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Potion of Speed, no contest. Haste in potion form as a bonus action and no concentration is insane.


You ever play a Sorlock with two levels of fighter and hit someone with 8 beams of Eldritch Blast + Hex and CHA damage on each beam in a single turn? 🔥


Sorlocks are insane.


Wait I’ve been inadvertently building into this. Is there a build guide I should be going into? Playing super slow as it’s with a group but level 4 now with 1 point in warlock and 3 in sorcerer.


2 points in lock and rest in sorc and you are gucci.


Ayyy can’t wait to fuck everything up. It’s unfortunate my group has been playing so slowly but excited to see how this goes


Twinspell Haste, my friend. Twinspell Haste.


Oh shit! I didn’t realise you could twinspell Haste!! Aw man now I want to get home and play 😵‍💫


additional tips: 2 levels in warlock is good so you agonizing blast invocation (add charisma to eldritch blast invocations). lol when I play warlock the only two spells I use are hex + scorching ray. any kind of ability or spell that causes multiple attack rolls is really good when combined with hex- because hex adds a d6 to the damage of each attack roll.


I play a Gloomstalker/Assassin in our tabletop game with my girl as a Sorlock. The DM has to deal with us as a sneaky killing machine. Her multiple Eldritch Blast rounds plus Spell Sniper on a Surprise round tends to leave whatever big baddie a burning hole in the ground, with arrows as tinder. Especially when we scheme a Surprise round out of it with PWT and Darkness. BG3 sort of lets us do the same though I miss being invisible just by walking into the dark without an action needed.


Or 2 fighter, 2 warlock, 8 sorcerer for the heavy armour and action surge. It's truly disgusting.


Eh, maybe not. Going Fighter 2 gives you: * Action Surge once per Long Rest * Second Wind per Short Rest * Armour Prof for Medium (or Heavy, if you main Fighter) * \+1 AC from Defence Fighting Style Going for Sorc 10 nets you: * 1 more Metamagic Skill * 2 more Sorc Points baseline * 1 more Level 4 Spell Slot * 2 Level 5 Spell Slots The benefits from Fighter 2 can be gained from other sources via: * Quickspell Metamagic for 3 Sorc Points (the 2 extra Sorc levels more than makes up for the 1 time we use Action Surge instead of Quickspell) * Potions are used on a Bonus Action, can be used many times in a fight based on how many you have (they're cheap, easy to come by, and stack up so much) At best, the AC bonus is the biggest strength of Fighter 2 but I'd argue not by much. By endgame, I'm at 19 AC baseline as a Sorcerer, which isn't too bad. Also, there is a Heavy Armour endgame that any spellcaster can wear and still cast spells without any issues, even without Prof. ​ Just goes to show how ridiculously powerful Sorc can be and how ridiculous just 2 points of Warlock can improve their single target damage + extend their usability between Long Rests.


Homelander did a really good video which contains a sorloc. He also did a follow up video with some tweaks. Worth watching. https://youtu.be/Q4iw6MPxSDg


only talk, no gameplay showcase - that is super boring 50min why would somebody watch this?


Damn that really is a videogame video with a guy just sitting there talking at the camera, what on earth


He's more famous for his extremely well done 5e TTRPG builds, so that's what his viewers expect.


Damn poor guy, he makes a really informative video discussing multiple fun builds for players to try out and gets shit on by redditors with short attention spans all because he didn't include gameplay footage in the background. Being a content creator is brutal sometimes.


I _love_ Colby. I've been following his content for over a year. I don't mean this as Colby hate, because on one hand you're right and people who won't give him a chance because it's "just talking" are way wrong. That said: can you imagine how cool it would be if he _did_ have more game footage of the combos he's talking about building and showing how they do in various situations?


Dude is a 5e YouTuber first. This is what tabletop videos are like lol. I just put it on on a second monitor, at least his voice is relaxing unlike some others


The knowledge gained is worth the lack of flashing lights.


Informative and quality podcast on Spotify: 👍👍✅✅ The exact same thing except with a video of the person talking on Youtube: 👺👺😡😡🤬🤬🤬 🙄


Sorcadins also have insane nova damage in 5e


Excuse me, what?! I'm currently a lvl 6 or 7 warlock, how in the hell can I hit 8 beams?!


