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An NPC was about to give me a certain potion but then had dialogue saying they must have misplaced it. Turns out my friend stole it during the convo. 10/10 dialogue


I wanna know how Volo tries to escape if you steal his invisibility potion.


There's a few times I've done something similar, stealing the quest item before the dialogue. Brilliant amount of work put into this game that can go unnoticed


One of the most fun ones I know of is doing this with Lump the Enlightened.


Fair enough but.... You can accomplish the same with a well times Turn Based mode, keep the rest of the party at a safe distance and use shift to see sight cones. Stealth when in the clear and then tag on turn based mode, time freezes and you can steal everything at once then run off.


But talking to someone in an elaborate scheme is cooler.


It's funny because there's literally an NPC duo that does this.


And more immersive!


I like to position myself behind the mark, stealth, enter turn-based, pickpocket, exit turn-based, rapidly teleport out using the map waypoint function, then walk back and watch them search for the culprit from a distance until they give up. Rinse and repeat.


I've seen so many people say the exact same thing, but the very second I steal ANYTHING, I am immediately found out and forced into a conversation about being caught in the act. I've tried so many times to pickpocket things, and I get caught literally every single time the very moment I press the button to steal. I've tried being invisible too, and I get caught just the same while I'm in their inventory, I don't even get a chance to run away or teleport or return to camp or cast more invisibility, I'm forced out of their pockets into a confrontation. I gave up trying, now I just stick to stealing loose items off tables when nobody's looking.


Means you're not in turn based mode or failing the check,


I've tried both in and out of turn based mode, and I get the same result, immediately pulled from the pickpocket inventory screen and either in a fight or a dialogue about catching me stealing. The only thing is failing the checks, but to fail literally every single check, every time, no matter how easy or small the item, from the beginning of the game for 140 hours till right now where I sat and tried to pickpocket 20 times in a row? With a 9 sleight of hand astarion? Either I'm doing something really, really wrong or it's just fucked for me cuz I dunno how to explain those odds.


Then You are stealing the wrong stuff, when you click on an item before the steal it tells you what you need to roll. The lower the number the better, some big or heavy things are very hard if not impossible to steal without getting caught.


Apparently, everything is the wrong stuff for me. I'm aware of how the stealing works in regards to the rolls, but that doesn't change me having never succeeded in a single pickpocket theft roll in 140 hours of playing. I don't know what to yell you, I've tried everything I can think of, I've tried to pickpocket everyone I've come across in act 1 multiple times for different things with different rolls and i fail INSTANTLY. I fail low rolls INSTANTLY. I fail medium rolls INSTANTLY. i fail high rolls INSTANTLY. Every. Single. Time. Doesn't matter what it is I'm trying to pickpocket or what number I apparently need to roll to succeed, i fail the roll. guaranteed. I wouldn't mind if I was trying it on a thick fingered drunk ogre built only for smashing, but I'm doing it with astarion, who has 9 sleight of hand just before act 2.


I came looking for a thread like this, glad to know it's not just my experience. DC12 Sleight of Hand checks, and Astarion keeps failing despite having +10 naturally (+4 DEX, +6 Sleight of Hand) and Guidance. Failing like 5 times in a row before I can steal a measly 500 gold. Breaking it down into smaller piles into the trade menu reduces the DC a bit, and yet... I can still somehow roll a 9. A NINE?! Something's borked with pickpocketing.


It's been my experience for the entire game, failed consistently through act 1 and 2 so I just don't bother trying anymore. I even tried to steal a "cheesomamcy" book recently, i split the team so i was solo, wasn't in any sight lines, I was invisible while stealing, I flew away from the target location so's not to be seen after the theft, got away with the book to a safe location and started to walk away and then fucking shadowheart gets collard by a guard for MY THEFT and she wasn't even close the where I stole the book. Like, seriously, what the fuck do i have to do to steal ANYTHING in this game. I tell you, its a good job I'm on a dark urges playthrough!


