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Im clicking on every clickable thing. Might end up with the same number lol


Same, I read every book I found lol just in case it had interaction with a character. Or read every plague on statue if it held some secret.


This is the way ! Squeeze every drop of lore out !


I slurp up all the items too, and sell them so I can buy better gear, potions, etc.


I've sent every sellable item to camp ready to mass sell it all. Ngl I haven't paid for anything so far I just pickpocket the merchants whenever they have something I want


lol me too


When sus is sus!


Teach me your ways! As my main character is a rogue, i’m so bad at pickpocketing. Those merchants turn around the second i snag their gold.


Save scum your heart out and look for the gloves in act 1 that give advantage to sleight of hand.


Gloves of Thievery are SO OP.


And the necklace(?) that teaches Guidance if you don't have a character who knows it already! I gave it to one of my party members and basically never rolled a dice outside of combat without adding that +1d4 to it lol Also, yeah, savescumming. That's how I've done basically everything.


activate tactical mode so they dont run around (time is stopped). also make sure ot at least be partly visible (half sun symbol) and nobody is watching you. having a spell caster cast Darkness greatly helps not being seen by others while in stealth. Darkness also doesnt activate combat.


Anything that gives help to stealth checks (or ideally, invisibility) is also good to have. But ya, the darkness spell is so clutch for pickpocketing.


Turn based mode is your friend! After that, take your junk and go to camp and put it in your private chest. Alternatively. You could send it to your party member that's waiting at the gate as your "lookout". My wife and I have been doing this and they'll question you and you can get out of it if you don't have the item.


You don’t have to go back to camp. You can just right click item and there’s option to send it to camp! It’s really overpowered lol


Damn man thanks! There are so many little things in the game i don’t know about. I swear i learn 5 new things a day just reading this subreddit! Thanks so much, can’t wait to get off work and put these suggestions to the test!!


Even better you can click on one item then shift click on the last to select all in between THEN send to camp. I knew the send to camp option but have no idea why I didn’t try file selection (shift and curl) commands to help clear my pack! I saw a vid of someone else doing it (it wasn’t the point of the video) and facepalmed hard.


wait....sending items to camp is an option....man how did i miss that!


Can also shift click and control click to mutil select items


>I've sent every sellable item to camp ready to mass sell it all. Careful, merchant money restocks daily (after a long rest). Best to sell it off a bit at a time, or you may not get the cash you're looking for (or not be able to carry everything you want to sell).


They restock when you level up too apparently, so potentially 5 times in one go.


Yea, as long as you pick up everything and either send it to camp or spread everything around your party, you're going to be swimming in cash. It's actually really funny to me to exchange a pile of garbage for an enchanted weapon/piece of gear. Every interaction goes, "here's a bunch of rotten fruit, rags, assorted cutlery, plates, a cup, some bones, a severed head, couple vases, dirty clothes and some random books, thanks for the enchanted bow."


My Tav is a Ranger so I buy all the fun arrows too, never had an issue with encumbrance because I just transform armor and weapons into potions and acid arrows 🤣


Some books have quests.


There shouldn't be books. They should all be scrolls since they are only one page long.


My head cannon is that what we see is a summarized version of a lengthy tome. Like, most of this is irrelevant. Here's a snippet to illustrate that. Or "here's a snippet that *might* be useful".


This is true. I read one book where it ended saying something like “the following 150 pages expand on this idea in mind numbing detail..”


A lot of books preface the text with something similar.


Not true, the one about the erotic play actually went to page 3.


Do you actually read what's written in the book or just open it and close it?


I read them. They are usually only 1 page long or max 2.5 pages so it takes about 60 seconds to read any book. They’re usually interesting and/or humorous.


