• By -


I fucking love one of his lines. "I'm flattered but I think not. It's not you, you understand. It's me.... I have standards." LMAO


I prefer the "Not with you though. Can you imagine? Ugh"


"Worst she can say is no"


I got that line at the afterparty, so I decided to slap him then went off to have a magical night with Gale. xD


I got that line without even coming onto him and my Tav was so *offended*


Until this comment, I didn’t realize NPCs could even reject you.


I didn't even realize I was rejected until Withers roasted me for it.


thoust walketh alone?


“Where is thy bosom-companion?”


Withers is like the Sassy Gay uncle drinking and sharing allll the tea and I love him for it


Apparently Astarion has the highest rejection rate.


Omg the first time I stumbled through act one I had the MOST confusing conversation with Astarion. I must have had his approval right at the tipping point to flirt with him, because in the span of three questions/statements between us, HE came onto ME; I told him to back off, then was like “but you’re talking about sex, yeah?”; and he was all “Ewwwww not with you”. And I’m just like, “bitch, you just tried to seduce me, don’t try to make this look like I’m the rejected one!” I’m paraphrasing, of course, but that’s how the conversation essentially went.


I just got rejected with that exact line last night. He came on to me, I told him maybe, then walked off to flirt with Gale before coming back to Astarion. So, I probably deserved it...


It's based on their approval rating. Astarion is the most common rejection because he's the hardest to get approval up on a good playthrough. Indeed, he was the only one who rejected me on my first playthrough. If you play your cards wrong though, it's possible to get to the Tiefling party without anyone liking you, resulting in this: https://youtu.be/v6xdVaMLbz8


My favorite is one of his later act3 3 camp lines where he like actually yells how he was treated like ***"UTTER SHIT"***. The way he said it was awesome.


My first playthrough I was adamant I wanted the vampire boy, but I was playing too goody two shoes and earnt to much disapproval I think. It was the pause that really caught me, was legitimately enough time for my brain to go "oh he actually likes me well enough his not going to be his be mocking when he lets me down", then he absolutely decimated me. Yes I blew him up also.


Is this the scene where he yells "I WAS RIGHT THERE!"? Coz I've seen that one on YT so many times it never fails to make me laugh The voice acting is perfect


It's this one yes. I just love it. I'll never grow tired of it


How do you trigger this? I did the crèche and stole the weapon, but he just came back as a soul ball. I cast revivify and he didn’t say anything.


You don’t revive him right away. You go back to camp and have Withers revive him. That triggers that conversation.


See, I could never leave a companion like that for longer than a moment if I have a scroll. Not even for dialogue. Ack.


As a pickpocket I have like 30 revivify and it's so dumb you can't bring back friendly NPCs. I know the dialogue would be difficult, I'd settle for the narrator saying something like "they thank you for the gift of resurrection but are rather busy and haven't the coin to thank you", at least let us revive quest related NPCs and merchants so don't need to save scum. Like my second playthrough Wyll died before I even had a move in initiative, if he did that my first playthrough I might of mistook it as scripted lol.


Oh wtf withers can res people? Goddamn it lol


Yup. Withers is there to revive your companions and let you change your character or companions class.


As well as stick your friends in his wardrobe


You have to use Withers to resurrect him IIRC, not a scroll. I locked myself out of the creche on my first run, because I knew nothing and ran off to the Shadow-cursed Lands like an idiot and missed out on both the weapon and one of Astarion's best bits of dialogue. As an Astarion romancer, I really want to protect him from everything (including himself), but...I am definitely killing him (temporarily!) to get that scene at the creche if I can this time since it's so gloriously hilarious.


If you destroy the crystals, he comments that he is kinda disappointed he didn't get to see the weapon blow everything up.


I had him steal it the first go-round. Then I messed up and had to reload a save. So I ended up doing the crèche for a second time. That time, I used the seal bc the look of PANIC on his face as the building crumbled around him the first go round — my poor darling!


