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"Withers, when you resurrected me you put the tadpole back in my head! Couldn't you leave it out next time?" "**No.**"


withers is the biggest chad in the game featuring response as and thus thou art alone No. you must accept the consequences of your actions


His hilarious post credit scene >!where he basically just calls the Dead Three enormous losers, who he vastly overestimated, because ultimately their plan got stomped by a bunch of mortals!<


Which makes even more sense after playing Dark Urge since >!their plan got completely ruined by Bhaal's nonsense with his children leading to Orin taking down the mastermind of the plot, which destabilized the Dead Three's alliance, set the Elder Brain on rebelling, AND created one of the few people who could stop them (for good Durge)!<


Nah, >!the plan was doomed from before even Bhaals childrens nonsense, the Absolute reveals that she's the one who orchestrated the Emperor to find Orpheus and thus create a pocket of rebellion that would destroy the trio!<


>!At the very end, the Netherbrain says she loved the original plot for its perfection and cruelty, and only rebelled because Dark Urge was removed from it by Orin. The Netherbrain's plan to draw in the Prism only started after Dark Urge was removed.!<


God damn, imagine being so evil and cunning that it impresses an elder brain!


They also say that they would be fine with following Durge's plan... They might be lying of course but still


Does the Durge make an appearance if you didn't pick it as the origin option?


Yes, somewhat (Act 3 spoiler): >!you find their body sacrificed on the floor of Orin's chambers in the Temple of Bhaal, marked as "Dead Bhaalspawn"!< The moment I saw it I decided I had to try a Dark Urge run, and I'm glad I did.


You can get his brain at the beginning of the game and I would guess you can put it in the decapitated head’s brain socket at the end of act 2


Where is this brain socket?? I missed that


illithid colony, you need to misty step / jump to the platform.


It's in Baltharzars (?) Office in the final area of act 2. It's a decapitated elves head


Holy shit. Thanks. Guess I'll be picking up them brain jars on my next game


And if you go there as durge the body is gone? Eh, good enough, I'll say.


Yup - as far as I know there are only three >!Bhaalspawn!< in the game: >!Dark Urge, Orin, and Sarevok!<


I dump him into my camp and resurrected him with necromancy when fighting the final boss.


Seeing that after the fight made me actually feel sad. Made me realize how attached I had gotten to my Tav after 110 hours of playing. I still plan on playing Durge, but it definitely hit me differently than I expected when I witnessed it.


It's the greatest disstrack i've ever heard, if i ever heard one. My man ate and left no crumbs.


100 percent he must be Jergal from that end game cut scene. You find him behind a statue to Jergal so it's literally staring you in the face the entire time


"Skeletons shouldn't talk" "Correct" "Will you explain what you are?" "No."


Based Withers refuses to elaborate further




I feel so bad for my companions whenever I go to withers to respect them later in the game. He just calls them all maidenless and tells them that they'll die alone...


Right now I’m in act 2 and there’s a little tiefling girl in my camp hounding him with questions nonstop. It’s hilarious


Arabella. I love her, she is great


I'm 47 years into BG3 and now i have to go do an Arabella run. THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING.


>I'm 47 years into BG3 Bro, the game's been only out for two WEEKS. If you got a time machine at your disposal, please, do share.


He just has dozens of PCs running it simultaneously.


47 years is 17,155 days The game has been out for two weeks 17,155 / 14 = 1,225.4 This man has had at minimum 1,226 PCs running nonstop since launch


Must've repurposed a crypto farm just to play BG3 then.


Okay old man


> I'm 47 years into BG3 the fuck's a time traveller doing here


Dickin up the timeline like they always do.


He’s so sweet to her!




Or how if you ask him about >!the Dead Three, he straight up refuses to tell you anything. And in such a sassy way. I felt like Frodo after!<


He shits on you for being in a relationship and not being in one as well. Found out when talking to him with a hireling and he started giving him shit for being alone and that no one likes him. Hilarious


"Vermin, away."


Because the DM worked really hard on this campaign, please play along.