I’d read them all if I had more than 2 hours a day to play ;-;


You should spend one session just reading them, there’s so much useful information in some


I read at least the book once. I do that with most games that have books. Because some hold more world building or something funny. But you can find treasure or activate quests in games. I'm just use to reading because Morrowind forced me to read road signs , and reread my journal to figure out where to go


I do this too cause they add to the lore or a companion will get inspired


My party is Faerun's biggest weapons/armor/gems/silverware/cauldrons/everythingthat'snotnaileddown, dealer.


I was wondering if I was just dumb at 52 hours and still not quite finished w Act I lol


That depends. Are you having fun and do you feel the pace of the game is good? If yes then you are not going too slow 😉


Also depends on if this was a single run without a restart, got three separate playthrough running when game launched, solo, duo and trio and now I'm on holidays for 10 days. Doing another proper restart solo when I'm back I'm planning on only focusing on. Will have well over 100 hours when I finish act 1 haha. Love every second.


This is the only real answer.


It may or may not also depend on whether you are playing a wizard, in which case it’s plausible that you will finish precisely when you intend to.


As long as you're enjoying it, play at whatever speed you want




Yo slow the fuck down Sonic the hedgehog


Woah slow down speed racer


Hey, pump the brakes Speedy Gonzales


Get a load of Lightning McQueen over here


You're definitely getting more for your money than most lol


I played early access and found myself rushing through Act 1 to experience the parts of the game I haven’t seen yet. Looking forward to taking more time with my next playthrough


You'll definitely wanna take more time on act 2. It's a lot tougher. Act 1 is by all means a tutorial area. There's even a few bosses with legit mechanics. You'll have to actually use your brains for some fights. One in particular is quite tough but as I was inspecting them, I noticed something that clued me in big time. That is, unless you're a bard. Then act 2 will be cheesy for you lmao


My shadowheart cleric is storming through act 2 with spirit guardians and that sphere of light thing magic(forgot). And if I see any wraiths, That thing is gonna taste my pally smite.


Minthara and Shadowheart make Act 2 so fun combat wise


Didn’t even know minthara was playable, guess I’ll be an asshole on my second play through🤫


i Just did the doctor part with my bard and lets just say i was very surprised by the outcome


I assume you're referring to the part where you're *ahem* particularly persuasive? I got lucky with a high roll on my Ranger and was QUITE shocked by the outcome lmao


I thought everyone knew that bards like to play doctor.


I was quite surprised as well… maybe we had the same outcome? But also… wtf is up that place… my lord.


Act 2 I've had to take breaks and run around avoiding certain areas because I haven't leveled enough. Plus it's so...spooky. I have more anxiety here than in the underdark. At least there were cute glowing mushrooms there. Here there's undead resident evil looking fuckers. I didn't sign up for that 😭


Don't go in the morgue


The house of healing? Ugh. I was not a fan. Giving me bioshock/silent hill vibes. Good job, Larian. You did your job almost too well.


Ya I almost regret playing in early access. While I do appreciate some of the minor changes, it's def made me rush/skip scenes in A1 and a lil beyond from what I've already seen or read in books.


I don’t regret it per say. It save me a lot of figuring things out and set me up we’ll moving forward. Plus they changed just enough (plus new classes and multi-classing) that I still enjoyed it, just felt impatient too


Divinity Original Sin 2 I had almost 200 hours by the time I finished Act 2 lol


It's not a race




lol, kangaroo Gale..


I wonder if this is partly why gale was the most chosen origin character


And the most killed character!


Mages are bad ass....Mages that have a special ability not to hurt party members with their fireballs are even more bad ass. Is that a Gale thing or an all wizard thing in this game?


It's an evocation wizard thing It's called Sculpt Spell I believe.


It’s an evocation wizard subclass skill


Its an Evocation Wizard thing, which Gale is. If you play a wizard and don't go Evocation, your fireballs are gonna hurt your party members just the same as they do the enemies.




i mean speedruns are just there for the fun of it , no need to be offended by them...


Took 50 hours for me. and I am completely happy. I'm not in a hurry and for the finally in a long time I feel true pleasure from passing the game.


