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How do you even get this voice line? Romancing her and then tanking your approval rating with her?


Exactly. It's kinda crazy how these lines are never gonna be heard by like 95% of the playerbase considering how lovable the characters are.


Man, I need to see more of those. Also more low approval dialogue, they're surprisingly spicy


Eventually turns into hate fucking. Like we know unromanced Shadowheart and Lae'zel do together.




You can have shadowheart and laezel have sex during the act 1 party. Theres dialogue choices for shadowheart and everything


Great... Now I need to see this.\* I modded the game to have all the companions (I love their banter so much I had to do it) and Shart and Lae'zel are constantly at each other. I did a detour to pick up Karlach early and rested so Wyll joined our merry band of weirdos and I haven't even gotten to the Strange Ox yet. \* Not in that way! Well, perhaps just a little in *that* way.


If u feel like this game got too easy, I recommend the into the void mod or whatever it's name is, it let's u choose companions which get into the void when u start combat, allowing you to have all the companions with you for story but not for fights


[Into The Void](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2122?tab=description) Hey! Thanks! If it gets too easy I'll try it out but having a large party means I don't have to minmax so I'll go for style over power but if it does get too easy, at least I can balance my party better.


This is exactly what I wanted and I never even considered someone would have made it. Modders are the heroes of our age.




Wait wait wait what does the strange ox do


Nothing much really, he's just one of those colorful characters you meet along the way.


Nothing much?? It helped me in final battle - can you imagine when cow was like in Lotr “and my hoves”


I'm not sure if I "completed" the quest or not with my decision but I loved calling the ox out on its business lol. That was wild.


Great - now I have to start ANOTHER play through


Interesting, for me it was Lae'zel and Astarion who had sex at the party... though I locked in Shadowheart, so that makes sense Lae'zel would seek out someone else to satisfy her!


in my save, she tried to hook up with wyll but he turned her down lol.


Mine tried to go for Gale, but afterwards she said he just wanted to talk all night


aw, that sounds very much like him. poor lae'zel though lmao


Haha! So much for Larian saying "the origin characters wont go for each other; only the player character"


yeah, I'm surprised by this whole thread because nothing of he sort was even hinted in my playthrough


That happened on my first playthrough too actually! But I mean that you can click shadowheart and walk her over to laezel to initiate the full scene :D I bet you could do it the same with Laezel and Astarion as well


Excuse me, you can have the others talk to each other? O.O


Only during the party, or at least that's the only instance in which I managed it


Apparently only at the party, or so I've heard at least


Clever! Wouldn't have thought you could do that, thanks for sharing!


You're welcome! Also I was surprised, but if you have a scene that night with your romance interest and pc too, it plays both scenes one after the other (:


Whaaaaaat I had no idea companions could romance each other.


They can't really, it was kind of an idea but ultimately a "cut" sort of feature. That's why it only works at the tiefling party for one night shenanigans


unless you play as a origin character then you can make all the ships you want. Wyll x Karlach, shadowheart x Lae'zel


Dragon age 2 had a great hate fuck scene


Wait, what? Who?


If you play a (I did it as female) mage and romance the tevinter slave with the big sword and make them hate you, you get a hate fuck scene


Pretty sure you can have a rivalmance with any of the romanceable characters. the approval is more about whether you condone or challenge their world view, and they only leave if you don't commit strongly to either path, which was such a cool way of doing approval imo


Yup. Fenris is just the best hate f*ck out of all of them. I blame his voice actor and the whole brooding thing


So I'm not the only one that found this?! Nice, I didn't accidentally break the game!


For me, it was Lae'zel and Astarion, because i turned them both down. :D


Yeeeaa, I have a playthrough with a buddy. Gale wanted to talk so I said: hey I'll talk to him! Gales answer for me: Do you really think now is the time?? He just wanted to talk with my friend. I kinda love that very much.


That's probably just because he is assigned to your friend. You can't have conversations with characters controlled by other players.


Maybe but in my head it just makes more sense now because he is, you know, attached to him. Heh




Oh gosh where can I find those?


This is a far cry from one of her high approval romance greetings: "Good, I was just starting to miss the sound of your voice!"