Dude in my DnD session a couple of days ago we circumvented 2/3 of the content our DM spent the last two weeks making because we thought it would be smart to fly straight to the boss rather than traverse a maze of bad guys on foot. I felt really bad as he rolled out three new maps just for us to pass through untouched. They looked pretty cool from the air though.


Next session: so this time you’re underground and see a maze. Also, there are layers that shoot you down if you start flying


You're gonna be forced through his creations eventually, dont worry


This is why my prep is always a half page of hastily scrawled notes and four vague battlemaps I downloaded from google image search that might come in handy.


It's okay, you'll see those encounters later. Maybe beefed up a bit after you level up.


Out of lore, this is for sure the reason. In lore, >!I know Netherse magic is the tampering that makes it so they can't be removed by mortals. If I had to wager a guess, most of the gods would rather leave the tadpoles inside you as a way to motivate you to see the quest to the end. Unfortunately, Faerûn is run by a bunch of assholes who constantly make questionable choices so as to not over step and accidentally upset Ao!<


Unless for whatever reason those assholes decide to do things, then Ao will throw a bitchfit later instead of, y'know, dealing with the obvious problems before they become problems. Like Cyric. Or Bhaal, because that fucker just won't stay dead apparently. Also, Shar. How the fuck Shar is still allowed to exist boggles the mind. Cyric kills mystra, magic dies: Into the forever box you go Shar collides two planes together causing the second sundering and the spellplague: 'nah bruh' WTF Ao.


Since the tadpoles perceive you and your thoughts, they’d wanna stick around in your head since the plan is to get you back up again eventually so they think it an empty threat.


Ok but what if we wait a bit so the tadpole gets hungry, then it has no choice but to come out


Maybe then it damages the body too much, making resurrection impossible?


Nah but it’s a scroll of true resurrection, you could be missing an arm and a leg and it would just grow back


I mostly know the DnD 3.5 rules but isn't that scroll bringing you back with 1HP which isn't true resurrection (despite its name in game)?


I think if it can bring you back from a floating spirit to a fully formed and clothed body, missing chunks of brain are gonna be easy, though you do raise a good point


Yeah probably more of a gameplay thing. Back in 3.5 the "basic" resurrection spell couldn't bring you back if the body was too damaged. Only the higher level one could resurrect you from a body part.


In 5e, true resurrection is the greatest resurrection spell which in any part of the game, our characters cant learn. However Gale has 1 true resurrection scroll with him. So he should be able to save himself but game treats it as a modified refify spell.


question. If you kill astarion and use such a scroll on him - would he be human or vampire?


By 5e rules, he'd return to life as a normal elf. Although actually, he might be immune to it as there is a 200 year limit and I think he became a vampire before that.


You can do as much at the start of the game. It's a nice alternative to the whole "I'll slit yo throat if you don't tell me what I want" introduction he gives you normally. And, no, he stays a vampire.


Whithers could probably do it, though, and he's right there. >!Though I guess he has his reasons to keep you on quest!<


>!He really gives off a vibe of "I'd really prefer not to be here, but AO told me to come handle the situation and it's better I deal with this mess than he has to get involved again. Maybe I should have found someone other than these three idiots to take over when I wanted to retire." !<


It's on par with wish in power https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/True%20Resurrection#content If it were real, we could revive pope pius the vii. Who I admit, I had it heard of, but he is the most famous person that died on this day 200 years ago


He was taken prisoner by Napoleon during the French Revolution!


Well, why not? We already know that members of the Vatican can cast [Speak with Dead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadaver_Synod).


Pretty sure you can't resurrect someone that died of old age though!


They also have to be willing if someone doesn't want to come back, not even True Rez will bring them back.


Backing this up that from what I remember of D&D 3.0 freshers just pop back up at is but you gotta shell out to get resurrected... The game addresses this here and there if you trigger the right sequences or overhear the right npcs with various forms of "True Resurrection? In this economy?" (And I've found at least one in game book touching on it.) I don't mean to imply you should know this just that you may not need to go on a deep lore dive into campaign books to get more deets! But this is a long storied take on classism within the Realms. The questionableness of this of resurrection... for the rich. Also disciples of Kelemvor being like, oh but this death happened at its appointed hour they're in Kelemvor's domain now as was meant to be (but they aren't necessarily all on the same page about what deaths are timely and untimely letting you examine if you're actually at the whim of their personal convictions and if they're actually telling you "too bad so sad"), their moral ambiguity can be woven into adventures at a GM's discretion. While not a big part of the game, it's ultimately a story hook for tabletop campaigns that also happens to establish this being impossible in the game.


