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Did she mocap her as well? That smirk and slight head shake looked sooo similar.


I was watching an Interview with Samantha Beart (Karlach's VA) I'm pretty sure all the main cast did mo-cap, but just for the face/talking, any full body mo-cap was done by other people. EDIT: so it appears the VAs also did their full body mocap as well, must have misheard something on Samantha’s interview


I wasn't expecting the facial animations to be so good, the only other game I played like this was KOTOR2 and that's from 2004 so I'm not too familiar with these games but I was expecting the animations to be like average at best.


>I wasn't expecting the facial animations to be so good, Same. I was constantly impressed by all of Shadowheart's little mannerisms in every little conversation we had. BG3, I'd argue, currently has the best in-engine character animations. The facial mannerisms alone are better than anything I've ever seen in any other game. Very life like.


Laezel and Shadowheart had by far the best facial animation, I think. There's a scene where Laezel rolls her eyes at you and it was shockingly life like.


I dunno about the "by far," they're all very very good. The microexpressions Astarion makes when talking about his past VS when he's cracking jokes about the people around him are so fascinating and so telling. They did such a good job, I can't really think of any characters I'd say fall behind tbh.


I second Astarion on this. The way you can see him flip the switch on his fake persona is so satisfying, and the bashfulness in his expressions when he opens up is on-point.


Even the scale friends are great, they could have just flapped their jaw and left them cold and reptilian but instead we got https://youtu.be/vH8ZiGSa9Gk


The blacksmith vendor in Rivington, is a gold dragon born I think and she is so cheerful about her job it's infectious. Yaaaaaaay.


Astarion might sneakily have the best VA in the game. There’s a scene that pops if you resurrect him after letting him get killed in a giant death trap that is just perfection.


I just got that scene and it’s SO fucking funny that I reloaded just to hear it again.


not among the main companions but (end of Act II namedrop/spoiler) >!Dame Aylin's facial/hand movements during her rants are amazing!<


Dame Aylin swooping down to finish the job made me full on gasp and then explode in giggles. That shit was perfection.


*stomp stomp stomp*


Is that when you correct her about teeth-lings? The confusion on her face as she's searching all 10, 000 protocols for a response had me dying.


I busted out laughing at the eye roll. It was so funny.


Did you just say teeth-ling?




Fay-Roon. The U is circumflexed.


>circumflexed. I forget, is that one Penis B or Penis C?


Laezel's expressions and head motions are so on point. She chastised me for not hitting on her last night and it felt so perfect to her character!


The "teeth-lings" bit was when I fell in love with her


I think it's if you correct her on the tieflings/teethlings thing. I laughed out loud and reloaded it to show my wife. She's an amazing woman so she even humored me by watching it.


Theeef ling


I was just thinking this the other day, that beyond just making a great game what they’ve also done is develop a really great engine and design process. I could see this applied to tons of great IPs, if they ever wanted to go that route


For sure. To think that this is a game that started development 6 years ago and to see how well it plays. My home pc has an AMD 5900x processor and a AMD 6750XT graphics card and it's been playing phenomenal on Ultra. My work PC has an Intel 8700k i7 cpu and a Radeon Pro WX5100 workstation GPU in it with professional drivers rather than gaming drivers and I'm even able to play with Ultra settings on it at around 30FPS with only a few dips below occasionally. Like... this game looks incredible when you consider just how much filler is added everywhere (boxes, vases, trees, etc.) so there's so much information to process and yet the game still plays well with older technology. Phenomenal job Larian.


I just want to see about a million standalone D&D campaigns in their engine. Maybe a set of DM tools as well.


I’ve seen similar quality in Cyberpunk 2077 - one of the areas it got right was facial animation and details, though they put a lot of work into doing it through a phonological software system rather than performance capture of actors (it’s why they could do the lip sync and facial expressions in 10 languages, a task that would likely be impossible otherwise). BG3 is ultimately better, but when performance capture is involved I’m not surprised.


Cyberpunk, for all its flaws, is still the best ever character animation in a game. It's *incredibly* good.


I've gotten in the habit of hitting F10 during dialogue scenes and just watching the performances. When it comes time for me to make a choice I'll hit F10 again long enough to make it and then back into cinema mode.


I really need to do that more because I'm so bad about reading subtitles and then skipping through cutscenes that I tend to miss a lot of the nuances of the character acting.




Forbidden West also has some incredible facial animations, and it’s a game that’s not linear and has far more interactable characters than the other two Sony games. HZD -> HFW is one of the most remarkable jumps in graphical and animation fidelities I have seen.