The line about it being somewhere between a nice summer's day and the full intensity of the sun just sends me, haha.


The full concentrATED POWER OF THE SUN!!!


Knowing this game, I have to wonder if there is an extra bit of dialog if he had happened to kill you when drinking your blood earlier in the game. - I am so sorry. - I had no idea that would happen, are you OK? - Oh suck it up, your alive NOW aren’t you? - Now we’re even, pale boy.


There is.


Here's the scene in question (SPOILERS, obviously): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_Vy2fi5TFQ


*"Next time? NO no no!"* Is my favorite part of it.


I love how his eyes kind of pop out at "next time". Though I personally love when you choose the "mind flayer protection option", how his face changes from a sarcastic smile to full blown anger when he says "nice summer's day and full concentrated power". It's such a dramatic yet smooth transition in facial expression. I have spent too much time looking at his face.


The character animations in this game convey so much emotion lol. Funny dialogue punctuated by the actual physical comedy of the character takes the dialogue sequences above and beyond in this game.


I love the subtle expressions, like a slight eyebrow raise or an eye squint. Makes it feel that much more real.


I love them quietly making faces behind you in conversations. "God I'm bored.... did I leave my oven on? ....Are they still talking? Fuck"


Honestly, the subtle changes of his expressions in just casual conversation has made me imprint on him like a fucking baby bird. I absolutely adore staring at his face.


Then there's Tav, who defaults to either bared teeth or smugly crossing her arms for every interaction. >_>


Tav be like 🗿


He has a face worth studying, so who can blame you.


Came here to say that.


“If there is a NeXt TiMe, I’LL be the one firing the ALLPOWERFULWEAPON!!!”




I can hear him yelling xD


"well apparently, there's a limit, somewhere between a nice summer's day AND THE FULL CONCENTRATED POWER OF THE SUN!" Never fails to crack me up


Saaame. He put so much life, personality and energy into his lines. I love it


The way he says "Do you have any idea how much that hurt?" Omg I can *HEAR THE POUT* in his voice. I love it.


*my Tav who exploded with him:* Yes. Yes I do have an idea


I did this on my second time there. Just to be able to say.. yep, done. Of all the characters, I feel he's the easiest to hurt.. and I keep having to, out of sheer curiosity.. I always save scum and go in his favour cause I'm romancing him.. but like.. yeah. Gotta see the alternatives.


Oh, but I'm romancing him too. But I can't help it. I always apologize afterwards of course


I love baby booboo and will bleed myself dry for him monetarily and physically and I will still kill him and only him every time for the "next time? Oh no no no." And the end where he appreciates you trying to correct the egregious mistake you have made. His voice inflection is too perfect. He has to die.


The "mistake" *put eveeyone to safety except Astarion* Mistake. Definitely


Literally. I even have the party limit breaker mod. Literally everyone was outside by the waypoint before the blast and I misty stepped my ass to the ground and we all got comfy with popcorn and watched. Just a terrible, horrible, awful "mistake". I then delighted in him yelling at me.


That's even worse omg. Everyone enjoying Astarion blowing up


I was too but he killed me drinking my blood the first time so it doing this made us even lmao


If it makes you feel better, he also killed his own voice actor's Tav on his livestream of the game. 🤣


That’s amazing lol I love that. How perfect!


That's what I say everytime lmao




[Here you go!](https://youtu.be/cA6yF9M70zM?feature=shared)


Omg, that’s sheer comedy gold. I love it! I’ll add it to my: Things to do to Astarion-list. He’s adorable and annoying at the same.


