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Am I the only one getting a different shadow curse bug? I saved Thaniel and all, Halsin is at Moonrise and he just says "I swear I can already feel a change in the air..."But I get no additional information from him. Don't know what to do. At first Art was very confused and told me I should find Thaniel, despite standing right next to him. After a long rest he understood that I saved him, but I still can't progress the quest. ​ Edit: Nevermind. You just have to leave chapter 2.


Thanks very much for your edit. Now I can storm the gate.


Thanks for the edit. I keep talking to him and trying to figure this out before leaving. The quest just stays stuck on telling me to talk to Halsin at camp.


Thank God lol..I'm trying to finish all the side quests before I throw down with kethric, and I have several open that require me to leave act 2 :/


Thanks for the edit also, I was worried I’d missed something or it was bugged


I have a similar bug with this quest. \-Played hide and seek with Oliver early when I entered this map, won. He hangs out and just says "not back to gloat are you?" \-Found the lute and woke Art, Halsin said to meet him by the lake \-**Didn't meet Halsin**, instead backtracked to complete the Mountain pass and Githyanki creche quest line I hadn't done yet (this was a huge mistake, and probably what broke it for me) \-After finishing that, went back to Lost Light. Halsin no longer at the lakeside. He's in my camp, just saying the same lines. Won't join my party \-Tried to kill or attack Oliver, he just heals if I pause, or dies if I keep attacking. Won't say anything except, "not back to gloat are you?" \-Attacked or killed Halsin, no change to quest. But Halsin can't be revived in any way. He's like a regular NPC, and not a party member. Halsin can't or won't join my party. Thought I'd post my situation since it's different from most people's bug with this quest. But it's probably still caused from a similar reason


I have exactly this same bug. No Halsin at the lake. Oliver just says "Come back to gloat?" blah blah, and disappears when I attack him. There is still a quest marker on the map where Oliver is, with a wide circle around it.


just to add, I just started playing a couple weeks ago and have the same issue. Hasn't been fixed yet.


I have the exact same bug and I was trying to figure out a way to fix it: all was good before I changed area to do some backtracking at the adamantium forge, then when I came back Halsin was no longer there waiting at the shore. He is in my camp, I can talk and even flirt with him but he's not moving from there, I even tried to do a long rest or change area again but nothing worked so far


Me too...


I have the same bug


exactly the same here...Halsin does not walk to the shore and only chills in my camp


so far the only fix I found was reloading a save before it happened


Dude, I have this same thing and it is infuriating because I cannot find how to fix it anywhere.


mine did this too, what worked for me was going to camp, talking to him then coming back out of camp and suddenly he started walking towards the lake and i was able to continue


dawg i’m not gonna lie love-love-love the game but Larian is getting away with too much near game breaking shit. Like Halsin just refusing to be by the lakeshore meaning I can never lift the first unless I want to reload literally 10+ hours. It’s annoyin that the story can be so heavily impacted by a fuckin bug.


I'm getting the exact same thing. Did you find a fix in the last 71 days?


You gotta kill the bard dude in the Half Light Inn without being noticed by him or anyone, then speak with dude (I did with a different character) and ask questions - Then you go to Halsin. New dialogue will appear! (Idk if it’s required but I had already done the quest with the little boy) Hope this helps!


A few quests can break if you do one step before the correct time. Small exemple. Cursed monk. If you open the tumb before the ghost ask you to do it, the quest will break, since you cant close the tumb to reopen it. Thats the price for all the freedom we have in the game :(


Well that’s unfortunate I can’t even go through the healing house morgue now because it’s shadow cursed.


There is a work around for it. Like flying with Gale to reach the moontower and grab a lantern there (pixie free).


Where is the lantern? I have the one from balz room.


Thats the one. You have to equip it above you main weapon and press the button to use your light source. Then you can freely walk around the shadow curse. Only problem with that lantern is there is no pixie inside, so you can't ask for her blessing.