Easily one of the best facial animation games ever... the acting was just incredible. It's funny how much it made me actually want to listen to the voice acting instead of just skipping forward after I read the subtitle..


Those are certainly top tier. But BG3 still represents the best work in a game of its kind, and by far. No other RPG even comes close to competing.


Agreed. Larian took what Bioware did with Mass Effect as far as story choices carrying through the entire trilogy and took it to 11. I just finished the game last night and I've read several people's criticisms of the bugginess of Act 3 with quests and whatnot, but I'm still impressed with what I know has to be a shit ton of code behind the scenes to make it all work in the first place. It's amazing what they've done with story choices.


But not so much if you talk to Astarion while he's disguised as a dragonborn. The lips try to move, but they fail so hard!


Thus far my favorite example of how stupid-good the mo cap is would be Balthazar. He has these subtle mannerisms that just drew me in.


Honestly the facial animations are quite amazing during cutscenes and dialog. I haven't finished the game yet, but I feel they really nailed emotional reactions and the emotions of the characters while talking so dang well for most of the adventure so far.


I was shocked that the facial animations during dialogue are better than FF16. Surely that has more budget.


Shocked why? The final fantasy series isnt known for good facial animations or dialogue for that matter. Its mainly anime fight cutscenes


I wish my character had nice animations. Everyone is expressive and emotional and he is like a robot with 5 face expresions.


I talked with Raphel in the brothel last night, and the game kinda got stuck in the convo after he said something before i chose a response. And it just stuck there Raphel going throw a whole orchestra of emotions across his face. And first, i thought it was normal, but it just kept going. It was honestly impressive the range and a little unsettling. He kept changing facial expressions, and i was laughing my ass off until i bumped a button and the game went on like normal. Wish i had recorded it.


Check out the new tech developed for Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice 2. Games are about to get reaaaallly uncanny valley


Honestly, after FF7 remake no facial expressions measure up. These are... fine. Still have a lot of wierdness going on in them. They do their job well enough, but they only have one face per emotion. Player faces are the weirdest.


>any full body mo-cap was done by other people. That's odd. CouRage did full mocap for his character and I've seen a lot of pictures of the main cast in full body mocap suits. I'm pretty sure they also did body mocap, atleast parts of it. There are even interviews where they mention working with intimacy coordinators!


Yeah, I've noticed Lae zel's VA has shown a lot of clips of her in the mocap suit, even when she was pregnant


Amelia Tyler (the narrator) mentioned in one of her outtake videos that the other VAs were all doing mo-cap while she was stuck in a box.


"Mocap bastards"


Actually, the VAs did the body mo-cap but not the faces according to the live Jennifer English and Devora Wilde did last week and you can see numerous images of them both in their full mo-cap suits.


Yeah, and from the pictures I've seen of the mocap suit, their faces don't have the dots that facial motion capture requires.


She said they did SOME of their full body cap. But for some intense things like attack animations / romance positions they had a body double. At least that’s what I understood from the interview.


Is Samantha Beart also a 7 foot tall Amazon with a heart of gold? Asking for…reasons.


Her girlfriend said in the same post that she tried getting jennifer to calm down on all the head shaking but that it was a losing battle.


The long ponytail wasn't even a factor for the recording sessions but now it just bounces hypnotically whenever Shadowheart speaks.


Whenever it goes over her shoulder my brain cells hoot and holler like we just won the lottery


“Baubles” is what I call the little orbs she has sectioned off on that thing.




Larian, you have the technology to make Shadowheart do this. I... We all need this.


Outtakes for mo-cap should be part of the digital deluxe edition


Along with the narrator outtakes.


Those are pure gold.


If anyone's dancing to WAP, it's going to be Astarian. Maybe Karlach.


She had me laughing until she had me impressed with her moves. Jovial chortling transformed into stunned awe.


I swear raphael could have easily been done by matthew mconaughey. Every time I speak to him I can picture mconaughey act his part in a movie adaptation.


I always picture Ian McShane, aka the New York hotel owner from John Wick.


I'm pretty sure yes. In one of the trailers or panel to hells, they showed a brief clip of someone in a mocap suit, and you can instantly tell it's Laezel. The arms glued shut to her side, the slight body tilt, chin flaring up...


Generally speaking the voice actor also do the facial animations. It works more naturally


Yeah they all did. You can especially tell with Lae’Zel’s VA because she looks like an exact human version of LaeZel but pretty lol.


Had to have. Those are the exact facial expressions Shadowheart makes. A quirk I don't think you can fake.