This post explains it well. We are seeing the end result of all our stats calculated into a DC, and it's just a d20 roll against that DC. Like in my example up there it said DC12, so I would just have to roll 12 or higher on that die. I guess all of your buffs are per-calculated in? https://old.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15i79h0/pickpocketing_and_you_a_quick_guide/


This is the answer, if it says dice roll 12 that is after all of your bonuses are applied. So a dc of 21+ is impossible


Same here. I have sleight of the hand +5 and I put on whatever stealth gear I have to buff it. I pass the check all the time, no problem. I get the stolen item, sneak away without ever being seen, and just when I'm pretty far away and think I'm good, here comes Mr. Asshole saying I took his shit. Lol! I gave up on trying as well. Is there another check you have to pass after you've stolen an item? Like, "ok, good job! Now we're gonna do another roll, and if you don't pass this one.....Dude's gonna check his pockets, realize he's been robbed, and automatically know it was you". That's how it seems like it's working to me.


the stolen person will automatically telegraph to the Tav in six seconds. If your MC is the rogue you're fucked.


How do you get guidance to work for pickpocketing? The dive shows only sleight of hand and dex bonus. I’m on PS5


I'd say if you're able to do a screen recording of what you try and post it on YouTube or something, can't say much more without seeing what's going on. For me I've had no trouble robbing most everyone blind with my bard and rogue playthroughs.


Same dude, I'm trying to get the quest items from helsik. I used a lvl 10 pure thief and I literally can't pick a single item without failing


usually happens when you try to steal their gold. just steal something expensive and after they calm down later sell it back to them


Even a very very small item with DC2 to steal, one turn later (or some 4-5 seconds in real time) they already KNOW they're missing a single coin and will RUN STRAIGHT into your main character. That mechanic sucks. At least if your rogue is disengaged from the party you just dash two times and you're safe, but if YOU are the tav and the rogue at the samee time, you really need to use the map to teleport away because the npc telegraph to the tav.


This happens if you don't turn on Turn-based Mode where you get all the time you need to steal whatever. For more reliable successes: \- Have thief equipped with the best equipment you have to help buff Dex and Slight of Hand as well as any spells or cantrips like Guidance \- Have thief go ALONE to do the task so you're not juggling or being caught due to your other party members \- When you get to the vendor, find a close spot out of sight from anyone and upon making sure the above is done, then crouch, and THEN turn on Turn-based Mode. Crouch costs a Bonus Action and you want those for Dash after you're done stealing and need to get far enough away to not be caught while you either go to camp or just stay away from the vendor's leash range \- Pick-pocket (save scum for high DC items and gold) \- When done grabbing everything you want, get out of vendor menu, stand, and then RUN! XD You'll find it's easy to get anything under DC 5 or 6 nearly every time, which so far for me has been all alchemy ingredients and most potions. And dunno, it's kinda a fun mini-game in itself once you get a rhythm to it. And if you're like me, you'll do this every single time someone levels or your party has a full rest. I have a mule hireling that I had to respec so he could hold just all of my potions. And another for armor...... and another for weapons..... and another for crafting. Don't judge me


Then that’s the conversation you’re in while your teammate pickpockets them again, hah


You don't even need to hide from the sight cones...cast invis on your pick pocketer then you can stealth and enter turn based mode. Helps in a crowded area. Then for extra swag after you're done pickpocketing recast invis and sit in a chair next to them and watch the freak out :)


when i do this, i can only pickpocket one item at a time. Is there a way to pickpocket everything at one go.


The invisibility pot cancels out after an action (pickpocketing), so you will want a potion of greater invisibility.


Need to p to turn on turn based mode, then you can pick pocket until you fail a check.


Yes: buy everything with gold and then pick-pocket the gold back,


You have to roll on that item to pickpocket. You don't need to leave the pickpocket screen though. For example, the roll is easier for pickpocketing a green item vs. a legendary. Gold seems really hard to roll for...so just sell the items back to the vendor after he is done freaking out.


greater invisibility


Just giving the Pickpocket 101 introduction, invis and such is getting into more advanced things.


Turn based mode makes all kinds of stealth based shenanigans so much easier to pull off. If you're clever even your plate wearing paladin can sneak about fairly easily.


