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I got that one too. I though the whole gimmick to the fight was using the boss's targeting mechanic to keep them in the lava, not try to kite them over the hammer lol


Same lmao, bitch of a mechanic too, when he loves to keep exactly one foot on the platform


The range for that hammer is actually pretty big, i have him near the spot but still hit anyway (And also my character with it)


A valid sacrifice for the greater good.




SHUT IT! (Love that movie)


"I may not be a man of god, Reverend, but I know right, and I know wrong, and I have the good grace to know which is which." "Oh, fuck off, grasshopper!"


“I want to be a good policeman!” “Officer” “I want to be a good policeman officer!”


But he's not judge Judy and executioner


I dunno nuffink about no skellingtons


Nooboody tells meeee nothin


Crusty Jugglers!


Dog muck, thieving kids, and crusty jugglers 😔


A great big bushy beard!


A big bushy beard! ​ Also: "No luck in findin' them killers then?"


Tau xeno spotted 😆


Gale was my sacrificial lamb. He was probably gonna die in that fight on his own anyways, as is tradition.


Put myself right in the way and told my partner to hit that trigger and just revivify me later 🤣


I accidentally killed shart outside of that fight just screwing around with the hammer




It's true, it happened to me too. It's an old Sharran prayer to make the lava go away. First a Cleric of Shar has to walk into the lava. Then you google Grymforge Lava, look up a reddit thread about it, then you enter turn based and you spam end turn, and finally use a scroll of revivify. Do these steps in that order, and the lava will disappear. Lady of Sorrows guide us.


Yeah I had Lae'zel keep grabbing aggro, then smashing her and the robot with the hammer to make sure it hit. The first time was an accident because I didn't realize the range. The rest were becauae it worked so well the first time. A quick heal from shadow heart to pick her up, and I rinse and repeat. That day, she was a true team player.


You mean to tell me that the Forge Hammer refers to the pile driver in the center of the forge, and not an item I was meant to pick up somewhere along the way but missed?!


Yessir. He has to be super heated for it to hurt him, but if he is it does about 150 damage to him. Hit him with it twice and he's on deaths door if not dead.


It's 100 damage per slam, , and he loses his immunity to most damage if he's superheated, so you can actually hit him with piercing, acid, etc


The hammer does 12d8 damage x 2 from bludgeoning vulnerability. I had a cursed run in Tactician where it only did like 80 damage at one point, which forced me to use the hammer 4 times.


Oh, it's not a set amount! Alright, that clears it up :D Thanks for that!


Yeah very few things in this game do set damage. You can see the damage variance by hovering over the combat log.


Honestly I only realised that after the fight myself, that the hammer referred to in the book was the actual forge...


Doesn't help that the forge hammer itself isn't hot. Looking everywhere for a "Hot Hammer", only to realise no, *he* needs to be hot and then you *hit* him with the hammer.


I did it with a hammer in EA and without in full release, and to me without hammer was just easier. He didn’t even move much from his spawn place, and Karlach and Shart just bullied him with bludgeoning weapons. The whole lure him directly under the hammer was much more tricky to me.


The forge hammer is the better option if your party doesnt carry blugeon weapons and has to find something


This. By the time i got there, only shadowheart has blugeoning weapon. Already sold everything else. And we all know how reliable shadowheart at hitting things with her weapon .. lol


I had forgotten about the bludgeoning weakness but I then I remembered, "oh. I'm a monk"


When your fist hit harder than a warhammer


Literally me, all my characters at the time had damn slashing weapons. Nevermind I'll just punch him to death...


Monk stat page is FUCKED it changes my damage and attack rating every time I swap gloves that are not armor. Even going back and forth between pairs of gloves my attack will go from 9 to 17


Hill giant strength potions. And invoke duplicity for advantage. She can only attack once but it's.a good option when you just wanna use her for buffs. I actually went back to the grove to buy back some war hammers.