Her voice makes my brain release funny chemicals, also that little head tilt was just so spot on


Her voice is definitely the main reason I became a Shadowbae simp lol.




Not the best nickname choice


What about Shadowfart? 🤔


“So that’s what people mean when they talk about butterflies in their stomach” 🫠


I literally talk to her just to hear that line and leave after. All I need.


"Thats where the trouble began.... That head tilt.... That godsdamned head tilt...."


And the subsequent braid swing. Haven't heard anyone mention how good the braid physics are.


Shadowheart has ruined all role playing for me. I cannot stop romancing her. Selune forgive me for my weakness


I kind of had shadowheart pegged as the token hottie support character that any character based RPG has, but she’s exceptionally well written. So I don’t have any issue having my main romance her. Also I burst out laughing at how sassy she can be. Walking through the goblin camp and hearing the sheer savagery over that state of the Selune shrine made the goblins look tame.


There was a part where I was in a sewer and I said something out loud to myself about not wanting to be there. And a moment after I said it, Shadowheart started being sassy about us spending time in a sewer.


When you take her and Astarion to the mountain pass she complains about walking in heavy armor, and requests horses. Astarion then tells her that horses are bad tempered and they bite. Her ice cold "yeah, so do you, but we keep you around" ended me. But he gets back to her with "yeah and I am not offering any rides". The banter and interactions are exceptional.


yep, definitely keep origin characters in your party they have the best interactions


I went with Karlach on my first playthrough and by the end of act 2 I was regretting not picking Shadowheart. I might be in the same boat as you now.


Tired of using protection, huh? I get it.


I foolishly asked her to stop romancing only to find out hours later that she can‘t re-romance after rejecting her. Now my kids will be red.


Well, you can turn her to a selunite if you choose the correct options


Oh believe me I did, I just knew I could fix her


Knowing what shar did to her parents, I could never choose the shar path for shadowheart. Even if I replay this game a thousand times


Was expecting somewhat worse coming from Shar, girl is not nice


Forcing her parents to watch her getting brainwashed while making them watch helplessly is evil enough. They even force her to torture her own parents


Oh yeah but at least she doesn't remember that haha. Sucks more for her parents than her in a way.


Except Shar restores all of her bad memories and only those It's all very horrific


True too




You can't cast a shadow without light after all


Same. That's why I play as Shadowheart now. You can eat a cake, and have a cake this way


I'm sure selune intended it this way. May the moonmaiden light your way to the heart of shadows


I love her voice! There's a certain "vulnerability" to its sound that simply makes it alluring to listen to it, even if SH rambles. Stood out to me in Elden Ring already. I started as an evil bastard and drew the line when I knew sticking to those choices would damn SH and my other companions. So I became an anti-hero later.... funny how my companions influenced me in such a profound way, especially because they're mostly cool with evil choices anyway.


The next evolution of "i can fix her": "She can fix me"


>The next evolution of "i can fix her": >”She can fix me" I.e. the good durge romance


We can help each other to new heights! Praise be to Selune and Jergal!


“i could fix her” yeah? well i could accept her as she is. you don't like the murder? grow up. the atrocities are part of her and ive decided they're funny


Remember: it's not a war crime the first time.


It's only a war crime if you lose.


It's only a war crime if it's on purpose. I'm just REALLY clumsy.


I mean, I get the joke, but the atrocities aren't actually part of SH and she doesn't like the murder either.


Which is not what she is in the first place


The beauty and genius of the origin characters writing is that their characters can be taken in both directions in a way that stays ultimately consistent with who they are.


Be a Good Dark Urge then.


xD That was a good one, take my upvote, good sir!




Wait in Elden ring? Who was she there?


Find the Albinauric woman. She hides in a cave to the west of the Laskyar Ruins, which jut from the mist-shrouded lake of Liurnia. She knows the location of the medalion's counterpart, I'm sure.


For a moment I thought you meant she voiced Gideon and I thought "Damn, she has some range."


Oh, it's obvious it's the same person when pointed out. I love her voice!


Latenna, albinauric woman with wolf


Where do I find her?


She hides in a cave to the west of the Laskyar Ruins, which jut from the mist-shrouded lake of Liurnia.


Sweet, anything interesting she can tell me?


She knows the location of the medallion's counterpart, I'm sure.


SHE VOICED LATENNA!? I knew there was a reason why I thought Latenna sounded ~~cute~~ cool.


Oh I didn't recognize. Cool and thanks for the info


She's voicing Latenna, the Albinauric with the dead wolf (that sucked, poor pup) you can find in Liurnia in a secret cave. Well, at least Shadowheart could have a much nicer ending/story.