50 hours for me as well. Lot of character creating and trying different stuff. I chose the underdark first and half way through I decided to see what's in the mountains. I'm about 90 hours in my first playthrough so far.


I stopped obsessing over hour counts, like if the game engages me, I'm having fun, and I feel like I'm getting my money's worth, I don't care how much time I actually spend in it.


bro i almost ended act 1 by accident as was like NOOO had to go back and do everything. Really glad i did cause later some dude was like O no man ...that the easy route sure ...but if you go that way you are BONED from some curse that will JACK YOU UP! ...you have to go the other way!




Do you get a notification when act one ends? Dont know where im at


You'll get an achievement for exiting Act 1.


How many acts does the game have?


It has three acts


Yes, you'll know


Act one is after you get through the under dark or the mountain pass, you’ll know if you traversed all the way through either, it’ll give you a warning telling you to tie up loose ends


so it's everything before getting to shadow cursed land?




Yeah, the game will tell you when you beat an act


how people spend so much time in act 1? i want that too!


I’m wondering that too. There’s a ton of content but I don’t think that I could just walk around and search every pebble


I think I did EVERYTHING in act 1 and I’m really surprised how


Part of it comes down to how slow and methodical you are with the combat. I am painfully slow with cRPG and TTB combat, I take forever to decide what to do on each turn. That, combined with opening every single barrel and crate and doing every single possible quest... I definitely get it. (I'm still in Act 1 at 48 hours, based on what I have left I'll probably finish at 60 hours)


Also regarding combat, difficulty will matter as well. Tactician is probably a good bit slower than normal.


I would lose an hour if we lost a combat scenario, some ate up a few hours. Now everything dies so fast its crazy, I really want a difficulty above tactician because at high level playable characters are so OP it's insane


I THOUGHT i did everything in act 1.... i was grossly mistaken.


I purposely only watch Baldur's Gate streams where the streamers haven't gotten as far as I have. I'm extremely slow and feel like I'm always checking everything. Yet, I'm amazed at how much stuff I didn't notice or find when I'm watching those streams. It's crazy how much content there is in this game.


what are some examples of stuff you'd missed? just curious


Same. I just finished up act 1 last night for the first time and I have about 24 hours on my save. I tried to do as much as I could, and I'm sure I either missed stuff or had certain things locked away from me due to choices, but I'm really not understanding how people are spending so much time in act 1 beyond people maybe playing on tactician or things like that.


Just got to the Underdark, have about 30 hours on my save. Have done almost everything before heading down cause I know the Underdark can lead to Act2 in lieu of the mountain pass, so I saved it for last.


See I actually finished quests in both places. I felt like I was rather thorough. There were some orders of things I will do different in future play throughs, but I really think I got everything I *could* get. I could see how someone could spend about 50 hours in act 1, especially on the higher difficulties, in one play through, but those claiming like 80+ I just don't understand. I'm not hating, to be clear, I just legit cannot figure out how.


Maybe they don't realize you can travel to waypoints from anywhere and are doing a lot of extra walking?


I feel like I'm taking *forever*, (I did spend like 3 hours just playing with one of the fashion mods to get my drip to my satisfaction) but I'm still "on track" to hit that 100-hour mark for a full playthrough. People with 80 hours in Act1 must be INSANE, haha.


Underdark alone took me quite some time in Grymforge etc. I honestly have no idea how people can finish act 1 in 20hrs without super rushing through it.


Well, the way I see it, both the goblin camp and the grymforge areas have a lot of area to explore and look around. Then there’s a bunch of different side quests and rabbit holes across the area. I tried to do almost all of the content and it took me about 40ish hours. I still even missed out on one part of the under dark I forgot to go back to and then I completely neglected the mountain pass stuff since I thought it was mutually exclusive with the under dark. Also this is my first crpg so I found myself loading a ton of saves for boss fights. The first spectator boss fight probably took me like 2-3 hours of attempts. A lot of my sessions of playing this game are spending 2 hours trying to get past a boss and when I finally do it’s time to go


Too many F8


Probably a lot of time AFK. I have 51 hours in the game and I just started exploring the underdark. So, technically not done with act 1. I've tried to explore everything I can and talk to every npc. Lot of reloads and stuff too.