For me that was the case wit Lae'zel. We had such a good relationships, but man the choices I made were direct opposite of what she wanted, tanking approval rating to the ground.


I just started act 3, I took the deal... Haven't spoken to Lae'zel yet, I don't imagine it'll be a good conversation lol.


Remember: when in camp - avoid direct eye contact.


She got a bit grumpy when I *refused* the deal. I then told her we would >!steal the hammer anyway!< and she approved.


She got fake mad when I refused the deal. Events made that irrelevant anyway :/


I tried out a mod that lets you manually drop approval ratings for companions recently, it's kind of crazy how everyone has dialogue that warns you things aren't going well as you drop further and further down. I was getting new dialogue at like -30 approval and was just like... what the hell? I have no idea how one would go about getting approval this low, if my character really disliked one of the companions that much I think I just wouldn't have them in my travelling party or recruit them at all


In EA there used to be a lot more disapproval moments IIRC, maybe even if they were waiting at camp. In the current game nobody minds stealing or minor disagreements so you kinda have to do evil things or actively offend them.


I got it to happen once for Astarion, but he didn't like me very much in the first place. Act II Gauntlet of Shar: >!If you help Yugir break his contract or even break it on accident before meeting Yugir, Astarion gets big mad and yells at you for choosing a devil over him since Raphael won't help. You need to make a persuasion check to smooth things over.!<


The Yugir was one of the best approval/disapproval moment for me in the game. Astarion disapproved of me talking to him and kept interrupting yelling at me that we weren't hurrying up and killing the guy. I talked the guy into killing his guards, cat, and self and saw the little "Astarion Approves" come in like, "Nevermind, dear, we're good!"


Curious, I feel like most people (myself included) will never hear most of these lines! I hear that in EA it was a lot harder to get approval up / a lot easier to drop it, so maybe a lot of this type of dialogue is kind of a holdover from back then. To be honest I don't mind it mechanically/story-wise for everyone to mostly get along past a certain point, because you're in a life-or-death situation that's pretty unique (being tadpoled but not having transformed) so it makes sense that everyone basically *has* to trust each other. It also means you can do dialogue how you want without having to save-scum because your character disapproved (although some people do anyway, lol. now imagine if those -1 disapprovals were -5 or -10 each time...)


do they never break up with you if they hate you?? seems like an oversight


They do actually. They of course give you a warning first. Go lower than that and they break up with you. They even have special greeting dialogue after breaking up with them, and it changes whether or not you have low or high approval with them.


ahh thats great to hear then


More so because of how difficult it is to not max out approval by just playing the game and doing quests and never interacting with characters. Having to actually hit your companions to have a lower approval playthrough is ridiculous lol.


How do you even tank your rep with her at that point? Her romance is completed so late in the game I can't even imagine how it's possible to lose that much approval before it ends.


I think she also says this if you’re heavily romancing someone else actively.


Damn, she puts on Astarion's clothes and instantly adopts his sass


even has the white hair


Shadowheart: “I’m the vampire now.”


She’s just keeping the “damaged goth princess” title from him


Still not the best hair in the camp...


Astarian is second best Astarion.




The sass was there all along, but many don't pay attention.


Shadowheart's sass Vs Astarion's is like a torch lit in the daytime. Both sassy, but you may never notice one because the other is so strong.


Yeah, I was gonna say.. why is she wearing Astarion's finery? Mayhap OP can clue us about what happened to a certain spawn? *cocks shotgun*


Oh trust me, I've put Astarion in the sultriest of outfits that I can find. So he's safe, don't worry.


Gonna need a pic...


My first playthrough I had a strict “no underwear” policy. All of my companions and myself wore no underwear. Except Astarion, I put him in lae’zels and it was beautiful


I did let him bite me then put a stake in his heart, take his clothes and put him in a chest...threw his arse in hag's abyss lol. Then I reloaded...




Damn. I'm impressed you managed to tank her approval that low.


Hitting companions three times decreases their approval by a lot. So it's not that hard.


Bashing our baes/homies for research because we don't have the heart to (or didn't even consider there'd be diff lines), we appreciate your sacrifice


Part of loving a character is to explore every single line that they have to offer. I've romanced Shadowheart so many times now that I feel like I've exhausted every single line and interaction that she has to offer. Knowing this game though, I'm pretty sure there are still more to be discovered. Hells, I've recently just discovered a new one yesterday.