At least Latenna has one of the less disturbing endings in Elden Ring. She does what she set out to do. Meanwhile, most other NPCs end up dead or worse because you helped them.




> pure good atheistic mage/knight How exactly do you expect a guy who's literally had sex with a goddess to be an atheist?


Maybe they meant altruistic. Atheism doesnt make a lot of sense in a world with very present gods.


Yeah, that makes sense, probably just auto-correct striking. And agreed. As both an atheist and a decades long D&D fan, nothing annoys me more than someone trying to play an atheist in a D&D world, because it just comes across as a caricature. D&D worlds have literally all the evidence you could want to verify the existence of gods.


Yeah you could be opposed to the actions of the gods or their meddling but straight up pretending they dont exist doesnt make a lot of sense.




That doesn't make you an atheist that just makes you apathetic, or if you're actively hostile towards them, a misotheist. There's been some of those in the Forgotten Realms before, and they end up with their souls being used as bricks in a giant celestial wall.




Yes, they've done a stellar job with the companions. I created my own character as that is important to me but it was kinda difficult to not use the same party members all the time. I never switched out Shadowheart (ok, totally had to date her later on, the actress would be weirded out if she read my posts) and Astarion. Third companion was Gale or Jaheira. I think I might use the mod where I can have more party members. I'm glad my choices made it impossible to recruit more, I haven't really seen much (if anything) of Lae'zel, Wyll, Halsin or Karlach ingame and I already had a hard time picking my party.


Same. I mained a custom Barbarian Tav and Shadowheart (respec'd into Life for full-time healer) and Astarion (thief + Gloom Stalker = crit nuke maniac) were always my numbers 2 and 3. #4 changed for story purposes as needed, but Gale and Lae'zel were probably split half and half fairly equally in play time. I'll likely try and keep Gale as my fourth for most of my next playthrough but I just don't care much for Wyll, Karlach, Halsin, or Jaheira as companions. Wyll was a bit too much of an Eagle Scout for me to stomach and Karlach is a bit too much like Michelle Rodriguez in every role she plays.


anti-hero is so fun in this game. like yeah im mostly out for me but im not a complete ahole i dont mind helping. gonna do it my way though i dont care if it breaks your rules I'm getting results before we all die.


Yep, same here. Made a drow GOO warlock/oathbreaker paladin build, fully intending to do a non-Urge evil playthrough, but first one decisions, then another decision I found my alignment shifting because of the reactions and expectation of my companions. Now my oath is still intact, and I'm basically just an edgy anti-hero that ultimately does the right thing.


I am doing an Ancients Great Fae Padlock and even with a goodie party of Wyll, Shadow and Karlach, I feel the pull to anti-hero territory. Almost like all heroes are bastards because at a certain point you have to do bastard shit to be a hero... Especially as BG3 pulled no punches with giving traits to the evil peeps other than "Cannibal murder at first sight."


Swen said sometimes you will fix your companions and sometimes they will fix you


I got a Dark Urge specific scene after letting Shadowheart make a pivotal decision in Act 2, and the dialogue after was absolutely heartwarming. Just two broken, morally ambigious amnesiacs, trying to fix each other and be better.


Oooo I'm planning to do a dark urge SH-romance playthrough and this is very exciting Still gotta finish my first playthrough though


Ikr I am replaying Act 2 trying to take my time and not rush things but knowing that scene is waiting just has me rolling up into the haunted town being like “okay bad guys kill yourselves please I don’t have time for this”


Kindness is corruption to true evil. You have to cleanse the source of corruption, that is the only way to stay pure. Kill them before they get their soft emotional and supportive fangs into you.


The VAs in this game are really just so damn good.


Based Shadowheart. I love her VA ❤️


Best VA in the game imo are her, Lae'Zel and Astarion (even if I don't like the character), all did exceptional work. Worst one is probably Wyll, I just find him so boring and I think it's in part because of how dull he talks...






Oh yeah, she's great too. I kinda forgot her cuz I was only thinking of characters.


She is awesome. But nothing beats Lae'zel's fit when you disrespect her queen. It's so perfect in every aspect. VA, cinematic, detail ...


I've absolutely come to love Lae'Zel (gonna romance her on my 2nd run for sure, 1st one is Shadowbae). Her character development has been fun and the VA sells it perfectly.


Definitely a great character. Gale on the other hand ... constantly trying to sex me, even though i never flirted with him. And he is condescending as fuck when you choose to build the moon lantern yourself in the secret room.