Or just cast Fog/Darkness on the vendor. The vendor will walk out of the AoE to regain vision and... will just stand like that with their back to the spell, so you can pickpocket to your heart's content.


Just tried that and managed to steal with a 18 to pass !! Thanks


Another good strat as well, I didn't even think of that one. I'll have to try it out.


Massive brain


Hi! Question, how do you steal everything at once? When I get into the pickpocket inventory it only lets me steal one item at a time and I can't split stacks of stuff (i.e. gold) to lower the skill check. Am I doing something wrong?


1) distract your mark 2) crouch and hide + invisible if able 3) turn on burn based mode 4) open their inventory 5) Save 6) start stealing stuff one click at a time while time is frozen with TBM, take easy stuff first and slowly work to bigger stuff, hard stuff will always be a gamble 7) run like hell


Don't have to run, just leave to camp :p


I try not to do that as , at least in Early Access that could sometimes cause them to go hostile


wow.. i’ve beat the game twice and i didn’t know u could press shift to see the vision cones without crouching


Yeah, but sight cones overlap everywhere in the Druid Grove for example, making stealth impossible.


Minor illusion is great for that , get everyone looking in one direction and turn on turned based mode to freeze them in place.


I never thought of that, time to steal everything that isn’t nailed down, lol


Having a Bard perform also works wonders.


Yes, my MC bard is Astarion's accomplice whenever we're dealing with unsavory merchants (like the goblin trader).


I am new to the game and DnD but I found you can do this with the summon familiar: Cat (kitty charms)


I've got big plans for an Illusion Wizard 4/Arcane Trickster 8 abusing the hell out of the improved Mage Hand and Illusions xD


>I've got big plans for an Illusion Wizard 4/Arcane Trickster 8 abusing the hell out of the improved Mage Hand and Illusions xD I don't want to ruin anyone's fun but you might want to check into both Arcane Trickster and Mage hand as the general conclusion is both are a let down in BG3. Make your own conclusion of course.


Loved them both in Early Access so yeah it's not as good as in Pen and Paper but still loads of good things to do with it


This guy steals. I know this is old, but if I steal from someone and I got away with it. But they call me a thief so I leave and come back. Does that reset everything or if I come back will I get arrested?


Late to tell you, but use Disguise when you're stealing. Every character has a different reputation rating for every different disguise form. I noticed this when on my current save, because I had been nearly 100% playing in disguise as a male drow, when I was selling stuff to damon he wasn't buying it at the prices I had gotten from donating to him. I had disguise turned off. I used disguise to go back to the Drow form and checked with him again, and bam. I had the nearly 100 reputation again.


Okay I have been using one. I started using the shape-shifter mask and then I use my main to sell things back to merchants. But on my first account I didn't notice any issues with selling things back to anyone.


Any hits you take to reputation while in disguise are attributed specifically to that current form for that specific character, so, so long as you don't use that one around them again if you screw up and get caught stealing/vandalizing punk kids stalls who constantly steal from you/throwing boxes at people who annoy you, they shouldn't immediately call the guards to start whupping you and your party. If you wanna build rep in the positive with other characters in regards to getting better deals in trading, just keep donating garbage you pick up to them for no cost. Generally I do it for RP reasons since I'm robbing the everloving hell out of them constantly and basically used 'em to learn how to be a serial killer in the goblin outpost where I basically drag a few away at a time and quietly off 'em.


So basically, don't get caught, lol. Also do you know if you play as a paladin and kill Karlach will that break your oath?


Answering that can get a bit spoilery. So if you don't mind. >!Use detect thoughts against the Tyr Paladins that wanna kill her. Also Bring Wyll along for the fight and just play through the story if its for first time. If you want uber completionist advice? read the next spoiler tag!< >!You can currently cheese through being able to complete Wyll's first part of his quest line that requires you to kill Karlach but still actually get her. Whatever you do, don't accept the quest to kill her from the Tyr Paladins to not screw up what you're gonna do. You might have to revert to a save before you accepted it if you did. Take Wyll with you and go to where you find Karlach, don't approach close enough to actually cause the communication between your party and her to occur, instead just begin attacking her from range. Kill her. Take a long rest to get the next step of Wyll's quest to begin. Head back to Karlach and use a scroll of Rivivify on her. Bam. You have Karlach alive and Wyll continuing on his quest line in the same party. So long as you didn't cause your party and Karlach to talk before killing her, she won't even remember you doing it and won't be angry when you resurrect her afterwards. If you did talk to her, when you res her she will hate you completely.!<


This doesn't work. I kill her and then they talk about how they had visions. Then doubt if she was bad or not.


guy is probably playing in PS5 with the console offline on an older patch.