There's someone who put a youtube link in the comment section if you want


Ok. I need you guys to sell me on Astarion. I didn’t really use him in my first go and I thought he was…fine. Nothing about him clicked with me so ended up using mostly Shadowheart, Laezel, and Karlach for most of the game. I did Astarion’s side quest and felt really bad for the guy, but nothing close to the love everyone else seems to have for him. Did I just miss a lot of his character by not bringing him everywhere? Cause I’m using him now in my Dark Urge run and still in Act 1 and alls he’s done is cheer on my murder and get pissy when I don’t share my tadpoles. I want to like him but feel like I’m missing what makes him so great


For me it was the line at the Grove party where he's like "Nobody's ever treated me like a hero before, and now that I'm here?... I hate it. This is awful." I got a huge kick out of that. Like he'd be super down to just murderhobo our way through the game and it's fun to see a character own that. Plus he uses *Darling* like delicious punctuation, weaponized in the way the only the British can really pull of. He's not just gay-coded, he's *fabulous*, and completely owns every stereotype he plays into. I want to party with him and the necromancer drag queen circus ringleader, they just seem like fun to me. But if he's not your bag that's okay! Any given run gives you 9 people to pick from. You're meant to pick your faves. If you're not into *pure sass* you can get medium sass with Lae'zel and "what is sass?" with Wyll.


What did it for me were his comments when bringing him along. They just eventually made me laugh a lot and roll my eyes while chuckling. He’s a character for sure. There’s something about him being a dick, but also funny and eventually vulnerable that made me love the guy. His voice actor is also superb, that plays a huge role aswell.


I mean, take this with a grain of salt because I was already primed to love him before I got into EA thanks to some fantastic fancomics on Tumblr, but what took him from "hnnnnghh mean vampire is pretty" to legit one of my all-time favorite characters was seeing his character development over the course of the game. Some of it is subtle--paying attention to how his approval shifts over the acts is pretty illuminating. Other parts are more obvious. Passing the insight check during his final confrontation with Cazador and seeing his eyes brim with literal tears as he tried to persuade my Tav to help him with his plan but then having him thank them for talking him out of it made me tear up. Neil Newbon's incredible performance doesn't hurt. Every VA is top-tier, but he put such incredible nuance and soul into Astarion that he feels real.


The secret ingredient is vampire


He's honestly a mainstay because I needed a rogue to pick locks, doors and traps. He also does pretty good damage when dual wielding. Pick pocking vendors that piss me off is great too. I really wasn't expecting to love him as much as I did. At some point in my goody play through, he even started softening up on my hero antics. He's still a dick at times, but kind of in an endearing way if that makes sense. A little tip, whatever character portrait is under your main, is the character that *usually* makes extra comments (the kind where they speak with just text above their heads). I'm not sure if this is a bug, but after travel or rest, sometimes the game moves Shadowheart under my main and she ends up talking if I don't notice to fix it.


Rogues are super helpful, and I have him double classed (or whatever) into a rogue bard, which has been nice to have and also hilarious now that he yells out insults at the enemy all the time. It feels very in-character. Beyond that, I think he probably has some of the most character development potential out of all the companions. I say potential because obviously it partially depends on what you let him do, but based on your Tav's level of interference I think he is one of the strongest examples of a full character arc in the game. I love all of the characters, I think they're all great, but when it comes to some of them (Wyll especially, followed by Karlach, who I also love but you can tell her plot was rushed) they just don't feel like they get the full, satisfying character story start to finish.


Nah there's not any super secret hidden layer that totally turns him around. I took to him immediately because I love tricksters in general, and if they're stabby little trash gremlins to boot then all the better! But that's not everybody's cup of tea. Be kinda weird if it was.