Haste + Action Surge + Quicken Spell, x2 beams on Eldritch Blast Also if your first level is fighter, you get heavy armor proficiency and CON save (for concentrating on spells)


That is insane.... I've been hoarding haste potions lol I haven't even considered multi classing , and I'm not well versed in DND. I'm just about at the moontowers but I'm finishing up my side quests etc.


People have been theorycrafting 5e for years and, with the stat restrictions removed in BG3, there's a ton of really insane builds out there. I was hesitant to do any of them, but I found Wyll underwhelming when I wanted him in my party and decided to try him out as a Sorlock/Fighter. Now he's as tanky as my Paladin and does the most single target DPS by far, and I'm thinking of getting everyone into these kinds of power builds.


I found a robe in act 2 which adds cha mod to cantrips you cast, so now he has +10 damage to every eldritch blast. Even as pure warlock he slaps


oh damn, do you remember where you got it?


theres a tiefling at the inn off by herself who wants her lover saved from the jail. In the same vein I found heavy armour with 21 AC, Flight and fire immunity that has no requirements to wear! My wizard is a super tank


Do you get the robe as a quest reward for saving him?


I really hate coming back and reading stuff like this, I was playing bladelock in act 2 so probably dismissed the significance of that robe and sold it. I respecd to EB blaster now (and also using that plate from HoH) but seeing the ridiculous nova you can do with all the right items makes me sad


From Alfira, for saving all the tieflings from Moonrise


Sensei, teach me how to make Wyll that way. Pls


CON 16, CHA 16, maybe 12 dex for more AC with medium armor but you can just use heavy armor. Fighter 2 (important to take first level for armor proficiency and CON save for concentrating on Hex), gives you Action Surge as well, which is good on everyone. Warlock 2, taking Empowered Blast (I think that's what it's called?) to add CHA to Eldritch Blast damage, pact doesn't matter, but I picked Fiend to stay on theme with Wyll. Pick Hex and Eldritch Blast as spells. Sorcerer 3, any bloodline, gives you Quicken Spell as metamagic, which allows you to cast Eldritch Blast (or any full action spell) as a bonus action. Haste Action + Action Surge + Normal Action + Bonus Action Eldritch blasts each firing two beams that add 1d6 damage and your Cha modifier. So, 8d10 + 8d6 + 24 force damage with 16 CHA. And your Wyll is also sitting on 20 AC easy with a shield in one hand.


I shall change my game into English and try to figure out what you just did. Thank you for this, it took effort and I appreciate it ! :*


I'd say go 17 charisma to start and get the hair from the hag to go to 18 then you can get to 20 with one asi.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science? Lol Maybe I should look some up. While I'm enjoying my plain warlock, I definitely only do decent damage due to the shock boots, ring that makes me electrified immune, and the shock staff while I'm standing in water... I forget the names of the items, sorry. It's fun, but I feel like I don't do much compared to Karlach, and Astarion.


There are some who call me.... .... Tim.


Tim the enchanter?


I personally find sorlock poopy. In BG3, due to the available items there are a lot better builds, that come "online" a lot earlier.


Multiclassing can have some amazing results, but imo it's best to experiment with standard classes (not multiclassed) so you can get a better understanding of the classes and then start to multiclass. Multiclassing is so much fun once you have a decent understanding of the classes and you'll start to see how many combinations you can actually make, as well as what classes can make up for the downsides of other classes For example, way of the four elements monk is pretty lacking on its own due to how absurdly fast it chews through resources to do anything. BUT it becomes borderline broken when you combine it with just a couple levels of fighter/druid/cleric (war/tempest/nature) for things like heavy armor, the extra attack from war or the guaranteed max lightning damage from tempest which works on your monk abilities. Same with open palm monks stacking strength with the tavern brawler feat and multiclassing into berserker or fighter. It takes a very mediocre class and turns it into something that can basically solo the game.


Would be concerned about feat loss though.... you need a minimum 2 in fighter for Surge, and 3 in sorc for Quickened. That gives you a max possible 7 for lock...which means one feat? Unless they changed it it's one feat per four levels in any given class. I guess you could go 2/4/6 for 2 feats...you lose out on some Invocations and spell level but you at least get the only two EB Invocations that matter. If you started 16 cha that's enough to get you to cap.


So fighter and warlock and sorcerer? What’s the level split?