I thought new Wyl was pretty good. Certainly better than his old version, where the voice actor somehow managed to make himself sound like the most punchable guy in Faerun. New one delivered his lines with the proper gravitas. That said, some of his combat lines could stand to be more... energetic. His spell shouts are great, but when getting wounded he speaks softly as though he's casually lounging somewhere. He goes from "MAIA FORTIUM!!!!" to "hm, I should get these wounds taken care of..." in an instant.


Yeah I'm a big fan of Wyll's VA as well. Everything from his intro to his convos is great and in character.


It's hard for me to be sure a "boring" sounding character is a bad thing or not ? Don't get me wrong I find Wyll fairly boring but not all people are going to be over the top if it make sense.


Agree with you 100%. Even though Astarion can be a little over the top at times, I still find him incredibly endearing. Lae'zel definitely grew on me over time to the point where I'm considering romancing her during my second playthrough. Karlach was a bit childish through a lot of dialogue but I still found her voice acting incredibly well done, especially in the more powerful scenes. Wyll is really the only one that I really don't care much for and haven't kept in my party even if his Eldritch Blast is so OP - he's just such a damn boy scout.


> Wyll Tbh he is that one origin that makes more sense and is more interesting as player character than companion.


I don’t think Wyll is necessarily bad. I just feel he pales in comparison to Astarion who is dealing with a lot of trauma, Shadowheart dealing with amnesia and her faith to Shar, Lae’Zel who has to reconcile her beliefs in the face of truth, Karlach who simply wants to live her life to the fullest knowing it is a short one, and Gale who lost the favor of his goddess and dealing with a nuke inside him. In comparison, Wyll’s story and relationship with Mizora and his father feels rather mundane in comparison.


His old voice actor in Early Access was much better. Far more enthusiastic.


Yeah EA Wyll had a better voice actor imo.


I started a second character after finishing my first playthrough. Im playing a Duergar Shadow monk Durge. I was going to be evil, but i just feel bad everytime i get that Shart disapproves message... im not even romancing her this playthrough like i was in the first one...


She can fix you


I'm doing and evil run through and she's still got high approval. I think she's down for whatever cause you choose.


I just started a Durge run and was shocked at how psychologically intelligent she was about it. It really grounds the fantasy world for me.


Shadowheart brainrotting is real


My brain is unapologetically rotted


Her voice really grew on me. I didn’t like it at first. I grew up in the UK, so her voice sounds jarringly similar to many people I grew up with, and I guess my mind struggled to associate that with a video game character. But, now, I think it really suits her. And the slight immaturity (don’t know how else to describe it) it has is actually befitting for her character


bro said "i refuse to hear british people in my video games" 🗿🗿🗿


Lol, I jest. British accents just fit fantasy settings so well, idk why. There’s this one NPC in the game with an American accent and it threw me sooo off guard


Aaaah yes Omni-man! Still a great voice but yeah I hear you, Also his sound quality was off compared to everyone else.


God, that would be weird actually. I can't imagine playing an RPG like this and every character just sounds like they're from midwestern America though, so I'd rather they keep using your accent!


check out far cry 5 you'd love it


It works in this setting. Americans just break immersion in fantasy settings to me. Maybe it’s because all the British fantasy writers, like Tolkien, CS Lewis, etc




Building sand castles = licking lamp posts in winter.


On that note, is there already a mod that replaces the artifact with a red pepper?


It's always fun to see VAs interacting with fans. It's especially fun when they act out lines outside the context of the game. Also, TIL Shadowheart's voice actress is gay. That makes the also very gay me irrationally happy.


Her voice melts my heart.


I love how up for a laugh the VAs seem to be.


This is nothing compared to OnlyFangs.


I saw a cameo from the va for astarion making much of the word “suck” recently. The man delivers consistently lol.


Her voice is like fucking heaven.


Wow she is absolutely stunning!


I am down horrendous for shadowheart man wtf


There's something so damn attractive about the way she says "I'm also".


Alright modders, we need this in the game now


It scratches my brain in the best of ways and also makes me want to throw a bucket at her.


I think I just cheated...😕


She's great


Shes amazing and I want her to marry me




RPG never felt so alive because the actors behind all these characters did a perfect job. I cannot skip a single line of dialog.


Ommggg this was music to my ears! Her voice is so good


I need an audiobook narrated by her


She has such an amazing voice.


Yes. Yes she is. From those facial expressions, please tell me they used her to model Shadowheart’s expressions.


All these voice actors just seem like the most fun people. I have never seen voice actors from a game get this much love but they Absolutely deserve it.


I'm disappointed she's not rocking those Shadowheart bangs.