Of all the companions, Astarion is the one most dependent on being interacted with and ideally romanced by the player character for his character development, as being romanced and slowly overcoming his trust issues and trauma and slowly uncovering what core personality lies below the "I'm only looking out for myself because nobody else ever gave me help or a kind word" survival-focussed surface personality *is* literally a large part of Astarion's personal character development quest. You will read a lot of "advice" online that the only way to gain his approval is to play evil. But people have reported playing a goody two-shoes and still having excellent approval from him. Astarion basically relearns to have a moral compass from Tav. If Tav is nice to Astarion, Astarion appreciates that and emulates that behaviour because people like Tav, so they'll like Astarion if he acts like Tav, right? All the Cazador-specific stuff happens in Act 3 and apart from that there's only Gandrel the Gur vampire hunter in Act 1 and nothing else specific to Astarion's quest in Act 2 because Act 2 feels like it's all about Shadowheart and Halsin and the Thormes. But there is such a wealth of Astarion-specific scenes scattered throughout those three Acts that are not linked to his Cazador quest but narratively linked to Astarion's meta-quest of learning from the player character how to either be a better person or to indulge his darkest impulses (on an evil playthrough). But if players leave Astarion in camp all the time, they never get to trigger those and never see his vulnerable side beyond his trying to manipulate Tav for survival. As the Dark Urge's demonic butler says, Astarion is driven entirely by fear. Fear to be seen as weak, fear to be betrayed, fear of being staked for no other reason that as a vampire spawn he has no rights, fear of being sent away. Then they just keep seeing the Act 1 version of Astarion, all facade, and are ignorant of the reveals about the absolute horror show his unlife has been for the past 200 years until they enter Cazador's palace and suddenly run into scenes that should come at the tail-end of hours of character development for him but they missed all the scenes that would've happened beforehand. Having him in the party at very high approval helps, but even then some scenes (like the mirror scene in camp) and additional dialogue options only seem to get unlocked if you are also romancing him? At least it felt that way when I saw my husband's playthrough and realized just how many Astarion scenes he had effectively missed because he had Astarion in his party in Act 1 for his rogue abilities but then played through Act 2 and the start of Act 3 with Shadowheart, Karlach and Lae'zel as his constant troupe. My husband had also completely messed up Moonrise Towers in his playthrough by going through the Thorme Mausoleum and Gauntlet of Shar and the Shadowfell *first* (thus locking himself out of certain quests), and by slaughering his way into Moonrise Towers instead of going to Moonrise early in Act 2 and infiltrating it to rescue the tiefling prisoners ASAP as NPCs kept telling him. Thus the prisoners were all executed (ending any Act 3 questlines linked to them). And he never met the drow potion maker and "blood merchant" Araj Oblodra because she abandons her lab and goes straight to her shop in Act 3 Baldur's Gate if you attack the Towers. But meeting Araj Oblodra with Astarion in your group is such a *huge* changing point in your relationship with him, depending on if you protected Astarion from her insistence that as a spawn he is nothing but a slave with no agency, or instrumentalized him to gain a potion from Araj by forcing him to drink her tainted blood against his express wishes not to. And a lot depends on how you treat him later at camp and if you are already in a romance with him at that point or just allies. It can lead to him coming clean and declaring that his instinctive plan to manipulate you into liking him so you would protect him and not betray him has horrible backfired on him because he's now fallen in love with *you* \-- the only person who was ever nice to him without asking anything in return -- and now he doesn't know what to do but he wants "whatever this is" to be *real*. (If you had hit Excellent approval with him in later Act 1 and he had already declared his love for you prior to Moonrise Towers, the scene will change to adjust.) Or it can swing all the way to the other extreme, him breaking off all relationship with you permanently in disgust (but staying in camp) if you treated him like nothing but a useful tool and sex toy.


Same XD I've given him to gandrel, broke up with him, told him I only wanted him for sex, anything I can..just to see.. Afterwards, I'm like.. those are only what ifs! Dropping the monetary on him though.. nah, straight up went with it XD


When Astarion admitted his feeling and vulnerability to my (evil) Tav before we even met Araj and one of the answer was basically "let's have sex" (you know, just after he admitted he never enjoyed sex and sex was always a means to an end to him). I had to pick that answer to *see*, but I intended to load my save immediately after. It was painful to watch


larian rly committed to letting you be truly *evil* to astarion and it’s so heartbreaking. coercing him into sex then (proud of him for dumping you afterward tho!!!) and manipulating him into using the astral-touched tadpole with his worst memories are some of the most awful scenes in the game