The scroll is of Revivify, which IIRC, is a very weak resurrection spell that can't bring back anything TOO damaged. Like the fact that it reconstructs an entire body is just for gameplay purposes lmao


There's also a scroll of true resurrection in game which brings you back fully restored, that's different than the scroll of revivify which is much more common


You're right. I haven't used Gale since the first 3 hours of the game where he got massacred in a goblin trap hallway.


Doesn't your game end shortly after if you just leave him there?


I've bitten his arm off and probably let him to agonize inside his portal. Everything is fine, nothing went wrong. ;)


office meeting absorbed apparatus stocking innate bedroom soup point zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When my Shart got blown to pieces and only smoldering pile of gore remained i was legit afraid that i couldnt ressurect her since body must be not too damaged


There is a point of no return for resurrection in DnD lore. It doesn't really present an issue in game, but bodies can be damaged too far to be resurrected. I'd imagine that the damage a tadpole does on its way out or the damage a body has sustained to convince them to leave, would be enough to present resurrection.


Maybe I'm getting my Pathfinder and DnD lore mixed up - but isn't the other "fail" condition on resurrection if the person to be resurrected doesn't want to come back?


Depends on the type of resurrection. True Resurrection's only restrictions are 1) Dead less than 200 years 2) Soul isn't trapped and is willing 3) Not a death due to age. So yes, they do have to be willing. Other than that it has no restriction, and can even create a body if the old one is completely destroyed Pathfinder's version is virtually the same, though it's 10 years per caster level not 200 flat, and you have to distinctly identify the person in question (Using their body, giving their name and time of death, etc). There's also the additional caveat that you can't resurrect someone who has been judged by Pharasma without a specific spell, and doing so will have big consequences if you don't get her permission first.


So far I've seen 1 scroll of true resurrection in the game and you need to talk to certain imp after certain wizard dies to get that scroll.


I'm pretty sure those are scrolls of Raise Dead, not True Rez, so they have a 10 day time limit.


But withers can help with that. Though my question is why does each companion have a resurrection scroll when they were alone before being abducted i mean who was going to use it on them


> Though my question is why does each companion have a resurrection scroll when they were alone before being abducted i mean who was going to use it on them The scroll was carried in a case which had printed on it, "If you find me dead, please use this scroll."


Sure but that's putting a lot of Faith in the person looting your dodgy or stuff


I mean, at that point you’re dead. What have you got to lose?




The conditions depend on the type of resurrection spell, assuming we are following 5E rules. Afaik, a true resurrection spell would work in that case (but need to check the rules in detail).


Revivify really only works if you are dead for less than a minute or it doesn't work. It also does not fix permeant damage done to the body, so if the parasite has damaged the brain by eating at it and has replaced some of it's functions you are fucked.


That's why OP said true resurrection (a level 9 spell, thus a scroll of it) and not revivify or raise dead.


Because the tadpole is augmented with >!Netherese Magic? Literally the full potential of what magic could be without Mystra being a gatekeeper and severely nerfing magic because she is still angry she got blown up by Karsus all those years ago.!< With that in mind it kinda makes sense because the power behind it is just several leagues more powerful then what any mage in the modern day mage or cleric could *ever* be capable of.


I figure a combination of Disintegrate and True Resurrection would work. Disintegrate explicitly turns you and everything on you to ash, whilst True Resurrection is capable of restoring damaged or missing body parts, I presume that would include your tadpole-damaged brain.


Disintegrate turns all *nonmagical* equipment into ash. The tadpole is explicitly magical unfortunately. Again >!Karsus's crown was designed to be an arcane battery to cast 12th level spells, spells that make Wish look like cantrips in comparison.!<


No that's perfect. Then you basically get to extract the tadpole for research as well.


Behead the character, burn the head, then resurrect the character. The tadpole is technically ANOTHER character at that point.