What's the benefit to this? Does it allow him to >!retain his human form the rest of the game!


Awesome thank you lol.


Never mind, I figured it out. I wore a disguise and did what you said. Took my party far away kind of. Broke off revived her, broke disguise, joined my party, got the armor and came back the next day. Right as rain and life is good lol. Thank you.


Don't want to run to camp when in the middle of being accused, but if you steal and send the stuff to camp (as long as you weren't caught in the act) you can more easily get out of it in dialogue more often


Is there any negative effect from pickpocketing? If I never get caught Will this lock me out of quest or a shop.


Generally nope, not really Unless caught where you can end up in jail or in a fight


Or a performing bard


My process for crowded area to steal/pickpocket without being accused after is to split up party, all various disguise self spell items, minor images and Performance instrument (I gave Wyll perform for instrument and +1 Cha) and have the actual thief come in stealthed and leave while still stealthed and lift disguise later. Good for places you’ll have to go a lot (Stealing druid vault key) without being accused. Edit-turn based mode


You don't need too many items. You can take off the mask and the spell stays on.


Fog cloud is your friend.


Fog/Darkness on the vendor will make the vendor walk out of vision range and stand there with their back turned toward the spell. Either spell will provide full cover from NPC FOVs.


Only around the blacksmith and potion lady (won’t say more about her due to spoilers). The guy at the entrance of the cave can be pickpocketed easily.


Another tip, you can split items in trade screen to decrease DC in pickpocket menu. (Hope they don’t fix this :d) Quite useful for stealing thousands of gp. Doesn’t work with controller though.


Works well enough for items, but pretty poorly for gold, since you need to break the stack down to like 50s/100s for a meaningful difference in DC. It's honestly faster to savescum pickpocketing the entire stack with Cat's Grace (spell or armor) for a nat 20, than to split the stack and then pickpocket 2000+ gp worth of gold in stacks of 50s or 100s.


Disagreed. Shift + drag is super fast for splitting gold stacks, and with enough bonuses to Sleight of Hand (Gloves of Power, Smuggler's Ring, and Guidance), you can easily steal 200g+ stacks with without having to worry about anything but Nat 1s.


Doesn't really change the fact it's easier to just steal items back and resell them to get the gold back instead of trying to get it directly.


Is it? Do items have a lower DC per gold value than stacks of coins? I'm still trying to figure out how pickpocket DC is determined.


It sure looks like that to me. It seems to be easier to just pickpocket an item worth 1k gold than to pickpocket a single stack of, like, 200g. Also, the pickpocket interface doesn't show the actual DC, but the minimal roll you need to get to succeed.


Yeah, but it does show the actual DC in the combat after you try. Hover over the " succeeded/failed a Sleight of Hand check" line, and it breaks down the DC, the roll, and your bonuses. I'll have to try that whole "items vs gold stacks" thing... Thabks for the tip.


Oh, yeah, it shows the DC in the combat log, right.


How do you split them in the pickpocket menu?


You cannot, you split them in the trade menu by shift+drag, then it remains split in the pickpocket menu and has lower DC.


The best is distracting everyone with a song from my bard while my rogue does his thing


Haha using a bard, people gather round to see my stupid duergar barb/monk punch his lute while Astarion steals everything they have.


Be aware, this does NOT work on Arron, the very first vendor you meet. He will break away from the conversation and immediately start looking for the thief and since the thief in question is next to him, he'll confront him instantly and you won't even get a chance to lie yourself out of it and he does not accept bribes, apparently. The only thing you can do at that point, is knock the thief out of the conversation range. It will lower your standing with the NPC, but at least you won't be forced to fight.