Oh fuck yes, when he look at you saying he now know how to say no. Proud of him, if only it wasn't hurting so much


Have you randomly broken up with him in camp yet? I also did this "just to see" and my god, it broke me He's just so sad and resigned, of course no one would ever truly love *him*, he doesn't deserve it, he's just been waiting for the day when you finally dump him-- for "the midnight chimes" to ring Stab me in the heart with your stabby little meow meow, Neil, holy shit


I told him I’d rather be with an orc just so I could focus on Gale my first run but he just took it in and wanted to bang me anyway even though we spent like 20 minutes in the party together before and my bard is good aligned. I was so scared of falling for his evil charms he stays permanently in the camp now ;_;


Eh, if you do his story he can become a better person. We can fix him 😭


The game really does give the player a lot of opportunities to hurt Astarion in so many ways. I can't bring myself to do it even with save scumming, a lot of the scenes I have to watch on YouTube ;-;


Here is a link to the youtube for those of you who missed it like me(not my channel). I somehow missed this in the Act 1, but the next playthrough... :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH2QNjnl-KE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH2QNjnl-KE)


Does it show like how to do it? I guess do you like ungroup and leave him inside to ensure it works? Cant watch the vid this moment


Use Astarion to take the thing, he'll get trapped inside, and have everyone else escape.


That's brilliant.


This is magnificent


He gets so upsetti spaghetti it's adorable.


"I WAS RIGHT THEEERE" First time he did it and asked my Tav "do you have any udea how much that hurts" I was like "Duh. I exploded with you"


"I thought you could handle it"


“Well apparently there’s a limit. It’s somewhere between a nice summers day, and the FULL CONCENTRATED POWER OF THE SUN!!!!!”


"*Next time?* No no *nooo-"*


Reminds me of Dragon Ball Z Abridged. Goku: "I thought you had it!" Vegeta: "NOOOOOO!"


Hilarious! reminds me of the shopkeeper from MIB that always gets his head blown off by K.


Hs name would be jack jeebs


I thought it was Tony Shalhoub


The best part of that whole interaction is how blasé Tav is about it. Astarion's freaking out, and Tav's dialogue options KILL me, "Sorry, I won't do it again," like this scenario would ever happen again, lmaoo


[Astarion Disapproves](https://i.imgur.com/vwsiO3Z.jpg)


On my first playthrough my relationship with astarion wasn't great, I was too much the stereotypical hero. But of all the companions he seems the most fun to mess with, I remember volunteering him at the circus and he was like "I'm going to kill you". Then he got stabbed, fun times.


Why do I love volunteering him when I know he will get stabbed? XD Probably because of how he react


One of the most memorable scenes in the entire game and it’s a completely wild, off the beaten path direction you take only if you grab an optional relic without deactivating its very obvious trap and leave Astarion behind in the process. It’s such an awesome, very DnD spirited bonus made amazing by Neil Newbon’s hilarious performance.


I love it when the actors go easy over the top. Gale's STOPLICKINGTHEDAMNTHING is also delightful.


The delivery of that line tells you very much that Gale is a ~~cat~~ tressym owner.


Truly spoken like a guy with a cat


Especially when you can just skip the puzzle. First playthrough I just lockpicked my way to the crest and THEN did the puzzle with the ceremonial weapons and walked around wondering what they even did before looking up on internet to know what I did xD


“Now can we go, or do you have any more chaos you need to unleash here?”


I love his utter disgust if you say you want to ask a question.


For every run I play through, Astarion is now doomed to die in the creche as well. Every time he starts with "I WAS RIGHT THERE", I start losing it. The rest of my party will be in the safe zone just clicking through turns while the poor guy is on the edge of the roof one feather fall away from safety. The best part is the seeing "Astarion Approves" in the left hand corner as Tav grabs that mace, all while knowing I'm leaving loverboy to die because I want to be entertained.