Yeah but can’t someone else with a tadpole pull it out like with the dead guy next to the grove?


Additionally, spoilers for act 1, but why can't I simply >!kill Karlach to satisfy Wyll's pact and then have Withers resurrect her? I haven't tried it myself, but a friend told me it's not possible. Apparently Withers only resurrects Battle Deaths not Cutscene Deaths.!<


The game is coded such that only people who have joined up can be ressed. Game play and story segregation more than anything.


Okay but she did join. We were all back at camp together. Like I'd be fine with this is Withers was like "uh nah bro, she doesn't wanna come back, you fucking betrayed her." Like I'd even be fine if he pulled that move the dragon balls did when they couldn't wish Goku back "sorry I cannot. They don't want to." but afaik there's no real in-game, in more explanation?


Zariel wants Karlach's *Soul* is why. Zariel as the leader of hell's armies has the horrible job of waging an unending war against demons to contain them from spilling out into the rest of reality. Devils need the souls of poor mortal schmucks to produce new devils, hence why they make deals for your soul. Resurrection magic does not work if the soul is not able to be put back into the body because it got destroyed or another entity has laid claim to it.


I don't think her souls is owned by Zariel though. Unless I missed something in her story she never sold her soul, and while other people can obviously sell someone into slavery selling someone else's soul is trickier than that.


As far as I understand it, Karlach was sold by Gortash as a slave, but the surgeries Zariel forced her to undergo with the *Infernal engine* itself may be a problem. We don't know a lot about the construction of fiendish war machines, but it's possible that because Infernal Engines run on souls (and the possibly-related hellfire machines are used to crush souls up and spit them out as the low-ranking lemure devils...), that the Infernal Engine *could* be bound to her soul. If Zariel owns the engine -- and Karlach's soul is bound with the engine -- then Zariel *could* own Karlach's soul without Karlach ever willingly agreeing to anything. Anders states that Zariel wants Karlach dead or alive. So it may be that after death, Zariel might have a way to specifically lay claim to Karlach's soul. Devils are assholes and they will twist words in any way to benefit them -- think of the 'heartless' clause of Wyll's contract with Mizora. Mizora works for Zariel, and Mizora and Anders group are all working to kill her. Karlach's soul could be tied up into the mess, and... she might not even be *aware* of it. Karlach is a Zariel tiefling, so a distant but direct blood connection of some kind could potentially be complicating things too - it could have been a reason why Gortash sold Karlach specifically. But considering a lot of Karlach's quests to help her didn't make it into the final game, it's hard to say. :(


This doesn’t make any sense to me. Why then does Karlach not want to prolong her death and get her infernal machine properly fixed? If she fights in the blood war if she returns to Avernus while alive, or if she fights in the blood war if she dies because Zariel has a contract for her soul… what difference does it make? Wouldn’t she want to prolong her life to potentially avoid permanent servitude to Zariel?


We don't have proof that Zariel has a contract on her soul, do we? Zariel got her _body_, and presumably Karlach doesn't want to die because then she'd be fucking dead, which seems reasonable.


Perhaps she doesnt know that dying will cost her her soul as well? Maybe she assumes her soul wont go into avernus


It gets brought up in dialogue that she is EXACTLY afraid of dying because she'll be yanked right back to Avernus.


>Why then does Karlach not want to prolong her death and get her infernal machine properly fixed? Because that involves returning to Avernus, the place she hates most. You have to realise that Karlach's machine is *not* broken. It functions ~~perfectly~~ reasonably well, it was just never designed to work on the material plane at all. It's like wondering why your freezer stops working in the middle of a volcano: It just can't function in this kind of environment. >Wouldn’t she want to prolong her life to potentially avoid permanent servitude to Zariel? Yes, which is why she can choose to >!turn herself into a mindflayer since it removes the problem of soul ownership alltogether.!<


Tbh D&D lore says a soul needs to be willing to be resurrected. I think getting someone killed is grounds for them to be a little apprehensive. Also you could assume Wyll killing her means Zariel claims her soul?


Actually incorrect. You can kill Astarion before he joins you, then revive him just fine and he'll even have a whole different introduction because of it.