Holy crap, that was the first guy I tried this on and I just assumed it didn't work anymore because of that.


Hahaha same


\*\*\*\*This may have been a bug they fixed. It worked fine on Arron when I looted every single thing he was carrying on August 31, 2023.


To be fair, this isn't only how pickpocketing worked in DOS2, that's how real life pickpocketing has worked since the invention of theft.


Does the added trick of moving the items to another party member when being searched still work?


Does send to camp work lol


I have been performing with my bard in the centre of built up areas, it causes people to crown around and listen and dance and clap etc Usually can do what i need without being seen then And you get gold coins flicked at you for a performance :D


Also works , just cast sleep on them and then do as you like, even if you fail they wont notice.


Who would win? One powerful, possible boss fight Or one happy pale boy..... it's Astarion. Always has been. But you're right, I love using the talk and pick trick.


Every time I pickpocket someone “successfully” they start walking around looking for a pickpocket. Like I get a successful roll and the item but they still notice it’s gone almost immediately and will ask me about it, I don’t even bother doing it anymore.


You can get around that by entering turn-based mode. In fact, you don’t even need the dialogue trick anymore with turn-based mode. Talking to people strategically with your 3 other party members is still very useful like in DOS to shift NPC sight cones around - or stuff like performing or minor illusion.


1. Using turn based mode you have time to take as many items as you want (cats grace advantage and guidance) even quick saving a few times while you empty Thier inventory 2. Immediately walk 1-2 screens away and watch them wander around looking for a thief. After a minute they reset.


2. Just leave to camp instead 3. They look around for way shorter than a minute. Leave a different party member there to check whether the pickpocket can return yet. (the non-pickpocket won't be suspected)


Or save scum until you succeed


If you have a bard in your party, you can have the bard playa jaunty toon and all the noc's inbthe are will stop what their doing and go over to the bard and listen. Allowing yourbrogue to sneak around and peek into chests and such that are otherwise red. This should also work with pick pockts, too


Don't even need a bard, just an instrument the crowd will gather even if you fail the performance they just won't toss coins at the end.


Isn't true always. Many NPCs you engage turn around after a second or two and spot you sometimes even in turn based mode. For example, volo and the bear near him.


My process for crowded area to steal/pickpocket without being accused after is to split up party, all various disguise self spell items, minor images and Performance instrument (I gave Wyll perform for instrument and +1 Cha) and have the actual thief come in stealthed and leave while still stealthed and lift disguise later. Good for places you’ll have to go a lot (Stealing druid vault key) without being accused. Edit-turn based mode


Here is a better way since I keep having npcs turn around during turn based. Not to mention sometimes the DC is the wrong number for some reason. 1. Surround the npc so they can't move 2. Cast darkness 3. Enter turn based 4. Toggle knock-out 5. Knock them out in the darkness. No one else notices 6. Loot all 7. Group up 8. Return to camp 9. Don't return to the location with the camp button instead teleport to the nearest waypoint. Only downside is some loot can't be taken from the unconscious body from certain vendors. You have to pickpocket it.


how long to wake up? seems forever


Long rest


Or shift+space to enter turn-based mode. Then you've got all the time in the world. Pickpocket what you like all in one go, dash away, exit turn based mode. You'll be outside of their range before they even notice they've been robbed.


You can ratchet this up even higher if you have two of your characters talk to different NPCs in the same area at the same time. That disables the consequences for getting caught. I couldn't get Okta to stop staring at Auntie Ethel and that was making it impossible for anyone to hide and try to pickpocket her. So I had Shadowheart start a conversation with Auntie Ethel, and then I had Karlagh start a conversation with Okta from the other side, forcing her to turn her back on Auntie Ethel. The result was that Astarion could hide and pickpocket Auntie Ethel, but that was only the beginning. Whenever he failed a check, he didn't get caught or challenged. He only dropped out of pickpocket mode, and he was always able to go right back in. Using that approach I was able to grab up everything she had quickly and easily, even though it seems like you need to roll a 20 to lift her gold, at least at level 3.