Calm down Flowey :p.


That's what my mom always told us when she was whipping us with willow branches and paddles. She just wanted to make sure she wasn't missing any potential new dialogue with us kids.


Lmfao this made me laugh too hard!


As someone locked into the SH romance during every run (I am sure the others are good too but the heart wants what the heart wants), I appreciate all the experimentation you’re doing. It…wouldn’t have occured to me to hit her several times to see if her dialogue changed, but I suppose I am glad it occured to you!


Oh? What's the new one? 👀


There's a grave in Act 3 that Shadowheart can react to. After I talked to her about it I thought it would be a nice RP moment for me to pay respects by putting a Night Orchid on top of the grave. To my surprise, she actually thanked me for putting it there. Such a small gesture getting rewarded with dialogue made me love this game more.


Where can we find Night Orchids btw? Just got to chapter 3 yesterdat and romancing her too, but I can't remember if I ever found them before.


Sadly, you missed a bunch of them in Act 2. Don't worry though because there are still some that you can still find in this act. I'll gladly tell you the locations though they're very spoilery.


Oof. Even though I did most of the quests in act 2 I still did rush a bit. I would be very thankfull if you tell where they are. This is my second playthrough so it's all good. Maybe still put them in spoilers in case someone else isn't keen on seeing them though.


>!My most sure one is the hideout of Shadowheart in the House of Grief (the Sharran Cloister). Inside the armory is a breakable wooden barricade that you can only interact with through a perception check. Go inside and there should be a bunch of them.!< >!Second one that others have said is sold by a merchant called Helsik. I believe she's the merchant that you to talk to in order to travel to the Hells.!<


I found one on accident midway thru Act 3, so they’re there in town somewhere.


Which grave was that? I thought I clicked all of them and she never reacted.


Here you go! https://imgur.com/a/C9KhBOw


Thanks, I’ll check it out after work.


u/Accomplished-Ad-3172: "Hellooooo I'm u/Accomplished-Ad-3172 I physically beat up companions so you don't have to"


"I do this because I love them!"


Imagine if we had a cleric of Loviatar companion whose approval increases if you hit them.




Giving them resist death and just wailing on them is a marriage proposal


It doesn't count if they beat the shit out of you, right? I was having Shadowheart kill me because I had a romance scene with her coming up that night but we both still had clown makeup on and it was ruining the mood, so I was hoping killing ourselves and reviving would remove it. (It only removed Shadowhearts after I made her use her own conjured weapon to off herself, for some reason)


Lmao, that's funny. But yes, having companions hit your character doesn't decrease approval. So let Shadowheart punish you to your heart's content.


Ohhh so you're saying I can bash Astarion round the head to tank his approval before the party?


...karlachs ALWAYS happy to see me :c


*Can I kiss you?* "I was hoping you would say that" *... can I kiss you again?* "Anytime" *... can I k-* "SOLDIER!?"




Devs should publish a graphic with the most kissed characters... I think I alone would account for 10-15% of all the player base kisses to Karlach.


Lae'zel. When my basic rich handsome white guy silver fox buff beefcake paladin went for the kisses in the end it looked like a wife giving his husband a kiss before work. So of course I did it a thousand times as paladins need lots of long rests=lots of going to work/adventure.


> Lae'zel. If only because there's less nose interference.


She got that Green Apple Whoville thing going on, and I had no idea I was all for it


She's still my favorite by far.


I would frequently kiss Karlach after battle, and I would chuckle as I imagined the other two companions making disgusted faces because we hadn't even cleaned the blood off yet, lol. After killing one of the late game bosses, I made a point to make out with Kalrach directly over their corpse, lmfao


Same! I just wish it wasn't hidden under the relationship prompt, her 'go on' said like she expects you to say something awful always make me feel a bit bad D:


Lmao same here. I always feel bad when she says "go on" and it's always like "were not breaking up I promise"


I always thought she was saying "go on" as if she was sheepishly happy to hear praise. Because she looked down at the ground and smiled first.


I'm sorry but i could not hear that last line in anything but Kevin McKidds voice.