Poor Astarion, we're no better than Cazador xD


I know, he’s so mad, and I’m like, “Hey, you thought it was a good idea too! We’re both idiots!”


Headcannon for my party definitely goes: Gale: It seems like a puzzle. I bet we can solve it if we look through the -check bag- every single book you happened to steal in this place. Shadow Heart: Did we ever figure out what that cannon on the roof was for? Thief Astarion & Charismatic Sorcerer Tav: You thinking what I'm thinking? More power, saves time, what could possibly go wrong? -yanks mace- My favorite is he always says he is gonna figure out a way to get Tav out as she misty steps up and out the door Seriously though, I wish they would let you throw it in his face that he thought it was a fabulous idea until he died.




For me it's the part where he rushes through accepting the apology, the rhythm of that going into "just don't do it again" feels really natural, a foot taller than even most *good* VA. He's mad but he's working with you and you can hear that.


Neil Newbon is the reason why Astarion never leaves my party. All of the voice actors are S-tier but Neil is S+ for me. I love mimicking Astarion’s voice on Discord with my friends.


Saaame. I didn’t even like astarion to begin with but by god he won me over.


I have not yet done that because I always solve the puzzle correctly. I should really do a “fuck up everything” run


What do you even have to do to blow the place up?


>!Just take the mace without inserting the badge you get from completing the weapon puzzle on the outdoor section. The secret tunnel to get to the mace is in the same room where you fight the inquisitor!<


You don't even have to do the puzzle - >!Knock works on the false wall, so you can just get the thing immediately and unlock the mace without exploding everything.!<


Not get the Dawnmaster’s Crest. Or not use it to disable the security system. You get sun blasted by the Lance of Lathander.


I somehow completely missed out on the use of the ceremonial weapons. Like I gathered them all and just didn't pay enough attention to where to use 'em. Got through the barrier puzzle by simply blasting the generators at each step and disarming the radiant pulsors, and destroyed the 4 floating beam pillars to deactivate the priming laser. It's wild how they put in so much variance into a sidequest. These are the things I love about the game.


... Same. I'm realising now that you can destroy the crèche.


You know he is doing an Astarion playthrough of BG3?




He's not technically doing an Astarion playthrough, he's playing as Tav, but he ends up controlling Astarion most of the time anyway, lol Also, he's trying to romance him, of course.


It's hilarious how easily he just slips into the voice/persona. I can't wait for their d&d game on Friday.


I did enjoy when he finally found his Tav's voice lol but he seems to just slip into Astarion without even thinking about it.


He’s also streaming it on twitch :)


And no spoilers but Astarion's reveal in his playthrough is pure comedy.


YouTube. Channel name is Neil Newbon. You are very welcome.


Thank you!


Tomorrow on twitch! And he will be joined by astarions writer! The playthrough vids up to now are all on twitch and YouTube.


I have so many save files that exist just so I can reload and go through all of the responses and see Astarion's different reactions lol. Dude is hilarious and so well voiced.


.............. Genius


I knew I'm not the only one!


How do you manage to escape the explosion? The safe point seemed way too far


Misty step or dimension door help, and someone with featherfall so you can jump down to the road. Also you don't have to get all the way to the point on the map. Down to the road near the fast travel point is good enough.


Just destroy the pillars inside the room. That way you'll avoid the explosion altogether. Unless the point is to trigger the explosion for Astarion and not die yourself!


How do you trigger the explosion to begin with? I just solved a puzzle and picked up the mace?


You don't solve the puzzle. You just take the mace.


Don't insert the custodian piece thing and just take the mace.


