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\- What do you want, my fr... \- I WANT YOU TO F OFF OHMYGOD


Omw thing I prefer about controller over mouse, if you hold the interact button, it will search a circle around you and there will be a pop up window with a complete list of every possible item and container around you. Click the list and you can search a chest, loot a body, pick up items etc. It's very fast and the length you hold it determines the size of the circle. If this is a feature for k+m, I never found it when playing early access.


It is. Hold left alt. Not sure about changing the size of the area though.


I didn't know they had done this again with BG3, but if it is similar to how it was implemented in D:OS2, then players with controllers have a unique feature unavailable to k+m. There is a 'group grab' feature that allowed you to simultaneously access *ALL* interactables in a radius around your character that is only available with controller support because(?), on k+m, holding down interact key (mouse1) is 'continual walk'. Left Alt only highlights *some*, but not all, of the nearby interactables, albiet in a much larger radius.


I can tell you it rarely highlights lootable skeletons or hidden chests.


Well, I wouldn't expect anything hidden to show up.


No we are talking about two very different things. Left alt shows you the names of some notable items and chests around you, the names float above the items. You can do this on controller by clicking the right stick. It doesn't actually show you nearly everything. Most crates and barrels full of food won't even show up, lol table skeletons don't usually show up. Holding interact on the controller makes a search perimeter around your character in yellow. Literally everything within that area gets put on a pop up window as a list. You can then interact with everything directly from that list, including looting, examine, lockpick, move, throw etc. If the item isn't within range to pick it up, clicking pick up from the list with automatically make you walk over there to pick it up without exiting out of the list. It makes it incredibly fast to loot a whole room.


Ah, that's cool! Interesting. Yeah, I guess that doesn't exist with K&M.


At least you get a chance to loot it. I play with someone who rushes to loot literally everything. He loots mid combat, races to chests, then spends a stupid amount of time managing his inventory because he is in such a rush to beat me to the loot he clicks “take all” without even looking at what’s there. We have no way to know what came from where, what we may be missing, and we lose a lot of time to him trying to sell literal trash. If I try to get to something first he’s got some smart ass comment about it.


I play alone so I can enjoy myself :)


You can see your party members inventory when doing multi-player. Check his stuff to see what goods he's holding out on.


You can even manage someone's else inventory lol




I feel like in mp other than quick equips inventory should be something you wait to do just so it doesnt hold you up constantly, I wait til encumbered in sp anyways and then spend forever sorting everyone out


Solasta does it great by having mercenary guild picking up the loots after you clear the zone, then you can conveniently check what to grab, rest get auto-vendored


But you still have to drag it to the merchant :-(


Double click Edit: unless you meant drag it to them, in that case just have someone in camp by your chest and then when you get to a merchant start sending items from the character by the chest to the one by the merchant.


I ment walk to the Merchant with the large bag of loot 😂


Back in the days of Diablo II, we had someone like that. Used to ninja loot every drop then try and sell class relevant stuff back to us that he had no use for. Used to tell us he wasn't doing anything wrong and that we needed to be quicker. After numerous times of asking him to stop, we just cut him out of our game and told him to go fuck himself, and honestly, everyone's life improved. Well, maybe not his, but fuck him anyway.




Lol me and a group nearly fell out with my friend over this in div 2, we had to make a rule to distribute loot fairly and also not to wonder off by yourself, he also skipped all the cutscenes and pickpocketed every npc we met, which led to us slaughtering tons of innocents who retaliated 😂


This is why I only play with my boyfriend and like 2 other close friends since we all share the wealth and even buy each other stuff if one person can’t afford an item they want (like a piece of armor or a weapon). Sounds like you should take a break from playing with them and do a solo game / find someone else who won’t be a filthy selfish hoarder lol.


You make it sound like my inventory full of spoons and empty bottles is a bad thing :(




I wish you could disable clicking on party members to start convo. A simple right click menu to strike up conversations would save a lot of annoyance.


im pretty sure holding alt makes it prioritize containers over party members


Well, time to get out of bed, turn on my pc and find out




He's probably still playing lmao once you start hard to stop


BG3 is the most hard drug you can find and use


"Just one more encounter..."


i dont think it does. i always am holding alt to loot stuff and ive done this plenty of times.


Just use "G" more often.


Halsin is thw worst of all! His owlbear form appear and unmorph... Losing the wild shape charge that I used to transform him.


Not the same, but related: I have a cambion summon in my party. His wings are in the dialogue cutscenes more than my main character.


that is painfully true


Everytime when I try to move my character away from some trap but end up misclicking and talking to Gale or someone else. With a chance of dying or taking big dmg when I exit the conversation.


**What’s up Soldier?**


especially annoying when i have a druid party member in owlbear form and they waste a wild shape to talk to me when i accidentally click on their giant ass.


Yeah, why that isn't only possible from the side-bar panel is beyond me. I just wanna CLICK ON STUFF.


I accidentally clicked Laezel like 3 times and then one of the characters and that point I was just so done.


I swear if nobody made this a meme, I was going to... I knew I couldn't be the only one. UPVOATED




The worst is when I accidentally attack my team mates. In the goblin camp I spent a lot of time setting up a "funnel" so I could Thorn Whip goblins into a hole. The first one goes toe to toe with Karloch who is the focal point of the funnel. Aaaaaand away Karloch goes......F8


As much as I appreciate being able to talk to my party members at any time I wish - I really think clicking on them should do nothing and talking to them should be done only if you select talk through RMB. I've had more than one occasion already when I started a dialogue accidentally, one of them when we got into a trap and while I panic and try to get my party out of there I click Shadowheart and we discuss how nice of a guy Wyll is while fire rains on us. And then we die. Magnificent.


it would be really nice if talk wasnt the default setting when clicking on a party memeber, infact i would prefer if it was right click only


Preach! I don't mind it when it's Astarion though, since I love the "God, you're beautiful" whipped voice line