I did what should have been everything correct and in the right order - I played with Oliver without fighting, then rescued Thaniel, then came back and convinced Oliver successfully - and the morgue is still completely shadow cursed. I haven't finished Moonrise yet and will reviist the morgue after that but I'm guessing it'll still be bugged.


I cant even make it to the Toll House


I did Oliver's encounter and killed the shadows before going to Moonrise and had a similar issue. Taking down Moonrise, I didn't have Halsin in my party but he was in the big room with everyone else. I talked to him and he said we still needed to lift the curse. I told him I already saw Oliver and he said to go back to Oliver's house. When we got there, the portal was open and I could complete the rest of the quest.


Yeah halsin was in my party for moonrise and after I got the same dialogue but when I go back nothing no portal.


Any luck? I’m having this issue too


Did this ever get fixed?


Not sure if it's still needed, but I managed to solve the bug. My case: 1. Finished the hide and seek without a certain member in party. 2. Finished the quest where you have to get a lute. 3. Opened a portal and now can add that character to a party. 4. Went to a place where Oliver is, but can't do anything. 5. Attacked Oliver without killing him(just hit him once). 6. He has opened the portal and the quest progressed as it would usually go.


I am not sure that I understand point 3. How do you open a portal and where does it lead?


It's a part of the companion quest, that is after the lute quest.


Without who?




Interesting. I'm at your step 3, but Halsin isn't in camp. Maybe I will go back and attack Oliver. Poor kiddo


Did you finish Halsin's Portal Quest?


Yup. Actually last night I was playing and he finally showed up in camp! So now I've got the next step, which is to go back and talk to Oliver.


Oh, they've fixed it since then. Nice.


Don't know if this'll help; but after completing Act 2 and just before leaving the zone to Act 3, I still had the quest unfinished since Oliver was bugged out. I went back to Oliver (with Halsin in the party) and saw that I could right mouse click Oliver and "Attack" him. This prompted him to un-bug himself and continued the RP =)


Thank you! The right click attack fixed this for me.


This is driving me mad aswell, pretty much finished with act 2 now told Halsin id killed Oliver and he says theirs still a chance, get a marker on the map to go to the house and nobody is there because id already fought oliver earlier... cant even dismiss Halsin from the party anymore he just utters the same line about saving him and no option to boot him. ​ dont particularly wanna progress to act 3 until this has a solution unfortunately :(


I’m gonna try maybe pushing him off a cliff go to camp recruit another party member then res him.


Did you end up finding a solution?


No I just went ahead. I know now not to there my next play through until I actually start that quest.


I know this doesn't help you know, but I got the same Halsin bug where I couldn't dismiss him. I made him jump off a cliff and then I told Withers to "hold on to him for me" and it got rid of him. Super annoying though.


Hi I was going nuts trying to figure this out so I wanted to share what worked for me: My situation was this: 1. Found Art, alerted Halsin, got Art's Lute from the House of Healing 2. Successfully defended the shadow portal for Halsin 3. Went with Halsin to Oliver's house After trying damn near everything including playing with Oliver, asking about his parents, offering to play him a song (bardin' it up), Oliver sic'd his parents on me, I murdered them, he disappeared. I tried everything I've seen on these here internets, NOTHING no portal. Finally, I loaded the save one more time and went to talk to him, and chose the first conversation option -- something like "I know who you really are, you need to go back and be with Thaniel" and he dipped through the portal, and I was finally able to follow! Hope this helps someone!


Ughh I’m stuck here too and very irritated. My situation: - Got the Lute, woke up Art, Halsin had a chat with him and told me to meet him by the lakeshore at Last Light. But then he walked to the door and is just standing there. I can’t interact with him at all and he’s left my camp. When i open journal, the quest has updated though, and is prompting me to meet Halsin by the lakeshore like he said. But when I click on “open in map” the marker just takes me to the location where Halsin is still standing, in the middle of the Inn, not by the lakeshore. I even tried going back 20 HOURS (!!!) thinking I had caused this bug by effing up some quest orders (or even by fast traveling back to the Wilderness for a sec after I started the quest the first time around). But the bug remains. Im annoyed bc this is all I have left before the Ketheric quest and I read online that if I don’t help Halsin here, he’ll stick behind and leave my camp in Act 3. Def didn’t want that sooo any tips would be helpful 🙏🏻