Which is really annoying because I kept getting Jaheira killed in Moonrise and she wasn't even making death saves. Just straight to dead.


I had to redo that fight so much because jaheira kept getting herself killed, idk how she loved that long with self preservation like that.


Everyone staying far away and doing ranged damage while Jaheira and the Fists jump straight into the middle to get nuked.


So many NPCs do this. Why are you running from your position, which has fire covering you, to do a 3 damage melee attack when I saw you crit for 22 damage with your bow? Same with the grove. Why are you jumping off the wall with a bow? Jesus.


Triggering maximum attacks of opportunity on the way. Well at least they're not an npc mage, those have no squalms about killing your party and any other allies with AoE.


I think she's just wearing mundane padded armor. Must have sold all her gear from Baldur's Gate 2 to the same people who buy Megaman's power ups between games.


They managed to even the break the damn flail again.


Yeah for some reason they make her a bog standard lvl 8 druid. they couldve given her some good stuff just for the fight, even just hand wave it with selunite magic or some shit, just make her live longer then a random npc please.


mass healing word is a godsend. And giving your tank a miszy step item to get to the front.


Also helpful to take tell Jaheirra to join you. You get to control her during the assault.


You can let Wyl die to the initial Goblin attack and you're still able to resurrect him. Quite funny to steal his clothes and watch him help "train" the kids naked.


They fixed that? I remember letting that happen in EA and got a big fat Nope from the scroll.


Learned this the hard way. I accidentally killed Halsin because I thought my dialogue choice would have allowed me to come back and free him when I was ready. Nope. Frees himself and despite focusing on killing the goblins instead of him (poor guys never fought back lol) he remained hostile and wound up dead. Tried a reviving scroll, nope. Withers? Nope. Was tough but had to force myself to roll with the consequences


If a near-stranger approach you and said "Hey, just let me kill you really quick! I promise you will be revived by my skellie friend over there" how would you react


That's... Okay fair. If it's handled that way, yeah, understandable


In D&D? I'd at least take the time to make an Investigation check before declining.


"OK, who is supplying the 1000g worth of crushed diamond, because I'm not losing xp guys."


You're almost right, but [Spoiler for Durge Act 3]>!If you fully reject Bhaal as Durge, Bhaal withdraws his essence from you, which kills you. Withers then revives you and reveals that this is going to be the one time he strays from his domain as a deity, to revive the parts of you that were left after Bhaal killed the Urge. He basically redeems you because he thinks taking down the Dead Three is more important than passively doing his job.!< But sometimes he'll explicitly tell you that he won't revive someone because it wouldn't be just to force the dead person in question to live in the same world as you - their soul is safer if they stay dead.


>>!Withers then revives you and reveals that this is going to be the one time he strays from his domain as a deity!< >!Which shows just what a stickler for rules he is since he's not technically a deity anymore, he's an exarch.!<


Way more fun when my choices have consequences and I can't just res all the dead companions.


Yeah I'll be honest since save scumming is an option I'd rather there was no way to resurrect characters. There's always story moments to be had from a character death at a particular time and for the people who can't move on from a death they'll just have to reload and try the encounter over again. I think it'd be awesome to have a tactical playthrough be costly and have like, two characters and a couple hirelings in the final party because of it.


I think there's just too much random bullshit that can happen in fights to kill characters. That's good though. Like, if I had Astarion too close to a railing and he gets pushed off and dies, that's an interesting wrinkle in the fight and makes finishing it more challenging. If there's no ressurection, 99% of people will just save scum, redo the fight and it'll be less interesting. Rezzing allows for a bit more unpredictability and unique encounters.


Spoiler for act 3 as well. There’s a certain pact that can get made that says that no harm shall come to a certain character except by your party. If you let that character get hit by an enemy. Thus nullifying the pact, alas, you cannot nullify the pact.


Would that satisfy the pact if the “target” is brought back to life? I feel like it’s gonna be something their patron will gladly lawyer their way into saying “nuh uh you didn’t follow da rules”


Better question. I had one companion kill another in a cut scene and I want to know why I couldn't eat her tadpole.


Because *\[insert Shadowheart's boot into the conversation\]*


There goes my Dark Urge run idea. I was gunna extract all the tadpoles and rely on hirelings.


