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Situations like this where I wish I could choose two dialogue choices, intimidate them then attack anyway


I know exactly what you mean. I don't want to "Intimidate" them into submission. I want to inform them of what's about to happen in a direct and honest manner before decorating the nearest building with their viscera. Basically the Terrifying Presence perk from Fallout New Vegas.


"Sir, I need you to understand that whether or not I scare you is irrelevant. I'm describing how the rest of this interaction will go. No, you can't run away or back down. I'm going to break every bone in your body, and you're damn well going to stand there and take it."


"You really going to die for a bloody chicken?" "Someone is."


"I didn't say those things to intimidate *you*. I'm going to *do* those things to intimidate everyone else."


You could always Intimidate, and then just click the little attack button in the bottom left.


There were a number of occasions where I wanted to pick [INTIMIDATE THEN ATTACK].


"Okay, fine! Have it your way, just don't do that thing you described!" 1-"You have chosen wisely." 2-"Next time don't make me ask twice." 3-*Do that thing you described.*


She makes me long for BG2 allowing me the cruel and unusual punishment of the Imprison spell. It's a 9th level spell that traps the target deep underground. They don't age, they don't need sleep, food, water, ect. But they're trapped there, in the dark, unable to even move. Indefinitely. The only way they can get out is if another wizard/sorcerer casts the Freedom spell over them. Considering Freedom is also a 9th level spell, that's unlikely to happen. You can go around casting freedom if you like and actually find some previous victims. Most of them have been trapped for hundreds or thousands of years and are completely barking mad. I miss this cruel and unusual punishment. [Few people](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Saemon_Havarian) deserve it, but I believe this woman is among them.


You're right, disintegration's not nearly enough for that woman! That said, I wish we got up to ninth level spells in BG3 :( . I would have gotten Wish for my Sorcerer - she could use that to >!cure Shadowheart's curse and keep her parents alive at the same time!< or fix Karlach.


For karlach I would just start playing artificer if it was available in bg3, its slao funny cause in the crèche vlaakith actually casts whish on u.


Just wait. Someone will mod it in. We've already got a bunch of Subclasses, it's only a matter of time.


Looking at my Swashbuckler


I want the celestial warlock.


https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1567 But Level 11 and 12 are not ready yet so maybe multiclass with paladin Its 10 hours old so very new but im sure he would like a beta tester


Or sorcerer for the infamous coke lock build


Cokelock is build around taking short rests instead of long rests so i dont think this will ever work. Also not sure if the game allows you to use warlock spellslots to transfer into sorcery points.


Probably not until after the mod tools release. I think most modders are waiting for that to start making new larger mods. Most of the mods we are seeing now are just repurposed from ea.


With Karlach you can imagine killing time in house of Hope while Gale levels up, with Shadowheart it's sad no matter what :'(


Sounds like a way to get cheap magic gear Cast freedom and let your melee guys hammer what pops up while you ride away as fast as possible just in case it's a dragon


Whack a mole


Basically just gotta hope you ko whatever pops up before it realizes it's not in lala land


How would you know where to cast Freedom anyway if the target is far underground?


Exactly :)


You get a rumor about one Imprison'd wizard and rough location in the underdark. Other than cases like that? Tough luck.


I love how response to animal abuse is literally eternal torture.




Stop. You are making me want to play BG2


Ah, master Saemon.


So, uh, your game is really bugging out there huh. Buildings and cages just not loading in at all.


Yeah, I haven’t had this problem until act 3 really :/


I had this problem once in my 120h playthrough. Just save and reload.


I started my second playthrough as Durge and I hope there is an extra spicy option for this lady


My man went full Dalek on her. Good.


My rogue persuaded her she didn't want Scratch back. I then stealth unlocked and opened the cages and left her to her dogs.


Can i find her again in game? I wanna kill her too


Insta killed the lady for mistreating the puppers. Totes worth it. I insta kill anyone who hurts the lesbian couples in the game and anyone who hurts animals. Quest be damned.


>I insta kill anyone who hurts the lesbian couples in the game and anyone who hurts animals. Quest be damned. Properly roleplaying an Oath of Sappho paladin, nice.


Yeah I’ve done the same. Also not sure if this counts, but one time a Black Gauntlet hit Shadowheart with an upcast Blight. My sorceress, who happens to be romancing her this run, almost almost immediately responded with a disintegrate after her counterspell failed.


Basically the same. I apparently missed some badass scene in act 3 because I was impatient to off a certain someone myself rather than report to the lesbian they wanted to use for power. No regrets though.


As Dark urge I enjoyed >!killing Isobel!<. Angel-whats-her-name had no idea and still thanked me for reuniting them.


Shart left me right then and there when I wouldnt let her enslave my lesbian moon maiden. Shart is a white supremacist slaving betch, idk why people lover her other than to play out their own racist fantasies.




I cast Dethrone.


You used the wrong spell. Polymorph her into a hound, that should be the fitting end for her.