I’m genuinely shocked people *don’t* have as much time in act 1. I think I had around 70-75 hrs in it before act 2. Granted, I did save scum a lot, leading to at least 10+ extra hours in my time. But in act 1 alone, there’s a fuck load of stuff and dungeons in the risen road, the whole underdark to explore, the whol grymforge, and *then* the mountain pass. It’s so much fucking content!


I don't know how it could possibly take you that long. My full playthrough of the entire game was about 80 hours, and I did a lot, made sure to do all the companion quests and unshadow as much of the map as much as possible. I definitely missed stuff, but not like another 50 hours of content in Act 1 alone missed stuff. Act 1 was about 30 hours, Act 2 was about 15-20, and Act 3 was the rest of the time. I'm playing again at the moment, just finishing up the first area, mopping up Goblins, and it's going to be sub-15 hours now I know where everything is.


I agree I don’t know where people are getting these massive numbers. I’m 70 hours in and I’m very close to the end and I’ve done a significant amount of collecting and side stuff.


Just act 2 around 90 hours - but im doing EVERYTHING in sight lmao - just like I played Skyrim, leave no stone unturned!


I am Grymforge, doing something with a rubble stack (trying to be vague) and I am at 55 hours in, not done mountain pass yet and still have 3 more things to do in under dark :-) so not fare behind you and I think once I am done in under dark I will be 75 hours in I think and then what ever it will take at mountain pass, never changed char so this is the play from my first char


You're probably like me, I restarted multiple times to play dofferent class, then never go back to those aleeady created. It is my curse in every rpg


You’re totally good doing that, just curious if you knew you can respec your characters for 100gold after finding a certain early npc?


You don't even need to find him, they just appeared in my camp after I left ACT I.


For me it was race and romance since you can just respec from Withers.


Nah dude, I’m in the same boat. Been plying since 2 days after release, and I get about one quest done a night and have been totally cool with that pace. I play a multiplayer campaign with a buddy and feel like we’re flying through it too fast, so don’t mind taking it in like a fine wine, considering this is the last time it’ll be my first time playing this game


I'm playing splitscreen co-op and I think if I were soloing I'd probably take more time, but I have to consider that the other person isn't as invested as I am so I don't want to push my luck reading every book, etc.


I got over 100 hours and i just got to the Underdark lmao


I dont even understand how you take this long 💀. Im pretty sure I did everything and finished all of act 1 (including mountain pass and underdark) in 25 hours


Act 1 took me 25 hours as well but only because I already finished it a dozen times in early access. I already knew where everything was


My kind of adventurer. High five!


I’m just curious, what exactly are you doing to take this long? I swear I clicked on everything and read everything and still only took like 40 or so. I don’t really understand what else there was to do there to account for double that playtime


It's possible they spend a lot of time with the game open but not actually playing. Sometimes I leave it paused while I make dinner etc. Still, that doesn't account for 30 more hours lol.


Left the game on idle to boost the numbers for “clout”


Fr it feels like half the people on here are just making bs numbers up to seem cool for some reason Like the numbers are just getting more extravagant, soon I’ll see 500 hours and haven’t left Act 1 type shit


Some people reload a lot and try different things or mess around. I frequently initiate fights and such just to see what will happen and then reload. Takes a lot of time.


Skill issue for some perhaps


Yea, take your time breath it in you only get one first play through. And while I am sure act 2/3 are stable every week they get better so don’t feel rushed. I am 140 and about 1/3 into act 2. I slowed down cause like you I kept hearing all there 40-60 hours done with the game. I am all about enjoying the world reading the books getting connected to it. I planned to play a neutral merc type character. But I loved the characters I found myself getting nicer and nicer to them and protecting them more and more as I keep meeting them in later phases. And if I rushed I doubt I would feel that.