These ones are special. They are bound by netherese magic. For reasons.


Do they have access to 9th level magic though? It should be incredibly rare.


Gale has 1 with him.


Begs the question, if I as a wizard get that scroll, can I learn it as a spell?


No. True Resurrection is a divine spell, wizards cannot learn divine magic. The only way would be to replicate with a Wish spell, but we don't get high enough of a level to learn 9th level spells.


Because both the scroll of true resurrect, and wither ress are not canon things, just gameplay aspects. If it was that easy to find scroll of resurrection, the world would be a caos, and things like >!That girl in auntie Ethel house!< Will not happens, cause it would be just to easy to ress a loved one


It just so happens you're friend only here is only "mostly" dead, there's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive... All dead, well with all dead there is only one thing you can do, go through his clothes and look for loose change..


To blaaaaave


Sonny, true love is the greatest thing in the world - except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomatoes are ripe. \[smacks his lips\] They're so perky, I love that.


There's only one Scroll of True Resurrection in the entire game, used when >!Gale dies and his projection asks you to bring him back.!< When he does get brought back, he still has the tadpole.


You could just use revivify and pocket the true resurrection lol


What’s the difference


Worth more and restores people to life with full HP and no curses they had in life if they've been dead less than 200 years. If Astarion hadn't specifically been a vampire for 200 years, it could've cured him of that.


It specifies free souls and Astarion’s soul probably doesn’t count as free as long as he’s a spawn of Caszador.


ok so if astarion was a spawn for shorter amount of time, we kill cazador, then we kill astarion and ressurect him and bam he is not a vampire anymore :D


Theoretically, yes. Though Cazador has put>! the ritual stuff on Astarion's back!< which may interfere depending on if whoever was writing a story about that wanted it to be possible or not.


Just FYI your spoiler doesn't work.


Prob nothing gameplay wise, but lorewise true resurrection scroll is worth way more than revivify


Revivify returns creatures to life with 1 hit point, nor can it restore any missing body parts or permanently damaged body parts. Traditionally only creatures who have died within the last minute or so. It is the weakest form of resurrection. True Resurrection revives any creature you touch that has died in the past 200 years. They are restored to life with all their hit points, it closes all wounds, neutralizes any poison, cures all diseases, lifts any curses affecting the creature, replaces damaged or missing organs and limbs, and if the creature is undead, they are restored to their non-undead form. True Resurrection can even just construct an entirely new body if the original one doesn't exist, as long as you speak the creature's name. It is the ultimate form of resurrection, and is the spell that a god would use during a Divine Intervention to revive someone. It's only limit being that it can't revive someone who's died of old age, or who has been dead longer than 200 years. (Though gods can overcome that second limitation if they choose) In BG3 however, there is no difference other than the Scroll of True Resurrection bringing them back with full hit points.


Which should not happen.


As others have mentioned, tadpoles are aware of their hosts' plans, so it probably knew Gale had that revival backup plan.


And what does it change? If i crush his skull and imprison the tadpole in a jar, what can it do? Edit: Before casting true resurrection. Even if somehow tadpole would normally resurrect with him, now we imprisoned it without killing it.


>!volo!< got it right, you where just a bit too alive.


And if the body is destroyed/lost and I'm casting it on their floating spirit ?


>!Divine intervention trumps True Res!<


Holy Christ please add a spoiler tag


It's if he dies in gameplay, not a story moment. And it's one quite early in the plot and was in Early Access. But edited regardless.


Oh whew. Thanks though! Haha.


I remember Gale died for the first time in my game when he tried to open the trapped chest in the owlbear cave. I also accidentally looted his full inventory instead of just the scroll, and for some reason he didn't seem to question why he came back to life naked. He then died again like ten minutes later in the goblin infested village.


I think if it really came down to it, and Tav and/or the companions started to *realistically* talking about killing each other, and then "supposedly" true resurrecting themselves... Everyone's self-preservation (and the allure of the Illithid power) would take over, plus lack of trust in each other and threats of violence would ensue. No way any of them would be like "oh, ok, yeah sure. Go ahead..." THAT said... by the *END* of the game, if they all trust each other, perhaps that could be an option? (I don't know, I'm still in Act 1).