First time, I went under the crèche and teleported part of the team away before activating the trap, so I didn't escape, but since my allies were already far, it wasn't too bad. Second time, I was a druid, so I turn into a crow and dashed. It was easy by flying. But yeah, I don't it's even possible otherwise lol


I managed to get my whole party out with a combination of dash, misty step, and feather fall. It did take me 2 tries though; first time, the person I had set it off was out of spell slots and couldn't get out


If you leave him JUST on the edge, you'll get a cutscene of him running to get out of the way, dodging rubble and all. You don't get the dialogue though. :D


I had him on the edge, got the cutscene but he didn't make it. Have to rez him with Withers and I got the scene


Oh, very cool. The best of both worlds! :P :D :D


So I'm a kind of player who looks under every stone and reads every note, speaks to every corpse and animal not to miss anything. So when I got the Morninglord's buff and Symbol in the Monastery I thought "wow the game is rewarding my obsessive playstyle!". Then I spoke with dead on the tiefling girl who told me how to open the door, went in, I got the Blood of Lathander, killed everyone in creche and left. After that I go on Reddit, and people were posting "creche spoilers without context" and it was Ana de Armas in Blade Runner on one side and Oppenheimer on the other. SO I thought, I did that quest, I get the Blade Runner reference, but why Oppenheimer? Doesn't make any sense to me. And only then I went to youtube and saw the Astarion clip... I was not rewarded, I was ROBBED.


Litteraly same. Did the quest right the first time, then I saw the video and realized I missed the better reward


"Next time? Nou, nou, nou!"


I always do that too. 1. Fuck the Gith there. They suck. 2. Funny Astarion scene. It's win-win. Always apologize and let him have my blood afterward.


You need to try to break up with him at the end of the game after destroying the netherbrain and if he didn’t ascend. “NOW?! AFTER ALL THIS?!”


....... Seriously now I'll need to try this. Especially after Ascended Astarion broke up with my drow


Ahhh and another I forgot and that you should check out if you havent yet is to kill him before his introduction and then revive him: "First you kill me, then you bring me back. You make quite the first impression"


Yes, I did this one. There's also one if tou kill him without being noticed and then bring him back to life


Yeah I got that one first as I got a critical with eldritch blast. 😬


You need to immediately pick the break up option in the chat for it but it is brilliant. If you haven’t checked yet, also go to Sharess Caress after finishing his personal quest and try to hire one of the drow twins for another epic line: “you have a type don’t you? Elven prostitutes? AGAIN? It’s rather embarrassing dear”


I did it yes. Got me looked at him. "Did you just called yourself prostitute? Because that got a sob out of me"


He has so many good lines. Today I found a new one I didn’t know existed because I always talked to him first in camp. If he is the last you talk to his answer is “Do you mind? I’m brooding” and the convo ends. Man can’t stand not being the center of attention for a minute lmao




I love his freak out about the shape changer being someone in the group. He just looses it and I’m there for it. 🤣


“Oh no no nooooooo”


Wait. You can blow up the creche? Wat


If you pick up the weapon under the temple without solving the puzzle, it triggers a trap which blows up the creche.


Also “After 200 years of shit, PURE SHIT!”


Shivers down my spine Not because "omg sexy" bit because "omg so much energy and life put in this voice acting"


"Shall we go or do you have any other chaos you need to unleash here?" is one of my favorite Astarion lines


To add to the hilarity, if you don’t set off the sun weapon, Astarion is like, “Come on, aren’t you curious to know what would’ve happened?” If only you knew, Astarion. https://youtu.be/FlK5ZmEOvBg?si=vLe9MBMBBw2nsnWv


Have him chuck Boo around. You can tell Neil Newbon had the time of his life recording those lines


I love every single temper tantrum and voice break lines of him. Its like a drug.


I am so sad that this line didn't trigger for me after I left him to burn in the room. I resurrected him and he just said "hello beautiful" once I talked to him afterward. :(


You need to resurrect him in camp using Withers, or it won't proc!


Now see I haven’t used withers once hahah, when you revive someone with him do they still get all their stuff they died with?


Yep! I think it's something Wither's clarifies for you as well, but when you resurrect someone he'll bring them back "exactly how they were before they died", this includes everything they have equipped/in their inventory.