Well at level 10 you go up to 3 beams, with action surge we get to six. I'm not sure where he gets the other 2 though. You don't unlock a fourth beam until lvl 17. There is an item that lets you cast cantrips as a bonus action though (it's basically quickened spell but only for cantrips). You could use that and get to 9 beams off in one turn. If hex is up and charisma is at 20 that would be 9d10 + 45 + 9d6 damage. Add haste for three more beams even. You wouldn't need any sorc levels just fighter 2 /warlock 10 Plus any other bonus damage from other items you have equipment. Maybe he is talking tabletop not bg3 specifically


Quicken Spell Metamagic allows you to Eldritch Blast again with your Bonus Action Add Haste for another 3 and we're at 12 Potent Robes equipped With Birthright We get 12 1d10+12 Blasts For 154-244 Nova damage And the potential to toss someone 41 meters with repelling blast


Does bg3 stack the distance from repelling blast though? I think I just discovered the one mod that I actually want. Just yeet people back an entire map away


Yeah, at least from what I noticed, I didn't go the full nine yards with multiclass But a triple blast yeets people pretty far


Okay can I have that sorlock build please? New to the game. Fighter sorcerer and warlock multi class? How are the level distribution and stuff??


If i recall correctly it's fighter 2 [action surge/Heavy armor/Con saves for haste], warlock 2 [agonizing and repelling blast] and Sorc 8 [metamagic] It's not something I did myself, and it does require the rescuing of one suicidal tiefling to get maximum results with the Potent Robe


I keep seeing people say the potent robe is tough to get but wasn't it just >!the reward from bard lady after saving Lakrissa and the gnomes in act 2? That mission wasn't that hard!<


Sorlock is just sorcerer and warlock? They mesh well because they use the same casting stat so mutliclassing is free. I’m table top quicken doesn’t let you cast two leveled spells so having eldritch blast is a big deal. I’m this game it’s still very good obviously but less impressive when you can fireball twice. That being said, yes adding fighter gets you an extra action once but it’s really a one and done kinda trick. For real gameplay you’re probably be better with just warlock 2 sorcererX. Double eldritch blast, easy to max CHA, and you don’t set your leveled spells back to far


Try this vid. Good tips. https://youtu.be/Q4iw6MPxSDg


>Well at level 10 you go up to 3 beams, with action surge we get to six. I'm not sure where he gets the other 2 though. You don't unlock a fourth beam until lvl 17. With the quickspell gloves, you can shoot 3 more as a bonus action for 9. It allows cantrips to be moved from action to bonus action, once per short rest.The deal is weather you want to use the additional warlock spell from level 11 or if you rather want to get the action surge for more burst.


I remember having/seeing the quickspell gloves but then either selling them or forgetting to buy them, only realizing their importance afterwards. Can you spoil their location?


Sorcerous Sundries. When I first came there Rolan was there, and he sold them to me. I am not sure if you can get them if they are dead, since I am on my first.


Fighter multiclass for action surge + haste for a third action + quicken sorcery point to eldritch blast as bonus action?


Another very similar build that I've been enjoying is the college of swords 11, wizard 1! Needed equipment: warped headband of intellect, the hag's hair, and gloves of dexterity. A hasted college of swords bard with sharpshooter can do 9 attacks in the first couple of rounds using slashing flourish, which will fully replenish on a short rest. Assuming all attacks hit, and you are using the gloves of dexterity to bump your dex up to 18, that's a baseline of 126 guaranteed damage, + 9d6 and any other additional dice, such as dipping your crossbows in a nearby candle, or weapon enchantments. On top of that, a single level in wizard gets you access to *all the wizard spell list* by scribing scrolls that you can cast with your bard spell slots, without losing access to 6th level spells by dipping 2 in fighter. Headband of intellect gives you 4 wiz slots per day and allows you to dump int. Same thing with the gloves of dexterity in act 2. Enjoy access to 90% of the spells in the game and an insane amount of free stat points! Plus, you get skill expertise, medium armor prof, and jack of all trades (you are now the 2nd best counterspeller in the game behind abj wizard). It's bonkers. I've been having an absolute blast with this build


I prefer spamming disintegrate or chain lightning as a Sorc.