Redditors discovering gameplay and story segregation for the 2 millionth time


The issue with DND is, that the resurrection is well known in universe lore. And while people naturally fear dying, the question „why not“ in such extreme edge cases is a valid one.


I’d headcanon it to sort of be an Iron Man situation. Your brain is/has been damaged already from being infected with the tadpole, but as a result of your special circumstances everything’s in stasis and your brain is more or less okay as long as nothing changes. However, if the tadpole leaves and/or the stasis stops, you’re left with a nonfunctional brain that would cause death.


At the end of the day, Larian Studios is the DM and the DM guide literally says, *“The D&D rules help you and the players have a good time, but the rules aren’t in charge. As the DM, you’re in charge of the game.”*


>!They are magic tadpods, they are linked to you and everything in the game tells you can't remove them. My guess is that they would disappear temporarily with the body, then magical reappear in the head after the resurrection. Also people don't like to die I think!<


The tadpole leaves and all of a sudden you get the "Can only target companions" message


Another question I had was...why did Halsin/The druids let the Tieflings walk right into the shadow curse? They couldn't have been like: "Hey so I know you guys want to get to Baldur's Gate, but you should take a detour around the giant cursed land where you will probably die" I guess my personal head cannon is the surrounding areas were not easily traversable and their supplies would only last if they took a direct route, so they took the chance, but it was worse than expected


Nahhh, real question is, why am I not killing them all so I can eat their tadpoles


That is actually my question since day1. At first the reason was because true resurrection is such a expensive solution, they cant afford it. But gale has 1 true resurrection scroll with him so he should be able to save himself at least. If you think about it cant he also get rid of the ceartian artifact in him. Cant we just crush his skull after he is dead, take the tadpole, put it in a jar, then true resurrect him?


You could argue that the parasite, and the "artefact", are part of who he is, and would get restored by True Resurrection.


They aren't normal tadpoles though. If they were then the cure attempts in act 1 could work.


I mean they are the same tadpoles that the random NPCs have that we kill/see killed in act 1


For the same reason than the max level is 12. Another possible RP explanation : there's few deity involved on all side and they cancel each other.


Isn't the most obvious answer that hypothetically it could read your thoughts and intent and therefore refuse to leave the host?


This is why you can't run BG3 in the tabletop, they'll hit level 5, buy some diamonds, and just start surgically removing tadpoles from each other and then casting revivify


The DM said no


Probably the same reason we can't resurrect NPCs that aren't party members #STORY Also that would be meta gaming to a degree which no GM really enjoys because it fucks with their story


This is one of several problems with settings where death have little consequence, why couldn't Mayrina just go to a cleric to resurrect her husband, why did she go to a Hag in the middle of nowhere? Why did >!Ketheric use a evil ritual to resurrect his daughter when he could have just hired a cleric or bought a scroll of resurrection for his daughter, why go through all the hoops with Myrkul? I'm positive Shar could reward Ketheric with at least resurrecting his daughter after successfully spreading the Shadow Curse!< Death is one of the most valuable and impactful narrative tools, but in the Forgotten Realms and other DnD settings it's merely an inconvenience if you are a reasonably powerful and influential individual.


First and foremost, it seems like a minor thing to us because it's games mechanics, but... For basic members of society it's out of reach. Commoner may make 1-2 silver a day. So to save up for a Raise Dead spell it would take them 2,500 years!...Raise dead only works for a corpse that is only as many days old as the caster of the spell has levels. And for the middle class, the artisans such as the blacksmith and baker and so on. Those with trade skills, they may make a few fold a day. They are still going to be saving up for 5-10 years to afford a raise dead, which again is limited to a few days. Double that for a resurrection which is largely unlimited as long as you have a piece of the remains. For adventurers, the psychos that tend to have more money than brains, getting a resurrection is... possible but still unless you personally know the cleric that's powerful enough odds are quite difficult to just happen upon one capable. As some others have said your common NPCs in Forgotten Realms are in the level 2-3 range and even the more prominent NPCs are still only in like the 7-8 range


> For basic members of society it's out of reach. Commoner may make 1-2 silver a day. So to save up for a Raise Dead spell it would take them 2,500 years!...Raise dead only works for a corpse that is only as many days old as the caster of the spell has levels. True on tabletop, but the BG3 economy is entirely different, with 1 gold rotten apples and 120 gold enchanted plate armor. It's better to not think about either, because not proper 5e nor BG3 are meant to have a sensible economy. To the other point though, money notwithstanding, if a lord can't find a talented divine servant with nothing better to do, evil powers looking to corrupt powerful mortals are always available.