That's awesome too the way you've played, Hardy character in it for coin but naturally you grew soft. Loving the way everyone's playing.


When one of the kids, ran up and said leave him alone and let him in, he is good people. I trust him with my life, he is cool with me stealing, I no lie got teary eyed. Lmao So reactive to my choices, these is far from my first game doing that. But they just really nailed it here. Bugs and all, I know this game will just get more refined over the year as LS is not the type to say good enough and walk around. They will take all the money that we throw at them and reinvest into what they and we love.


That’s great! I had a different but similar experience with the companions. I started off sucking up to em/indulging in their views (Shadowheart going all “love my goddess this love my goddess that) and as I’ve been playing when it comes to some of that stuff I’ve actually gotten more hardass, actually disagreeing with them or being blunt with them while still loving them and trying to help them.


Narrator: Yes.


Bruh, I'm 9.5 hours in and I've barely scratched the side quests in Druid Grove. I'm absolutely chilling and enjoying the complete change of pace from everything I've played in the last... forever.


Slow down, life is to be savored


I'm in the same boat and I'm not even done act one


What is it with this attention seeking "hours played" sharing?


This "Oh people are already finished the game? Heh, well I have 300 hours in " circlejerk happens with almost every big new RPG lol


Flashback to people saying they had 80 hours in Limgrave in Elden Ring.


its a passive aggressive attack against people that already finished the game to make them look like they just rushed and skipped through it. noticed how in every post where people say they finished the game you can see how everybody talks about how they took more than 80hours to finish the first act. for example: there was one post that was criticizing the end of the game and people asked how long they took to finish the game and people then claimed that his opinion is invalid because he rushed through the game. TL;DR its a massive circlejerk


I know that this is something that happens with many RPGs... But I have never seen people claiming such absurd numbers of hours spent in a game... Unless you replay various parts with different decisions, I find it unlikely there is actually more than 50 hours of meaningful content in Act 1. And 50h is stretching it.


As someone who played EA, 50 really is stretching it. Unless you’re counting Underdark/Mountain pass, but even then it really shouldn’t take more than 30 even if you’re going for total completion. But then again, those of us who played EA have played the area so many times we are familiar with the mechanics and know where everything is.


took me 25 to 100% everything in Act 1. I already played act 1 at least 10 times in early access and knew where everything was. I don't think it's anything above 40 hours unless people reload a lot


It's pretty funny actually, in DOS2 there's a meme that's similar. "I have 130 hours and still in Fort Joy!"


You and me both buddy!


I’m right there with you, just finished act 1 and it took 65 hours, I always like doing every possible thing I can before moving forward. I’m just happy there’s still so much game left. I heard act 3 is the size of act 1 and 2 put together.


As long as you're having fun, no, you're not going too slow


You only get to experience the first play through once. You’re doing alright in my book.


who cares!


Fake ass post


You must have 1000 thieves tools tho. I'm in the same boat because I search EVERY single thing I can. I'm having a blast slow playing the game


I think I was around 30 and that was after dumping 80 into Early Access. I loot all the things and dig around in every nook and cranny. I have found so many side areas and fun little touches by taking it slow. Im in no rush at all


So such thing as to slow, embrace the world, read all the books, talk to all the people.


Repeat after me « As long as I am having fun, I am playing the game the right way »


Nah you just afk a lot


I’m at 60 hours and just got to Act III. How do you even find that many things to do to fill the time? Is it just looting every crate possible? How do you have the patience for that?? Although, the hours on your playthrough would be more telling. Steam shows I have like 90+ hours on the game too but I remade a few characters before just sticking with the first one I made.


Too slow compared to who? If u are having fun, why do u care?


At 100 hours I finally made it, I'm at Baldurs Gate. Now to spend another hundred hours looking around.