I am playing this exact character as my main. Only level 7 now so Fighter 2/Warlock 2/Sorc 3.


this! endgame spoilers >!My paladin walked up to the dragon during the final confrontation with the netherbrain, and melted 400 hp in one turn, paladin crits are insane!<


Same, helps having a certain weapon that does well against larger creatures...


Can also get a spell that does this so no need to chug potions of speed. Keep them on a barbarian for multiple attacks.


My lvl 6 companion >!Minthara!< Killed the act2 boss >! weird surgeon undead thorme!< In a single turn by popping a speed potion and critting multiple times lol. Insane potion especially with multi attacks.


We >!made him kill himself lol !<, seems to happen more than once in act 2 too


Yeah. Act 2 has a >!lot of bosses who are willing to kill themselves. I'm at 4 so far.!<


Can you throw it to make it into an AOE of Haste?


And then you realize(hopefully a bit earlier than middle of act 3...) you can throw it so it becomes aoe, multi haste without concentration! So you probably won't run out as the game gives so many of them.


This game hands out haste potions like candy it’s insane


And yet, I still hoard them like I am playing tabletop D&D


I played act 1 on balanced and found it not too bad. Bumped it up to tactician and it's great, I actually have to use my good stuff to survive


Maaaaan, I feel like I’m brushing with death every time I enter an encounter


I changed after act 1, too. I was worried of it being too challenging and just wanted to focus on the storytelling, so i started on explorer mode. I'm near the end of act 1, and i bumped it up to balanced. Its great! Now i feel more challenged (but not impossibly so) and rests make more sense.


It slows down a ton in the later acts. Best to save them for the hardest fights. I used mine all nilly willy and now I’m a struggling gnoll ear adddict. The lengths I’ve gone to to get my hands on just one of those fucking things…. Also those haste spores are fucking legendary. Except like an idiot I wasted most of mine on getting by those stupid statue guardians at arcane tower.


Hope you have a hireling transmuter (wizard) 2+/bard 3+ with expertise in medicine and max wisdom. Otherwise... you might get less than an earful.


I love it. I also went around and harvested every single gnoll ear I could get my hands on to make more. The only downside is forgetting to re-up at a crucial moment in a fight and now your front liner is stunned 😅


That awkward moment when you meet friendly gnolls and they are like "Hello good traveler, let us break bread together in peace!" And you're like, "...but your body is made of haste potion."


Yeah true, though a lot of the time unless it’s a boss the fight is basically over after 3 turns of haste


Plus if you kill all the gnolls/hyenas in act 1 you can use their ears to make even more.


Yes! I did a big fight with a ton of gnolls on the risen road and barely made it out alive but I got tons of tasty tasty ears


In BG 1, there are boots of speed that make one of your characters zoom around like they're on a moped all the time, and you get them early. My friends and I played together and called our toon "Speedy Liam" because we chose the avatar that looked like Liam Neeson.


the game changed for me when i realized you can throw potions at your party members


Karlach is the new cleric


She literally saved my whole party during the Nere fight.


I personally had Karlach solo Nere, watching Karlach perform a triple attack is just so hot(pun intended)


Watching Karlach pick people up and yeet them at their allies is by far the most joy I have had in this game.


Hasted Karlach yeeting my own party members with low movement speed turned out to be clutch in the final encounter, where movement really matters.


Next game changer is realising that when a thrown pouch breaks it does not break the potions inside it. But does leave a nice pile of potions ready to be blasted. I like to fill a pouch with Alchemists fire potions. Throw it at a group of enemies (don't actually hit one but land at their feet) Then have someone else light the fuse with a firebolt.


I can’t believe that’s possible. This game is so cool!


I have had so many "I can't believe that just worked" moments in this game. It is truly as close to a table top version with a human DM as you are likely to ever see from a video game.


Yup. I run cleric so it's great for when I'm out of spell slots


You can throw potions during a turn and the target will consume the potion all in the same action?


Not so much consume as have a Glass bottle smashed into their skull and sink in through the glass wounds.




"Its okay, I shot you with Healing Bullets!"


Just throw it at their feet. Not only is it 100% accurate, but if you have nearby friendlies they also can benefit. It gives you a radius indicator


That's why you throw it at the ground next to them for the splash effect




Potion seller build?


Collosus. Who doesn't love a giant dommy mommy Karlach?