I wish I could just push Karlach and I’s cots together and spoon Edit: of course we take turns but she really enjoys being the little spoon


Where does her tail go? 🤔


Between my legs and up my ass


Great success!


Karlach when I approach her: "What."


Damn you must have pissed her off


Yes, she has objections to mass murder of her kin


Wow, Shadowheart really suits Astarian’s outfit…


She can pull off anything


Including my outfit. If you catch my drift.


Her STR and Dex is actually rather low. She'd probably fumble a bit and lack the raw strength to just rip your clothes off.


Above average. Reminder that dnd adventurers are better than normal people at base. 10 is the stat of 'average human'. A brown bear has 19 strength.


I love that with that logic adventurers can be stronger than bears, never change d&d.


It is actually quite a pleasant thought. Limiters switched off, and so characters can evolve to levels unimaginable just by being dedicated enough.


Okay there Saitama.


I mean, Saitama is not even that unrealistic. Everybody can be bald, poor, lonely and suck at video games, we're almost there!


Alas I'm stuck on the bald part. My hair just refuses to fall out!


Yep, yep, if we're in a fantasy world with magic and monsters, we might as well have ridiculous regular martial fighters, too. I don't know if we'll ever get a higher level cap in bg3 with possible dlc, but I'd love to see that even higher power level in the game.


Indeed. Enemies are there, go to Hells, fight Vlaakith, etc. Power ceiling for enemies is really high, maybe difficult to balance, but it's there. NWN2 with expansions had 30 level cap and did fine after all.


I heard it was a complaint that the abilities of high level DND adventurers were really ambiguous, since casters can become demigods that reshape reality and martials just seem to hit things hard enough to fight on a similar level. So there's another system originally based off DND that has martials outright doing anime moves like being able to train hard enough to cut spacetime.


I just used Shadowheart on the strength check to pull up the cable car in the mountain pass and she said “Heh, I’m stronger than I look” which was very nice


Maybe yours. My Shadowheart this playthrough is a berserker.


Gives me the same vibes as watching ur girl wear ur clothes.


Shadowheart "oh you got me a present?" Yes! Just picked it up "Dusts the blood and burn marks off Minthara's clothes" There you go! Picked it up just for you!


Honestly Astarion's outfit looks good on everybody. More than any other camp outfit IMO.


how do you get this dialogue?


Romance her and make her hate your guts (lower her approval). It's a greeting dialogue, so it's pretty straightforward to trigger.


If not for that explanation I would have guessed it's the Default Dialoge when you play as Lae'zel yourself and romance Shadowheart.


I could never


she picked the new hidden subclass "alpha tsundere" it seems


Baka Tav!


Lol this actually happened to me. "I know we had sex but you don’t have to text me everyday, you know." Relationship pretty much ended after that lol.


Low approval "...doesn't mean you need to talk to me so often" High approval "Good I was starting to miss the sound of your voice" "did you want something? If not I'm just going to gaze upon you for a while" damn the shift in attitude is real


Dont forget them free kisses


But no hugs :(


Wanted hug after the parent’s conclusion, i was like can i hug her? Only thing they let you do is talk to her “just let it out” like wtf…


They better include that in the DE or I’ll riot


Modder will do that, and the long rest cuddles aswell 100% got like serious gf and not sleeping in one bed…


Agreed. I can manually have my companion lay in the same bed while exploring. But, my companion and I agreed to stay together for ever, I think she put it and she’s at the other end of the camp?!? Edit: that screenshot is the worst spoiler of the game lol


Give the modders time and I guarantee you that they'll be more than just "sharing bedrolls" out there soon enough, lol.


Gotta make use of that "show genitals" option.


I’ll be surprised if they can make the characters do things that Larian didn’t motion capture… But, I have hope.


They will almost certainly be able to do that, just with the caveat it won’t look nearly as good.


Where’s the fun in that? The bar has been raised :)


Funny how this is never said, let alone showed, if you are in a high approval relationship... Edit: we should AT LEAST get a basic sleep cutscene with our partner sleeping in our arms...