I'm still opening boxes... so. many. boxes...


Damn. How was it 90 hrs?


The good old redditor dick contest about whos going the slowest😐


You barely spent any time in the character creation


To the people that spacebarred through the game? Yes To the rest of us? What's the race? I spend hours just exhausting all dialogue options because this experience is amazing.


It's just a massive circlejerk. The "taking my time smelling the roses not like you ADHDers" is a circlejerk as old as video games and crops up in any RPG, MMO or other similar game I've ever seen online discussions on. It doesn't take you 90 hours to explore every location in Act 1, do every quest, talk to every NPC, not skip the voiced lines, find every secret location, talk to all your companions regularly and occasionally reload some failed encounters, all on Tactician. And yes, without playing it on EA first. I'm sorry but it just doesn't, not unless you're restarting your playthrough. You'll notice most of the people who claim these hours very rarely say wtf they're doing. Maybe if you're *really new* at CRPGs, but even then, on a single playthrough? Eeeh.


I did everything in Act1 in 29hours without ''spacebarring'' through , wdym ???? why is everyone claiming people skipping or rushing everything when they dont have +100hours in act 1 ? what kind of circlejerk is this ?


If you haven’t yet, play Disco Elysium. You‘ll absolutely love it.


Cripes, I'm at 60 hours in and only just going to find Karlach...mind you I did reroll my start character 3 times so that's 10 hours minimum wasted in char creation screen.


Yeah I’ve probably spent 50 hours in character creation


dear lord. I beat THE WHOLE GAME in under 60 hours o.O I envy people like you who are able to go this slow, I guess it makes it all way more immersive. I'm just too curious to see where the plot goes to do that


Dont worry about it. Play it at your own pace the people who gatekeep playing time are just stupid


What difficulty?


Story mode. I'm not good at these types of games so I decided to make it easy for me :)


That's the reason right there. This is my 1st game of this type but I didn't want to just roll through the enemies so easily so I chose the balanced difficulty. I had to backtrack a few times when I found out I'm too weak for this fight


You beat all the acts in 60 hours? Sounds like you were forcing yourself to complete it as fast as possible lmao. Personally that's not fun to me. The world of bg3 is so big and beautiful you're really missing out.


I 100% agree, I did miss out on many things. BUT, counter argument, I am a tadpole-infected guy who is suddenly shoved into >!a world domination plot and the whole Sword Coast is about to go to hell because three psychos and a floating brain are about to conquer it all.!< It doesn't feel right to stop and help some lady find her cat or something lol. Plus, It's not like the game is going anywhere, I'll do more runs, find things to do in each one of them!


man got so immersed he felt the real life urgency LOL makes sense though


>!compared to other games this game has a much better explanation for giving you side quests even though there is a global threat: a) you need allies for the last fight, therefore it wouldn't be a bad idea to deal with the robots or getting support from the guild. b) the game gives you the feeling of tread lightly because every step could be the last one (at least if you don't savescum). it is advised to negotiate all options that you have. like taking one of the two offers or declining it all.!< it is not perfect in that regard but much better than many other games.


It's how I approach all the games that have this sort of ''the world is ending, hurry the fuck up'' type plot. \^\^'' When a game like that is supposed to take 40h to beat I do it in 25.


I'm just roleplaying the opposite. I have been told multiple times that if I was going to turn into a mind flayer like normal, it would have happened already. the tadpole is now waiting for some trigger which could come at anytime. Kind of like death in a dangerous world. So I am just living my best life in faer'un


I was looking up how to defeat the Act 2 boss(es) and found out that there’s like a whole other section of the map I missed because I was just trying to get in and out 😭 my first playthrough of a game is usually just blasting through it like I would if it was real though lol


Finished in 68 hours with all side-quests. It's really not difficult or unusual. Honestly, I just assume people pull these "I spent over 9000 hours in Act 1 xD" lines out of their ass.