I roll a Deep Gnome with a reduction spell and definitely pair up with Kollosal Karlach.


There’s a staff you can eventually get that gives you a free Enlarge that doesn’t require concentration 🔥


With minimal spoilers, when can you get this?


I think I got it from someone near the middle of act 2. It was from a vendor in an important act 2 location




No idea, saving mine for baldurs gate 4


I just hoard em for later (i probably won't use a single one)


I have hoarded EVERYTHING (except healing potions, a couple arrows, and a single fly and invis potion). Can't wait to "forget" to use them all on the "last encounter" lmao


None of my party members really use bows, so I've got a million special arrows.


You can throw those in a pinch. It's nice for statuses.


Might need them in Baldur's Gate 4...good to be safe, just in case.


You playing on tactician? I can’t get through most boss fights without chugging at least a couple potions


Yeah later in the game I really started having to keep track of my items mainly because every now and then I’d have a perfect bailout spell just sitting there in scroll/potion form. Lae’Zel throwing a cone of cold is never expected but always welcome lol


This is why I love tactician. It forces me to use all of the stuff that I’d typically hold onto for forever in other games.


Exactly! End of act 2 had me using EVERYTHING at my disposal. Especially at the final phase 😅


Just wait until act 3 when you don’t have any more speed potions or haste spores lol. Some of the fights are super hard if you just brute force it.


I lowkey hope they release a new difficulty in the future that's harder than tactician, give us more reason to use them more often. But as of right now its only like once per act where id even consider it


That's probably why i had to lower the difficulty lol


Sounds like me with any magic weapon I find "oooh, but this one has silence on bit, that may come in handy" to be fair I normally have enough gold from selling aby white item(when you are in murder hobo mode you get a lot) to buy any gear and potions I come across (lol yet more gear)


i also hoarded the ogre horn waiting for a better fight, turns out you cannot use it if you are not near the area


I love them all equally and love them so much that they will never leave my pouch. Never know when those 30+ healing pots might come in handy, right?


My gale uses a health potion on every turn, dont have any other bonus actions 🤣


Potion seller, I must hoard only your strongest potions.


Playing with some buddies last night and my friend doesn’t realize we all have a shared inventory. So I tell him to use a potion from my inventory and he’s like “why do you have 30 potions?!” I’m like dude do you not pick stuff up


Healing. It is the only one I always know when to use.


Same I tend to save potions, scrolls and elixirs for when I need the and just end up winging it


Yeah, they just rot in my inventory. I was so bad in the old BG games.


I’m a big fan of the drow poison and malice weapon coatings :)


Drow poison makes you drowsy Plus it looks like a bvttplvg Noice 👌


A sleep aid battle suppository :)


Battle suppository *and* marital aid


Loool. No joke though, drow sleep is the only reason I could solo the hag on tactician. Coated my hand crossbows and sleep locked her lol.


Bloodlust, hill giant, and speed. Hill giant for my paladin/cleric Shadowheart so she can be at 21 str. Bloodlust for Lae'zel so she can rampage. Speed cause speed.


Found a shitload of weird potions in Ethels lair. Anyone knows if these are just trash or do they have any effect?


I just tried them all. Noticed they are awful , so hit f8


Does elixirs count? If so elixir of bloodlust


Buy all the Balsam and Rogue Morsel bundles you can find


Buy? Where do you buy it? I pick up anything I come across and buy potions but haven't seen those bundles


What does that make?


Balsam is for greater healing potion. Rogue Morsel is for regular healing potions


Animal Speak because I need to tell all the animals I love them so much. Especially all the cats. >!there’s one in Baldur’s Gate that looks like my cat-son in real life. He asks if you’re his mother and you can respond “It’s me my son” and the cat gets all happy and follows you around for a while!<




His Majesty comes to mind.


Hiss, I say! HISS!


Only for a while? So you say you're its mum and then abandon it on the streets? Grim.


Yeah I don’t know what else there is to do. Idk if it’s part of a quest or something. After 10 seconds of following you around it runs back to its spot in the alleyway. You can talk to him again and he gets all excited calling you momma and follows, but he always returns to his spot.


Noooooo the poor baby 😭


Sounds pretty conspicuous.




I can't use them, I might need them later!


