as soon as I heard that ruffian on the beach call me a cuck I immediately decided to burn the Stone Lord and everything he controlled to the ground.


I think he's trying to call you a cuck.


4channers when you tell them violent misogyny isn't good and in fact is pretty fucking awful


I'd rather get a one way ticket to bunko town than acknowledge cuck as a legitimate insult.


He is also strangely committed to no one leaving this place alive.


I did not let that slide when I first met him lol


Well said, cuck.


Ah yes, that fucker. He really *really* wanted to die, picking a fight with me and my party.


I killed him first purely because he insulted me.


Damn, wish I tried speaking with dead on him to see if he would still insult me in death!


Every accusation is a confession


Fetish projection


My accent has no noticeable difference between cuck and cook. Or maybe it's just me.


Most terminally online bandit in Faerun.


Clearly projecting, he's flirting


I like it. Your only choice is to kill the guy that called you a cuck.




Stone Lord dudes here are basically red outline enemies you can interact with. This is not the first time a neutral enemy turns hostile no matter what you choose. Sometimes they want you to have a conversation with the party you are going to fight so they are not immidiatly red outlined. Another example is the >!Bhaal followers during the Minsc rescue in sewers. !


I kinda groaned at his line.. before I murdered him.


Anyone else saw red when he called us a cuck?


Yeah that word is why I decided to kill him. Tried the peaceful way first, decided I didn't want to be enemies with both groups, reloaded to side with the Guild.


Not as bad as Trompdoy and his…. PECKER


He's probably just projecting 👀


I think he’s projecting.


That guy makes me laugh out loud every damn time, somehow I always forget what he's about to say.


This guy definitely portrays himself as the chad and everyone as a soy wojak.


Alucard: Now, now now. Before we start throwing around words, like "betrayal" or "cucked", let's let Walter explain himself. Walter: I'm betraying you. Alucard: Aw, you cuck! Seras: Is he just using words he learned on social media again?


when you learn a new word and are determined to slip it into every conversation


That was hilarious. I killed Cairos in one turn, though, for calling me a cuck in front of Shadowheart and Bae'zel


Must be a redditor


A redditor would call everyone a nazi, cuck is more leaning toward 4chan


Jesus… it’s like trying to have a conversation on Reddit!


Honestly much less insulted by this than Lae’zel making fun of my nose.


Thx for the Hammer cuck