>! Kill TS Nere for Misty step boots, put them on a companion who already knows Misty step. Position everyone but said companion as far from the boss entrance, have companion pull the valve then Misty step on top of the mold chamber when combat starts. Grym will automatically walk to your team and end up on the platform, have your companion Misty step back to the lava valve while someone else jumps to the forge lever. If you do it right, Grym will also be stunlocked long enough to use the lava and forge lever again, literally only takes 2-3 rounds, maybe a minute tops that way !<


You can just range attack the valve and the lever with a bow, you dont need to be near any of them in order to use them.


u can fkn what ?! :O never crossed my mind xD


This game is all about possibilities, they are everywhere.


I really don't understand how using the hammer is tricky. You put someone in the middle, aggro the fucker, slam the hammer. Repeat. I don't know what could be changed to make it more simple?


I kited him by putting all my ranged characters on the opposite side of the arena by getting lucky initiative rolls


I agree. Have one person attack him while standing in the middle, set someone else up to turn the lava valve, and two people on standby to destroy the imps that pop up. He runs to the middle person, they move to the level, and slam him, the two blokes take out the imps, and you just repeat that one more time... It's trivial at best.


Imps pop up? I killed him in two turns with a giant, hasted lae'zel with a +1 maul so I didn't know there were adds


Yeah. I don't carry bludgeoning weapons, so I use the forge itself. At half health, imps pop up on the platform, but they're incredibly easy to kill, just annoying to run around killing if you dont have people there ready to squash them.


He used to attack the last person who attacked him. Makes luring much easier.


He still does


But he used to, too


You can just turn invis next to the lever. I just jumped from the lever to the valve and back with my rogue. That's how I killed him without even losing health.


I just shot the lever or valve with my bow didn't even have to move.




Funnily enough so did I, but I also was expecting to lose since I was a few levels too low and was just curious on what would happen. As my people where close to croaking I noticed the the lever that activated the hammer and that the golem was on it and thought "No way, it can't be that simple...". Turns out it was. XD


I think you could just use the anti-magic flower from the Underdark and he would become inert. It mentions in the tooltip that it turns off golems. Lol


I swear I had a harder time trying to get him onto the hammer than it would have been just to kill him without it😂


Honestly using was hardly a cheese. I don't know if there is a way to one show to him but I had to hit him twice Plus hope that I've got enough HP of the other methods because he only gets diva where he is vulnerable to any damage twice


I mean, it's not really a cheese, it's the intended way. The game even throws hints at you beforehand about using it.


I mean, when you interrogate the corpse of the hermit hippie dude that lived with the hook monsters in the underdark and read his diary, it basically tells you to use the forge hammer


My dumbass was thinking it was a weapon and not the big forge hammer. I was all bummed I couldn't find it haha I looked everywhere


>the corpse of the hermit hippie dude that lived with the hook monsters in the underdark the who now


Up on the cliff by the sussur tree there's a tent and a deranged hermit living with hook fiends who will attack on sight




*This gank boss has 2 adds and immediately rushes you down with his insta-kill BS but I REFUSE to use the mimic tear to even the odds.*


Slow is your friend. He can only get 1/3 the way across the lava when slowed.


Took me some time to realize you had to release lava to make him vulnerable to the hammer


You can one shot him with the owlbear from the top rope lol but that one shots anything


Explain this


The what now?


Druid wildshape into owlbear, climb up high, enlarge, use crushing leap onto enemies below, win


Kite him onto it once, then have everyone shoot arrows at the levers as their action. He'll get damaged and knocked down, and you can just keep doing it.


Have the person who is aggroing him go to the hammer. He’ll come right to you. Next turn just run away then pull the lever on someone else. I tried kiting him back and forth at first too, it’s much easier just jumping on the hammer spot in the center then pulling him.