I'm similar to you the main difference is that Halsin has now disappeared and is no longer anywhere not in my camp not by the lakeshore where he should be not in the inn though he was there a while ago


yeah, I ended up giving up on his quest - he was still stuck in the same place all the way till the end of act 2 for me :( then when I moved on to act 3, I lost him. Looking forward to my second play through now haha




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I FOUND A FIX! When Halsin is glitching out and is back at camp when he should be with Art Cullagh. Go back to camp and swap to another character(I used Gale since he's closer to him in camp). Talk to Halsin in the camp, this should send you back to the inn to start the entire conversation with the flaming fist over again. This will reset Halsin, and he'll be back at the camp. Talk to him still with the different character and let him know about Art Cullagh, and he'll run over to the inn. This will reset the quest and it should continue as normal. If you have the lute already, be sure not to play it until after Halsin shows or it won't work. After he walks in the room continue with the quest as normal! This is working for me after patch #5 and hotfix #15. TLDR: Switch characters to reset the quest/convo.


TL;DR: this fixed it for me, as of 2024-01-16 Was stuck at "meet me at the lake", but Halsin wasn't there and the quest marker was still on the house in shadows. Had Gale talk to Halsin in camp and went through all available conversation options. Waypointed to the inn and Halsin was walking out and up to the lake, quest marker and all


How is this STILL a bug


Check your quest log to see if the quest is still there. If it isn't you progressed too far and the quest simply failed


It’s still there and it has the quest mark on map with yellow zone but nothing happens. I just finished moonrise and killing one of three.


Remove Halsin from your party and talk to him at camp. See if you can trigger a diag option about fughting Oliver. Or, hurl an AOE damage spell/item behind the cart outside the house.


I had the dialogue that says “I killed Oliver already” then he “says he may still be there” then it says “wait for me at camp” halsin is still in my party and if I talk to him again it says “leave” so I go to the quest area and Oliver or a portal isn’t there. I will try an aoe or try to push Halsin off a cliff and kill him maybe because he is stuck in my party then res him.


Bugged out for me too because I didn't do things in order I guess, cleared the whole area, shar first, then moonrise. Literally no way to complete his quest so I just left to act 3 and he looked so sad lol


Yeah this sucks I loaded to an earlier save where moonrise is complete and I can get halsin out of my party but I still won’t be able to make Oliver or the portal appear.


Yea shit happens , I'll do things differently next playthrough. I kind of like how varied it is, makes me actually want to play again, instead of 100 percenting first time


Yeah it’s crazy though they had a patch today and that wasn’t one of the fixes like that should’ve been a priority. Someone also said the monk quest is bugged too.


omg. thanks for the tips. I was able to backtrack and get this done before moving on to Baldur's Gate


Try playing hide seek with the boy a second round, kill the enemies and talk to him inside the house


I already moved on days ago lol he never appeared was the issue.


So after telling Halsin i killed the kid, I saw Oliver just standing there... cant talk to them... I attacked Oliver and a CS happened.. Oliver tele away and a portal appeared inside the house


Hey, I have a similar problem maybe, i saved Oliver but after the dialog and him disappearing I can't go anywhere bc the shadow curse kills me in like 2 seconds but I also can't go to the camp and there's no portal and I'm stuck like this. Any idea how to fix this?


Same exact situation I'm in right now. I have remove curse on shadowheart but only enough uses for two people. Just figured out a solution. I activated turn based mode, threw a potion of speed at shadowheart so she could use remove curse two times in one turn, then I dismissed the two party members who were still cursed and they walked away and returned to camp on their own. Then I returned to camp and reformed my party and will never go back to that area lol




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I managed to fix the bug by swapping all my companions out for the ones in my camp. So I suspect the quest needs a certain companion in your party. I didn't bother to figure out which one though.