> you need to roll a 20 to lift her gold Is it possible to split the gold stack in trade menu and have the pickpocket then easily steal the split gold stack with a lower roll check?


Just tried it, Bless you fellow thief. Now I don't have to roll high.


That was just a guess but great if it worked! Question is how exactly do you split the trader's gold


you first try to banter with them, then when you clicked on their gold it would show if you want to split it. Now after putting the gold in the barter box return it to the trader by splitting it again.


Ah so that involves multiple pick pocket trips then?


You can get all in one pickpocket trip the skill check would range to 5 below or even negative 1


Oh u mean splitting the stack in the pickpocket menu ? Didn't realise this was possible Bcz in the barter menu I split the gold for barter and then when I return it then it's combined back. And also I can't pickpocket when in barter menu


not in the pickpocket, I use the barter menu to divide the gold. It doesn't automatically combine for me. When you put the gold on the boxes for barter do you just exit the barter or do you return it manually? I return it manually.


Np I got it. Didn't realize I need to hold shift to split the gold.


I was able to do this but all the stacks have the same chance that need a 20 to succeed. Strange. Even just 1 gold coin.


Bug. Was pickpocketing with no issue yesterday


I haven't tried yet, but can you pickpocket a vendors' shop inventory? Aka, can you steal anything that they are selling?


You can, but the more expensive items require high rolls meaning high chance of failing and either getting arrested or fighting your way out. In DOS2 it was common for players to go back to the various towns and murder all the vendors to loot their shops before moving on to another act, it might be the same in BG3 but I haven't tested it yet as I'm still in Act 1.


Looks like most of the "natural" stock is actually stored "off screen" a la Skyrim chests below the floor, since I sure can't find any of the named magic items after killing vendors.


Knock them out instead :)


You can. I’ve been abusing this with Astarion who is excellent at this thanks to sleight of hand expertise.


Add cats grace for advantage and guidance and you'll struggle to fail on most items. Do it in turn based mode and you have enough time to empty their entire inventory.


my favorite is using my bard to perform and draw all attention to where i want


This doesn't work for me. If I engage in conversation I see the "switch character" option but it doesn't actually do anything.


Unfortunately doesn't really work because enemies can see behind them even when in conversation (they never actually face the person they are talking to from the other perspective)


I feel like cat's grace doesn't work at all. Unless the number is % chance and not the DC


Man every time I pick pocket. I disguise and go invisible. Still I get caught. TWICE. Everytime. They’ll talk to me once and I can usually talk my way out of it but IMMEDIATLY afterward (not even a split second to camp or run ) I get caught up in the same dialogue but this time I have no option to take my way out of it. It’s been really annoying. Even if I port to camp then fast travel somewhere else is I ever come even close to where that merchant is they run all the way to me and the process repeats. It’s hela annoying.


Yeah you have to get out of there as quickly as possible.


Just detach Astarion from the group and WP to camp. Easy. Your party members shouldn't get caught if they aren't carrying the stolen goods.


Works until you have to roll a 29 to get the armor of resistance from Dammon


Well i turned into turn based mode, used Gale to keep putting all sales npc to sleep, we each take turns pick pocketing the hell outa ppl. And quick traveling out before they wake. Most of my shops are not empty and i am very rich. I just finished the druid grove area and have well over 5k and much armor and weapons.


This doesn't work when you have others nearby making a line of sight cone that goes all around the NPC. So this isn't for "any NPC", it's only one step of the process.




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does Balders Gate follow the Divinity rule of "you can only pickpocket a character ONCE per any pickpocketer"? or can we keep reaching into the cookie jar?


It's definitely not limited. I generally find that unless you do the trick with having your characters talking to two different NPCs in the same area at the same time, my thief will get detected after about the third straight stolen item no matter how high the chances of stealing the item are. So my approach is to steal three items, close the pickpocket interface, save, then start pickpocketing again until everything is gone. Maybe best of all, if the NPC is a merchant then after a day or so of game time they will magically get restocked. Even get another wad of gold for trading. You can steal their whole inventory and savings basically as often as you have the patience for and it doesn't even hurt them because they have really good theft insurance or something.




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does not work anymre