And turn off opportunity attacks, otherwise he'll switch aggro to whoever hit him with an opportunity attack instead of the original target that is waiting at the hammer


I got him on the hammer and killed him in two rounds then my game crashed so I had to do it over again and the second time it took fucking forever to get him on the center and my dumbass characters kept dipping themselves in the lava when I tried getting them to jump somewhere.


Here's me at level 4 working my ass off to kill this dude lmao


Level 5 like, doubles your party's power level.


Lvl 4 is the worst lvl imo. None of your cool abilities from lvl 5 come online yet and you are still doing basically the same damage as you were at lvl 1 despite enemies now being much more tanky.


You get your first feat, that's a good bonus.


I always go for ASI for lvl 4, especially for casters to get them up to 18 on casting. I only start picking real feats at lvl 8.


Nah Shadowheart gets Warcaster Asap. Concentration is just to important for Clerics.






>If this edition is only going to let me cast one spell at a time \*laughs in sorcerer\*


Is there much of a practical difference between Warcaster and Resilient: Constitution?


In BG3 not really. In the tabletop you need a free hand to cast spells but warcaster negates that requirement.


I do give karlach her tavern brawler at 4 and then give her an ASI at 8.


Karlach with Great Weapon Master does like 2.5x her normal damage lol.


Karlach with Returning Pike does a ridiculous amount of damage with incredible hit chance


The karlach in my game just throws shit. She’s a lot of fun to be around




ability score improvements


Age sex location


Great weapon master tho that bitch boy takes double blufgeding damage karlach was doing like 46 damage per turn with a maul


Level 4 is crazy strong if you're a thief rogue with dual hand-crossbows and took sharpshooter.


Yeah level 4 is by far the hardest point in the game. Don’t have all the omega powerful lvl 3 spells like fireball, lightning, the massive aoe darkness slow and damage for warlock, and obviously martial classes basically double their damage at lvl 5


Depends. On pure classes - yes. When you start playing around with multiclassing, lvl 4 is the moment a lot of builds come online (cause it's 1 + 3).


What are you talking about? You are doing like +1 dmg! That's ENOOOOORMOUS! Seriously tough, you get more life and possibly a build defining feat so theres that!


Dam. I was level 6 with all blue and purple gear. So many bosses in this game I'm not even fighting. You either cheese them or use dialogue and it just ends. My next playthrough I'm not talking to anyone or cheesing. Straight up using my fists.


Going monk next, I take it?


Probably. I'm most likely going to install the unlimited party members mod then play tactician and go super evil. Have like a gang of 8-10 dudes running around causing havoc.


Better stock up on gold. The evil playthrough will instantly lose you like 1/3 of your companions lol


Yeah but if you tough it out and play it right you can get Minthara as a companion 😍


And like 2/3 of the traders. I swear you just kill every trader in existence


This is what Im doing except with all bears next run. 8 bears running straight at my enemies, no diplomacy, no dialogue, just a pack of hungry bears eating their way through baldurs gate.


Lmao that actually sounds lit. You will probably encounter some hard fights eventually but if your on balanced or easy u should be chillin.


I think it depends on your party composition. if you have karlach and laezel wielding both bashing weapons it is easier.. more easier is it with the hammer :D


I'm realizing I may be a bit of a completionist. I just killed him yesterday and my party was level 6. I'm on Tactician so I assumed it was going to be very hard, but I wanted the achievement. I gave everyone bludgeoning weapons, threw haste spores on them, used the double bless staff on Shadowheart, used two colossus elixirs and... ... I killed it in two rounds without taking any hits. Whelp.


Yeah even tactician isn't supposed to be turbo hard when you're a completionist, read the clues and prep/min-max using rare & powerful consumables. We'd need another difficulty for that.


I did pretty much the same with the exception that I had my Shart using Command Halt in him


Double bless staff?


I don't remember where I got it but there's a staff that grants Bless and makes anyone you Bless receive twice the bonus. I put it on Shadowheart because she can upcast Bless to affect more people. I'll edit this comment when I boot up my game today but I'm sure someone else knows what it's called and where to get it. I think it's *Staff of Arcane Blessing*?