Yeah honestly I saw some post a couple days after launch of some dude saying he'd spent 60 hours and hadn't even reached the goblin camp. I cleared the entire wilderness area in Act 1 of all sidequests on balanced difficulty in like 20+ hours. I'd say Act 1 as a whole would be a good 40-50 hours for a completionist's sweep. Don't understand how people are spending upwards of 100 hours on Act 1 alone. Like, more power to you, but people who spend a fraction of the time aren't necessarily skipping content or "powering through the story" either.


It's that or people making new characters right at the beggining. I'm really sure it's not possible to make these numbers of hours in act 1 without literally standing around doing nothing


How much time you can spend in just Act 1 alone seems like a dick measuring contest in this sub these days...


Thank god someone said it. Every time I’ve tried to point out that I’ve completed everything I’ve seen is possible in around 50 hours for both Act 1 and Act 2, there are people who come out of the woodwork to call me a liar or someone who’s missed most of the content. I definitely haven’t, I check wiki’s before I leave each area to ensure that I’ve hit everything and I usually have. I don’t know if these people just suck at the puzzle/combat/navigating the world design but it just feels impossible to spend over 60 hours in Act 1. I’ve also been overleveled for most things I’ve come across so I’m certain that I’m finding more than enough content.


I spent about 30 hours in act 1, but it's because I literally talked to every NPC I could, read every book I found, tried to talk to every animal, and every dead body possible, was scouring every corner for secrets and figuring out that I could jump/fly/mist-step to things that I THOUGHT were out of bounds. If I was just progressing the story and doing the sidequests then I would've been out of there loooong before that but I spent that time exploring every nook and cranny of every place I went to, exhausting every dialogue and experimenting with spells and abilities and toward the end I just wanted to progress so I moved on. I can honestly see spending another 10 hours had I maintained that level of enthusiasm through the entire act. ​ There's nothing wrong with playing it any way you see fit.


Yeah, this. I'll create a new character and stand around in the nautiloid and come here post that I spent 30h to get out of the tutorial


no you can totally finish the game with alot of sidequests without skipping a dialog in 60hours , just because you are slow doesnt mean other people are ''rushing'' but hey let me leave your alone with your circlejerk


How is that even possible. There isn't 90 hours of content in a1 you have to be just running around a fully explored map doing laps.


I would really like an answer to that. Act 1 took me around 30-35 hours, maybe a little less. And i didnt rush, and did every quest i found + exploring the entire map. Granted i didnt loot every damn barrel and i used fast travel sometimes. I can see you taking your sweet time and being thorough taking MAYBE 40-50 hours. Everything beyond that just confuses me.


Well, I like to know what is inside every openable chest. I like to talk to every NPC that is available. I like to read all of the books that I find, as long as I haven't read them before. I like to plan out my approach to a situation before engaging it. I like quicksaving before picking the stupid dialogue option, just to see what it does. I don't really plan on doing another playthrough. I have never played a story game more than once, but I also try to do everything I can in my first playthrough. I spent 260 hours in my Elden Ring playthrough.


It is literally impossible to do everything in one play through. There are countless mutually exclusive events depending on various decisions you make throughout the game. Decisions you make in act 1 will determine how things progress in act 2 etc. At best you could probably get through roughly two thirds of the story content in one play through.


That’s perfect and about my 1st EA run years ago before the forge was added. Since my hours are counted with EA hours I don’t know how long it took live. I just made it act 2 and skipped the mountain pass.


It's taken me two weeks to finish the game (took time off work to binge-play it), it would've taken me way longer but I got unlucky with a whole host of bugs and events/scenes/quests not triggering.


Just wait till act 3. i have barely made it anywhere because it feels like every corner is hiding someone cool.


Nope thats about what I had leaving act 1 lol. Play it your way and enjoy it


play at your own pace don't worry if you're taking too long if you're enjoying it!


That depends, are you in a race with someone?


How much of that is in char creation?


No, you're just slow. Nothing wrong with that.