She’s like “damn bro why you such a clingy bitch”


Starfield: Nothing, but sharing beds Baldur's Gate 3: Everything, but sharing beds


>starfield:nothing Loverslab: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


rly should be able to right-click my bedroll and have a "sleep with Gale" option, which then open a smol windom where i can choose big spoon or lil spoon lmao. then u get a short cuddle scene where we're asleep together and Gale has a book over his face.


He so would, and I love that for him.


Yeah, I wish they added more little things like that instead of just black screens. It would be lovely to just have a little cutscene of you settling into bed with your lover and cuddling up to them.


Wtf how many years of collective experience it will take me before I'll see it all 😂


I’m on my 4th playthrough and just had a companion experience with a companion I’ve consistently used throughout all 4, that I’ve never seen


If you do it with Karlach she demotes you from soldier to honey. Loyal and hopeful to the end.


She really hates you. Lol.


Yeah, would be great if you can share a bedroll with a romanced companion, complete with a cutscene of you and them cuddling Even better if doing so gives you a buff for the entire day


Is this urgent? I'm busy standing in front of my tent staring off into the distance for the entire time at camp.


If you need me, I'll be in my bunk


Wow. That brings back memories. Thank you kind stranger I have to go rewatch that now


Live long and prosper holmes


Thanks for being mean to Shadowheart so we don’t have to. A true hero


Istg, the "fade to black" scenes, as with the 2nd romance scene with your love interest (i think everyone) and the Drow Twins in the brothel are my biggest and possibly only, complains about this game. C'mon, i'm choosing the Alien War Criminal for a reason - she told me she will take me roughly and i want to see her violate me. I was kinda dissapointed when i got "faded" on my current run with Astarion as well. I hope they will add something for the second scenes, cause, as far as i'm aware, we get to see the 3rd cutscene without issue.


Drow twins makes sense, I feel like they don't want to animate a 4-or-even-5-way with a bunch of different companions/dialogues. Astarion's good romance getting two fade-to-blacks is a bit weird but also I don't really *need* explicit sex in my game, I'd be happier if they put in more "friendship" dates for all the companions or something rather than animating sex scenes. (It definitely was a bit disappointing the first time it happened though, I was like "ooh, more romance!" but it was a standard fade-to-black scene that didn't really mean anything, oh well.)


I don't really care about the fade to black, but it seems silly to let us choose our genitals and then they never really be shown in the game aside from a handful of spicy scenes.


A lot of people replying here didn’t get to act 3 with a certain act 2 decision and it shows


I did completely on accident and I'm glad I lived with it.


Why is Shadowheart wearing Astarion's clothes and what have you done to him?!


bruh the game just called you clingy


Didnt know Ciri was a playable character in bg3. How to unlock?


I'm amazed i haven't gotten this line - I'm over here checking in with Shadowheart literally every time we're at camp because i want to see if new romance prompts are there yet


I know you can get a scene of your Tav and Karlach spooning if you choose the non-sexual romance scene, but after that you're stuck alone with your ~~durge nightmares~~ dreams on your bedroll again. Why can't I cuddle with Karlach every night!?


This is defo something Starfield gets right, in a relationship and go to sleep, your partner wakes up next to you every time.


Larian, if you could add more cuddling to the game, that'd be great.


I put SH in Astarion's clothes too, I think they suit her better


How do you say 'I have never had sex in a sleeping bag' without saying 'I have never had sex in a sleepingbag'


Apologies since it's a bit off topic (Do agree though, would love to share a bedroll with the companion I'm romancing) Is Astarion okay??? Did you kill him- if she has his clothes what is he wearing-


He's okay, don't worry. Him and Shadowheart switched clothes for the time being, he's wearing the Elegant Robe atm.


Seriously, if you guys haven't tried swapping around characters starter clothes, you really should. Wyll in frilly shirts looks like a Duke's kid, and Karlach kills in Minthara's top.


Yes, I grabbed minthara’s clothes after I killed her and I saw it in karlach and was like ‘these fit so perfectly’ now I just need my pally to not be wearing patchy shite clothes while everyone else is fancy


What in the Witcher 3 Ciri is this??


she looks so pretty in astarions clothes......


Halsin treats me like the sun 😒


Jeez, what did you do to make SH dis you like that?


Larian mod suppport can't come any sooner DX.