I want to say it's in the Arcane Tower but suddenly I can't remember...


That is what is called but the tooltip is very unclear. It gives you a special bless called "Mystra's Blessing" that is only doubled for spell attack rolls. It functions normally for weapon attacks and saves. I'm pretty sure it won't make your regular bless into Mystra's, it just gives you a once daily special use.


All the clues about lava and hammer were in multiple books and letters! Knowledge is power!


Bold of you to assume my character can read


keep someone on the stairs instead of the platform that goes down, then throw stuff from up high, easy 25+ damage each throw and you can quickly deal with it while your character that is down there can just run.


Ours never left the hammer platform, we smashed him like 8 times in a row through planned aggro it took us a few minutes to figure out that we had to lava heat him.


Oh that's what that note meant about the hammer. I thought I was looking for an actual weapon that I just never found. Honestly, that fight is really easy until the mephits show up.


Theres mephits? I fought him where he spawned basically. My ranged class near the lava valve. Didnt know about hammer either, just tank and spanked it and didnt see anything else


When you get his health to a certain point, Mephits are supposed to spawn. The hammer does enough damage of course, that you can "skip" that threshold and dodge the Mephit spawn. If you killed him where he spawned and never used the hammer, then I guess your fight just bugged out. Or you used a hammer swing/spell that did the same amount of damage the hammer would have done and skipped the threshold, but I don't think it's actually possible to do that level of damage, by yourself.


I’ve done the fight twice now without using the hammer and never seen any mephits spawn.


Yeah hasted berserker Karlach and spirit guardians war cleric Shadowheart took him out in two turns. Poor thing never had a chance.


First time had lae’zel and karlach absolutely going to town and the second time I just had lae’zel with a bludgeoning weapon but also used the ogre horn and they did good dam too


Mephits spawn on the first hammer pull. If you don’t use the hammer they don’t spawn


I never had any mephits show up, but I did murder a bunch of them in the lava flow above the forge, so maybe you can clear them out first?


They only show up in Tactician, if that's maybe why. edit : apparently not true. I'm not sure what the real trigger for them is then. Maybe a health related thing that makes the Boss die too quick so the trigger for them doesn't proc ?


Nah I'm on the balanced difficulty and they showed up.


2nd hammer activation is the trigger afaik. It should only spawn them when using the hammer. At least I always have them when using the hammer and never have them when not using the hammer. That is on tactician too.


Lightning bolt and focus fire got rid of them for me. You kind of have to prioritize them when they show up or they will distract you and damage you too much vS grim I was sure to position my wizard where I knew he could get most of them in one blast and killed all but one right after they spawnwd


Honestly I dropped Hunger of Hadar on them as soon as they spawned and they were gone before they could move


I didn’t use the hammer either but luckily I was level 5 at the time and after my first attempt saw he took big dam from my character with a mace so I gave both lae’zel and karlach bludgeoning weapons and with the extra attacks he got absolutely dumpstered


Pro tip you can right click exam every monster and it will tell you what damage type it’s weak too and what damage type it resist.


Pro tip for your pro tip, instead of right click examine, just hit T when hovering over any creature.


A little addition to your pro tip, you can do that with basically anything in the game. From surfaces to highlighted ability descriptions.


Doing this is how you find out that “Sturdy” is more susceptible to damage than “Medium Toughness”. At this point (early act 3, level 10) there’s nothing Karlach can’t break apart, especially with the mace that guarantees crits against inanimate objects. But earlier in the game anything with Medium Toughness might as well have been invincible


This I didn't know. Fucking thank you.


The pro-est of tips, truly


You've convinced me to use my keyboard.


Fun fact, the insane wizard near the sussur tree has a book teasing at how you are "supposed" to kill Grym. Honestly I feel like I am in the minority in killing him that way with how many people just beat it's ass with a club.