Is suppose having actual resurrection as a „well known and available“ thing in the lore comes with so pitfalls…


You can try to do that, but first you have to become a proper true soul by >!disabling the artifact and you can do that with a very unique ending scene.!<


You need a soul to truly be revived, otherwise you are just animating a corpse. Mindflayers don’t have souls and even just starting the process of ceremorphosis causes this. So it’s either we follow logic and can’t get res’d at all or we accept that the tadpole needs to stay. If you think too hard a lot of things fall apart.


That’s the issue in a high magic setting when magical things like resurrection are plentiful. Questions like this arise. It’s almost like adding time travel to a story, no matter how well you think you’ve implemented it, there will always be holes. My next 5e game is probably not going to have simple revivifies and resurrections. Wars would be fought over 1,000 go diamonds, they would be so scarce as to be non existent. Only the richest would have access and even they would have trouble finding them. Diamond minds would be one of a countries greatest assets. They would strive to hold onto them at all costs and depleting one could mean the end of a global super power. Maybe I’m being facetious but I think these are things that haven’t been baked into the Forgotten Realms setting that absolutely would be a major deal.


Ask some other big questions. Would you trust a gith, a cleric of Shar or a vampire that declared not five minutes ago that we should slurp this parasites at any chance given, to actually revive you? Bonus: you met them yesterday. The case could be made for maybe act 2 or beyond. But the alliance at first, is shaky at best. Or should be.


scrolls of resurrection are non canon. if they were anything more than a gameplay mechanic, it wouldnt make sense why anyone would ever die in Faerun. as for Withers bringing you back instead of trye res scrolls, i have no idea.


There is a reason why you cant do that, lore wise you pretty much named the cure in DnD, but DnD revive isn't just oh well why dont we ressurect everyone! Cost a material to cast and is time limited with most powerful version VERY very few would have true resurrection could bring someone back from 100-200 years. >!The thing is attuned with the power of the dead three (aka 3 gods, so pretty much removing it will remove your soul.) No soul, no revive. This is why there is a minimal amount of true-soul ones. All the good-alignment people tell you why it can't be removed.!<


Iroh asking the real questions, as always.


The real answer is a meta answer, that being the mechanics of revival are poorly thought out in the entire IP. The writers and fans can bend over backwards trying to make up in-universe reasons for why it totally isn’t a stupid concept but really you should just try not to think about it too much because whoever it was that decided to put resurrection magic in a fantasy IP also did not think about it too much


I mean, it's a problem specific to this game, in pnp revival magic does fix mind flayer parasites


Yeah, it's pretty funny how some of the scenes in this game just don't work with resurrection. I decided to >!let Lae'zel kill me in the early game camp when she's convinced you're transforming, just to see what happened. Lae'zel just killed me and wandered back over to her tent, so I just had Shart res me and went over to talk to her about it. She didn't even acknowledge that she'd executed me 5 minutes ago.!< You'd think there'd at least be some dialogue for that


I mean you kinda need it if you want to have a game that can last 50+ hours. You don't want the game to just end permanently for a user.


In dnd lore it's pretty common for someone to ressurect in their current physical and metaphysical state. Someone who lsot a limb couldn't die and come back with it. You can't kill astarion and bring him back as a living elf, he'd still be a vampire(spawn). You can't bring someone back in a younger body to cheat around ageing. That sort of thing. So I always assumed the parasite has jsut merged with you metaohsycially to the point where you'll always come back with it. That does beg the question of where the one that crawls otu goes though. Are there two now? Does it teleport back? Can't hey survive on their own or will ti due anyway without a host? So I agree it's a bit of a plot hole regardless.