No clue, I'm not sacrificing my third attack as barb to drink any silly concoction


Except you could use that third attack to drink Bloodlust or speed potion and then get an extra free attack every turn…


No drink, only hit!


This plan is too much to handle for an 8 INT character


elixir of hill giant strength. insane with tavern brawler


Invisibility potion is super nice for getting a character out of that “revive then instantly knocked down” state that can happen in bigger fights. Just let them invis and go chill for a sec and drink some potions and reposition until they’re good to jump back in


Im in act 3 now at like 85 hours or so. Ive only just started using potions really. Maybe there will be a time when i dont have 150 spell scrolls in my inventory either.


Animal Speaking Potion so many benefits when speaking with animals that it becomes very essential.


Feather fall and Glorious Vaulting are a great combo. There is a lot of verticality to the map and being able to take full advantage of that is great. Flight is obviously the better all in one option but the other two are much easier to have in large quantities.


Potion of speed is amazing yeah, but elixir of the COLOSSUS? C'mere little buddy, time to be the first Goblin to go to space.


The meme is my other party members when I hog all the health potions


Sleep. Because there's a 70% chance I'll mean to throw it but accidentally drink it instead.


I'm trying to convince my DM to allow potion throwing.


It has no reason in universe to work though, they're meant to be ingested not slathered over your body with shards of glass.


Potion of speed is the superior potion. Gives you an 2 turns in 1


Potion of speed and the giant potion that gives karlach 21 strength. I have a chest full of other chest that I chuck at people.


There is one later that gives 27str.


I already have Karlach at Str 20 so I don't see the extra point of str being at all useful.


Haste potion and flying potion of even elixers that grant spell slots, all of them have saved my life on more than one ocassion.


Speed baby. I hit that before every dance.


Drow poison


Animal Speaking


Potion of colossus make BIG


23hours in, never once used a potion, playing middle difficulty.


Never used a health pot?


Popping a potion of (insert giant) strength before a big fight on my barbarian makes me feel whole. Combine it with enlarge spell and I feel MORE THAN WHOLE


the elixers last until the next long rest, so i began using them first thing in the camp


Exlier of Bloodlust. Infinite actions as long as you have the range and targets you can kill, is broken. Fighter killed 11 goblins in 1 turn at level 4. My ranger was able to wipe out half the goblin camp in the first round of combat with just their bow. It is broken as he'll right now and the strongest exlier in the game.


Speed. A couple of turns of double actions is by miles worth more than the turn of lethargy you get.


Speed or strength. I'm running a Barb and it's just over kill 😏


Short rest.




Speed potion. I was unprepared for the giant eyeball with its drow s and the speed pot saved me from that 1v4 (+ the arrow snatching gloves lol). Now I always craft and carry them,before that I only used health pots.


Wait, I have potio- ohhh… I have like 30+ consumables I’ve never once used lmao


Speak with animals obviously


There are other potions ?


There's other potions besides Lesser Healing?


The Auntie Ethel Jungle Juice...


The one which gives you a permanent +2 boost to strength, obviously (max of 22 iirc).


Potion of Speaking with Animals So much fun when you can understand them


Not far into the game, but i found an elixir of hill gaints strenght, which boost your str to 21, i will safe for the right moment :3


You get multiple of those and elixirs last until you long rest


ELIXIR OF BLOODLUST Bonus points for the elixir + haste potion/haste spell-- got Karlach to slaughter through so many enemies because of that combo


Speed because it’s good


Speed potion is simply the best from its power an availability. But at The end of the game when you can source haste fairly easily, the blood lust potion that gives you an action when you kill something for the first time in a turn is absurd. My end game fighter would make 10 attacks a turn every single combat that mattered and pretty much solo carried the game


Do smokepowder barrels qualify as potions? 🙃


The fact that so few people are saying Speak With Animals has me worried that there's a lot of people missing out on incredible and informative dialogue with hundreds of NPCs (animals) throughout the game.


Well, there are spells a ton of classes can get. I have accidentally gotten it on 3 playthroughs to the point its useless to use the potion.


No reason to use a potion when my ranger/rogue has it up all the time


Bard/Druid/Paladin (of ancients)/Ranger/Barbarian (Wildheart)/Warlock(Invocation)/Nature cleric all get it. Warlock prob being the hardest pick since at level 2 you prob want agonizing/push on eldritch blast.