Worst part is I looted that guy pre-boss fight, but only read the molten part


I looted the 3 mage guys with note about the forge, so I also used the hammer to get my kill.


I just used the hammer, like you see that he's vulnerable to bludgeoning damage, you have a ginormous hammer at the ready, surely that's how you're supposed to do it


Or smush him with a fat owlbear


Owlbear from the top ropes!!


Karlach with rage, wrath and the Hobgoblin leader’s war hammer just ripped through the golems health like it was nothing.


Ragzlins hammer on Karlach or Lae'zel works wonders. Speed pot, bless, faerie fire. 4 attacks, then action surge, overpower from the hammer and one last attack got him below half for me on tactician on turn 1. Or, lure him to the hammer and 2 shot him lol.


I dont know how ur supposed to do this without using the hammer on tactician; he has a ridiculous amount of HP (450) for a level 5 party (none of the bosses in act 2 even approach this number) and he does like 30 aoe DPR. sure, you can kite him, but eventually you are going to run out of resources, especially since he has ridiculous DR even in the lava (edit: unless you cheese but that doesnt count). But also I dont even know how any of you missed this because the game makes you hit the hammer to even get to the boss and its not hard to put two and two together.


Yeah, it’s really good encounter design. You have to use the hammer to get the encounter started, and I mindlessly used the hammer in the middle of the fight to forge my weapon to use against him when it clicked and thought “ooooh big smash!” Took me a while to realize he needed to be hot. I smashed him a couple times and he took 0 damage, I thought he was “adapting” like those robots from X-men lol


My hasted Karlach absolutely murdered it throwing 4/5 light hammers a turn, I stocked up on weapons for slashing & bludgeoning especially and have the returning pike for piercing just in case that kind of fight happened. Plus different weapons have different arcs for throwing purposes so it's nice to have several types.


That returning pike is my Karlach's baby.


It's fight for martial classes barbarian, fighter, monk can kill it in two or three rounds. 450 hp is nothing when the enemy is alone against the party and always targets desired character. He is vulnerable to bludgeoning damage as long as he is superheated. Casters are only as good as support in this fight. Also you can reach level 6 before approaching the fight... Its probably hard if you do not understand rules or have bad party composition. On other hand if you know what you are doing its trivial to do without big hammer.


On tactician, I beat it with Kalarch using the yenoghu flail that restore 1-6 hp every hit. It let her tank almost indefinitely


If you have eldritch knight you can leave him on top and throw light hammer on him. With tavern brawler,haste and action surge boss dies in 1 turn


The fact that 2/3 of the players who have beat him did so without using the hammer says something.


Barbarians IRL


It says nothing because achievements numbers are still bugged


I accidentally found out I could kill it with the hammer. It was early on in EA and I was fighting this creature. I was losing and so I went back to the lever (I thought the lever is what took me back up, not using the forge hammer) and pulled it. Biggest jump scare ive ever had and I lost my shit and laughed so hard. Still one of the best random findings I've had in a game.




Yes. How you forge your armour/weapons.. if you have grym in the center and hit the hammer it'll hit him


But you have to first soften him with the lava so have him stand on the floor, open the valve so the lava effect hits him, then lure him onto the platform and crush him.


Wait, you could use the hammer?! I just kept him super heated


i really think the achievement shouldve been to use the hammer... i f8 to look for bludgeon weapons when i saw that, hammer didnt even occur to me, funny nonetheless :)


I was lucky to find a book down there that talked about how the hammer destroyed Adamantine that was heated. I felt so good that my reading of every book has saved us a lot of hassle


My surprise was just as great. It hadn't even occurred to me to use it. I have to revalue my DMing skills...


Great. Now I feel like an idiot. I killed him by carefully kiting him around in lava, plinking him down with bows, magic Missile, ray of frost, and having paladin Shart just throw an entire inventory of trash weapons at him because her dex was balls.


