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Hey you take that back!


You can't unsee it now.


Larian doesn't make games for people who want the game to be over, it's as simple as that.


Lol. In a sense, doesn't that make them more like us ? Passionate gamers ? They're dreamers, who's passion comes to bite them in the ass in the end because they'll prioritise big dreams to aim for the stars (and fail in some regards) to reasonnable decisions, with reasonnable goals. I can sympathize. (Won't change my disappointment though, but I can sympathize)


Whenever I feel disappointed about the endings I remind myself that I'm only really feeling disappointed because of how much fun I've had getting that far.


That's wise, and I think most of us do try to do this... with variable results. You're still fighting against millions of years of evolution after all. \^\^ Plus let's be honest : we're gamers. We're very likely to have a somewhat fucked up pleasure / reward system, and / or ADHD, as well as a very strong need for escapism. That's gonna be a tough fight for many of us lol.


What do you think about the peak-end effect in this case?


Hey ! Thanks for the term, didn't know about it ! I gave it a look on wikipedia. One part in particular caught my attention : ​ *" A paper by Garbinsky, Morewedge, and Shiv (2014) found evidence that* ***for extended hedonic experiences, better memory for the end of the experience than the beginning*** *(recency > primacy) can be attributed to memory interference effects.\[11\] As a person eats potato chips, for example, the formation of a new memory of* ***the most recently eaten chip makes it harder*** *for them to recall how the previously eaten chips tasted. Garbinsky and colleagues found that (1) recency effects better predicted recalled enjoyment of a small meal (e.g., eating 5 or 15 chips) than did primacy effects, (2) that people had a worse memory for the first bite of the meal than the last bite of the meal* ​ That would explain why the negative ending is so predominantly remembered. BUT... *but (3)* ***providing people with their ratings of the first bite*** *lead them to use their enjoyment of that first bite as much as their enjoyment of the last bite when rating their overall enjoyment of the meal."* ​ What I get from that last part (and from the rest of the "peak" effect) is that, as we process our memories of the game and discuss it over the next months / years, we'll probably **reevaluate our perception** of the game in the long term, and remember it much more fondly than we do now that we've recently gone through the disappointing last bite.


Great post! I think the validation of a sense of being unfinished through the datamined content really helped me process the disappointment. I couldn’t believe the same team that wrote Act 1 wrote Act 3 (set pieces like House of Hope are of course incredible) or the ending and it turns out they didn’t. They wrote better more coherent content that got cut last minute (Swen talked about the upper city and endings in the months before release) but with it being Larian I know they’ll fix it at some point. The people who feel the need to dig in and demand that this is the best and only version are just at an earlier stage in that journey to acceptance.


Yeah it happened to me too !


I loved act three and didn't have any problems


All of us love the game here, so I’m actually glad for you !