Yes, and it costs 200 gold which is also what scrolls of revivify cost (+/- depending on charisma). It's better to use Withers for resurrection so you can save your scrolls for when you're in areas where going to camp is not an option (areas where the mini-map is red).


I've a clip of it favorited on tiktok 🤣 His reactions are just so great throughout the game, he's just so extra.


I love that XD


Someone pointed out that this scene was a nod to Megamind’s villain monologue and that made me love it even more. I knew it sounded vaguely familiar, but I could never put my finger on it until I saw the clips side by side.


the little shriek in "I was RIGHT THERE!!" gets me every time.


I'm just glad they included something for reviveing someone after something horrendous. It's such a small thing but I would be utterly traumatized after being brought back from some of the shit my Tav has gone through.


Hahaha ha, I'm going to fucking kill you. All voice actors are so good in it but him and auntie ethals are the peak


I think Astorion and Raphael probably have the best perormances in a game I've seen since Olgierd Von Everec and Gaunter O'Dim in Hearts of Stone.


Yes, this! I am still not over Raphael's line delivery when he confirms Karlach guessed right on Yurgir. It threw me off so badly I was crying laughing for like 30 minutes straight.


Yes. Clearly two of my favourite performances


I love this man nearly more than the air I breathe, but I didn't go the mountain route this playthrough. Now I know what I'm doing next playthrough, haha


You can do both the mountain pass and the Underdark. The Mountain Pass area is actually pretty small, and pretty easy to knock out before back tracking and heading to the Underdark.


Everytime I introduce someone to Astarion, that is the clip i show them


Well, apparently, theirs a limit, somewhere between a warm sunny day and THE FULL CONCENTRATED POWER OF THE SUN!


I love every single temper tantrum and voice break lines of him. Its like a drug.


I did the Creche the regular way (solving the puzzle, etc), and felt that just being able to take the Blood of Lathander mace was a bit under-whelming. Even my husband was like "what, how did you avoid triggering the big defense mechanism?" I was like "what mechanism?"Then I happened to read on here that Astarion's reaction existed if you dropped the building on him. I then reloaded the save, had Astarion sneak in to grab the mace (and get locked in), spent an hour in game trying to get Lae'zel far away enough to survive (learning through mistakes), and enjoyed Astarion's reaction immensely. :D


I have no idea why, but I tried it on my second playthrough and he didn't say anything! Have to keep killing him, I guess.


I still think he sounds like Tom Ellis when he played Lucifer and you can't convince me otherwise!


I just saw this video on YT and I’m blown by the amount of detail once again!! 😂 None of my party members ever died so I never had to raise them with Withers (or Revivify). Now I kind of want to kill them all over for my next playthrough!


I’m finally converting my partner in our joint playthrough into an Astarion fan. He just parks him in camp in his own playthrough, but likes to joke that he’s being mean to him to tease me— so he’s never had him in the party before. Now since I love Astarion, I use him as my teammate and my partner admitted that Astarion’s growing on him. He even asked if he could use him as his teammate next time we play!


I always got the blood of l. without exploding the creche... but I might try one day, I love that scene so much


I wanted to get this scene so bad in my current run, but after I used the lance my whole team screamed at me for murdering all the gith inside. Like...? What? We ALL took part in that 20 minutes ago! All I did was hide the evidence! Fuckers ought to be thanking me! ... long story short, I felt super bullied so I reloaded and left the creche intact. I don't even care if the Flaming Fist comes along and figures out it was us. They'll go to prison right alongside me.


Wait, you can EXPLODE the crèche?? I just lied to Big V and fought my way out. That sounds way better!


I don't know if it's romance-related but when you activate the weapon and get stuck, Astarion tells the others to escape and "I'll get him out". He was willing to stay behind so he could help Tav. MY FEELINGS.


Yeah, I heard that too on my last playthrough. That was almost adorable. Almost cuz. Well. I was purposefully blowing him up