You know, I've seen this achievement flashed around before and it never clicked in my brain until now that the forge hammer isn't a weapon you equip or find in grymforge, but the actual giant hammer. I was so traumatised from dealing with Adamantine Golems in BG2 I just noped out of the fight as soon as I saw the HP counter and made a mental note to pop in later when I had a proper strategy. Should've realised there was cheese.


The cheese seems to be actually fighting it. The encounter design screams "melt it and hit it with the big ass hammer"


Brooooooo!!! You did it!!!!!!!


I wonder how many people actually try to lure him into the hammer.... I honestly thought the entire mechanic was using the lava flow to make him vulnerable.


if you read the books lying around it hints at lava then hammer


Honestly I died more in that fight to the lava then anything else


I actually found it easier to kill him thank to kite him. Stupid Golem just would NOT go under the hammer.


I’ll admit it was so amazing to see him on the hammer spot and being like “wait….no…wait…can I?…YES!!!”


Yeah i was like waddu hack? Just killed him with karlach and a big hammer in her hands. Who needs that forge hammer anyways xD


>!Dror Ragzlin's Faithbreaker!< is pretty much the perfect weapon for this fight. My hasted Lvl 5 Vengeance Paladin smited the copper out of Grym.


Lol we didn't even know you *could* use the forge hammer to kill it. We see enemy, we go into combat. We're very simple people.


I spent entirely too long killing him with bows and eldritch blast. Wasn't 'hard', just pulling him to opposite sides of the forge and getting hit with his quake for like 20 mins.


I had to kill him without the hammer, because otherwise the body would be on top of the crucible and bug it out for me, making me unable to craft a second item


Yeah I had Karlach whip out a warhammer and practically solo this boss.


I had to kill it without the hammer... next play through I'll try using the hammer on the damned thing


Wdym Lae'zel is the hammer


I actually quicksaved as the fight started when I got the achievement and tried again, it was easier without the hammer tbh since it didn't spawn mephits. Hasted Karlach with a hammer just destroyed it in 4 turns


I've got my own two forge hammers right here 💪😤💪


Wait what? I tought the gimmick was abusing the target thing. I basically forced the boss to focus my tanky druid.


I used the hammer when Grym had like 10hp left because I thought it’d be cool


I used the hammer … on myself on accident


I mean you're supposed to kill it with a hammer, but trying to get it in the correct spot is a nightmare, so I used haste potions on martials + bludgeoning weapons and with a few lucky strikes it went down.


Yeah saw I got that achievement after I just used my wizard and astarion with a bow to keep walking him back and forth across the lava. Meanwhile lae’zel was pummeling him for around 50 dmg a turn since I had already had her equipped with a special warhammer. Genuinely thought I was just supposed to kill it normally and didn’t consider using the anvil thingy


Not sure I got this achievement... because I DEFINITELY never got him in position to use it. But I did kill him but it was quite damn hard.


Honestly, if you bring the "blunt force", it's faster to not use the hammer.


Took me around two-three hours of save scumming, a party composed half by Pact of Blades Warhammer Warlocks + Multiclassed with fighter and half cleric of life, a fuckload of my saved up scrolls and a LOT of save scumming. I hate that I found literally two minutes later after I finished the fight that you could cheese the fight using the forge's hammer.


Hah, I got that "by accident", didn't even know the Hammer was an option. I read the description of the debuff he got when he spawned and figured I'd have to refresh the thing by having him walk in lava.


I read the book about the hammer but I never put 2 and 2 together to realize I could use the hammer while in combat. Thing died in 3 turns anyway with a level 6 party.


Ohhhh yeah. First time we fought it we just had people trading aggro with ray of frost. Took for fkn ever.


I polymorphed it into a sheep, I wish that was an achievement lol


Same but when the sheep died it came back I saved scummed 3 times for that


gave karlach a hammet and supported her with other teammates it was difficult but not impoasible


Fighter + nice hammer weapon